예제 #1
def custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x):
    """ Incomplete gamma function.

    For the case covered by scipy, a > 0, scipy is called. Otherwise the gamma function
    recurrence relations are called, extending the scipy behavior.

    a : array_like

    x : array_like

    gamma : array_like

    >>> a, x = 1, np.linspace(1, 10, 100)
    >>> g = custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x)
    >>> a = 0
    >>> g = custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x)
    >>> a = -1
    >>> g = custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x)

    if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):

        if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = np.repeat(x, len(a))

        if len(a) != len(x):
            msg = ("The ``a`` and ``x`` arguments of the "
                   "``custom_incomplete_gamma`` function must have the same"
            raise HalotoolsError(msg)

        result = np.zeros(len(a))

        mask = (a < 0)
        if np.any(mask):
            result[mask] = ((custom_incomplete_gamma(a[mask]+1, x[mask]) -
                x[mask]**a[mask] * np.exp(-x[mask])) / a[mask])
        mask = (a == 0)
        if np.any(mask):
            result[mask] = -expi(-x[mask])
        mask = a > 0
        if np.any(mask):
            result[mask] = gammaincc(a[mask], x[mask]) * gamma(a[mask])

        return result


        if a < 0:
            return (custom_incomplete_gamma(a+1, x) - x**a * np.exp(-x))/a
        elif a == 0:
            return -expi(-x)
            return gammaincc(a, x) * gamma(a)
예제 #2
파일: test_ode.py 프로젝트: bjodah/chempy
 def analytic_unit0(t, T0, dH, dS):
     R = 8.314472
     kB = 1.3806504e-23
     h = 6.62606896e-34
     A = kB/h*np.exp(dS/R)
     B = dH/R
     return np.exp(A*(
         (-B**2*np.exp(B/T0)*expi(-B/T0) - T0*(B - T0))*np.exp(-B/T0) +
         (B**2*np.exp(B/(t + T0))*expi(-B/(t + T0)) - (t + T0)*(-B + t + T0))*np.exp(-B/(t + T0))
예제 #3
파일: test_ode.py 프로젝트: bjodah/chempy
 def analytic_unit0(t, k, m, dH, dS):
     R = 8.314472
     kB = 1.3806504e-23
     h = 6.62606896e-34
     A = kB/h*np.exp(dS/R)
     B = dH/R
     return k*np.exp(B*(k*t + 2*m)/(m*(k*t + m)))/(
         A*(-B**2*np.exp(B/(k*t + m))*expi(-B/(k*t + m)) - B*k*t - B*m + k**2*t**2 + 2*k*m*t + m**2)*np.exp(B/m) +
         (A*B**2*np.exp(B/m)*expi(-B/m) - A*m*(-B + m) + k*np.exp(B/m))*np.exp(B/(k*t + m))
예제 #4
def custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x):
    """ Incomplete gamma function. 
    For the case covered by scipy, a > 0, scipy is called. Otherwise the gamma function 
    recurrence relations are called, extending the scipy behavior. The only other difference from the 
    scipy function is that in `custom_incomplete_gamma` only supports the case where the input ``a`` is a scalar.
    a : float 
    x : array_like 
    gamma : array_like 

    >>> a, x = 1, np.linspace(1, 10, 100)
    >>> g = custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x)
    >>> a = 0
    >>> g = custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x)
    >>> a = -1
    >>> g = custom_incomplete_gamma(a, x)

    if a < 0:
        return (custom_incomplete_gamma(a + 1, x) - x ** a * np.exp(-x)) / a
    elif a == 0:
        return -expi(-x)
        return gammaincc(a, x) * gamma(a)
예제 #5
def delaytau_logarithmic(logages, logt, tau=None, tage=None, **extras):
    """SFR = (tage-t) * e^{(tage-t)/\tau}
    t = 10**logt
    tprime = t / tau
    a = (t - tage - tau) * (logt - logages) - tau * loge
    b = (tage + tau) * loge
    return a * np.exp(tprime) + b * expi(tprime)
예제 #6
    def pdf(self, t, l):
        r, c, tau = self.r, self.c, self.tau

        t = np.atleast_1d(t)

        tcut = (l+r)/c
        tmin = (r-l)/c

        x = t.copy()
        x[t > tcut] = tcut

        y = c*x*tau*np.exp(tmin/tau)*(r+l-c*tau)
        y += np.exp(x/tau)*(l**2-r**2+c**2*x*tau)*tau
        y += x*(l**2-r**2)*(expi(tmin/tau) - expi(x/tau))
        y /= 4*c*l*x*tau
        y *= np.exp(-t/tau)/tau
        y[t < tmin] = 0
        return y if y.size > 1 else y.item()
예제 #7
def sojourn_indefinite(x, g):
    Integral of equation (9) of McVean and Charlesworth 1999.
    integral of 2*expm1(-a*(1-x)) / (expm1(-a)*x*(1-x))
    limit x -> 1 of (-2/expm1(a))*(-exp(a)*Ei(a*(x-1)) + Ei(a*x) + exp(a)*log((1-x)/x))
    if not 0 < x <= 1:
        raise ValueError('x should be in the half open interval (0, 1]')
    if g:
        prefix = 2 / math.expm1(g)
        suffix = -special.expi(g*x)
        if x == 1:
            eulergamma = -special.digamma(1)
            suffix += math.exp(g)*(math.log(g) + eulergamma)
            suffix += math.exp(g)*(special.expi(g*(x-1)) - math.log((1-x)/x))
        return prefix * suffix
        return 2*math.log(x)
예제 #8
파일: analytic.py 프로젝트: eblur/dust
def gammainc_fun( a, z ):
    if np.any(z < 0):
        print('ERROR: z must be >= 0')
    if a == 0:
        return -expi(-z)
    elif a < 0:
        return ( gammainc_fun(a+1,z) - np.power(z,a) * np.exp(-z) ) / a
        return gammaincc(a,z) * gamma(a)
예제 #9
def prospect_d (N, cab, car, cbrown, cw, cm, ant,
            nr, kab, kcar, kbrown, kw, km, kant,

    lambdas = np.arange(400, 2501) # wavelengths
    n_lambdas = len(lambdas)
    n_elems_list = [len(spectrum)  for spectrum in 
                [nr, kab, kcar, kbrown, kw, km, kant]]
    if not all(n_elems == n_lambdas for n_elems in n_elems_list):
        raise ValueError("Leaf spectra don't have the right shape!")
    kall = (cab*kab + car*kcar + ant*kant + cbrown*kbrown +
            cw*kw + cm*km)/N
    j = kall > 0
    t1 = (1-kall)*np.exp(-kall)
    t2 = kall**2*(-expi(-kall))
    tau = np.ones_like(t1)
    tau[j] = t1[j] + t2[j]

    r, t, Ra, Ta, denom = refl_trans_one_layer (alpha, nr, tau)

    # ***********************************************************************
    # reflectance and transmittance of N layers
    # Stokes equations to compute properties of next N-1 layers (N real)
    # Normal case
    # ***********************************************************************
    # Stokes G.G. (1862), On the intensity of the light reflected from
    # or transmitted through a pile of plates, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.,
    # 11:545-556.
    # ***********************************************************************
    D       = np.sqrt((1+r+t)*(1+r-t)*(1.-r+t)*(1.-r-t))
    rq      = r*r
    tq      = t*t
    a       = (1+rq-tq+D)/(2*r)
    b       = (1-rq+tq+D)/(2*t)

    bNm1    = np.power(b, N-1)
    bN2     = bNm1*bNm1
    a2      = a*a
    denom   = a2*bN2-1
    Rsub    = a*(bN2-1)/denom
    Tsub    = bNm1*(a2-1)/denom

    # Case of zero absorption
    j       = r+t >= 1.
    Tsub[j] = t[j]/(t[j]+(1-t[j])*(N-1))
    Rsub[j] = 1-Tsub[j]

    # Reflectance and transmittance of the leaf: combine top layer with next N-1 layers
    denom   = 1-Rsub*r
    tran    = Ta*Tsub/denom
    refl    = Ra+Ta*Rsub*t/denom

    return lambdas, refl, tran
예제 #10
def theis_expected(r, t):
    P0 = 20.0E6
    q = 0.16E-3
    viscosity = 0.001
    fluid_bulk = 2.0E9
    porosity = 0.05
    permeability = 1.0E-14
    reciprocal_biot_modulus = porosity / fluid_bulk # Biot coefficient is assumed to be unity
    conductivity = permeability / viscosity
    alpha = conductivity / reciprocal_biot_modulus
    return P0 + q / (4 * np.pi * conductivity) * expi(- r * r / (4 * alpha * t))
예제 #11
파일: analytic.py 프로젝트: mboquien/dust
def GammaInc( a, z ):
    if z.any() < 0:
        print('ERROR: z must be >= 0')
    if a == 0:
        return -expi(-z)
    elif a < 0:
        return ( GammaInc(a+1,z) - np.power(z,a) * np.exp(-z) ) / a
        return gammaincc(a,z) * gamma(a)
예제 #12
    def pdf(self, t, l):
        Returns the pdf for a hit at time `t` from an event
        at radius `l`.
        r, c, tau = self.r, self.c, self.tau

        t = np.atleast_1d(t)

        tcut = (l+r)/c
        tmin = (r-l)/c

        x = t.copy()
        x[t > tcut] = tcut

        y = c*x*tau*np.exp(tmin/tau)*(r+l-c*tau)
        y += np.exp(x/tau)*(l**2-r**2+c**2*x*tau)*tau
        y += x*(l**2-r**2)*(expi(tmin/tau) - expi(x/tau))
        y /= 4*c*l*x*tau
        y *= np.exp(-t/tau)/tau
        y[t < tmin] = 0

        return y if y.size > 1 else y.item()
예제 #13
파일: kimura.py 프로젝트: argriffing/xgcode
def J2_indefinite_integral(x, a):
    limit x->0+ of
    Ei(ax) + Ei(-ax) - exp(a)*Ei(ax-a) - exp(-a)*Ei(a-ax) - 2*log(x/(1-x))
    eulergamma = -special.digamma(1)
    if x == 0:
        if a == 0:
            # limit a->0 of
            # 2*(log|a| + eulergamma) - exp(a)*Ei(-a) - exp(-a)*Ei(a)
            return 0
            x1 = math.log(abs(a)) + eulergamma
            x2 = math.exp(a)*special.expi(-a)
            x3 = math.exp(-a)*special.expi(a)
            return 2*x1 - x2 - x3
        x1 = special.expi(a*x) + special.expi(-a*x)
        x2 = math.exp(a)*special.expi(a*(x-1))
        x3 = math.exp(-a)*special.expi(-a*(x-1))
        x4 = 2*math.log(x/(1-x))
        return x1 - x2 - x3 - x4
예제 #14
파일: kimura.py 프로젝트: argriffing/xgcode
def J1_indefinite_integral(x, a):
    Here is a wolfram alpha command that finds a limit of the indefinite
    integral of the integrand in J1 in equation (17) of Kimura and Ohto.
    limit x->1- of
    Ei(ax-a) - Ei(-ax) + log(x/(1-x)) -
    exp(-a)*( Ei(ax) - Ei(a-ax) + log((1-x)/x) )
    eulergamma = -special.digamma(1)
    if x == 1:
        if a == 0:
            return 0
            x1 = math.exp(-a)
            x2 = math.log(abs(a)) + eulergamma
            x3 = math.exp(a) + 1
            x4 = special.expi(-a) + math.exp(-a) * special.expi(a)
            return x1 * x2 * x3 - x4
        x1 = special.expi(a*(x-1)) - special.expi(-a*x) + math.log(x/(1-x))
        x2 = special.expi(-a*(x-1)) - special.expi(a*x) + math.log(x/(1-x))
        return x1 + math.exp(-a)*x2
# They both take about the same time, but the second implementation seems (slightly) faster.

# ## Comparison with [`scipy.special.expi`](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.special.expi.html#scipy.special.expi)
# The $\mathrm{Ei}$ function is also implemented as [`scipy.special.expi`](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.special.expi.html#scipy.special.expi):

# In[35]:

from scipy.special import expi

# In[36]:

Y_3 = expi(X)

# In[37]:

np.allclose(Y, Y_3)

# The difference is not too large:

# In[38]:

np.max(np.abs(Y - Y_3))
예제 #16
    def getLogUniformDecay(self, fieldType, times, chi0, dchi, tau1, tau2):

        Decay function for a step-off waveform for log-uniform distribution of
        time-relaxation constants. The output of this function is the
        magnetization at each time for each cell, normalized by the inducing


        fieldType -- must be 'h', 'b', 'dhdt' or 'dbdt'.

        times -- Observation times

        chi0 -- DC (zero-frequency) magnetic susceptibility for all cells

        dchi -- DC (zero-frequency) magnetic susceptibility attributed to VRM
        for all cells

        tau1 -- Lower-bound for log-uniform distribution of time-relaxation
        constants for all cells

        tau2 -- Upper-bound for log-uniform distribution of time-relaxation
        constants for all cells


        eta -- characteristic decay function evaluated at all specified times.


        if fieldType not in ["dhdt", "dbdt"]:
            raise NameError('For step-off, fieldType must be one of "dhdt" or "dbdt". Cannot be "h" or "dbdt".')

        nT = len(times)
        nC = len(dchi)
        t0 = self.t0

        times = np.kron(np.ones((nC, 1)), times)
        chi0 = np.kron(np.reshape(chi0, newshape=(nC, 1)), np.ones((1, nT)))
        dchi = np.kron(np.reshape(dchi, newshape=(nC, 1)), np.ones((1, nT)))
        tau1 = np.kron(np.reshape(tau1, newshape=(nC, 1)), np.ones((1, nT)))
        tau2 = np.kron(np.reshape(tau2, newshape=(nC, 1)), np.ones((1, nT)))

        if fieldType is "h":
            eta = (
                0.5*(1-np.sign(times-t0))*chi0 +
                0.5*(1+np.sign(times-t0))*(dchi/np.log(tau2/tau1)) *
                (spec.expi(-(times-t0)/tau2) - spec.expi(-(times-t0)/tau1))
        elif fieldType is "b":
            mu0 = 4*np.pi*1e-7
            eta = (
                0.5*(1-np.sign(times-t0))*chi0 +
                0.5*(1+np.sign(times-t0))*(dchi/np.log(tau2/tau1)) *
                (spec.expi(-(times-t0)/tau2) - spec.expi(-(times-t0)/tau1))
            eta = mu0*eta
        elif fieldType is "dhdt":
            eta = (
                0. + 0.5*(1+np.sign(times-t0))*(dchi/np.log(tau2/tau1)) *
        elif fieldType is "dbdt":
            mu0 = 4*np.pi*1e-7
            eta = (
                0. + 0.5*(1+np.sign(times-t0))*(dchi/np.log(tau2/tau1)) *
            eta = mu0*eta

        return eta
예제 #17
파일: Optimality.py 프로젝트: zhzhyang/SVOM
def Optimality(PAR, TA, VPD, CO2, PA, LAI, ALB, CC, CI, kn, npast):
    The optimality model to calculate daily Vcmax25 of top leaves.
    PAR: time series of incident photosynthetically active radiation (mol m-2 d-1).
    TA: time series of surface air temperature (K).
    VPD: time series of vapor pressure deficit (Pa).
    CO2: time seires of ambient CO2 concentration (umol mol-1).
    PA: time series of surface air pressure (Pa).
    LAI: time series of leaf area index (LAI).
    ALB: time series of albedo in visible range (a.u.).
    CC: time series of crown cover (a.u.).
    CI: time series of clumping index (a.u.).
    kn: model parameter: nitrogen distribution coefficient accounting for vertical variation in nitrogen within the plant canopy (a.u.).
    npast: model parameter: the past n days that are considered for the lag effect (day).

    # antecedent environment
    PARLag = np.array(
        [np.nanmean(PAR[max(0, i - npast):i + 1]) for i in range(PAR.size)])
    TALag = np.array(
        [np.nanmean(TA[max(0, i - npast):i + 1]) for i in range(TA.size)])
    VPDLag = np.array(
        [np.nanmean(VPD[max(0, i - npast):i + 1]) for i in range(VPD.size)])
    CO2Lag = np.array(
        [np.nanmean(CO2[max(0, i - npast):i + 1]) for i in range(CO2.size)])
    PALag = np.array(
        [np.nanmean(PA[max(0, i - npast):i + 1]) for i in range(PA.size)])

    # growth temperature, defined as mean air temperature over the past 30 days.
    tgrowth = np.array(
        [np.nanmean(TA[max(0, i - 30):i + 1])
         for i in range(TA.size)]) - 273.16

    # the maximum quantum yield of photosystem II for a light-adapted leaf
    alf = 0.352 + 0.022 * (TALag - 273.16) - 0.00034 * (TALag -
                                                        273.16)**2  # (Eq (3))
    alf = alf * 1 * 0.5 / 4  # (Eq (2)) but leaf absorptance is set 1 as it is already embedded in FPAR.

    # gas constant
    R = 8.314e-3  # [kJ mol-1 K-1]
    # patial pressure of O2
    O = PALag * 0.21  # [Pa]
    # Michaelis–Menten constants of carboxylation (Supplementary Table 1)
    KC = np.exp(38.05 - 79.43 / (R * TALag)) * 1e-6 * PALag  # [Pa]
    # Michaelis–Menten constants of oxygenation (Supplementary Table 1)
    KO = np.exp(20.30 - 36.38 / (R * TALag)) * 1000 * 1e-6 * PALag  # [Pa]
    # CO2 compensation point (Supplementary Table 1)
    GammaS = np.exp(19.02 - 37.83 / (R * TALag)) * 1e-6 * PALag  # [Pa]
    # Michaelis–Menten coefficient of Rubisco (Supplementary Table 1)
    K = KC * (1 + O / KO)  # [Pa]
    # viscosity of water relative to its value at 25 °C (Supplementary Table 1)
    etaS = np.exp(-580 / (-138 + TALag)**2 * (TALag - 298))  # [-]
    # the ratio of intercellular CO2 to ambient CO2 (Eq (5))
    ksi = np.sqrt(240 * (K + GammaS) / (1.6 * etaS * 2.4))
    chi = (ksi + GammaS * np.sqrt(VPDLag) / CO2Lag) / (ksi + np.sqrt(VPDLag)
                                                       )  # [-]

    # Landscape-level leaf area index
    LAI0 = LAI.copy()
    # Plant-level leaf area index (Eq (7))
    LAI = LAI0 / CC  # [-]
    # extinction coefficient under diffuse sky radiation (Eq (9))
    c = -0.5 * CI * LAI
    I = 0.5 * (np.exp(c) * (c + 1) - c**2 * expi(c))
    kd = -np.log(2 * I) / (CI * LAI)  # [-]
    # plant-level fraction of absorbed PAR
    FPAR = (1 - ALB) * (1 - np.exp(-kd * CI * LAI))

    # antecedent FPAR
    FPARLag = np.array(
        [np.nanmean(FPAR[max(0, i - npast):i + 1]) for i in range(FPAR.size)])
    # intercellular CO2 concentration
    Ci = CO2Lag * chi * 1e-6 * PALag  # [Pa]
    # plant-level averaged Vcmax (Eq (6))
    m = (Ci - GammaS) / (Ci + 2 * GammaS)
    c = np.sqrt(1 - (0.41 / m)**(2. / 3))
    c = np.real(c)
    m_ = m * c
    A = alf * 12 * PARLag * FPARLag * m_  # [gC m-2 d-1]
    V = A / ((Ci - GammaS) /
             (Ci + K)) / (60 * 60 * 24 * 1e-6 * 12)  # [umol m-2 s-1]

    # top-leaf Vcmax (Eq (10))
    fC = (1 - np.exp(-kn * CI)) / (kn * CI)
    Vtoc = V / fC  # [umol m-2 s-1]

    # entropy factor of Vcmax (Eq (12))
    dS = (668.39 + tgrowth * -1.07) / 1000
    # temperature correction function (Eq (11))
    fT = np.exp(72 * (TALag - 298.15) / (R * TALag * 298.15)) * (1 + np.exp(
        (dS * 298.15 - 200) / (R * 298.15))) / (1 + np.exp(
            (dS * TALag - 200) / (R * TALag)))
    fT[fT < 0.08] = 0.08
    # top-leaf Vcmax at 25 °C (Eq (13))
    Vtoc25 = Vtoc / fT

    # constrains
    Vtoc25[LAI0 <= 1e-5] = np.nanmin(Vtoc25)
    data = savgol_filter(Vtoc25, 31, 1)
    data[LAI0 <= 1e-5] = np.nan

    return data
예제 #18
def tau_logarithmic(logages, logt, tau=None, **extras):
    """SFR = e^{(tage-t)/\tau}
    tprime = 10**logt / tau
    return (logages - logt) * np.exp(tprime) + loge * expi(tprime)
예제 #19
def prob_fixation_select(s, p_iter, N, B=1):
    s_range = np.linspace(0, s, num=p_iter)
    g = np.vectorize(lambda s: np.log10(  ((2*B *N) / (s * (np.exp(2*B*s) -1)  )  ) \
        *  ((np.exp(2*B*s) + 1) * math.e  - expi(2*B*s) + np.log(2*B*s) \
        + np.exp(2*B*s) * (-expi(-2*B*s) + np.log(2*B*s))))  )
    return g(s_range)
 def p11(self, s, x):
     return s**(2.*self.rho) * np.exp(self.lambd * s ** (self.rho + 1) - 2.*self.lambd * (0.577215664901532 + np.log(s**(self.rho+1)/2.) - expi(-s**(self.rho+1)/2.)) -s**self.rho * x) 
예제 #21
파일: both.py 프로젝트: wrshoemaker/PopGen
def prob_fixation_select(s, p_iter, N, B=1):
    s_range = np.linspace(0, s, num = p_iter)
    g = np.vectorize(lambda s: np.log10(  ((2*B *N) / (s * (np.exp(2*B*s) -1)  )  ) \
        *  ((np.exp(2*B*s) + 1) * math.e  - expi(2*B*s) + np.log(2*B*s) \
        + np.exp(2*B*s) * (-expi(-2*B*s) + np.log(2*B*s))))  )
    return g(s_range)
예제 #22
def f(x, b):
    t = 27
    return 1 / t * np.exp(-x / t) - b / (t * (b + x)) + b / t**2 * np.exp(
        -(x + b) / t) * (expi((x + b) / t) - expi(b / t))
예제 #23
    def getLogUniformDecay(self, fieldType, times, chi0, dchi, tau1, tau2):
        Decay function for a step-off waveform for log-uniform distribution of
        time-relaxation constants. The output of this function is the
        magnetization at each time for each cell, normalized by the inducing


        fieldType -- must be 'h', 'b', 'dhdt' or 'dbdt'.

        times -- Observation times

        chi0 -- DC (zero-frequency) magnetic susceptibility for all cells

        dchi -- DC (zero-frequency) magnetic susceptibility attributed to VRM
        for all cells

        tau1 -- Lower-bound for log-uniform distribution of time-relaxation
        constants for all cells

        tau2 -- Upper-bound for log-uniform distribution of time-relaxation
        constants for all cells


        eta -- characteristic decay function evaluated at all specified times.


        assert fieldType in [
            "h", "dhdt", "b", "dbdt"
        ], "For step-off, fieldType must be one of 'h', dhdt', 'b' or 'dbdt' "

        nT = len(times)
        nC = len(dchi)
        t0 = self.t0

        times = np.kron(np.ones((nC, 1)), times)
        chi0 = np.kron(np.reshape(chi0, newshape=(nC, 1)), np.ones((1, nT)))
        dchi = np.kron(np.reshape(dchi, newshape=(nC, 1)), np.ones((1, nT)))
        tau1 = np.kron(np.reshape(tau1, newshape=(nC, 1)), np.ones((1, nT)))
        tau2 = np.kron(np.reshape(tau2, newshape=(nC, 1)), np.ones((1, nT)))

        if fieldType is "h":
            eta = (0.5 * (1 - np.sign(times - t0)) * chi0 + 0.5 *
                   (1 + np.sign(times - t0)) * (dchi / np.log(tau2 / tau1)) *
                   (spec.expi(-(times - t0) / tau2) -
                    spec.expi(-(times - t0) / tau1)))
        elif fieldType is "b":
            mu0 = 4 * np.pi * 1e-7
            eta = (0.5 * (1 - np.sign(times - t0)) * chi0 + 0.5 *
                   (1 + np.sign(times - t0)) * (dchi / np.log(tau2 / tau1)) *
                   (spec.expi(-(times - t0) / tau2) -
                    spec.expi(-(times - t0) / tau1)))
            eta = mu0 * eta
        elif fieldType is "dhdt":
            eta = (
                0. + 0.5 * (1 + np.sign(times - t0)) *
                (dchi / np.log(tau2 / tau1)) *
                (np.exp(-(times - t0) / tau1) - np.exp(-(times - t0) / tau2)) /
                (times - t0))
        elif fieldType is "dbdt":
            mu0 = 4 * np.pi * 1e-7
            eta = (
                0. + 0.5 * (1 + np.sign(times - t0)) *
                (dchi / np.log(tau2 / tau1)) *
                (np.exp(-(times - t0) / tau1) - np.exp(-(times - t0) / tau2)) /
                (times - t0))
            eta = mu0 * eta

        return eta
예제 #24
def analytic_solution_plane(tau):

    return 0.5 / tau * (1. + np.exp(-tau) * (tau - 1. + tau**2 * np.exp(tau) * sp.expi(-tau)))
예제 #25
def tau_logarithmic(logages, logt, tau=None, **extras):
    """SFR = e^{(tage-t)/\tau}
    tprime = 10**logt / tau
    return (logages - logt) * np.exp(tprime) + loge * expi(tprime)
 def Phi(x):
     return self.lambd * (0.577215664901532 + np.log(x) - expi(-x))
 def analytical_derivative(x):
     dIUG = np.log(x) * IUG(1.0, x) - expi(-x)
     return dIUG
 def integrant(t):
     return t**(2.*self.rho) * np.exp(self.lambd * t ** (self.rho + 1) -2.*self.lambd * (0.577215664901532 + np.log(t**(self.rho+1)/2.) - expi(-t**(self.rho+1)/2.)) -t**self.rho * (x + t/2.)) /t
예제 #29
 def p11(self, s, x):
     density of number of fragments of length L > s
     return s ** (2.*self.rho) * np.exp(self.lambd * s ** (self.rho + 1) - 2.*self.lambd * (0.577215664901532 + np.log(s ** (self.rho + 1) / 2.) - expi(-s ** (self.rho + 1) / 2.)) - s ** self.rho * x)
fe = File("pressure_exact.pvd")

# Analytic solution
p_e = Function(P)
n = P.dim()
d = mesh.geometry().dim()
p_e_values = np.zeros(n)

dof_coords = P.dofmap().tabulate_all_coordinates(mesh)
dof_x = dof_coords[:,0]
dof_y = dof_coords[:,1]

while(t < T):
    # Update analytic solution
    p_e_values = -(1./(4.*np.pi))*expi(-c*(dof_x**2 + dof_y**2)/(4.*t))
    p_e.vector()[:] = p_e_values

    # Define stress tensor
    epsilon = sym(grad(u))
    epsilond = epsilon - tr(epsilon)/3.*Identity(2)
    sigma = 2.*G*epsilond + K*tr(epsilon)*Identity(2)
    epsilon_t = sym(grad(u_t))

    # Define facet normal and radius
    n = FacetNormal(mesh)
    r = Expression("pow(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1], 0.5)")

    # Weak form
    F = inner(sym(grad(u_t)), sigma)*dx - B*div(u_t)*p*dx + inner(u_t, n)*p*ds(3) + inner(u_t, n)*p*ds(4) 
    F += p_t*B*div(u - u_prev)*dx + p_t*(p - p_prev)*dx + dt*inner(grad(p_t), grad(p))*dx - dt*p_t/2./3.1415926538/r*ds(4) 
예제 #31
 def test_continuity_on_positive_real_axis(self):
     assert_allclose(sc.expi(complex(1, 0)),
                     sc.expi(complex(1, -0.0)),
예제 #32
def kernel( jv , X=None , Y=None , m=0 , n=0 ):
    # computes \partial_x^m \partial_y^n G_\delta( Z_i - z_j)
    # output should be of shape [size(X),size(jv.x)]
    if X is None:
        X = jv.x
    if Y is None:
        Y = jv.y
    dx = jv.dx(X)
    dy = jv.dy(Y)
    r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
    r = np.sqrt(r2)
    rho = r2 / (delta**2)
    store = np.zeros( [np.size(X), jv.N] )
    near = (r < delta/100.)
    far = (r >= delta/100.)
    r_far = r*far+2.0*near
    r2_far = r_far**2
    dx_far = dx + near*1.0
    dx_near = near*dx
    dy_far = dy + near*1.0
    dy_near = near*dy
    if (m==0) & (n==0):
        t0 =  time.time()
        kernel_far = (expi( -r2_far/((delta)**2) ) \
                         - 2.0*np.log(r_far))/(4.0*np.pi)
        factorial_k = 1
        for k in range(1,6):
            factorial_k = k*factorial_k
            store = store + ((-1)**k)*(rho**k) / (k*factorial_k)
        euler_mascheroni = 0.5772156649
        kernel_near = (1./(4*np.pi))*( euler_mascheroni \
                        - 2.*np.log(delta) \
                        + store)
    if (m==1) & (n==0):
        kernel_far = DxG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==0) & (n==1):
        kernel_far = DyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==2) & (n==0):
        kernel_far = DxxG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxxG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==1) & (n==1):
        kernel_far = DxyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==0) & (n==2):
        kernel_far = DyyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DyyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==3) & (n==0):
        kernel_far = DxxxG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxxxG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==2) & (n==1):
        kernel_far = DxxyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxxyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==1) & (n==2):
        kernel_far = DxyyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxyyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==0) & (n==3):
        kernel_far = DyyyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DyyyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==4) & (n==0):
        kernel_far = DxxxxG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxxxxG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==3) & (n==1):
        kernel_far = DxxxyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxxxyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==2) & (n==2):
        kernel_far = DxxyyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxxyyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==1) & (n==3):
        kernel_far = DxyyyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxyyyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==0) & (n==4):
        kernel_far = DyyyyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DyyyyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==5) & (n==0):
        kernel_far = DxxxxxG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxxxxxG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==4) & (n==1):
        kernel_far = DxxxxyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxxxxyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==3) & (n==2):
        kernel_far = DxxxyyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxxxyyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==2) & (n==3):
        kernel_far = DxxyyyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxxyyyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==1) & (n==4):
        kernel_far = DxyyyyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DxyyyyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    if (m==0) & (n==5):
        kernel_far = DyyyyyG(dx_far,dy_far)
        kernel_near = DyyyyyG_near(dx_near,dy_near)
    return far*kernel_far + near*kernel_near
예제 #33
def termino3(wc, t, n, m, k, g, nu1, nu2):
    u, v = nu1.real, nu1.imag
    x, y = nu2.real, nu2.imag
    ret = (1j/4)*(((np.cos((2*n+u+1j*v)*t)+1j*np.sin((2*n+u+1j*v)*t))*(g-(2*1j)*(2*m+u+1j*v))*(np.sin((2*k+x+1j*y)*t)*(g-(2*1j)*m-1j*u+v)-np.cos((2*k+x+1j*y)*t)*(2*k+x+1j*y))*(expi(-(t*(g-(2*1j)*(2*m+u+1j*v)))/2)-expi(-(t*(g-(2*1j)*(2*m+u+1j*v-wc)))/2))*np.exp((t*(g-(2*1j)*(2*m+u+1j*v)))/2))/(g**2+4*k**2-4*m**2-4*m*u-u**2-(4*1j)*m*v-(2*1j)*u*v+v**2+2*g*((-2*1j)*m-1j*u+v)+x**2+4*k*(x+1j*y)+(2*1j)*x*y-y**2)-((np.cos((2*n+u+1j*v)*t)-1j*np.sin((2*n+u+1j*v)*t))*(g+(2*1j)*(2*m+u+1j*v))*(np.sin((2*k+x+1j*y)*t)*(g+1j*(2*m+u+1j*v))-np.cos((2*k+x+1j*y)*t)*(2*k+x+1j*y))*(expi(-(t*(g+(2*1j)*(2*m+u+1j*v)))/2)-expi(-(t*(g+(2*1j)*(2*m+u+1j*v+wc)))/2))*np.exp((t*(g+(2*1j)*(2*m+u+1j*v)))/2))/(g**2+4*k**2-4*m**2-4*m*u-u**2+(2*1j)*g*(2*m+u+1j*v)-(4*1j)*m*v-(2*1j)*u*v+v**2+x**2+4*k*(x+1j*y)+(2*1j)*x*y-y**2)-((np.cos((2*k+x+1j*y)*t)-1j*np.sin((2*k+x+1j*y)*t))*(g-(2*1j)*(2*k+x+1j*y))*(np.cos((2*n+u+1j*v)*t)*(2*m+u+1j*v)+np.sin((2*n+u+1j*v)*t)*(g-(2*1j)*k-1j*x+y))*(expi((t*(g-(2*1j)*(2*k+x+1j*y)))/2)-expi((t*(g-(2*1j)*(2*k+wc+x+1j*y)))/2))*np.exp(-(t*(g-(2*1j)*(2*k+x+1j*y)))/2))/(g**2-4*k**2+4*m**2+4*m*u+u**2+(4*1j)*m*v+(2*1j)*u*v-v**2-x**2-4*k*(x+1j*y)-(2*1j)*x*y+y**2+2*g*((-2*1j)*k-1j*x+y))+((np.cos((2*k+x+1j*y)*t)+1j*np.sin((2*k+x+1j*y)*t))*(np.cos((2*n+u+1j*v)*t)*(2*m+u+1j*v)+np.sin((2*n+u+1j*v)*t)*(g+1j*(2*k+x+1j*y)))*(g+(2*1j)*(2*k+x+1j*y))*(expi((t*(g+(2*1j)*(2*k+x+1j*y)))/2)-expi((t*(g+(2*1j)*(2*k-wc+x+1j*y)))/2))*np.exp(-(t*(g+(2*1j)*(2*k+x+1j*y)))/2))/(g**2-4*k**2+4*m**2+4*m*u+u**2+(4*1j)*m*v+(2*1j)*u*v-v**2-x**2-4*k*(x+1j*y)+(2*1j)*g*(2*k+x+1j*y)-(2*1j)*x*y+y**2))
    return ret
예제 #34
 def test_expi_complex128(self):
     z = np.asarray(np.random.rand(4, 4) + 1j*np.random.rand(4, 4), np.complex128)
     z_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(z)
     e_gpu = special.expi(z_gpu)
     assert np.allclose(sp.special.expi(z), e_gpu.get())   
예제 #35
파일: test.py 프로젝트: zxchaobin/ExpInt
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import expi

x = np.linspace(-50,50.,10000);

ans = expi(x)

res = np.fromfile('res.dat')

for i,j,k in zip(x,ans,res):

if np.all(np.isclose(res,ans)):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax.plot(x, abs((res-ans)/ans),'x')
ax.set_ylabel('Relative Error')
