def readOdf(self, fileRef): """Read an Open Document Format (ODF) file""" self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(None, True) rootItem = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault, TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.addNewField(TreeFormats.textFieldName, { u'html': 'n', u'lines': '6' }) defaultFormat.changeOutputLines([ u'<b>{*%s*}</b>' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault, u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.textFieldName ]) try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) zip = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r') text ='content.xml') handler = treexmlparse.OdfSaxHandler(rootItem, defaultFormat) xml.sax.parseString(text, handler) except (zipfile.BadZipfile, KeyError): f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not unzip ODF file')) except UnicodeError: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Problem with Unicode characters in file')) except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open corrupt ODF file')) f.close() self.root = rootItem self.fileName = filePath
def readTabbed(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import tabbed data into a flat tree - raise exception on failure""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList = f.readlines() except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readTabbed(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return f.close() bufList = [(text.count('\t', 0, len(text) - len(text.lstrip())), text.strip()) for text in textList if text.strip()] if bufList: buf = bufList.pop(0) if buf[0] == 0: # set default formats ROOT & DEFAULT self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) newRoot.setTitle(buf[1]) if newRoot.loadTabbedChildren(bufList): self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath return raise ReadFileError(_('Error in tabbed list'))
def readXml(self, fileRef): """Read a generic (non-TreeLine) XML file""" try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) handler = treexmlparse.GenericXmlHandler() input = xml.sax.InputSource() input.setByteStream(f) input.setEncoding('utf-8') reader = xml.sax.make_parser() reader.setContentHandler(handler) reader.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 0) reader.parse(input) except UnicodeError: print 'Error - bad Unicode in file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Problem with Unicode characters in file')) except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open XML file')) f.close() if not handler.rootItem: raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open XML file')) self.root = handler.rootItem self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(handler.formats) for format in self.treeFormats.values(): format.fixImportedFormat( treexmlparse.GenericXmlHandler.textFieldName)
def readPara(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import plain text, blank line delimitted""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) fullText ='\r', '') except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readPara(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return textList = fullText.split('\n\n') f.close() self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) # set defaults ROOT & DEFAULT newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.fieldList = [] defaultFormat.lineList = [] defaultFormat.iconName = 'doc' defaultFormat.addTableFields([TreeFormats.textFieldName]) defaultFormat.fieldList[0].numLines = globalref.options.\ intData('MaxEditLines', 1, optiondefaults.maxNumLines) newRoot.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) for line in textList: line = line.strip() if line: newItem = TreeItem(newRoot, TreeFormats.formatDefault) newRoot.childList.append(newItem)[TreeFormats.textFieldName] = line self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath
def readLines(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import plain text, node per line""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList = f.readlines() except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readLines(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return f.close() self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) # set defaults ROOT & DEFAULT newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.fieldList = [] defaultFormat.lineList = [] defaultFormat.addTableFields([TreeFormats.textFieldName]) newRoot.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) for line in textList: line = line.strip() if line: newItem = TreeItem(newRoot, TreeFormats.formatDefault) newRoot.childList.append(newItem)[TreeFormats.textFieldName] = line self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath
def readTreepad(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Read Treepad text-node file""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList ='<end node> 5P9i0s8y19Z') f.close() except UnicodeError: # error common - broken unicode on windows print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readTreepad(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return self.treeFormats = TreeFormats() format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeFormats.formatDefault) titleFieldName = _('Title', 'title field name') format.addNewField(titleFieldName) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % titleFieldName) numLines = globalref.options.intData('MaxEditLines', 1, optiondefaults.maxNumLines) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.textFieldName, {'lines': repr(numLines)}) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.textFieldName) self.treeFormats[] = format itemList = [] for text in textList: text = text.strip() if text: try: text = text.split('<node>', 1)[1].lstrip() lines = text.split('\n') title = lines[0] level = int(lines[1]) lines = lines[2:] except (ValueError, IndexError): print 'Error - bad file format in %s' % \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise ReadFileError(_('Bad file format in %s') % filePath) item = TreeItem(None,[titleFieldName] = title[TreeFormats.textFieldName] = '\n'.join(lines) item.level = level itemList.append(item) self.root = itemList[0] parentList = [] for item in itemList: if item.level != 0: parentList = parentList[:item.level] item.parent = parentList[-1] parentList[-1].childList.append(item) parentList.append(item) self.root = itemList[0] self.fileName = filePath
def readTable(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import table data into a flat tree - raise exception on failure""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList = f.readlines() except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readTable(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return f.close() self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) # set defaults ROOT & DEFAULT newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.fieldList = [] defaultFormat.lineList = [] defaultFormat.addTableFields(textList.pop(0).strip().split('\t')) newRoot.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) for line in textList: newItem = TreeItem(newRoot, TreeFormats.formatDefault) newRoot.childList.append(newItem) lineList = line.strip().split('\t') try: for num in range(len(lineList)):[self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault]. fieldList[num].name] = lineList[num].strip() except IndexError: print 'Too few headings to read data as a table' raise ReadFileError(_('Too few headings to read data as table')) self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath
def readXml(self, fileRef): """Read a generic (non-TreeLine) XML file""" try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) handler = treexmlparse.GenericXmlHandler() input = xml.sax.InputSource() input.setByteStream(f) input.setEncoding('utf-8') reader = xml.sax.make_parser() reader.setContentHandler(handler) reader.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 0) reader.parse(input) except UnicodeError: print 'Error - bad Unicode in file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Problem with Unicode characters in file')) except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open XML file')) f.close() if not handler.rootItem: raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open XML file')) self.root = handler.rootItem self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(handler.formats) for format in self.treeFormats.values(): format.fixImportedFormat(treexmlparse.GenericXmlHandler. textFieldName)
def readOdf(self, fileRef): """Read an Open Document Format (ODF) file""" self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(None, True) rootItem = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault, TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.addNewField(TreeFormats.textFieldName, {u'html': 'n', u'lines': '6'}) defaultFormat.changeOutputLines([u'<b>{*%s*}</b>' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault, u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.textFieldName]) try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) zip = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r') text ='content.xml') handler = treexmlparse.OdfSaxHandler(rootItem, defaultFormat) xml.sax.parseString(text, handler) except (zipfile.BadZipfile, KeyError): f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not unzip ODF file')) except UnicodeError: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Problem with Unicode characters in file')) except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open corrupt ODF file')) f.close() self.root = rootItem self.fileName = filePath
def __init__(self, filePath=None, setNewDefaults=False, importType=None): """Open filePath (can also be file ref) if given, setNewDefaults uses user defaults for compression & encryption, importType gives an import method to read the file""" globalref.docRef = self self.root = None self.treeFormats = TreeFormats() self.fileInfoItem = TreeItem(None, self.fileInfoFormat = None TreeDoc.copyFormat = nodeformat.NodeFormat('_DUMMY__ROOT_', {}, TreeFormats.fieldDefault) self.undoStore = undo.UndoRedoStore() self.redoStore = undo.UndoRedoStore() self.sortFields = [''] self.fileName = '' self.spaceBetween = True self.lineBreaks = True self.formHtml = True self.childFieldSep = TreeDoc.childFieldSepDflt self.spellChkLang = '' self.xlstLink = '' self.xslCssLink = '' self.tlVersion = __version__ self.fileInfoFormat = nodeformat.FileInfoFormat() if filePath: if importType: getattr(self, importType)(filePath) else: self.readFile(filePath) else: self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) self.root = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) self.root.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) self.modified = False if setNewDefaults or not hasattr(self, 'compressFile'): self.compressFile = globalref.options.boolData('CompressNewFiles') self.encryptFile = globalref.options.boolData('EncryptNewFiles') elif not hasattr(self, 'encryptFile'): self.encryptFile = False self.selection = treeselection.TreeSelection([self.root]) self.fileInfoFormat.translateFields() self.fileInfoFormat.updateFileInfo()
def readFile(self, fileRef): """Open and read file - raise exception on failure, fileRef is either file path or file object""" filePath = hasattr(fileRef, 'read') and \ unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) or \ fileRef try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) f = self.decryptFile(f) handler = treexmlparse.TreeSaxHandler(self) input = xml.sax.InputSource() input.setByteStream(f) input.setEncoding('utf-8') reader = xml.sax.make_parser() reader.setContentHandler(handler) reader.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 0) reader.parse(input) except IOError: print 'Error - could not read file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise except UnicodeError: print 'Error - bad Unicode in file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) f.close() raise except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as treeline file')) f.close() self.root = handler.rootItem self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(handler.formats) self.fileInfoFormat.replaceListFormat() self.treeFormats.updateAutoChoices() self.treeFormats.updateUniqueID() self.treeFormats.updateDerivedTypes() if not self.tlVersion: # file from before 0.12.80, fix number format for format in self.treeFormats.values(): for field in format.fieldList: if field.typeName == 'Number': field.format = field.format.replace(',', '\,')
def __init__(self, filePath=None, setNewDefaults=False, importType=None): """Open filePath (can also be file ref) if given, setNewDefaults uses user defaults for compression & encryption, importType gives an import method to read the file""" globalref.docRef = self self.root = None self.treeFormats = TreeFormats() self.fileInfoItem = TreeItem(None, self.fileInfoFormat = None TreeDoc.copyFormat = nodeformat.NodeFormat('_DUMMY__ROOT_', {}, TreeFormats.fieldDefault) self.undoStore = undo.UndoRedoStore() self.redoStore = undo.UndoRedoStore() self.sortFields = [''] self.fileName = '' self.spaceBetween = True self.lineBreaks = True self.formHtml = True self.childFieldSep = TreeDoc.childFieldSepDflt self.spellChkLang = '' self.xlstLink = '' self.xslCssLink = '' self.tlVersion = __version__ self.fileInfoFormat = nodeformat.FileInfoFormat() if filePath: if importType: getattr(self, importType)(filePath) else: self.readFile(filePath) else: self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) self.root = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) self.root.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) self.modified = False if setNewDefaults or not hasattr(self, 'compressFile'): self.compressFile = globalref.options.boolData('CompressNewFiles') self.encryptFile = globalref.options.boolData('EncryptNewFiles') self.selection = treeselection.TreeSelection([self.root]) self.fileInfoFormat.translateFields() self.fileInfoFormat.updateFileInfo()
def readTable(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import table data into a flat tree - raise exception on failure""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList = f.readlines() except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readTable(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return f.close() self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) # set defaults ROOT & DEFAULT newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.fieldList = [] defaultFormat.lineList = [] defaultFormat.addTableFields(textList.pop(0).strip().split('\t')) newRoot.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) for line in textList: newItem = TreeItem(newRoot, TreeFormats.formatDefault) newRoot.childList.append(newItem) lineList = line.strip().split('\t') try: for num in range(len(lineList)):[self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault]. fieldList[num].name] = lineList[num].strip() except IndexError: print 'Too few headings to read data as a table' raise ReadFileError( _('Too few headings to read data as table')) self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath
def createBookmarkFormat(self): """Return a set of formats for bookmark imports""" treeFormats = TreeFormats() format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeDoc.folderName) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.iconName = 'folder_3' treeFormats[] = format format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeDoc.bookmarkName) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.linkFieldName, {'type': 'URL'}) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.linkFieldName) format.iconName = 'bookmark' treeFormats[] = format format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeDoc.separatorName) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'------------------') format.addLine(u'<hr>') treeFormats[] = format return treeFormats
class TreeDoc(object): """Tree document class - stores root and has tree utilities""" passwordDict = {} childFieldSepDflt = ', ' rootTitleDefault = _('Main', 'default root title') folderName = _('FOLDER', 'bookmark format folder name') bookmarkName = _('BOOKMARK', 'bookmark format name') separatorName = _('SEPARATOR', 'bookmark format separator name') bookmarkRootTitle = _('Bookmarks') copyFormat = None def __init__(self, filePath=None, setNewDefaults=False, importType=None): """Open filePath (can also be file ref) if given, setNewDefaults uses user defaults for compression & encryption, importType gives an import method to read the file""" globalref.docRef = self self.root = None self.treeFormats = TreeFormats() self.fileInfoItem = TreeItem(None, self.fileInfoFormat = None TreeDoc.copyFormat = nodeformat.NodeFormat('_DUMMY__ROOT_', {}, TreeFormats.fieldDefault) self.undoStore = undo.UndoRedoStore() self.redoStore = undo.UndoRedoStore() self.sortFields = [''] self.fileName = '' self.spaceBetween = True self.lineBreaks = True self.formHtml = True self.childFieldSep = TreeDoc.childFieldSepDflt self.spellChkLang = '' self.xlstLink = '' self.xslCssLink = '' self.tlVersion = __version__ self.fileInfoFormat = nodeformat.FileInfoFormat() if filePath: if importType: getattr(self, importType)(filePath) else: self.readFile(filePath) else: self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) self.root = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) self.root.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) self.modified = False if setNewDefaults or not hasattr(self, 'compressFile'): self.compressFile = globalref.options.boolData('CompressNewFiles') self.encryptFile = globalref.options.boolData('EncryptNewFiles') self.selection = treeselection.TreeSelection([self.root]) self.fileInfoFormat.translateFields() self.fileInfoFormat.updateFileInfo() def hasPassword(self, filePath): """Return True if a password is available for filePath""" key = filePath.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return TreeDoc.passwordDict.has_key(key) def setPassword(self, filePath, password): """Set encrytion password for the filePath""" key = filePath.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) TreeDoc.passwordDict[key] = password.encode('utf-8') def clearPassword(self, filePath): """Remove password for filePath if present""" key = filePath.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) try: del TreeDoc.passwordDict[key] except KeyError: pass def getReadFileObj(self, fileRef): """Return file object and set self.compressFile to False/True, fileRef is either file path or file object""" if not hasattr(fileRef, 'read'): fileRef = file(fileRef.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), 'rb') # binary mode req'd for encryption if hasattr(fileRef, 'seek'): prefix = if hasattr(fileRef, 'seek'): else: oldFileRef = fileRef fileRef = StringIO.StringIO(prefix + = oldFileRef.close() if prefix == '\037\213': name = fileRef = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fileRef) = name # may already be a gzip object from before password prompt self.compressFile = isinstance(fileRef, gzip.GzipFile) return fileRef def decryptFile(self, fileObj): """Decrypt file if was encrypted""" name = prefix = self.encryptFile = prefix == encryptPrefix if self.encryptFile: password = TreeDoc.passwordDict.get(, '') if not password: fileObj.close() raise PasswordError, 'Missing password' try: text = p3.p3_decrypt(, password) except p3.CryptError: fileObj.close() raise PasswordError, 'Incorrect password' fileObj.close() fileObj = StringIO.StringIO(text) = name else: return fileObj def getEncodedFileObj(self, fileRef, encoding, errors): """Return open file object with specified encoding""" return codecs.getreader(encoding)(self.getReadFileObj(fileRef), errors) def getWriteFileObj(self, fileRef, forceCompress): """Return write file object, compressed or not based on forceCompress, but always compress if has .gz extension, fileRef is either file path or file object""" if not hasattr(fileRef, 'read'): fileRef = file(fileRef.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), 'wb') if'.gz') or forceCompress: name = fileRef = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fileRef) = name return fileRef def readFile(self, fileRef): """Open and read file - raise exception on failure, fileRef is either file path or file object""" filePath = hasattr(fileRef, 'read') and \ unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) or \ fileRef try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) f = self.decryptFile(f) handler = treexmlparse.TreeSaxHandler(self) input = xml.sax.InputSource() input.setByteStream(f) input.setEncoding('utf-8') reader = xml.sax.make_parser() reader.setContentHandler(handler) reader.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 0) reader.parse(input) except IOError: print 'Error - could not read file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise except UnicodeError: print 'Error - bad Unicode in file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) f.close() raise except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as treeline file')) f.close() self.root = handler.rootItem self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(handler.formats) self.fileInfoFormat.replaceListFormat() self.treeFormats.updateAutoChoices() self.treeFormats.updateUniqueID() self.treeFormats.updateDerivedTypes() if not self.tlVersion: # file from before 0.12.80, fix number format for format in self.treeFormats.values(): for field in format.fieldList: if field.typeName == 'Number': field.format = field.format.replace(',', '\,') def readTabbed(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import tabbed data into a flat tree - raise exception on failure""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList = f.readlines() except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readTabbed(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return f.close() bufList = [(text.count('\t', 0, len(text) - len(text.lstrip())), text.strip()) for text in textList if text.strip()] if bufList: buf = bufList.pop(0) if buf[0] == 0: # set default formats ROOT & DEFAULT self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) newRoot.setTitle(buf[1]) if newRoot.loadTabbedChildren(bufList): self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath return raise ReadFileError(_('Error in tabbed list')) def readTable(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import table data into a flat tree - raise exception on failure""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList = f.readlines() except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readTable(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return f.close() self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) # set defaults ROOT & DEFAULT newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.fieldList = [] defaultFormat.lineList = [] defaultFormat.addTableFields(textList.pop(0).strip().split('\t')) newRoot.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) for line in textList: newItem = TreeItem(newRoot, TreeFormats.formatDefault) newRoot.childList.append(newItem) lineList = line.strip().split('\t') try: for num in range(len(lineList)):[self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault]. fieldList[num].name] = lineList[num].strip() except IndexError: print 'Too few headings to read data as a table' raise ReadFileError(_('Too few headings to read data as table')) self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath def readLines(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import plain text, node per line""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList = f.readlines() except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readLines(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return f.close() self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) # set defaults ROOT & DEFAULT newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.fieldList = [] defaultFormat.lineList = [] defaultFormat.addTableFields([TreeFormats.textFieldName]) newRoot.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) for line in textList: line = line.strip() if line: newItem = TreeItem(newRoot, TreeFormats.formatDefault) newRoot.childList.append(newItem)[TreeFormats.textFieldName] = line self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath def readPara(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import plain text, blank line delimitted""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) fullText ='\r', '') except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readPara(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return textList = fullText.split('\n\n') f.close() self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) # set defaults ROOT & DEFAULT newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.fieldList = [] defaultFormat.lineList = [] defaultFormat.iconName = 'doc' defaultFormat.addTableFields([TreeFormats.textFieldName]) defaultFormat.fieldList[0].numLines = globalref.options.\ intData('MaxEditLines', 1, optiondefaults.maxNumLines) newRoot.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) for line in textList: line = line.strip() if line: newItem = TreeItem(newRoot, TreeFormats.formatDefault) newRoot.childList.append(newItem)[TreeFormats.textFieldName] = line self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath def readTreepad(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Read Treepad text-node file""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList ='<end node> 5P9i0s8y19Z') f.close() except UnicodeError: # error common - broken unicode on windows print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readTreepad(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return self.treeFormats = TreeFormats() format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeFormats.formatDefault) titleFieldName = _('Title', 'title field name') format.addNewField(titleFieldName) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % titleFieldName) numLines = globalref.options.intData('MaxEditLines', 1, optiondefaults.maxNumLines) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.textFieldName, {'lines': repr(numLines)}) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.textFieldName) self.treeFormats[] = format itemList = [] for text in textList: text = text.strip() if text: try: text = text.split('<node>', 1)[1].lstrip() lines = text.split('\n') title = lines[0] level = int(lines[1]) lines = lines[2:] except (ValueError, IndexError): print 'Error - bad file format in %s' % \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise ReadFileError(_('Bad file format in %s') % filePath) item = TreeItem(None,[titleFieldName] = title[TreeFormats.textFieldName] = '\n'.join(lines) item.level = level itemList.append(item) self.root = itemList[0] parentList = [] for item in itemList: if item.level != 0: parentList = parentList[:item.level] item.parent = parentList[-1] parentList[-1].childList.append(item) parentList.append(item) self.root = itemList[0] self.fileName = filePath def createBookmarkFormat(self): """Return a set of formats for bookmark imports""" treeFormats = TreeFormats() format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeDoc.folderName) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.iconName = 'folder_3' treeFormats[] = format format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeDoc.bookmarkName) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.linkFieldName, {'type': 'URL'}) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.linkFieldName) format.iconName = 'bookmark' treeFormats[] = format format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeDoc.separatorName) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'------------------') format.addLine(u'<hr>') treeFormats[] = format return treeFormats def readXbel(self, fileRef): """Read XBEL format bookmarks""" formats = self.createBookmarkFormat() try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) handler = treexmlparse.\ XbelSaxHandler(formats[TreeDoc.folderName], formats[TreeDoc.bookmarkName], formats[TreeDoc.separatorName]) input = xml.sax.InputSource() input.setByteStream(f) input.setEncoding('utf-8') reader = xml.sax.make_parser() reader.setContentHandler(handler) reader.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 0) reader.parse(input) except UnicodeError: print 'Error - bad Unicode in file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Problem with Unicode characters in file')) except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as XBEL file')) f.close() if not handler.rootItem: raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as XBEL file')) self.root = handler.rootItem if not, ''):[TreeFormats.fieldDefault] = \ TreeDoc.bookmarkRootTitle self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = formats def readMozilla(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Read Mozilla HTML format bookmarks""" formats = self.createBookmarkFormat() try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, 'utf-8', errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) fullText = except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readMozilla(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return try: handler = treexmlparse.\ HtmlBookmarkHandler(formats[TreeDoc.folderName], formats[TreeDoc.bookmarkName], formats[TreeDoc.separatorName]) handler.feed(fullText) handler.close() except treexmlparse.HtmlParseError: raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as HTML bookmark file')) if not handler.rootItem: raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as HTML bookmark file')) self.root = handler.rootItem if not, ''):[TreeFormats.fieldDefault] = \ TreeDoc.bookmarkRootTitle self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = formats def readXml(self, fileRef): """Read a generic (non-TreeLine) XML file""" try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) handler = treexmlparse.GenericXmlHandler() input = xml.sax.InputSource() input.setByteStream(f) input.setEncoding('utf-8') reader = xml.sax.make_parser() reader.setContentHandler(handler) reader.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 0) reader.parse(input) except UnicodeError: print 'Error - bad Unicode in file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Problem with Unicode characters in file')) except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open XML file')) f.close() if not handler.rootItem: raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open XML file')) self.root = handler.rootItem self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(handler.formats) for format in self.treeFormats.values(): format.fixImportedFormat(treexmlparse.GenericXmlHandler. textFieldName) def readOdf(self, fileRef): """Read an Open Document Format (ODF) file""" self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(None, True) rootItem = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault, TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.addNewField(TreeFormats.textFieldName, {u'html': 'n', u'lines': '6'}) defaultFormat.changeOutputLines([u'<b>{*%s*}</b>' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault, u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.textFieldName]) try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) zip = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r') text ='content.xml') handler = treexmlparse.OdfSaxHandler(rootItem, defaultFormat) xml.sax.parseString(text, handler) except (zipfile.BadZipfile, KeyError): f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not unzip ODF file')) except UnicodeError: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Problem with Unicode characters in file')) except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open corrupt ODF file')) f.close() self.root = rootItem self.fileName = filePath def readXmlString(self, string): """Read xml string and return top item or None""" try: handler = treexmlparse.TreeSaxHandler(self) xml.sax.parseString(string.encode('utf-8'), handler) except xml.sax.SAXException: return None return handler.rootItem def readXmlStringAndFormat(self, string): """Read xml string and return tuple of top item and new formats""" try: handler = treexmlparse.TreeSaxHandler(self) xml.sax.parseString(string.encode('utf-8'), handler) except xml.sax.SAXException: return (None, []) formats = [format for format in handler.formats.values() if not in self.treeFormats] try: formats.remove(TreeDoc.copyFormat) except ValueError: pass formatNames = [ for format in formats] + \ self.treeFormats.keys() for format in formats: if format.genericType not in formatNames: format.genericType = '' return (handler.rootItem, formats) def writeFile(self, fileRef, updateInfo=True): """Write file - raises IOError on failure""" lines = [u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'] if self.xlstLink: lines.append(u'<?%s?>' % self.xlstLink) lines.extend(self.root.branchXml([], True)) text = '\n'.join(lines).encode('utf-8') try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, self.compressFile) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if self.encryptFile: key = filePath.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) password = TreeDoc.passwordDict.get(key, '') if not password: if key.endswith('~'): # for auto-save filename password = TreeDoc.passwordDict.get(key[:-1], '') if not password: raise PasswordError, 'Missing password' text = encryptPrefix + p3.p3_encrypt(text, password) try: f.write(text) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise f.close() if filePath.endswith('.gz'): self.compressFile = True if updateInfo: self.modified = False self.tlVersion = __version__ self.fileName = filePath self.fileInfoFormat.updateFileInfo() def exportHtml(self, fileRef, item, includeRoot, openOnly=False, indent=20, addHeader=False): """Save branch as html to file w/o columns""" outGroup = item.outputItemList(includeRoot, openOnly, True) self.exportHtmlColumns(fileRef, outGroup, 1, indent, addHeader) def exportHtmlColumns(self, fileRef, outGroup, numCol=1, indent=20, addHeader=False): """Save contents of outGroup as html to file in columns""" try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if self.lineBreaks: outGroup.addBreaks() outGroups = outGroup.splitColumns(numCol) for group in outGroups: group.addPrefix() group.addIndents() htmlTitle = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filePath))[0] lines = [u'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 '\ 'Transitional//EN">', u'<html>', u'<head>', u'<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; '\ 'charset=utf-8">', u'<title>%s</title>' % htmlTitle, u'<style type="text/css"><!--', u'div {margin-left: %dpx}'\ % indent, u'td {padding: 10px}', u'tr {vertical-align: top}', u'--></style>', u'</head>', u'<body>'] if addHeader: header = self.fileInfoFormat.getHeaderFooter(True) if header: lines.append(header) lines.extend([u'<table>', u'<tr><td>']) for item in outGroups[0]: lines.extend(item.textLines) for group in outGroups[1:]: lines.append(u'</td><td>') for item in group: lines.extend(item.textLines) lines.extend([u'</td></tr>', u'</table>']) if addHeader: footer = self.fileInfoFormat.getHeaderFooter(False) if footer: lines.append(footer) lines.extend([u'</body>', u'</html>']) try: f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise f.close() def exportDirTable(self, dirName, nodeList, addHeader=False): """Write tree to nested directory struct with html tables""" oldDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dirName.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) if addHeader: header = self.fileInfoFormat.getHeaderFooter(True) footer = self.fileInfoFormat.getHeaderFooter(False) else: header = footer = '' if len(nodeList) > 1: self.treeFormats.addIfMissing(TreeDoc.copyFormat) item = TreeItem(None,[TreeFormats.fieldDefault] = TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault for child in nodeList: item.childList.append(child) child.parent = item else: item = nodeList[0] linkDict = {} item.createDirTableLinkDict(linkDict, os.getcwd()) item.exportDirTable(linkDict, None, header, footer) self.treeFormats.removeQuiet(TreeDoc.copyFormat) os.chdir(oldDir) def exportDirPage(self, dirName, nodeList): """Write tree to nested direct struct with html page for each node""" oldDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dirName.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) cssLines = ['#sidebar {', 'width: 16em;', 'float: left;', 'clear: left;', 'border-right: 1px solid black;', 'margin-right: 1em;', '}'] try: f ='default.css', 'w', 'utf-8') f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in cssLines]) except (IOError, UnicodeError): print 'Error - could not write file to default.css' raise IOError(_('Error - cannot write file to %s') % 'default.css') f.close() if len(nodeList) > 1: self.treeFormats.addIfMissing(TreeDoc.copyFormat) item = TreeItem(None,[TreeFormats.fieldDefault] = TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault for child in nodeList: item.childList.append(child) child.parent = item else: item = nodeList[0] linkDict = {} item.createDirPageLinkDict(linkDict, os.getcwd()) item.exportDirPage(linkDict) self.treeFormats.removeQuiet(TreeDoc.copyFormat) os.chdir(oldDir) def exportXslt(self, fileRef, includeRoot, indent=20): """Write XSLT file and add link in treeline file""" try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filePath))[0] lines = [u'<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" '\ u'xmlns:xsl="">', u"<xsl:output method='html'/>", u'<xsl:template match="/">', u'<html>', u'<head>'] if self.xslCssLink: lines.append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s" type="text/css"/>' % self.xslCssLink) lines.extend([u'<title>%s</title>' % title, u'</head>', u'<body>', u'<xsl:apply-templates/>', u'</body>', u'</html>', u'</xsl:template>']) if not includeRoot: lines.extend([u'', u'<xsl:template match="/%s">' % self.root.formatName, u'<xsl:apply-templates/>', u'</xsl:template>']) for formatName in self.treeFormats: lines.extend(self.treeFormats[formatName]. xsltTemplate(indent, True)) lines.extend([u'', u'<xsl:template match="*" />', u'', u'</xsl:stylesheet>']) try: f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise f.close() # find relative link path trlPath = os.path.abspath(self.fileName).split(os.sep) xslPath = os.path.abspath(filePath).split(os.sep) while trlPath[0] == xslPath[0]: del trlPath[0] del xslPath[0] xslPath = '/'.join(['..'] * (len(trlPath) - len(xslPath)) + xslPath) link = u'xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="%s"' % xslPath if self.xlstLink != link: self.xlstLink = link self.modified = True def exportTrlSubtree(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True): """Write subtree TRL file starting form item""" lines = [u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'] if self.xlstLink: lines.append(u'<?%s?>' % self.xlstLink) if not addBranches: newList = [] for item in nodeList: # replace items with childless items newItem = TreeItem(item.parent, item.formatName) = newList.append(newItem) nodeList = newList if len(nodeList) > 1: format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault, {}, TreeFormats.fieldDefault) self.treeFormats.addIfMissing(format) item = TreeItem(None,[TreeFormats.fieldDefault] = TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault for child in nodeList: item.childList.append(child) child.parent = item else: item = nodeList[0] lines.extend(item.branchXml([], True)) try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, self.compressFile) f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' self.treeFormats.removeQuiet(TreeDoc.copyFormat) raise f.close() self.treeFormats.removeQuiet(TreeDoc.copyFormat) def exportTable(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True): """Write data to table for nodes or children of nodes""" if addBranches: newList = [] for item in nodeList: newList.extend(item.childList) nodeList = newList typeList = [] headings = [] tableList = [] for item in nodeList: itemFormat = item.nodeFormat() if itemFormat not in typeList: for field in itemFormat.fieldNames(): if field not in headings: headings.append(field) typeList.append(itemFormat) tableList.append(u'\t'.join([, '') for head in headings])) tableList.insert(0, u'\t'.join([head for head in headings])) try: text = os.linesep.join(tableList).\ encode(globalref.localTextEncoding, 'strict') except (ValueError, UnicodeError): print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' text = os.linesep.join(tableList).\ encode(globalref.localTextEncoding, 'replace') try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) f.write(text) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close() def exportTabbedTitles(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True, includeRoot=True, openOnly=False): """Write tabbed titles for descendants of item""" if addBranches: initLevel = not includeRoot and -1 or 0 titleList = [] for item in nodeList: itemList = item.exportToText(initLevel, openOnly) if not includeRoot: del itemList[0] titleList.extend(itemList) else: titleList = [item.title() for item in nodeList] try: text = os.linesep.join(titleList).\ encode(globalref.localTextEncoding, 'strict') except (ValueError, UnicodeError): print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' text = os.linesep.join(titleList).\ encode(globalref.localTextEncoding, 'replace') try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) f.write(text) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close() def exportXbel(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True): """Export XBEL bookmarks""" if len(nodeList) > 1 or not addBranches: title = TreeDoc.bookmarkRootTitle level = 1 else: title = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(nodeList[0].title(), escDict) level = 0 lines = [u'<!DOCTYPE xbel>', u'<xbel>', u'<title>%s</title>' % title] for item in nodeList: lines.extend(item.exportXbelBookmarks(level, addBranches)) lines.append(u'</xbel>') try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close() def exportHtmlBookmarks(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True): """Export HTML bookmarks""" if len(nodeList) > 1 or not addBranches: title = TreeDoc.bookmarkRootTitle level = 1 else: title = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(nodeList[0].title()) level = 0 lines = [u'<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>', u'<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; '\ 'charset=UTF-8">', u'<TITLE>%s</TITLE>' % title, u'<H1>%s</H1>' % title, ''] for item in nodeList: lines.extend(item.exportHtmlBookmarks(level, addBranches)) try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close() def exportGenericXml(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True): """Export generic XML""" lines = [u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'] level = 0 if len(nodeList) > 1: lines.append(u'<%s>' % TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) level = 1 for item in nodeList: lines.extend(item.exportGenericXml(treexmlparse.GenericXmlHandler. textFieldName, level)) if len(nodeList) > 1: lines.append(u'</%s>' % TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close() def exportOdf(self, fileRef, nodeList, fontName, fontSize, fontFixed=False, addBranches=True, includeRoot=True, openOnly=False): """Export an ODF format text file""" TreeItem.maxLevel = 0 commonHeader = u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>' commonAttr = u' office:version="1.0" '\ 'xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:'\ 'xsl-fo-compatible:1.0" '\ 'xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:'\ 'xmlns:office:1.0" '\ 'xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:'\ 'style:1.0" '\ 'xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:'\ 'svg-compatible:1.0" '\ 'xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:'\ 'xmlns:text:1.0">' pitch = fontFixed and 'fixed' or 'variable' sizeDelta = 2 fontDecl = [u'<office:font-face-decls>', u'<style:font-face style:font-pitch="%s" style:name="%s" '\ 'svg:font-family="%s"/>' % (pitch, fontName, fontName), u'</office:font-face-decls>'] lines = [commonHeader, u'<office:document-content' + commonAttr] lines.extend(fontDecl) lines.extend([u'<office:body>', u'<office:text>']) for item in nodeList: lines.extend(item.exportOdf(1, addBranches, includeRoot, openOnly)) lines.extend([u'</office:text>', u'</office:body>', u'</office:document-content>']) manifest = [commonHeader, u'<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="urn:oasis:names:tc:'\ 'opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0">', u'<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="application/'\ 'vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" manifest:full-path="/"/>', u'<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" '\ 'manifest:full-path="content.xml"/>', u'<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" '\ 'manifest:full-path="styles.xml"/>', u'</manifest:manifest>'] styles = [commonHeader, u'<office:document-styles' + commonAttr] styles.extend(fontDecl) styles.extend([u'<office:styles>', u'<style:default-style style:family="paragraph">', u'<style:paragraph-properties '\ 'style:writing-mode="page"/>', u'<style:text-properties fo:font-size="%dpt" '\ 'fo:hyphenate="false" style:font-name="%s"/>' % (fontSize, fontName), u'</style:default-style>', u'<style:style style:name="Standard" '\ 'style:class="text" style:family="paragraph"/>', u'<style:style style:name="Text_20_body" '\ 'style:display-name="Text body" style:class="text" '\ 'style:family="paragraph" '\ 'style:parent-style-name="Standard">', u'<style:paragraph-properties '\ 'fo:margin-bottom="6.0pt"/>', u'</style:style>', u'<style:style style:name="Heading" '\ 'style:class="text" style:family="paragraph" '\ 'style:next-style-name="Text_20_body" '\ 'style:parent-style-name="Standard">', u'<style:paragraph-properties '\ 'fo:keep-with-next="always" fo:margin-bottom="6.0pt" '\ 'fo:margin-top="12.0pt"/>', u'<style:text-properties fo:font-size="%dpt" '\ 'style:font-name="%s"/>' % (fontSize + sizeDelta, fontName), u'</style:style>']) outline = [u'<text:outline-style>'] for level in range(1, TreeItem.maxLevel + 1): size = fontSize if level <= 2: size += 2 * sizeDelta elif level <=4: size += sizeDelta italic = ' ' if level % 2 == 0: italic = 'fo:font-style="italic" ' styles.extend([u'<style:style style:name="Heading_20_%d" '\ 'style:display-name="Heading %d" '\ 'style:class="text" style:family="paragraph" '\ 'style:parent-style-name="Heading" '\ 'style:default-outline-level="%d">' % \ (level, level, level), u'<style:text-properties fo:font-size="%dpt" '\ '%s fo:font-weight="bold"/>' % \ (size, italic), u'</style:style>']) outline.append(u'<text:outline-level-style text:level="%d" '\ 'style:num-format=""/>' % level) styles.extend(outline) styles.extend([u'</text:outline-style>', u'</office:styles>', u'<office:automatic-styles>', u'<style:page-layout style:name="pm1">', u'<style:page-layout-properties '\ 'fo:margin-bottom="0.75in" fo:margin-left="0.75in" '\ 'fo:margin-right="0.75in" fo:margin-top="0.75in" '\ 'fo:page-height="11in" fo:page-width="8.5in" '\ 'style:print-orientation="portrait"/>', u'</style:page-layout>', u'</office:automatic-styles>', u'<office:master-styles>', u'<style:master-page style:name="Standard" '\ 'style:page-layout-name="pm1"/>', u'</office:master-styles>', u'</office:document-styles>']) try: f = zipfile.ZipFile(fileRef, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) f.writestr('content.xml', u'\n'.join(lines).encode('utf-8') + '\n') f.writestr('META-INF/manifest.xml', u'\n'.join(manifest) + '\n') f.writestr('styles.xml', u'\n'.join(styles) + '\n') except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close()
class TreeDoc(object): """Tree document class - stores root and has tree utilities""" passwordDict = {} childFieldSepDflt = ', ' rootTitleDefault = _('Main', 'default root title') folderName = _('FOLDER', 'bookmark format folder name') bookmarkName = _('BOOKMARK', 'bookmark format name') separatorName = _('SEPARATOR', 'bookmark format separator name') bookmarkRootTitle = _('Bookmarks') copyFormat = None def __init__(self, filePath=None, setNewDefaults=False, importType=None): """Open filePath (can also be file ref) if given, setNewDefaults uses user defaults for compression & encryption, importType gives an import method to read the file""" globalref.docRef = self self.root = None self.treeFormats = TreeFormats() self.fileInfoItem = TreeItem(None, self.fileInfoFormat = None TreeDoc.copyFormat = nodeformat.NodeFormat('_DUMMY__ROOT_', {}, TreeFormats.fieldDefault) self.undoStore = undo.UndoRedoStore() self.redoStore = undo.UndoRedoStore() self.sortFields = [''] self.fileName = '' self.spaceBetween = True self.lineBreaks = True self.formHtml = True self.childFieldSep = TreeDoc.childFieldSepDflt self.spellChkLang = '' self.xlstLink = '' self.xslCssLink = '' self.tlVersion = __version__ self.fileInfoFormat = nodeformat.FileInfoFormat() if filePath: if importType: getattr(self, importType)(filePath) else: self.readFile(filePath) else: self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) self.root = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) self.root.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) self.modified = False if setNewDefaults or not hasattr(self, 'compressFile'): self.compressFile = globalref.options.boolData('CompressNewFiles') self.encryptFile = globalref.options.boolData('EncryptNewFiles') elif not hasattr(self, 'encryptFile'): self.encryptFile = False self.selection = treeselection.TreeSelection([self.root]) self.fileInfoFormat.translateFields() self.fileInfoFormat.updateFileInfo() def hasPassword(self, filePath): """Return True if a password is available for filePath""" key = filePath.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return TreeDoc.passwordDict.has_key(key) def setPassword(self, filePath, password): """Set encrytion password for the filePath""" key = filePath.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) TreeDoc.passwordDict[key] = password.encode('utf-8') def clearPassword(self, filePath): """Remove password for filePath if present""" key = filePath.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) try: del TreeDoc.passwordDict[key] except KeyError: pass def getReadFileObj(self, fileRef): """Return file object and set self.compressFile to False/True, fileRef is either file path or file object""" if not hasattr(fileRef, 'read'): fileRef = file(fileRef.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), 'rb') # binary mode req'd for encryption if hasattr(fileRef, 'seek'): prefix = if hasattr(fileRef, 'seek'): else: oldFileRef = fileRef fileRef = StringIO.StringIO(prefix + = oldFileRef.close() if prefix == '\037\213': name = fileRef = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fileRef) = name # may already be a gzip object from before password prompt self.compressFile = isinstance(fileRef, gzip.GzipFile) return fileRef def decryptFile(self, fileObj): """Decrypt file if was encrypted""" name = prefix = self.encryptFile = prefix == encryptPrefix if self.encryptFile: password = TreeDoc.passwordDict.get(, '') if not password: fileObj.close() raise PasswordError, 'Missing password' try: text = p3.p3_decrypt(, password) except p3.CryptError: fileObj.close() raise PasswordError, 'Incorrect password' fileObj.close() fileObj = StringIO.StringIO(text) = name else: return fileObj def getEncodedFileObj(self, fileRef, encoding, errors): """Return open file object with specified encoding""" return codecs.getreader(encoding)(self.getReadFileObj(fileRef), errors) def getWriteFileObj(self, fileRef, forceCompress): """Return write file object, compressed or not based on forceCompress, but always compress if has .gz extension, fileRef is either file path or file object""" if not hasattr(fileRef, 'read'): fileRef = file(fileRef.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), 'wb') if'.gz') or forceCompress: name = fileRef = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fileRef) = name return fileRef def readFile(self, fileRef): """Open and read file - raise exception on failure, fileRef is either file path or file object""" filePath = hasattr(fileRef, 'read') and \ unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) or \ fileRef try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) f = self.decryptFile(f) handler = treexmlparse.TreeSaxHandler(self) input = xml.sax.InputSource() input.setByteStream(f) input.setEncoding('utf-8') reader = xml.sax.make_parser() reader.setContentHandler(handler) reader.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 0) reader.parse(input) except IOError: print 'Error - could not read file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise except UnicodeError: print 'Error - bad Unicode in file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) f.close() raise except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as treeline file')) f.close() self.root = handler.rootItem self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(handler.formats) self.fileInfoFormat.replaceListFormat() self.treeFormats.updateAutoChoices() self.treeFormats.updateUniqueID() self.treeFormats.updateDerivedTypes() if not self.tlVersion: # file from before 0.12.80, fix number format for format in self.treeFormats.values(): for field in format.fieldList: if field.typeName == 'Number': field.format = field.format.replace(',', '\,') def readTabbed(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import tabbed data into a flat tree - raise exception on failure""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList = f.readlines() except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readTabbed(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return f.close() bufList = [(text.count('\t', 0, len(text) - len(text.lstrip())), text.strip()) for text in textList if text.strip()] if bufList: buf = bufList.pop(0) if buf[0] == 0: # set default formats ROOT & DEFAULT self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) newRoot.setTitle(buf[1]) if newRoot.loadTabbedChildren(bufList): self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath return raise ReadFileError(_('Error in tabbed list')) def readTable(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import table data into a flat tree - raise exception on failure""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList = f.readlines() except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readTable(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return f.close() self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) # set defaults ROOT & DEFAULT newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.fieldList = [] defaultFormat.lineList = [] defaultFormat.addTableFields(textList.pop(0).strip().split('\t')) newRoot.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) for line in textList: newItem = TreeItem(newRoot, TreeFormats.formatDefault) newRoot.childList.append(newItem) lineList = line.strip().split('\t') try: for num in range(len(lineList)):[self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault]. fieldList[num].name] = lineList[num].strip() except IndexError: print 'Too few headings to read data as a table' raise ReadFileError( _('Too few headings to read data as table')) self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath def readLines(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import plain text, node per line""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList = f.readlines() except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readLines(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return f.close() self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) # set defaults ROOT & DEFAULT newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.fieldList = [] defaultFormat.lineList = [] defaultFormat.addTableFields([TreeFormats.textFieldName]) newRoot.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) for line in textList: line = line.strip() if line: newItem = TreeItem(newRoot, TreeFormats.formatDefault) newRoot.childList.append(newItem)[TreeFormats.textFieldName] = line self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath def readPara(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Import plain text, blank line delimitted""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) fullText ='\r', '') except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readPara(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return textList = fullText.split('\n\n') f.close() self.treeFormats = TreeFormats({}, True) # set defaults ROOT & DEFAULT newRoot = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.fieldList = [] defaultFormat.lineList = [] defaultFormat.iconName = 'doc' defaultFormat.addTableFields([TreeFormats.textFieldName]) defaultFormat.fieldList[0].numLines = globalref.options.\ intData('MaxEditLines', 1, optiondefaults.maxNumLines) newRoot.setTitle(TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) for line in textList: line = line.strip() if line: newItem = TreeItem(newRoot, TreeFormats.formatDefault) newRoot.childList.append(newItem)[TreeFormats.textFieldName] = line self.root = newRoot self.fileName = filePath def readTreepad(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Read Treepad text-node file""" try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, globalref.localTextEncoding, errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) textList ='<end node> 5P9i0s8y19Z') f.close() except UnicodeError: # error common - broken unicode on windows print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readTreepad(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return self.treeFormats = TreeFormats() format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeFormats.formatDefault) titleFieldName = _('Title', 'title field name') format.addNewField(titleFieldName) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % titleFieldName) numLines = globalref.options.intData('MaxEditLines', 1, optiondefaults.maxNumLines) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.textFieldName, {'lines': repr(numLines)}) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.textFieldName) self.treeFormats[] = format itemList = [] for text in textList: text = text.strip() if text: try: text = text.split('<node>', 1)[1].lstrip() lines = text.split('\n') title = lines[0] level = int(lines[1]) lines = lines[2:] except (ValueError, IndexError): print 'Error - bad file format in %s' % \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise ReadFileError(_('Bad file format in %s') % filePath) item = TreeItem(None,[titleFieldName] = title[TreeFormats.textFieldName] = '\n'.join(lines) item.level = level itemList.append(item) self.root = itemList[0] parentList = [] for item in itemList: if item.level != 0: parentList = parentList[:item.level] item.parent = parentList[-1] parentList[-1].childList.append(item) parentList.append(item) self.root = itemList[0] self.fileName = filePath def createBookmarkFormat(self): """Return a set of formats for bookmark imports""" treeFormats = TreeFormats() format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeDoc.folderName) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.iconName = 'folder_3' treeFormats[] = format format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeDoc.bookmarkName) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.linkFieldName, {'type': 'URL'}) format.addLine(u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.linkFieldName) format.iconName = 'bookmark' treeFormats[] = format format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeDoc.separatorName) format.addNewField(TreeFormats.fieldDefault) format.addLine(u'------------------') format.addLine(u'<hr>') treeFormats[] = format return treeFormats def readXbel(self, fileRef): """Read XBEL format bookmarks""" formats = self.createBookmarkFormat() try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) handler = treexmlparse.\ XbelSaxHandler(formats[TreeDoc.folderName], formats[TreeDoc.bookmarkName], formats[TreeDoc.separatorName]) input = xml.sax.InputSource() input.setByteStream(f) input.setEncoding('utf-8') reader = xml.sax.make_parser() reader.setContentHandler(handler) reader.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 0) reader.parse(input) except UnicodeError: print 'Error - bad Unicode in file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Problem with Unicode characters in file')) except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as XBEL file')) f.close() if not handler.rootItem: raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as XBEL file')) self.root = handler.rootItem if not, ''):[TreeFormats.fieldDefault] = \ TreeDoc.bookmarkRootTitle self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = formats def readMozilla(self, fileRef, errors='strict'): """Read Mozilla HTML format bookmarks""" formats = self.createBookmarkFormat() try: f = self.getEncodedFileObj(fileRef, 'utf-8', errors) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) fullText = except UnicodeError: print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' if errors == 'strict': self.readMozilla(fileRef, 'replace') else: f.close() return try: handler = treexmlparse.\ HtmlBookmarkHandler(formats[TreeDoc.folderName], formats[TreeDoc.bookmarkName], formats[TreeDoc.separatorName]) handler.feed(fullText) handler.close() except treexmlparse.HtmlParseError: raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as HTML bookmark file')) if not handler.rootItem: raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open as HTML bookmark file')) self.root = handler.rootItem if not, ''):[TreeFormats.fieldDefault] = \ TreeDoc.bookmarkRootTitle self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = formats def readXml(self, fileRef): """Read a generic (non-TreeLine) XML file""" try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) handler = treexmlparse.GenericXmlHandler() input = xml.sax.InputSource() input.setByteStream(f) input.setEncoding('utf-8') reader = xml.sax.make_parser() reader.setContentHandler(handler) reader.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 0) reader.parse(input) except UnicodeError: print 'Error - bad Unicode in file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Problem with Unicode characters in file')) except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open XML file')) f.close() if not handler.rootItem: raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open XML file')) self.root = handler.rootItem self.fileName = filePath self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(handler.formats) for format in self.treeFormats.values(): format.fixImportedFormat( treexmlparse.GenericXmlHandler.textFieldName) def readOdf(self, fileRef): """Read an Open Document Format (ODF) file""" self.treeFormats = TreeFormats(None, True) rootItem = TreeItem(None, TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault, TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault) defaultFormat = self.treeFormats[TreeFormats.formatDefault] defaultFormat.addNewField(TreeFormats.textFieldName, { u'html': 'n', u'lines': '6' }) defaultFormat.changeOutputLines([ u'<b>{*%s*}</b>' % TreeFormats.fieldDefault, u'{*%s*}' % TreeFormats.textFieldName ]) try: f = self.getReadFileObj(fileRef) filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) zip = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r') text ='content.xml') handler = treexmlparse.OdfSaxHandler(rootItem, defaultFormat) xml.sax.parseString(text, handler) except (zipfile.BadZipfile, KeyError): f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not unzip ODF file')) except UnicodeError: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Problem with Unicode characters in file')) except xml.sax.SAXException: f.close() raise ReadFileError(_('Could not open corrupt ODF file')) f.close() self.root = rootItem self.fileName = filePath def readXmlString(self, string): """Read xml string and return top item or None""" try: handler = treexmlparse.TreeSaxHandler(self) xml.sax.parseString(string.encode('utf-8'), handler) except xml.sax.SAXException: return None return handler.rootItem def readXmlStringAndFormat(self, string): """Read xml string and return tuple of top item and new formats""" try: handler = treexmlparse.TreeSaxHandler(self) xml.sax.parseString(string.encode('utf-8'), handler) except xml.sax.SAXException: return (None, []) formats = [ format for format in handler.formats.values() if not in self.treeFormats ] try: formats.remove(TreeDoc.copyFormat) except ValueError: pass formatNames = [ for format in formats] + \ self.treeFormats.keys() for format in formats: if format.genericType not in formatNames: format.genericType = '' return (handler.rootItem, formats) def writeFile(self, fileRef, updateInfo=True): """Write file - raises IOError on failure""" lines = [u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'] if self.xlstLink: lines.append(u'<?%s?>' % self.xlstLink) lines.extend(self.root.branchXml([], True)) text = '\n'.join(lines).encode('utf-8') try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, self.compressFile) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if self.encryptFile: key = filePath.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) password = TreeDoc.passwordDict.get(key, '') if not password: if key.endswith('~'): # for auto-save filename password = TreeDoc.passwordDict.get(key[:-1], '') if not password: raise PasswordError, 'Missing password' text = encryptPrefix + p3.p3_encrypt(text, password) try: f.write(text) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise f.close() if filePath.endswith('.gz'): self.compressFile = True if updateInfo: self.modified = False self.tlVersion = __version__ self.fileName = filePath self.fileInfoFormat.updateFileInfo() def exportHtml(self, fileRef, item, includeRoot, openOnly=False, indent=20, addHeader=False): """Save branch as html to file w/o columns""" outGroup = item.outputItemList(includeRoot, openOnly, True) self.exportHtmlColumns(fileRef, outGroup, 1, indent, addHeader) def exportHtmlColumns(self, fileRef, outGroup, numCol=1, indent=20, addHeader=False): """Save contents of outGroup as html to file in columns""" try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if self.lineBreaks: outGroup.addBreaks() outGroups = outGroup.splitColumns(numCol) for group in outGroups: group.addPrefix() group.addIndents() htmlTitle = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filePath))[0] lines = [u'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 '\ 'Transitional//EN">', u'<html>', u'<head>', u'<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; '\ 'charset=utf-8">', u'<title>%s</title>' % htmlTitle, u'<style type="text/css"><!--', u'div {margin-left: %dpx}'\ % indent, u'td {padding: 10px}', u'tr {vertical-align: top}', u'--></style>', u'</head>', u'<body>'] if addHeader: header = self.fileInfoFormat.getHeaderFooter(True) if header: lines.append(header) lines.extend([u'<table>', u'<tr><td>']) for item in outGroups[0]: lines.extend(item.textLines) for group in outGroups[1:]: lines.append(u'</td><td>') for item in group: lines.extend(item.textLines) lines.extend([u'</td></tr>', u'</table>']) if addHeader: footer = self.fileInfoFormat.getHeaderFooter(False) if footer: lines.append(footer) lines.extend([u'</body>', u'</html>']) try: f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise f.close() def exportDirTable(self, dirName, nodeList, addHeader=False): """Write tree to nested directory struct with html tables""" oldDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dirName.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) if addHeader: header = self.fileInfoFormat.getHeaderFooter(True) footer = self.fileInfoFormat.getHeaderFooter(False) else: header = footer = '' if len(nodeList) > 1: self.treeFormats.addIfMissing(TreeDoc.copyFormat) item = TreeItem(None,[TreeFormats.fieldDefault] = TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault for child in nodeList: item.childList.append(child) child.parent = item else: item = nodeList[0] linkDict = {} item.createDirTableLinkDict(linkDict, os.getcwd()) item.exportDirTable(linkDict, None, header, footer) self.treeFormats.removeQuiet(TreeDoc.copyFormat) os.chdir(oldDir) def exportDirPage(self, dirName, nodeList): """Write tree to nested direct struct with html page for each node""" oldDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dirName.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) cssLines = [ '#sidebar {', 'width: 16em;', 'float: left;', 'clear: left;', 'border-right: 1px solid black;', 'margin-right: 1em;', '}' ] try: f ='default.css', 'w', 'utf-8') f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in cssLines]) except (IOError, UnicodeError): print 'Error - could not write file to default.css' raise IOError(_('Error - cannot write file to %s') % 'default.css') f.close() if len(nodeList) > 1: self.treeFormats.addIfMissing(TreeDoc.copyFormat) item = TreeItem(None,[TreeFormats.fieldDefault] = TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault for child in nodeList: item.childList.append(child) child.parent = item else: item = nodeList[0] linkDict = {} item.createDirPageLinkDict(linkDict, os.getcwd()) item.exportDirPage(linkDict) self.treeFormats.removeQuiet(TreeDoc.copyFormat) os.chdir(oldDir) def exportXslt(self, fileRef, includeRoot, indent=20): """Write XSLT file and add link in treeline file""" try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise filePath = unicode(, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filePath))[0] lines = [u'<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" '\ u'xmlns:xsl="">', u"<xsl:output method='html'/>", u'<xsl:template match="/">', u'<html>', u'<head>'] if self.xslCssLink: lines.append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s" type="text/css"/>' % self.xslCssLink) lines.extend([ u'<title>%s</title>' % title, u'</head>', u'<body>', u'<xsl:apply-templates/>', u'</body>', u'</html>', u'</xsl:template>' ]) if not includeRoot: lines.extend([ u'', u'<xsl:template match="/%s">' % self.root.formatName, u'<xsl:apply-templates/>', u'</xsl:template>' ]) for formatName in self.treeFormats: lines.extend(self.treeFormats[formatName].xsltTemplate( indent, True)) lines.extend( [u'', u'<xsl:template match="*" />', u'', u'</xsl:stylesheet>']) try: f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file', \ filePath.encode(globalref.localTextEncoding) raise f.close() # find relative link path trlPath = os.path.abspath(self.fileName).split(os.sep) xslPath = os.path.abspath(filePath).split(os.sep) while trlPath[0] == xslPath[0]: del trlPath[0] del xslPath[0] xslPath = '/'.join(['..'] * (len(trlPath) - len(xslPath)) + xslPath) link = u'xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="%s"' % xslPath if self.xlstLink != link: self.xlstLink = link self.modified = True def exportTrlSubtree(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True): """Write subtree TRL file starting form item""" lines = [u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'] if self.xlstLink: lines.append(u'<?%s?>' % self.xlstLink) if not addBranches: newList = [] for item in nodeList: # replace items with childless items newItem = TreeItem(item.parent, item.formatName) = newList.append(newItem) nodeList = newList if len(nodeList) > 1: format = nodeformat.NodeFormat(TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault, {}, TreeFormats.fieldDefault) self.treeFormats.addIfMissing(format) item = TreeItem(None,[TreeFormats.fieldDefault] = TreeDoc.rootTitleDefault for child in nodeList: item.childList.append(child) child.parent = item else: item = nodeList[0] lines.extend(item.branchXml([], True)) try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, self.compressFile) f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' self.treeFormats.removeQuiet(TreeDoc.copyFormat) raise f.close() self.treeFormats.removeQuiet(TreeDoc.copyFormat) def exportTable(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True): """Write data to table for nodes or children of nodes""" if addBranches: newList = [] for item in nodeList: newList.extend(item.childList) nodeList = newList typeList = [] headings = [] tableList = [] for item in nodeList: itemFormat = item.nodeFormat() if itemFormat not in typeList: for field in itemFormat.fieldNames(): if field not in headings: headings.append(field) typeList.append(itemFormat) tableList.append(u'\t'.join( [, '') for head in headings])) tableList.insert(0, u'\t'.join([head for head in headings])) try: text = os.linesep.join(tableList).\ encode(globalref.localTextEncoding, 'strict') except (ValueError, UnicodeError): print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' text = os.linesep.join(tableList).\ encode(globalref.localTextEncoding, 'replace') try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) f.write(text) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close() def exportTabbedTitles(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True, includeRoot=True, openOnly=False): """Write tabbed titles for descendants of item""" if addBranches: initLevel = not includeRoot and -1 or 0 titleList = [] for item in nodeList: itemList = item.exportToText(initLevel, openOnly) if not includeRoot: del itemList[0] titleList.extend(itemList) else: titleList = [item.title() for item in nodeList] try: text = os.linesep.join(titleList).\ encode(globalref.localTextEncoding, 'strict') except (ValueError, UnicodeError): print 'Warning - bad unicode characters were replaced' text = os.linesep.join(titleList).\ encode(globalref.localTextEncoding, 'replace') try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) f.write(text) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close() def exportXbel(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True): """Export XBEL bookmarks""" if len(nodeList) > 1 or not addBranches: title = TreeDoc.bookmarkRootTitle level = 1 else: title = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(nodeList[0].title(), escDict) level = 0 lines = [u'<!DOCTYPE xbel>', u'<xbel>', u'<title>%s</title>' % title] for item in nodeList: lines.extend(item.exportXbelBookmarks(level, addBranches)) lines.append(u'</xbel>') try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close() def exportHtmlBookmarks(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True): """Export HTML bookmarks""" if len(nodeList) > 1 or not addBranches: title = TreeDoc.bookmarkRootTitle level = 1 else: title = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(nodeList[0].title()) level = 0 lines = [u'<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>', u'<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; '\ 'charset=UTF-8">', u'<TITLE>%s</TITLE>' % title, u'<H1>%s</H1>' % title, ''] for item in nodeList: lines.extend(item.exportHtmlBookmarks(level, addBranches)) try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close() def exportGenericXml(self, fileRef, nodeList, addBranches=True): """Export generic XML""" lines = [u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'] level = 0 if len(nodeList) > 1: lines.append(u'<%s>' % TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) level = 1 for item in nodeList: lines.extend( item.exportGenericXml( treexmlparse.GenericXmlHandler.textFieldName, level)) if len(nodeList) > 1: lines.append(u'</%s>' % TreeFormats.rootFormatDefault) try: f = self.getWriteFileObj(fileRef, False) f.writelines([(line + '\n').encode('utf-8') for line in lines]) except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close() def exportOdf(self, fileRef, nodeList, fontName, fontSize, fontFixed=False, addBranches=True, includeRoot=True, openOnly=False): """Export an ODF format text file""" TreeItem.maxLevel = 0 commonHeader = u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>' commonAttr = u' office:version="1.0" '\ 'xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:'\ 'xsl-fo-compatible:1.0" '\ 'xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:'\ 'xmlns:office:1.0" '\ 'xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:'\ 'style:1.0" '\ 'xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:'\ 'svg-compatible:1.0" '\ 'xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:'\ 'xmlns:text:1.0">' pitch = fontFixed and 'fixed' or 'variable' sizeDelta = 2 fontDecl = [u'<office:font-face-decls>', u'<style:font-face style:font-pitch="%s" style:name="%s" '\ 'svg:font-family="%s"/>' % (pitch, fontName, fontName), u'</office:font-face-decls>'] lines = [commonHeader, u'<office:document-content' + commonAttr] lines.extend(fontDecl) lines.extend([u'<office:body>', u'<office:text>']) for item in nodeList: lines.extend(item.exportOdf(1, addBranches, includeRoot, openOnly)) lines.extend([ u'</office:text>', u'</office:body>', u'</office:document-content>' ]) manifest = [commonHeader, u'<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="urn:oasis:names:tc:'\ 'opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0">', u'<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="application/'\ 'vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" manifest:full-path="/"/>', u'<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" '\ 'manifest:full-path="content.xml"/>', u'<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" '\ 'manifest:full-path="styles.xml"/>', u'</manifest:manifest>'] styles = [commonHeader, u'<office:document-styles' + commonAttr] styles.extend(fontDecl) styles.extend([u'<office:styles>', u'<style:default-style style:family="paragraph">', u'<style:paragraph-properties '\ 'style:writing-mode="page"/>', u'<style:text-properties fo:font-size="%dpt" '\ 'fo:hyphenate="false" style:font-name="%s"/>' % (fontSize, fontName), u'</style:default-style>', u'<style:style style:name="Standard" '\ 'style:class="text" style:family="paragraph"/>', u'<style:style style:name="Text_20_body" '\ 'style:display-name="Text body" style:class="text" '\ 'style:family="paragraph" '\ 'style:parent-style-name="Standard">', u'<style:paragraph-properties '\ 'fo:margin-bottom="6.0pt"/>', u'</style:style>', u'<style:style style:name="Heading" '\ 'style:class="text" style:family="paragraph" '\ 'style:next-style-name="Text_20_body" '\ 'style:parent-style-name="Standard">', u'<style:paragraph-properties '\ 'fo:keep-with-next="always" fo:margin-bottom="6.0pt" '\ 'fo:margin-top="12.0pt"/>', u'<style:text-properties fo:font-size="%dpt" '\ 'style:font-name="%s"/>' % (fontSize + sizeDelta, fontName), u'</style:style>']) outline = [u'<text:outline-style>'] for level in range(1, TreeItem.maxLevel + 1): size = fontSize if level <= 2: size += 2 * sizeDelta elif level <= 4: size += sizeDelta italic = ' ' if level % 2 == 0: italic = 'fo:font-style="italic" ' styles.extend([u'<style:style style:name="Heading_20_%d" '\ 'style:display-name="Heading %d" '\ 'style:class="text" style:family="paragraph" '\ 'style:parent-style-name="Heading" '\ 'style:default-outline-level="%d">' % \ (level, level, level), u'<style:text-properties fo:font-size="%dpt" '\ '%s fo:font-weight="bold"/>' % \ (size, italic), u'</style:style>']) outline.append(u'<text:outline-level-style text:level="%d" '\ 'style:num-format=""/>' % level) styles.extend(outline) styles.extend([u'</text:outline-style>', u'</office:styles>', u'<office:automatic-styles>', u'<style:page-layout style:name="pm1">', u'<style:page-layout-properties '\ 'fo:margin-bottom="0.75in" fo:margin-left="0.75in" '\ 'fo:margin-right="0.75in" fo:margin-top="0.75in" '\ 'fo:page-height="11in" fo:page-width="8.5in" '\ 'style:print-orientation="portrait"/>', u'</style:page-layout>', u'</office:automatic-styles>', u'<office:master-styles>', u'<style:master-page style:name="Standard" '\ 'style:page-layout-name="pm1"/>', u'</office:master-styles>', u'</office:document-styles>']) try: f = zipfile.ZipFile(fileRef, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) f.writestr('content.xml', u'\n'.join(lines).encode('utf-8') + '\n') f.writestr('META-INF/manifest.xml', u'\n'.join(manifest) + '\n') f.writestr('styles.xml', u'\n'.join(styles) + '\n') except IOError: print 'Error - could not write file' raise f.close()