def pressure_rh(d): h_agl_staggered = (d.PHB + d.PH)/wrf.G0 h = bn.move_mean(h_agl_staggered.values, 2, axis=0)[1:] t = d['T'].values p = (d.P + d.PB).values q = d.QVAPOR.values return (wrf.slp(h, p, t, q) * 1e-2, wrf.rh(p[0], t[0], q[0]))
def main(config_path): config = {} with open(config_path) as f_config: config = json.load(f_config) # out, times, h_agl = xr.Dataset(), [], [] for f_path in sorted( g.glob(os.path.join(config['output-wrf-raw'], 'wrfout_*'))): print(f_path) f_basename = os.path.basename(f_path) domain = f_basename.split('_')[1] d = xr.open_dataset(f_path).isel(Time=0) time = dt.datetime.strptime( f_basename, 'wrfout_{}_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'.format(domain)) h_agl_staggered = (d.PHB + d.PH) / wrf.G0 h_agl = bn.move_mean( h_agl_staggered.mean(dim='south_north').mean(dim='west_east'), 2)[1:] h = bn.move_mean(h_agl_staggered.values, 2, axis=0)[1:] t = d['T'].values p = (d.P + d.PB).values q = d.QVAPOR.values out = xr.Dataset() out.coords['time'] = time # out.coords['h_agl'] = np.mean(h_agl, axis=0) out.coords['lat'] = d.XLAT.values[:, 0] out.coords['lon'] = d.XLONG.values[0, :] out['terrain'] = (('lat', 'lon'), d.HGT.values) out['u10'] = (('lat', 'lon'), d.U10.values) out['v10'] = (('lat', 'lon'), d.V10.values) out['rain'] = (('lat', 'lon'), d.RAINC + d.RAINNC) out['t2'] = (('lat', 'lon'), d.T2.values) out['so2_concentration'] = (('h_agl', 'lat', 'lon'), d.so2.values) out['o3_concentration'] = (('h_agl', 'lat', 'lon'), d.o3.values) out['nox_concentration'] = (('h_agl', 'lat', 'lon'), (d.no2 + out['pm25'] = (('h_agl', 'lat', 'lon'), d.PM2_5_DRY.values) out['pm10'] = (('h_agl', 'lat', 'lon'), d.PM10.values) # wrf.x_to_yOm3(d.so2.values, (d.PB + d.P).values, # d['T'].values, mm=64) # ) out['p_sl'] = (('lat', 'lon'), wrf.slp(h, p, t, q)) out['rh'] = (('lat', 'lon'), wrf.rh(p, t, q)[0]) out.to_netcdf( os.path.join( config['output-wrf'], '{domain}_{date}.nc'.format( domain=domain, date=(time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')))))
File = SaveDir + T_Filename.replace(Vars[0], FinVar) + '_copy' if os.path.exists(File_fin) == 0: if not os.path.exists(SaveDir): os.makedirs(SaveDir) # print( ' '+File_fin) ncid = Dataset(T_file, mode='r') rgrT = np.squeeze(ncid.variables[Vars[0]][:]) time_act = np.squeeze(ncid.variables['time'][:]) ncid.close() ncid = Dataset(Q_file, mode='r') rgrQ = np.squeeze(ncid.variables[Vars[1]][:]) ncid.close() rgrP = np.copy(rgrQ) rgrP[:] = 50000. RH_vals = wrf.rh(rgrQ, rgrP, rgrT, meta=False) # ________________________________________________________________________ # write the netcdf # print( ' ----------------------') # print( ' Save data to '+File_fin) root_grp = Dataset(File, 'w', format='NETCDF4') # dimensions root_grp.createDimension('time', None) root_grp.createDimension('rlon', rgrLon.shape[0]) root_grp.createDimension('rlat', rgrLat.shape[0]) # variables lat = root_grp.createVariable('lat', 'f4', ('rlat', )) lon = root_grp.createVariable('lon', 'f4', ('rlon', )) time = root_grp.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time', )) RH = root_grp.createVariable(FinVar,
def main(config_path): config = {} with open(config_path) as f_config: config = json.load(f_config) # out, times, h_agl = xr.Dataset(), [], [] for i, f_path in enumerate( sorted(g.glob(os.path.join(config['output-wrf-raw'], 'wrfout_*')))): print(f_path) f_basename = os.path.basename(f_path) domain = f_basename.split('_')[1] d = xr.open_dataset(f_path).isel(Time=0) time = dt.datetime.strptime( f_basename, 'wrfout_{}_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'.format(domain)) h_agl_staggered = (d.PHB + d.PH) / wrf.G0 h_agl = bn.move_mean( h_agl_staggered.mean(dim='south_north').mean(dim='west_east'), 2)[1:] h = bn.move_mean(h_agl_staggered.values, 2, axis=0)[1:] t = d['T'].values p = (d.P + d.PB).values q = d.QVAPOR.values #cosalpha and sinalpha to account for earth's rotation relative to the grid cosa = d.COSALPHA.values sina = d.SINALPHA.values out = xr.Dataset() out.coords['time'] = time ## out.coords['h_agl'] = np.mean(h_agl, axis=0) out.coords['x'] = range(d.XLONG.shape[1]) out.coords['y'] = range(d.XLAT.shape[0]) out['lat'] = (('y', 'x'), d.XLAT.values[:]) out['lon'] = (('y', 'x'), d.XLONG.values[:]) out['terrain'] = (('y', 'x'), d.HGT.values) out['u10'] = (('y', 'x'), d.U10.values * cosa - d.V10.values * sina) out['v10'] = (('y', 'x'), d.V10.values * cosa + d.U10.values * sina) out['rain'] = (('y', 'x'), d.RAINC + d.RAINNC) out['snow'] = (('y', 'x'), d.SNOWNC) out['t2'] = (('y', 'x'), d.T2.values) out['so2_concentration'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.so2.values) out['o3_concentration'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.o3.values) out['nox_concentration'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), (d.no2 + # This was changed today to dimish pm2.5 by a factor of 4 wind10 = xu.sqrt(d.U10.values**2 + d.V10.values**2) divfac = (wind10 / 5).clip(1, 20) #.clip(1,10) #cappedpm25=d.PM2_5_DRY.values/divfac #out['pm25'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), cappedpm25) #newpm10=d.PM10.values-d.PM2_5_DRY.values+cappedpm25 shp = d.so2.shape #print(shp) ss_01 = (d.na_a01 + d.cl_a01).values ss_02 = (d.na_a02 + d.cl_a02).values ss_03 = (d.na_a03 + d.cl_a03).values ss_04 = (d.na_a04 + d.cl_a04).values ss_05 = (d.na_a05 + d.cl_a05).values ss_06 = (d.na_a06 + d.cl_a06).values ss_25 = ss_01 + ss_02 + ss_03 + ss_04 + ss_05 + ss_06 ss_new = ss_25 / divfac cappedpm25 = d.PM2_5_DRY.values - ss_25 + ss_new out['pm25'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), cappedpm25) newpm10 = d.PM10.values - d.PM2_5_DRY.values + cappedpm25 out['pm10'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), newpm10) #out['ss_25'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), ss_25) #out['newss'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), ss_new) #out['ss_25'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), ss_25) #out['wind10'] = (('y', 'x'), wind10) #out['divfac']=(('y', 'x'), divfac) #organics org_01 = d.oc_a01.values org_02 = d.oc_a02.values org_03 = d.oc_a03.values org_04 = d.oc_a04.values org_05 = d.oc_a05.values org_06 = d.oc_a06.values org_07 = d.oc_a07.values org_08 = d.oc_a08.values org25 = org_01 + org_02 + org_03 + org_04 + org_05 + org_06 + org_07 + org_08 out['org25'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), org25) #sulphate sulf_01 = d.so4_a01.values sulf_02 = d.so4_a02.values sulf_03 = d.so4_a03.values sulf_04 = d.so4_a04.values sulf_05 = d.so4_a05.values sulf_06 = d.so4_a06.values sulf_07 = d.so4_a07.values sulf_08 = d.so4_a08.values sulf25 = sulf_01 + sulf_02 + sulf_03 + sulf_04 + sulf_05 + sulf_06 + sulf_07 + sulf_08 out['sulf25'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), sulf25) #nitrate nitr_01 = d.no3_a01.values nitr_02 = d.no3_a02.values nitr_03 = d.no3_a03.values nitr_04 = d.no3_a04.values nitr_05 = d.no3_a05.values nitr_06 = d.no3_a06.values nitr_07 = d.no3_a07.values nitr_08 = d.no3_a08.values nitr25 = nitr_01 + nitr_02 + nitr_03 + nitr_04 + nitr_05 + nitr_06 + nitr_07 + nitr_08 out['nitr25'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), nitr25) #Ammonium nh4_01 = d.nh4_a01.values nh4_02 = d.nh4_a02.values nh4_03 = d.nh4_a03.values nh4_04 = d.nh4_a04.values nh4_05 = d.nh4_a05.values nh4_06 = d.nh4_a06.values nh4_07 = d.nh4_a07.values nh4_08 = d.nh4_a08.values nh425 = nh4_01 + nh4_02 + nh4_03 + nh4_04 + nh4_05 + nh4_06 + nh4_07 + nh4_08 out['nh425'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), nh425) #Chloride cl_01 = d.cl_a01.values cl_02 = d.cl_a02.values cl_03 = d.cl_a03.values cl_04 = d.cl_a04.values cl_05 = d.cl_a05.values cl_06 = d.cl_a06.values cl_07 = d.cl_a07.values cl_08 = d.cl_a08.values #24/2/20:LC: have just pm2.5, so up to 6th bin cl25 = cl_01 + cl_02 + cl_03 + cl_04 + cl_05 + cl_06 out['cl25'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), cl25) #Black Carbon bc_01 = d.bc_a01.values bc_02 = d.bc_a02.values bc_03 = d.bc_a03.values bc_04 = d.bc_a04.values bc_05 = d.bc_a05.values bc_06 = d.bc_a06.values bc_07 = d.bc_a07.values bc_08 = d.bc_a08.values bc = bc_01 + bc_02 + bc_03 + bc_04 + bc_05 + bc_06 + bc_07 + bc_08 out['bc'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), bc) #print(d.PM2_5_DRY[1:10], d.PM10[1:10]) #aaa=np.subtract(d.PM10.values, d.PM2_5_DRY.values) #out['aaa']=(('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.PM10[:,:,:]-d.PM2_5_DRY[:,:,:]) #pm25=d.PM2_5_DRY.values #newpm25=pm25/4. #pm10=d.PM10.values #print(pm25[0:10,0:10,0:10]) #print(pm10[0:10,0:10,0:10]) #np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') #newpm10=(pm10-pm25+pm25/4.) #print(pm25.shape) #out['pm25'] = ( #('h_agl', 'y', 'x'),d.PM2_5_DRY.values) #out['pm10'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), (d.PM10-d.PM2_5_DRY).values+d.PM2_5_DRY.values/4) #out['pm10'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.PM10.values) #('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), (d.PM10.values-d.PM2_5_DRY.values/4.)) #-d.PM2_5_DRY).values) ## wrf.x_to_yOm3(d.so2.values, (d.PB + d.P).values, ## d['T'].values, mm=64) ## ) out['pb'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.PB.values) out['p_sl'] = (('y', 'x'), wrf.slp(h, p, t, q)) out['rh'] = (('y', 'x'), wrf.rh(p, t, q)[0]) out['swdown'] = (('y', 'x'), d.SWDOWN.values) out['cldfra'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.CLDFRA.values) out['qsnow'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.QSNOW.values) out['qgraup'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.QGRAUP.values) out.to_netcdf( os.path.join( config['output-wrf'], '{domain}_{date}.nc'.format( domain=domain, date=(time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')))))
def main(config_path): config = {} with open(config_path) as f_config: config = json.load(f_config) # out, times, h_agl = xr.Dataset(), [], [] #for f_path in sorted(g.glob(os.path.join( #config['output-wrf-raw'], 'wrfout_*' #))): #dir_data=('/mnt/raid/rong-ming/wrfchem/data_in') #dir_out=('/mnt/raid/rong-ming/wrfchem/data_in_dfiles') #no_files=len(os.listdir(dir_data)) for i, f_path in enumerate( sorted(g.glob(os.path.join(config['output-wrf-raw'], 'wrfout_*')))): print(f_path) f_basename = os.path.basename(f_path) print(f_basename) domain = f_basename.split('_')[1] #fpath=os.path.join(dir_data, f_path) d = xr.open_dataset(f_path).isel(Time=0) #d = xr.open_dataset(fpath) time = dt.datetime.strptime( f_basename, 'wrfout_{}_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'.format(domain)) print(time) h_agl_staggered = (d.PHB + d.PH) / wrf.G0 h_agl = bn.move_mean( h_agl_staggered.mean(dim='south_north').mean(dim='west_east'), 2)[1:] h = bn.move_mean(h_agl_staggered.values, 2, axis=0)[1:] t = d['T'].values p = (d.P + d.PB).values q = d.QVAPOR.values out = xr.Dataset() out.coords['time'] = time ## out.coords['h_agl'] = np.mean(h_agl, axis=0) out.coords['x'] = range(d.XLONG.shape[1]) out.coords['y'] = range(d.XLAT.shape[0]) out['lat'] = (('y', 'x'), d.XLAT.values[:]) out['lon'] = (('y', 'x'), d.XLONG.values[:]) out['terrain'] = (('y', 'x'), d.HGT.values) out['u10'] = (('y', 'x'), d.U10.values) out['v10'] = (('y', 'x'), d.V10.values) out['rain'] = (('y', 'x'), d.RAINC + d.RAINNC) out['t2'] = (('y', 'x'), d.T2.values) out['so2_concentration'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.so2.values) out['o3_concentration'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.o3.values) out['nox_concentration'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), (d.no2 + out['pm25'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.PM2_5_DRY.values) out['pm10'] = (('h_agl', 'y', 'x'), d.PM10.values) ## wrf.x_to_yOm3(d.so2.values, (d.PB + d.P).values, ## d['T'].values, mm=64) ## ) out['p_sl'] = (('y', 'x'), wrf.slp(h, p, t, q)) out['rh'] = (('y', 'x'), wrf.rh(p, t, q)[0]) out.to_netcdf( os.path.join( config['output-wrf'], '{domain}_{date}.nc'.format( domain=domain, date=(time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')))))
def main(config_path): config = {} with open(config_path) as f_config: config = json.load(f_config) out, times, h_agl = xr.Dataset(), [], [] for f_path in sorted(g.glob(os.path.join( config['output-wrf-raw'], 'wrfout_*' ))): print(f_path) f_basename = os.path.basename(f_path) domain = f_basename.split('_')[1] d = xr.open_dataset(f_path).isel(Time=0) time = dt.datetime.strptime( f_basename, 'wrfout_{}_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'.format(domain) ) h_agl_staggered = (d.PHB + d.PH)/wrf.G0 h_agl = bn.move_mean(h_agl_staggered .mean(dim='south_north') .mean(dim='west_east'), 2)[1:] h = bn.move_mean(h_agl_staggered.values, 2, axis=0)[1:] t = d['T'].values p = (d.P + d.PB).values q = d.QVAPOR.values out = xr.Dataset() out.coords['time'] = time # out.coords['h_agl'] = np.mean(h_agl, axis=0) out.coords['lat'] = d.XLAT.values[:, 0] out.coords['lon'] = d.XLONG.values[0, :] out['terrain'] = (('lat', 'lon'), d.HGT.values) # for time, gr in it.groupby(times[:-1], key=lambda x: # x.replace(minute=0)): f_path = os.path.join( # config['output-wrf-raw'], # dt.datetime.strftime(time, 'wrfout_d01_%Y-%m-%d_%H*') # ) # d = xr.concat((xr.open_mfdataset(f_path, concat_dim='Time').load(), # xr.open_dataset(os.path.join( # config['output-wrf-raw'], # dt.datetime.strftime( # time + dt.timedelta(hours=1), # 'wrfout_d01_{}'.format(config['fmt']['date']) # ) # )).load()), dim='Time') out['u10'] = (('lat', 'lon'), d.U10.values) out['v10'] = (('lat', 'lon'), d.V10.values) out['rain'] = (('lat', 'lon'), d.RAINC + d.RAINNC) out['t2'] = (('lat', 'lon'), d.T2.values) out['so2_concentration'] = ( ('h_agl', 'lat', 'lon'), d.so2.values) out['pm25'] = ( ('h_agl', 'lat', 'lon'), d.PM2_5_DRY.values) # wrf.x_to_yOm3(d.so2.values, (d.PB + d.P).values, # d['T'].values, mm=64) # ) out['p_sl'] = (('lat', 'lon'), wrf.slp(h, p, t, q)) out['rh'] = (('lat', 'lon'), wrf.rh(p, t, q)[0]) out.to_netcdf( os.path.join(config['output-wrf'], '{domain}_{date}.nc' .format(domain=domain, date=(time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')))) )
WriteNetCDF(File_fin, File, LON, LAT, rgdTimeMM, TIME, 'RH2', 'relative humidity 2m above ground', '%', RH_vals) # Calcualte RH on pressure level for pl in range(len(Plevs)): SaveDirFIN = SaveDir + 'RH' + Plevs[pl] File_fin = SaveDirFIN + '/' + 'RH' + Plevs[ pl] + '_' + sYYYYMM + '' File = File_fin + '_copy' if os.path.exists(File_fin) == 0: if not os.path.exists(SaveDirFIN): os.makedirs(SaveDirFIN) Uf = SaveDir + 'T' + Plevs[pl] + '/T' + Plevs[ pl] + '_' + sYYYYMM + '' ncid = Dataset(Uf, mode='r') TT = np.squeeze(ncid.variables['T' + Plevs[pl]][:]) ncid.close() Vf = SaveDir + 'Q' + Plevs[pl] + '/Q' + Plevs[ pl] + '_' + sYYYYMM + '' ncid = Dataset(Vf, mode='r') QQ = np.squeeze(ncid.variables['Q' + Plevs[pl]][:]) ncid.close() rgrP = np.copy(QQ) rgrP[:] = int(Plevs[pl]) * 100. RH_vals = wrf.rh(QQ, rgrP, TT, meta=False) WriteNetCDF(File_fin, File, LON, LAT, rgdTimeMM, TIME, 'RH' + Plevs[pl], 'relative humidity ' + Plevs[pl], '%', RH_vals)