예제 #1
파일: efficiency.py 프로젝트: zuranski/djpy
    def totalEfficiencies(self, org, dir=None, flavor=''):
        recoLow, recoHigh, acceptance, denom = None, None, None, None
        for step in org.steps:
            for plotName in sorted(step.keys()):
                if 'LowNX' + flavor == plotName: recoLow = step[plotName]
                if 'HighNX' + flavor == plotName: recoHigh = step[plotName]
                if 'AccNX' + flavor == plotName: acceptance = step[plotName]
                if 'NX' + flavor == plotName: denom = step[plotName]

        acc = tuple([
            r.TGraphAsymmErrors(n, d, "cl=0.683 n")
            for n, d in zip(acceptance, denom)
        efflow = tuple([
            r.TGraphAsymmErrors(n, d, "cl=0.683 n")
            for n, d in zip(recoLow, denom)
        effhigh = tuple([
            r.TGraphAsymmErrors(n, d, "cl=0.683 n")
            for n, d in zip(recoHigh, denom)
        effacclow = tuple([
            r.TGraphAsymmErrors(n, d, "cl=0.683 n")
            for n, d in zip(recoLow, acceptance)
        effacchigh = tuple([
            r.TGraphAsymmErrors(n, d, "cl=0.683 n")
            for n, d in zip(recoHigh, acceptance)

        #fs = [0.4,0.6,1.,1.4]	old factors for the record if not approved
        fs = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 1., 2., 3., 6., 10.]
        allfs = [0.1 * a for a in fs]
        allfs += fs
        allfs += [10 * a for a in fs]
        allfs = [round(a, 5) for a in allfs]
        N = len(allfs)

        forbidden = [7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18]

        f = 0.89
        sysmap = {
            '1000350': 0.075,
            '1000150': 0.075,
            '400150': 0.096,
            '40050': 0.091,
            '20050': 0.10

        for i, sample in enumerate(org.samples):
            digits = re.findall(r'\d+', sample['name'])
            H, X = digits[0], digits[2]
            name = 'H_' + str(H) + '_X_' + str(X)
            sys = sysmap[H + X]
            ctau = self.ctau[self.sig_names.index(name)]

            data = {}
            for factor in set(allfs):
                data[factor] = []

            for j in range(N):
                if j in forbidden: continue
                x, y = r.Double(0), r.Double(0)
                eff = effhigh
                effacc = effacchigh
                if j < N / 3:
                    eff = efflow
                    effacc = effacclow
                eff[i].GetPoint(j, x, y)
                e = f * float(y)
                eErr = f * eff[i].GetErrorY(j)
                effacc[i].GetPoint(j, x, y)
                ea = f * float(y)
                eaErr = f * effacc[i].GetErrorY(j)
                acc[i].GetPoint(j, x, y)
                a = float(y)
                aErr = acc[i].GetErrorY(j)
                #if e > 0. : eErr = e*math.sqrt(sys*sys+pow(eErr/e,2))
                #else : eErr = 0.
                #if ea > 0. : eaErr = ea*math.sqrt(sys*sys+pow(eaErr/ea,2))
                #else : eaErr = 0.
                factor = allfs[j]
                #print H,X,factor,a,aErr,e,eErr,ea,eaErr
                output = [(a, aErr), (e, eErr), [ea, eaErr]]


            for factor in data.keys():
                list = data[factor]
                ac = [obj[0][0] for obj in list if obj[0][0] > 0]
                acErr = [obj[0][1] for obj in list if obj[0][0] > 0]
                ef = [obj[1][0] for obj in list if obj[1][0] > 0]
                efErr = [obj[1][1] for obj in list if obj[1][0] > 0]
                efac = [obj[2][0] for obj in list if obj[2][0] > 0]
                efacErr = [obj[2][1] for obj in list if obj[2][0] > 0]
                if len(ef) == 0: continue
                e, eErr = weightedAvg(ef, efErr)
                a, aErr = weightedAvg(ac, acErr)
                ea, eaErr = weightedAvg(efac, efacErr)
                #eErr = e*math.sqrt(sys*sys+pow(eErr/e,2))
                #eaErr = ea*math.sqrt(sys*sys+pow(eaErr/ea,2))
                print H, X, factor, a, aErr, e, eErr, ea, eaErr
                output = [(a, aErr), (e, eErr), [ea, eaErr]]
                        supy.whereami() + '/../results/' + dir +
                        '/efficiencies/' + name + '_' + str(factor) + '.pkl',
예제 #2
파일: effDiff.py 프로젝트: hardenbr/djpy

files2=sorted(os.listdir(dir2),key=lambda file: (eval(file[:-4].split('_')[1]),


for file1,file2 in zip(files1,files2):
	if ((H!=strings[1] or X!=strings[3]) and H!=0):
		print round(avg,5),round(err,5)
	H,X,factor = strings[1],strings[3],eval(strings[4])
	if factor != 0.1 and factor!=1 and factor!=10 : continue
	e1,e2 = data1[dict[option][1]],data2[dict[option][1]]
	if e1[0]==e2[0]==0 : continue
	diff = 100* 2*(e1[0]-e2[0])/(e1[0]+e2[0])
	if n1-n2==0: continue
	diffe = diff*1./math.sqrt(abs(n1-n2))
	#diffe = 100* 4/pow(e1[0]+e2[0],2)*math.sqrt(pow(e2[0]*e1[1],2)+pow(e1[0]*e2[1],2))