예제 #1
def load(location, requested_paths, excluded_paths, xul_tester, reldir=''):
    Locates all tests by walking the filesystem starting at |location|.
    Uses xul_tester to evaluate any test conditions in the test header.
    Failure type and comment for a test case can come from
    - an external manifest entry for the test case,
    - an external manifest entry for a containing directory,
    - most commonly: the header of the test case itself.
    manifestFile = os.path.join(location, 'jstests.list')
    externalManifestEntries = _parse_external_manifest(manifestFile, '')

    for root, basename in _find_all_js_files(location, location):
        # Get the full path and relative location of the file.
        filename = os.path.join(root, basename)
        if not _is_test_file(root, basename, filename, requested_paths,

        # Skip empty files.
        fullpath = os.path.join(location, filename)
        statbuf = os.stat(fullpath)

        testcase = TestCase(os.path.join(reldir, filename))
        _apply_external_manifests(filename, testcase, externalManifestEntries,
        _parse_test_header(fullpath, testcase, xul_tester)
        yield testcase
예제 #2
def load(location, requested_paths, excluded_paths, xul_tester, reldir=''):
    Locates all tests by walking the filesystem starting at |location|.
    Uses xul_tester to evaluate any test conditions in the test header.
    Failure type and comment for a test case can come from
    - an external manifest entry for the test case,
    - an external manifest entry for a containing directory,
    - most commonly: the header of the test case itself.
    # The list of tests that we are collecting.
    tests = []

    # Any file whose basename matches something in this set is ignored.
    EXCLUDED = set(
        ('browser.js', 'shell.js', 'jsref.js', 'template.js', 'user.js',
         'sta.js', 'test262-browser.js', 'test262-shell.js',
         'test402-browser.js', 'test402-shell.js', 'testBuiltInObject.js',
         'testIntl.js', 'js-test-driver-begin.js', 'js-test-driver-end.js'))

    manifestFile = os.path.join(location, 'jstests.list')
    externalManifestEntries = _parse_external_manifest(manifestFile, '')

    for root, basename in _find_all_js_files(location, location):
        # Skip js files in the root test directory.
        if not root:

        # Skip files that we know are not tests.
        if basename in EXCLUDED:

        # Get the full path and relative location of the file.
        filename = os.path.join(root, basename)
        fullpath = os.path.join(location, filename)

        # If any tests are requested by name, skip tests that do not match.
        if requested_paths \
           and not any(req in filename for req in requested_paths):

        # Skip excluded tests.
        if filename in excluded_paths:

        # Skip empty files.
        statbuf = os.stat(fullpath)
        if statbuf.st_size == 0:

        testcase = TestCase(os.path.join(reldir, filename))
        _apply_external_manifests(filename, testcase, externalManifestEntries,
        _parse_test_header(fullpath, testcase, xul_tester)
    return tests
예제 #3
def load(location, xul_tester, reldir=''):
    Locates all tests by walking the filesystem starting at |location|.
    Uses xul_tester to evaluate any test conditions in the test header.
    # The list of tests that we are collecting.
    tests = []

    # Any file who's basename matches something in this set is ignored.
    EXCLUDED = set(
        ('browser.js', 'shell.js', 'jsref.js', 'template.js', 'user.js',
         'js-test-driver-begin.js', 'js-test-driver-end.js'))

    for root, basename in _find_all_js_files(location, location):
        # Skip js files in the root test directory.
        if not root:

        # Skip files that we know are not tests.
        if basename in EXCLUDED:

        # Get the full path and relative location of the file.
        filename = os.path.join(root, basename)
        fullpath = os.path.join(location, filename)

        # Skip empty files.
        statbuf = os.stat(fullpath)
        if statbuf.st_size == 0:

        # Parse the test header and load the test.
        testcase = TestCase(os.path.join(reldir, filename),
        _parse_test_header(fullpath, testcase, xul_tester)
    return tests
예제 #4
def parse(filename, xul_tester, reldir=''):
    ans = []
    comment_re = re.compile(r'#.*')
    dir = os.path.dirname(filename)

        f = open(filename)
    except IOError:
        print "warning: include file not found: '%s'" % filename
        return ans

    for line in f:
        sline = comment_re.sub('', line)
        parts = sline.split()
        if len(parts) == 0:
            # line is empty or just a comment, skip
        elif parts[0] == 'include':
            include_file = parts[1]
            include_reldir = os.path.join(reldir,
            ans += parse(os.path.join(dir, include_file), xul_tester,
        elif parts[0] == 'url-prefix':
            # Doesn't apply to shell tests
            script = None
            enable = True
            expect = True
            random = False
            slow = False
            debugMode = False

            pos = 0
            while pos < len(parts):
                if parts[pos] == 'fails':
                    expect = False
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos] == 'skip':
                    expect = enable = False
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos] == 'random':
                    random = True
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos].startswith('fails-if'):
                    cond = parts[pos][len('fails-if('):-1]
                    if xul_tester.test(cond):
                        expect = False
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos].startswith('asserts-if'):
                    # This directive means we may flunk some number of
                    # NS_ASSERTIONs in the browser. For the shell, ignore it.
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos].startswith('skip-if'):
                    cond = parts[pos][len('skip-if('):-1]
                    if xul_tester.test(cond):
                        expect = enable = False
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos].startswith('random-if'):
                    cond = parts[pos][len('random-if('):-1]
                    if xul_tester.test(cond):
                        random = True
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos].startswith('require-or'):
                    cond = parts[pos][len('require-or('):-1]
                    (preconditions, fallback_action) = re.split(",", cond)
                    for precondition in re.split("&&", preconditions):
                        if precondition == 'debugMode':
                            debugMode = True
                        elif precondition == 'true':
                            if fallback_action == "skip":
                                expect = enable = False
                            elif fallback_action == "fail":
                                expect = False
                            elif fallback_action == "random":
                                random = True
                                raise Exception(
                                    "Invalid precondition '%s' or fallback action '%s'"
                                    % (precondition, fallback_action))
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos] == 'script':
                    script = parts[pos + 1]
                    pos += 2
                elif parts[pos] == 'slow':
                    slow = True
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos] == 'silentfail':
                    # silentfails use tons of memory, and Darwin doesn't support ulimit.
                    if xul_tester.test("xulRuntime.OS == 'Darwin'"):
                        expect = enable = False
                    pos += 1
                    print 'warning: invalid manifest line element "%s"' % parts[
                    pos += 1

            assert script is not None
                TestCase(os.path.join(reldir, script), enable, expect, random,
                         slow, debugMode))
    return ans
예제 #5
def parse(filename, xul_tester, reldir = ''):
    ans = []
    comment_re = re.compile(r'#.*')
    dir = os.path.dirname(filename)

        f = open(filename)
    except IOError:
        print "warning: include file not found: '%s'"%filename
        return ans

    for line in f:
        sline = comment_re.sub('', line)
        parts = sline.split()
        if parts[0] == 'include':
            include_file = parts[1]
            include_reldir = os.path.join(reldir, os.path.dirname(include_file))
            ans += parse(os.path.join(dir, include_file), xul_tester, include_reldir)
        elif parts[0] == 'url-prefix':
            # Doesn't apply to shell tests
            script = None
            enable = True
            expect = True
            random = False

            pos = 0
            while pos < len(parts):
                if parts[pos] == 'fails':
                    expect = False
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos] == 'skip':
                    expect = enable = False
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos] == 'random':
                    random = True
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos].startswith('fails-if'):
                    cond = parts[pos][len('fails-if('):-1]
                    if xul_tester.test(cond):
                        expect = False
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos].startswith('asserts-if'):
                    # This directive means we may flunk some number of
                    # NS_ASSERTIONs in the browser. For the shell, ignore it.
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos].startswith('skip-if'):
                    cond = parts[pos][len('skip-if('):-1]
                    if xul_tester.test(cond):
                        expect = enable = False
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos].startswith('random-if'):
                    cond = parts[pos][len('random-if('):-1]
                    if xul_tester.test(cond):
                        random = True
                    pos += 1
                elif parts[pos] == 'script':
                    script = parts[pos+1]
                    pos += 2
                    print 'warning: invalid manifest line element "%s"'%parts[pos]
                    pos += 1

            assert script is not None
            ans.append(TestCase(os.path.join(reldir, script), 
                                enable, expect, random))
    return ans