예제 #1
 def draw_on(self, canvas, offset=(0, 0)):
   ox, oy = offset
   w, h = self.width, self.height
   self._resistor_zig_zags = draw_resistor_zig_zags(canvas, ox, oy, w, h)
   self.parts |= self._resistor_zig_zags
   # create button that lets user select a signal file for this pot when
   #     right-clicked
   pot_alpha_window = canvas.create_rectangle(ox + (w - POT_ALPHA_WIDTH) / 2,
       oy + (h - POT_ALPHA_HEIGHT) / 2, ox + (w + POT_ALPHA_WIDTH) / 2,
       oy + (h + POT_ALPHA_HEIGHT) / 2, fill=POT_ALPHA_FILL if
       self.signal_file else POT_ALPHA_EMPTY_FILL, outline=POT_ALPHA_OUTLINE)
   pot_alpha_text = canvas.create_text(ox + w / 2, oy + h / 2 - 1,
       text=POT_ALPHA_TEXT, justify=CENTER, fill='white' if self.signal_file
       else 'black', font=FONT)
   def set_signal_file():
     Opens a window to let the user choose a signal file.
     new_signal_file = askopenfilename(title=OPEN_POT_SIGNAL_FILE_TITLE,
         filetypes=[('%s files' % POT_SIGNAL_FILE_TYPE,
         POT_SIGNAL_FILE_EXTENSION)], initialfile=self.signal_file)
     if new_signal_file and new_signal_file != self.signal_file:
       self.signal_file = relpath(new_signal_file)
       canvas.itemconfig(pot_alpha_window, fill=POT_ALPHA_FILL)
       canvas.itemconfig(pot_alpha_text, fill='white')
   self.set_signal_file = set_signal_file
예제 #2
 def draw_on(self, canvas, offset=(0, 0)):
   ox, oy = offset
   w, h = self.width, self.height
   self._resistor_zig_zags = draw_resistor_zig_zags(canvas, ox, oy, w, h)
   self.parts |= self._resistor_zig_zags
   text = resistance_to_string(resistance_from_string(self.init_resistance))
   if w > h: # horizontal
     self.resistor_text = canvas.create_text(ox + w / 2,
         oy - RESISTOR_TEXT_PADDING, text=text, font=FONT)
   else: # vertical
     self.resistor_text = canvas.create_text(ox + w + RESISTOR_TEXT_PADDING +
         8, oy + h / 2, text=text, font=FONT)
   def get_resistance():
     Returns the string representing this resistor's resistance.
     return canvas.itemcget(self.resistor_text, 'text')
   self.get_resistance = get_resistance
   def _set_resistance(r):
     canvas.itemconfig(self.resistor_text, text=r)
     self.init_resistance = r
   def set_resistance(r):
     Sets the resistance of this resistor to be the string |r|, after
         appropriately modifying it.
     if not r:
       self.board.display_message('No resistance entered', ERROR)
       old_r = self.get_resistance()
       new_r = resistance_to_string(resistance_from_string(r))
       do = lambda: _set_resistance(new_r)
       undo = lambda: _set_resistance(old_r)
       self.board.set_changed(True, Action(do, undo, 'set_resistance'))
     except Exception as e:
       self.board.display_message(e.message, ERROR)
   self.set_resistance = set_resistance