def numpy_max_pool_2d_stride(input, ds, ignore_border=False, st=None, mode="max"):
        """Helper function, implementing max_pool_2d in pure numpy
           this function provides st input to indicate the stide size
           for the pooling regions. if not indicated, st == sd."""
        if len(input.shape) < 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("input should have at least 2 dim," " shape is %s" % str(input.shape))

        if st is None:
            st = ds
        xi = 0
        yi = 0
        img_rows = input.shape[-2]
        img_cols = input.shape[-1]

        out_r = 0
        out_c = 0
        if img_rows - ds[0] >= 0:
            out_r = (img_rows - ds[0]) // st[0] + 1
        if img_cols - ds[1] >= 0:
            out_c = (img_cols - ds[1]) // st[1] + 1

        if not ignore_border:
            if out_r > 0:
                if img_rows - ((out_r - 1) * st[0] + ds[0]) > 0:
                    rr = img_rows - out_r * st[0]
                    if rr > 0:
                        out_r += 1
                if img_rows > 0:
                    out_r += 1
            if out_c > 0:
                if img_cols - ((out_c - 1) * st[1] + ds[1]) > 0:
                    cr = img_cols - out_c * st[1]
                    if cr > 0:
                        out_c += 1
                if img_cols > 0:
                    out_c += 1

        out_shp = list(input.shape[:-2])

        func = numpy.max
        if mode == "sum":
            func = numpy.sum
        elif mode != "max":
            func = numpy.average

        output_val = numpy.zeros(out_shp)
        for k in numpy.ndindex(*input.shape[:-2]):
            for i in range(output_val.shape[-2]):
                ii_st = i * st[0]
                ii_end = builtins.min(ii_st + ds[0], img_rows)
                for j in range(output_val.shape[-1]):
                    jj_st = j * st[1]
                    jj_end = builtins.min(jj_st + ds[1], img_cols)
                    patch = input[k][ii_st:ii_end, jj_st:jj_end]
                    output_val[k][i, j] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #2
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        x, maxout, ggx = inp
        z, = out

        if len(x.shape) != 4:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad requires 4D input for now')
        z_shape = self.out_shape(x.shape, self.ds, self.ignore_border,
        if (z[0] is None) or (z[0].shape != z_shape):
            z[0] = numpy.zeros(self.out_shape(x.shape, self.ds,
        ggz = z[0]

        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = ggz.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = ggz.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        img_rows = x.shape[-2]
        img_cols = x.shape[-1]

        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    row_st = r * st0
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        col_st = c * st1
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        for row_ind in xrange(row_st, row_end):
                            for col_ind in xrange(col_st, col_end):
                                if (maxout[n, k, r, c] == x[n, k, row_ind, col_ind]):
                                    ggz[n, k, r, c] = ggx[n, k, row_ind, col_ind]
예제 #3
    def numpy_max_pool_nd_stride_pad(input,
        assert ignore_border
        nd = len(ws)
        if pad is None:
            pad = (0, ) * nd
        if stride is None:
            stride = (0, ) * nd
        assert len(pad) == len(ws) == len(stride)
        assert all(ws[i] > pad[i] for i in range(nd))

        def pad_img(x):
            # initialize padded input
            y = np.zeros(
                x.shape[0:-nd] + tuple(x.shape[-nd + i] + pad[i] * 2
                                       for i in range(nd)),
            # place the unpadded input in the center
            block = (slice(None), ) * (len(x.shape) - nd) + tuple(
                slice(pad[i], x.shape[-nd + i] + pad[i]) for i in range(nd))
            y[block] = x
            return y

        pad_img_shp = list(input.shape[:-nd])
        out_shp = list(input.shape[:-nd])
        for i in range(nd):
            padded_size = input.shape[-nd + i] + 2 * pad[i]
            out_shp.append((padded_size - ws[i]) // stride[i] + 1)
        output_val = np.zeros(out_shp)
        padded_input = pad_img(input)
        func = np.max
        if mode == "sum":
            func = np.sum
        elif mode != "max":
            func = np.average
        inc_pad = mode == "average_inc_pad"

        for l in np.ndindex(*input.shape[:-nd]):
            for r in np.ndindex(*output_val.shape[-nd:]):
                region = []
                for i in range(nd):
                    r_stride = r[i] * stride[i]
                    r_end = builtins.min(r_stride + ws[i],
                                         pad_img_shp[-nd + i])
                    if not inc_pad:
                        r_stride = builtins.max(r_stride, pad[i])
                        r_end = builtins.min(r_end,
                                             input.shape[-nd + i] + pad[i])
                    region.append(slice(r_stride, r_end))
                patch = padded_input[l][region]
                output_val[l][r] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #4
파일: 프로젝트: AlOa/Theano
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        x, = inp
        z, = out
        if len(x.shape) != 4:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Pool requires 4D input for now')
        z_shape = self.out_shape(x.shape, self.ds, self.ignore_border,,
        if not self.ignore_border:
            assert z_shape[2] > 0
            assert z_shape[3] > 0
        if (z[0] is None) or (z[0].shape != z_shape):
            z[0] = numpy.empty(z_shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        zz = z[0]
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = zz.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = zz.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pad_h = self.padding[0]
        pad_w = self.padding[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w
        inc_pad = self.mode == 'average_inc_pad'

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)] = x
            y = x
        func = numpy.max
        if self.mode == 'sum':
            func = numpy.sum
        elif self.mode != 'max':
            func = numpy.average

        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    row_st = r * st0
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    if not inc_pad:
                        row_st = builtins.max(row_st, self.padding[0])
                        row_end = builtins.min(row_end, x.shape[-2] + pad_h)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        col_st = c * st1
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        if not inc_pad:
                            col_st = builtins.max(col_st, self.padding[1])
                            col_end = builtins.min(col_end,
                                                   x.shape[-1] + pad_w)
                        zz[n, k, r, c] = func(y[
                            n, k, row_st:row_end, col_st:col_end])
    def check_unpool_and_switches(input, output, maxpool_output, 
                               ds, ignore_border, st, padding,
                               index_type, index_scope):

        row_downsample, col_downsample = ds
        row_stride, col_stride = st
        output_row = output.shape[-2]
        output_col = output.shape[-1]
        input_channels = input.shape[-3]
        assert input.shape[0] == output.shape[0], 'Image Number Size Incorrect, {6} != {7} (ds={0}, ignore_border={1}, st={2}, padding={3}, index_type={4}, index_scope={5})'.format(ds, ignore_border, st, padding, index_type, index_scope, input.shape[0], output.shape[0])
        assert input.shape[1] == output.shape[1], 'Image Channel Size Incorrect, {6} != {7} (ds={0}, ignore_border={1}, st={2}, padding={3}, index_type={4}, index_scope={5})'.format(ds, ignore_border, st, padding, index_type, index_scope, input.shape[1], output.shape[1])
        #assert maxpool_output.shape[2]*st[0] + ds[0]-1 == output.shape[2], 'Image Column Size Incorrect, {6} != {7} (ds={0}, ignore_border={1}, st={2}, padding={3}, index_type={4}, index_scope={5})'.format(ds, ignore_border, st, padding, index_type, index_scope, maxpool_output.shape[2]*st[0] + ds[0]-1, output.shape[2])
        #assert maxpool_output.shape[3]*st[1] + ds[1]-1 == output.shape[3], 'Image Row Size Incorrect, {6} != {7} (ds={0}, ignore_border={1}, st={2}, padding={3}, index_type={4}, index_scope={5})'.format(ds, ignore_border, st, padding, index_type, index_scope, maxpool_output.shape[3]*st[1] + ds[1]-1, output.shape[3])
        if(st[0] >= ds[0] and st[1] >= ds[1]):
            for n in range(maxpool_output.shape[0]):
                for k in range(input_channels):
                    for r in range(maxpool_output.shape[2]):
                        row_start = r * st[0]
                        row_end = builtins.min(row_start + row_downsample, output_row)
                        for c in range(maxpool_output.shape[3]):
                            col_start = c * st[1]
                            col_end = builtins.min(col_start + col_downsample, output_col)
                            max_val = np.max(output[n, k, row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end])
                            expected_max_val = maxpool_output[n, k, r, c]

                            assert max_val == expected_max_val, '(max: {8}, maxpool: {9}, input: {10}, output: {11}) Invalid Max Value in Output Patch {6}, {7} Incorrect, {8} != {9} (ds={0}, ignore_border={1}, st={2}, padding={3}, index_type={4}, index_scope={5})'.format(ds, ignore_border, st, padding, index_type, index_scope, r, c, max_val, expected_max_val, input[n, k, row_start, col_start], output[n, k, row_start, col_start])
                            nz_count = np.count_nonzero(output[n, k, row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end])
                            if(expected_max_val != 0):
                                assert nz_count == 1, 'Number of Nonzero Values in Output Patch {6}, {7} Incorrect, {8} != 1 (ds={0}, ignore_border={1}, st={2}, padding={3}, index_type={4}, index_scope={5})'.format(ds, ignore_border, st, padding, index_type, index_scope, r, c, nz_count)
                                assert nz_count == 0, 'Number of Nonzero Values in Output Patch {6}, {7} Incorrect, {8} != 0 (ds={0}, ignore_border={1}, st={2}, padding={3}, index_type={4}, index_scope={5})'.format(ds, ignore_border, st, padding, index_type, index_scope, r, c, nz_count)
            for n in range(output.shape[0]):
                for k in range(output.shape[1]):
                    for r in range(output.shape[2]):
                        for c in range(output.shape[3]):
                            val = output[n, k, r, c]
                            if(val != 0):
                                expected_max_matched = False
                                for i in range(max((r-ds[0]+1)//st[0], 0), min(r//st[0]+1, maxpool_output.shape[2])):
                                    for j in range(max((c-ds[1]+1)//st[1], 0), min(c//st[1]+1, maxpool_output.shape[3])):
                                        if(not expected_max_matched):
                                            expected_max_matched = (maxpool_output[n, k, i, j] == val)
                                assert expected_max_matched, 'Nonzero Values {6}, {7} Not Equal to Local Maxs, {8} (ds={0}, ignore_border={1}, st={2}, padding={3}, index_type={4}, index_scope={5})'.format(ds, ignore_border, st, padding, index_type, index_scope, r, c, val)
                                assert val == input[n, k, r, c], 'Nonzero Values {6}, {7} Not Same as Input Image, {8} != {9} (ds={0}, ignore_border={1}, st={2}, padding={3}, index_type={4}, index_scope={5})'.format(ds, ignore_border, st, padding, index_type, index_scope, r, c, val, input[n, k, r, c])
                                if(r < input.shape[2] and c < input.shape[3] and r//st[0] < maxpool_output.shape[2] and c//st[1] < maxpool_output.shape[3]):
                                    expected_max_val = maxpool_output[n, k, r//st[0], c//st[1]]
                                    assert input[n, k, r, c] <= expected_max_val, 'Zeroed Value {6}, {7} Greater than Max, {8} > {9} (ds={0}, ignore_border={1}, st={2}, padding={3}, index_type={4}, index_scope={5})'.format(ds, ignore_border, st, padding, index_type, index_scope, r, c, input[n, k, r, c], expected_max_val)                               
예제 #6
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        x, = inp
        z, = out
        if len(x.shape) != 4:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Pool requires 4D input for now')
        z_shape = self.out_shape(x.shape, self.ds, self.ignore_border,,
        if not self.ignore_border:
            assert z_shape[2] > 0
            assert z_shape[3] > 0
        if (z[0] is None) or (z[0].shape != z_shape):
            z[0] = numpy.empty(z_shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        zz = z[0]
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = zz.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = zz.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pad_h = self.padding[0]
        pad_w = self.padding[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w
        inc_pad = self.mode == 'average_inc_pad'

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)] = x
            y = x
        func = numpy.max
        if self.mode == 'sum':
            func = numpy.sum
        elif self.mode != 'max':
            func = numpy.average

        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    row_st = r * st0
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    if not inc_pad:
                        row_st = builtins.max(row_st, self.padding[0])
                        row_end = builtins.min(row_end, x.shape[-2] + pad_h)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        col_st = c * st1
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        if not inc_pad:
                            col_st = builtins.max(col_st, self.padding[1])
                            col_end = builtins.min(col_end,
                                                   x.shape[-1] + pad_w)
                        zz[n, k, r, c] = func(y[
                            n, k, row_st:row_end, col_st:col_end])
예제 #7
    def numpy_max_pool_nd_stride_padding(input,
        assert ignore_border
        nd = len(ds)
        if padding is None:
            padding = (0, ) * nd
        if st is None:
            st = (0, ) * nd
        assert len(padding) == len(ds) == len(st)
        assert all(ds[i] > padding[i] for i in range(nd))

        def pad_img(x):
            # initialize padded input
            y = numpy.zeros(x.shape[0:-nd] +
                            tuple(x.shape[-nd + i] + padding[i] * 2
                                  for i in range(nd)),
            # place the unpadded input in the center
            block = ((slice(None), ) * (len(x.shape) - nd) + tuple(
                slice(padding[i], x.shape[-nd + i] + padding[i])
                for i in range(nd)))
            y[block] = x
            return y

        pad_img_shp = list(input.shape[:-nd])
        out_shp = list(input.shape[:-nd])
        for i in range(nd):
            padded_size = input.shape[-nd + i] + 2 * padding[i]
            out_shp.append((padded_size - ds[i]) // st[i] + 1)
        output_val = numpy.zeros(out_shp)
        padded_input = pad_img(input)
        func = numpy.max
        if mode == 'sum':
            func = numpy.sum
        elif mode != 'max':
            func = numpy.average
        inc_pad = mode == 'average_inc_pad'

        for l in numpy.ndindex(*input.shape[:-nd]):
            for r in numpy.ndindex(*output_val.shape[-nd:]):
                region = []
                for i in range(nd):
                    r_st = r[i] * st[i]
                    r_end = builtins.min(r_st + ds[i], pad_img_shp[-nd + i])
                    if not inc_pad:
                        r_st = builtins.max(r_st, padding[i])
                        r_end = builtins.min(r_end,
                                             input.shape[-nd + i] + padding[i])
                    region.append(slice(r_st, r_end))
                patch = padded_input[l][region]
                output_val[l][r] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #8
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        if self.mode == 'average_exc_pad' and self.padding != (0, 0):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        x, gz = inp
        gx_stg, = out
        z_shape = self.out_shape(x.shape, self.ds, self.ignore_border,,
        if (gx_stg[0] is None) or (gx_stg[0].shape != z_shape):
            gx_stg[0] = numpy.empty(z_shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        zz = gx_stg[0]
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = zz.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = zz.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pad_h = self.padding[0]
        pad_w = self.padding[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w
        inc_pad = self.mode == 'average_inc_pad'
        sum_mode = self.mode == 'sum'

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)] = x
            y = x
        gx = numpy.zeros_like(y)
        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    if sum_mode or inc_pad:
                        row_st = r * st0
                        row_st = builtins.max(r * st0, self.padding[0])
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        if sum_mode or inc_pad:
                            col_st = c * st1
                            col_st = builtins.max(c * st1,
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        if sum_mode:
                            val = gz[n, k, r, c]
                            val = gz[n, k, r, c] / ((row_end - row_st) *
                                                    (col_end - col_st))
                        gx[n, k, row_st:row_end, col_st:col_end] += val
        # unpad the image
        gx = gx[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)]
        gx_stg[0] = gx
예제 #9
    def numpy_max_pool_2d_stride_padding(x,
                                         padding=(0, 0),
        assert ignore_border
        pad_h = padding[0]
        pad_w = padding[1]
        h = x.shape[-2]
        w = x.shape[-1]
        assert ds[0] > pad_h
        assert ds[1] > pad_w

        def pad_img(x):
            y = numpy.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2] + pad_h * 2,
                             x.shape[3] + pad_w * 2),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(x.shape[2] + pad_h), pad_w:(x.shape[3] + pad_w)] = x

            return y

        img_rows = h + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = w + 2 * pad_w
        out_r = (img_rows - ds[0]) // st[0] + 1
        out_c = (img_cols - ds[1]) // st[1] + 1
        out_shp = list(x.shape[:-2])
        ds0, ds1 = ds
        st0, st1 = st
        output_val = numpy.zeros(out_shp)
        y = pad_img(x)
        func = numpy.max
        if mode == 'sum':
            func = numpy.sum
        elif mode != 'max':
            func = numpy.average
        inc_pad = mode == 'average_inc_pad'

        for k in numpy.ndindex(*x.shape[:-2]):
            for i in range(output_val.shape[-2]):
                ii_st = i * st[0]
                ii_end = builtins.min(ii_st + ds[0], img_rows)
                if not inc_pad:
                    ii_st = builtins.max(ii_st, pad_h)
                    ii_end = builtins.min(ii_end, h + pad_h)
                for j in range(output_val.shape[-1]):
                    jj_st = j * st[1]
                    jj_end = builtins.min(jj_st + ds[1], img_cols)
                    if not inc_pad:
                        jj_st = builtins.max(jj_st, pad_w)
                        jj_end = builtins.min(jj_end, w + pad_w)
                    patch = y[k][ii_st:ii_end, jj_st:jj_end]
                    output_val[k][i, j] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #10
파일: 프로젝트: ADNbox/Theano
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        if self.mode == 'average_exc_pad' and self.padding != (0, 0):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        x, gz = inp
        gx_stg, = out
        z_shape = self.out_shape(x.shape, self.ds, self.ignore_border,,
        if (gx_stg[0] is None) or (gx_stg[0].shape != z_shape):
            gx_stg[0] = numpy.empty(z_shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        zz = gx_stg[0]
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = zz.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = zz.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pad_h = self.padding[0]
        pad_w = self.padding[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w
        inc_pad = self.mode == 'average_inc_pad'
        sum_mode = self.mode == 'sum'

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)] = x
            y = x
        gx = numpy.zeros_like(y)
        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    if sum_mode or inc_pad:
                        row_st = r * st0
                        row_st = builtins.max(r * st0, self.padding[0])
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        if sum_mode or inc_pad:
                            col_st = c * st1
                            col_st = builtins.max(c * st1,
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        if sum_mode:
                            val = gz[n, k, r, c]
                            val = gz[n, k, r, c] / ((row_end - row_st) *
                                                    (col_end - col_st))
                        gx[n, k, row_st:row_end, col_st:col_end] += val
        # unpad the image
        gx = gx[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)]
        gx_stg[0] = gx
예제 #11
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        x, = inp
        z, ind = out
        ind = numpy.zeros_like(x)
        if len(x.shape) != 4:
            raise NotImplementedError('Pool requires 4D input for now')
        z_shape = self.out_shape(x.shape, self.ds, self.ignore_border,,
        if (z[0] is None) or (z[0].shape != z_shape):
            z[0] = numpy.empty(z_shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        zz = z[0]
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = zz.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = zz.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pad_h = self.padding[0]
        pad_w = self.padding[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w
        inc_pad = 0

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)] = x
            y = x

        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    row_st = r * st0
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    if not inc_pad:
                        row_st = builtins.max(row_st, self.padding[0])
                        row_end = builtins.min(row_end, x.shape[-2] + pad_h)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        col_st = c * st1
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        if not inc_pad:
                            col_st = builtins.max(col_st, self.padding[1])
                            col_end = builtins.min(col_end,
                                                   x.shape[-1] + pad_w)
                        cur_max = y[n, k, row_st, col_st]
                        max_r, max_c = row_st, col_st
                        for rr in xrange(row_st, row_end):
                            for cc in xrange(col_st, col_end):
                                if y[n, k, rr, cc] > cur_max:
                                    cur_max = y[n, k, rr, cc]
                                    max_r, max_c = rr, cc
                        zz[n, k, r, c] = cur_max
                        ind[n, k, max_r, max_c] = 1
예제 #12
    def numpy_max_pool_2d_stride_padding(
            x, ds, ignore_border=True, st=None, padding=(0, 0), mode='max'):
        assert ignore_border
        pad_h = padding[0]
        pad_w = padding[1]
        h = x.shape[-2]
        w = x.shape[-1]
        assert ds[0] > pad_h
        assert ds[1] > pad_w

        def pad_img(x):
            y = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1],
                 x.shape[2] + pad_h * 2, x.shape[3] + pad_w * 2),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(x.shape[2] + pad_h), pad_w:(x.shape[3] + pad_w)] = x

            return y
        img_rows = h + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = w + 2 * pad_w
        out_r = (img_rows - ds[0]) // st[0] + 1
        out_c = (img_cols - ds[1]) // st[1] + 1
        out_shp = list(x.shape[:-2])
        ds0, ds1 = ds
        st0, st1 = st
        output_val = numpy.zeros(out_shp)
        y = pad_img(x)
        func = numpy.max
        if mode == 'sum':
            func = numpy.sum
        elif mode != 'max':
            func = numpy.average
        inc_pad = mode == 'average_inc_pad'

        for k in numpy.ndindex(*x.shape[:-2]):
            for i in range(output_val.shape[-2]):
                ii_st = i * st[0]
                ii_end = builtins.min(ii_st + ds[0], img_rows)
                if not inc_pad:
                    ii_st = builtins.max(ii_st, pad_h)
                    ii_end = builtins.min(ii_end, h + pad_h)
                for j in range(output_val.shape[-1]):
                    jj_st = j * st[1]
                    jj_end = builtins.min(jj_st + ds[1], img_cols)
                    if not inc_pad:
                        jj_st = builtins.max(jj_st, pad_w)
                        jj_end = builtins.min(jj_end, w + pad_w)
                    patch = y[k][ii_st:ii_end, jj_st:jj_end]
                    output_val[k][i, j] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #13
파일: 프로젝트: wgapl/Theano
    def numpy_max_pool_nd_stride_padding(
            input, ds, ignore_border=True, st=None, padding=None, mode='max'):
        assert ignore_border
        nd = len(ds)
        if padding is None:
            padding = (0,) * nd
        if st is None:
            st = (0,) * nd
        assert len(padding) == len(ds) == len(st)
        assert all(ds[i] > padding[i] for i in range(nd))

        def pad_img(x):
            # initialize padded input
            y = numpy.zeros(
                x.shape[0:-nd] +
                tuple(x.shape[-nd + i] + padding[i] * 2 for i in range(nd)),
            # place the unpadded input in the center
            block = ((slice(None),) * (len(x.shape) - nd) +
                     tuple(slice(padding[i], x.shape[-nd + i] + padding[i])
                           for i in range(nd)))
            y[block] = x
            return y

        pad_img_shp = list(input.shape[:-nd])
        out_shp = list(input.shape[:-nd])
        for i in range(nd):
            padded_size = input.shape[-nd + i] + 2 * padding[i]
            out_shp.append((padded_size - ds[i]) // st[i] + 1)
        output_val = numpy.zeros(out_shp)
        padded_input = pad_img(input)
        func = numpy.max
        if mode == 'sum':
            func = numpy.sum
        elif mode != 'max':
            func = numpy.average
        inc_pad = mode == 'average_inc_pad'

        for l in numpy.ndindex(*input.shape[:-nd]):
            for r in numpy.ndindex(*output_val.shape[-nd:]):
                region = []
                for i in range(nd):
                    r_st = r[i] * st[i]
                    r_end = builtins.min(r_st + ds[i], pad_img_shp[-nd + i])
                    if not inc_pad:
                        r_st = builtins.max(r_st, padding[i])
                        r_end = builtins.min(r_end, input.shape[-nd + i] + padding[i])
                    region.append(slice(r_st, r_end))
                patch = padded_input[l][region]
                output_val[l][r] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #14
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        if self.mode != 'max':
            raise theano.gof.utils.MethodNotDefined()
        x, maxout, ggx = inp
        z, = out
        if len(x.shape) != 4:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad requires 4D input for now')
        z_shape = self.out_shape(x.shape, self.ds, self.ignore_border,,
        if (z[0] is None) or (z[0].shape != z_shape):
            z[0] = numpy.zeros(z_shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        ggz = z[0]  # grad wrt maxout_grad has the same shape as maxout
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = ggz.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = ggz.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pd0, pd1 = self.padding
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pd0
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pd1

        # pad the image and its gradients
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y_padded = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
                dtype=x.dtype) + x.min() - 1
            y_padded[:, :, pd0:(img_rows - pd0), pd1:(img_cols - pd1)] = x
            ggx_padded = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols), dtype=x.dtype)
            ggx_padded[:, :, pd0:(img_rows - pd0), pd1:(img_cols - pd1)] = ggx

            y_padded = x
            ggx_padded = ggx
        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    row_st = r * st0
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        col_st = c * st1
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        for row_ind in xrange(row_st, row_end):
                            for col_ind in xrange(col_st, col_end):
                                if (maxout[n, k, r,
                                           c] == y_padded[n, k, row_ind,
                                    ggz[n, k, r, c] = ggx_padded[n, k, row_ind,
예제 #15
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        if self.mode != 'max':
            raise theano.gof.utils.MethodNotDefined()
        x, maxout, ggx = inp
        z, = out
        if len(x.shape) != 4:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad requires 4D input for now')
        z_shape = self.out_shape(x.shape, self.ds, self.ignore_border,
                       , self.padding)
        if (z[0] is None) or (z[0].shape != z_shape):
            z[0] = numpy.zeros(z_shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        ggz = z[0] # grad wrt maxout_grad has the same shape as maxout
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = ggz.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = ggz.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pd0, pd1 = self.padding
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pd0 
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pd1

        # pad the image and its gradients
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y_padded = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
                dtype=x.dtype) + x.min() - 1
            y_padded[:, :, pd0:(img_rows-pd0), pd1:(img_cols-pd1)] = x
            ggx_padded = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            ggx_padded[:, :, pd0:(img_rows-pd0), pd1:(img_cols-pd1)] = ggx
            y_padded = x
            ggx_padded = ggx
        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    row_st = r * st0
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        col_st = c * st1
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        for row_ind in xrange(row_st, row_end):
                            for col_ind in xrange(col_st, col_end):
                                if (maxout[n, k, r, c] == y_padded[n, k, row_ind, col_ind]):
                                    ggz[n, k, r, c] = ggx_padded[n, k, row_ind, col_ind]
예제 #16
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):

        print("Careful I am using python to compute maxpool gradients")

        assert self.mode == 'max'
        x, maxout, gz = inp
        gx_stg, = out
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = maxout.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = maxout.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pad_h = self.padding[0]
        pad_w = self.padding[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = np.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)] = x
            y = x
        gx = np.zeros_like(y)

        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    row_st = builtins.max(r * st0, self.padding[0])
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        col_st = builtins.max(c * st1, self.padding[1])
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        break_flag = False
                        for row_ind in xrange(row_st, row_end):
                            for col_ind in xrange(col_st, col_end):
                                if (maxout[n, k, r, c] == y[n, k, row_ind, col_ind]):
                                    gx[n, k, row_ind, col_ind] += gz[n, k, r, c]
                                    # addition here
                                    break_flag = True
                            if break_flag:
        # unpad the image
        gx = gx[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)]
        gx_stg[0] = gx
예제 #17
def min(xs, y_from_x=lambda x: x):
    >>> range(10) | min()
    >>> range(10) | min(lambda x: -x)
    return __builtins__.min(y_from_x(x) for x in xs)
예제 #18
파일: 프로젝트: intel/theano
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        x, maxout, ggx, ws, stride, pad = inp
        z, = out
        assert ws.shape == stride.shape == pad.shape == (2,)
        if len(x.shape) != 4:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad requires 4D input for now')
        if (z[0] is None) or (z[0].shape != maxout.shape):
            z[0] = numpy.zeros(maxout.shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        ggz = z[0]  # grad wrt maxout_grad has the same shape as maxout
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = ggz.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = ggz.shape[-1]
        ws0, ws1 = ws
        st0, st1 = stride
        pd0, pd1 = pad
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pd0
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pd1

        # pad the image and its gradients
        if pd0 != 0 and pd1 != 0:
            y_padded = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
                dtype=x.dtype) + x.min() - 1
            y_padded[:, :, pd0:(img_rows - pd0), pd1:(img_cols - pd1)] = x
            ggx_padded = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            ggx_padded[:, :, pd0:(img_rows - pd0), pd1:(img_cols - pd1)] = ggx

            y_padded = x
            ggx_padded = ggx
        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    row_st = r * st0
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ws0, img_rows)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        col_st = c * st1
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ws1, img_cols)
                        for row_ind in xrange(row_st, row_end):
                            for col_ind in xrange(col_st, col_end):
                                if (maxout[n, k, r, c] == y_padded[n, k, row_ind, col_ind]):
                                    ggz[n, k, r, c] = ggx_padded[n, k, row_ind, col_ind]
예제 #19
파일: 프로젝트: intel/theano
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        assert self.mode == 'max'
        x, maxout, gz, ws, stride, pad = inp
        gx_stg, = out
        assert ws.shape == stride.shape == pad.shape == (2,)
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = maxout.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = maxout.shape[-1]
        ws0, ws1 = ws
        st0, st1 = stride
        pad_h = pad[0]
        pad_w = pad[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w

        # pad the image
        if (pad_h, pad_w) != (0, 0):
            y = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)] = x
            y = x
        gx = numpy.zeros_like(y)
        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    row_st = builtins.max(r * st0, pad_h)
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ws0, img_rows)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        col_st = builtins.max(c * st1, pad_w)
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ws1, img_cols)
                        for row_ind in xrange(row_st, row_end):
                            for col_ind in xrange(col_st, col_end):
                                if (maxout[n, k, r, c] == y[n, k, row_ind, col_ind]):
                                    gx[n, k, row_ind, col_ind] += gz[n, k, r, c]
        # unpad the image
        gx = gx[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)]
        gx_stg[0] = gx
예제 #20
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        assert self.mode == 'max'
        x, maxout, gz = inp
        gx_stg, = out
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = maxout.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = maxout.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pad_h = self.padding[0]
        pad_w = self.padding[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = numpy.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)] = x
            y = x
        gx = numpy.zeros_like(y)
        for n in range(x.shape[0]):
            for k in range(x.shape[1]):
                for r in range(pr):
                    row_st = builtins.max(r * st0, self.padding[0])
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    for c in range(pc):
                        col_st = builtins.max(c * st1, self.padding[1])
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        for row_ind in range(row_st, row_end):
                            for col_ind in range(col_st, col_end):
                                if (maxout[n, k, r, c] == y[n, k, row_ind,
                                    gx[n, k, row_ind, col_ind] += gz[n, k, r,
        # unpad the image
        gx = gx[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)]
        gx_stg[0] = gx
예제 #21
파일: 프로젝트: andreh7/Theano
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        assert self.mode == "max"
        x, maxout, gz = inp
        gx_stg, = out
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = maxout.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = maxout.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pad_h = self.padding[0]
        pad_w = self.padding[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = numpy.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols), dtype=x.dtype)
            y[:, :, pad_h : (img_rows - pad_h), pad_w : (img_cols - pad_w)] = x
            y = x
        gx = numpy.zeros_like(y)
        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(pr):
                    row_st = builtins.max(r * st0, self.padding[0])
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                    for c in xrange(pc):
                        col_st = builtins.max(c * st1, self.padding[1])
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                        for row_ind in xrange(row_st, row_end):
                            for col_ind in xrange(col_st, col_end):
                                if maxout[n, k, r, c] == y[n, k, row_ind, col_ind]:
                                    gx[n, k, row_ind, col_ind] += gz[n, k, r, c]
        # unpad the image
        gx = gx[:, :, pad_h : (img_rows - pad_h), pad_w : (img_cols - pad_w)]
        gx_stg[0] = gx
예제 #22
    def numpy_max_pool_nd_stride(input,
        """Helper function, implementing pooling in pure numpy
        this function provides stride input to indicate the stide size
        for the pooling regions. if not indicated, stride == ws."""
        nd = len(ws)
        if stride is None:
            stride = ws
        assert len(stride) == len(ws)

        out_shp = list(input.shape[:-nd])
        for i in range(nd):
            out = 0
            if input.shape[-nd + i] - ws[i] >= 0:
                out = (input.shape[-nd + i] - ws[i]) // stride[i] + 1
            if not ignore_border:
                if out > 0:
                    if input.shape[-nd + i] - (
                        (out - 1) * stride[i] + ws[i]) > 0:
                        if input.shape[-nd + i] - out * stride[i] > 0:
                            out += 1
                    if input.shape[-nd + i] > 0:
                        out += 1

        func = np.max
        if mode == "sum":
            func = np.sum
        elif mode != "max":
            func = np.average

        output_val = np.zeros(out_shp)
        for l in np.ndindex(*input.shape[:-nd]):
            for r in np.ndindex(*output_val.shape[-nd:]):
                region = []
                for i in range(nd):
                    r_stride = r[i] * stride[i]
                    r_end = builtins.min(r_stride + ws[i],
                                         input.shape[-nd + i])
                    region.append(slice(r_stride, r_end))
                patch = input[l][region]
                output_val[l][r] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #23
    def numpy_max_pool_nd_stride(input,
        '''Helper function, implementing pooling in pure numpy
           this function provides st input to indicate the stide size
           for the pooling regions. if not indicated, st == sd.'''
        nd = len(ds)
        if st is None:
            st = ds
        assert len(st) == len(ds)

        out_shp = list(input.shape[:-nd])
        for i in range(nd):
            out = 0
            if input.shape[-nd + i] - ds[i] >= 0:
                out = (input.shape[-nd + i] - ds[i]) // st[i] + 1
            if not ignore_border:
                if out > 0:
                    if input.shape[-nd + i] - ((out - 1) * st[i] + ds[i]) > 0:
                        if input.shape[-nd + i] - out * st[i] > 0:
                            out += 1
                    if input.shape[-nd + i] > 0:
                        out += 1

        func = numpy.max
        if mode == 'sum':
            func = numpy.sum
        elif mode != 'max':
            func = numpy.average

        output_val = numpy.zeros(out_shp)
        for l in numpy.ndindex(*input.shape[:-nd]):
            for r in numpy.ndindex(*output_val.shape[-nd:]):
                region = []
                for i in range(nd):
                    r_st = r[i] * st[i]
                    r_end = builtins.min(r_st + ds[i], input.shape[-nd + i])
                    region.append(slice(r_st, r_end))
                patch = input[l][region]
                output_val[l][r] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #24
파일: 프로젝트: wgapl/Theano
    def numpy_max_pool_nd_stride(input, ds, ignore_border=False, st=None,
        '''Helper function, implementing pooling in pure numpy
           this function provides st input to indicate the stide size
           for the pooling regions. if not indicated, st == sd.'''
        nd = len(ds)
        if st is None:
            st = ds
        assert len(st) == len(ds)

        out_shp = list(input.shape[:-nd])
        for i in range(nd):
            out = 0
            if input.shape[-nd + i] - ds[i] >= 0:
                out = (input.shape[-nd + i] - ds[i]) // st[i] + 1
            if not ignore_border:
                if out > 0:
                    if input.shape[-nd + i] - ((out - 1) * st[i] + ds[i]) > 0:
                        if input.shape[-nd + i] - out * st[i] > 0:
                            out += 1
                    if input.shape[-nd + i] > 0:
                        out += 1

        func = numpy.max
        if mode == 'sum':
            func = numpy.sum
        elif mode != 'max':
            func = numpy.average

        output_val = numpy.zeros(out_shp)
        for l in numpy.ndindex(*input.shape[:-nd]):
            for r in numpy.ndindex(*output_val.shape[-nd:]):
                region = []
                for i in range(nd):
                    r_st = r[i] * st[i]
                    r_end = builtins.min(r_st + ds[i], input.shape[-nd + i])
                    region.append(slice(r_st, r_end))
                patch = input[l][region]
                output_val[l][r] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #25
    def numpy_max_pool_2d_stride(input,
        """Helper function, implementing pool_2d in pure numpy
        this function provides stride input to indicate the stide size
        for the pooling regions. if not indicated, stride == ws."""
        if len(input.shape) < 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("input should have at least 2 dim,"
                                      " shape is %s" % str(input.shape))

        if stride is None:
            stride = ws
        img_rows = input.shape[-2]
        img_cols = input.shape[-1]

        out_r = 0
        out_c = 0
        if img_rows - ws[0] >= 0:
            out_r = (img_rows - ws[0]) // stride[0] + 1
        if img_cols - ws[1] >= 0:
            out_c = (img_cols - ws[1]) // stride[1] + 1

        if not ignore_border:
            if out_r > 0:
                if img_rows - ((out_r - 1) * stride[0] + ws[0]) > 0:
                    rr = img_rows - out_r * stride[0]
                    if rr > 0:
                        out_r += 1
                if img_rows > 0:
                    out_r += 1
            if out_c > 0:
                if img_cols - ((out_c - 1) * stride[1] + ws[1]) > 0:
                    cr = img_cols - out_c * stride[1]
                    if cr > 0:
                        out_c += 1
                if img_cols > 0:
                    out_c += 1

        out_shp = list(input.shape[:-2])

        func = np.max
        if mode == "sum":
            func = np.sum
        elif mode != "max":
            func = np.average

        output_val = np.zeros(out_shp)
        for k in np.ndindex(*input.shape[:-2]):
            for i in range(output_val.shape[-2]):
                ii_stride = i * stride[0]
                ii_end = builtins.min(ii_stride + ws[0], img_rows)
                for j in range(output_val.shape[-1]):
                    jj_stride = j * stride[1]
                    jj_end = builtins.min(jj_stride + ws[1], img_cols)
                    patch = input[k][ii_stride:ii_end, jj_stride:jj_end]
                    output_val[k][i, j] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #26
    def numpy_max_pool_2d_stride(input,
        '''Helper function, implementing pool_2d in pure numpy
           this function provides st input to indicate the stide size
           for the pooling regions. if not indicated, st == sd.'''
        if len(input.shape) < 2:
            raise NotImplementedError('input should have at least 2 dim,'
                                      ' shape is %s' % str(input.shape))

        if st is None:
            st = ds
        img_rows = input.shape[-2]
        img_cols = input.shape[-1]

        out_r = 0
        out_c = 0
        if img_rows - ds[0] >= 0:
            out_r = (img_rows - ds[0]) // st[0] + 1
        if img_cols - ds[1] >= 0:
            out_c = (img_cols - ds[1]) // st[1] + 1

        if not ignore_border:
            if out_r > 0:
                if img_rows - ((out_r - 1) * st[0] + ds[0]) > 0:
                    rr = img_rows - out_r * st[0]
                    if rr > 0:
                        out_r += 1
                if img_rows > 0:
                    out_r += 1
            if out_c > 0:
                if img_cols - ((out_c - 1) * st[1] + ds[1]) > 0:
                    cr = img_cols - out_c * st[1]
                    if cr > 0:
                        out_c += 1
                if img_cols > 0:
                    out_c += 1

        out_shp = list(input.shape[:-2])

        func = numpy.max
        if mode == 'sum':
            func = numpy.sum
        elif mode != 'max':
            func = numpy.average

        output_val = numpy.zeros(out_shp)
        for k in numpy.ndindex(*input.shape[:-2]):
            for i in range(output_val.shape[-2]):
                ii_st = i * st[0]
                ii_end = builtins.min(ii_st + ds[0], img_rows)
                for j in range(output_val.shape[-1]):
                    jj_st = j * st[1]
                    jj_end = builtins.min(jj_st + ds[1], img_cols)
                    patch = input[k][ii_st:ii_end, jj_st:jj_end]
                    output_val[k][i, j] = func(patch)
        return output_val
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        x, = inp
        z, = out
        if len(x.shape) != 4:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Pool requires 4D input for now')
        z_shape = self.out_shape(x.shape, self.ds, self.ignore_border,,
                                 self.padding, self.index_type)
        if (z[0] is None) or (z[0].shape != z_shape):
            z[0] = np.empty(z_shape, dtype=x.dtype)
        zz = z[0]
        # number of pooling output rows
        output_row = zz.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        output_col = zz.shape[-1]
        row_downsample, col_downsample = self.ds
        row_stride, col_stride =
        pad_height = self.padding[0]
        pad_width = self.padding[1]
        input_row = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_height
        input_col = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_width
        input_channels = x.shape[-3]
        is_global_scope = self.index_scope == 'global'
        if is_global_scope:
            scoped_size = (input_row, input_col)
            scoped_size = self.ds

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = np.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], input_row, input_col),
            y[:, :, pad_height:(input_row - pad_height), pad_width:(input_col - pad_width)] = x
            y = x

        for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                for r in xrange(output_row):
                    row_start = r * row_stride
                    row_end = builtins.min(row_start + row_downsample, input_row)

                    for c in xrange(output_col):
                        col_start = c * col_stride
                        col_end = builtins.min(col_start + col_downsample, input_col)

                        zz[n, k, r, c] = np.max(x[n, k, row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end])
                        max_idx = np.argmax(x[n, k, row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end])

                        local_size = (row_end-row_start, col_end-col_start)
                        max_row, max_col = np.unravel_index(max_idx, local_size)
                        if is_global_scope:
                            max_row += row_start
                            max_col += col_start
                        if self.index_type_int == 0:
                            max_idx = np.ravel_multi_index([max_row, max_col], scoped_size)
                            zz[n, k+input_channels, r, c] = max_idx
                        elif self.index_type_int == 2:
                            zz[n, k+input_channels, r, c] = max_row
                            zz[n, k+2*input_channels, r, c] = max_col
예제 #28
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        if self.mode not in ('max', 'sum') and self.padding != (0, 0):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        x, maxout, gz = inp
        gx_stg, = out
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = maxout.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = maxout.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pad_h = self.padding[0]
        pad_w = self.padding[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w
        inc_pad = self.mode == 'average_inc_pad'
        sum_mode = self.mode == 'sum'

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = numpy.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)] = x
            y = x
        gx = numpy.zeros_like(y)
        if self.mode == 'max':
            for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
                for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                    for r in xrange(pr):
                        row_st = builtins.max(r * st0, self.padding[0])
                        row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                        for c in xrange(pc):
                            col_st = builtins.max(c * st1, self.padding[1])
                            col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                            for row_ind in xrange(row_st, row_end):
                                for col_ind in xrange(col_st, col_end):
                                    if (maxout[n, k, r, c] == y[n, k, row_ind,
                                        gx[n, k, row_ind, col_ind] += gz[n, k,
                                                                         r, c]
            for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
                for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                    for r in xrange(pr):
                        if sum_mode or inc_pad:
                            row_st = r * st0
                            row_st = builtins.max(r * st0, self.padding[0])
                        row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                        for c in xrange(pc):
                            if sum_mode or inc_pad:
                                col_st = c * st1
                                col_st = builtins.max(c * st1, self.padding[1])
                            col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                            if sum_mode:
                                val = gz[n, k, r, c]
                                val = gz[n, k, r, c] / ((row_end - row_st) *
                                                        (col_end - col_st))
                            gx[n, k, row_st:row_end, col_st:col_end] += val
        # unpad the image
        gx = gx[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows - pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols - pad_w)]
        gx_stg[0] = gx
예제 #29
파일: 프로젝트: liqin123/odin
def diag(x):
    input_shape = get_shape(x)
    x = backend_ops_diag(x)
    if isinstance(input_shape, (tuple, list)):
        add_shape(x, (builtins.min(input_shape), ))
    return x
예제 #30
    def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        if self.mode not in ('max', 'sum') and self.padding != (0, 0):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        x, maxout, gz = inp
        gx_stg, = out
        # number of pooling output rows
        pr = maxout.shape[-2]
        # number of pooling output cols
        pc = maxout.shape[-1]
        ds0, ds1 = self.ds
        st0, st1 =
        pad_h = self.padding[0]
        pad_w = self.padding[1]
        img_rows = x.shape[-2] + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = x.shape[-1] + 2 * pad_w
        inc_pad = self.mode == 'average_inc_pad'
        sum_mode = self.mode == 'sum'

        # pad the image
        if self.padding != (0, 0):
            y = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], img_rows, img_cols),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows-pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols-pad_w)] = x
            y = x
        gx = numpy.zeros_like(y)
        if self.mode == 'max':
            for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
                for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                    for r in xrange(pr):
                        row_st = builtins.max(r * st0, self.padding[0])
                        row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                        for c in xrange(pc):
                            col_st = builtins.max(c * st1, self.padding[1])
                            col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                            for row_ind in xrange(row_st, row_end):
                                for col_ind in xrange(col_st, col_end):
                                    if (maxout[n, k, r, c] == y[n, k, row_ind, col_ind]):
                                        gx[n, k, row_ind, col_ind] += gz[n, k, r, c]
            for n in xrange(x.shape[0]):
                for k in xrange(x.shape[1]):
                    for r in xrange(pr):
                        if sum_mode or inc_pad:
                            row_st = r * st0
                            row_st = builtins.max(r * st0, self.padding[0])
                        row_end = builtins.min(row_st + ds0, img_rows)
                        for c in xrange(pc):
                            if sum_mode or inc_pad:
                                col_st = c * st1
                                col_st = builtins.max(c * st1,
                            col_end = builtins.min(col_st + ds1, img_cols)
                            if sum_mode:
                              val = gz[n, k, r, c]
                              val = gz[n, k, r, c] / ((row_end - row_st) *
                                                      (col_end - col_st))
                            gx[n, k, row_st:row_end, col_st:col_end] += val
        # unpad the image
        gx = gx[:, :, pad_h:(img_rows-pad_h), pad_w:(img_cols-pad_w)]
        gx_stg[0] = gx
예제 #31
    def numpy_pool_2d_stride_padding(
            x, ds, ignore_border=True, st=None, padding=(0, 0), mode='max'):
        assert (ignore_border is False)

        in_h = x.shape[-2]
        in_w = x.shape[-1]
        kernel_h = ds[0]
        kernel_w = ds[1]
        stride_h = st[0]
        stride_w = st[1]
        pad_h = padding[0]
        pad_w = padding[1]

        assert ds[0] > pad_h
        assert ds[1] > pad_w

        def pad_img(x):
            y = numpy.zeros(
                (x.shape[0], x.shape[1],
                 x.shape[2] + pad_h * 2, x.shape[3] + pad_w * 2),
            y[:, :, pad_h:(x.shape[2] + pad_h), pad_w:(x.shape[3] + pad_w)] = x

            return y

        h = in_h + 2 * pad_h
        w = in_w + 2 * pad_w

        out_h = int(math.ceil((float)(h - kernel_h) / stride_h)) + 1
        out_w = int(math.ceil((float)(w - kernel_w) / stride_w)) + 1

        out_shp = list(x.shape[:-2])
        out_shp.extend([out_h, out_w])

        output_val = numpy.zeros(out_shp)

        y = pad_img(x)
        func = numpy.max
        if mode == 'sum':
            func = numpy.sum
        elif mode != 'max':
            func = numpy.average
        inc_pad = mode == 'average_inc_pad'

        for k in numpy.ndindex(*x.shape[:-2]):
            for i in range(output_val.shape[-2]):
                ii_st = i * st[0]
                if ii_st > h:
                    print ('ii_st > h!!!')
                ii_end = builtins.min(ii_st + ds[0], h)
                if not inc_pad:
                    ii_st = builtins.max(ii_st, pad_h)
                    ii_end = builtins.min(ii_end, in_h + pad_h)
                for j in range(output_val.shape[-1]):
                    jj_st = j * st[1]
                    if jj_st > w:
                        print ('jj_st > w!!!')
                    jj_end = builtins.min(jj_st + ds[1], w)
                    if not inc_pad:
                        jj_st = builtins.max(jj_st, pad_w)
                        jj_end = builtins.min(jj_end, in_w + pad_w)
                    patch = y[k][ii_st:ii_end, jj_st:jj_end]
                    output_val[k][i, j] = func(patch)
        return output_val
예제 #32
    def numpy_max_pool_2d_stride_pad(x,
                                     pad=(0, 0),
        assert ignore_border
        pad_h = pad[0]
        pad_w = pad[1]
        h = x.shape[-2]
        w = x.shape[-1]
        assert ws[0] > pad_h
        assert ws[1] > pad_w

        def pad_img(x):
            y = np.zeros(
                    x.shape[2] + pad_h * 2,
                    x.shape[3] + pad_w * 2,
            y[:, :, pad_h:(x.shape[2] + pad_h), pad_w:(x.shape[3] + pad_w)] = x

            return y

        img_rows = h + 2 * pad_h
        img_cols = w + 2 * pad_w
        out_r = (img_rows - ws[0]) // stride[0] + 1
        out_c = (img_cols - ws[1]) // stride[1] + 1
        out_shp = list(x.shape[:-2])
        ws0, ws1 = ws
        stride0, stride1 = stride
        output_val = np.zeros(out_shp)
        y = pad_img(x)
        func = np.max
        if mode == "sum":
            func = np.sum
        elif mode != "max":
            func = np.average
        inc_pad = mode == "average_inc_pad"

        for k in np.ndindex(*x.shape[:-2]):
            for i in range(output_val.shape[-2]):
                ii_stride = i * stride[0]
                ii_end = builtins.min(ii_stride + ws[0], img_rows)
                if not inc_pad:
                    ii_stride = builtins.max(ii_stride, pad_h)
                    ii_end = builtins.min(ii_end, h + pad_h)
                for j in range(output_val.shape[-1]):
                    jj_stride = j * stride[1]
                    jj_end = builtins.min(jj_stride + ws[1], img_cols)
                    if not inc_pad:
                        jj_stride = builtins.max(jj_stride, pad_w)
                        jj_end = builtins.min(jj_end, w + pad_w)
                    patch = y[k][ii_stride:ii_end, jj_stride:jj_end]
                    output_val[k][i, j] = func(patch)
        return output_val