def checkVomsExtension (proxyfile, printERRORS): """ Retrieve vomses from proxy and check whether it is contained """ uc = UCredential(proxyfile) vomses = uc.getVoNames() if and printERRORS: # No voms in certificate: print error printableError = uc.get_error() if printableError: errMsg( 'Warning' , "UI_NO_VOMS",printableError) if vomses: return [0, vomses[0]] else: return [0,""]
def checkError (apiName , inst, exit = 0): err , apiMsg = inst.get_error () if err==0: return err em = "Error" if exit==0: em="Warning" if err==1: #ERROR errMsg ( em , "API_NATIVE_ERROR" , apiName , apiMsg ) if exit: wmsui_utils.exit (1) else: #WARNING errMsg ( em , "API_NATIVE_ERROR" , apiName , apiMsg ) return err
def printHeader( argv): message="*****************************\n" message= message + time.asctime(time.gmtime(time.time())) message= message +"\n\nFunction Called:" message= message + "\n"+argv[0] message= message +"\n\nOptions specified:" for i in range (1,len(argv)): if ( (argv[i-1])[0]!="-" ) or ( (argv[i])[0]=="-" ) : message= message +"\n" message= message +argv[i]+" " message = message + "\n*****************************" message = message + "\n---No Errors found---" if info.logFile: try: f=open( info.logFile ,'w') f.write(message + "\n") except: logFile = info.logFile info.logFile = "" errMsg('Error','UI_WRITE_FILE', logFile ) sys.exit(1)
def check_outFile(out_file,*submit): TBremoved=0 out_file=os.path.abspath(out_file) sind=out_file.rfind(os.sep) if not os.path.isdir(out_file[:sind]): #the path doesn't exist wmsui_utils.errMsg("Error","UI_DIR_NOT_FOUND",out_file[:sind]) wmsui_utils.exit(1) info.outFile = out_file if os.path.isfile(out_file): #the file already exists TBremoved=1 if submit: f=open(out_file) line=f.readline() line = line.strip() f.close() if line == "###Submitted Job Ids###": return [0,out_file,0] wmsui_utils.errMsg("Warning","UI_FILE_EXISTS",out_file) if info.noint: #No-int active wmsui_utils.errMsg("Warning","UI_SKIP_QUESTION","overwriting the File "+out_file) return [0,out_file,1] #the file will be removed else: question="Do you want to overwrite?" answ=wmsui_utils.questionYN(question) print "" if not answ: #NO answered print "bye" return [0,"",0] #if submit: #The file won't be removed # TBremoved=1 return [0,out_file,TBremoved]
def parseVo(voSrc, configFile, voName, eMsg, override): # Check the source of the VO Name if (voSrc == VO_SOURCE_CERT_EXTENSION or voSrc == VO_SOURCE_VO_OPT) and not configFile : # Only vo is provided, generate file name: configFile = generateVoPath(voName) # Retrieve the configuration directory confDir = os.path.dirname(configFile) # Look for configuration Vo file if not os.path.isfile(configFile): if voSrc == VO_SOURCE_CERT_EXTENSION or voSrc == VO_SOURCE_VO_OPT: # In these cases vo file was autogenerated user config file may not be there return [0, voName, 0, configFile] else: errMsg(eMsg,'UI_FILE_NOT_FOUND', configFile) return [1, "", 0, configFile] # Parsing Ad VO file ad = AdWrapper(1) if ad.fromFile(configFile): errMsg(eMsg , "UI_JDL_ADD_ERROR", "Unable to parse Vo conf file (not a valid classad):\n " + configFile ) return [1, "", 0, configFile] #The VirtualOrganisation Attribute must match with the specified voName virtualOrganisation = ad.getVirtualOrganisation(); # Check if the Virtual Organisation is present inside the AD if virtualOrganisation: # Check if the VO name has been set if voName: #The VirtualOrganisation Attribute must match with the specified voName if virtualOrganisation.lower()!=voName.lower(): if override == 1: virtualOrganisation = voName else: errMsg(eMsg,'UI_JDL_VO_MATCH', voName , val ,configFile) return [1, "", 0, configFile] # SUCCESS return [0, virtualOrganisation , ad, configFile ] else: errMsg(eMsg,'UI_JDL_ADD_ERROR', "Missing VirtualOrganisation attribute inside JDL Default Attributes section \"JdlDefaultAttributes\" of configuration file " + configFile ) return [1, "", 0, configFile]
def check_proxy(*valid) : if valid: valid=valid[0] hours, minutes = valid.split(":") secondsLeft = int(hours)*60*60 + int(minutes)*60 uid = os.getuid() pid = os.getpid() proxy_file_name = '' INST = info.prefix if not INST: exit(1) #Initialize proxy certificate file name try: proxy_file_name = os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] except: proxy_file_name = os.sep + "tmp" + os.sep+ "x509up_u" + repr(uid) #Check if Proxy certificate already exists #voms = info.confAdVo.getStringValue("VirtualOrganisation")[0] if os.path.isfile(proxy_file_name): #Retrieve Proxy Information ( new Approach ) uc = UCredential (proxy_file_name) timeleft = uc.getExpiration() - int( time.time() ) -time.timezone err = uc.get_error() if err != "": #ERROR errMsg ( "Error" , "API_NATIVE_ERROR" , "UcWrapper::getExpiration" , err ) wmsui_utils.exit (1) info.issuer =uc.getIssuer() if not valid: # timeleft should be at least 20 minutes secondsLeft = 20*60 valid = "00:20" if timeleft>secondsLeft: printERRORS=0 return checkVomsExtension(proxy_file_name,printERRORS)[0] elif timeleft>0: if info.prgname=="glite-job-submit": errMsg("Error",'UI_PROXY_DURATION' , valid ) return 1 else: errMsg("Error",'UI_PROXY_EXPIRED' ) return 1 else: # The Proxy Does not exist errMsg("Error",'UI_PROXY_NOT_FOUND') return 1
def checkFromTo ( fromT , toT): parsed =[] # time.time expresses the time in UTC # now is expressed in DST now = time.time() opt = "--from" for val in [fromT , toT]: if val: # Those Values are expressed in DST h = m = "00" M = time.strftime("%m") D = time.strftime("%d") Y = time.strftime("%Y") seps = val.split(":") l = len (seps) if l ==2: h, m = seps elif l ==4: M,D,h,m = seps elif l ==5: M ,D ,h, m ,Y = seps else: errMsg ( "Error" , "UI_ARG_MISMATCH" , opt ) return [] if len(Y)==2: #Adjust Year value (if needed) try: Y =str ( time.strptime( Y,"%y")[0] ) except: errMsg ( "Error" , "UI_ARG_MISMATCH" , opt ) return [] #Checking values lengths if len(h)!=2 or len(m)!=2 or len(M)!=2 or len(D)!=2 or len(Y)!=4: errMsg ( "Error" , "UI_ARG_MISMATCH" , opt ) return [] finalString = M + D + h + m + Y formatString = "%m%d%H%M%Y" try: # value limits to be checked in DST valueToCheck= ( int (time.mktime( time.strptime( finalString , formatString) ) ) ) # Append the value to query in UTC parsed.append( valueToCheck ) except ValueError: errMsg ( "Error" , "UI_ARG_MISMATCH" , opt ) return [] else: parsed.append( 0 ) opt="--to" if parsed[0]>now: # FROM is bigger than NOW errMsg ( "Error" , "UI_ARG_OUT_OF_LIMIT" , "--from" ) return [] elif parsed[0]>parsed[1] and parsed[1]: # FROM is bigger than TO errMsg ( "Error" , "UI_ARG_OUT_OF_LIMIT" , "--from" ) return [] else: return parsed
def checkConf(conf, virtualOrg, logPath): override = 1 voName = UnspecifiedVO vomsrc = "" src = VO_SOURCE_NONE; configFile = "" cfDefault = "" sys_exit = 0 # Trace if(conf and virtualOrg): wmsui_utils.errMsg("The following options cannot be specified together:\n" + \ conf + "\n" + \ virtualOrg + "\n\n", wmsui_utils.exit(1) # Read the GLITE_WMS_COMMANDS_CONFIG environment variable try: # Set the WMS Commands Config file envCommandsConfig = os.environ['GLITE_WMS_COMMANDS_CONFIG'] except: # Set a empty value due to missing environment variable envCommandsConfig = "" # Read the X509_USER_PROXY environment variable try: # Set the User Proxy filename from the environment variable proxy_file_name = os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] except: # Set the default User Proxy filename proxy_file_name = os.sep + "tmp" + os.sep + "x509up_u"+ repr(os.getuid()) # Read the Proxy file if it exists if os.path.isfile(proxy_file_name): #Try to look for the default Vo inside the user proxy printERRORS=1 err, voName = checkVomsExtension(proxy_file_name, printERRORS) # Check for errors if err: wmsui_utils.errMsg(err, wmsui_utils.exit(1) if voName: # Set the source of the voName src = VO_SOURCE_CERT_EXTENSION vomsrc = "proxy certificate extension" """ Options Parsing """ if(virtualOrg and src != VO_SOURCE_NONE): # VO name forcing ignored wmsui_utils.print_message (False,, "Warning - --vo option ignored" ) elif(virtualOrg): # SCR is definitely NONE voName = virtualOrg src = VO_SOURCE_VO_OPT vomsrc = "--vo option" # Print a debug message if debugMsg = "#### "+ time.ctime() + " Debug Message ####\n" + \ "VO Read from --vo option\n\n#### End Debug ####\n" #Print message wmsui_utils.print_message(False,, debugMsg) # Set the config file configFile = + os.sep + "etc" + os.sep + virtualOrg.lower() + os.sep + DEFAULT_UI_CLIENTCONFILE elif(conf): if (src == VO_SOURCE_NONE and debugMsg = "#### "+ time.ctime() + " Debug Message ####\n" + \ "VO Read from --config option\n\n#### End Debug ####\n" #Print message wmsui_utils.print_message(False,, debugMsg) # Set the config file configFile = conf src = VO_SOURCE_CONFIG_OPT vomsrc = "--config option" elif envCommandsConfig: if (src == VO_SOURCE_NONE and debugMsg = "#### "+ time.ctime() + " Debug Message ####\n" + \ "VO Read from ENV option\n\n#### End Debug ####\n" #Print message wmsui_utils.print_message(False,, msg) src = VO_SOURCE_CONFIG_VAR; vomsrc = "GLITE_WMSUI_CONFIG_VO env variable" # Set the GLITE_WMS_COMMANDS_CONFIG environment variable content as configuration file configFile = envCommandsConfig elif(src == VO_SOURCE_NONE): print "checkConf\nEmpty value: Unable to find any both VirtualOrganisation and any configuration file" sys.exit(1) err, voName, info.confAdVo, configFile = parseVo(src, configFile, voName, "Error", override) if err == 0 and not info.confAdVo: configFile = "" if and voName: # Print Info msg = "VirtualOrganisation value :" + voName wmsui_utils.print_message(False,, msg) # Build the default config file it a VO name has been found if(voName): # Build the default config file cfDefault = + os.sep + "etc" + os.sep + voName.lower() + os.sep + DEFAULT_UI_CLIENTCONFILE # Check if the file exists if not os.path.isfile (cfDefault): # Remove the path cfDefault = "" # Load the configuration loadConfiguration(configFile, cfDefault, voName) if # Successfully Update needed Info msg = "Selected Virtual Organisation name (from "+ vomsrc + "): " + voName msg = "#### "+ time.ctime() + " Debug Message ####\n" + msg +"\nVOMS configuration file successfully loaded:\n" \ + configFile + info.confAdVo.toLines() + "\n#### End Debug ####\n" #Print VOMS message wmsui_utils.print_message(False,, msg) # Check if the log path has been set if logPath: # Create the log filename logFile = os.path.abspath (logPath) # Remove the log file if it exists if os.path.isfile ( logFile): try: # Remove the log file os.remove(logFile) except: errMsg ( "Warning" , "UI_RM_FILE", logFile ) else : # Create a new log file logFile = wmsui_utils.create_err_log ( info.prgname ) # Rename the old logFile with the new value (if needed) if info.logFile: if info.logFile != logFile: try: shutil.copyfile( info.logFile, logFile ) except: errMsg('Error','UI_WRITE_FILE' , logFile ) wmsui_utils.exit(1) try: os.remove(info.logFile) except: errMsg("Warning",'UI_RM_FILE' , info.logFile ) info.logFile = logFile # Return the Virtual Organisation name return voName
def checkOpt(arg , short , long): #Make a deep copy of the arg args =[] for i in arg: args.append(i) #Pre-Processing param: help and version for preOpt in ["--help", "--version"]: if preOpt in args: return [0,[preOpt],[], [] ] optNul = [] optPar = [] #SHORT options check while (short): next="" #take the option letter and check opt=short[0] short=short[1:] if short: #cut the letter next=short[0] if (opt <"a") or (opt>"z"): return [ 1,[],[],[] ] if next==":": #option required short=short[1:] optPar.append("-" + opt) else: #option not required optNul.append("-" + opt) #LONG options check for opt in long: if opt[-1] == "=" : #option required optPar.append("--"+opt[:-1]) else: optNul.append("--" + opt) options = [] #list of options required value = [] #list of values typed for each required option extra = [] #list of extra parameters found error = [] repeated = [] #list of options repeated missing = [] #list of options specified without required par unknown = [] #list of unknown options sysExit=0 while (args): next="" short="---" #get the item on the list opt=args.pop(0) if opt.startswith("-"): #it's an option if (opt.startswith("--")) and (len(opt)>2): short=opt[1:3] if (len(opt)>2) and opt[1]!="-": opt="-"+opt if args: next=args[0] if next.startswith("-"): #It's an option, not a value next="" #check if option repeated #if (opt in options) or (short in options): #check if option allowed if opt in optNul: #option without par options.append(opt) value.append("") elif opt in optPar: #option with par if next: #syntax OK options.append(opt) value.append(next) args=args[1:] else: #syntax error: required parameter missing.append(opt) sysExit=1 break else: unknown.append(opt) sysExit=1 break else: #Extra option typed: no-more option allowed if args: next=args[0] if next.startswith("-"): #It's an option, not allowed after an extra error.append(next) args=args[1:] sysExit=1 break extra.append(opt) #check for item value (required??) AND (if required .... is present???) for rep in repeated: errMsg('Error','UI_REPEATED_OPT',rep) for mis in missing: errMsg('Error','UI_ARG_MISS',mis) for un in unknown: errMsg('Error','UI_WRONG_OPT', un) for err in error: errMsg('Error','UI_OPT_POS',err) return sysExit, options, value, extra