def coordinate_converter( vdf: vDataFrame, x: str, y: str, x0: float = 0.0, earth_radius: float = 6371, reverse: bool = False, ): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Converts between geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) and Euclidean coordinates (x,y). Parameters ---------- vdf: vDataFrame input vDataFrame. x: str vColumn used as the abscissa (longitude). y: str vColumn used as the ordinate (latitude). x0: float, optional The initial abscissa. earth_radius: float, optional Earth radius in km. reverse: bool, optional If set to True, the Euclidean coordinates are converted to latitude and longitude. Returns ------- vDataFrame result of the transformation. """ check_types([ ("vdf", vdf, [vDataFrame]), ("x", x, [str]), ("y", y, [str]), ("x0", x0, [int, float]), ("earth_radius", earth_radius, [int, float]), ("reverse", reverse, [bool]), ]) vdf.are_namecols_in([x, y]) result = vdf.copy() if reverse: result[x] = result[x] / earth_radius * 180 / st.pi + x0 result[y] = ((st.atan(st.exp(result[y] / earth_radius)) - st.pi / 4) / st.pi * 360) else: result[x] = earth_radius * ((result[x] - x0) * st.pi / 180) result[y] = earth_radius * st.ln( st.tan(result[y] * st.pi / 360 + st.pi / 4)) return result
def het_breuschpagan( vdf: vDataFrame, eps: str, X: list, ): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breusch-Pagan test for heteroscedasticity. Parameters ---------- vdf: vDataFrame Input vDataFrame. eps: str Input residual vcolumn. X: list Exogenous Variables to test the heteroscedasticity on. Returns ------- tablesample An object containing the result. For more information, see utilities.tablesample. """ check_types( [("eps", eps, [str],), ("X", X, [list],), ("vdf", vdf, [vDataFrame, str,],),], ) columns_check([eps] + X, vdf) eps = vdf_columns_names([eps], vdf)[0] X = vdf_columns_names(X, vdf) from verticapy.learn.linear_model import LinearRegression schema_writing = vdf._VERTICAPY_VARIABLES_["schema_writing"] if not (schema_writing): schema_writing = "public" name = schema_writing + ".VERTICAPY_TEMP_MODEL_LINEAR_REGRESSION_{}".format( get_session(vdf._VERTICAPY_VARIABLES_["cursor"]) ) model = LinearRegression(name, cursor=vdf._VERTICAPY_VARIABLES_["cursor"]) vdf_copy = vdf.copy() vdf_copy["VERTICAPY_TEMP_eps2"] = vdf_copy[eps] ** 2 try:, X, "VERTICAPY_TEMP_eps2") R2 = model.score("r2") model.drop() except: try: model.set_params({"solver": "bfgs"}), X, "VERTICAPY_TEMP_eps2") R2 = model.score("r2") model.drop() except: model.drop() raise n = vdf.shape()[0] k = len(X) LM = n * R2 lm_pvalue = chi2.sf(LM, k) F = (n - k - 1) * R2 / (1 - R2) / k f_pvalue = f.sf(F, k, n - k - 1) result = tablesample( { "index": [ "Lagrange Multiplier Statistic", "lm_p_value", "F Value", "f_p_value", ], "value": [LM, lm_pvalue, F, f_pvalue], } ) return result