$ roslaunch hrpsys samplerobot.launch CONTROLLER_PERIOD:=200 $ rosrun hrpsys samplerobot-auto-balancer.py """ import imp, sys, os # set path to hrpsys to use HrpsysConfigurator try: imp.find_module('hrpsys') # catkin installed sys.path.append(imp.find_module('hrpsys')[1]) except: # rosbuild installed import roslib roslib.load_manifest('hrpsys') sys.path.append( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/../share/hrpsys/samples/SampleRobot/') # set path to SampleRobot import samplerobot_auto_balancer if __name__ == '__main__': samplerobot_auto_balancer.demo() ## IGNORE ME: this code used for rostest if [s for s in sys.argv if "--gtest_output=xml:" in s]: import unittest, rostest rostest.run('hrpsys', 'samplerobot_auto_balancer', unittest.TestCase, sys.argv)
def test_demo(self): samplerobot_auto_balancer.demo()
""" import imp, sys, os # set path to hrpsys to use HrpsysConfigurator try: imp.find_module('hrpsys') # catkin installed sys.path.append(imp.find_module('hrpsys')[1]) except: # rosbuild installed import roslib roslib.load_manifest('hrpsys') sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'/../share/hrpsys/samples/SampleRobot/') # set path to SampleRobot import samplerobot_auto_balancer if __name__ == '__main__': samplerobot_auto_balancer.demo() ## IGNORE ME: this code used for rostest if [s for s in sys.argv if "--gtest_output=xml:" in s] : import unittest, rostest rostest.run('hrpsys', 'samplerobot_auto_balancer', unittest.TestCase, sys.argv)