예제 #1
    def post_unify_check(self,

        for lv_key, constraints in list(self.lvar_constraints.items()):
            lv = reify(lv_key, lvar_map)
            constraints_rf = reify(tuple(constraints), lvar_map)

            for cs in constraints_rf:
                s = unify(lv, cs, {})

                if s is not False and not s:
                    # They already unify, but with no unground logic variables,
                    # so we have an immediate violation of the constraint.
                    return False
                elif s is False:
                    # They don't unify and have no unground logic variables, so
                    # the constraint is immediately satisfied and there's no
                    # reason to continue checking this constraint.
                    # They unify when/if the unifications in `s` are made, so
                    # let's add these as new constraints.
                    for k, v in s.items():
                        self.add(k, v)

            if len(constraints) == 0:
                # This logic variable has no more unground constraints, so
                # remove it.
                del self.lvar_constraints[lv_key]

        return True
예제 #2
    def nullo_goal(s):

        nonlocal args, default_ConsNull

        if refs is not None:
            refs_rf = reify(refs, s)
            refs_rf = ()

        args_rf = reify(args, s)

        arg_null_types = set(
            # Get an empty instance of the type
            type(a) for a in args_rf + refs_rf
            # `ConsPair` and `ConsNull` types that are not literally `ConsPair`s
            if isinstance(a, (ConsPair,
                              ConsNull)) and not issubclass(type(a), ConsPair))

            null_type = arg_null_types.pop()
        except KeyError:
            null_type = default_ConsNull

        if len(arg_null_types) > 0 and any(a != null_type
                                           for a in arg_null_types):
            # Mismatching null types: fail.

        g = lall(*[eq(a, null_type()) for a in args_rf])

        yield from g(s)
예제 #3
def test_basic_unify_reify():
    # Test reification with manually constructed replacements
    a = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float64, name='a')
    x_l = var('x_l')
    a_reif = reify(x_l, {x_l: mt(a)})
    assert a_reif.obj is not None
    # Confirm that identity is preserved (i.e. that the underlying object
    # was properly tracked and not unnecessarily reconstructed)
    assert a == a_reif.reify()

    test_expr = mt.add(tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.float64),
                       mt.mul(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.float64),
    test_reify_res = reify(test_expr, {x_l: a})
    test_base_res = test_reify_res.reify()
    assert isinstance(test_base_res, tf.Tensor)

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        a = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float64, name='a')
        expected_res = tf.add(tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.float64),
                              tf.multiply(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.float64), a))
    assert_ops_equal(test_base_res, expected_res)

    # Simply make sure that unification succeeds
    meta_expected_res = mt(expected_res)
    s_test = unify(test_expr, meta_expected_res, {})
    assert len(s_test) == 3

    assert reify(test_expr, s_test) == meta_expected_res
예제 #4
    def post_unify_check(self,

        for lv_key, constraints in list(self.lvar_constraints.items()):

            lv = reify(lv_key, lvar_map)

            is_lv_ground = self.constraint_isground(lv, lvar_map) or isground(
                lv, lvar_map)

            if not is_lv_ground:
                # This constraint isn't ready to be checked

            # if is_lv_ground and not self.cterm_type_check(lv):
            #     self.lvar_constraints[lv_key]
            #     return False

            constraint_grps = groupby(lambda x: isground(x, lvar_map),
                                      reify(iter(constraints), lvar_map))

            constraints_unground = constraint_grps.get(False, ())
            constraints_ground = constraint_grps.get(True, ())

            if len(constraints_ground) > 0 and not all(
                    self.cparam_type_check(c) for c in constraints_ground):
                # Some constraint parameters aren't the correct type, so fail.
                # del self.lvar_constraints[lv_key]
                return False

            assert constraints_unground or constraints_ground

            if is_lv_ground and len(constraints_unground) == 0:

                if self.require_all_constraints and any(
                        not self.constraint_check(lv, t)
                        for t in constraints_ground):
                    return False
                elif not self.require_all_constraints and not any(
                        self.constraint_check(lv, t)
                        for t in constraints_ground):
                    return False

                # The instance and constraint parameters are all ground and the
                # constraint is satisfied, so, since nothing should change from
                # here on, we can remove the constraint.

                del self.lvar_constraints[lv_key]

        # Some types are unground, so we continue checking until they are
        return True
예제 #5
파일: core.py 프로젝트: Mattgallant/CS50AI
 def allgoal(s):
     for i, g in enumerate(goals):
             goal = goaleval(reify(g, s))
         except EarlyGoalError:
         other_goals = tuple(goals[:i] + goals[i + 1:])
         return unique(interleave(
             goaleval(reify((lallfirst, ) + other_goals, ss))(ss)
             for ss in goal(s)),
         raise EarlyGoalError()
예제 #6
 def allgoal(s):
     for i, g in enumerate(goals):
             goal = goaleval(reify(g, s))
         except EarlyGoalError:
         other_goals = tuple(goals[:i] + goals[i + 1:])
         return unique(
                 goaleval(reify((lallfirst, ) + other_goals, ss))(ss)
                 for ss in goal(s)),
         raise EarlyGoalError()
예제 #7
    def isinstanceo_goal(S):
        nonlocal u, u_type

        u_rf, u_type_rf = reify((u, u_type), S)

        if not isground(u_rf, S) or not isground(u_type_rf, S):

            if not isinstance(S, ConstrainedState):
                S = ConstrainedState(S)

            cs = S.constraints.setdefault(IsinstanceStore, IsinstanceStore())

                cs.add(u_rf, u_type_rf)
            except TypeError:
                # If the instance object can't be hashed, we can simply use a
                # logic variable to uniquely identify it.
                u_lv = var()
                S[u_lv] = u_rf
                cs.add(u_lv, u_type_rf)

            if cs.post_unify_check(S.data, u_rf, u_type_rf):
                yield S

        # elif isground(u_type, S):
        #     yield from lany(eq(u_type, u_t) for u_t in type(u).mro())(S)
        elif (isinstance(u_type_rf, type)
              # or (
              #     isinstance(u_type, Iterable)
              #     and all(isinstance(t, type) for t in u_type)
              # )
              ) and isinstance(u_rf, u_type_rf):
            yield S
예제 #8
    def typeo_goal(S):
        nonlocal u, u_type

        u_rf, u_type_rf = reify((u, u_type), S)

        if not isground(u_rf, S) or not isground(u_type_rf, S):

            if not isinstance(S, ConstrainedState):
                S = ConstrainedState(S)

            cs = S.constraints.setdefault(TypeStore, TypeStore())

                cs.add(u_rf, u_type_rf)
            except TypeError:
                # If the instance object can't be hashed, we can simply use a
                # logic variable to uniquely identify it.
                u_lv = var()
                S[u_lv] = u_rf
                cs.add(u_lv, u_type_rf)

            if cs.post_unify_check(S.data, u_rf, u_type_rf):
                yield S

        elif isinstance(u_type_rf, type) and type(u_rf) == u_type_rf:
            yield S
예제 #9
    def neq_goal(S):
        nonlocal u, v

        u_rf, v_rf = reify((u, v), S)

        # Get the unground logic variables that would unify the two objects;
        # these are all the logic variables that we can't let unify.
        s_uv = unify(u_rf, v_rf, {})

        if s_uv is False:
            # They don't unify and have no unground logic variables, so the
            # constraint is immediately satisfied.
            yield S
        elif not s_uv:
            # They already unify, but with no unground logic variables, so we
            # have an immediate violation of the constraint.

        if not isinstance(S, ConstrainedState):
            S = ConstrainedState(S)

        cs = S.constraints.setdefault(DisequalityStore, DisequalityStore())

        for lvar, obj in s_uv.items():
            cs.add(lvar, obj)

        # We need to check the current state for validity.
        if cs.post_unify_check(S.data):
            yield S
예제 #10
    def appendo_goal(S):
        nonlocal lst, s, out

        l_rf, s_rf, out_rf = reify((lst, s, out), S)

        a, d, res = var(prefix="a"), var(prefix="d"), var(prefix="res")

        _nullo = partial(nullo, default_ConsNull=default_ConsNull)

        g = conde(
                # All empty
                _nullo(s_rf, l_rf, out_rf),
                # `lst` is empty
                conso(a, d, out_rf),
                eq(s_rf, out_rf),
                _nullo(l_rf, refs=(s_rf, out_rf)),
                conso(a, d, l_rf),
                conso(a, res, out_rf),
                appendo(d, s_rf, res, default_ConsNull=default_ConsNull),

        yield from g(S)
예제 #11
    def goal(substitution):
        newx, newy = reify((x, y), substitution)

        def apply_constrain(oldvar, newvar):
            if hasrange(oldvar):
                newvar = RangedVar.new_from_intersection(oldvar, newvar)
                if newvar:
                    yield temp_assoc(substitution, oldvar, newvar)
                yield temp_assoc(substitution, oldvar, newvar)

        if isvar(newx):
            if isvar(newy):
                raise EarlyGoalError('two vars in comparison')
            elif isinstance(newy, Number):
                oldvar = newx
                newvar = RangedVar(RealRange([(newy, np.inf)]))
                yield from apply_constrain(oldvar, newvar)
                raise EarlyGoalError('Invalid constant type')
        elif isinstance(newx, Number):
            if isvar(newy):
                oldvar = newy
                newvar = RangedVar(RealRange([(-np.inf, newx)]))
                yield from apply_constrain(oldvar, newvar)
            elif isinstance(newy, Number):
                if newx > newy:
                    yield substitution
                raise EarlyGoalError('Invalid constant type')
            raise EarlyGoalError('Invalid constant type')
예제 #12
    def walko_goal(s):

        nonlocal goal, rator_goal, graph_in, graph_out, null_type, map_rel

        graph_in_rf, graph_out_rf = reify((graph_in, graph_out), s)

        rator_in, rands_in, rator_out, rands_out = var(), var(), var(), var()

        _walko = partial(walko,

        g = conde(
            # TODO: Use `Zzz`, if needed.
                goal(graph_in_rf, graph_out_rf),
                    applyo(rator_in, rands_in, graph_in_rf),
                    applyo(rator_out, rands_out, graph_out_rf),
                    rator_goal(rator_in, rator_out),
                    map_rel(_walko, rands_in, rands_out, null_type=null_type),
                ) if rator_goal is not None else map_rel(
                    _walko, graph_in_rf, graph_out_rf, null_type=null_type),

        yield from g(s)
        def goalify_goal(S):
            This is the goal that's generated.

            S: Mapping
                The miniKanren state (e.g. unification mappings/`dict`).

            miniKanren states.

            nonlocal args

            # 2. If you only want to confirm something in/about the state, `S`, then
            # simply `yield` it if the condition(s) are met:
            args_rf = reify(args, S)

            if func(*args_rf) == expected_result:
                yield S
                # If the condition isn't met, end the stream by returning/not
                # `yield`ing anything.
예제 #14
    def _proofs_of(cls, term):

        # If term contains any variables then we rename them here so that they
        # don't collide with variable names used in this proof.
        term = rename_variables(term, '__parent__.')

        for rule in cls.get_rules():
            variables = unify(term, rule.conclusion)
            if variables is False:

            if not rule.premises:
                yield Proof(rule, variables)

            # If we reach here it means that there are premises to prove.
            reified_premises = [reify(x, variables) for x in rule.premises]
            for premise_proofs in cls._proofs_of_many(reified_premises):
                candiate_variables = variables
                for (premise, premise_proof) in zip(reified_premises,
                    candiate_variables = unify(premise,
                    if candiate_variables is False:
                    yield Proof(rule, candiate_variables, premise_proofs)
예제 #15
    def rembero_goal(s):
        nonlocal x, lst, o

        x_rf, l_rf, o_rf = reify((x, lst, o), s)

        l_car, l_cdr, r = var(), var(), var()

        g = conde(
                nullo(l_rf, o_rf, default_ConsNull=default_ConsNull),
                conso(l_car, l_cdr, l_rf),
                eq(x_rf, l_car),
                eq(l_cdr, o_rf),
                conso(l_car, l_cdr, l_rf),
                neq(l_car, x),
                conso(l_car, r, o_rf),
                rembero(x_rf, l_cdr, r, default_ConsNull=default_ConsNull),

        yield from g(s)
예제 #16
    def membero_goal(S):
        nonlocal x, ls

        x_rf, ls_rf = reify((x, ls), S)
        a, d = var(), var()

        g = lall(conso(a, d, ls), conde([eq(a, x)], [membero(x, d)]))

        yield from g(S)
예제 #17
def test_map_anyo_misc():
    q_lv = var("q")

    res = run(0, q_lv, map_anyo(eq, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]))
    # TODO: Remove duplicate results
    assert len(res) == 7
    res = run(0, q_lv, map_anyo(eq, [1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 3]))
    assert len(res) == 0

    def one_to_threeo(x, y):
        return conde([eq(x, 1), eq(y, 3)])

    res = run(0, q_lv, map_anyo(one_to_threeo, [1, 2, 4, 1, 4, 1, 1], q_lv))

    assert res[0] == [3, 2, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3]

    assert (len(
        run(4, q_lv, map_anyo(math_reduceo, [etuple(mul, 2, var("x"))],
                              q_lv))) == 0)

    test_res = run(4, q_lv, map_anyo(math_reduceo, [etuple(add, 2, 2), 1],
    assert test_res == ([etuple(mul, 2, 2), 1], )

    test_res = run(4, q_lv, map_anyo(math_reduceo, [1, etuple(add, 2, 2)],
    assert test_res == ([1, etuple(mul, 2, 2)], )

    test_res = run(4, q_lv, map_anyo(math_reduceo, q_lv, var("z")))
    assert all(isinstance(r, list) for r in test_res)

    test_res = run(4, q_lv, map_anyo(math_reduceo, q_lv, var("z"), tuple))
    assert all(isinstance(r, tuple) for r in test_res)

    x, y, z = var(), var(), var()

    def test_bin(a, b):
        return conde([eq(a, 1), eq(b, 2)])

    res = run(10, (x, y), map_anyo(test_bin, x, y, null_type=tuple))
    exp_res_form = (
        ((1, ), (2, )),
        ((x, 1), (x, 2)),
        ((1, 1), (2, 2)),
        ((x, y, 1), (x, y, 2)),
        ((1, x), (2, x)),
        ((x, 1, 1), (x, 2, 2)),
        ((1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2)),
        ((x, y, z, 1), (x, y, z, 2)),
        ((1, x, 1), (2, x, 2)),
        ((x, 1, y), (x, 2, y)),

    for a, b in zip(res, exp_res_form):
        s = unify(a, b)
        assert s is not False
        assert all(isvar(i) for i in reify((x, y, z), s))
예제 #18
        def seq_apply_anyo_sub_goal(s):

            nonlocal i_any, null_type

            l_in_rf, l_out_rf = reify((l_in, l_out), s)

            i_car, i_cdr = var(), var()
            o_car, o_cdr = var(), var()

            conde_branches = []

            if i_any or (isvar(l_in_rf) and isvar(l_out_rf)):
                # Consider terminating the sequences when we've had at least
                # one successful goal or when both sequences are logic variables.
                conde_branches.append([eq(l_in_rf, null_type), eq(l_in_rf, l_out_rf)])

            # Extract the CAR and CDR of each argument sequence; this is how we
            # iterate through elements of the two sequences.
            cons_parts_branch = [
                goaleval(conso(i_car, i_cdr, l_in_rf)),
                goaleval(conso(o_car, o_cdr, l_out_rf)),


            conde_relation_branches = []

            relation_branch = None

            if not skip_cars:
                relation_branch = [
                    # This case tries the relation continues on.
                    relation(i_car, o_car),
                    # In this conde clause, we can tell future calls to
                    # seq_apply_anyo that we've had at least one successful
                    # application of the relation (otherwise, this clause
                    # would fail due to the above goal).
                    _seq_apply_anyo(relation, i_cdr, o_cdr, True, null_type),


            base_branch = [
                # This is the "base" case; it is used when, for example,
                # the given relation isn't satisfied.
                eq(i_car, o_car),
                _seq_apply_anyo(relation, i_cdr, o_cdr, i_any, null_type),



            g = conde(*conde_branches)
            g = goaleval(g)

            yield from g(s)
예제 #19
def test_objects():
    fact(commutative, Add)
    fact(associative, Add)
    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({}))
    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({}))

    x = var('x')

    assert reify(x, tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(
        add(1, 2, 3), add(1, 2, x)))({}))[0]) == 3

    assert reify(x, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(
        add(1, 2, 3), add(x, 2, 1)))({}))) == 3

    v = add(1, 2, 3)
    with variables(v):
        x = add(5, 6)
        assert reify(v, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(v, x))({}))) == x
예제 #20
def test_sexp_unify_reify():
    """Make sure we can unify and reify etuples/S-exps."""
    # Unify `A . (x + y)`, for `x`, `y` logic variables
    A = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float64,
                                 shape=tf.TensorShape([None, None]))
    x = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float64,
                                 shape=tf.TensorShape([None, 1]))
    y = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float64,
                                 shape=tf.TensorShape([None, 1]))

    z = tf.matmul(A, tf.add(x, y))

    z_sexp = etuplize(z, shallow=False)

    # Let's just be sure that the original TF objects are preserved
    assert z_sexp[1].reify() == A
    assert z_sexp[2][1].reify() == x
    assert z_sexp[2][2].reify() == y

    A_lv, x_lv, y_lv = var(), var(), var()
    dis_pat = etuple(
        TFlowMetaOperator(mt.matmul.op_def, var()),
        etuple(TFlowMetaOperator(mt.add.op_def, var()), x_lv, y_lv),

    s = unify(dis_pat, z_sexp, {})

    assert s[A_lv] == mt(A)
    assert s[x_lv] == mt(x)
    assert s[y_lv] == mt(y)

    # Now, we construct a graph that reflects the distributive property and
    # reify with the substitutions from the un-distributed form
    out_pat = etuple(mt.add, etuple(mt.matmul, A_lv, x_lv),
                     etuple(mt.matmul, A_lv, y_lv))
    z_dist = reify(out_pat, s)

    # Evaluate the tuple-expression and get a meta object/graph
    z_dist_mt = z_dist.eval_obj

    # If all the logic variables were reified, we should be able to
    # further reify the meta graph and get a concrete TF graph
    z_dist_tf = z_dist_mt.reify()

    assert isinstance(z_dist_tf, tf.Tensor)

    # Check the first part of `A . x + A . y` (i.e. `A . x`)
    assert z_dist_tf.op.inputs[0].op.inputs[0] == A
    assert z_dist_tf.op.inputs[0].op.inputs[1] == x
    # Now, the second, `A . y`
    assert z_dist_tf.op.inputs[1].op.inputs[0] == A
    assert z_dist_tf.op.inputs[1].op.inputs[1] == y
예제 #21
 def itero_goal(S):
     nonlocal lst, nullo_refs, default_ConsNull
     l_rf = reify(lst, S)
     c, d = var(), var()
     g = conde(
         [nullo(l_rf, refs=nullo_refs, default_ConsNull=default_ConsNull)],
         [conso(c, d, l_rf),
          itero(d, default_ConsNull=default_ConsNull)],
     yield from g(S)
예제 #22
파일: core.py 프로젝트: TMVector/gamma
def apply_rule(graph, rule):
    LHS, RHS = rule
    matches = find_matches(graph, LHS)
    # remove matched nodes except for inputs
    remove = {n for match in matches for k, n in match.items() if k in LHS}
    # generate names for nodes to be added to the graph
    IDs = filter(lambda key: key not in graph, count(1))
    add = [reify(reindex(RHS, union(dict(zip(RHS.keys(), IDs)), match)), match)
           for match in matches]
    return union({k: v for k, v in graph.items() if k not in remove}, *add)
예제 #23
 def _proofs_of_many(cls, terms):
     (first_term, *other_terms) = terms
     for proof in cls._proofs_of(first_term):
         if other_terms:
             reified_other_terms = reify(other_terms,
             for other_proofs in cls._proofs_of_many(reified_other_terms):
                 yield (proof, *other_proofs)
             yield (proof, )
예제 #24
def test_unification():
    x, y, a, b = tt.dvectors("xyab")
    x_s = tt.scalar("x_s")
    y_s = tt.scalar("y_s")
    c_tt = tt.constant(1, "c")
    d_tt = tt.constant(2, "d")

    x_l = var("x_l")
    y_l = var("y_l")

    assert a == reify(x_l, {x_l: a}).reify()
    test_expr = mt.add(1, mt.mul(2, x_l))
    test_reify_res = reify(test_expr, {x_l: a})
    assert graph_equal(test_reify_res.reify(), 1 + 2 * a)

    z = tt.add(b, a)
    assert {x_l: z} == unify(x_l, z)
    assert b == unify(mt.add(x_l, a), mt.add(b, a))[x_l].reify()

    res = unify(mt.inv(mt.add(x_l, a)), mt.inv(mt.add(b, y_l)))
    assert res[x_l].reify() == b
    assert res[y_l].reify() == a

    mt_expr_add = mt.add(x_l, y_l)

    # The parameters are vectors
    tt_expr_add_1 = tt.add(x, y)
    assert graph_equal(
        reify(mt_expr_add, unify(mt_expr_add, tt_expr_add_1)).reify())

    # The parameters are scalars
    tt_expr_add_2 = tt.add(x_s, y_s)
    assert graph_equal(
        reify(mt_expr_add, unify(mt_expr_add, tt_expr_add_2)).reify())

    # The parameters are constants
    tt_expr_add_3 = tt.add(c_tt, d_tt)
    assert graph_equal(
        reify(mt_expr_add, unify(mt_expr_add, tt_expr_add_3)).reify())
예제 #25
def test_objects():
    fact(commutative, Add)
    fact(associative, Add)
    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({}))
    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({}))

    x = var('x')

    assert reify(
        tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(1, 2, x)))({}))[0]) == 3

    assert reify(x,
                 next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(x, 2,
                                                              1)))({}))) == 3

    v = add(1, 2, 3)
    with variables(v):
        x = add(5, 6)
        assert reify(v, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(v, x))({}))) == x
예제 #26
        def goal(substitution):
            args2 = reify(args, substitution)
            subsets = [self.index[key] for key in enumerate(args) if key in self.index]
            if subsets:  # we are able to reduce the pool early
                facts = intersection(*sorted(subsets, key=len))
                facts = self.facts

            for fact in facts:
                unified = unify(fact, args2, substitution)
                if unified != False:
                    yield merge(unified, substitution)
예제 #27
파일: core.py 프로젝트: shawn-peng/RML
    def goal(s):
        for gs in goalseqs:
            if len(gs) == 1:
                g = gs[0]
                evaled_g = goaleval(reify(g, s))
                new_s = Stream(evaled_g(s))
                if not new_s.empty():
                    return new_s

            g, rgs = gs
            print(g, rgs)
            print('reify', s, reify(g, s))
            evaled_g = goaleval(reify(g, s))
            new_s = Stream(evaled_g(s))
            # new_s = Stream(goaleval(reify(g, s))(s))
            if new_s.empty():
            return unique(interleave(goaleval(lall(rgs))(ss) for ss in new_s))
예제 #28
def test_operator():
    s = unify(TFlowMetaOperator(var('a'), var('b')), mt.add)

    assert s[var('a')] == mt.add.op_def
    assert s[var('b')] == mt.add.node_def

    add_mt = reify(TFlowMetaOperator(var('a'), var('b')), s)

    assert add_mt == mt.add

    assert unify(mt.mul, mt.matmul) is False
    assert unify(mt.mul.op_def, mt.matmul.op_def) is False
예제 #29
    def dbgo_goal(S):
        nonlocal args
        args = reify(args, S)

        if msg is not None:


        import pdb

        yield S
예제 #30
def test_unifiable_with_term():
    add = Operator("add")
    t = Node(add, (1, 2))

    assert arguments(t) == (1, 2)
    assert operator(t) == add
    assert term(operator(t), arguments(t)) == t

    x = var()
    s = unify(Node(add, (1, x)), Node(add, (1, 2)), {})

    assert s == {x: 2}
    assert reify(Node(add, (1, x)), s) == Node(add, (1, 2))
예제 #31
    def concat_goal(S):
        nonlocal a, b, out

        a_rf, b_rf, out_rf = reify((a, b, out), S)

        if isinstance(a_rf, str) and isinstance(b_rf, str):
            S_new = unify(out_rf, a_rf + b_rf, S)

            if S_new is not False:
                yield S_new
        elif isinstance(a_rf, (Var, str)) and isinstance(b_rf, (Var, str)):
            yield S
예제 #32
파일: facts.py 프로젝트: logpy/logpy
        def goal(substitution):
            args2 = reify(args, substitution)
            subsets = [self.index[key] for key in enumerate(args)
                       if key in self.index]
            if subsets:  # we are able to reduce the pool early
                facts = intersection(*sorted(subsets, key=len))
                facts = self.facts

            for fact in facts:
                unified = unify(fact, args2, substitution)
                if unified != False:
                    yield merge(unified, substitution)
예제 #33
    def ground_order_goal(S):
        nonlocal in_args, out_args

        in_args_rf, out_args_rf = reify((in_args, out_args), S)

        S_new = unify(
            if isinstance(out_args_rf, Sequence) else out_args_rf,
            sorted(in_args_rf, key=partial(ground_order_key, S)),

        if S_new is not False:
            yield S_new
예제 #34
파일: goals.py 프로젝트: logpy/logpy
 def _nullo(s):
     _s = reify(l, s)
     if isvar(_s):
         yield unify(_s, None, s)
     elif is_null(_s):
         yield s
예제 #35
 def allgoal(s):
     g = goaleval(reify(goals[0], s))
     return unique(
             (lallgreedy, ) + tuple(goals[1:]), ss))(ss) for ss in g(s)),
예제 #36
 def f(goals):
     for goal in goals:
             yield goaleval(reify(goal, s))(s)
         except EarlyGoalError:
예제 #37
파일: term.py 프로젝트: logpy/logpy
def reify_term(obj, s):
    op, args = operator(obj), arguments(obj)
    op = reify(op, s)
    args = reify(args, s)
    new = term(op, args)
    return new