""" print('type in command: [q] [a] [i lane_id]') print(' q exit') print(' a plot all topology') print(' a_id plot all topology with lane id') print(' a_rid plot all topology with road id') print( ' i lane_id plot lanes could be reached from lane with lane_id' ) print( ' i_map lane_id plot lanes could be reached from lane with lane_id, with map' ) if __name__ == '__main__': map_dir = util.get_map_dir(sys.argv) graph = util.get_topodata(map_dir) base_map = util.get_mapdata(map_dir) print("district: %s" % graph.hdmap_district) print("version: %s" % graph.hdmap_version) plt.ion() while 1: print_help_command() print('cmd>', end=' ') instruction = raw_input() argv = instruction.strip(' ').split(' ') if len(argv) == 1: if argv[0] == 'q': sys.exit(0) elif argv[0] == 'a':
def print_help_command(): """Print command help information. Print help information of command. Args: """ print 'type in command: [q] [r]' print ' q exit' print ' r plot route result' print ' r_map plot route result with map' if __name__ == '__main__': map_dir = util.get_map_dir(sys.argv) graph = util.get_topodata(map_dir) base_map = util.get_mapdata(map_dir) route = util.get_routingdata() central_curves = {} for nd in graph.node: central_curves[nd.lane_id] = nd.central_curve plt.ion() while 1: print_help_command() print 'cmd>', instruction = raw_input() argv = instruction.strip(' ').split(' ') if len(argv) == 1: