def load_shape_arrays(shapename,rowname='row',colname='column'): #--get the field names and make sure rowname and colname are found field_names = shapefile.get_fieldnames(grid_shapename) assert rowname in field_names assert colname in field_names #--get the decimal of each field - to get the array type later grid_shp = shapefile.Reader(shapename) header = grid_shp.dbfHeader() h_dict = {} for item in header: h_dict[item[0]] = int(item[-1]) #--load all of the records as a dict records = shapefile.load_as_dict(shapename,loadShapes=False) #--get nrow and ncol nrow = max(records[rowname]) ncol = max(records[colname]) #--row and column maps row,col = records[rowname],records[colname] #--setup a dict for all of the arrays and map the values array_dict = {} for key,record in records.iteritems(): decimal = h_dict[key] if decimal == 0: arr = np.zeros((nrow,ncol), else: arr = np.zeros((nrow,ncol)) print key,arr.dtype try: for r,c,val in zip(row,col,record): arr[r-1,c-1] = val array_dict[key] = arr.copy() except: print 'couldnt cast '+str(key)+' field to array' return array_dict
def load_shape_arrays(shapename, rowname='row', colname='column'): #--get the field names and make sure rowname and colname are found field_names = shapefile.get_fieldnames(grid_shapename) assert rowname in field_names assert colname in field_names #--get the decimal of each field - to get the array type later grid_shp = shapefile.Reader(shapename) header = grid_shp.dbfHeader() h_dict = {} for item in header: h_dict[item[0]] = int(item[-1]) #--load all of the records as a dict records = shapefile.load_as_dict(shapename, loadShapes=False) #--get nrow and ncol nrow = max(records[rowname]) ncol = max(records[colname]) #--row and column maps row, col = records[rowname], records[colname] #--setup a dict for all of the arrays and map the values array_dict = {} for key, record in records.iteritems(): decimal = h_dict[key] if decimal == 0: arr = np.zeros((nrow, ncol), else: arr = np.zeros((nrow, ncol)) print key, arr.dtype try: for r, c, val in zip(row, col, record): arr[r - 1, c - 1] = val array_dict[key] = arr.copy() except: print 'couldnt cast ' + str(key) + ' field to array' return array_dict
import sys import numpy as np import shapefile import bro col_name = 'ibound_CS' grid_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\\shapes\\broward_grid_master' shape = shapefile.Reader(grid_shapename) fieldnames = shapefile.get_fieldnames(grid_shapename) v_idx = fieldnames.index(col_name) r_idx,c_idx = fieldnames.index('row'),fieldnames.index('column') arr = np.zeros((bro.nrow,bro.ncol)) - 1.0e+10 for i in range(shape.numRecords): rec = shape.record(i) r,c = rec[r_idx],rec[c_idx] val = rec[v_idx] arr[r-1,c-1] = val np.savetxt('ibound_CS.ref',arr,fmt=' %3.0f')
def main(): #--load well locations and pandas dataframe well_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\\shapes\\pws_combine' well_points = sf.load_shape_list(well_shapename) #shp = sf.reader(well_shapename) #print sf.get_fieldnames(well_shapename) records = sf.load_as_dict(well_shapename,loadShapes=False) well_names = records['DPEP_NAME'] well_zbots = records['zbot'] float_zbots = [] for i,wb in enumerate(well_zbots): float_zbots.append(float(wb)) well_zbots = np.array(float_zbots) well_rows, well_cols = records['row'],records['column'] pump = pandas.read_csv('..\\..\\_pumpage\\dataframes\\pws_filled_zeros.csv',index_col=0,parse_dates=True) #--load lines and active dates line_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\shapes\sw_reaches' lines = sf.load_shape_list(line_shapename) shp = sf.Reader(line_shapename) fnames = sf.get_fieldnames(line_shapename,ignorecase=True) #for i,fn in enumerate(fnames): # print i,fn a_idx = fnames.index('ACTIVE_ST') line_active = [] for i in range(shp.numRecords): rec = shp.record(i) year = int(rec[a_idx]) if year < flow.start.year: year = flow.start.year dt = datetime(year=year,month=1,day=1) line_active.append(dt) #--head stuff #--use bot of Q5 to check for dry cells hds_elev = np.loadtxt(flow.ref_dir+'Q5_bot.ref') hds_layer_idx = 0 head_file = flow.root+'.hds' headObj = mfb.MODFLOW_Head(flow.nlay,flow.nrow,flow.ncol,head_file) htimes = headObj.get_time_list() #--zeta stuff zta_layer_idx = 0 zta_elev = np.loadtxt(flow.ref_dir+'Q1_bot.ref') zeta_file = flow.root+'.zta' zetaObj = mfb.MODFLOW_CBB(flow.nlay,flow.nrow,flow.ncol,zeta_file) zta_text = ' ZETAPLANE 1' z1times = zetaObj.get_time_list(zta_text) #zeta_file = None #-- stress period step sp_step = 1 plt_dir = 'png\\results\\' #--for ffmpeg - sequentially numbered plt_num = 1 istart = 0 q_args = [] for i,dt in enumerate(flow.sp_start): if i >= istart and i%sp_step == 0: print 'building args list for ',dt try: h_seekpoint = long(htimes[i,3]) except: break if zeta_file: z_seekpoint = long(z1times[i,3]) else: z_seekpoint = None act_lines = [] for ldt,line in zip(line_active,lines): if ldt <= dt: act_lines.append(line) act_wells = [] if i == 0: plt_start = dt else: plt_start = flow.sp_start[i-sp_step] plt_end = flow.sp_end[i] pump_plt = pump[plt_start:plt_end] pump_plt_sum = pump_plt.sum() for wname,wpoint,wrow,wcol,wzbot in zip(well_names,well_points,well_rows,well_cols,well_zbots): if wname in pump_plt.keys() and pump_plt_sum[wname] != 0: act_wells.append(wpoint) fig_name = plt_dir+'sp{0:03.0f}.png'.format(plt_num) #fig_title = 'stress period '+str(i+1)+' start date '+dt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') fig_title = str(dt.year) args = [fig_name,h_seekpoint,z_seekpoint,act_lines,act_wells,hds_layer_idx,zta_layer_idx,fig_title] q_args.append(args) plt_num += 1 jobq = mp.JoinableQueue() #--for testing #jobq.put_nowait(q_args[0]) #jobq.put_nowait(None) #plot_worker(jobq,0,head_file,None,hds_elev,zta_elev) #return procs = [] num_procs = 6 for i in range(num_procs): #--pass the woker function jobq and a PID p = mp.Process(target=plot_worker,args=(jobq,i,head_file,zeta_file,hds_elev,zta_elev)) p.daemon = True print 'starting process', p.start() procs.append(p) for q in q_args: jobq.put(q) for p in procs: jobq.put(None) #--block until all finish for p in procs: p.join() print,'Finished' cmd_line = 'ffmpeg.exe -i results\sp%03d.png -r 24 demo.avi -y' os.system(cmd_line) return
import shapefile shapename = '..\\_gis\\scratch\\all_K_locations_layers' shp = shapefile.Reader(shapename) records, shapes = shp.records(), shp.shapes() fnames = shapefile.get_fieldnames(shapename) lay_idx = fnames.index('k_layer') k_idx = fnames.index('K_ftday') #--loop once to get layer groups layer_groups = {} for rec, shape in zip(records, shapes): lay = rec[lay_idx] k = float(rec[k_idx]) point = shape.points[0] if lay in layer_groups.keys(): layer_groups[lay][0].append(k) layer_groups[lay][1].append(point) else: layer_groups[lay] = [[k], [point]] out_dir = 'gslib\\' for layer, [ks, points] in layer_groups.iteritems(): print layer f = open(out_dir + layer + '.dat', 'w') f.write(layer + '\n') f.write('3\nX\nY\nK\n') for pt, k in zip(points, ks): f.write('{0:15.6F} {1:15.6F} {2:15.6F}\n'.format(pt[0], pt[1], k)) f.close()
def main(): #--load well locations and pandas dataframe well_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\\shapes\\pws_combine' well_points = sf.load_shape_list(well_shapename) #shp = sf.reader(well_shapename) #print sf.get_fieldnames(well_shapename) records = sf.load_as_dict(well_shapename, loadShapes=False) well_names = records['DPEP_NAME'] well_zbots = records['zbot'] float_zbots = [] for i, wb in enumerate(well_zbots): float_zbots.append(float(wb)) well_zbots = np.array(float_zbots) well_rows, well_cols = records['row'], records['column'] pump = pandas.read_csv( '..\\..\\_pumpage\\dataframes\\pws_filled_zeros.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True) #--load lines and active dates line_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\shapes\sw_reaches' lines = sf.load_shape_list(line_shapename) shp = sf.Reader(line_shapename) fnames = sf.get_fieldnames(line_shapename, ignorecase=True) #for i,fn in enumerate(fnames): # print i,fn a_idx = fnames.index('ACTIVE_ST') line_active = [] for i in range(shp.numRecords): rec = shp.record(i) year = int(rec[a_idx]) if year < flow.start.year: year = flow.start.year dt = datetime(year=year, month=1, day=1) line_active.append(dt) #--head stuff #--use bot of Q5 to check for dry cells hds_elev = np.loadtxt(flow.ref_dir + 'Q5_bot.ref') hds_layer_idx = 0 head_file = flow.root + '.hds' headObj = mfb.MODFLOW_Head(flow.nlay, flow.nrow, flow.ncol, head_file) htimes = headObj.get_time_list() #--zeta stuff zta_layer_idx = 0 zta_elev = np.loadtxt(flow.ref_dir + 'Q1_bot.ref') zeta_file = flow.root + '.zta' zetaObj = mfb.MODFLOW_CBB(flow.nlay, flow.nrow, flow.ncol, zeta_file) zta_text = ' ZETAPLANE 1' z1times = zetaObj.get_time_list(zta_text) #zeta_file = None #-- stress period step sp_step = 1 plt_dir = 'png\\results\\' #--for ffmpeg - sequentially numbered plt_num = 1 istart = 0 q_args = [] for i, dt in enumerate(flow.sp_start): if i >= istart and i % sp_step == 0: print 'building args list for ', dt try: h_seekpoint = long(htimes[i, 3]) except: break if zeta_file: z_seekpoint = long(z1times[i, 3]) else: z_seekpoint = None act_lines = [] for ldt, line in zip(line_active, lines): if ldt <= dt: act_lines.append(line) act_wells = [] if i == 0: plt_start = dt else: plt_start = flow.sp_start[i - sp_step] plt_end = flow.sp_end[i] pump_plt = pump[plt_start:plt_end] pump_plt_sum = pump_plt.sum() for wname, wpoint, wrow, wcol, wzbot in zip( well_names, well_points, well_rows, well_cols, well_zbots): if wname in pump_plt.keys() and pump_plt_sum[wname] != 0: act_wells.append(wpoint) fig_name = plt_dir + 'sp{0:03.0f}.png'.format(plt_num) #fig_title = 'stress period '+str(i+1)+' start date '+dt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') fig_title = str(dt.year) args = [ fig_name, h_seekpoint, z_seekpoint, act_lines, act_wells, hds_layer_idx, zta_layer_idx, fig_title ] q_args.append(args) plt_num += 1 jobq = mp.JoinableQueue() #--for testing #jobq.put_nowait(q_args[0]) #jobq.put_nowait(None) #plot_worker(jobq,0,head_file,None,hds_elev,zta_elev) #return procs = [] num_procs = 6 for i in range(num_procs): #--pass the woker function jobq and a PID p = mp.Process(target=plot_worker, args=(jobq, i, head_file, zeta_file, hds_elev, zta_elev)) p.daemon = True print 'starting process', p.start() procs.append(p) for q in q_args: jobq.put(q) for p in procs: jobq.put(None) #--block until all finish for p in procs: p.join() print, 'Finished' cmd_line = 'ffmpeg.exe -i results\sp%03d.png -r 24 demo.avi -y' os.system(cmd_line) return
well_names = records['DPEP_NAME'] well_zbots = records['zbot'] float_zbots = [] for i, wb in enumerate(well_zbots): float_zbots.append(float(wb)) well_zbots = np.array(float_zbots) well_rows, well_cols = records['row'], records['column'] pump = pandas.read_csv('..\\..\\_pumpage\\pws_filled_zeros.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True) #--load lines and active dates line_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\shapes\sw_reaches' lines = sf.load_shape_list(line_shapename) shp = sf.Reader(line_shapename) fnames = sf.get_fieldnames(line_shapename, ignorecase=True) #for i,fn in enumerate(fnames): # print i,fn a_idx = fnames.index('ACTIVE_ST') line_active = [] for i in range(shp.numRecords): rec = shp.record(i) year = int(rec[a_idx]) if year < bro.start.year: year = bro.start.year dt = datetime(year=year, month=1, day=1) line_active.append(dt) #--head stuff #--use bot of layer 1 to check for dry cells l1_bot = np.loadtxt('ref\\Q5_bot.ref')
def main(num_plots): #--load well locations and pandas dataframe well_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\\shapes\\pws_combine' well_points = sf.load_shape_list(well_shapename) #shp = sf.reader(well_shapename) #print sf.get_fieldnames(well_shapename) records = sf.load_as_dict(well_shapename,loadShapes=False) well_names = records['DPEP_NAME'] well_zbots = records['zbot'] float_zbots = [] for i,wb in enumerate(well_zbots): float_zbots.append(float(wb)) well_zbots = np.array(float_zbots) well_rows, well_cols = records['row'],records['column'] pump = pandas.read_csv('..\\..\\_pumpage\\dataframes\\pws_filled_zeros.csv',index_col=0,parse_dates=True) #--load lines and active dates line_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\shapes\sw_reaches' lines = sf.load_shape_list(line_shapename) shp = sf.Reader(line_shapename) fnames = sf.get_fieldnames(line_shapename,ignorecase=True) #for i,fn in enumerate(fnames): # print i,fn a_idx = fnames.index('ACTIVE_ST') line_active = [] for i in range(shp.numRecords): rec = shp.record(i) year = int(rec[a_idx]) if year < flow.start.year: year = flow.start.year dt = datetime(year=year,month=1,day=1) line_active.append(dt) #--head stuff #--use bot of Q5 to check for dry cells #hds_elev = np.loadtxt(flow.ref_dir+'Q5_bot.ref') #hds_layer_idx = 0 #head_file = flow.root+'.hds' #headObj = mfb.MODFLOW_Head(flow.nlay,flow.nrow,flow.ncol,head_file) #htimes = headObj.get_time_list() #--conc stuff conc_lay_idxs = [0,5,9,11] conc_file = 'MT3D001.UCN' concObj = mfb.MT3D_Concentration(seawat.nlay,seawat.nrow,seawat.ncol,conc_file) ctimes = concObj.get_time_list() #--zeta stuff #zta_layer_idx = 0 #zta_elev = np.loadtxt(flow.ref_dir+'Q1_bot.ref') #zeta_file = flow.root+'.zta' #zetaObj = mfb.MODFLOW_CBB(flow.nlay,flow.nrow,flow.ncol,zeta_file) #zta_text = ' ZETAPLANE 1' #z1times = zetaObj.get_time_list(zta_text) #zeta_file = None #-- stress period step sp_step = 1 plt_dir = 'png\\results\\seawat\\' #--for ffmpeg - sequentially numbered plt_num = 1 istart = 0 q_args = [] for i,[start,end] in enumerate(zip(seawat.sp_start,seawat.sp_end)): if i >= istart and i%sp_step == 0: print 'building args list for stress period ending on ',end #--find the conc output nearest the end of the stress period try: kper_seekpoints = ctimes[np.where(ctimes[:,2]==i+1),-1] c_seekpoint = long(kper_seekpoints[0][-1]) except: break act_lines = [] for ldt,line in zip(line_active,lines): if ldt <= start: act_lines.append(line) act_wells = [] if i == 0: plt_start = start else: plt_start = seawat.sp_start[i-sp_step] plt_end = seawat.sp_end[i] pump_plt = pump[plt_start:plt_end] pump_plt_sum = pump_plt.sum() for wname,wpoint,wrow,wcol,wzbot in zip(well_names,well_points,well_rows,well_cols,well_zbots): if wname in pump_plt.keys() and pump_plt_sum[wname] != 0: act_wells.append(wpoint) fig_name = plt_dir+'sp{0:03.0f}_conc.png'.format(plt_num) fig_title = 'stress period '+str(i+1)+' start date '+start.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') args = [fig_name,c_seekpoint,conc_lay_idxs,act_lines,act_wells,fig_title] q_args.append(args) plt_num += 1 if num_plots != None and i > num_plots: break jobq = mp.JoinableQueue() #--for testing if num_plots != None: jobq.put_nowait(q_args[0]) jobq.put_nowait(None) plot_worker(jobq,1,conc_file) return procs = [] num_procs = 3 for i in range(num_procs): #--pass the woker function jobq and a PID p = mp.Process(target=plot_worker,args=(jobq,i,conc_file)) p.daemon = True print 'starting process', p.start() procs.append(p) for q in q_args: jobq.put(q) for p in procs: jobq.put(None) #--block until all finish for p in procs: p.join() print,'Finished' anim_name = 'png\\demo_conc.avi' if os.path.exists(anim_name): os.remove(anim_name) cmd_line = 'ffmpeg.exe -i png\\results\\seawat\\sp%03d_conc.png -r 24 '+anim_name+' -y' os.system(cmd_line) return
# ##--run fac2real #fac2real_args[0] = fac_name #fac2real_args[2] = klocs_name #fac2real_args[-3] = k_name #args = '\n'.join(fac2real_args) #f = open(facin_name,'w') #f.write(args) #f.close() #os.system('fac2real.exe <'+facin_name+' >'+facout_name) ##break #--add the interpolated K to the grid shapefile shapename = '..\\_gis\\shapes\\broward_grid_master' grid = shapefile.Reader(shapename) names = shapefile.get_fieldnames(shapename, ignorecase=True) row_idx, col_idx = names.index('ROW'), names.index('COLUMN') #--load the k arrays print 'loading k and std arrays' k_arrays = [] for name in k_names: k = pu.load_wrapped_format(bro.nrow, bro.ncol, name) #np.savetxt(name,k,fmt=' %15.6E') k_arrays.append(k) std_arrays = [] for name in std_names: std = pu.load_wrapped_format(bro.nrow, bro.ncol, name) #np.savetxt(name,std,fmt=' %15.6E') std_arrays.append(std)
import sys import numpy as np import shapefile import bro col_name = 'ibound_CS' grid_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\\shapes\\broward_grid_master' shape = shapefile.Reader(grid_shapename) fieldnames = shapefile.get_fieldnames(grid_shapename) v_idx = fieldnames.index(col_name) r_idx, c_idx = fieldnames.index('row'), fieldnames.index('column') arr = np.zeros((bro.nrow, bro.ncol)) - 1.0e+10 for i in range(shape.numRecords): rec = shape.record(i) r, c = rec[r_idx], rec[c_idx] val = rec[v_idx] arr[r - 1, c - 1] = val np.savetxt('ibound_CS.ref', arr, fmt=' %3.0f')
def main(num_plots): #--load well locations and pandas dataframe well_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\\shapes\\pws_combine' well_points = sf.load_shape_list(well_shapename) #shp = sf.reader(well_shapename) #print sf.get_fieldnames(well_shapename) records = sf.load_as_dict(well_shapename, loadShapes=False) well_names = records['DPEP_NAME'] well_zbots = records['zbot'] float_zbots = [] for i, wb in enumerate(well_zbots): float_zbots.append(float(wb)) well_zbots = np.array(float_zbots) well_rows, well_cols = records['row'], records['column'] pump = pandas.read_csv( '..\\..\\_pumpage\\dataframes\\pws_filled_zeros.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True) #--load lines and active dates line_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\shapes\sw_reaches' lines = sf.load_shape_list(line_shapename) shp = sf.Reader(line_shapename) fnames = sf.get_fieldnames(line_shapename, ignorecase=True) #for i,fn in enumerate(fnames): # print i,fn a_idx = fnames.index('ACTIVE_ST') line_active = [] for i in range(shp.numRecords): rec = shp.record(i) year = int(rec[a_idx]) if year < flow.start.year: year = flow.start.year dt = datetime(year=year, month=1, day=1) line_active.append(dt) #--head stuff #--use bot of Q5 to check for dry cells #hds_elev = np.loadtxt(flow.ref_dir+'Q5_bot.ref') #hds_layer_idx = 0 #head_file = flow.root+'.hds' #headObj = mfb.MODFLOW_Head(flow.nlay,flow.nrow,flow.ncol,head_file) #htimes = headObj.get_time_list() #--conc stuff conc_lay_idxs = [0, 5, 9, 11] conc_file = 'MT3D001.UCN' concObj = mfb.MT3D_Concentration(seawat.nlay, seawat.nrow, seawat.ncol, conc_file) ctimes = concObj.get_time_list() #--zeta stuff #zta_layer_idx = 0 #zta_elev = np.loadtxt(flow.ref_dir+'Q1_bot.ref') #zeta_file = flow.root+'.zta' #zetaObj = mfb.MODFLOW_CBB(flow.nlay,flow.nrow,flow.ncol,zeta_file) #zta_text = ' ZETAPLANE 1' #z1times = zetaObj.get_time_list(zta_text) #zeta_file = None #-- stress period step sp_step = 1 plt_dir = 'png\\results\\seawat\\' #--for ffmpeg - sequentially numbered plt_num = 1 istart = 0 q_args = [] for i, [start, end] in enumerate(zip(seawat.sp_start, seawat.sp_end)): if i >= istart and i % sp_step == 0: print 'building args list for stress period ending on ', end #--find the conc output nearest the end of the stress period try: kper_seekpoints = ctimes[np.where(ctimes[:, 2] == i + 1), -1] c_seekpoint = long(kper_seekpoints[0][-1]) except: break act_lines = [] for ldt, line in zip(line_active, lines): if ldt <= start: act_lines.append(line) act_wells = [] if i == 0: plt_start = start else: plt_start = seawat.sp_start[i - sp_step] plt_end = seawat.sp_end[i] pump_plt = pump[plt_start:plt_end] pump_plt_sum = pump_plt.sum() for wname, wpoint, wrow, wcol, wzbot in zip( well_names, well_points, well_rows, well_cols, well_zbots): if wname in pump_plt.keys() and pump_plt_sum[wname] != 0: act_wells.append(wpoint) fig_name = plt_dir + 'sp{0:03.0f}_conc.png'.format(plt_num) fig_title = 'stress period ' + str( i + 1) + ' start date ' + start.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') args = [ fig_name, c_seekpoint, conc_lay_idxs, act_lines, act_wells, fig_title ] q_args.append(args) plt_num += 1 if num_plots != None and i > num_plots: break jobq = mp.JoinableQueue() #--for testing if num_plots != None: jobq.put_nowait(q_args[0]) jobq.put_nowait(None) plot_worker(jobq, 1, conc_file) return procs = [] num_procs = 3 for i in range(num_procs): #--pass the woker function jobq and a PID p = mp.Process(target=plot_worker, args=(jobq, i, conc_file)) p.daemon = True print 'starting process', p.start() procs.append(p) for q in q_args: jobq.put(q) for p in procs: jobq.put(None) #--block until all finish for p in procs: p.join() print, 'Finished' anim_name = 'png\\demo_conc.avi' if os.path.exists(anim_name): os.remove(anim_name) cmd_line = 'ffmpeg.exe -i png\\results\\seawat\\sp%03d_conc.png -r 24 ' + anim_name + ' -y' os.system(cmd_line) return
def main(): aprefix = 'rch\\rch_' #aprefix = 'et\\et_' print 'loading forcing dataframe' df = pandas.read_csv('NEXRAD.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True) #df = pandas.read_csv('PET.csv',index_col=0,parse_dates=True) df[df < 0.0] = 0.0 df_keys = list(df.keys()) print 'loading grid shapefile info' grid_shapename = '..\\shapes\\tsala_grid_nexrad' grid_shape = shapefile.Reader(grid_shapename) fieldnames = shapefile.get_fieldnames(grid_shapename, ignorecase=True) row_idx, col_idx = fieldnames.index('ROW'), fieldnames.index('COLUMN_') pix_idx, frac_idx = fieldnames.index('NEX_PIX'), fieldnames.index( 'NEX_FRAC') pixel_map = {} pixel_numbers = [] nrow, ncol = -1.0E+10, -1.0E+10 for i in range(grid_shape.numRecords): if i % 500 == 0: print i, 'of', grid_shape.numRecords, '\r', rec = grid_shape.record(i) pix, frac = rec[pix_idx], rec[frac_idx] r, c = rec[row_idx], rec[col_idx] if r > nrow: nrow = r if c > ncol: ncol = c idx_tup = (r - 1, c - 1) pf_list = [] if len(pix) > 0: pf_list = [] for p, f in zip(pix.split(','), frac.split(',')): p = str(p) f = float(f) pf_list.append((p, f)) pixel_map[idx_tup] = pf_list #--check for missing pixels missing = [] for idx_tup, pf_list in pixel_map.iteritems(): for p, f in pf_list: if p not in df_keys and p not in missing: missing.append(p) if len(missing) > 0: print 'missing data for', len(missing), ' pixels' print len(df_keys) for m in missing: print m raise Exception() print 'processing dataframe rows' q_args = [] for dt, pixel_values in df.iterrows(): print dt aname = aprefix + dt.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.ref' q_args.append([aname, pixel_values]) jobq = mp.JoinableQueue() procs = [] num_procs = 3 for i in range(num_procs): #--pass the woker function jobq and a PID p = mp.Process(target=worker, args=(i, nrow, ncol, pixel_map, jobq)) p.daemon = True print 'starting process', p.start() procs.append(p) for q in q_args: jobq.put(q) for p in procs: jobq.put(None) for p in procs: p.join() print, 'Finished'
import os import numpy as np import pandas from shapely.geometry import Point import shapefile airport_pt = Point([935003, 632657]) select_radius = 5280.0 * 4.0 #--first get the nwis conc data nwis_shapename = '..\\_gis\\scratch\\broward_nwis_sites_reclen_gw' fields = shapefile.get_fieldnames(nwis_shapename) conc_idx = fields.index('conc_len') siteno_idx = fields.index('site_no') sitename_idx = fields.index('station_nm') hole_idx = fields.index('hole_depth') wdepth_idx = fields.index('well_depth') shp = shapefile.Reader(nwis_shapename) shapes = shp.shapes() records = shp.records() wr = shapefile.writer_like(nwis_shapename) #--only use those conc records that have > 0 length sel_records, sel_points = [], [] for shape, rec in zip(shapes, records): shp_pt = Point(shape.points[0]) if (airport_pt.distance(shp_pt) < select_radius) and (int(rec[conc_idx]) > 0): sel_records.append(rec)
def main(): adir = 'rch\\' out_prefix = 'summary\\rch_' field_prefix = 'nex_' out_shapename = '..\\shapes\\tsala_nexrad_summary' #adir = 'et\\' #out_prefix = 'summary\\et_' #field_prefix = 'pet_' #out_shapename = '..\\shapes\\tsala_pet_summary' nrow,ncol = 384,369 afiles = os.listdir(adir) years = {} dts = [] for a in afiles: dt = datetime.strptime(a.split('.')[0].split('_')[1],'%Y%m%d') dts.append(dt) if dt.year in years.keys(): years[dt.year].append(adir+a) else: years[dt.year] = [adir+a] day = timedelta(days=1) dts.sort() #for i,today in enumerate(dts[1:]): # if today - dts[i] > day: # print 'missing day',today start = datetime(year=2000,month=1,day=1) end = datetime(year=2011,month=12,day=31) today = start while today < end: if today not in dts: print 'missing day',today today += day return q_args = [] yr_out = {} for yr,alist in years.iteritems(): aname = out_prefix+str(yr)+'.ref' yr_out[yr] = aname q_args.append([aname,alist]) jobq = mp.JoinableQueue() resultq = mp.Queue() #--for testing #jobq.put_nowait(q_args[0]) #jobq.put_nowait(None) #worker(0,nrow,ncol,jobq,resultq) #return procs = [] num_procs = 3 for i in range(num_procs): #--pass the woker function jobq and a PID p = mp.Process(target=worker,args=(i,nrow,ncol,jobq,resultq)) p.daemon = True print 'starting process', p.start() procs.append(p) for q in q_args: jobq.put(q) for p in procs: jobq.put(None) for p in procs: p.join() print,'Finished' #--add summary arrs to shapefile print 'adding summary info to grid shapefile' shapename = '..\\shapes\\join_all2' shp = shapefile.Reader(shapename) shapes = shp.shapes() fieldnames = shapefile.get_fieldnames(shapename) row_idx,col_idx = fieldnames.index('row'),fieldnames.index('column_') wr = shapefile.Writer() wr.field('row',fieldType='N',size=10,decimal=0) wr.field('column',fieldType='N',size=10,decimal=0) yr_list = years.keys() yr_list.sort() yr_avgs = [] for yr in yr_list: wr.field(field_prefix+str(yr),fieldType='N',size=20,decimal=10) a = np.fromfile(yr_out[yr],dtype=np.float32) a.resize(nrow,ncol) yr_avgs.append(a) for i,shape in enumerate(shapes): if i % 500 == 0: print i,len(shapes),'\r', rec = shp.record(i) row,col = rec[row_idx],rec[col_idx] rec = [row,col] for yr_avg in yr_avgs: rec.append(yr_avg[row-1,col-1]) wr.poly([shape.points],shapeType=shape.shapeType) wr.record(rec) return
#--load a list of RIV locs and concentrtaions #--into a dict that is keyed in the row-col tuple f = open('..\\..\\_BCDPEP\\BCDPEP_reach_conc.dat','r') f.readline() tidal_conc = {} for line in f: raw = line.strip().split(',') tidal_conc[int(raw[0])] = float(raw[1]) f.close() print 'loading swr reach - concentration info' shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\\scratch\\sw_reaches_conn_swrpolylines_2' records = shapefile.load_as_dict(shapename,loadShapes=False) fnames = shapefile.get_fieldnames(shapename) #print fnames swr_conc = {} #for r,c,strnum in zip(records['ROW'],records['COLUMN'],records['SRC_struct']): for reach,strnum,source_reach in zip(records['REACH'],records['SRC_struct'],records['SRC_reach']): #--tidal=brackish if strnum == -1: swr_conc[reach] = tidal_conc[source_reach] #swr_conc[reach] = brackish_conc #--fresh else: swr_conc[reach] = fresh_conc print 'loading SWR-output river info' riv_filename = flow.root+'.riv'
import numpy as np import pandas import shapefile print 'loading grid shapefile info' grid_shapename = '..\\shapes\\tsala_grid_nexrad' grid_shape = shapefile.Reader(grid_shapename) fieldnames = shapefile.get_fieldnames(grid_shapename,ignorecase=True) row_idx,col_idx = fieldnames.index('ROW'),fieldnames.index('COLUMN_') pix_idx,frac_idx = fieldnames.index('NEX_PIX'),fieldnames.index('NEX_FRAC') pixel_map = {} pixel_numbers = [] nrow,ncol = -1.0E+10,-1.0E+10 for i in range(grid_shape.numRecords): if i % 500 == 0: print i,'of',grid_shape.numRecords,'\r', rec = grid_shape.record(i) pix,frac = rec[pix_idx],rec[frac_idx] r,c = rec[row_idx],rec[col_idx] if r > nrow: nrow = r if c > ncol: ncol = c idx_tup = (r-1,c-1) pf_list = [] if len(pix) > 0: pf_list = [] for p,f in zip(pix.split(','),frac.split(',')): p = int(p) f = float(f) pf_list.append((p,f))
rch_dts.append(month) for efile in ets_files: #dt = datetime.strptime(efile.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1],'%Y%m%d') month = int(efile.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]) ets_dts.append(month) rain,evap = {},{} for sday,eday in zip(flow.sp_start,flow.sp_end): rain[eday] = '#DATASET 7B RAIN\nOPEN/CLOSE '+rch_dir+rch_files[rch_dts.index(sday.month)] + ' {0:10.5f} (BINARY) -1\n'.format(flow.rch_mult) evap[eday] = '#DATASET 8B EVAP\nOPEN/CLOSE '+ets_dir+ets_files[ets_dts.index(sday.month)] + ' {0:10.5f} (BINARY) -1\n'.format(flow.ets_mult) #--swrpre polyline shapefile with all the info swr_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\\scratch\\sw_reaches_conn_SWRpolylines_2' shp = shapefile.Reader(swr_shapename) fieldnames = shapefile.get_fieldnames(swr_shapename) for i,name in enumerate(fieldnames): print i,name #--map of where attributes are in the dbf - painful idx = {'reach':22,'iroute':14,'reachgroup':23,'row':21,'column':20,'length':27,'conn':25,'nconn':24,'active':12,'str_num':10,'ibnd':16,'SRC_reach':3} #-create reach instances reaches,shp_records = swr.load_reaches_from_shape(swr_shapename,idx) #--turn off source reaches 549 and 550 - they are too influential for i,[r,rec] in enumerate(zip(reaches,shp_records)): if rec[idx['SRC_reach']] in [549,550]: reaches[i].active_dt = datetime(year=3000,month=1,day=1)
mpl.rcParams['font.monospace'] = 'Courier New' mpl.rcParams['pdf.compression'] = 0 mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 ticksize = 6 mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 6 mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8 mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = ticksize mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = ticksize #--load well locations and pandas dataframe well_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\\shapes\\pws_combine' well_points = sf.load_shape_list(well_shapename) #shp = sf.reader(well_shapename) print sf.get_fieldnames(well_shapename) records = sf.load_as_dict(well_shapename,loadShapes=False) well_names = records['DPEP_NAME'] well_zbots = records['zbot'] float_zbots = [] for i,wb in enumerate(well_zbots): float_zbots.append(float(wb)) well_zbots = np.array(float_zbots) well_rows, well_cols = records['row'],records['column'] pump = pandas.read_csv('..\\..\\_pumpage\\pws_filled_zeros.csv',index_col=0,parse_dates=True) #--load lines and active dates line_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\shapes\sw_reaches' lines = sf.load_shape_list(line_shapename) shp = sf.Reader(line_shapename) fnames = sf.get_fieldnames(line_shapename,ignorecase=True)
#print sf.get_fieldnames(well_shapename) records = sf.load_as_dict(well_shapename,loadShapes=False) well_names = records['DPEP_NAME'] well_zbots = records['zbot'] float_zbots = [] for i,wb in enumerate(well_zbots): float_zbots.append(float(wb)) well_zbots = np.array(float_zbots) well_rows, well_cols = records['row'],records['column'] pump = pandas.read_csv('..\\..\\_pumpage\\pws_filled_zeros.csv',index_col=0,parse_dates=True) #--load lines and active dates line_shapename = '..\\..\\_gis\shapes\sw_reaches' lines = sf.load_shape_list(line_shapename) shp = sf.Reader(line_shapename) fnames = sf.get_fieldnames(line_shapename,ignorecase=True) #for i,fn in enumerate(fnames): # print i,fn a_idx = fnames.index('ACTIVE_ST') line_active = [] for i in range(shp.numRecords): rec = shp.record(i) year = int(rec[a_idx]) if year < bro.start.year: year = bro.start.year dt = datetime(year=year,month=1,day=1) line_active.append(dt) #--head stuff #--use bot of layer 1 to check for dry cells
def main(): aprefix = "rch\\rch_" # aprefix = 'et\\et_' print "loading forcing dataframe" df = pandas.read_csv("NEXRAD.csv", index_col=0, parse_dates=True) # df = pandas.read_csv('PET.csv',index_col=0,parse_dates=True) df[df < 0.0] = 0.0 df_keys = list(df.keys()) print "loading grid shapefile info" grid_shapename = "..\\shapes\\tsala_grid_nexrad" grid_shape = shapefile.Reader(grid_shapename) fieldnames = shapefile.get_fieldnames(grid_shapename, ignorecase=True) row_idx, col_idx = fieldnames.index("ROW"), fieldnames.index("COLUMN_") pix_idx, frac_idx = fieldnames.index("NEX_PIX"), fieldnames.index("NEX_FRAC") pixel_map = {} pixel_numbers = [] nrow, ncol = -1.0e10, -1.0e10 for i in range(grid_shape.numRecords): if i % 500 == 0: print i, "of", grid_shape.numRecords, "\r", rec = grid_shape.record(i) pix, frac = rec[pix_idx], rec[frac_idx] r, c = rec[row_idx], rec[col_idx] if r > nrow: nrow = r if c > ncol: ncol = c idx_tup = (r - 1, c - 1) pf_list = [] if len(pix) > 0: pf_list = [] for p, f in zip(pix.split(","), frac.split(",")): p = str(p) f = float(f) pf_list.append((p, f)) pixel_map[idx_tup] = pf_list # --check for missing pixels missing = [] for idx_tup, pf_list in pixel_map.iteritems(): for p, f in pf_list: if p not in df_keys and p not in missing: missing.append(p) if len(missing) > 0: print "missing data for", len(missing), " pixels" print len(df_keys) for m in missing: print m raise Exception() print "processing dataframe rows" q_args = [] for dt, pixel_values in df.iterrows(): print dt aname = aprefix + dt.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ".ref" q_args.append([aname, pixel_values]) jobq = mp.JoinableQueue() procs = [] num_procs = 3 for i in range(num_procs): # --pass the woker function jobq and a PID p = mp.Process(target=worker, args=(i, nrow, ncol, pixel_map, jobq)) p.daemon = True print "starting process", p.start() procs.append(p) for q in q_args: jobq.put(q) for p in procs: jobq.put(None) for p in procs: p.join() print, "Finished"