def solve_psd(A,b,overwrite_b=False,return_chol=False): from scipy.linalg.lapack import dposv if return_chol: L, x, _ = dposv(A,b,lower=1,overwrite_b=overwrite_b) return np.tril(L), x else: return dposv(A,b,overwrite_b=overwrite_b)[1]
def LAPACK_solve_ls_with_normal_equation(A, b): # The corresponding procedure in LAPACK is ATA = np.matmul(A.T, A) ATb = np.matmul(A.T, b) # ATA = dgemm(1, A.T, A) # ATb = dgemm(1, A.T, b) _, x, _ = dposv(ATA, ATb) # _, _, x, _ = dgesv(ATA, ATb) return x
def solve_psd(A, b, chol=None, lower=True, overwrite_b=False, overwrite_A=False): if chol is None: return lapack.dposv(A, b, overwrite_b=overwrite_b, overwrite_a=overwrite_A)[1] else: return lapack.dpotrs(chol, b, lower, overwrite_b)[0]
def solve_psd(A,b,chol=None,lower=True,overwrite_b=False,overwrite_A=False): if chol is None: return lapack.dposv(A,b,overwrite_b=overwrite_b,overwrite_a=overwrite_A)[1] else: return lapack.dpotrs(chol,b,lower,overwrite_b)[0]
unifs = utils.pgev(Y, Loc, Scale, Shape) cen = unifs < prob_below cen_above = unifs > prob_above # 3. Eigendecomposition of the correlation matrix n_covariates = len(beta_loc0) theta_c = np.array([range, nu]) Dist = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(Stations_local)) tmp_vec = np.ones(n_s) Cor = utils.corr_fn(Dist, theta_c) # eig_Cor = np.linalg.eigh(Cor) #For symmetric matrices # V = eig_Cor[1] # d = eig_Cor[0] cholesky_inv = lapack.dposv(Cor, tmp_vec) # 4. Process data given initial values # X = data_all['X'][subset_indices,:] # X_s = data_all['X_s'][subset_indices,:] # Z = data_all['Z'][subset_indices,:] X = utils.gev_2_RW_me(Y, xp, surv_p, tau_sqd, phi, gamma, Loc, Scale, Shape) R = data_all['R_at_knots'][local_fit_no, :] Z = np.empty((n_s, n_t)) Z[:] = np.nan for idx in np.arange(n_t): X_s_tmp = X[:, idx] - np.sqrt(tau_sqd) * norm.rvs(size=n_s) lower_limit = R[idx]**phi X_s_tmp[X_s_tmp < lower_limit] = lower_limit + 0.01
def solveIK1Ray(skelDict, effectorData, x3ds, effectorIndices_3d, E, effectorIndices_2d, outerIts=10, rootMat=None): """ solveIK routine form - Has Single ray constraint equations enables Given effectors (joint, offset, weight) and constraints for those (3d and 2d), solve for the skeleton pose. Effector offsets, weights and targets are 3-vectors Args: skelDict (GskelDict): The Skeleton to process effectorData (big o'l structure!): effectorJoints, effectorOffsets, effectorWeights, usedChannels, usedChannelWeights, usedCAEs, usedCAEsSplits x3ds (float[][3]): 3D Reconstructions effectorIndices_3d (?): What's this? E (): Equations for 1-Ray constraints, or MDMA. effectorIndices_2d (?): What's this? outerIts (int): IK Iterations to solve the skeleton. Default = 10 rootMat (float[3][4]): reference frame of the Skeleton. Default = None Returns: None: The result is an update of the skelDict to the solution - chanValues, channelMats, and Gs. Requires: Character.pose_skeleton_with_chan_mats ISCV.derror_dchannel_single_ray ISCV.JTJ_single_ray """ if rootMat is None: rootMat = np.eye(3, 4, dtype=np.float32) effectorJoints, effectorOffsets, effectorWeightsOld, usedChannels, usedChannelWeights, usedCAEs, usedCAEsSplits = effectorData chanValues = skelDict['chanValues'] jointParents = skelDict['jointParents'] Gs = skelDict['Gs'] Ls = skelDict['Ls'] jointChans = skelDict['jointChans'] jointChanSplits = skelDict['jointChanSplits'] numChannels = jointChanSplits[-1] numEffectors = len(effectorJoints) num3ds = len(effectorIndices_3d) num2ds = len(effectorIndices_2d) effectorOffsets = np.copy(effectorOffsets[:, :, 3]) effectorWeights = np.zeros(numEffectors, dtype=np.float32) effectorWeights[ effectorIndices_3d] = 1 # TODO Why does this fail? effectorWeightsOld[effectorIndices_3d,0,3] effectorWeights[ effectorIndices_2d] = 1 # effectorWeightsOld[effectorIndices_2d,0,3] numUsedChannels = len(usedChannels) channelMats = np.zeros((numChannels, 3, 4), dtype=np.float32) effectors = np.zeros((numEffectors, 3), dtype=np.float32) residual = np.zeros((num3ds, 3), dtype=np.float32) residual2 = np.zeros((num2ds, 2), dtype=np.float32) derrors = np.zeros((numUsedChannels, numEffectors, 3), dtype=np.float32) delta = np.zeros((numUsedChannels), dtype=np.float32) JTJ = np.zeros((numUsedChannels, numUsedChannels), dtype=np.float32) JTB = np.zeros((numUsedChannels), dtype=np.float32) JT = derrors.reshape(numUsedChannels, -1) JTJdiag = np.diag_indices_from(JTJ) for it in xrange(outerIts): # TODO, only usedChannels are changing, only update the matrices that have changed after the first iteration. # updates the channelMats and Gs Character.pose_skeleton_with_chan_mats(channelMats, Gs, skelDict, chanValues, rootMat) bestScore = ISCV.pose_effectors_single_ray( effectors, residual, residual2, Gs, effectorJoints, effectorOffsets, effectorWeights, x3ds, effectorIndices_3d, E, effectorIndices_2d) if np.sum(residual * residual) + np.sum( residual2 * residual2) <= 1e-5 * (num3ds + num2ds): break # early termination ISCV.derror_dchannel_single_ray(derrors, channelMats, usedChannels, usedChannelWeights, usedCAEs, usedCAEsSplits, jointChans, effectors, effectorWeights) # J = d_effectors/dc # err(c) = x3ds - effectors[effectorIndices_3d], e0 + E effectors[effectorIndices_2d]; err(c+delta) = x3ds - effectors[effectorIndices_3d] - J[effectorIndices_3d] delta, e0 + E effectors[effectorIndices_2d] + E J[effectorIndices_2d] delta = 0 # J dc = B; (J[effectorIndices_3d] ; E J[effectorIndices_2d]) dc = B ; e0 # DLS method : solve (JTJ + k^2 I) delta = JTB ISCV.JTJ_single_ray( JTJ, JTB, JT, residual, effectorIndices_3d, E, effectorIndices_2d, residual2), B, out=JTB);, JT.T, out=JTJ) JTJ[JTJdiag] += 1 JTJ[JTJdiag] *= 1.1 # delta[:] = np.linalg.solve(JTJ, JTB) _, delta[:], _ = LAPACK.dposv(JTJ, JTB) # Use Positive Definite Solver chanValues[usedChannels] += delta # TODO: add channel limits # # J_transpose method, 3d only: scaling problems with translation #JT = derrors[:,effectorIndices_3d,:].reshape(numUsedChannels,-1), B, out=delta),delta,out=JJTB) #delta *=,JJTB)/(,JJTB)+1) #delta[:3] *= 100000. #testScale = ISCV.Jtranspose_SR(delta, JJTB, JT, residual,effectorIndices_3d,residual2,effectorIndices_2d) Character.pose_skeleton(Gs, skelDict, chanValues, rootMat)
def solveIK(skelDict, chanValues, effectorData, effectorTargets, outerIts=10, rootMat=None): """ Given an initial skeleton pose (chanValues), effectors (ie constraints: joint, offset, weight, target), solve for the skeleton pose. Effector weights and targets are 3x4 matrices. * Setting 1 in the weight's 4th column makes a position constraint. * Setting 100 in the weight's first 3 columns makes an orientation constraint. Args: skelDict (GskelDict): The Skeleton to process chanValues (float[]): Initial pose of the skeleton as Translation and many rotations applied to joints in the skelDict. effectorData (big o'l structure!): effectorJoints, effectorOffsets, effectorWeights, usedChannels, usedChannelWeights, usedCAEs, usedCAEsSplits effectorTargets (?): What's this? outerIts (int): IK Iterations to solve the skeleton. Default = 10 rootMat (float[3][4]): reference frame of the Skeleton. Default = None Returns: None: The result is an update of the skelDict to the solution - chanValues, channelMats, and Gs. Requires: Character.pose_skeleton_with_chan_mats ISCV.pose_effectors ISCV.derror_dchannel ISCV.JTJ """ effectorJoints, effectorOffsets, effectorWeights, usedChannels, usedChannelWeights, usedCAEs, usedCAEsSplits = effectorData jointParents = skelDict['jointParents'] Gs = skelDict['Gs'] Ls = skelDict['Ls'] jointChans = skelDict['jointChans'] jointChanSplits = skelDict['jointChanSplits'] numChannels = jointChanSplits[-1] numEffectors = len(effectorJoints) numUsedChannels = len(usedChannels) channelMats = np.zeros((numChannels, 3, 4), dtype=np.float32) #usedEffectors = np.array(np.where(np.sum(effectorWeights,axis=(1,2)) != 0)[0], dtype=np.int32) usedEffectors = np.array(np.where(effectorWeights.reshape(-1) != 0)[0], dtype=np.int32) # numUsedEffectors= len(usedEffectors) effectors = np.zeros((numEffectors, 3, 4), dtype=np.float32) residual = np.zeros((numEffectors, 3, 4), dtype=np.float32) derrors = np.zeros((numUsedChannels, numEffectors, 3, 4), dtype=np.float32) # steps = np.ones((numUsedChannels),dtype=np.float32)*0.2 # steps[np.where(jointChans[usedChannels] < 3)[0]] = 30. # steps = 1.0/steps delta = np.zeros((numUsedChannels), dtype=np.float32) # JJTB = np.zeros((numEffectors*12),dtype=np.float32) JTJ = np.zeros((numUsedChannels, numUsedChannels), dtype=np.float32) JTB = np.zeros((numUsedChannels), dtype=np.float32) JT = derrors.reshape(numUsedChannels, -1) JTJdiag = np.diag_indices_from(JTJ) B = residual.reshape(-1) # TODO, calculate the exact requirements on the tolerance B_len = len(B) tolerance = 0.00001 it_eps = (B_len**0.5) * tolerance for it in xrange(outerIts): # TODO, only usedChannels are changing, only update the matrices that have changed after the first iteration. # TODO Look into damping, possibly clip residuals? # updates the channelMats and Gs Character.pose_skeleton_with_chan_mats(channelMats, Gs, skelDict, chanValues, rootMat) bestScore = ISCV.pose_effectors(effectors, residual, Gs, effectorJoints, effectorOffsets, effectorWeights, effectorTargets) if np.linalg.norm(B) < it_eps: break # early termination ISCV.derror_dchannel(derrors, channelMats, usedChannels, usedChannelWeights, usedCAEs, usedCAEsSplits, jointChans, effectors, effectorWeights) # if True: # DLS method : solve (JTJ + k^2 I) delta = JTB ISCV.JTJ( JTJ, JTB, JT, B, usedEffectors), B, out=JTB);, JT.T, out=JTJ) JTJ[JTJdiag] += 1 JTJ[JTJdiag] *= 1.1 _, delta[:], _ = LAPACK.dposv(JTJ, JTB) # Use Positive Definite Solver # Use General Solver # delta[:] = np.linalg.solve(JTJ, JTB) # elif it==0: # SVD method: solve J delta = B # delta[:] = np.linalg.lstsq(JT.T[usedEffectors], B[usedEffectors], rcond=0.0001)[0].reshape(-1) # else: # J transpose method # testScale = ISCV.J_transpose(delta, JJTB, JT, B) #, B, out=delta);,delta,out=JJTB); delta *=,JJTB)/(,JJTB)+1.0) #scale = np.max(np.abs(delta*steps)) #if scale > 1.0: delta *= 1.0/scale #np.clip(delta,-steps,steps,out=delta) chanValues[usedChannels] += delta # TODO: add channel limits #bestScore = ISCV.lineSearch(chanValues, usedChannels, delta, Gs, Ls, jointParents, jointChans, jointChanSplits, # rootMat, effectorJoints, effectorOffsets, effectorWeights, effectorTargets, innerIts, bestScore) #print np.mean(B*B) Character.pose_skeleton(Gs, skelDict, chanValues, rootMat)