def _test2(): append=0 for fpart in ['dxc-op','dxc-cl']: g1 = vutils.opendss('anninputs.dss') g2 = vutils.opendss('annoutputs.dss') g1.filterBy(fpart) refs = g1[:] tw = vutils.timewindow('01oct1975 0000 - 01sep1991 0000') #tw = vutils.timewindow('01oct1975 0000 - 01oct1976 0000') inps = [] for i in range(len(refs)): inps.append(vutils.interpolate(DataReference.create(refs[i],tw).getData(),'1day')) inputs = [] for i in range(len(inps)): print 'Building inputs for ',inps[i] inputs=inputs+buildinput(inps[i],7,10,7) # weekly averages print 'Built inputs' outputs = [] ccc_ref = vutils.findpath(g2,'//ccc/ec///%s/'%fpart)[0] outputs.append(vutils.interpolate(DataReference.create(ccc_ref,tw).getData(),'1day')) print 'Built outputs' print 'Dumping patterns' if append: dump_patterns(inputs,outputs,'junk',0.75,365,1) else: dump_patterns(inputs,outputs,'junk',0.75,365,append) append = 1
def compare_dss_files(file1, file2, showPlot=False, outputFile=None, outputPathFile=None): """ Simply compares the files and outputs differences if any of those that differ and lists mismatching pathnames in either """ g1 = vutils.opendss(file1) g2 = vutils.opendss(file2) print 'Comparing %s to %s' % (file1, file2) print '%12s\t%32s' % ('DIFFERENCE', 'PATHNAME') if outputPathFile: opf_handle=open(outputPathFile, 'wb') opf = csv.writer(opf_handle, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) opf.writerow([file1,file2]) no_diff=True for ref1 in g1: p1 = ref1.pathname found = False for ref2 in g2: p2 = ref2.pathname if matches(p1, p2): found = True diff = - absdiff = diff.createSlice(diff.getTimeWindow()) vtimeseries.apply(absdiff, math.fabs) diff_total = if (diff_total > 1e-06) : no_diff=False if showPlot: plot(, print '%10.2f\t%32s' % (diff_total, p1) if outputFile: diffp = set_part(p1, 'DIFF-%s-%s' % (os.path.basename(file1), os.path.basename(file2)), Pathname.A_PART) writedss(outputFile, str(diffp), diff) if outputPathFile: opf.writerow([p1, p1, diff_total]) break if (not found): no_diff=False print 'No matching path: %s in file %s NOT found in file %s' % (p1, file1, file2) if outputPathFile: opf.writerow([p1, "", "M"]) for ref2 in g2: p2 = ref2.pathname found = False for ref1 in g1: p1 = ref1.pathname if matches(p1, p2): found = True break if (not found): no_diff=False print 'No matching path: %s in file %s NOT found in file %s' % (p2, file2, file1) if outputPathFile: opf.writerow(["", p2, "M"]) if no_diff: print 'NO DIFFERENCE ACROSS ENTIRE FILEs %s and %s'%(file1,file2) if outputPathFile: opf_handle.close()
def _test3(): from ANN import fnet_cccec fpart = 'dxc-op' g1 = vutils.opendss('anninputs.dss') g2 = vutils.opendss('annoutputs.dss') g1.filterBy(fpart) g2.filterBy(fpart) refs = g1[:] tw = vutils.timewindow('01oct1975 0000 - 01sep1991 0000') #tw = vutils.timewindow('01oct1975 0000 - 01oct1976 0000') inps = [] for i in range(len(refs)): inps.append(vutils.interpolate(DataReference.create(refs[i],tw).getData(),'1day')) inputs = [] for i in range(len(inps)): print 'Building inputs for ',inps[i] inputs=inputs+buildinput(inps[i],7,10,7) # weekly averages print 'Built inputs' outputs = [] ccc_ref = vutils.findpath(g2,'//ccc/ec///%s/'%fpart)[0] outputs.append(vutils.interpolate(DataReference.create(ccc_ref,tw).getData(),'1day')) mi = MultiIterator(inputs) import jarray ninps = len(inputs) input = jarray.zeros(ninps,'f') output = jarray.zeros(1,'f') ann = fnet_cccec() ndata = len(inputs[0]) for input_no in range(365): mi.advance() outdata = jarray.zeros(ndata,'f') while input_no < ndata: el = mi.getElement() i=0 while i < ninps: input[i] = el.getY(i) i=i+1 ann.engine(input,output,0) outdata[input_no] = output[0] mi.advance() input_no=input_no+1 # stime = inputs[0].getStartTime() ti = inputs[0].getTimeInterval() rtsout = vutils.RegularTimeSeries('/ann/ccc_out/ec///annutils/',str(stime),\ str(ti),outdata) vutils.plot(rtsout,outputs[0]) rtsout = (rtsout-0.140516)/0.000396563 vutils.writedss('annout.dss','/ann/ccc_out/ec///annutils/',rtsout)
def testspline(): from vutils import opendss, findpath, timewindow, tabulate infile='/delta/data/dss/dayflo.dss' inpath='/DELTA/OUT/FLOW//1day//' tw_str='01JAN1999 0000 - 30JUN1999 2400' g=opendss(infile) ref = findpath(g,inpath)[0] ref = DataReference.create(ref,timewindow(tw_str)) rts=interpolate(ref,outint='15min',offset=48) tabulate(rts)
def testlinear(): from vutils import opendss, findpath, timewindow, tabulate infile='h:/data/dss/IEP/hydro.dss' inpath='/RLTM\+CHAN/RSAC155/FLOW//1HOUR/CDEC/' tw_str='16JAN1999 1200 - 21JAN1999 1600' g=opendss(infile) ref = findpath(g,inpath)[0] ref = DataReference.create(ref,timewindow(tw_str)) rts=interplinear(ref) tabulate(rts,ref.getData())
def rename(file,oldf,newfile,newf): g=vutils.opendss(file) g.filterBy(PathPartPredicate(oldf,Pathname.F_PART),1) if len(g) == 0: raise SystemExit,'No FPART: %s in DSS FILE: %s'%(oldf,file) for ref in g: path = ref.getPathname() ds = ref.getData() path.setPart(Pathname.F_PART,newf) print 'OLD: %s -> NEW: %s'%(str(ref.getPathname()),str(path)) vutils.writedss(newfile,str(path),ds) g.removeDataReference(ref)
def rename(file, oldf, newfile, newf): g = vutils.opendss(file) g.filterBy(PathPartPredicate(oldf, Pathname.F_PART), 1) if len(g) == 0: raise SystemExit, 'No FPART: %s in DSS FILE: %s' % (oldf, file) for ref in g: path = ref.getPathname() ds = ref.getData() path.setPart(Pathname.F_PART, newf) print 'OLD: %s -> NEW: %s' % (str(ref.getPathname()), str(path)) vutils.writedss(newfile, str(path), ds) g.removeDataReference(ref)
def _test1(): g=vutils.opendss('/delta2/ann/hydrologies/sim809anndv.dss') refs = vutils.findpath(g,'//ndo/flow-ndo///') tw = vutils.timewindow('01jan1974 0000 - 01jan1992 0000') inps = [] for i in range(len(refs)): inps.append(vutils.interpolate(DataReference.create(refs[i],tw).getData(),'1day')) print 'Got data for ',tw scaling = 8.99649e-07 shift = 0.233677 crush(inps[0],scaling,shift) print 'Crushed data' inputs = buildinput(inps[0],8,10,7) print 'Built inputs' outputs = inps[:] print 'Dumping patterns' dump_patterns(inputs,outputs,'junk',0.75)
def do_processing(scalars, pathname_maps, tw_values): # open files 1 and file 2 and loop over to plot dss_group1 = vutils.opendss(scalars['FILE1']) dss_group2 = vutils.opendss(scalars['FILE2']) time_windows = map(lambda val: val[1].replace('"',''), tw_values) tws = map(lambda x: vtimeseries.timewindow(x), time_windows) if len(tws) > 0: tw=tws[0] else: tw=None output_file=scalars['OUTFILE'] data_output_file = output_file.split(".")[0]+".js" fh=open(data_output_file,'w') print >> fh, """/* Comparison Output File Generated on : %s */"""%(str(Date())) js_data.write_begin_data_array(fh); if dss_group1 == None or dss_group2 == None: sys.exit(2); dataIndex=0 for path_map in pathname_maps: dataIndex=dataIndex+1 logging.debug('Working on index: %d'%dataIndex) if dataIndex>1: fh.write(",") #path_map = pathname_mapping[var_name] if path_map.path2==None or path_map.path2 == "": path_map.path2=path_map.path1 var_name = path_map.var_name calculate_dts=0 if path_map.var_category == 'HEADER': logging.debug('Inserting header') continue; if path_map.report_type == 'Exceedance_Post': calculate_dts=1 ref1 = get_ref(dss_group1, path_map.path1,calculate_dts, pathname_maps, 1) ref2 = get_ref(dss_group2, path_map.path2,calculate_dts, pathname_maps, 2) if (ref1==None or ref2==None): continue series_name = [scalars['NAME1'],scalars['NAME2']] data_units=get_units(ref1,ref2) data_type=get_type(ref1,ref2) if path_map.report_type == 'Average': write_plot_data(fh, build_data_array(ref1,ref2,tw), dataIndex, "Average %s"%path_map.var_name.replace('"',''), series_name, "%s(%s)"%(data_type,data_units), "Time", PlotType.TIME_SERIES) elif path_map.report_type == 'Exceedance': write_plot_data(fh, build_exceedance_array(ref1,ref2,path_map.var_category=='S_SEPT',tw), dataIndex, get_exceedance_plot_title(path_map), series_name, "%s(%s)"%(data_type,data_units), "Percent at or above", PlotType.EXCEEDANCE) elif path_map.report_type == 'Avg_Excd': write_plot_data(fh, build_data_array(ref1,ref2,tw), dataIndex, "Average %s"%path_map.var_name.replace('"',''), series_name, "%s(%s)"%(data_type,data_units), "Time", PlotType.TIME_SERIES) fh.write(",") write_plot_data(fh, build_exceedance_array(ref1,ref2,path_map.var_category=='S_SEPT',tw), dataIndex, get_exceedance_plot_title(path_map), series_name, "%s(%s)"%(data_type,data_units), "Percent at or above", PlotType.EXCEEDANCE) elif path_map.report_type == 'Timeseries': write_plot_data(fh, build_data_array(ref1,ref2,tw), dataIndex, "Average %s"%path_map.var_name.replace('"',''), series_name, "%s(%s)"%(data_type,data_units), "Time", PlotType.TIME_SERIES) elif path_map.report_type == 'Exceedance_Post': write_plot_data(fh, build_exceedance_array(ref1,ref2,tw), dataIndex, "Exceedance %s"%path_map.var_name.replace('"',''), series_name, "%s(%s)"%(data_type,data_units), "Percent at or above", PlotType.EXCEEDANCE) js_data.write_end_data_array(fh); logging.debug('Writing end of data array') fh.close() # Generate the main html file fh=open(scalars['OUTFILE'],'w') print >> fh, """ <html> <head> <title>Calsim Report: %s vs %s</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="report-common/protovis-d3.3.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="report-common/plots.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="report-common/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="report-common/print.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="report-common/screen.css" /> </head> """%(scalars['NAME1'],scalars['NAME2'],data_output_file) write_control_panel(fh,scalars, pathname_maps,tw_values) write_water_balance_table(fh,dss_group1, dss_group2, scalars, pathname_maps,tw_values) print >> fh, """<script type="text/javascript"> function clear_and_draw(sdate, edate){ $('.plot').empty(); n=data.length plot_diff = $('input[name=diff_plot]').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0 ; for(i=0; i < n; i++){ var div_id = "fig"+(i+1); if (data[i]==null) continue; if ($("#"+div_id).length==0){ $("body").append('<a href="#'+div_id+'"><div class="plot" id="'+div_id+'"></div></a>'); } if (data[i].plot_type=="timeseries"){ plots.time_series_plot(div_id,data[i],plot_diff,sdate,edate); }else if (data[i].plot_type=="exceedance"){ plots.exceedance_plot(div_id,data[i],null,sdate,edate); } } // update links }; $(document).ready(clear_and_draw(null,null)); $('#system-water-balance-table tr').click(function(){ var_name = $($(this).find('td')[0]).text(); var svg_element = $('div').filter(function(){ return $(this).text().indexOf(var_name)>=0;}) if (svg_element && svg_element.length > 0){ anchor_name = $($(svg_element[0]).parent()).attr("href"); window.location.href=window.location.href.split('#')[0]+anchor_name; } }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function extract_date(date_str){ date_fields=date_str.split(","); return new Date(date_fields[0],date_fields[1],date_fields[2]); } $('#time-window-select').change(function(){ var changed_val = $('#time-window-select option:selected').val().split("-"); clear_and_draw(extract_date(changed_val[0]),extract_date(changed_val[1])); }); $('#threshold').change(function(){ set_diff_threshold($('#threshold').val()); }); $('input[name=diff_plot]').change(function(){ var changed_val = $('#time-window-select option:selected').val().split("-"); clear_and_draw(extract_date(changed_val[0]),extract_date(changed_val[1])); }); function set_diff_threshold(threshold){ var diff_marker = function(){ if(Math.abs(parseFloat($(this).text())) >= threshold){ $(this).addClass('large-diff'); }else{ $(this).removeClass('large-diff'); }; }; $('tr td:nth-child(5)').each(diff_marker); $('tr td:nth-child(9)').each(diff_marker); $('tr td:nth-child(13)').each(diff_marker); }; set_diff_threshold($('#threshold').val()); </script> </body> </html>""" fh.close() logging.debug('Closed out data file')
def open_dss(dssfile): group = vutils.opendss(dssfile) if group == None: print "No dss file named: %s found!" % (dssfile) return group
def get_group_ref(globals, scalars, var_values): refvar = {} refnam = [] compare_mode = globals['COMPARE_MODE'] dss_group0 = 'NA' dss_group1 = 'NA' dss_group2 = 'NA' try: dss_group0 = vutils.opendss(scalars['FILE0']) dss_name0 = scalars['NAME0'] for ref0 in dss_group0: p = ref0.pathname bpart = p.getPart(p.B_PART).encode('ascii') cpart = p.getPart(p.C_PART).encode('ascii') epart = p.getPart(p.E_PART).encode('ascii') if epart==globals['DEFAULT_TIME_INTERVAL']: refnam.append(bpart+'_'+cpart) refvar[bpart+'_'+cpart]=['FILE0:://'+bpart+'/'+cpart+'//'+epart+'//','NA','NA'] except: if (compare_mode=='1' or compare_mode=='4' or compare_mode=='5'): print "**** Please specify observation file for this comparison mode!!! ****" try: dss_group1 = vutils.opendss(scalars['FILE1']) dss_name1 = scalars['NAME1'] for ref1 in dss_group1: p = ref1.pathname bpart = p.getPart(p.B_PART).encode('ascii') cpart = p.getPart(p.C_PART).encode('ascii') epart = p.getPart(p.E_PART).encode('ascii') if epart==globals['DEFAULT_TIME_INTERVAL']: refnam.append(bpart+'_'+cpart) try: refvar[bpart+'_'+cpart] refvar[bpart+'_'+cpart][1]='FILE1:://'+bpart+'/'+cpart+'//'+epart+'//' except: refvar[bpart+'_'+cpart]=['NA','NA','NA'] refvar[bpart+'_'+cpart][1]='FILE1:://'+bpart+'/'+cpart+'//'+epart+'//' except: if compare_mode!='0': print "**** Please specify model dss file 1 for this comparison mode!!! ****" try: dss_group2 = vutils.opendss(scalars['FILE2']) dss_name2 = scalars['NAME2'] for ref2 in dss_group2: p = ref2.pathname bpart = p.getPart(p.B_PART).encode('ascii') cpart = p.getPart(p.C_PART).encode('ascii') epart = p.getPart(p.E_PART).encode('ascii') if epart==globals['DEFAULT_TIME_INTERVAL']: refnam.append(bpart+'_'+cpart) try: refvar[bpart+'_'+cpart] refvar[bpart+'_'+cpart][2]='FILE2:://'+bpart+'/'+cpart+'//'+epart+'//' except: refvar[bpart+'_'+cpart]=['NA','NA','NA'] refvar[bpart+'_'+cpart][2]='FILE2:://'+bpart+'/'+cpart+'//'+epart+'//' except: if compare_mode=='3' or compare_mode=='5': print "**** Please specify model dss file 2 for this comparison mode!!! ****" '''delete time series without a matched entry''' for name in refnam: try: if (compare_mode=='1' and refvar[name][0]=='NA') or \ (compare_mode=='2' and refvar[name][1]=='NA') or \ (compare_mode=='3' and (refvar[name][1]=='NA' or refvar[name][2]=='NA')) or \ (compare_mode=='4' and (refvar[name][0]=='NA' or refvar[name][1]=='NA')) or \ (compare_mode=='5' and (refvar[name][0]=='NA' or refvar[name][1]=='NA' or refvar[name][2]=='NA')): del(refvar[name]) refnam.remove(name) except Exception,e: refnam.remove(name) logging.error("Error building name for %s"%(name)) continue
from vtimeseries import time NaN=float('nan') def export_csv(ref,file): d = f=open(file,'w') for e in d: f.write("%s,%s\n"%(e.x, "" if e.y == -901.0 or e.y == -902.0 else e.y)) f.close() if __name__=='__main__': file='Z:/DSM2_v81_Beta_Release/studies/historical_qual_ec_v81/output/historical_v81.dss' from vutils import opendss import vdss ref = vdss.findpath(opendss(file),'//sltrm004/flow')[0] print 'Exporting ref: %s'%ref export_csv(ref,'Z:/temp/sltrm004_flow.csv')
import vutils import datetime if __name__ == '__main__': print('Uses Vista which wraps lowlevel HEC DSSVue functions') d = vutils.opendss('ITP_PP_out_ec.dss') s = npaths = len(d) # Used to load the catalog into memory print('Catalog read in %s' % str( - s)) print('Reading data from %s pathnames' % str(npaths)) s = for ref in d: s1 = data = ref.getData() path = ref.getPathname() print('Read %s in %s ' % (str(path), str( - s1))) print('Read %s in %s' % (npaths, str( - s)))
def compare_dss_files(file1, file2, showPlot=False, outputFile=None, outputPathFile=None): """ Simply compares the files and outputs differences if any of those that differ and lists mismatching pathnames in either """ g1 = vutils.opendss(file1) g2 = vutils.opendss(file2) print 'Comparing %s to %s' % (file1, file2) print '%12s\t%32s' % ('DIFFERENCE', 'PATHNAME') if outputPathFile: opf_handle = open(outputPathFile, 'wb') opf = csv.writer(opf_handle, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) opf.writerow([file1, file2]) no_diff = True for ref1 in g1: p1 = ref1.pathname found = False for ref2 in g2: p2 = ref2.pathname if matches(p1, p2): found = True diff = - absdiff = diff.createSlice(diff.getTimeWindow()) vtimeseries.apply(absdiff, math.fabs) diff_total = if (diff_total > 1e-06): no_diff = False if showPlot: plot(, print '%10.2f\t%32s' % (diff_total, p1) if outputFile: diffp = set_part( p1, 'DIFF-%s-%s' % (os.path.basename(file1), os.path.basename(file2)), Pathname.A_PART) writedss(outputFile, str(diffp), diff) if outputPathFile: opf.writerow([p1, p1, diff_total]) break if (not found): no_diff = False print 'No matching path: %s in file %s NOT found in file %s' % ( p1, file1, file2) if outputPathFile: opf.writerow([p1, "", "M"]) for ref2 in g2: p2 = ref2.pathname found = False for ref1 in g1: p1 = ref1.pathname if matches(p1, p2): found = True break if (not found): no_diff = False print 'No matching path: %s in file %s NOT found in file %s' % ( p2, file2, file1) if outputPathFile: opf.writerow(["", p2, "M"]) if no_diff: print 'NO DIFFERENCE ACROSS ENTIRE FILEs %s and %s' % (file1, file2) if outputPathFile: opf_handle.close()