def get(self): start_time = time.time() availSeasons = AvailableSeasons() for s in availSeasons.getSeasons():"Beginning data load for season %d" % s.season) teamIds = self.get_team_ids(s.season) stcharlesurl = "" for team_id in teamIds: team_url = stcharlesurl % (team_id[1], s.season) self.fetch_team_schedule(team_url, team_id)"Finished loading schedule data. Elapsed time (in mins): " + str((time.time() - start_time)/60)) if memcache.flush_all():"Flushed everything from memcache.") else: logging.error("Error trying to flush the memcache.") t = Team() seasons = [] for team in t.getSeasons(): season = Season(season=team.season) if season not in seasons: seasons.append(season) if not memcache.add('seasons', seasons): logging.error('memcache failed to set')
def game(team_name1, team_name2): team_a = Team(team_name1, Sides.CT) team_b = Team(team_name2, Sides.T) for i in range(Constants.GAMES_TO_PLAY): pistol = True for j in range(30): gmap = Game_Map() env = simpy.Environment() if (j == 16): switch_sides(team_a, team_b) pistol = True if (team_a.side == Sides.CT): team_a.respawn_players(env, pistol) team_b.respawn_players(env, pistol) else: team_b.respawn_players(env, pistol) team_a.respawn_players(env, pistol) pistol = False gmap.spawn_team(team_a) gmap.spawn_team(team_b), team_b, env))) if (team_a.round_wins == 16 or team_b.round_wins == 16): break game_over(team_a, team_b) print team_a print team_b return [float(team_a.game_wins)/float(team_a.game_wins + team_b.game_wins)*100, float(team_a.total_round_wins)/ float(team_a.total_round_wins + team_b.total_round_wins) * 100]
def _load_metadata(self): fname = self._metadata_fname() with open(fname) as f: data=json.load(f) assert data['id'] == self._id, "metadata id is {0} but should be {1}".format(data['id'], self._id) self.team_l = Team.decode(data['team_l']) self.team_r = Team.decode(data['team_r'])
def create_teams(self): self.team_red = Team(self, 'Red Team', 'red', team_red_POSITIONS, True) self.team_blue = Team(self, 'Blue Team', 'blue', team_blue_POSITIONS, False) self.current_team = self.team_red self.teams = (self.team_red, self.team_blue) self.team_red.add_listener('released', self.movement_started) self.team_blue.add_listener('released', self.movement_started)
def post(self): from user_sn import User, send_welcome_msg from team import Team import logging t = Team(name=self.request.get("teamname")) t.put() u = User(email=self.request.get("tlemail"),name=self.request.get("teamleader"),team=t,team_leader_flag=True) u.put() send_welcome_msg(u)
def teamCreate(self): newTeam = Team() newTeam.create(self) self.iscaption=1 # 是指向队伍实例吧.? S 那边只能 draw.drawTeamMember(newTeam) print "创建队伍:" , teamManager.add(newTeam) playerManager.add(self)
def setUp(self): """ set up data used in the tests. setUp is called before each test function execution. """ self.maxSnails = 3 self.team1 = Team("team1") self.team2 = Team("team2") self.team1.setGravity(Direction.UP) self.team2.setGravity(Direction.DOWN)
def games(self, request): t = Team() responseArray = [] schedule = t.getGamesMultiTeams(request.team_ids) gamesArray = eval(schedule) for game in gamesArray: responseGame = Games(game_date=game['game_date'][5:], time=game['time'], home=game['home'], away=game['away'], location=game['location'], game_id=game['id'], score=game['score']) responseArray.append(responseGame) return GamesMultiTeamResponse(games=responseArray)
def main(): if "-c" in sys.argv: clean() val = load() t = Team(val) if "-r" in sys.argv: t.removeOut()
def build_teams(self): team_ids = set() for row in self.owner_rows: team_ids.add(row.get('id')[:-2]) for id in team_ids: team = Team(id) this_team_element = self.owners_page_root.get_element_by_id(id + "-0") team.abbreviation = this_team_element[1].text_content() = this_team_element[2].text_content() team.division = this_team_element[3].text_content() self.teams.add(team)
def gs2cOtherTeamCreate(player,packet): playerName = packet.unpackString() teamName= packet.unpackString() playerGeted = playerManager.getPlayerByName(playerName) newTeam = Team() newTeam.create(playerGeted) playerGeted.iscaption =1 playerGeted.teamName=teamName teamManager.add(newTeam) playerManager.add(playerGeted)
def npc_match(team1, team2, players, teams): team1Name = Team.return_name(teams[team1]) team2Name = Team.return_name(teams[team2]) difference= CoreGame.mute_compare_players(team1, team2, players, team1Name, team2Name) winner = CoreGame.find_winner(0, 0, 0, difference) if winner == 0: Team.won_game(teams[team1]) Team.lost_game(teams[team2]) elif winner == 1: Team.lost_game(teams[team1]) Team.won_game(teams[team2])
def main(): from argparse import ArgumentParser argparser = ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument('team1') argparser.add_argument('team2') argparser.add_argument('--depth', type=int, default=2) argparser.add_argument('--gamestate', type=str) argparser.add_argument('--player', type=int, default=0) args = argparser.parse_args() pokedata = load_data("data") players = [None, None] # players[args.player] = HumanAgent() players[args.player] = PessimisticMinimaxAgent(2, pokedata, log_file="normal.txt") # players[1 - args.player] = PessimisticMinimaxAgent(2, pokedata, log_file="no_cache.txt", use_cache=False) # players[1 - args.player] = DumbAgent() players[1 - args.player] = HumanAgent() with open(args.team1) as f1, open(args.team2) as f2, open("data/poke2.json") as f3: data = json.loads( poke_dict = Smogon.convert_to_dict(data) teams = [Team.make_team(, poke_dict), Team.make_team(, poke_dict)] gamestate = GameState(teams) if args.gamestate is not None: with open(args.gamestate, 'rb') as fp: gamestate = pickle.load(fp) with open('', 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(gamestate, fp) gamestate.create_gamestate_arff(0) gamestate.print_readable_data(0) gamestate.print_readable_data(1) simulator = Simulator(pokedata) while not gamestate.is_over(): print "==========================================================================================" print "Player 1 primary:", gamestate.get_team(0).primary(), gamestate.get_team(0).primary().status print "Player 2 primary:", gamestate.get_team(1).primary(), gamestate.get_team(1).primary().status print "" my_action = players[0].get_action(gamestate, 0) opp_action = players[1].get_action(gamestate, 1) gamestate = simulator.simulate(gamestate, [my_action, opp_action], 0, log=True) if gamestate.get_team(0).alive(): print "You win!" print "Congrats to", gamestate.opp_team print "Sucks for", gamestate.my_team else: print "You lose!" print "Congrats to", gamestate.my_team print "Sucks for", gamestate.opp_team gamestate.turn += 1
def write_schedule_swap_matrix(self, file='swapped schedules.csv'): data = { { 1} for x in self.teams} for tA, tB in itertools.combinations(self.teams, 2): A, B =, # swap the values self.schedule[A]['schedule'], self.schedule[B][ 'schedule'] = self.schedule[B]['schedule'], self.schedule[A][ 'schedule'] wA, wB = tA.expected_wins( tA.project_win_totals()[-1]), tB.expected_wins( tB.project_win_totals()[-1]) teamA = Team(name=A, schedule=self.schedule) data[A][B] = teamA.expected_wins( teamA.project_win_totals()[-1]) / wA teamB = Team(name=B, schedule=self.schedule) data[B][A] = teamB.expected_wins( teamB.project_win_totals()[-1]) / wB # unswap the values self.schedule[A]['schedule'], self.schedule[B][ 'schedule'] = self.schedule[B]['schedule'], self.schedule[A][ 'schedule'] with open(file, 'w+', newline='') as outfile: cw = csv.writer(outfile) cw.writerow(['', *sorted(list(data.keys()))]) keys = sorted(list(data.keys())) for team in keys: row = [data[team][x] for x in keys] cw.writerow([team, *row])
def test_get_max_tierce(self): p1, p2, p3, p4 = Player(name='ime1'), Player(name='ime2'),\ Player(name='ime3'), Player(name='ime4') t1, t2 = Team('prqkor1', p1, p3), Team('prqkor2', p2, p4) p1.announcements = {BELOTE_TIERCE_STRING: [Card('9', 's')]} p2.announcements = {BELOTE_TIERCE_STRING: [Card('Q', 's')]} p3.announcements = {BELOTE_TIERCE_STRING: [Card('A', 's')]} p4.announcements = {BELOTE_TIERCE_STRING: [Card('K', 'c')]} t1.get_max_tierce() t2.get_max_tierce() self.assertEqual(t1.highest_tierce, Card('A', 's')) self.assertEqual(t2.highest_tierce, Card('K', 'c'))
def top_trading_cycles(teams, users): while teams: graph = {} for team in teams: for user in team.user_prefs(users): if (Team.team_with_user(teams, user)): graph[team] = (Team.team_with_user(teams, user), user) break cycles = detect_cycles(graph) for cycle in cycles: for team in cycle: team.take_user_from(graph[team][0], graph[team][1]) for team in cycle: teams.pop(teams.index(team))
def get_team_dictionary(team_file_list, elo_scores): team_names = set() teams = {} #Set up Team set for i in team_file_list[: 12]: #assumes all 8 teams appear in first 12 games. This number can be increased #to accomodate more games without negative side effects team_names.add(i['team1']) team_names.add(i['team2']) #translate Team set to team dictionary for i in team_names: #add teams to dictionary keyed by their name teams[i] = Team(i) teams[i].elo = elo_scores[i] return teams
def main(): # set up the data # set up 8 teams # only one manager per team # only one league players = [] for i in range(100): players.append(generate_player()) # more teams will be added later on teams = [ Team('Toronto Raptors'), Team('Los Angeles Lakers'), Team('Houston Rockets'), Team("Golden State Warriors"), Team('Oklahoma City Thunder'), Team('Philadelphia 76ers'), Team('Portland Trail Blazers'), Team('Milwaukee Bucks') ] for team in teams: # give them 5 starting players for player_num in range(5): selected_player = random.choice(players) team.players.append(selected_player) players.remove(selected_player) # one league first_league = League('NBA') first_league.set_teams(teams)
def season(self, request): theCache = memcache.get("seasons") if theCache is None: t = Team() seasons = [] for team in t.getSeasons(): season = Season(season=team.season) if season not in seasons: seasons.append(season) if not memcache.add("seasons", seasons): logging.error("memcache failed to set") return SeasonResponse(seasons=seasons) else: return SeasonResponse(seasons=theCache)
def test_team_validate_players_raises_exception_when_not_two_players(self): p1 = Player('Pesho') p2 = Player('Gosho') p3 = Player('Tosho') test_players = [p1, p2, p3] exc = None try: Team.validate_players(test_players) except Exception as err: exc = err self.assertIsNotNone(exc) self.assertEqual(str(exc), 'Only 2 players per team.')
def season(self, request): theCache = memcache.get('seasons') if theCache is None: t = Team() seasons = [] for team in t.getSeasons(): season = Season(season=team.season) if season not in seasons: seasons.append(season) if not memcache.add('seasons', seasons): logging.error('memcache failed to set') return SeasonResponse(seasons=seasons) else: return SeasonResponse(seasons=theCache)
def top_trading_cycles(teams,users): while teams: graph = {} for team in teams: for user in team.user_prefs(users): if(Team.team_with_user(teams,user)): graph[team] = (Team.team_with_user(teams,user),user) break cycles = detect_cycles(graph) for cycle in cycles: for team in cycle: team.take_user_from(graph[team][0],graph[team][1]) for team in cycle: teams.pop(teams.index(team))
def test_team_attack_deaths(): team_one = Team("One") jodie = Hero("Jodie Foster") aliens = Ability("Alien Friends", 10000) jodie.add_ability(aliens) team_one.add_hero(jodie) team_two = Team("Two") athena = Hero("Athena") socks = Armor("Socks", 10) athena.add_armor(socks) team_two.add_hero(athena) assert team_two.heroes[0].deaths == 0 team_one.attack(team_two) assert team_two.heroes[0].deaths == 1
def unpack_team(team): new_team = Team() = team['name'] new_team.slug = team['slug'] = team['id'] = team['country'] new_team.race = team['race'] new_team.full_name = team['full_name'] = team['country'] new_team.image_url = team['image_url'] return new_team
def build_team_one(self): ''' Prompt the user to build team_one. ''' # This method should allow a user to create team one. # Prompt the user for the number of Heroes on team one # call self.create_hero() for every hero that the user wants to add to team one. # Add the created hero to team one. numOfTeamMembers = int(input("How many members would you like on Team One?\n")) name = input("Team 1 Name: ") self.team_one = Team(name) for hero in range(numOfTeamMembers): hero = self.create_hero() self.team_one.add_hero(hero)
def simulate_match(team1, team2): # simulates match for the given teams team = [team1, team2] teams = [] teams.append(Team(team[0], team[1])) teams.append(Team(team[1], team[0])) toss_result = toss(teams[0].teamname(), teams[1].teamname()) simulate_inning(teams[toss_result[0]]) simulate_inning(teams[(toss_result[0] + 1) % 2], teams[toss_result[0]].getscore()) return (toss_result, teams)
def _generate_match_html(self, match): if isinstance(match, Match): if "TBD" in (match.team1_fullname, match.team2_fullname): return "" blue_team = Team.find(match.team1_fullname) red_team = Team.find(match.team2_fullname) start_time = match.start_time.strftime("%H%M: ") else: blue_team, red_team = match start_time = "" if not isinstance(match, Match) or > 1: self.html += "<br/>" self._generate_game_html(blue_team, red_team, start_time) if not isinstance(match, Match) or > 1: self._generate_game_html(red_team, blue_team, start_time)
def create_team(heroes=[]): teams = [ "Orchids", "Red", "Blue", "Cheese Steaks", "Warriors", "49ers", "Marvel", "DC", "Rat Pack", "The Little Red Riding Hoods", "Team One", "Generic Team", "X-men", "Team Two", "Golden Champions", "Vegan Protectors", "The Cardinals", "Winky Bears", "Steelsmiths", "Boilermakers", "Nincompoops" ] name = teams[random.randint(0, len(teams) - 1)] team = Team(name) if len(heroes) > 0: for member in heroes: team.add_hero(member) return team
def test_current_team_after_load(self): """ Test Data.load_saved_team() """ test_data_class = Data("test") test_data_class.team_data = [ Team("test team 1", test_data_class.default_pokemon_list), Team("test team 2", test_data_class.default_pokemon_list) ] Data.select_saved_team = MagicMock(return_value="test team 2") test_data_class.load_saved_team() self.assertEqual( test_data_class.team_data[1], test_data_class.current_team, "test team 2 was not set to the current team attribute!")
def run(self): matches = [] b1, b2 = self.bot1(), self.bot1() b3, b4 = self.bot2(), self.bot2() T1 = Team(b1, b2, name="Bot 1") T2 = Team(b3, b4, name="Bot 2") for i in range(self.runterm): print('Match', i + 1, 'of', self.runterm) M = Map(False) G = Game(M, T1, T2) G.opt["Timelimit"] = self.timelimit matches.append( print() del M, G return matches
def parseSunCSV(filename, teamd={}): """Prase Sunshine Forecast data file.""" if not isinstance(teamd, dict): raise RuntimeError("teamd must be a dictionary!") datafile = csv.reader(open(filename, 'r')) for i, row in enumerate(datafile): if i == 0 or len(row[2].split()) == 0: continue home, away = row[3], row[1] home_score, away_score = int(row[4]), int(row[2]) ## if home == 'Texas' or away == 'Texas': ## print home_score, home, "--", away, away_score ## if home == 'Texas': ## print home_score > away_score ## else: ## print away_score > home_score for school in [home, away]: if not teamd.has_key(school): FBS = school in sun_names teamd[school] = Team(school, "", FBS) home_won = home_score > away_score teamd[home].addOpponent(teamd[away], home_won) teamd[home].points_for += home_score teamd[home].points_against += away_score teamd[away].addOpponent(teamd[home], not home_won) teamd[away].points_for += away_score teamd[away].points_against += home_score return teamd
def _maketeams(team_numbers): f = open(ABS_DATA_DIR) teams = [Team(t, partner=i < 3) for i, t in enumerate(team_numbers)] for line in f: splitline = line.split(',') t = splitline[TEAM] if t in team_numbers: try: teams[team_numbers.index(t)].addline(splitline) except IndexError as e: printing.printf('Incomplete line in data: ', style=printing.ERROR, log=True, logtag='Team.addline.error') printing.printf(line, style=printing.YELLOW, log=True, logtag='Team.addline.error') log('Team.addline.error', str(e)) except Exception as e: printing.printf('Unknown error in strategy request: ', style=printing.ERROR, log=True, logtag='Team.addline.error') printing.printf(str(e), style=printing.ERROR, log=True, logtag='Team.addline.error') printing.printf('On line: ' + line, style=printing.YELLOW, log=True, logtag='Team.addline.error') return teams
def test_team_str_representation_is_as_expected(self): p1 = Player('Pesho') p2 = Player('Gesho') test_team = Team('Team1',[p1, p2]) self.assertEqual(str(team), 'Team1')
def getCurrentTeams(suppressOutput=True): teams = dict() glsoup = getSoupFromURL('', suppressOutput) active_teams_table = glsoup.find( 'table', id='teams_active') # id for reg season table all_rows = active_teams_table.find_all("th", attrs={"data-stat": "franch_name"}) active_teams = list() for row in all_rows: team = row.find("a") if team is None: continue active_teams.append(team) for team in active_teams: name = team.get_text() try: teams[name] = Team( name, '' + team.attrs['href']) except Exception as e: print("ERROR:", e) sleep(1) # sleeping to be kind for requests return teams
def getAllTeams(): session = getSession() try: r = getRequest() #conn.request("GET", "/mlb/v2/JSON/News?%s" % params, "{body}", # headers) #response = conn.getresponse() if r != None: data = r.json() print(r.json()) for item in data: theID = item['TeamID'] query = session.query(Team).filter( Team.TeamID == theID).scalar() thisTeam = Team(**{ k: v for k, v in item.items() if k in Team.__table__.columns }) if query is None: '' session.add(thisTeam) else: query = session.merge( thisTeam ) #session.query(News).filter(News.NewsID == theID).update(newsItem) session.commit() print(thisTeam) #for key, value{j in item.items(): # print(str(key)+ ': '+ str(value)) except Exception as e: print("[Errno {0}] ".format(e))
def test_with_one_tierce(self): p1, p2, p3, p4 = Player(name='ime1'), Player(name='ime2'),\ Player(name='ime3'), Player(name='ime4') t1, t2 = Team('prqkor1', p1, p3), Team('prqkor2', p2, p4) r = Round(1, t1, t2) p1.announcements = {BELOTE_TIERCE_STRING: [Card('9', 's')]} p2.announcements = {} p3.announcements = {} p4.announcements = {} r.check_tierce() self.assertEqual(p1.announcements[BELOTE_TIERCE_STRING], [Card('9', 's')]) self.assertNotIn(BELOTE_TIERCE_STRING, p2.announcements.keys()) self.assertNotIn(BELOTE_TIERCE_STRING, p3.announcements.keys()) self.assertNotIn(BELOTE_TIERCE_STRING, p4.announcements.keys())
def generate_fixture_list(self, teams: list, total_rounds): """Generate fixtures from a list of teams, and returns the fixtures as a list""" #adding a team to create the fixtures if len(teams) % 2 != 0: teams.append(Team(self.database, 0, 'Day Off')) n = len(teams) match = [] fixtures_in_rounds = [] for fixture in range(1, n): for i in range(round(n / 2)): match.append((teams[i], teams[n - 1 - i])) teams.insert(1, teams.pop()) fixtures_in_rounds.append(match) match = [] fixtures = [] #changing the structure to a list of fixtures for rounds in fixtures_in_rounds: for game in rounds: if game[0].name != 'Day Off' and game[1].name != 'Day Off': fixtures.append(game) #removing day off from the class teams list for index, team in enumerate(teams): if == 'Day Off': teams.pop(index) return fixtures * total_rounds
def import_teams_from_json(file_name): with open(file_name) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) for p in data['teams']: team_reference = p['team_id'] team_reference = Team(p['team_id'], p['team_name']) teams_list.append(team_reference)
def test_delete_team_from_team_data(self): """ Test Data.delete_saved_team() """ test_data_class = Data("test") test_data_class.team_data = [ Team("test team 1", test_data_class.default_pokemon_list), Team("test team 2", test_data_class.default_pokemon_list) ] test_data_class.current_team = test_data_class.team_data[0] Data.select_saved_team = MagicMock(return_value="test team 1") test_data_class.delete_saved_team() self.assertEqual(len(test_data_class.team_data), 1) self.assertEqual(test_data_class.team_data[0].name, "test team 2") self.assertIsNone(test_data_class.current_team)
def statistic2(self): self.ui.team1_result.hide() self.ui.team2_result.hide() self.get_teams() self.team2 = Team(self.team2) self.team2.make_graph() self.team2.calculate_predicted() plt.cla() ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.team2.xs, self.team2.ys,, marker="o") ax.plot(self.team2.xs, self.team2.predicted, label="Trend") ax.legend() self.canvas.draw()
def __init__(self, team_text, agent, username, pokedata, password=None, monitor_url=None, proxy=False, browser='phantomjs', predictor_name='PokeFrequencyPredictor', verbose=False, kernel_dir="kernel", kernel=False, lib_dir="lib"): self.logger = logging.getLogger("showdown") self.logger.setLevel(level=logging.INFO) self.agent = agent self.username = username self.password = password self.team_text = team_text self.predictor_name = predictor_name self.monitor_url = monitor_url self.battle_url = None self.pokedata = pokedata self.smogon_data = pokedata.smogon_data self.smogon_bw_data = pokedata.smogon_bw_data self.graph_move = pokedata.graph_move self.graph_poke = pokedata.graph_poke self.poke_moves = pokedata.poke_moves self.my_team = Team.make_team(team_text, self.smogon_data) self.opp_team = None self.simulator = Simulator(pokedata) arch = platform.architecture() self.lib_dir = Path(lib_dir) / OS_MAP[arch[0]][arch[1]] self.selenium = Selenium(proxy=proxy, browser=browser, lib_dir=self.lib_dir) self.verbose = verbose self.kernel_dir = Path(kernel_dir) self.kernel = kernel if self.kernel and not self.kernel_dir.exists(): self.kernel_dir.mkdir() self.state = KernelState(self.kernel_dir / KERNEL_STATE, self.kernel) self.state.update_state("status", "idle") if self.verbose: self.logger.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG)
def create_team(self): '''Prompt user for team''' team_name = input("Team's name: ") tsmteam = True while tsmteam == True: response = input("Is this a tsm team? (y/n) ") if response == "y": team = TSM(team_name) x = 0 while x > 2: player = self.create_player() team.add_player(player) x += 1 return team else: tsmteam = False team = Team(team_name) x = 0 while x > 2: player = self.create_player() team.add_player(player) x += 1 return team
def test_save_team_data(self): """ Test that team data is saved correctly """ test_data_class = Data("test") test_data_class.team_data = [ Team("test team", test_data_class.default_pokemon_list) ] test_data_class.save_all_teams() with open(project_path + "/json/test_data.json", "r") as f: saved_data = json.loads( self.assertIsInstance(saved_data, list, "The team data didn't save as a list of teams!") self.assertIsInstance( saved_data[0], dict, "The element in the saved data list isn't a dictionary of attributes for the Team object!" ) self.assertEqual( saved_data[0]["name"], test_data_class.team_data[0].name, "The saved team doesn't have the correct name attribute!") self.assertEqual( len(saved_data[0]), 2, "The dictionary of attributes doesn't have 2 key, value pairs!")
def kmeans_assignment(exper_data, users, max_size): assignments = [] weights = w.find_weights(exper_data, max_size) # the reason why appending 0 here is for later exper_date transformation, # if stu did not bid the topic, the weight of that topic will be 0 weights.append(0) exper_data = [[weights[int(data) - 1] for data in row] for row in exper_data] count = 0 # count the # of stu who did not bid any topics stuff = [] for i in range(len(exper_data)): if sum(exper_data[i]) == 0: stuff.append(users[i]) count += 1 print("{} student(s) who did not bid any topics.".format(count)) for user in stuff: print( # print pid of users who did not bid any topics # The reason why adding the index to the end of each item in exper_data is that # it is used for identify the corresponding user after performing k-means clustering build_teams([exper_data[i] + [i] for i in range(len(exper_data))], assignments, max_size) teams = [ Team([users[user[-1]] for user in group]) for group in assignments ] for team in teams: for other_team in team.team_prefs(teams): if team is not other_team and len(team.members) + len( other_team.members) <= max_size: team.merge_with_team(teams.pop(teams.index(other_team))) return (teams, users)
def get_team(self, team_id, team_name): for team in self.teams: if team.team_id == team_id: return team new_team = Team(team_id, team_name) self.teams.append(new_team) return new_team
def generate_team_from_team_dict(self, team_dict: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Team: """ Takes a dictionary of team data and creates a Team object out of it Parameters ---------- team_dict: dict A dictionary of data that holds information about a certain Teams performance in one NBA game Returns ------- Team The Team object converted from the dictionary of team data """ name: str = team_dict['name'] scores: Dict[GamePeriod, int] = dict() for period in team_dict['scores']: scores[convert_to_game_period( period)] = team_dict['scores'][period] totals: Dict[PlayerStatTypes, float] = dict() for stat_type in team_dict['totals']: converted_type: PlayerStatTypes = convert_to_player_stat_type( stat_type) if converted_type: totals[converted_type] = team_dict['totals'][stat_type] players = [ self.generate_player_from_player_dict(team_dict['players'][player]) for player in team_dict['players'] if self.generate_player_from_player_dict(team_dict['players'] [player]) is not None ] return Team(name=name, scores=scores, team_stats=totals, players=players)
def init_ratings(team_directory,teams): for team_id in teams: team_obj = Team(team_id) team_directory[team_id] = team_obj return team_directory
def reset(self): self.state.update_state("status", "idle")"Resetting...") self.simulator.score = 0 = 0 self.selenium.reset() self.opp_team = None self.my_team = Team.make_team(self.team_text, self.smogon_data)
def school(self, request): cacheKey = request.season if cacheKey is None: cacheKey = 'AllSchools' theCache = memcache.get(cacheKey) if theCache is None: t = Team() schools = [] for team in t.getSchools(request.season): school = School( if school not in schools: schools.append(school) if not memcache.add(cacheKey, schools): logging.error('Unable to set cache') return SchoolResponse(schools=schools) else: return SchoolResponse(schools=theCache)
def setUp(self): """ set up data used in the tests. setUp is called before each test function execution. """ self.teams= [] self.team1 = Team("team1") self.team2 = Team("team2") pygame.init() self.team1.addSnails(2) self.team2.addSnails(3) self.teams.append(self.team1) self.teams.append(self.team2) self.turnManager = TurnManager() self.turnManager.setTeams(self.teams)
def coach(self, request): cacheKey = 'AllCoaches' if ( is not None) and (request.season is None): cacheKey = else: cacheKey = request.season + theCache = memcache.get(cacheKey) if theCache is None: t = Team() coaches = [] for team in t.getCoaches(, request.season): coach = Coach(team_id=team.teamId,,, grade=team.grade) coaches.append(coach) if not memcache.add(cacheKey, coaches): logging.error('Unable to set cache') return Coaches(coaches=coaches) else: return Coaches(coaches=theCache)
def manages_team(self, team_or_team_name): # if it's a string get an internal representation if isinstance(team_or_team_name, basestring): if not Team.valid_team_name(team_or_team_name): # raise? return False else: team_or_team_name = Team(team_or_team_name) return self._manages_team(team_or_team_name)
class TestTimer(unittest.TestCase): """ A test class for the Timer module. """ def setUp(self): """ set up data used in the tests. setUp is called before each test function execution. """ self.teams= [] self.team1 = Team("team1") self.team2 = Team("team2") pygame.init() self.team1.addSnails(2) self.team2.addSnails(3) self.teams.append(self.team1) self.teams.append(self.team2) self.turnManager = TurnManager() self.turnManager.setTeams(self.teams) # def testInitialized(self): # """ # Test if init goes good # """ # self.assertEqual(self.turnManager.teams, self.teams) # self.assertEqual(self.turnManager.teams[0], self.team1) # self.assertEqual(self.turnManager.teams[1], self.team2) # # self.assertEqual(self.turnManager.status, TurnStatus.BREAK) # self.assertEqual(self.turnManager.startTime, Settings.TIMER_STARTTIME) # self.assertEqual(self.turnManager.size, Settings.TIMER_SIZE) # self.assertEqual(self.turnManager.position, Settings.TIMER_POSITION) # self.assertEqual(self.turnManager.font_size, Settings.TIMER_FONT_SIZE) def testSingleton(self): """ Test if the singleton works """ turnmanager2 = TurnManager() self.assertEqual(id(self.turnManager), id(turnmanager2))
def get_team_info(self): with open('data/teams.csv') as csvfile: next(csvfile) teams = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for team in teams: new_team = Team(team['TDNA'], team['TSNA']) new_team._id = team['TGID'] new_team.division = 'Div FBS' if team['LGID'] == '0' else 'FCS' new_team.wins = int(team['TSWI']) new_team.losses = int(team['TSLO']) new_team.bcs_rank = int(team['TBRK']) new_team.previous_bcs_rank = int(team['TBPR']) = []
def inviteAnswerReply(self, answer, members, inviter, invitee): from player import localPlayer from team import Team from player_manager import playerManager from team_manager import teamManager from draw_ import draw if is newTeam = Team() newTeam.create(inviter) for member in members: newTeam.add(member) #更新玩家和team 数据 idea-->定义一个“更新”类,用@classmethod? = newTeam = newTeam playerManager.add(inviter) playerManager.add(invitee) teamManager.add(newTeam) #画出队伍成员 draw.disDrawTeamMember() draw.drawTeamMember(newTeam) elif is = teamManager.get(inviter) #更新玩家和team 数据 playerManager.add(inviter) teamManager.add( #画出队伍成员 draw.disDrawTeamMember() draw.drawTeamMember( else:# 其他队员 #更新玩家和team 数据 playerManager.add(localPlayer) teamManager.add( #画出队伍成员 draw.disDrawTeamMember() draw.drawTeamMember(
class TestWeapon(unittest.TestCase): """ A test class for the Weapon module. """ def setUp(self): """ set up data used in the tests. setUp is called before each test function execution. """ self.turnManager = TurnManager() self.teams = [] = Team("Akatsuki") self.teams.append( self.turnManager.setTeams(self.teams) self.snail = None for snail in self.snail = snail self.weapon = Weapon("Canon", 20) self.weapon.ammo = 5 def testInitialized(self): """ Test if init goes good """ self.assertEqual(, "Canon") self.assertEqual(self.weapon.power, 20) self.assertEqual(self.weapon.ammo, 5) def testShoot(self): self.weapon.shoot() self.assertEqual(self.weapon.ammo, 4)
def addTeam(self, name, numberOfSnails, gravity_direction): """ Add a team to the game @param name: The name of the team @param numberOfSnails: The amount of snails the team has @param gravity_direction: The gravity direction of the team """ team = Team(name) team.setGravity(gravity_direction) team.addSnails(numberOfSnails) team.setTeamImage((gravity_direction+1)) self.teams.append(team)
def _clone_teams(self, current_generation, teams_to_clone, teams_population, programs_population, bid_profiles): for team, parent_profile in zip(teams_to_clone, bid_profiles): clone = Team(current_generation, team.programs) programs_population = clone.mutate(programs_population) child_profile = clone.generate_profile() while parent_profile == child_profile: programs_population = clone.mutate(programs_population) child_profile = clone.generate_profile() while not self._team_has_different_bid_profile_overall(child_profile, bid_profiles): programs_population = clone.mutate(programs_population) child_profile = clone.generate_profile() teams_population.append(clone) return teams_population, programs_population
def setUp(self): """ set up data used in the tests. setUp is called before each test function execution. """ self.turnManager = TurnManager() self.teams = [] = Team("Akatsuki") self.teams.append( self.turnManager.setTeams(self.teams) self.snail = None for snail in self.snail = snail self.weapon = Weapon("Canon", 20) self.weapon.ammo = 5
def __init__(self, games, schoolA, schoolB, playersA, playersB): = games teamA = Team(schoolA) teamB = Team(schoolB) for player in playersA.split(","): #splitting the names by the comma (in the input-Kevin:1,) and adding it to the player list teamA.add_player(player) for player in playersB.split(","): #same thing with the opponent teamB.add_player(player) self.teamA = teamA self.teamB = teamB self.playersA = playersA self.playersB = playersB