import copy
import shapefile

shape_name = 'scratch\\broward_grid_pixelmap'
shp = shapefile.Reader(shape_name)
attrib_idx = shapefile.load_attrib_idx(shape_name)
wr = shapefile.writer_like(shape_name)

for i in range(shp.numRecords):
    shape = shp.shape(i)
    rec = shp.record(i)
    wr.poly([shape.points], shapeType=shape.shapeType)
    pixels = rec[attrib_idx['pixels']]
    raw = pixels.split()
    for i, r in enumerate(raw):
        if r.startswith('['):
            raw[i] = copy.deepcopy(r[1:-1])
            #print i,raw[i],raw
    rec[attrib_idx['pixels']] = ' '.join(raw)
예제 #2
pg_cellnum = np.array(pg_records['cellnum'])
#pg_delx,pg_dely = np.array(pg_records['delx']),np.array(pg_records['dely'])
print 'done'

#--writer instance
wr = shapefile.writer_like(grid_shapename)

#--load the grid...
print 'loading grid shapefile'
#grid_shapes,grid_records = shapefile.load_as_dict(grid_shapename)
grid_shp = shapefile.Reader(grid_shapename)
attrib_idx = shapefile.load_attrib_idx(grid_shapename)
for i in range(grid_shp.numRecords):    
    if i % 50 == 0:
        print 'cell ',i+1,' of ',grid_shp.numRecords
    #--get this shape and record    
    shp,rec = grid_shp.shape(i),grid_shp.record(i)
    cn = rec[attrib_idx['cellnum']]
    #--get the indices of cells that have this cell number
    idxs = np.argwhere(pg_cellnum==cn)
    #--if atleast one pixel intersected this cell
    if idxs.shape[0] > 0:                         
        tot_area = 0.0
        pixs = []
        areas = []
        for idx in idxs:                            
import copy
import shapefile

shape_name = "scratch\\broward_grid_pixelmap"
shp = shapefile.Reader(shape_name)
attrib_idx = shapefile.load_attrib_idx(shape_name)
wr = shapefile.writer_like(shape_name)

for i in range(shp.numRecords):
    shape = shp.shape(i)
    rec = shp.record(i)
    wr.poly([shape.points], shapeType=shape.shapeType)
    pixels = rec[attrib_idx["pixels"]]
    raw = pixels.split()
    for i, r in enumerate(raw):
        if r.startswith("["):
            raw[i] = copy.deepcopy(r[1:-1])
            # print i,raw[i],raw
    rec[attrib_idx["pixels"]] = " ".join(raw)