예제 #1
    def test_02_request(self):
        # Check we can instantiate and work with a Request

        # first make a blank one
        req = Request()

        # now make one around the fixture
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)

        # make one with a broken source
        broken = {"whatever" : "broken"}
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = Request(broken)

        # now make one bit by bit
        req = Request()
        req.record = source.get("record")
        req.owner = "test1"
        req.action = "update"
        req.public_id = "abcdefg"

        assert req.owner == "test1"
        assert req.action == "update"
        assert req.public_id == "abcdefg"

        # now make it broken
        req = Request()
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req.record = {"random" : "stuff"}
예제 #2
    def delete(cls, record, account, public_id=None):
        Record a "delete" request, with the associated (minimal) record data, requested by the given account

        Delete requests need only come with enough record data to identify the public record

        :param record: The mimimal record data for identifying the record
        :param account:    the account to carry out the request on behalf of
        :param public_id:  the public id of a public record for which this is a delete request
        :return: the Request object that was created
        if record is None:
            raise RequestAPIException("You can't call 'delete' with a NoneType record argument")
        if account is None:
            raise RequestAPIException("You can't call 'delete' with a NoneType account argument")

        req = Request()
        req.record = record
        req.owner = account.id
        req.action = "delete"
        if public_id is not None:
            req.public_id = public_id

        return req
예제 #3
    def test_02_find_public_record(self):
        # Find a public record with a variety of identifiers

        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # document to form the basis of the queries
        source2 = RequestFixtureFactory.example()

        # create sources with one of each kind of identifier, then look them up using the
        # find_public_record and find_public_record_by_identifier methods
        pid = deepcopy(source2)
        del pid["record"]["dc:identifier"]
        req = Request(pid)
        req.public_id = pub.id
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None

        doi = deepcopy(source2)
        doi["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "doi", "id": "10.1234/me"}]
        req = Request(doi)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me")
        assert pub11 is not None

        pmid = deepcopy(source2)
        pmid["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "pmid", "id": "87654321"}]
        req = Request(pmid)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321")
        assert pub11 is not None

        pmcid = deepcopy(source2)
        pmcid["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "pmcid", "id": "PMC1234"}]
        req = Request(pmcid)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234")
        assert pub11 is not None

        url = deepcopy(source2)
        url["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "url", "id": "http://example.com/whatever"}]
        req = Request(url)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/whatever")
        assert pub11 is not None

        # finally, ensure that you don't get a match when you shouldn't
        null = deepcopy(source2)
        null["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "doi", "id": "10.1234/another"}]
        req = Request(null)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/another")
        assert pub11 is None
예제 #4
    def test_05_request_dao(self):
        # Check the DAO methods on the Request object

        dao = Request()

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)
        req.owner = "test1"
        req.action = "update"
        req.public_id = "abcdefg"

        req2 = dao.pull(req.id)
        assert req2 is not None

        # check successful queries for identifiers
        res = dao.find_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/whatever", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        # check unsuccessful ones
        res = dao.find_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/you", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC5678", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmid", "123456789", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/this", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        # and check using the wrong owner
        res = dao.find_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/whatever", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0
예제 #5
    def update(cls, record, account, public_id=None):
        Record an "update" request, with the associated record data, requested by the given account

        :param record: The raw dict data (e.g. coming from the web API) which makes up the body of the request
        :param account: the account to carry out the request on behalf of
        :param public_id: The public id of a public record for which this is an update
        :return: the Request object that was created
        if record is None:
            raise RequestAPIException("You can't call 'update' with a NoneType record argument")
        if account is None:
            raise RequestAPIException("You can't call 'update' with a NoneType account argument")

        req = Request()
        req.record = record
        req.owner = account.id
        req.action = "update"
        if public_id is not None:
            req.public_id = public_id

        return req