def build_model(opt, vocab, checkpoint, gpu_id=None): print('Building model...') use_gpu = len(opt.gpu_ranks) > 0 if use_gpu and gpu_id is not None: device = torch.device("cuda", gpu_id) elif use_gpu and not gpu_id: device = torch.device("cuda") elif not use_gpu: device = torch.device("cpu") # model = MLP([1000, 500, 500], len(vocab)) model = CNN(len(vocab), opt.dropout) if checkpoint is not None: # end of patch for backward compatibility if opt.train_from: print("Loading model parameters from checkpoint...") model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False) else: print("Loading model parameters from checkpoint...") cur_state_dict = model.state_dict() for key in cur_state_dict.keys(): if key in checkpoint['model'] and cur_state_dict[key].size( ) == checkpoint['model'][key].size(): cur_state_dict[key] = checkpoint['model'][key] # elif key in checkpoint['model'] and cur_state_dict[key].size() != checkpoint['model'][key].size(): # print("***" , key) model.load_state_dict(cur_state_dict, strict=False) if len(opt.gpu_ranks) > 1: model = nn.DataParallel(model, opt.gpu_ranks) return model, device
def build_model(opt, vocab, checkpoint, gpu_id=None): print('Building model...') if opt.gpu == -1: device = torch.device("cpu") else: device = torch.device("cuda", gpu_id) # model = MLP([1000, 500, 500], len(vocab)) model = CNN(len(vocab)) if checkpoint is not None: # end of patch for backward compatibility print("Loading model parameters from checkpoint...") model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False) return model, device
def load_model(opt): global model global device global idx2label print('Loading checkpoint from %s' % opt.model) checkpoint = torch.load(opt.model, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) print('Loading vocab from checkpoint at %s' % opt.model) vocab = checkpoint['vocab'] idx2label = {v: k for k, v in vocab.items()} print('Building model...') if opt.gpu == -1: device = torch.device("cpu") else: device = torch.device("cuda", opt.gpu) model = CNN(len(vocab)) # end of patch for backward compatibility print("Loading model parameters from checkpoint...") model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False) model.eval()