def main(): parallel = True workers = 8 writeCSV = True chunk_size = 30 # mesh_sizes = np.linspace(10, 5000, num = 50) # mesh_sizes = np.linspace(10, 200, num = 2, dtype = int) # mesh_sizes = np.logspace(10, 14, base = 2, num = 40) # = [1024, 16384] # Output of np.geomspace(100, 15000, num = 40, dtype = int) , not available at neon mesh_sizes = np.array([ 100, 113, 129, 147, 167, 190, 216, 245, 279, 317, 361, 410, 467, 531, 604, 687, 781, 888, 1010, 1148, 1306, 1485, 1688, 1920, 2183, 2482, 2823, 3210, 3650, 4150, 4719, 5366, 6102, 6939, 7890, 8972, 10202, 11601, 13191, 15000]) # Resampling of the output above # mesh_sizes += np.array([ 106.5, 138. , 178.5, 230.5, 298. , 385.5, 499. , # 645.5, 834.5, 1079. , 1395.5, 1804. , 2332.5, 3016.5, # 3900. , 5042.5, 6520.5, 8431. , 10901.5, 14095.5]) # some more data points more_points = np.array([ 106, 138, 178, 230, 298, 385, 499, 645, 834, 1079, 1395, 1804, 2332, 3016, 3900, 5042, 6520, 8431, 10901, 14095]) mesh_sizes = np.concatenate([mesh_sizes, more_points]) # mesh_sizes = np.array([100, 200]) bfs = [basisfunctions.Gaussian, basisfunctions.ThinPlateSplines, basisfunctions.VolumeSplines, basisfunctions.MultiQuadrics, basisfunctions.CompactPolynomialC0, basisfunctions.CompactThinPlateSplineC2] RBFs = [rbf.NoneConsistent, rbf.SeparatedConsistent] tfs = [testfunctions.Highfreq(), testfunctions.Lowfreq(), testfunctions.Jump(), testfunctions.Constant(1)] ms = [4, 6, 8, 12, 16] print("Minimum padding needed to avoid boundary effects =", 1/np.min(mesh_sizes) * max(ms)) params = [] for mesh_size, RBF, bf, tf, m in itertools.product(mesh_sizes, RBFs, bfs, tfs, ms): if (not bf.has_shape_param) and (m != ms[0]): # skip iteration when the function has no shape parameter and it's not the first iteration in m continue if not bf.has_shape_param: m = 0 params.append({"mesh_size" : mesh_size, "RBF" : RBF, "basisfunction" : bf, "testfunction" : tf, "m" : m}) # params = itertools.chain( # itertools.product(mesh_sizes, RBFs, # [basisfunctions.ThinPlateSplines, basisfunctions.VolumeSplines], # tfs, [0]), # itertools.product(mesh_sizes, RBFs, # [basisfunctions.Gaussian], # tfs, [4, 6, 8, 10, 14]), # itertools.product(mesh_sizes, RBFs, # [basisfunctions.MultiQuadrics], # tfs, [0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5]) # ) try: df = pd.read_csv("h_convergence.csv", index_col = "h") print("Read in data set of size ", len(df)) params = filter_existing(params, df) except OSError: df = pd.DataFrame() print("Created new data set.") global runTotal runTotal = len(params) global runCounter runCounter = multiprocessing.Value("i", 0) # i is type id for integer chunks = [params[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(params), chunk_size)] for chunk in chunks: results = [] if parallel: with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers = workers) as executor: results =, chunk) else: for p in chunk: results.append(kernel(**p)) print("Chunk computed, writing...") df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(list(results)).set_index("h")) write(df, writeCSV) write(df, writeCSV) # write out, also if we filtered everything print(df)
epsilon = np.sqrt(-np.log(1e-9)) / (m * s) else: epsilon = m * s BFs.append(bf(shape_parameter=epsilon)) epses.append(epsilon) print("max h =", max(spaces), ", min h =", min(spaces), ", max eps =", max(epses), ", min eps =", min(epses)) return BFs test_mesh = np.linspace(0, 1, 5000) ms = [4, 6, 8, 10, 12] tf_const = testfunctions.Constant(1) tf_hf = testfunctions.Highfreq() BF = Gaussian df = pd.DataFrame() orders = np.arange(4, 64, 1) element_size = 0.0625 for order, m in itertools.product(orders, ms): gc_points = GaussChebyshev_1D(order=order, element_size=element_size, domain_size=1, domain_start=0) print("Order =", order, ", elementSize =", element_size, "mesh size =", len(gc_points), ", m =", m) spacing = mesh.spacing(gc_points)
""" Compares polynomial with increasing degree on a number of test functions on a normal sized test mesh and a slighty enlarged one. """ import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, pandas as pd import basisfunctions, rbf, testfunctions from mesh import GaussChebyshev_1D from basisfunctions import Gaussian norm = lambda x: np.linalg.norm(x, ord=np.inf) BF = basisfunctions.Gaussian tfs = [ testfunctions.Highfreq(), testfunctions.Lowfreq(), testfunctions.Constant(1), testfunctions.Jump() ] in_mesh = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) test_mesh0 = np.linspace(0, 1, 20000) test_mesh1 = np.linspace(-0.1, 1.1, 20000) bf = BF(BF.shape_param_from_m(6, in_mesh)) cols = [ str(tf) + "_" + l for l in ["InfError", "InfErrorLargerMesh"] for tf in tfs ] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["degree"] + cols, dtype=np.float64) df = df.set_index("degree")
def plot_rmse_cond(): """ Plots over a range of shape parameters. """ in_mesh = np.linspace(1, 4, 192) # in_mesh = GaussChebyshev(12, 0.25, 4, 1) tf = testfunctions.Highfreq() in_vals = tf(in_mesh) test_mesh = np.linspace(1, 4, 2000) ms = np.linspace(1, 20, 50) separated = [] integrated = [] no_pol = [] separated_res = [] no_pol_res = [] sep_fitresc = [] for m in ms: print("Working on m =", m) bf = Gaussian(Gaussian.shape_param_from_m(m, in_mesh)) separated.append(SeparatedConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals, False)) integrated.append(IntegratedConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals)) no_pol.append(NoneConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals, False)) separated_res.append(SeparatedConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals, True)) no_pol_res.append(NoneConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals, True)) sep_fitresc.append( SeparatedConsistentFitted(bf, in_mesh, in_vals, True)) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.loglog([i.RMSE(tf, test_mesh) for i in no_pol], [i.condC for i in no_pol], label="No Polynomial") ax1.loglog([i.RMSE(tf, test_mesh) for i in integrated], [i.condC for i in integrated], label="Integrated Polynomial") ax1.loglog([i.RMSE(tf, test_mesh) for i in separated], [i.condC for i in separated], label="Separated Polynomial") ax1.loglog([i.RMSE(tf, test_mesh) for i in no_pol_res], [i.condC for i in no_pol_res], label="No polynomial, rescaled") ax1.loglog([i.RMSE(tf, test_mesh) for i in separated_res], [i.condC for i in separated_res], label="Separated polynomial, rescaled") ax1.loglog([i.RMSE(tf, test_mesh) for i in sep_fitresc], [i.condC for i in sep_fitresc], label="Separated, fitted, rescaled") ax1.set_ylabel("Condition") ax1.set_xlabel("RMSE") ax1.annotate("better", weight="bold", size="large", xycoords="axes fraction", xy=(0.05, 0.05), xytext=(0.25, 0.25), arrowprops={ "width": 5, "headwidth": 10, "shrink": 30 }) ax1.set_xlim([5e-8, 0.1]) ax1.legend() # plt.grid() # plt.savefig("rmse_cond.pdf")
import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, pandas as pd import rbf, rbf_qr, basisfunctions, testfunctions, mesh from ipdb import set_trace norm = lambda x: np.linalg.norm(x, ord=np.inf) def func(x): return np.exp(-np.abs(x - 3)**2) + 2 # tf = testfunctions.Highfreq() tf = lambda x: testfunctions.Highfreq()(x * 0.5 + 0.5) # tf = func BF = basisfunctions.Gaussian test_mesh = np.linspace(-0.6, 0.6, 4000) # test_mesh = np.linspace(0.2, 0.8, 4000) test_vals = tf(test_mesh) orders = np.arange(4, 128, 1) # element_size = 0.0625 res = [] for order in orders: in_mesh = mesh.GaussChebyshev_1D(order=order, element_size=0.25, domain_size=2, domain_start=-1) # in_mesh = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebgauss(order)[0]