예제 #1
def test_WGate():
    nqubits = 2
    basis_states = superposition_basis(nqubits)
    assert qapply(WGate(nqubits)*basis_states) == basis_states

    expected = ((2/sqrt(pow(2, nqubits)))*basis_states) - IntQubit(1, nqubits)
    assert qapply(WGate(nqubits)*IntQubit(1, nqubits)) == expected
예제 #2
파일: test_sho1d.py 프로젝트: Acebulf/sympy
def test_RaisingOp():
    assert Dagger(ad) == a
    assert Commutator(ad, a).doit() == Integer(-1)
    assert Commutator(ad, N).doit() == Integer(-1)*ad
    assert qapply(ad*k) == (sqrt(k.n + 1)*SHOKet(k.n + 1)).expand()
    assert qapply(ad*kz) == (sqrt(kz.n + 1)*SHOKet(kz.n + 1)).expand()
    assert qapply(ad*kf) == (sqrt(kf.n + 1)*SHOKet(kf.n + 1)).expand()
    assert ad.rewrite('xp').doit() == \
        (Integer(1)/sqrt(Integer(2)*hbar*m*omega))*(Integer(-1)*I*Px + m*omega*X)
    assert ad.hilbert_space == ComplexSpace(S.Infinity)
    for i in range(ndim - 1):
        assert ad_rep_sympy[i + 1,i] == sqrt(i + 1)

    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed or Python too old.")

    ad_rep_numpy = represent(ad, basis=N, ndim=4, format='numpy')
    for i in range(ndim - 1):
        assert ad_rep_numpy[i + 1,i] == float(sqrt(i + 1))

    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed or Python too old.")
    if not scipy:
        skip("scipy not installed.")
        sparse = scipy.sparse

    ad_rep_scipy = represent(ad, basis=N, ndim=4, format='scipy.sparse', spmatrix='lil')
    for i in range(ndim - 1):
        assert ad_rep_scipy[i + 1,i] == float(sqrt(i + 1))

    assert ad_rep_numpy.dtype == 'float64'
    assert ad_rep_scipy.dtype == 'float64'
예제 #3
파일: test_shor.py 프로젝트: FireJade/sympy
def test_CMod():
    assert qapply(CMod(4, 2, 2)*Qubit(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) == \
        Qubit(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    assert qapply(CMod(5, 5, 7)*Qubit(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) == \
        Qubit(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
    assert qapply(CMod(3, 2, 3)*Qubit(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)) == \
        Qubit(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
예제 #4
파일: shor.py 프로젝트: jenshnielsen/sympy
def period_find(a, N):
    """Finds the period of a in modulo N arithmetic

    This is quantum part of Shor's algorithm.It takes two registers,
    puts first in superposition of states with Hadamards so: ``|k>|0>``
    with k being all possible choices. It then does a controlled mod and
    a QFT to determine the order of a.
    epsilon = .5
    #picks out t's such that maintains accuracy within epsilon
    t = int(2*math.ceil(log(N, 2)))
    # make the first half of register be 0's |000...000>
    start = [0 for x in range(t)]
    #Put second half into superposition of states so we have |1>x|0> + |2>x|0> + ... |k>x>|0> + ... + |2**n-1>x|0>
    factor = 1/sqrt(2**t)
    qubits = 0
    for i in range(2**t):
        qbitArray = arr(i, t) + start
        qubits = qubits + Qubit(*qbitArray)
    circuit = (factor*qubits).expand()
    #Controlled second half of register so that we have:
    # |1>x|a**1 %N> + |2>x|a**2 %N> + ... + |k>x|a**k %N >+ ... + |2**n-1=k>x|a**k % n>
    circuit = CMod(t, a, N)*circuit
    #will measure first half of register giving one of the a**k%N's
    circuit = qapply(circuit)
    print "controlled Mod'd"
    for i in range(t):
        circuit = measure_partial_oneshot(circuit, i)
        # circuit = measure(i)*circuit
    # circuit = qapply(circuit)
    print "measured 1"
    #Now apply Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform on the second half of the register
    circuit = qapply(QFT(t, t*2).decompose()*circuit, floatingPoint=True)
    print "QFT'd"
    for i in range(t):
        circuit = measure_partial_oneshot(circuit, i + t)
        # circuit = measure(i+t)*circuit
    # circuit = qapply(circuit)
    print circuit
    if isinstance(circuit, Qubit):
        register = circuit
    elif isinstance(circuit, Mul):
        register = circuit.args[-1]
        register = circuit.args[-1].args[-1]

    print register
    n = 1
    answer = 0
    for i in range(len(register)/2):
        answer += n*register[i + t]
        n = n << 1
    if answer == 0:
        raise OrderFindingException(
            "Order finder returned 0. Happens with chance %f" % epsilon)
    #turn answer into r using continued fractions
    g = getr(answer, 2**t, N)
    print g
    return g
예제 #5
def test_LoweringOp():
    assert Dagger(a) == ad
    assert Commutator(a, ad).doit() == Integer(1)
    assert Commutator(a, N).doit() == a
    assert qapply(a*k) == (sqrt(k.n)*SHOKet(k.n-Integer(1))).expand()
    assert qapply(a*kz) == Integer(0)
    assert qapply(a*kf) == (sqrt(kf.n)*SHOKet(kf.n-Integer(1))).expand()
    assert a().rewrite('xp').doit() == \
        (Integer(1)/sqrt(Integer(2)*hbar*m*omega))*(I*Px + m*omega*X)
예제 #6
def test_differential_operator():
    x = Symbol('x')
    f = Function('f')
    d = DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x), f(x))
    g = Wavefunction(x**2, x)
    assert qapply(d*g) == Wavefunction(2*x, x)
    assert d.expr == Derivative(f(x), x)
    assert d.function == f(x)
    assert d.variables == (x,)
    assert diff(d, x) == DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x, 2), f(x))

    d = DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x, 2), f(x))
    g = Wavefunction(x**3, x)
    assert qapply(d*g) == Wavefunction(6*x, x)
    assert d.expr == Derivative(f(x), x, 2)
    assert d.function == f(x)
    assert d.variables == (x,)
    assert diff(d, x) == DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x, 3), f(x))

    d = DifferentialOperator(1/x*Derivative(f(x), x), f(x))
    assert d.expr == 1/x*Derivative(f(x), x)
    assert d.function == f(x)
    assert d.variables == (x,)
    assert diff(d, x) == \
        DifferentialOperator(Derivative(1/x*Derivative(f(x), x), x), f(x))
    assert qapply(d*g) == Wavefunction(3*x, x)

    # 2D cartesian Laplacian
    y = Symbol('y')
    d = DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x, y), x, 2) +
                             Derivative(f(x, y), y, 2), f(x, y))
    w = Wavefunction(x**3*y**2 + y**3*x**2, x, y)
    assert d.expr == Derivative(f(x, y), x, 2) + Derivative(f(x, y), y, 2)
    assert d.function == f(x, y)
    assert d.variables == (x, y)
    assert diff(d, x) == \
        DifferentialOperator(Derivative(d.expr, x), f(x, y))
    assert diff(d, y) == \
        DifferentialOperator(Derivative(d.expr, y), f(x, y))
    assert qapply(d*w) == Wavefunction(2*x**3 + 6*x*y**2 + 6*x**2*y + 2*y**3,
                                       x, y)

    # 2D polar Laplacian (th = theta)
    r, th = symbols('r th')
    d = DifferentialOperator(1/r*Derivative(r*Derivative(f(r, th), r), r) +
                             1/(r**2)*Derivative(f(r, th), th, 2), f(r, th))
    w = Wavefunction(r**2*sin(th), r, (th, 0, pi))
    assert d.expr == \
        1/r*Derivative(r*Derivative(f(r, th), r), r) + \
        1/(r**2)*Derivative(f(r, th), th, 2)
    assert d.function == f(r, th)
    assert d.variables == (r, th)
    assert diff(d, r) == \
        DifferentialOperator(Derivative(d.expr, r), f(r, th))
    assert diff(d, th) == \
        DifferentialOperator(Derivative(d.expr, th), f(r, th))
    assert qapply(d*w) == Wavefunction(3*sin(th), r, (th, 0, pi))
예제 #7
def test_RaisingOp():
    assert Dagger(ad) == a
    assert Commutator(ad, a).doit() == Integer(-1)
    assert Commutator(ad, N).doit() == Integer(-1)*ad
    assert qapply(ad*k) == (sqrt(k.n + 1)*SHOKet(k.n + 1)).expand()
    assert qapply(ad*kz) == (sqrt(kz.n + 1)*SHOKet(kz.n + 1)).expand()
    assert qapply(ad*kf) == (sqrt(kf.n + 1)*SHOKet(kf.n + 1)).expand()
    assert ad().rewrite('xp').doit() == \
        (Integer(1)/sqrt(Integer(2)*hbar*m*omega))*(Integer(-1)*I*Px + m*omega*X)
    assert ad.hilbert_space == ComplexSpace(S.Infinity)
예제 #8
파일: test_qft.py 프로젝트: Aang/sympy
def test_quantum_fourier():
    assert QFT(0,3).decompose() == SwapGate(0,2)*HadamardGate(0)*CGate((0,), PhaseGate(1))\
    *HadamardGate(1)*CGate((0,), TGate(2))*CGate((1,), PhaseGate(2))*HadamardGate(2)

    assert IQFT(0,3).decompose() == HadamardGate(2)*CGate((1,), RkGate(2,-2))*CGate((0,),RkGate(2,-3))\
    *HadamardGate(1)*CGate((0,), RkGate(1,-2))*HadamardGate(0)*SwapGate(0,2)

    assert represent(QFT(0,3), nqubits=3)\
     == Matrix([[exp(2*pi*I/8)**(i*j%8)/sqrt(8) for i in range(8)] for j in range(8)])

    assert QFT(0,4).decompose() #non-trivial decomposition
    assert qapply(QFT(0,3).decompose()*Qubit(0,0,0)).expand() ==\
예제 #9
def test_cgate():
    """Test the general CGate."""
    # Test single control functionality
    CNOTMatrix = Matrix(
        [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
    assert represent(CGate(1, XGate(0)), nqubits=2) == CNOTMatrix

    # Test multiple control bit functionality
    ToffoliGate = CGate((1, 2), XGate(0))
    assert represent(ToffoliGate, nqubits=3) == \
            [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]])

    ToffoliGate = CGate((3, 0), XGate(1))
    assert qapply(ToffoliGate*Qubit('1001')) == \
        matrix_to_qubit(represent(ToffoliGate*Qubit('1001'), nqubits=4))
    assert qapply(ToffoliGate*Qubit('0000')) == \
        matrix_to_qubit(represent(ToffoliGate*Qubit('0000'), nqubits=4))

    CYGate = CGate(1, YGate(0))
    CYGate_matrix = Matrix(
        ((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, -I), (0, 0, I, 0)))
    # Test 2 qubit controlled-Y gate decompose method.
    assert represent(CYGate.decompose(), nqubits=2) == CYGate_matrix

    CZGate = CGate(0, ZGate(1))
    CZGate_matrix = Matrix(
        ((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, -1)))
    assert qapply(CZGate*Qubit('11')) == -Qubit('11')
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CZGate*Qubit('11'), nqubits=2)) == \
    # Test 2 qubit controlled-Z gate decompose method.
    assert represent(CZGate.decompose(), nqubits=2) == CZGate_matrix

    CPhaseGate = CGate(0, PhaseGate(1))
    assert qapply(CPhaseGate*Qubit('11')) == \
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CPhaseGate*Qubit('11'), nqubits=2)) == \

    # Test that the dagger, inverse, and power of CGate is evaluated properly
    assert Dagger(CZGate) == CZGate
    assert pow(CZGate, 1) == Dagger(CZGate)
    assert Dagger(CZGate) == CZGate.inverse()
    assert Dagger(CPhaseGate) != CPhaseGate
    assert Dagger(CPhaseGate) == CPhaseGate.inverse()
    assert Dagger(CPhaseGate) == pow(CPhaseGate, -1)
    assert pow(CPhaseGate, -1) == CPhaseGate.inverse()
예제 #10
def test_identity():
    I = IdentityOperator()
    O = Operator("O")

    assert isinstance(I, IdentityOperator)
    assert isinstance(I, Operator)

    assert I.inv() == I
    assert Dagger(I) == I
    assert qapply(I * O) == O
    assert qapply(O * I) == O

    for n in [2, 3, 5]:
        assert represent(IdentityOperator(n)) == eye(n)
예제 #11
def test_UGate():
    a, b, c, d = symbols("a,b,c,d")
    uMat = Matrix([[a, b], [c, d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space
    u1 = UGate((0,), uMat)
    assert represent(u1, nqubits=1) == uMat
    assert qapply(u1 * Qubit("0")) == a * Qubit("0") + c * Qubit("1")
    assert qapply(u1 * Qubit("1")) == b * Qubit("0") + d * Qubit("1")

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space
    u2 = UGate((1,), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep * qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i, 2)) == qubit_to_matrix(qapply(u2 * IntQubit(i, 2)))
예제 #12
파일: test_qubit.py 프로젝트: AALEKH/sympy
def test_superposition_of_states():
    assert qapply(CNOT(0, 1)*HadamardGate(0)*(1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('01') + 1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('10'))).expand() == (Qubit('01')/2 + Qubit('00')/2 - Qubit('11')/2 +

    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CNOT(0, 1)*HadamardGate(0)
        *(1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('01') + 1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('10')), nqubits=2)) == \
        (Qubit('01')/2 + Qubit('00')/2 - Qubit('11')/2 + Qubit('10')/2)
예제 #13
 def _apply_op(self, ket, orig_basis, **options):
     state = ket.rewrite(self.basis)
     # If the state has only one term
     if isinstance(state, State):
         return self._apply_operator(state, **options)
     # state is a linear combination of states
     return qapply(self*state).rewrite(orig_basis)
예제 #14
def test_Hamiltonian():
    assert Commutator(H, N).doit() == Integer(0)
    assert qapply(H*k) == ((hbar*omega*(k.n + Integer(1)/Integer(2)))*k).expand()
    assert H().rewrite('a').doit() == hbar*omega*(ad*a + Integer(1)/Integer(2))
    assert H().rewrite('xp').doit() == \
        (Integer(1)/(Integer(2)*m))*(Px**2 + (m*omega*X)**2)
    assert H().rewrite('N').doit() == hbar*omega*(N + Integer(1)/Integer(2))
예제 #15
def test_NumberOp():
    assert Commutator(N, ad).doit() == ad
    assert Commutator(N, a).doit() == Integer(-1)*a
    assert Commutator(N, H).doit() == Integer(0)
    assert qapply(N*k) == (k.n*k).expand()
    assert N().rewrite('a').doit() == ad*a
    assert N().rewrite('H').doit() == H/(hbar*omega) - Integer(1)/Integer(2)
예제 #16
파일: test_qubit.py 프로젝트: ness01/sympy
def test_apply_represent_equality():
    gates = [
        HadamardGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        XGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        ZGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        YGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        ZGate(int(3 * random.random())),
        PhaseGate(int(3 * random.random())),

    circuit = Qubit(
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
        int(random.random() * 2),
    for i in range(int(random.random() * 6)):
        circuit = gates[int(random.random() * 6)] * circuit

    mat = represent(circuit, nqubits=6)
    states = qapply(circuit)
    state_rep = matrix_to_qubit(mat)
    states = states.expand()
    state_rep = state_rep.expand()
    assert state_rep == states
예제 #17
def test_basic():
    assert qapply(Jz*po) == hbar*po
    assert qapply(Jx*z) == hbar*po/sqrt(2) + hbar*mo/sqrt(2)
    assert qapply((Jplus + Jminus)*z/sqrt(2)) == hbar*po + hbar*mo
    assert qapply(Jz*(po + mo)) == hbar*po - hbar*mo
    assert qapply(Jz*po + Jz*mo) == hbar*po - hbar*mo
    assert qapply(Jminus*Jminus*po) == 2*hbar**2*mo
    assert qapply(Jplus**2*mo) == 2*hbar**2*po
    assert qapply(Jplus**2*Jminus**2*po) == 4*hbar**4*po
예제 #18
파일: test_gate.py 프로젝트: Aang/sympy
def test_ugate():
    """Test the general UGate."""
    a,b,c,d = symbols('abcd')
    uMat = Matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space
    u1 = UGate((0,), uMat)
    assert represent(u1, nqubits = 1) == uMat
    assert qapply(u1*Qubit('0')) == a*Qubit('0') + c*Qubit('1')
    assert qapply(u1*Qubit('1')) == b*Qubit('0') + d*Qubit('1')

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space
    u2 = UGate((1,), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep*qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i,2)) ==\
예제 #19
파일: test_gate.py 프로젝트: addisonc/sympy
def test_cnot_gate():
    """Test the CNOT gate."""
    circuit = CNotGate(1,0)
    assert represent(circuit, nqubits=2) ==\
    circuit = circuit*Qubit('111')
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(circuit, nqubits=3)) ==\
예제 #20
def test_grover():
    nqubits = 2
    assert apply_grover(return_one_on_one, nqubits) == IntQubit(1, nqubits)

    nqubits = 4
    basis_states = superposition_basis(nqubits)
    expected = (-13*basis_states)/64 + 264*IntQubit(2, nqubits)/256
    assert apply_grover(return_one_on_two, 4) == qapply(expected)
예제 #21
def test_grover_iteration_2():
    numqubits = 4
    basis_states = superposition_basis(numqubits)
    v = OracleGate(numqubits, return_one_on_two)
    # After (pi/4)sqrt(pow(2, n)), IntQubit(2) should have highest prob
    # In this case, after around pi times (3 or 4)
    iterated = grover_iteration(basis_states, v)
    iterated = qapply(iterated)
    iterated = grover_iteration(iterated, v)
    iterated = qapply(iterated)
    iterated = grover_iteration(iterated, v)
    iterated = qapply(iterated)
    # In this case, probability was highest after 3 iterations
    # Probability of Qubit('0010') was 251/256 (3) vs 781/1024 (4)
    # Ask about measurement
    expected = (-13*basis_states)/64 + 264*IntQubit(2, numqubits)/256
    assert qapply(expected) == iterated
예제 #22
def test_extra():
    extra = z.dual * A * z
    assert qapply(Jz * po * extra) == hbar * po * extra
    assert qapply(Jx * z * extra) == (hbar * po / sqrt(2) + hbar * mo / sqrt(2)) * extra
    assert qapply((Jplus + Jminus) * z / sqrt(2) * extra) == hbar * po * extra + hbar * mo * extra
    assert qapply(Jz * (po + mo) * extra) == hbar * po * extra - hbar * mo * extra
    assert qapply(Jz * po * extra + Jz * mo * extra) == hbar * po * extra - hbar * mo * extra
    assert qapply(Jminus * Jminus * po * extra) == 2 * hbar ** 2 * mo * extra
    assert qapply(Jplus ** 2 * mo * extra) == 2 * hbar ** 2 * po * extra
    assert qapply(Jplus ** 2 * Jminus ** 2 * po * extra) == 4 * hbar ** 4 * po * extra
예제 #23
def test_swap_gate():
    """Test the SWAP gate."""
    swap_gate_matrix = Matrix(((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1)))
    assert represent(SwapGate(1, 0).decompose(), nqubits=2) == swap_gate_matrix
    assert qapply(SwapGate(1, 3) * Qubit("0010")) == Qubit("1000")
    nqubits = 4
    for i in range(nqubits):
        for j in range(i):
            assert represent(SwapGate(i, j), nqubits=nqubits) == represent(SwapGate(i, j).decompose(), nqubits=nqubits)
예제 #24
def test_UGate_CGate_combo():
    a, b, c, d = symbols("a,b,c,d")
    uMat = Matrix([[a, b], [c, d]])
    cMat = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, a, b], [0, 0, c, d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space.
    u1 = UGate((0,), uMat)
    cu1 = CGate(1, u1)
    assert represent(cu1, nqubits=2) == cMat
    assert qapply(cu1 * Qubit("10")) == a * Qubit("10") + c * Qubit("11")
    assert qapply(cu1 * Qubit("11")) == b * Qubit("10") + d * Qubit("11")
    assert qapply(cu1 * Qubit("01")) == Qubit("01")
    assert qapply(cu1 * Qubit("00")) == Qubit("00")

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space.
    u2 = UGate((1,), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep * qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i, 2)) == qubit_to_matrix(qapply(u2 * IntQubit(i, 2)))
예제 #25
def test_cnot_gate():
    """Test the CNOT gate."""
    circuit = CNotGate(1, 0)
    assert represent(circuit, nqubits=2) == Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
    circuit = circuit * Qubit("111")
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(circuit, nqubits=3)) == qapply(circuit)

    circuit = CNotGate(1, 0)
    assert Dagger(circuit) == circuit
    assert Dagger(Dagger(circuit)) == circuit
    assert circuit * circuit == 1
예제 #26
def test_identity():
    I = IdentityOperator()
    O = Operator('O')
    x = Symbol("x")

    assert isinstance(I, IdentityOperator)
    assert isinstance(I, Operator)

    assert I * O == O
    assert O * I == O
    assert isinstance(I * I, IdentityOperator)
    assert isinstance(3 * I, Mul)
    assert isinstance(I * x, Mul)
    assert I.inv() == I
    assert Dagger(I) == I
    assert qapply(I * O) == O
    assert qapply(O * I) == O

    for n in [2, 3, 5]:
        assert represent(IdentityOperator(n)) == eye(n)
예제 #27
def test_measure_all():
    assert measure_all(Qubit('11')) == [(Qubit('11'), 1)]
    state = Qubit('11') + Qubit('10')
    assert measure_all(state) == [(Qubit('10'), Rational(1, 2)),
           (Qubit('11'), Rational(1, 2))]
    state2 = Qubit('11')/sqrt(5) + 2*Qubit('00')/sqrt(5)
    assert measure_all(state2) == \
        [(Qubit('00'), Rational(4, 5)), (Qubit('11'), Rational(1, 5))]

    # from issue #12585
    assert measure_all(qapply(Qubit('0'))) == [(Qubit('0'), 1)]
예제 #28
파일: test_gate.py 프로젝트: Aang/sympy
def test_ugate_cgate_combo():
    """Test a UGate/CGate combination."""
    a,b,c,d = symbols('abcd')
    uMat = Matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])
    cMat = Matrix([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,a,b],[0,0,c,d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space.
    u1 = UGate((0,), uMat)
    cu1 = CGate(1, u1)
    assert represent(cu1, nqubits = 2) == cMat
    assert qapply(cu1*Qubit('10')) == a*Qubit('10') + c*Qubit('11')
    assert qapply(cu1*Qubit('11')) == b*Qubit('10') + d*Qubit('11')
    assert qapply(cu1*Qubit('01')) == Qubit('01')
    assert qapply(cu1*Qubit('00')) == Qubit('00')

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space.
    u2 = UGate((1,), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep*qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i,2)) ==\
예제 #29
파일: test_sho1d.py 프로젝트: Acebulf/sympy
def test_NumberOp():
    assert Commutator(N, ad).doit() == ad
    assert Commutator(N, a).doit() == Integer(-1)*a
    assert Commutator(N, H).doit() == Integer(0)
    assert qapply(N*k) == (k.n*k).expand()
    assert N.rewrite('a').doit() == ad*a
    assert N.rewrite('xp').doit() == (Integer(1)/(Integer(2)*m*hbar*omega))*(
        Px**2 + (m*omega*X)**2) - Integer(1)/Integer(2)
    assert N.rewrite('H').doit() == H/(hbar*omega) - Integer(1)/Integer(2)
    for i in range(ndim):
        assert N_rep[i,i] == i
    assert N_rep == ad_rep_sympy*a_rep
예제 #30
파일: test_gate.py 프로젝트: pyc111/sympy
def test_cgate():
    """Test the general CGate."""
    # Test single control functionality
    CNOTMatrix = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
    assert represent(CGate(1, XGate(0)), nqubits=2) == CNOTMatrix

    # Test multiple control bit functionality
    ToffoliGate = CGate((1, 2), XGate(0))
    assert represent(ToffoliGate, nqubits=3) == Matrix(
            [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],

    ToffoliGate = CGate((3, 0), XGate(1))
    assert qapply(ToffoliGate * Qubit("1001")) == matrix_to_qubit(represent(ToffoliGate * Qubit("1001"), nqubits=4))
    assert qapply(ToffoliGate * Qubit("0000")) == matrix_to_qubit(represent(ToffoliGate * Qubit("0000"), nqubits=4))

    CYGate = CGate(1, YGate(0))
    CYGate_matrix = Matrix(((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, -I), (0, 0, I, 0)))
    # Test 2 qubit controlled-Y gate decompose method.
    assert represent(CYGate.decompose(), nqubits=2) == CYGate_matrix

    CZGate = CGate(0, ZGate(1))
    CZGate_matrix = Matrix(((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, -1)))
    assert qapply(CZGate * Qubit("11")) == -Qubit("11")
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CZGate * Qubit("11"), nqubits=2)) == -Qubit("11")
    # Test 2 qubit controlled-Z gate decompose method.
    assert represent(CZGate.decompose(), nqubits=2) == CZGate_matrix

    CPhaseGate = CGate(0, PhaseGate(1))
    assert qapply(CPhaseGate * Qubit("11")) == I * Qubit("11")
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CPhaseGate * Qubit("11"), nqubits=2)) == I * Qubit("11")
예제 #31
def test_dagger():
    lhs = Dagger(Qubit(0)) * Dagger(H(0))
    rhs = Dagger(Qubit(1)) / sqrt(2) + Dagger(Qubit(0)) / sqrt(2)
    assert qapply(lhs, dagger=True) == rhs
예제 #32
def test_issue_6073():
    x, y = symbols("x y", commutative=False)
    A = Ket(x, y)
    B = Operator("B")
    assert qapply(A) == A
    assert qapply(A.dual * B) == A.dual * B
예제 #33
def test_issue3044():
    expr1 = TensorProduct(Jz * JzKet(S(2), S.NegativeOne) / sqrt(2),
                          Jz * JzKet(S.Half, S.Half))
    result = Mul(S.NegativeOne, Rational(1, 4), 2**S.Half, hbar**2)
    result *= TensorProduct(JzKet(2, -1), JzKet(S.Half, S.Half))
    assert qapply(expr1) == result
예제 #34
def test_density():
    d = Density([Jz * mo, 0.5], [Jz * po, 0.5])
    assert qapply(d) == Density([-hbar * mo, 0.5], [hbar * po, 0.5])
예제 #35
def test_innerproduct():
    assert qapply(po.dual * Jz * po, ip_doit=False) == hbar * (po.dual * po)
    assert qapply(po.dual * Jz * po) == hbar
예제 #36
def test_zero():
    assert qapply(0) == 0
    assert qapply(Integer(0)) == 0
예제 #37
def test_operator_represent():
    basis_kets = enumerate_states(operators_to_state(x_op), 1, 2)
    assert rep_expectation(x_op) == qapply(basis_kets[1].dual * x_op *
예제 #38
 def _apply_operator_Qubit(self, qubits, **options):
     return qapply(self.decompose() * qubits)
예제 #39
def test_anticommutator():
    assert qapply(AntiCommutator(Jz, Foo("F")) * po) == 2 * hbar * po
    assert qapply(AntiCommutator(Foo("F"), Jz) * po) == 2 * hbar * po
예제 #40
def test_grover_iteration_1():
    numqubits = 2
    basis_states = superposition_basis(numqubits)
    v = OracleGate(numqubits, return_one_on_one)
    expected = IntQubit(1, numqubits)
    assert qapply(grover_iteration(basis_states, v)) == expected
예제 #41
def test_commutator():
    assert qapply(Commutator(Jx, Jy) * Jz * po) == I * hbar**3 * po
    assert qapply(Commutator(J2, Jz) * Jz * po) == 0
    assert qapply(Commutator(Jz, Foo("F")) * po) == 0
    assert qapply(Commutator(Foo("F"), Jz) * po) == 0