def __init__(self, stream, **kw): self._output = stream = tempita.bunch(,, **kw ) try: import pkg_resources template_txt = pkg_resources.resource_string('fatghol', 'template.tex') except ImportError: # try to open in current directory if os.path.exists('template.tex') and os.path.isfile('template.tex'): with open('template.tex', 'r') as template_file: template_txt = else: raise self._template = tempita.Template( template_txt, delimeters=('<<', '>>'), name='fatghol/template.tex',, ) self._total_graphs = 0 self._total_marked_graphs = 0 # document appendices self._appendix_graph_markings = None
def view_market(environ): user = environ["emapps.user"] table = [] for (charname, staname, volentered, volremaining, minvolume, typename, range, wallet, duration, escrow, price, bid, issued) in list(csv.reader(file(MORDERFILE))): if int(bid) == 0: continue b = tempita.bunch() b.update({'pilot': charname, 'station': staname, 'volentered': int(volentered), 'volremaining': int(volremaining), 'minvolume': int(minvolume), 'typename': typename, 'range': int(range), 'wallet': wallet, 'duration': datetime.timedelta(days=int(duration)), 'escrow': escrow, 'price': float(price), 'bid': bid, 'issued': datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(issued))}) table.append(b) return kgi.template_response('gradient/marketorders.html', user=user, orders=table)
def get_table_head(runSetResults, commonFileNamePrefix): # This list contains the number of columns each run set has # (the width of a run set in the final table) # It is used for calculating the column spans of the header cells. runSetWidths = [len(runSetResult.columns) for runSetResult in runSetResults] for runSetResult in runSetResults: # Ugly because this overwrites the entries in the map, # but we don't need them anymore and this is the easiest way for key in runSetResult.attributes: if key == 'turbo': turbo_values = list(set(runSetResult.attributes['turbo'])) if len(turbo_values) > 1: turbo = 'mixed' elif turbo_values[0] == 'true': turbo = 'enabled' elif turbo_values[0] == 'false': turbo = 'disabled' else: turbo = None runSetResult.attributes['turbo'] = ', Turbo Boost {}'.format(turbo) if turbo else '' else: runSetResult.attributes[key] = Util.prettylist(runSetResult.attributes[key]) def get_row(rowName, format_string, collapse=False, onlyIf=None, default='Unknown'): def format_cell(attributes): if onlyIf and not onlyIf in attributes: formatStr = default else: formatStr = format_string return formatStr.format(**attributes) values = [format_cell(runSetResult.attributes) for runSetResult in runSetResults] if not any(values): return None # skip row without values completely valuesAndWidths = list(Util.collapse_equal_values(values, runSetWidths)) \ if collapse else list(zip(values, runSetWidths)) return tempita.bunch(id=rowName.lower().split(' ')[0], name=rowName, content=valuesAndWidths) titles = [column.title for runSetResult in runSetResults for column in runSetResult.columns] runSetWidths1 = [1]*sum(runSetWidths) titleRow = tempita.bunch(id='columnTitles', name=commonFileNamePrefix, content=list(zip(titles, runSetWidths1))) return {'tool': get_row('Tool', '{tool} {version}', collapse=True), 'limit': get_row('Limits', 'timelimit: {timelimit}, memlimit: {memlimit}, CPU core limit: {cpuCores}', collapse=True), 'host': get_row('Host', '{host}', collapse=True, onlyIf='host'), 'os': get_row('OS', '{os}', collapse=True, onlyIf='os'), 'system': get_row('System', 'CPU: {cpu} with {cores} cores, frequency: {freq}{turbo}; RAM: {ram}', collapse=True, onlyIf='cpu'), 'date': get_row('Date of execution', '{date}', collapse=True), 'runset': get_row('Run set', '{niceName}'), 'branch': get_row('Branch', '{branch}'), 'options': get_row('Options', '{options}'), 'property':get_row('Propertyfile', '{propertyfiles}', collapse=True, onlyIf='propertyfiles', default=''), 'title': titleRow}
def settings_py(self): if 'settings-template' in self.options: template_fname = self.options['settings-template'] else: template_fname = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '' ) self._logger.debug( "Loading settings template from %s" % template_fname ) stream = open(template_fname, 'rb') template_definition ='utf-8') stream.close() if 'settings-template-extension' in self.options: self._logger.debug( "Loading settings extension template from %s" % ( self.options['settings-template-extension'], ) ) stream = open( self.options['settings-template-extension'], 'rb' ) template_definition += u"\n\n# Extension template %s\n\n" % ( self.options['settings-template-extension'], ) template_definition +='utf-8') stream.close() variables = {} for section in self.buildout.keys(): variables[section] = bunch( **dict(normalize_keys(self.buildout[section])) ) variables.update(dict(normalize_keys(self.options))) self.fix_databases(variables) variables.update({ 'name':, 'secret': self.secret }) self._logger.debug( "Variable computation terminated:\n%s" % pprint.pformat(variables) ) template = Template( template_definition, namespace=self._template_namespace ) self._logger.debug( "Interpolating template, namespace is:\n%s" % pprint.pformat( self._template_namespace ) ) return template.substitute(variables)
def getTableHead(runSetResults, commonFileNamePrefix): # This list contains the number of columns each run set has # (the width of a run set in the final table) # It is used for calculating the column spans of the header cells. runSetWidths = [len(runSetResult.columns) for runSetResult in runSetResults] for runSetResult in runSetResults: # Ugly because this overwrites the entries in the map, # but we don't need them anymore and this is the easiest way for key in runSetResult.attributes: runSetResult.attributes[key] = Util.prettylist(runSetResult.attributes[key]) def getRow(rowName, format, collapse=False, onlyIf=None): def formatCell(attributes): if onlyIf and not onlyIf in attributes: formatStr = 'Unknown' else: formatStr = format return formatStr.format(**attributes) values = [formatCell(runSetResult.attributes) for runSetResult in runSetResults] if not any(values): return None # skip row without values completely valuesAndWidths = list(Util.collapseEqualValues(values, runSetWidths)) \ if collapse else list(zip(values, runSetWidths)) return tempita.bunch(id=rowName.lower().split(' ')[0], name=rowName, content=valuesAndWidths) benchmarkNames = [runSetResult.attributes['benchmarkname'] for runSetResult in runSetResults] allBenchmarkNamesEqual = benchmarkNames.count(benchmarkNames[0]) == len(benchmarkNames) titles = [column.title for runSetResult in runSetResults for column in runSetResult.columns] runSetWidths1 = [1]*sum(runSetWidths) titleRow = tempita.bunch(id='columnTitles', name=commonFileNamePrefix, content=list(zip(titles, runSetWidths1))) return {'tool': getRow('Tool', '{tool} {version}', collapse=True), 'limit': getRow('Limits', 'timelimit: {timelimit}, memlimit: {memlimit}, CPU core limit: {cpuCores}', collapse=True), 'host': getRow('Host', '{host}', collapse=True, onlyIf='host'), 'os': getRow('OS', '{os}', collapse=True, onlyIf='os'), 'system': getRow('System', 'CPU: {cpu} with {cores} cores, frequency: {freq}; RAM: {ram}', collapse=True, onlyIf='cpu'), 'date': getRow('Date of execution', '{date}', collapse=True), 'runset': getRow('Run set', '{name}' if allBenchmarkNamesEqual else '{benchmarkname}.{name}'), 'branch': getRow('Branch', '{branch}'), 'options': getRow('Options', '{options}'), 'title': titleRow}
def getRow(rowName, format, collapse=False, onlyIf=None): def formatCell(attributes): if onlyIf and not onlyIf in attributes: formatStr = 'Unknown' else: formatStr = format return formatStr.format(**attributes) values = [formatCell(runSetResult.attributes) for runSetResult in runSetResults] if not any(values): return None # skip row without values completely valuesAndWidths = list(Util.collapseEqualValues(values, runSetWidths)) \ if collapse else list(zip(values, runSetWidths)) return tempita.bunch(id=rowName.lower().split(' ')[0], name=rowName, content=valuesAndWidths)
def get_summary(runSetResults): summaryStats = [] available = False for runSetResult in runSetResults: for column in runSetResult.columns: if column.title in runSetResult.summary and runSetResult.summary[column.title] != '': available = True value = runSetResult.summary[column.title] else: value = '' summaryStats.append(StatValue(value)) if available: return tempita.bunch(id=None, title='local summary', description='(This line contains some statistics from local execution. Only trust those values, if you use your own computer.)', content=summaryStats) else: return None
def getStats(rows): countFalse = len([row for row in rows if result.fileIsFalse(row.fileName)]) countTrue = len([row for row in rows if result.fileIsTrue(row.fileName)]) maxScore = result.SCORE_CORRECT_FALSE * countFalse + result.SCORE_CORRECT_TRUE * countTrue stats = [getStatsOfRunSet(runResults) for runResults in rowsToColumns(rows)] # column-wise rowsForStats = list(map(Util.flatten, zip(*stats))) # row-wise return [tempita.bunch(default=None, title='total files', content=rowsForStats[0]), tempita.bunch(default=None, title='correct results', description='(no bug exists + result is TRUE) OR (bug exists + result is FALSE)', content=rowsForStats[1]), tempita.bunch(default=None, title='false negatives', description='bug exists + result is TRUE', content=rowsForStats[2]), tempita.bunch(default=None, title='false positives', description='no bug exists + result is FALSE', content=rowsForStats[3]), tempita.bunch(default=None, title='false properties', description='bug exists + bug found, but not searched for it', content=rowsForStats[4]), tempita.bunch(default=None, title='score ({0} files, max score: {1})'.format(len(rows), maxScore), id='score', description='{0} true files, {1} false files'.format(countTrue, countFalse), content=rowsForStats[5]) ]
def view_standings(environ): update_rc(environ) positive = [] negative = [] for (tid, subject, edittime, prefix, editor) in get_threads(standings_forums[environ["org"]]): p = parse_subject(subject) if p is None: continue (entity, ticker, standing, comments, internal) = p standing = normalize_standing(standing) if standing == 0: continue b = tempita.bunch(entity=entity, ticker=ticker, standing=standing, comments=comments, tid=tid) if standing > 0: positive.append(b) else: negative.append(b) positive.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.entity.lower(), b.entity.lower())) negative.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.entity.lower(), b.entity.lower())) form = cgi.FieldStorage() format = form.getfirst("format", "html") if (format == 'igb' or (format == 'html' and environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].startswith("EVE-minibrowser"))): return kgi.template_response('standings/list_igb.html', positive=positive, negative=negative) elif format == 'xml': return kgi.template_response('standings/list_xml.html', header=[('Content-Type', 'text/xml')], standings=positive + negative) else: return kgi.template_response('standings/list.html', user=environ['emapps.user'], current_time=eve_time(), positive=positive, negative=negative)
def start_section(self, num_edges, num_vertices, intro=""): """ Start a new section with the given title text. The `intro` text is printed between the title text and the ensuing list content. """ if 'sections' not in = list() title = ("Fatgraphs with %(edges)s / %(vertices)s" % dict( edges = ("%d edges" % num_edges) if num_edges > 1 else "1 edge", vertices = ("%d vertices" % num_vertices) if num_vertices > 1 else "1 vertex", )) self._current_section = tempita.bunch( title=title, intro=intro, graphs=list(), ) self._section_graphs = 0 self._section_marked_graphs = 0 self._section_orientable_marked_graphs = 0
def get_stats(rows): stats =, rows_to_columns(rows)) # column-wise rowsForStats = list(map(Util.flatten, zip(*stats))) # row-wise # Calculate maximal score and number of true/false files for the given properties count_true = count_false = max_score = 0 for row in rows: if not # properties missing for at least one task, result would be wrong count_true = count_false = 0'Missing property for %s.', row.filename) break correct_result = result.satisfies_file_property(row.filename, if correct_result is True: count_true += 1 elif correct_result is False: count_false += 1 max_score += result.score_for_task(row.filename,, result.CATEGORY_CORRECT) task_counts = 'in total {0} true tasks, {1} false tasks'.format(count_true, count_false) if max_score: score_row = tempita.bunch(id='score', title='score ({0} tasks, max score: {1})'.format(len(rows), max_score), description=task_counts, content=rowsForStats[7]) def indent(n): return ' '*(n*4) return [tempita.bunch(id=None, title='total tasks', description=task_counts, content=rowsForStats[0]), tempita.bunch(id=None, title=indent(1)+'correct results', description='(property holds + result is true) OR (property does not hold + result is false)', content=rowsForStats[1]), tempita.bunch(id=None, title=indent(2)+'correct true', description='property holds + result is true', content=rowsForStats[2]), tempita.bunch(id=None, title=indent(2)+'correct false', description='property does not hold + result is false', content=rowsForStats[3]), tempita.bunch(id=None, title=indent(1)+'incorrect results', description='(property holds + result is false) OR (property does not hold + result is true)', content=rowsForStats[4]), tempita.bunch(id=None, title=indent(2)+'incorrect true', description='property does not hold + result is true', content=rowsForStats[5]), tempita.bunch(id=None, title=indent(2)+'incorrect false', description='property holds + result is false', content=rowsForStats[6]), ] + ([score_row] if max_score else [])
def start_graph(self, name, graph, pool): """ Start constructing the section relative to the given graph in the output. """ assert num_orientable_markings >= 0 num_orientable_markings = sum((1 if NG.is_oriented() else 0) for NG in pool) self._current_graph = graph self._current_marked_graph = pool[0] self._current_marked_graph_automorphisms = list(self._current_marked_graph.automorphisms()) self._total_graphs += 1 self._total_marked_graphs += len(pool) self._section_graphs += 1 self._section_marked_graphs += len(pool) self._section_orientable_marked_graphs += num_orientable_markings self._current_graph_data = tempita.bunch( name=name, orientable=graph.is_oriented(), num_orientable_markings=num_orientable_markings, latex_repr=LaTeXOutput.render_to_xypic(graph, cross_out=False), python_repr=LaTeXOutput.render_to_python(graph), boundary_cycles=LaTeXOutput._fmt_boundary_cycles(graph.boundary_cycles) )
def __init__(self, info, outputFile): super(HTMLTestReportGenerator, self).__init__(info, outputFile) # Load Tempita template. self._namespace = tempita.bunch() self._template = tempita.HTMLTemplate(content=REPORT_TEMPLATE, name='Test Report', namespace=self._namespace)
#snmp_auth = "" #snmp_priv = "" wifi_vlanid = yaml_conf['wifi']['vlan_id'] # Enable this if we cannot set special option82 tags franken_net_switches = [] # If you have franken net, you need snmpv3 credentials to dist # NOTE: THERE IS NO NEED TO USE THIS IF is_franken_net == False snmpv3_username = '' snmpv3_auth = '' snmpv3_priv = '' models = {} for model in yaml_conf['models']: data = bunch(template=model['path'], eth=model['ports']) if 'image' in model: data.image = model['image'] models.update({model['name']: data}) wifi_switches = yaml_conf['wifi']['switches'] # Files to be served as they are to all devices static_files = {} for sf in yaml_conf['static_files']: static_files.update(sf) # =============================================================== # Do not change below this if you do not know what you're doing! # ===============================================================
#snmp_priv = "" wifi_vlanid = yaml_conf['wifi']['vlan_id'] # Enable this if we cannot set special option82 tags franken_net_switches = [] # If you have franken net, you need snmpv3 credentials to dist # NOTE: THERE IS NO NEED TO USE THIS IF is_franken_net == False snmpv3_username = '' snmpv3_auth = '' snmpv3_priv = '' models = {} for model in yaml_conf['models']: models.update( {model['name']: bunch(template=model['path'], eth=model['ports'])}) wifi_switches = yaml_conf['wifi']['switches'] # Files to be served as they are to all devices static_files = {} for sf in yaml_conf['static_files']: static_files.update(sf) # =============================================================== # Do not change below this if you do not know what you're doing! # =============================================================== def generate(switch, model_id): model = config.models[model_id]
titles_and_urls = sorted(all_talks_urls.items()) import tempita # First create the information that will go in the file topics = list() for topic, loading in itertools.izip(nmf.components_, doc_loadings.T): frequencies = [(f, w) for f, w in itertools.izip(topic, feature_names) if f != 0] frequencies.sort(reverse=True) titles = [(l, t) for l, t in itertools.izip(loading, titles_and_urls) if l != 0] titles.sort(reverse=True) talks = [ tempita.bunch( title=t[0], url=t[1], description=(all_talks_description[t[0]] if len(all_talks_description[t[0]].strip()) > 1 else "")) for l, t in titles ] topic_desc = tempita.bunch(first_word=frequencies[0][1], second_word=frequencies[1][1], talks=talks[:10]) topics.append(topic_desc) template = tempita.HTMLTemplate.from_filename('index_template.html') html = template.substitute(topics=topics) open(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'index.html'), 'w').write(html)
#snmp_user = "" #snmp_auth = "" #snmp_priv = "" wifi_vlanid = 851 # Enable this if we cannot set special option82 tags franken_net_switches = [ ] # If you have franken net, you need snmpv3 credentials to dist # NOTE: THERE IS NO NEED TO USE THIS IF is_franken_net == False snmpv3_username = '' snmpv3_auth = '' snmpv3_priv = '' models = { "WS-C2950T-24" : bunch(template="switchconfig/c2950t.cfg",eth=24), "WS-C2950G-24-EI" : bunch(template="switchconfig/c2950t.cfg",eth=24), "WS-C2950T-48-SI" : bunch(template="switchconfig/c2950t.cfg",eth=48), "WS-C2960G-48TC-L" : bunch(template="switchconfig/c2960g.cfg",eth=48), "WS-C2960X-48TS-L" : bunch(template="switchconfig/c2960x.cfg",eth=48), } wifi_switches = [ ] #wifi_switches = [ # "B01-A", "B05-A", "B10-A", "B16-A", "B22-C", "B26-C", "B31-C", "B37-C", # "C04-A", "C08-A", "C12-A", "C17-C", "C21-C", "C25-C", "C29-C", # "D03-A", "D09-B", "D19-B", "D23-A", "D29-A", "D34-C", "D40-C", "D44-C", "D48-C", "D56-C", "D62-C" #] # Files to be served as they are to all devices
Name: {{ person["name"] | plus_filter }} Role: {{ person["role"] }} {{if person.has_key("blackhat") }} (Bad guy) {{else}} (Good guy) {{endif}} {{endfor}} """ t = Template(template_string) def plus_filter(s): return "++ " + s + " ++" context_params = { "my_name" : "alice", "names" : [ "alice", "bob", "eve" ], "people" : [ { "name" : "alice", "role" : "communicator" }, { "name" : "bob", "role" : "communicator" }, { "name" : "eve", "role" : "eavesdropper", "blackhat" : True }, ], "a_bunch" : bunch(a=1,b=2,c=3), "plus_filter" : plus_filter, # Make available as filter } print t.substitute(context_params) print "\nDoing HTML subsitution..." html_template_string=""" {{# A little counter-intuitive, but use 'html()' to substitute without quotes }} <a href="{{ target_url | html }}">{{ target_name }}</a> """ t2 = HTMLTemplate(html_template_string) context_params2 = {
titles_and_urls = sorted(all_talks_urls.items()) import tempita # First create the information that will go in the file topics = list() for topic, loading in itertools.izip(nmf.components_, doc_loadings.T): frequencies = [(f, w) for f, w in itertools.izip(topic, feature_names) if f != 0] frequencies.sort(reverse=True) titles = [(l, t) for l, t in itertools.izip(loading, titles_and_urls) if l != 0] titles.sort(reverse=True) talks = [tempita.bunch(title=t[0], url=t[1], description=(all_talks_description[t[0]] if len(all_talks_description[t[0]].strip()) > 1 else "")) for l, t in titles] topic_desc = tempita.bunch(first_word=frequencies[0][1], second_word=frequencies[1][1], talks=talks[:10]) topics.append(topic_desc) template = tempita.HTMLTemplate.from_filename('index_template.html') html = template.substitute(topics=topics) open(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'index.html'), 'w').write(html)
#snmp_auth = "" #snmp_priv = "" wifi_vlanid = yaml_conf['wifi']['vlan_id'] # Enable this if we cannot set special option82 tags franken_net_switches = [ ] # If you have franken net, you need snmpv3 credentials to dist # NOTE: THERE IS NO NEED TO USE THIS IF is_franken_net == False snmpv3_username = '' snmpv3_auth = '' snmpv3_priv = '' models = {} for model in yaml_conf['models']: models.update({model['name']: bunch(template=model['path'],eth=model['ports'])}) wifi_switches = yaml_conf['wifi']['switches'] # Files to be served as they are to all devices static_files = {} for sf in yaml_conf['static_files']: static_files.update(sf) # =============================================================== # Do not change below this if you do not know what you're doing! # =============================================================== def generate(switch, model_id): model = config.models[model_id]