예제 #1
파일: webui.py 프로젝트: nyuhuhuu/trachacks
    def create_ticket_for_lineitem (self, req, id, addMesage, lineitem, summary=None):
        #skip line items that have a ticket

        if re.search('/ticket/\d+', lineitem.description): return
        compname = 'Estimate-'+str(id)
        if summary: compname = summary
        ensure_component(self.env, compname, req.authname)
        t = Ticket(self.env)
        # try to split on a newline or space that is less than 80 chars into the string
        idx = lineitem.description.find('\n', 0, 80)
        if idx < 0: idx = lineitem.description.find(' ', 45, 80)
        if idx < 0: idx = 45            
        summary = lineitem.description[:idx]
        desc = lineitem.description
        desc += "\n\nFrom [/Estimate?id=%s Created From Estimate %s]" % \
        t.values['summary'] = summary
        t.values['description'] = desc
        t.values['status'] = 'new'
        t.values['reporter'] = req.authname
        t.values['component'] = compname
        t.values['estimatedhours'] = avg(lineitem.low, lineitem.high)
        lineitem.description+="\n\nCreated as /ticket/%s" % (t.id, )
        return t
 def import_tickets(self):
     trac_cursor = self.env.get_db_cnx().cursor()
     peer = SymfonyErrorPeer(self.env)
     owners = {}
     trac_cursor.execute("select owner, name from component")         
     for name, owner in trac_cursor:
         owners[name] = owner
     for error in peer.select_grouped():
         # ticket with current hash key not exists ?
         trac_cursor.execute("select ticket from ticket_custom where name = 'symfony_error_key' and value = '%s'" % error['hash_key'])            
         existing = trac_cursor.fetchone()
         if not existing:
             ticket = Ticket(self.env)
             ticket.values['summary'] = 'Bug #' + error['hash_key'] + ' ' + error['message']
             ticket.values['symfony_error_key'] = error['hash_key']
             ticket.values['reporter'] = 'cron'
             ticket.values['resolution'] = 'new'
             ticket.values['status'] = 'new'
             ticket.values['milestone'] = '0.3.1'
             if error['module_name'] in owners:
                 owner = owners[error['module_name']]
                 owner = self.default_owner
             ticket.values['owner'] = owner 
예제 #3
    def move(self, ticket_id, author, env, delete=False):
        move a ticket to another environment
        env: environment to move to
        tables = {"attachment": "id", "ticket_change": "ticket"}

        # open the environment if it is a string
        if isinstance(env, basestring):
            base_path, _project = os.path.split(self.env.path)
            env = open_environment(os.path.join(base_path, env), use_cache=True)

        # get the old ticket
        old_ticket = Ticket(self.env, ticket_id)

        # make a new ticket from the old ticket values
        new_ticket = Ticket(env)
        new_ticket.values = old_ticket.values.copy()

        # copy the changelog and attachment DBs
        for table, _id in tables.items():
            for row in get_all_dict(self.env, "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (table, _id), str(ticket_id)):
                row[_id] = new_ticket.id
                insert_row_from_dict(env, table, row)

        # copy the attachments
        src_attachment_dir = os.path.join(self.env.path, "attachments", "ticket", str(ticket_id))
        if os.path.exists(src_attachment_dir):
            dest_attachment_dir = os.path.join(env.path, "attachments", "ticket")
            if not os.path.exists(dest_attachment_dir):
            dest_attachment_dir = os.path.join(dest_attachment_dir, str(new_ticket.id))
            shutil.copytree(src_attachment_dir, dest_attachment_dir)

        # note the previous location on the new ticket
        new_ticket.save_changes(author, "moved from %s" % self.env.abs_href("ticket", ticket_id))

        # location of new ticket
        new_location = env.abs_href.ticket(new_ticket.id)

        if delete:
            # close old ticket and point to new one
            old_ticket["status"] = u"closed"
            old_ticket["resolution"] = u"moved"
            old_ticket.save_changes(author, u"moved to %s" % new_location)

        if env.config["trac"].get("base_url"):
            return new_location
            return None
예제 #4
    def invoke(self, message, warnings):
        """make a new ticket on receiving email"""

        # local warnings
        _warnings = []

        # get the ticket reporter
        reporter = self._reporter(message)
        # get the description and attachments
        mailBody, attachments = get_body_and_attachments(message)
        mailBody += '\n'

        # get the ticket fields
        fields = self._fields(mailBody, _warnings, reporter=reporter)

        # inset items from email
        ticket = Ticket(self.env)
        for key, value in fields.items():
            ticket.values[key] = value

        # fill in default values
        for field in ticket.fields:
            name = field['name']
            if name not in fields:
                option = 'ticket_field.%s' % name
                if self.env.config.has_option('mail', option):
                    ticket.values[name] = self.env.config.get('mail', option)
                        value = ticket.get_value_or_default(name) or ''
                    except AttributeError: # BBB
                        value = ''
                    if value is not None:
                        ticket.values[name] = value

        # create the ticket

        # add attachments to the ticket
        add_attachments(self.env, ticket, attachments)

        # do whatever post-processing is necessary

        # add local warnings
        if _warnings:
            warning = """A ticket has been created but there is a problem:\n\n%s\n\nPlease edit your ticket by going here: %s""" % ('\n\n'.join([' - %s' % warning for warning in _warnings]), self.env.abs_href('ticket', ticket.id))
 def test_remove_all(self):
     test_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
     expected = self.expected_results[test_name]
     ticket = Ticket(self.env)
     ticket.populate({'reporter': 'santa', 'summary': 'Summary line',
                      'description': 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
     self.assertEqual(1, len(self._get_docs()))
     rv, output = self._execute('fulltext remove')
     self.assertEqual(expected, output)
     self.assertEqual(0, len(self._get_docs()))
예제 #6
    def parse(self, fp):
        msg = email.message_from_file(fp)
        tkt = Ticket(self.env)
        tkt['status'] = 'new'
        tkt['reporter'] = msg['from']
        tkt['summary'] = msg['subject']
        for part in msg.walk():
            if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
                tkt['description'] = part.get_payload(decode=1).strip()

        if tkt.values.get('description'):
예제 #7
    def parse(self, fp):
        msg = email.message_from_file(fp)
        tkt = Ticket(self.env)
        tkt["status"] = "new"
        tkt["reporter"] = msg["from"]
        tkt["summary"] = msg["subject"]
        for part in msg.walk():
            if part.get_content_type() == "text/plain":
                tkt["description"] = part.get_payload(decode=1).strip()

        if tkt.values.get("description"):
예제 #8
	def _clone_testcase(self, db, id, status, milestone, assign=None):
		self.env.log.info("Cloning ticket %d (status == %s)" % (id, status))
		ticket_new = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
		ticket_old = Ticket(self.env, tkt_id=id, db=db)
		for k,v in ticket_old.values.items():
			self.env.log.debug("id: %d\tkey: %s\t\tvalue: %s" % (id,k,v))
			ticket_new.values[k] = ticket_old.values[k]
			if assign and len(assign) > 0:
				ticket_new['owner'] = assign.strip()
		ticket_new.values['milestone'] = milestone
		for k,v in ticket_new.values.items():
			self.env.log.info("%s\t%s" % (k, v))
예제 #9
 def _clone_testcase(self, db, id, status, milestone, assign=None):
     self.env.log.info("Cloning ticket %d (status == %s)" % (id, status))
     ticket_new = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
     ticket_old = Ticket(self.env, tkt_id=id, db=db)
     for k, v in ticket_old.values.items():
         self.env.log.debug("id: %d\tkey: %s\t\tvalue: %s" % (id, k, v))
         ticket_new.values[k] = ticket_old.values[k]
         if assign and len(assign) > 0:
             ticket_new['owner'] = assign.strip()
     ticket_new.values['milestone'] = milestone
     for k, v in ticket_new.values.items():
         self.env.log.info("%s\t%s" % (k, v))
예제 #10
    def test_can_insert_tickets_after_upgrade(self):
        t1 = Ticket(self.env)
        t1.summary = "test"
        self.assertEqual(t1.id, 1)


        with self.product('@'):
            ticket = Ticket(self.env)
            ticket.summary = 'test'
            self.assertEqual(ticket.id, 2)
예제 #11
 def test_remove_all(self):
     test_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
     expected = self.expected_results[test_name]
     ticket = Ticket(self.env)
         'reporter': 'santa',
         'summary': 'Summary line',
         'description': 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
     self.assertEqual(1, len(self._get_docs()))
     rv, output = self._execute('fulltext remove')
     self.assertEqual(expected, output)
     self.assertEqual(0, len(self._get_docs()))
예제 #12
    def test_can_insert_tickets_after_upgrade(self):
        t1 = Ticket(self.env)
        t1.summary = "test"
        self.assertEqual(t1.id, 1)


        with self.product('@'):
            ticket = Ticket(self.env)
            ticket.summary = 'test'
            self.assertEqual(ticket.id, 2)
예제 #13
    def submit(self, req):
        ticket = Ticket(self.env)

        # required fields
        ticket['aid'] = req.args['aid']
        description = req.args['description']
        ticket['description'] = description
        ticket['summary'] = req.args.get('summary', description)

        # other fields
        excluded = ['aid', 'description', 'summary']
        fields = [
            field['name'] for field in ticket.fields
            if field['name'] not in excluded
        for field in fields:
            arg = req.args.get(field)
            if arg is not None:
                ticket[field] = arg

        # create the ticket
        _id = ticket.insert()

        # yield the ticket ID
        return {"servicerequestid": _id}
예제 #14
 def _insert_ticket(cls, env, summary, **kw):
     """Helper for inserting a ticket into the database"""
     ticket = Ticket(env)
     ticket["summary"] = summary
     for k, v in kw.items():
         ticket[k] = v
     return ticket.insert()
예제 #15
 def _insert_ticket(cls, env, summary, **kw):
     """Helper for inserting a ticket into the database"""
     ticket = Ticket(env)
     ticket["summary"] = summary
     for k, v in kw.items():
         ticket[k] = v
     return ticket.insert()
예제 #16
    def _do_create(self, req, db):
        if not req.args.get('summary'):
            raise TracError('Tickets must contain a summary.')

        ticket = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
        ticket.values.setdefault('reporter', util.get_reporter_id(req))

        # Notify
            tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env)
            tn.notify(ticket, newticket=True)
        except Exception, e:
            self.log.exception("Failure sending notification on creation of "
                               "ticket #%s: %s" % (ticket.id, e))
예제 #17
    def _do_create(self, req, db):
        if not req.args.get('summary'):
            raise TracError(u'Les tickets doivent contenir un intitulé.')

        ticket = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
        ticket.values['reporter'] = get_reporter_id(req, 'reporter')
        self._validate_ticket(req, ticket)


        # Notify
            tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env)
            tn.notify(ticket, newticket=True)
        except Exception, e:
            self.log.exception(u"Impossible d'envoyer une notification sur la création du "
                               u"ticket #%s: %s" % (ticket.id, e))
예제 #18
    def _do_create(self, req, db):
        if not req.args.get('summary'):
            raise TracError('Tickets must contain a summary.')

        ticket = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
        ticket.values['reporter'] = get_reporter_id(req, 'reporter')
        self._validate_ticket(req, ticket)


        # Notify
            tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env)
            tn.notify(ticket, newticket=True)
        except Exception, e:
            self.log.exception("Failure sending notification on creation of "
                               "ticket #%s: %s" % (ticket.id, e))
예제 #19
파일: web_ui.py 프로젝트: lkraav/trachacks
    def _do_create(self, req, db):
        if not req.args.get('summary'):
            raise TracError('Tickets must contain a summary.')

        ticket = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
        ticket.values.setdefault('reporter', util.get_reporter_id(req))
        #Check for required fields

        # Notify
            tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env)
            tn.notify(ticket, newticket=True)
        except Exception, e:
            self.log.exception("Failure sending notification on creation of "
                               "ticket #%s: %s" % (ticket.id, e))
    def test_ticket(self):
        self.env.config.set('ticket-custom', 'foo', 'text')
        ticket = Ticket(self.env)
        ticket.populate({'reporter': 'santa', 'summary': 'Summary line',
                         'description': 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
                         'foo': 'This is a custom field',
                         'keywords': 'alpha bravo charlie',
                         'cc': '[email protected], [email protected]',
        so = self._get_so()
        self.assertEquals('%s:ticket:1' % self.basename, so.doc_id)
        self.assertEquals('ticket', so.realm)
        self.assertEquals('1', so.id)
        self.assertTrue('#1' in so.title)
        self.assertTrue('Summary line' in so.title)
        self.assertEquals('santa', so.author)
        self.assertEquals(ticket['time'], so.created)
        self.assertEquals(ticket['changetime'], so.changed)
        self.assertTrue('*****@*****.**' in so.involved)
        self.assertTrue('*****@*****.**' in so.involved)
        self.assertTrue('bravo' in so.tags)
        self.assertTrue('Lorem ipsum' in so.oneline)
        self.assertTrue('Lorem ipsum' in so.body)

        original_time = ticket['time']
        ticket['description'] = 'No latin filler here'
        ticket.save_changes('Jack Sprat', 'Could eat no fat')
        so = self._get_so()
        self.assertEquals('%s:ticket:1' % self.basename, so.doc_id)
        self.assertEquals('ticket', so.realm)
        self.assertEquals('1', so.id)
        self.assertEquals(original_time, so.created)
        self.assertEquals(ticket['changetime'], so.changed)
        self.assertFalse('Lorem ipsum' in so.body)
        self.assertTrue('No latin filler here' in so.body)
        self.assertTrue('Could eat no fat' in so.comments)
예제 #21
def run(options):

  # defualt value
  T_STATUS = 'new'
  # begin to create new  ticket
  TRAC_ENV = os.environ.get('TRAC_ENV') or os.path.expanduser('/home/trac/glue')
  if not os.path.isdir(TRAC_ENV):
    print >>sys.stderr, "Set TRAC_ENV to the Trac project directory."
    return {
      "status": 2
  from trac.env import open_environment
  from trac.ticket import Ticket
  t = Ticket(open_environment(TRAC_ENV))
  info = dict(
    owner=options["owner"], reporter=options["reporter"], cc=options["cc"],
    milestone=T_MILESTONE, type=options["type"],
    description = options["description"].decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
  num = t.insert()
  if not num:
    print >>sys.stderr, "Ticket not created"
    print >>sys.stderr, vals
    return {
      "status": 1
  #print "Ticket #%d" % (num)
  return {
    "status": 0,
    "id": num
예제 #22
    def __create_new_ticket(self, page, title, owner):
        matched = re.compile(r'^\[(.*)\](.*)').search(title)
        if matched:
            summary = matched.group(2)
            owner = matched.group(1)
            summary = title
            owner = None

        ticket = Ticket(self.env)
        ticket.values = {
            'status': 'new',
            'reporter': page.author,
            'summary': summary,
            'owner': owner,
            'description': "wiki:%s" % page.name,
        return ticket.insert()
예제 #23
    def __create_new_ticket(self, page, title, owner):
        matched = re.compile(r'^\[(.*)\](.*)').search(title)
        if matched:
            summary = matched.group(2)
            owner = matched.group(1)
            summary = title
            owner = None

        ticket = Ticket(self.env)
        ticket.values = {
            'status': 'new',
            'reporter': page.author,
            'summary': summary,
            'owner': owner,
            'description': "wiki:%s" % page.name,
        return ticket.insert()
예제 #24
 def createTicket(self, ticket_fields, env):
     Creates the ticket in trac.
     Keyword arguments:
     ticket_fields -- A dictionary with the ticket fields.
     The ticket number.
     ticket = Ticket(env)
     # Lets populate the ticket with our fields.
     # The ticket has already set all default values for us from trac.ini
     # in it's init, nice huh. 
     # Don't write to ticket.values[] unless you know what you are doing
     # create the ticket
     return ticket.insert()
예제 #25
    def createTicket(self, ticket_fields, env):
        Creates the ticket in trac.
        Keyword arguments:
        ticket_fields -- A dictionary with the ticket fields.
        The ticket number.

        ticket = Ticket(env)

        # Lets populate the ticket with our fields.
        # The ticket has already set all default values for us from trac.ini
        # in it's init, nice huh.
        # Don't write to ticket.values[] unless you know what you are doing

        # create the ticket
        return ticket.insert()
예제 #26
    def submit(self, req):
        ticket = Ticket(self.env)

        # required fields
        ticket['aid'] = req.args['aid']
        description = req.args['description']
        ticket['description'] = description
        ticket['summary'] = req.args.get('summary', description)
        # other fields
        excluded = ['aid', 'description', 'summary']
        fields = [ field['name'] for field in ticket.fields
                   if field['name'] not in excluded ]
        for field in fields:
            arg = req.args.get(field)
            if arg is not None:
                ticket[field] = arg

        # create the ticket
        _id = ticket.insert()

        # yield the ticket ID
        return {"servicerequestid": _id}
예제 #27
 def _create_trac_ticket(self, fields):
     trac_ticket = TracTicket(self.env)
     for key, value in fields.items():
         trac_ticket[key] = value
     return trac_ticket
 def testIndexNewTicket(self):
     ticket = Ticket(self.env)
     si = self.fts.backend.si_class(self.fts.backend.solr_endpoint)
     self.assertEquals(1, len(si.query('realm:ticket')))
예제 #29
 def _insert_and_load_ticket(self, summary, **kw):
     ticket = Ticket(self.env)
     ticket["summary"] = summary
     for k, v in kw.items():
         ticket[k] = v
     return Ticket(self.env, ticket.insert())
예제 #30
    def generateTracTickets(self, req):
            ok, it's a post so we know we are supposed to go ahead and create some TRAC tickets...the parameters that we care about are:
            #users ...this will be a list...
            #testtemplates ... this will be a list...
            #testcases  ... this will be a list...
            #version...this will be a string...
            #milestone...this will be a string...
            This method does one of two things.  It will either return: "True, URL" if ticket creation based on user input was succesful or "False, ErrorMessage" if
            the ticket creation failed.           

        #grab the parameters that we care about out of the request object
        testRunKeyWord = str(req.args.get('testrun_keyword'))
        users = req.args.get('testrun_users')
        testTemplates = req.args.get('testrun_selectedtemplates')
        testcases = req.args.get('testrun_selectedtestcases')
        version = str(req.args.get('testrun_selectedversion'))
        milestone = str(req.args.get('testrun_selectedmilestone'))
        testConfiguration = str(req.args.get('testrun_testconfiguration'))

        #-----------------------------------ERROR CHECKING ON PARAMETERS--------------------------------------------
        #it might make sense to create a new method to validate the parameters passed in but for now we'll leave it.

        if testRunKeyWord == None:
            testRunKeyWord = ""
        testRunKeyWord = self.properties.trimOutAnyProblemStrings(
        )  #this is manually typed in...so it's probably a good idea to look for sqlInjection etc...

        if version == None:
            version = ""
        if milestone == None:
            milestone = ""
        if users == None:
            return False, "No users selected for test run"

        #check to see if the user, templates or testcases parameters is a str/unicode or a list (well if it isn't a unicode or str then it is a list)
        if isinstance(users, unicode):
            users = [users]

        if isinstance(users, str):
            users = [TracText.to_unicode(users)]

        if isinstance(testcases, unicode):
            testcases = [testcases]

        if isinstance(testcases, str):
            testcases = [testcases]

        if isinstance(testTemplates, unicode):
            testTemplates = [testTemplates]

        if isinstance(testTemplates, str):
            testTemplates = [TracText.to_unicode(testTemplates)]

        version = TracText.to_unicode(version).strip()
        milestone = TracText.to_unicode(milestone).strip()

        if testcases == None:
            testcases = []  #so we don't get a blow up later...
            if testTemplates == None:
                return False, "must select at least one testcase or test template to create a test run"

        elif testTemplates == None:
            testTemplates = []

        #--------------------------------------------DONE ERROR CHECKING -----------------------------------------------

        #create combined testcase list
        testcases = self.createCombinedTestCaseList(testTemplates, testcases,

        allTestcases, errors = self.properties.getTestCases(
            self, req)  #fetch the testcases...
        if errors:
            return False, errors

        if allTestcases == None:
            return False, None

        #one last validation step
        errorMessages = []
        for aUser in users:
            for testId in testcases:
                testId = TracText.to_unicode(testId).strip()
                if testId in allTestcases:
                    self.env.log.info("Testcase : " + testId +
                                      "  not found in master list ")
                        "The test: " + testId +
                        ", doesn't match it's file name or you've specified it wrong in the testtemplates.xml file"

        if errorMessages:
            return False, errorMessages

        #ok this is where we actually create the tickets...
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        for aUser in users:
            for testId in testcases:
                testId = testId.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
                if testId in allTestcases:

                    test = allTestcases[testId]
                    ticket = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
                        'reporter'] = req.authname  #the reporter is whoever is logged in
                    ticket.values['summary'] = "TestID: " + test.getId(
                    ) + " -- " + testConfiguration
                        'description'] = "''''''Test Details:''''''\n\n" + test.getDescription(
                        ) + "\n\n''''''Expected result:'''''' \n\n" + test.getExpectedResult(
                    ticket.values['type'] = 'testcase'
                    ticket.values['status'] = 'new'
                    ticket.values['action'] = 'create'
                    ticket.values['component'] = test.getComponent()
                    ticket.values['owner'] = aUser
                    ticket.values['version'] = version
                    ticket.values['milestone'] = milestone
                    ticket.values['keywords'] = testRunKeyWord
                    #self._validate_ticket(req, ticket)   #probably should validate the ticket here.
                    return False, "The test " + testId + " specified in a test template or as the testcaseID in the test file does not exist in the master test list "

        #ok blow away the session vars incase someone trys to refresh the created test run page...no need to recreate all the tickets again...
        #thanks to the haxs in the reporty.py module...
        for var in ('users', 'testcases', 'testtemplates', 'milestone',
            if req.session.has_key(var):
                del req.session[var]

        #redirect to a custom query report showing the created tickets
        return True, req.base_url + "/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&status=accepted&testcase_result=&version=" + version + "&milestone=" + milestone + "&type=testcase&order=priority&group=owner"
 def add_ticket(self):
     ticket = Ticket(self.env)
     ticket['summary'] = 'fnord'
     return ticket
    def move(self, ticket_id, author, env, delete=False):
        move a ticket to another environment

        env: environment to move to
            "Starting move of ticket %d to environment %r. delete: %r",
            ticket_id, env, delete)

        tables = {'attachment': 'id', 'ticket_change': 'ticket'}

        # open the environment if it is a string
        if isinstance(env, basestring):
            base_path, _project = os.path.split(self.env.path)
            env = open_environment(os.path.join(base_path, env),
            PermissionCache(env, author).require('TICKET_CREATE')

        # get the old ticket
        old_ticket = Ticket(self.env, ticket_id)

        # make a new ticket from the old ticket values
        new_ticket = Ticket(env)
        new_ticket.values = old_ticket.values.copy()
        self.log.debug("Ticket inserted into target environment as id %s",

        # copy the changelog and attachment DBs
        for table, _id in tables.items():
            for row in get_all_dict(
                    self.env, "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = %%s" % (table, _id),
                row[_id] = new_ticket.id
                insert_row_from_dict(env, table, row)
            self.log.debug("Finished copying data from %r table", table)

        # copy the attachments
        src_attachment_dir = os.path.join(self.env.path, 'attachments',
                                          'ticket', str(ticket_id))
        if os.path.exists(src_attachment_dir):
            self.log.debug("Copying attachements from %r", src_attachment_dir)
            dest_attachment_dir = os.path.join(env.path, 'attachments',
            if not os.path.exists(dest_attachment_dir):
            dest_attachment_dir = os.path.join(dest_attachment_dir,
            shutil.copytree(src_attachment_dir, dest_attachment_dir)

        # note the previous location on the new ticket
        if delete:
                author, 'moved from %s (ticket deleted)' % self.env.abs_href())
                'moved from %s' % self.env.abs_href('ticket', ticket_id))
        self.log.info("Finished making new ticket @ %r",
                      env.abs_href('ticket', ticket_id))

        if delete:
            self.log.debug("Deleting old ticket")
            if env.base_url:
                return env.abs_href('ticket', new_ticket.id)
            self.log.debug("Marking old ticket as duplicate.")
            # location of new ticket
            if env.base_url:
                target_name = env.abs_href('ticket', new_ticket.id)
                target_name = "{0}:#{1}".format(env.project_name,

            # close old ticket and point to new one
            old_ticket['status'] = u'closed'
            old_ticket['resolution'] = u'duplicate'
            old_ticket.save_changes(author, u'moved to %s' % target_name)
예제 #33
    def move(self, ticket_id, author, env, delete=False):
        move a ticket to another environment
        env: environment to move to
        tables = {'attachment': 'id', 'ticket_change': 'ticket'}

        # open the environment if it is a string
        if isinstance(env, basestring):
            base_path, _project = os.path.split(self.env.path)
            env = open_environment(os.path.join(base_path, env),

        # get the old ticket
        old_ticket = Ticket(self.env, ticket_id)

        # make a new ticket from the old ticket values
        new_ticket = Ticket(env)
        new_ticket.values = old_ticket.values.copy()

        # copy the changelog and attachment DBs
        for table, _id in tables.items():
            for row in get_all_dict(
                    self.env, "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (table, _id),
                row[_id] = new_ticket.id
                insert_row_from_dict(env, table, row)

        # copy the attachments
        src_attachment_dir = os.path.join(self.env.path, 'attachments',
                                          'ticket', str(ticket_id))
        if os.path.exists(src_attachment_dir):
            dest_attachment_dir = os.path.join(env.path, 'attachments',
            if not os.path.exists(dest_attachment_dir):
            dest_attachment_dir = os.path.join(dest_attachment_dir,
            shutil.copytree(src_attachment_dir, dest_attachment_dir)

        # note the previous location on the new ticket
            author, 'moved from %s' % self.env.abs_href('ticket', ticket_id))

        # location of new ticket
        new_location = env.abs_href.ticket(new_ticket.id)

        if delete:
            # close old ticket and point to new one
            old_ticket['status'] = u'closed'
            old_ticket['resolution'] = u'moved'
            old_ticket.save_changes(author, u'moved to %s' % new_location)

        if env.config['trac'].get('base_url'):
            return new_location
            return None
예제 #34
    def generateTracTickets( self, req ) :
            ok, it's a post so we know we are supposed to go ahead and create some TRAC tickets...the parameters that we care about are:
            #users ...this will be a list...
            #testtemplates ... this will be a list...
            #testcases  ... this will be a list...
            #version...this will be a string...
            #milestone...this will be a string...
            This method does one of two things.  It will either return: "True, URL" if ticket creation based on user input was succesful or "False, ErrorMessage" if
            the ticket creation failed.           
        #grab the parameters that we care about out of the request object
        testRunKeyWord = str( req.args.get('testrun_keyword') )
        users = req.args.get('testrun_users')
        testTemplates = req.args.get('testrun_selectedtemplates')
        testcases = req.args.get('testrun_selectedtestcases')
        version = str( req.args.get('testrun_selectedversion'))
        milestone = str( req.args.get('testrun_selectedmilestone'))
        testConfiguration = str( req.args.get('testrun_testconfiguration'))
        #-----------------------------------ERROR CHECKING ON PARAMETERS--------------------------------------------
        #it might make sense to create a new method to validate the parameters passed in but for now we'll leave it.
        if testRunKeyWord == None : 
            testRunKeyWord = ""
        testRunKeyWord = self.properties.trimOutAnyProblemStrings(testRunKeyWord)  #this is manually typed in...so it's probably a good idea to look for sqlInjection etc...
        if version == None:
            version = ""
        if milestone == None:
            milestone = ""
        if users == None :
            return False, "No users selected for test run"
        #check to see if the user, templates or testcases parameters is a str/unicode or a list (well if it isn't a unicode or str then it is a list)
        if isinstance( users, unicode): 
            users = [users]
        if isinstance( users, str): 
            users = [TracText.to_unicode ( users )]   

        if isinstance( testcases, unicode) :
            testcases = [testcases]
        if isinstance( testcases, str ):
            testcases = [testcases]
        if isinstance( testTemplates, unicode) :
            testTemplates = [testTemplates]
        if isinstance( testTemplates, str ):
            testTemplates = [TracText.to_unicode ( testTemplates) ]
        version = TracText.to_unicode ( version).strip()  
        milestone = TracText.to_unicode ( milestone ).strip()

        if testcases == None :
            testcases = [] #so we don't get a blow up later...
            if testTemplates == None :
                return False, "must select at least one testcase or test template to create a test run"
        elif testTemplates == None :
            testTemplates = []
        #--------------------------------------------DONE ERROR CHECKING -----------------------------------------------
        #create combined testcase list        
        testcases = self.createCombinedTestCaseList( testTemplates, testcases, req ) 
        allTestcases, errors = self.properties.getTestCases( self, req ) #fetch the testcases...
        if errors :
            return False, errors
        if allTestcases == None : 
            return False, None
        #one last validation step
        errorMessages = []
        for aUser in users : 
            for testId in testcases : 
                testId = TracText.to_unicode( testId ).strip()
                if testId in allTestcases :
                    self.env.log.info( "Testcase : " + testId + "  not found in master list " )
                    errorMessages.append( "The test: " + testId + ", doesn't match it's file name or you've specified it wrong in the testtemplates.xml file" )
        if errorMessages:
            return False, errorMessages
        #ok this is where we actually create the tickets...
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        for aUser in users : 
            for testId in testcases : 
                testId = testId.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
                if testId in allTestcases :
                    test = allTestcases[ testId ]
                    ticket = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
                    ticket.values['reporter'] = req.authname #the reporter is whoever is logged in
                    ticket.values['summary'] = "TestID: " + test.getId() + " -- " + testConfiguration
                    ticket.values['description'] = "''''''Test Details:''''''\n\n" + test.getDescription() + "\n\n''''''Expected result:'''''' \n\n" + test.getExpectedResult()
                    ticket.values['type'] = 'testcase'
                    ticket.values['status'] = 'new'
                    ticket.values['action'] = 'create'
                    ticket.values['component'] = test.getComponent()
                    ticket.values['owner'] = aUser
                    ticket.values['version'] = version
                    ticket.values['milestone'] = milestone
                    ticket.values['keywords'] = testRunKeyWord  
                    #self._validate_ticket(req, ticket)   #probably should validate the ticket here.
                    return False, "The test " + testId + " specified in a test template or as the testcaseID in the test file does not exist in the master test list "
        #ok blow away the session vars incase someone trys to refresh the created test run page...no need to recreate all the tickets again...
        #thanks to the haxs in the reporty.py module...
        for var in ('users', 'testcases', 'testtemplates','milestone','version'):
                if req.session.has_key(var):
                    del req.session[var]
        #redirect to a custom query report showing the created tickets
        return True, req.base_url + "/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&status=accepted&testcase_result=&version=" + version + "&milestone=" + milestone + "&type=testcase&order=priority&group=owner"
예제 #35
    def generateTracTickets( self, req ) :
            ok, it's a post so we know we are supposed to go ahead and create some TRAC tickets...the parameters that we care about are:
            #users ...this will be a list...
            #testtemplates ... this will be a list...
            #testcases  ... this will be a list...
            #version...this will be a string...
            #milestone...this will be a string...
            This method does one of two things.  It will either return: "True, URL" if ticket creation based on user input was succesful or "False, ErrorMessage" if
            the ticket creation failed.           
        #grab the parameters that we care about out of the request object
        testRunDescription = str( req.args.get('testrundescription') )
        users = req.args.get('users')
        testTemplates = req.args.get('testtemplates')
        testcases = req.args.get('testcases')
        version = str( req.args.get('selectedversion'))
        milestone = str( req.args.get('selectedmilestone'))
        #-----------------------------------ERROR CHECKING ON PARAMETERS--------------------------------------------
        if version == None:
            version = ""
        if milestone == None:
            milestone = ""
        if users == None :
            return False, "No users selected for test run"
        if isinstance( users, unicode): 
            users = [users.encode('ascii', 'ignore')]
        version = version.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
        milestone = milestone.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()

        if testcases == None :
            testcases = [] #so we don't get a blow up later...
            if testTemplates == None :
                return False, "must select at least one testcase or test template to create a test run"
                return 'errorCreatingTestRun.cs', None
        elif testTemplates == None :
            testTemplates = []
        #create combined testcase list        
        testcases = self.createCombinedTestCaseList( testTemplates, testcases, req ) 
        allTestcases = self.properties.getTestCases( self, req ) #fetch the testcases...
        if allTestcases == None : 
            return False, None
        #--------------------------------------------DONE ERROR CHECKING -----------------------------------------------
        #ok this is where we actually create the tickets...
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        for aUser in users : 
            for testId in testcases : 
                testId = testId.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
                if testId in allTestcases :
                    test = allTestcases[ testId ]
                    ticket = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
                    ticket.values['reporter'] = req.authname #the reporter is whoever is logged in
                    ticket.values['summary'] = "TestID: " + test.getId() + " -- " + test.getSummary()
                    ticket.values['description'] = "''''''Test Details:''''''\n\n" + test.getDescription() + "\n\n''''''Expected result:'''''' \n\n" + test.getExpectedResult()
                    ticket.values['type'] = 'testcase'
                    ticket.values['status'] = 'new'
                    ticket.values['action'] = 'create'
                    ticket.values['component'] = test.getComponent()
                    ticket.values['owner'] = aUser
                    ticket.values['version'] = version
                    ticket.values['milestone'] = milestone
                    ticket.values['keywords'] = "Test_ver" + version + "_mile_" + milestone
                    #self._validate_ticket(req, ticket)   #probably should validate the ticket here.
                    return False, "The test " + testId + " specified in a test template or as the testcaseID in the test file does not exist in the master test list "
        #ok blow away the session vars incase someone trys to refresh the created test run page...no need to recreate all the tickets again...
        #thanks to the haxs in the reporty.py module...
        for var in ('users', 'testcases', 'testtemplates','milestone','version'):
                if req.session.has_key(var):
                    del req.session[var]
        #redirect to a custom query report showing the created tickets
        return True, req.base_url + "/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&testcase_result=&version=" + version + "&milestone=" + milestone + "&type=testcase&order=priority&group=owner"