예제 #1
    def test_07_save_delete(self):
        # Work through acycle of saves and deletes to observe the outputs

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)

        dao = Request()
        req2 = dao.pull(req.request.id)
        assert req2 is not None
        assert req2.owner == acc.id
        assert req2.record == source
        assert req2.action == "update"

        # now publish the request

        # now pull the object as identified by its API identifier (which should be the DOI)
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        next = ApiRequest.pull(req.id, account=acc)

        # now, at this point we should have 2 request objects in the index.  One for the
        # original save, and one for the new save
        req3 = dao.pull(next.request.id)
        assert req3 is not None
        assert req3.owner == acc.id
        assert req3.record == source2
        assert req3.action == "update"

        # now issue a delete on the same record

        # by now we should have 3 request objects in the index, 2 for the above updates
        # and one for the delete request
        req4 = dao.pull(next.request.id)
        assert req4 is not None
        assert req4.owner == acc.id
        assert req4.record == source2
        assert req4.action == "delete"
예제 #2
    def test_05_request_dao(self):
        # Check the DAO methods on the Request object

        dao = Request()

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)
        req.owner = "test1"
        req.action = "update"
        req.public_id = "abcdefg"

        req2 = dao.pull(req.id)
        assert req2 is not None

        # check successful queries for identifiers
        res = dao.find_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/whatever", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        # check unsuccessful ones
        res = dao.find_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/you", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC5678", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmid", "123456789", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/this", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        # and check using the wrong owner
        res = dao.find_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/whatever", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0