def experimental_inverse_kinematics(robot, link, pose, null_space=False, max_iterations=200, tolerance=1e-3): (point, quat) = pose # # joints = get_joints( robot) # Need to have all joints (although only movable returned) movable_joints = get_movable_joints(robot) current_conf = get_joint_positions(robot, joints) # TODO: sample other values for the arm joints as the reference conf min_limits = [get_joint_limits(robot, joint)[0] for joint in joints] max_limits = [get_joint_limits(robot, joint)[1] for joint in joints] #min_limits = current_conf #max_limits = current_conf #max_velocities = [get_max_velocity(robot, joint) for joint in joints] # Range of Jacobian max_velocities = [10000] * len(joints) # TODO: cannot have zero velocities # TODO: larger definitely better for velocities #damping = tuple(0.1*np.ones(len(joints))) #t0 = time.time() #kinematic_conf = get_joint_positions(robot, movable_joints) for iterations in range(max_iterations): # 0.000863273143768 / iteration # TODO: return none if no progress if null_space: kinematic_conf = p.calculateInverseKinematics( robot, link, point, quat, lowerLimits=min_limits, upperLimits=max_limits, jointRanges=max_velocities, restPoses=current_conf, #jointDamping=damping, ) else: kinematic_conf = p.calculateInverseKinematics( robot, link, point, quat) if (kinematic_conf is None) or any(map(math.isnan, kinematic_conf)): return None set_joint_positions(robot, movable_joints, kinematic_conf) link_point, link_quat = get_link_pose(robot, link) if np.allclose(link_point, point, atol=tolerance) and np.allclose( link_quat, quat, atol=tolerance): #print(iterations) break else: return None if violates_limits(robot, movable_joints, kinematic_conf): return None #total_time = (time.time() - t0) #print(total_time) #print((time.time() - t0)/max_iterations) return kinematic_conf
def fn(robot_name, conf1, conf2, fluents=[]): robot = task.mbp.GetModelInstanceByName(robot_name) joints = get_movable_joints(task.mbp, robot) moving = bodies_from_models(task.mbp, [robot, gripper]) obstacles = set(task.fixed_bodies()) attachments = parse_fluents(fluents, context, obstacles) for grasp in attachments: moving.update(grasp.bodies) obstacles -= moving collision_pairs = set(product(moving, obstacles)) if collisions else set() collision_fn = get_collision_fn(task.diagram, task.diagram_context, task.mbp, task.scene_graph, joints, collision_pairs=collision_pairs, attachments=attachments) open_wsg50_gripper(task.mbp, context, gripper) path = plan_joint_motion(joints, conf1.positions, conf2.positions, collision_fn=collision_fn, restarts=10, iterations=75, smooth=50) if path is None: return None traj = Trajectory([Conf(joints, q) for q in path], attachments=attachments) return (traj, )
def get_open_trajectory(plant, gripper): gripper_joints = get_movable_joints(plant, gripper) gripper_extend_fn = get_extend_fn(gripper_joints) gripper_closed_conf = get_close_wsg50_positions(plant, gripper) gripper_path = list( gripper_extend_fn(gripper_closed_conf, get_open_wsg50_positions(plant, gripper))) gripper_path.insert(0, gripper_closed_conf) return Trajectory(Conf(gripper_joints, q) for q in gripper_path)
def fn(robot_name, obj_name, obj_pose, obj_grasp): # TODO: if gripper/block in collision, return robot = task.mbp.GetModelInstanceByName(robot_name) joints = get_movable_joints(task.mbp, robot) collision_pairs = set( product(bodies_from_models(task.mbp, [robot, task.gripper]), fixed)) collision_fn = get_collision_fn( task.diagram, task.diagram_context, task.mbp, task.scene_graph, joints, collision_pairs=collision_pairs) # TODO: while holding gripper_pose = obj_pose.transform.multiply( obj_grasp.transform.inverse()) gripper_path = list( interpolate_translation(gripper_pose, approach_vector, step_size=step_size)) attempts = 0 last_success = 0 while (attempts - last_success) < max_failures: attempts += 1 obj_pose.assign(context) path = plan_frame_motion(task.plant, joints, gripper_frame, gripper_path, initial_guess=initial_guess, collision_fn=collision_fn) if path is None: continue traj = Trajectory([Conf(joints, q) for q in path], attachments=[obj_grasp]) conf = traj.path[-1] yield (conf, traj) last_success = attempts
def load_station(time_step=0.0, plan=None): # TODO: map names to SDF paths # #object_file_path = FindResourceOrThrow( # "drake/external/models_robotlocomotion/ycb_objects/061_foam_brick.sdf") object_file_path = FindResourceOrThrow( "drake/examples/manipulation_station/models/061_foam_brick.sdf") # RuntimeError: Error control wants to select step smaller than minimum allowed (1e-14) station = ManipulationStation(time_step, IiwaCollisionModel.kBoxCollision) plant = station.get_mutable_multibody_plant() scene_graph = station.get_mutable_scene_graph() robot = plant.GetModelInstanceByName('iiwa') gripper = plant.GetModelInstanceByName('gripper') station.AddCupboard() brick = AddModelFromSdfFile(file_name=object_file_path, model_name="brick", plant=plant, scene_graph=scene_graph) station.Finalize() door_names = ['left_door', 'right_door'] doors = [plant.GetBodyByName(name).index() for name in door_names] initial_conf = [0, 0.6 - np.pi / 6, 0, -1.75, 0, 1.0, 0] #initial_conf[1] += np.pi / 6 initial_positions = { plant.GetJointByName('left_door_hinge'): -DOOR_CLOSED, #plant.GetJointByName('left_door_hinge'): -np.pi / 2, plant.GetJointByName('right_door_hinge'): np.pi / 2, #plant.GetJointByName('right_door_hinge'): np.pi, } initial_positions.update( zip(get_movable_joints(plant, robot), initial_conf)) initial_poses = { brick: create_transform(translation=[0.3, 0, 0], rotation=[0, 0, np.pi / 2]), } goal_poses = { brick: create_transform(translation=[0.8, 0.2, 0.2927], rotation=[0, 0, 5 * np.pi / 4]), } diagram, state_machine = build_manipulation_station(station, plan) task = Task(diagram, plant, scene_graph, robot, gripper, movable=[brick], doors=doors, initial_positions=initial_positions, initial_poses=initial_poses, goal_poses=goal_poses, reset_robot=True, reset_doors=False) task.set_initial() return task, diagram, state_machine
def fn(robot_name, door_name, door_conf1, door_conf2): """ :param robot_name: The name of the robot (should be iiwa) :param door_name: The name of the door (should be left_door or right_door) :param door_conf1: The initial door configuration :param door_conf2: The final door configuration :return: A triplet composed of the initial robot configuration, final robot configuration, and combined robot & door position trajectory to execute the pull """ robot = task.mbp.GetModelInstanceByName(robot_name) robot_joints = get_movable_joints(task.mbp, robot) collision_pairs = set( product(bodies_from_models(task.mbp, [robot, task.gripper]), fixed)) collision_fn = get_collision_fn(task.diagram, task.diagram_context, task.mbp, task.scene_graph, robot_joints, collision_pairs=collision_pairs) door_body = task.mbp.GetBodyByName(door_name) door_joints = door_conf1.joints combined_joints = robot_joints + door_joints # The transformation from the door frame to the gripper frame that corresponds to grasping the door handle gripper_from_door = get_door_grasp(door_body, box_from_geom) def get_robot_joints(door_body, door_joint): door_pose_world = task.plant.tree().EvalBodyPoseInWorld( context, door_body) door_pose_gripper =, door_pose_world) ##### BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ##### # combined_joint_path is a joint position path for the concatenated robot and door joints. # It should be a list of 8 DOF configurations (7 robot DOFs + 1 door DOF). # Additionally, combined_joint_path[0][len(robot_joints):] should equal door_conf1.positions # and combined_joint_path[-1][len(robot_joints):] should equal door_conf2.positions. num_knots = 4 door_joints_list = [door_joints[0]] print door_conf1.joints[0].get_angle(context) print door_conf2.joints[0].get_angle(context) for i in range(num_knots): door_joints_list.append(door_joints[0].set_angle( context, door_joints[0].get_angle(context) + (door_conf2.joints[0].get_angle(context) - door_conf1.joints[0].get_angle(context)) * (i + 1) / num_knots)) print[dj.get_angle(context) for dj in door_joints_list] # if path is None: # continue combined_joint_path = [ get_robot_joints(door_body, dj.get_angle(context)) for dj in door_joints_list ] ##### END YOUR CODE HERE ##### robot_conf1 = Conf(robot_joints, combined_joint_path[0][:len(robot_joints)]) robot_conf2 = Conf(robot_joints, combined_joint_path[-1][:len(robot_joints)]) traj = Trajectory( Conf(combined_joints, combined_conf) for combined_conf in combined_joint_path) yield (robot_conf1, robot_conf2, traj)
def get_pddlstream_problem(task, context, collisions=True): domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl')) stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl')) constant_map = {} plant = task.mbp robot = task.robot robot_name = get_model_name(plant, robot) world = plant.world_frame() # mbp.world_body() robot_joints = get_movable_joints(plant, robot) robot_conf = Conf(robot_joints, get_configuration(plant, context, robot)) init = [ ('Robot', robot_name), ('CanMove', robot_name), ('Conf', robot_name, robot_conf), ('AtConf', robot_name, robot_conf), ('HandEmpty', robot_name), ] goal_literals = [] if task.reset_robot: goal_literals.append(('AtConf', robot_name, robot_conf),) for obj in task.movable: obj_name = get_model_name(plant, obj) obj_pose = Pose(plant, world, obj, get_world_pose(plant, context, obj)) init += [('Graspable', obj_name), ('Pose', obj_name, obj_pose), ('AtPose', obj_name, obj_pose)] for surface in task.surfaces: init += [('Stackable', obj_name, surface)] for surface in task.surfaces: surface_name = get_model_name(plant, surface.model_index) if 'sink' in surface_name: init += [('Sink', surface)] if 'stove' in surface_name: init += [('Stove', surface)] for door in task.doors: door_body = plant.tree().get_body(door) door_name = door_joints = get_parent_joints(plant, door_body) door_conf = Conf(door_joints, get_joint_positions(door_joints, context)) init += [ ('Door', door_name), ('Conf', door_name, door_conf), ('AtConf', door_name, door_conf), ] for positions in [get_door_positions(door_body, DOOR_OPEN)]: conf = Conf(door_joints, positions) init += [('Conf', door_name, conf)] if task.reset_doors: goal_literals += [('AtConf', door_name, door_conf)] for obj, transform in task.goal_poses.items(): obj_name = get_model_name(plant, obj) obj_pose = Pose(plant, world, obj, transform) init += [('Pose', obj_name, obj_pose)] goal_literals.append(('AtPose', obj_name, obj_pose)) for obj in task.goal_holding: goal_literals.append(('Holding', robot_name, get_model_name(plant, obj))) for obj, surface in task.goal_on: goal_literals.append(('On', get_model_name(plant, obj), surface)) for obj in task.goal_cooked: goal_literals.append(('Cooked', get_model_name(plant, obj))) goal = And(*goal_literals) print('Initial:', init) print('Goal:', goal) stream_map = { 'sample-grasp': from_gen_fn(get_grasp_gen_fn(task)), 'plan-ik': from_gen_fn(get_ik_gen_fn(task, context, collisions=collisions)), 'plan-motion': from_fn(get_motion_fn(task, context, collisions=collisions)), 'plan-pull': from_gen_fn(get_pull_fn(task, context, collisions=collisions)), 'TrajPoseCollision': get_collision_test(task, context, collisions=collisions), 'TrajConfCollision': get_collision_test(task, context, collisions=collisions), } #stream_map = 'debug' # Runs PDDLStream with "placeholder streams" for debugging return PDDLProblem(domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal)
def main(): # TODO: teleporting kuka arm parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Automatically includes help parser.add_argument('-viewer', action='store_true', help='enable viewer.') args = parser.parse_args() client = connect(use_gui=args.viewer) add_data_path() #planeId = p.loadURDF("plane.urdf") table = p.loadURDF("table/table.urdf", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.707107, 0.707107) box = create_box(.07, .05, .15) # boxId = p.loadURDF("r2d2.urdf",cubeStartPos, cubeStartOrientation) #pr2 = p.loadURDF("pr2_description/pr2.urdf") pr2 = p.loadURDF("pr2_description/pr2_fixed_torso.urdf") #pr2 = p.loadURDF("/Users/caelan/Programs/Installation/pr2_drake/pr2_local2.urdf",) #useFixedBase=0,) #flags=p.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION) #flags=p.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION_EXCLUDE_PARENT) #flags=p.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION_EXCLUDE_ALL_PARENTS) #pr2 = p.loadURDF("pr2_drake/urdf/pr2_simplified.urdf", useFixedBase=False) initially_colliding = get_colliding_links(pr2) print len(initially_colliding) origin = (0, 0, 0) print p.getNumConstraints() # TODO: no way of controlling the base position by itself # TODO: PR2 seems to collide with itself frequently # real_time = False # p.setRealTimeSimulation(real_time) # left_joints = [joint_from_name(pr2, name) for name in LEFT_JOINT_NAMES] # control_joints(pr2, left_joints, TOP_HOLDING_LEFT_ARM) # while True: # control_joints(pr2, left_joints, TOP_HOLDING_LEFT_ARM) # if not real_time: # p.stepSimulation() # A CollisionMap robot allows the user to specify self-collision regions indexed by the values of two joints. # GetRigidlyAttachedLinks print pr2 # for i in range (10000): # p.stepSimulation() # time.sleep(1./240.) #print get_joint_names(pr2) print [get_joint_name(pr2, joint) for joint in get_movable_joints(pr2)] print get_joint_position(pr2, joint_from_name(pr2, TORSO_JOINT_NAME)) #open_gripper(pr2, joint_from_name(pr2, LEFT_GRIPPER)) #print get_joint_limits(pr2, joint_from_name(pr2, LEFT_GRIPPER)) #print get_joint_position(pr2, joint_from_name(pr2, LEFT_GRIPPER)) print self_collision(pr2) """ print p.getNumConstraints() constraint = fixed_constraint(pr2, -1, box, -1) # table p.changeConstraint(constraint) print p.getNumConstraints() print p.getConstraintInfo(constraint) print p.getConstraintState(constraint) p.stepSimulation() raw_input('Continue?') set_point(pr2, (-2, 0, 0)) p.stepSimulation() p.changeConstraint(constraint) print p.getConstraintInfo(constraint) print p.getConstraintState(constraint) raw_input('Continue?') print get_point(pr2) raw_input('Continue?') """ # TODO: would be good if we could set the joint directly print set_joint_position(pr2, joint_from_name(pr2, TORSO_JOINT_NAME), 0.2) # Updates automatically print get_joint_position(pr2, joint_from_name(pr2, TORSO_JOINT_NAME)) #return left_joints = [joint_from_name(pr2, name) for name in LEFT_JOINT_NAMES] right_joints = [joint_from_name(pr2, name) for name in RIGHT_JOINT_NAMES] print set_joint_positions(pr2, left_joints, TOP_HOLDING_LEFT_ARM) # TOP_HOLDING_LEFT_ARM | SIDE_HOLDING_LEFT_ARM print set_joint_positions(pr2, right_joints, REST_RIGHT_ARM) # TOP_HOLDING_RIGHT_ARM | REST_RIGHT_ARM print get_body_name(pr2) print get_body_names() # print p.getBodyUniqueId(pr2) print get_joint_names(pr2) #for joint, value in zip(LEFT_ARM_JOINTS, REST_LEFT_ARM): # set_joint_position(pr2, joint, value) # for name, value in zip(LEFT_JOINT_NAMES, REST_LEFT_ARM): # joint = joint_from_name(pr2, name) # #print name, joint, get_joint_position(pr2, joint), value # print name, get_joint_limits(pr2, joint), get_joint_type(pr2, joint), get_link_name(pr2, joint) # set_joint_position(pr2, joint, value) # #print name, joint, get_joint_position(pr2, joint), value # for name, value in zip(RIGHT_JOINT_NAMES, REST_RIGHT_ARM): # set_joint_position(pr2, joint_from_name(pr2, name), value) print p.getNumJoints(pr2) jointId = 0 print p.getJointInfo(pr2, jointId) print p.getJointState(pr2, jointId) # for i in xrange(10): # #lower, upper = BASE_LIMITS # #q = np.random.rand(len(lower))*(np.array(upper) - np.array(lower)) + lower # q = np.random.uniform(*BASE_LIMITS) # theta = np.random.uniform(*REVOLUTE_LIMITS) # quat = z_rotation(theta) # print q, theta, quat, env_collision(pr2) # #set_point(pr2, q) # set_pose(pr2, q, quat) # #p.getMouseEvents() # #p.getKeyboardEvents() # raw_input('Continue?') # Stalls because waiting for input # # # TODO: self collisions # for i in xrange(10): # for name in LEFT_JOINT_NAMES: # joint = joint_from_name(pr2, name) # value = np.random.uniform(*get_joint_limits(pr2, joint)) # set_joint_position(pr2, joint, value) # raw_input('Continue?') #start = (-2, -2, 0) #set_base_values(pr2, start) # #start = get_base_values(pr2) # goal = (2, 2, 0) # p.addUserDebugLine(start, goal, lineColorRGB=(1, 1, 0)) # addUserDebugText # print start, goal # raw_input('Plan?') # path = plan_base_motion(pr2, goal) # print path # if path is None: # return # print len(path) # for bq in path: # set_base_values(pr2, bq) # raw_input('Continue?') # left_joints = [joint_from_name(pr2, name) for name in LEFT_JOINT_NAMES] # for joint in left_joints: # print joint, get_joint_name(pr2, joint), get_joint_limits(pr2, joint), \ # is_circular(pr2, joint), get_joint_position(pr2, joint) # # #goal = np.zeros(len(left_joints)) # goal = [] # for name, value in zip(LEFT_JOINT_NAMES, REST_LEFT_ARM): # joint = joint_from_name(pr2, name) # goal.append(wrap_joint(pr2, joint, value)) # # path = plan_joint_motion(pr2, left_joints, goal) # print path # for q in path:s # set_joint_positions(pr2, left_joints, q) # raw_input('Continue?') print p.JOINT_REVOLUTE, p.JOINT_PRISMATIC, p.JOINT_FIXED, p.JOINT_POINT2POINT, p.JOINT_GEAR # 0 1 4 5 6 movable_joints = get_movable_joints(pr2) print len(movable_joints) for joint in xrange(get_num_joints(pr2)): if is_movable(pr2, joint): print joint, get_joint_name(pr2, joint), get_joint_type(pr2, joint), get_joint_limits(pr2, joint) #joints = [joint_from_name(pr2, name) for name in LEFT_JOINT_NAMES] #set_joint_positions(pr2, joints, sample_joints(pr2, joints)) #print get_joint_positions(pr2, joints) # Need to print before the display updates? # set_base_values(pr2, (1, -1, -np.pi/4)) # movable_joints = get_movable_joints(pr2) # gripper_pose = get_link_pose(pr2, link_from_name(pr2, LEFT_ARM_LINK)) # print gripper_pose # print get_joint_positions(pr2, movable_joints) # p.addUserDebugLine(origin, gripper_pose[0], lineColorRGB=(1, 0, 0)) # p.stepSimulation() # raw_input('Pre2 IK') # set_joint_positions(pr2, left_joints, SIDE_HOLDING_LEFT_ARM) # TOP_HOLDING_LEFT_ARM | SIDE_HOLDING_LEFT_ARM # print get_joint_positions(pr2, movable_joints) # p.stepSimulation() # raw_input('Pre IK') # conf = inverse_kinematics(pr2, gripper_pose) # Doesn't automatically set configuraitons # print conf # print get_joint_positions(pr2, movable_joints) # set_joint_positions(pr2, movable_joints, conf) # print get_link_pose(pr2, link_from_name(pr2, LEFT_ARM_LINK)) # #print get_joint_positions(pr2, movable_joints) # p.stepSimulation() # raw_input('Post IK') # return # print pose_from_tform(TOOL_TFORM) # gripper_pose = get_link_pose(pr2, link_from_name(pr2, LEFT_ARM_LINK)) # #gripper_pose = multiply(gripper_pose, TOOL_POSE) # #gripper_pose = get_gripper_pose(pr2) # for i, grasp_pose in enumerate(get_top_grasps(box)): # grasp_pose = multiply(TOOL_POSE, grasp_pose) # box_pose = multiply(gripper_pose, grasp_pose) # set_pose(box, *box_pose) # print get_pose(box) # raw_input('Grasp {}'.format(i)) # return torso = joint_from_name(pr2, TORSO_JOINT_NAME) torso_point, torso_quat = get_link_pose(pr2, torso) #torso_constraint = p.createConstraint(pr2, torso, -1, -1, # p.JOINT_FIXED, jointAxis=[0] * 3, # JOINT_FIXED # parentFramePosition=torso_point, # childFramePosition=torso_quat) create_inverse_reachability(pr2, box, table) ir_database = load_inverse_reachability() print len(ir_database) return link = link_from_name(pr2, LEFT_ARM_LINK) point, quat = get_link_pose(pr2, link) print point, quat p.addUserDebugLine(origin, point, lineColorRGB=(1, 1, 0)) # addUserDebugText raw_input('Continue?') current_conf = get_joint_positions(pr2, movable_joints) #ik_conf = p.calculateInverseKinematics(pr2, link, point) #ik_conf = p.calculateInverseKinematics(pr2, link, point, quat) min_limits = [get_joint_limits(pr2, joint)[0] for joint in movable_joints] max_limits = [get_joint_limits(pr2, joint)[1] for joint in movable_joints] max_velocities = [get_max_velocity(pr2, joint) for joint in movable_joints] # Range of Jacobian print min_limits print max_limits print max_velocities ik_conf = p.calculateInverseKinematics(pr2, link, point, quat, lowerLimits=min_limits, upperLimits=max_limits, jointRanges=max_velocities, restPoses=current_conf) value_from_joint = dict(zip(movable_joints, ik_conf)) print [value_from_joint[joint] for joint in joints] #print len(ik_conf), ik_conf set_joint_positions(pr2, movable_joints, ik_conf) #print len(movable_joints), get_joint_positions(pr2, movable_joints) print get_joint_positions(pr2, joints) raw_input('Finish?') p.disconnect()
def open_wsg50_gripper(mbp, context, model_index): set_joint_positions(get_movable_joints(mbp, model_index), context, get_open_wsg50_positions(mbp, model_index))
def close_wsg50_gripper(mbp, context, model_index): # 0.05 set_joint_positions(get_movable_joints(mbp, model_index), context, get_close_wsg50_positions(mbp, model_index))