예제 #1
 def test_nearest(self):
     tree = STRtree([
     result = tree.nearest(Point(0,0))
     self.assertEqual(result, Point(0,0.5))
     result = tree.nearest(Point(0,4))
     self.assertEqual(result, Polygon([(0,2),(1,2),(1,3),(0,3)]))
     result = tree.nearest(Polygon([(-0.5,-0.5),(0.5,-0.5),(0.5,0.5),(-0.5,0.5)]))
     self.assertEqual(result, Point(0,0.5))
예제 #2
class AnomalyModelSpatialBinsBase(AnomalyModelBase):
    """ Base for anomaly models that create one model per spatial bin (grid cell) """
    def __init__(self,
        """ Create a new spatial bin anomaly model

            create_anomaly_model_func (func): Method that returns an anomaly model
            patches (PatchArray): The patches are needed to get the rasterization
            cell_size (float): Width and height of spatial bin in meter
        self.CELL_SIZE = cell_size
        self.KEY = "%.2f" % self.CELL_SIZE
        if fake: self.KEY = "fake_" + self.KEY
        self.CREATE_ANOMALY_MODEL_FUNC = create_anomaly_model_func
        self.FAKE = fake

        # Get extent
        x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = patches.get_extent(cell_size, fake=fake)

        # Create the bins
        bins_y = np.arange(y_min, y_max, cell_size)
        bins_x = np.arange(x_min, x_max, cell_size)

        shape = (len(bins_y), len(bins_x))

        # Create the grid
        raster = np.zeros(shape, dtype=object)

        for v, y in enumerate(bins_y):
            for u, x in enumerate(bins_x):
                b = box(
                    x, y, x + cell_size, y +
                    cell_size)  #Point(x + cell_size / 2, y + cell_size / 2)#
                b.u = u
                b.v = v
                b.patches = list()
                raster[v, u] = b

        # Create a search tree of spatial boxes
        self._grid = STRtree(raster.ravel().tolist())

        m = create_anomaly_model_func()
        self.NAME = "SpatialBin/%s/%s" % (m.__class__.__name__.replace(
            "AnomalyModel", ""), self.KEY)

    def classify(self, patch, threshold=None):
        """The anomaly measure is defined as the Mahalanobis distance"""
        model = self.models.flat[patch["bins_" + self.KEY]]
        if model is None:
            # logger.warning("No model available for this bin (%i, %i)" % (patch.bins.v, patch.bins.u))
            return 0  # Unknown

        return model.classify(patch)

    def __mahalanobis_distance__(self, patch):
        """Calculate the Mahalanobis distance between the input and the models
        in each bin that intersects the receptive field """

        model = self.models.flat[patch["bins_" + self.KEY]]
        if np.all(model == None):
            # logger.warning("No model available for this bin (%i, %i)" % (patch.bins.v, patch.bins.u))
            return np.nan  # TODO: What should we do?

        # Use the mean of Mahalanobis distances to each model
        return np.mean([
            m.__mahalanobis_distance__(patch) for m in model if m is not None

    def __mahalanobis_distance_single__(self, patch):
        """Calculate the Mahalanobis distance between the input and the model in the closest bin"""

        poly = Polygon([(patch.locations.tl.x, patch.locations.tl.y),
                        (patch.locations.tr.x, patch.locations.tr.y),
                        (patch.locations.br.x, patch.locations.br.y),
                        (patch.locations.bl.x, patch.locations.bl.y)])

        bin = self._grid.query(poly.centroid)

        # # pr = prep(poly)
        bin = filter(poly.centroid.intersects, bin)

        if len(bin) == 0:
            bin = [self._grid.nearest(poly.centroid)]

        model = self.models[bin[0].v, bin[0].u]
        if model == None:
            # logger.warning("No model available for this bin (%i, %i)" % (patch.bins.v, patch.bins.u))
            return np.nan  # TODO: What should we do?

        return model.__mahalanobis_distance__(patch)

    def filter_training(self, patches):
        return patches

    def __generate_model__(self, patches, silent=False):
        # Ensure locations are calculated
        assert patches.contains_features, "Can only compute patch locations if there are patches"
        assert patches.contains_locations, "Can only compute patch locations if there are locations calculated"

        # Check if cell size rasterization is already calculated
        if not self.KEY in patches.contains_bins.keys(
        ) or not patches.contains_bins[self.KEY]:
            patches.calculate_rasterization(self.CELL_SIZE, self.FAKE)

        patches_flat = patches.ravel()

        raster = patches.rasterizations[self.KEY]

        # Empty grid that will contain the model for each bin
        self.models = np.empty(shape=raster.shape, dtype=object)
        models_created = 0

        with tqdm(desc="Generating models",
                  file=sys.stderr) as pbar:
            for bin in np.ndindex(raster.shape):
                indices = raster[bin]

                if len(indices) > 0:
                    model_input = AnomalyModelBase.filter_training(
                        self, patches_flat[indices])
                    if model_input.size > 0:
                        # Create a new model
                        model = self.CREATE_ANOMALY_MODEL_FUNC(
                        )  # Instantiate a new model
                            model_input, silent=silent
                        )  # The model only gets flattened features
                        self.models[bin] = model  # Store the model
                        models_created += 1
                        pbar.set_postfix({"Models": models_created})
        return True

    def __load_model_from_file__(self, h5file):
        """Load a SVG model from file"""
        if not "Models shape" in h5file.attrs.keys() or \
           not "Num models" in h5file.attrs.keys() or \
           not "Cell size" in h5file.attrs.keys():
            return False

        self.CELL_SIZE = h5file.attrs["Cell size"]

        self.models = np.empty(shape=h5file.attrs["Models shape"],

        with tqdm(desc="Loading models",
                  total=h5file.attrs["Num models"],
                  file=sys.stderr) as pbar:

            def _add_model(name, g):
                if "v" in g.attrs.keys() and "u" in g.attrs.keys():
                    v = g.attrs["v"]
                    u = g.attrs["u"]
                    self.models[v, u] = self.CREATE_ANOMALY_MODEL_FUNC()
                    self.models[v, u].__load_model_from_file__(g)


        if isinstance(self.patches, PatchArray):

        return True

    def __save_model_to_file__(self, h5file):
        """Save the model to disk"""
        h5file.attrs["Cell size"] = self.CELL_SIZE
        h5file.attrs["Models shape"] = self.models.shape

        models_count = 0
        for v, u in tqdm(np.ndindex(self.models.shape),
                         desc="Saving models",
            model = self.models[v, u]
            if model is not None:
                g = h5file.create_group("%i/%i" % (v, u))
                g.attrs["v"] = v
                g.attrs["u"] = u
                models_count += 1
        h5file.attrs["Num models"] = models_count
        return True

    def calculate_mahalanobis_distances(self):
        """ Calculate all the Mahalanobis distances and save them to the file """
        with h5py.File(self.patches.filename, "r+") as hf:
            ### Calculate Mahalanobis distances based on a single bin
            g = hf.get(self.NAME)

            if g is None:
                raise ValueError("The model needs to be saved first")

            maha = np.zeros(self.patches.shape, dtype=np.float64)

            for i in tqdm(np.ndindex(self.patches.shape),
                          desc="Calculating mahalanobis distances (mean)",
                maha[i] = self.__mahalanobis_distance__(self.patches[i])

            no_anomaly = maha[self.patches.labels == 1]
            anomaly = maha[self.patches.labels == 2]

            if g.get("mahalanobis_distances") is not None:
                del g["mahalanobis_distances"]
            m = g.create_dataset("mahalanobis_distances", data=maha)
            m.attrs["max_no_anomaly"] = np.nanmax(
                no_anomaly) if no_anomaly.size > 0 else np.NaN
            m.attrs["max_anomaly"] = np.nanmax(
                anomaly) if anomaly.size > 0 else np.NaN

            logger.info("Saved Mahalanobis distances to file")

            ### Calculate Mahalanobis distances based on a single bin
            maha = np.zeros(self.patches.shape, dtype=np.float64)

            for i in tqdm(np.ndindex(self.patches.shape),
                          desc="Calculating mahalanobis distances (single)",
                maha[i] = self.__mahalanobis_distance_single__(self.patches[i])

            no_anomaly = maha[self.patches.labels == 1]
            anomaly = maha[self.patches.labels == 2]

            if g.get("Single/mahalanobis_distances") is not None:
                del g["Single/mahalanobis_distances"]
            m = g.create_dataset("Single/mahalanobis_distances", data=maha)
            m.attrs["max_no_anomaly"] = np.nanmax(
                no_anomaly) if no_anomaly.size > 0 else np.NaN
            m.attrs["max_anomaly"] = np.nanmax(
                anomaly) if anomaly.size > 0 else np.NaN

            logger.info("Saved Mahalanobis distances to file")

            return True
예제 #3
def test_nearest_geom(geoms, query_geom):
    tree = STRtree(geoms)
    result = tree.nearest(query_geom)
    assert result.geom_type == "Point"
    assert result.x == 0.0
    assert result.y == 0.5
예제 #4
    def link_notes_to_osm_objects(cls):
        if not (cls.osm_node_query and len(cls.required_osm_matching_tags)):
        api = overpy.Overpass()

        query = f"""
        .nodes out;
        print(f'Fetching Helsinki {cls.__name__}s from OSM...')
            result = api.query(query)
        except OverpassTooManyRequests:
            result = api.query(query)
        print(f'{len(result.nodes)} {cls.__name__}s found.')

        points = []
        for node in result.nodes:
            p = Point(node.lat, node.lon)
            p.node = node
        tree = STRtree(points)

        instances = cls.objects.filter(
            f'Checking {len(instances)} OLMap {cls.__name__}s for unlinked matches...'
        linked_count = 0
        for instance in instances:
            note_position = [instance.image_note.lat, instance.image_note.lon]
            nearest_osm = tree.nearest(Point(*note_position)).node
            dst = distance([nearest_osm.lat, nearest_osm.lon],
            tags = instance.as_osm_tags()
            matches = intersection_matches(nearest_osm.tags, tags,
            if matches and dst < cls.max_distance_to_osm_node:
                linked_count += 1
                    f'Linked OSM {cls.__name__} {nearest_osm.id} to note {instance.image_note_id}; distance {str(dst)[:4]}m.'
                for point in tree.query(Point(*note_position).buffer(0.0003)):
                    node = point.node
                    dst = distance([node.lat, node.lon], note_position).meters
                    tags = instance.as_osm_tags()
                    matches = intersection_matches(
                        node.tags, tags, *cls.required_osm_matching_tags)
                    if matches and dst < cls.max_distance_to_osm_node:
                        linked_count += 1
                            f'Linked OSM {cls.__name__} {node.id} to note {instance.image_note_id}; distance {str(dst)[:4]}m.'

        print(f'All done; {linked_count} new links created.')