예제 #1
def test_change_mutable_default():
    Ensure that mutating the default value for a field causes
    the changes to be saved, and doesn't corrupt other instances

    class MutableTester(XBlock):
        """Test class with mutable fields."""
        list_field = List()

    field_data_a = DictFieldData({})
    mutable_test_a = MutableTester(TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data_a}), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))
    field_data_b = DictFieldData({})
    mutable_test_b = MutableTester(TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data_b}), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # Saving without changing the default value shouldn't write to field_data
    mutable_test_a.list_field  # pylint: disable=W0104
    with assert_raises(KeyError):
        field_data_a.get(mutable_test_a, 'list_field')


    assert_equals([1], field_data_a.get(mutable_test_a, 'list_field'))
    with assert_raises(KeyError):
        field_data_b.get(mutable_test_b, 'list_field')
예제 #2
def test_caching_is_per_instance():
    # Test that values cached for one instance do not appear on another
    class FieldTester(ScopedStorageMixin):
        """Toy class for ModelMetaclass and field access testing"""
        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)

    field_data = MagicMock(spec=FieldData)
    field_data.get = lambda block, name, default=None: [name]  # pylint: disable=C0322

    # Same field_data used in different objects should result
    # in separately-cached values, so that changing a value
    # in one instance doesn't affect values stored in others.
    field_tester_a = FieldTester(
        runtime=TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}),
    field_tester_b = FieldTester(
        runtime=TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}),
    value = field_tester_a.field_a
    assert_equals(value, field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_equals(value, field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_not_equals(value, field_tester_b.field_a)
예제 #3
def test_unique_id_default():
    class TestBlock(XBlock):
        Block for testing
        field_a = String(default=UNIQUE_ID, scope=Scope.settings)
        field_b = String(default=UNIQUE_ID, scope=Scope.user_state)

    sids = ScopeIds(user_id="bob",

    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    block = TestBlock(runtime, DictFieldData({}), sids)
    unique_a = block.field_a
    unique_b = block.field_b
    # Create another instance of the same block. Unique ID defaults should not change.
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    block = TestBlock(runtime, DictFieldData({}), sids)
    assert_equals(unique_a, block.field_a)
    assert_equals(unique_b, block.field_b)
    # Change the user id. Unique ID default should change for field_b with
    # user_state scope, but not for field_a with scope=settings.
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    block = TestBlock(runtime, DictFieldData({}),
    assert_equals(unique_a, block.field_a)
    assert_not_equals(unique_b, block.field_b)
    # Change the usage id. Unique ID default for both fields should change.
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    block = TestBlock(runtime, DictFieldData({}),
    assert_not_equals(unique_a, block.field_a)
    assert_not_equals(unique_b, block.field_b)
예제 #4
def test_ugettext_calls():
    Test ugettext calls in xblock.
    runtime = TestRuntime()
    block = XBlockWithServices(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=[]))
    assert block.ugettext('test') == 'test'
    assert isinstance(block.ugettext('test'), six.text_type)

    # NoSuchServiceError exception should raise if i18n is none/empty.
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'i18n': None})
    block = XBlockWithServices(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=[]))
    with pytest.raises(NoSuchServiceError):
예제 #5
def test_ugettext_calls():
    Test ugettext calls in xblock.
    runtime = TestRuntime()
    block = XBlockWithServices(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=[]))
    assert_equals(block.ugettext('test'), u'test')
    assert_true(isinstance(block.ugettext('test'), unicode))

    # NoSuchServiceError exception should raise if i18n is none/empty.
    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'i18n': None})
    block = XBlockWithServices(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=[]))
    with assert_raises(NoSuchServiceError):
예제 #6
def test_scope_key():
    # Tests field display name default values
    class TestBlock(XBlock):
        Block for testing
        field_x = List(scope=Scope.settings, name='')
        settings_lst = List(scope=Scope.settings, name='')
        uss_lst = List(scope=Scope.user_state_summary, name='')
        user_lst = List(scope=Scope.user_state, name='')
        pref_lst = List(scope=Scope.preferences, name='')
        user_info_lst = List(scope=Scope.user_info, name='')

    sids = ScopeIds(user_id="_bob",

    field_data = DictFieldData({})

    runtime = TestRuntime(Mock(), services={'field-data': field_data})
    block = TestBlock(runtime, None, sids)

    # Format: usage or block ID/field_name/user_id
    for item, correct_key in [
        [TestBlock.field_x, "__..../field__x/NONE.NONE"],
        [TestBlock.user_info_lst, "NONE.NONE/user__info__lst/____bob"],
        [TestBlock.pref_lst, "b..12_35_ob/pref__lst/____bob"],
        [TestBlock.user_lst, "__..../user__lst/____bob"],
        [TestBlock.uss_lst, "__..../uss__lst/NONE.NONE"],
        [TestBlock.settings_lst, "__..../settings__lst/NONE.NONE"]
        key = scope_key(item, block)
        assert_equals(key, correct_key)
예제 #7
 def test_set_field_data(self):
     field_data = Mock(spec=FieldData)
     runtime = TestRuntime(Mock(spec=IdReader), None)
     with self.assertWarns(FieldDataDeprecationWarning):
         runtime.field_data = field_data
     with self.assertWarns(FieldDataDeprecationWarning):
         self.assertEquals(runtime.field_data, field_data)
예제 #8
def test_mixin_field_access():
    field_data = DictFieldData({
        'field_a': 5,
        'field_x': [1, 2, 3],
    runtime = TestRuntime(Mock(),
                          services={'field-data': field_data})

    field_tester = runtime.construct_xblock_from_class(FieldTester, Mock())

    assert field_tester.field_a == 5
    assert field_tester.field_b == 10
    assert field_tester.field_c == 42
    assert field_tester.field_x == [1, 2, 3]
    assert field_tester.field_y == 'default_value'

    field_tester.field_x = ['a', 'b']
    assert ['a', 'b'] == field_tester._field_data.get(field_tester, 'field_x')

    del field_tester.field_x
    assert [] == field_tester.field_x
    assert [1, 2, 3] == field_tester.field_x_with_default

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        getattr(field_tester, 'field_z')
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        delattr(field_tester, 'field_z')

    field_tester.field_z = 'foo'
    assert field_tester.field_z == 'foo'
    assert not field_tester._field_data.has(field_tester, 'field_z')
예제 #9
def test_setting_the_same_value_marks_field_as_dirty():
    Check that setting field to the same value does not mark mutable fields as dirty.
    This might be an unexpected behavior though
    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test block for set - get test."""
        non_mutable = String(scope=Scope.settings)
        list_field = List(scope=Scope.settings)
        dict_field = Dict(scope=Scope.settings)

    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    field_tester = FieldTester(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # precondition checks
    assert_equals(len(field_tester._dirty_fields), 0)

    field_tester.non_mutable = field_tester.non_mutable
    field_tester.list_field = field_tester.list_field
    field_tester.dict_field = field_tester.dict_field

    assert_in(field_tester.fields['non_mutable'], field_tester._dirty_fields)
    assert_in(field_tester.fields['list_field'], field_tester._dirty_fields)
    assert_in(field_tester.fields['dict_field'], field_tester._dirty_fields)

예제 #10
    def test_lazy_translation(self):
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings:
            warnings.simplefilter('always', FailingEnforceTypeWarning)

            class XBlockTest(XBlock):
                Set up a class that contains a single string field with a translated
                STR_DEFAULT_ENG = 'ENG: String to be translated'
                str_field = String(scope=Scope.settings, default=_('ENG: String to be translated'))

        # No FailingEnforceTypeWarning should have been triggered
        assert not caught_warnings

        # Construct a runtime and an XBlock using it.
        key_store = DictKeyValueStore()
        field_data = KvsFieldData(key_store)
        runtime = TestRuntime(Mock(), services={'field-data': field_data})

        # Change language to 'de'.
        user_language = 'de'
        with translation.override(user_language):
            tester = runtime.construct_xblock_from_class(XBlockTest, ScopeIds('s0', 'XBlockTest', 'd0', 'u0'))

            # Assert instantiated XBlock str_field value is not yet evaluated.
            assert 'django.utils.functional.' in str(type(tester.str_field))

            # Assert str_field *is* translated when the value is used.
            assert text_type(tester.str_field) == 'DEU: Translated string'
예제 #11
def test_twofaced_field_access():
    # Check that a field with different to_json and from_json representations
    # persists and saves correctly.
    class TwoFacedField(Field):
        """A field that emits different 'json' than it parses."""
        def from_json(self, thestr):
            """Store an int, the length of the string parsed."""
            return len(thestr)

        def to_json(self, value):
            """Emit some number of X's."""
            return "X" * value

    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test block for TwoFacedField."""
        how_many = TwoFacedField(scope=Scope.settings)

    original_json = "YYY"
    runtime = TestRuntime(
        services={'field-data': DictFieldData({'how_many': original_json})})
    field_tester = FieldTester(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # Test that the native value isn't equal to the original json we specified.
    assert_not_equals(field_tester.how_many, original_json)
    # Test that the native -> json value isn't equal to the original json we specified.

    # The previous accesses will mark the field as dirty (via __get__)
    assert_equals(len(field_tester._dirty_fields), 1)
    # However, the field should not ACTUALLY be marked as a field that is needing to be saved.
    assert_not_in('how_many', field_tester._get_fields_to_save())  # pylint: disable=W0212
예제 #12
    def test_default_index_view(self):
        test_runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
        test_xblock = self.TestXBlock(test_runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

        index_info = test_xblock.index_dictionary()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(index_info, dict))
예제 #13
def test_db_model_keys():
    # Tests that updates to fields are properly recorded in the KeyValueStore,
    # and that the keys have been constructed correctly
    key_store = DictKeyValueStore()
    field_data = KvsFieldData(key_store)
    runtime = TestRuntime(Mock(), mixins=[TestMixin], services={'field-data': field_data})
    tester = runtime.construct_xblock_from_class(TestXBlock, ScopeIds('s0', 'TestXBlock', 'd0', 'u0'))

    assert not field_data.has(tester, 'not a field')

    for field in six.itervalues(tester.fields):
        new_value = 'new ' + field.name
        assert not field_data.has(tester, field.name)
        if isinstance(field, List):
            new_value = [new_value]
        setattr(tester, field.name, new_value)

    # Write out the values

    # Make sure everything saved correctly
    for field in six.itervalues(tester.fields):
        assert field_data.has(tester, field.name)

    def get_key_value(scope, user_id, block_scope_id, field_name):
        """Gets the value, from `key_store`, of a Key with the given values."""
        new_key = KeyValueStore.Key(scope, user_id, block_scope_id, field_name)
        return key_store.db_dict[new_key]

    # Examine each value in the database and ensure that keys were constructed correctly
    assert get_key_value(Scope.content, None, 'd0', 'content') == 'new content'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.settings, None, 'u0', 'settings') == 'new settings'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.user_state, 's0', 'u0', 'user_state') == 'new user_state'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.preferences, 's0', 'TestXBlock', 'preferences') == 'new preferences'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.user_info, 's0', None, 'user_info') == 'new user_info'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.NONE, BlockScope.TYPE), None, 'TestXBlock', 'by_type') == 'new by_type'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.NONE, BlockScope.ALL), None, None, 'for_all') == 'new for_all'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.ONE, BlockScope.DEFINITION), 's0', 'd0', 'user_def') == 'new user_def'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.ALL, BlockScope.ALL), None, None, 'agg_global') == 'new agg_global'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.ALL, BlockScope.TYPE), None, 'TestXBlock', 'agg_type') == 'new agg_type'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.ALL, BlockScope.DEFINITION), None, 'd0', 'agg_def') == 'new agg_def'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.user_state_summary, None, 'u0', 'agg_usage') == 'new agg_usage'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.content, None, 'd0', 'mixin_content') == 'new mixin_content'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.settings, None, 'u0', 'mixin_settings') == 'new mixin_settings'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.user_state, 's0', 'u0', 'mixin_user_state') == 'new mixin_user_state'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.preferences, 's0', 'TestXBlock', 'mixin_preferences') == 'new mixin_preferences'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.user_info, 's0', None, 'mixin_user_info') == 'new mixin_user_info'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.NONE, BlockScope.TYPE), None, 'TestXBlock', 'mixin_by_type') == \
        'new mixin_by_type'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.NONE, BlockScope.ALL), None, None, 'mixin_for_all') == \
        'new mixin_for_all'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.ONE, BlockScope.DEFINITION), 's0', 'd0', 'mixin_user_def') == \
        'new mixin_user_def'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.ALL, BlockScope.ALL), None, None, 'mixin_agg_global') == \
        'new mixin_agg_global'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.ALL, BlockScope.TYPE), None, 'TestXBlock', 'mixin_agg_type') == \
        'new mixin_agg_type'
    assert get_key_value(Scope(UserScope.ALL, BlockScope.DEFINITION), None, 'd0', 'mixin_agg_def') == \
        'new mixin_agg_def'
    assert get_key_value(Scope.user_state_summary, None, 'u0', 'mixin_agg_usage') == 'new mixin_agg_usage'
예제 #14
def test_field_serialization():
    # Some Fields can define their own serialization mechanisms.
    # This test ensures that we are using them properly.

    class CustomField(Field):
        Specifiy a custom field that defines its own serialization
        def from_json(self, value):
            return value['value']

        def to_json(self, value):
            return {'value': value}

    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test XBlock for field serialization testing"""
        field = CustomField()

    field_data = DictFieldData({
        'field': {'value': 4}

    field_tester = FieldTester(
        TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}),

    assert_equals(4, field_tester.field)
    field_tester.field = 5
    assert_equals({'value': 5}, field_data.get(field_tester, 'field'))
예제 #15
def test_cached_parent():
    class HasParent(XBlock):
        Dummy empty class

    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    runtime.get_block = Mock()
    block = HasParent(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # block has no parent yet, and we don't need to call the runtime to find
    # that out.
    assert_equals(block.get_parent(), None)
    assert not runtime.get_block.called

    # Set a parent id for the block.  Get the parent.  Now we have one, and we
    # used runtime.get_block to get it.
    block.parent = "some_parent_id"
    parent = block.get_parent()
    assert_not_equals(parent, None)
    assert runtime.get_block.called_with("some_parent_id")

    # Get the parent again.  It will be the same parent, and we didn't call the
    # runtime.
    parent2 = block.get_parent()
    assert parent2 is parent
    assert not runtime.get_block.called
예제 #16
def test_get_mutable_mark_dirty():
    Ensure that accessing a mutable field type does not mark it dirty
    if the field has never been set. If the field has been set, ensure
    that it is set to dirty.
    class MutableTester(XBlock):
        """Test class with mutable fields."""
        list_field = List(default=[])

    mutable_test = MutableTester(TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})}), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # Test get/set with a default value.
    assert_equals(len(mutable_test._dirty_fields), 0)
    _test_get = mutable_test.list_field
    assert_equals(len(mutable_test._dirty_fields), 1)

    mutable_test.list_field = []
    assert_equals(len(mutable_test._dirty_fields), 1)

    # Now test after having explicitly set the field.
    assert_equals(len(mutable_test._dirty_fields), 0)
    _test_get = mutable_test.list_field
    assert_equals(len(mutable_test._dirty_fields), 1)
예제 #17
def test_object_identity():
    # Check that values that are modified are what is returned
    class FieldTester(ScopedStorageMixin):
        """Toy class for ModelMetaclass and field access testing"""
        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)

    # Make sure that field_data always returns a different object
    # each time it's actually queried, so that the caching is
    # doing the work to maintain object identity.
    field_data = MagicMock(spec=FieldData)
    field_data.get = lambda block, name, default=None: [name]  # pylint: disable=C0322
    field_tester = FieldTester(
        runtime=TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}),

    value = field_tester.field_a
    assert_equals(value, field_tester.field_a)

    # Changing the field in place matches a previously fetched value
    assert_equals(value, field_tester.field_a)

    # Changing the previously-fetched value also changes the value returned by the field:
    assert_equals(value, field_tester.field_a)

    # Deletion restores the default value.  In the case of a List with
    # no default defined, this is the empty list.
    del field_tester.field_a
    assert_equals([], field_tester.field_a)
예제 #18
def test_mixin_field_access():
    field_data = DictFieldData({
        'field_a': 5,
        'field_x': [1, 2, 3],
    runtime = TestRuntime(Mock(), mixins=[TestSimpleMixin], services={'field-data': field_data})

    field_tester = runtime.construct_xblock_from_class(FieldTester, Mock())

    assert_equals(5, field_tester.field_a)
    assert_equals(10, field_tester.field_b)
    assert_equals(42, field_tester.field_c)
    assert_equals([1, 2, 3], field_tester.field_x)
    assert_equals('default_value', field_tester.field_y)

    field_tester.field_x = ['a', 'b']
    assert_equals(['a', 'b'], field_tester._field_data.get(field_tester, 'field_x'))

    del field_tester.field_x
    assert_equals([], field_tester.field_x)
    assert_equals([1, 2, 3], field_tester.field_x_with_default)

    with assert_raises(AttributeError):
        getattr(field_tester, 'field_z')
    with assert_raises(AttributeError):
        delattr(field_tester, 'field_z')

    field_tester.field_z = 'foo'
    assert_equals('foo', field_tester.field_z)
    assert_false(field_tester._field_data.has(field_tester, 'field_z'))
예제 #19
def test_mutable_none_values():
    # Check that fields with values intentionally set to None
    # save properly.
    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test XBlock for field access testing"""
        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)
        field_b = List(scope=Scope.settings)
        field_c = List(scope=Scope.content, default=None)

    field_tester = FieldTester(
        TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({'field_a': None})}),
    # Set fields b & c to None
    field_tester.field_b = None
    field_tester.field_c = None
    # Save our changes

    # Access the fields without modifying them. Want to call `__get__`, not `__set__`,
    # because `__get__` marks only mutable fields as dirty.
    _test_get = field_tester.field_a
    _test_get = field_tester.field_b
    _test_get = field_tester.field_c

    # The previous accesses will mark the fields as dirty (via __get__)
    assert_equals(len(field_tester._dirty_fields), 3)  # pylint: disable=W0212

    # However, the fields should not ACTUALLY be marked as fields that need to be saved.
    assert_equals(len(field_tester._get_fields_to_save()), 0)  # pylint: disable=W0212
예제 #20
def test_setting_the_same_value_marks_field_as_dirty():
    Check that setting field to the same value marks mutable fields as dirty.
    However, since the value hasn't changed, these fields won't be saved.
    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test block for set - get test."""
        non_mutable = String(scope=Scope.settings)
        list_field = List(scope=Scope.settings)
        dict_field = Dict(scope=Scope.settings)

    runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
    field_tester = FieldTester(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # precondition checks
    assert_equals(len(field_tester._dirty_fields), 0)

    field_tester.non_mutable = field_tester.non_mutable
    field_tester.list_field = field_tester.list_field
    field_tester.dict_field = field_tester.dict_field

    assert_in(field_tester.fields['list_field'], field_tester._dirty_fields)
    assert_in(field_tester.fields['dict_field'], field_tester._dirty_fields)

예제 #21
 def setUp(self):
     self.source = Mock()
     self.read_only = ReadOnlyFieldData(self.source)
     self.runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': self.read_only})
     self.block = TestingBlock(
예제 #22
    def setUp(self):
        class TestBlock(XBlock):
            """Testing block for all field API tests"""
            field = self.field_class(default=copy.deepcopy(self.field_default))

        self.field_data = self.get_field_data()
        self.runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': self.field_data})
        self.block = TestBlock(self.runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))
예제 #23
def test_defaults_not_shared():
    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Toy class for field access testing"""

        field_a = List(scope=Scope.settings)

    field_tester_a = FieldTester(TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})}), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))
    field_tester_b = FieldTester(TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})}), scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    assert_equals([1], field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_equals([], field_tester_b.field_a)
    # Write out the data
    # Double check that write didn't do something weird
    assert_equals([1], field_tester_a.field_a)
    assert_equals([], field_tester_b.field_a)
예제 #24
    def test_override_index_view(self):
        test_runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': DictFieldData({})})
        test_xblock = self.TestIndexedXBlock(test_runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

        index_info = test_xblock.index_dictionary()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(index_info, dict))
        self.assertEqual(index_info["test_field"], "ABC123")
예제 #25
 def setUp(self):
     field_data = TestModel(
         {'field_a': {
             '$type': 'set',
             '$vals': [1, 2, 3]
     runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data})
     self.block = TestBlock(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))
예제 #26
def test_dict_field_access():
    # Check that dicts are correctly saved when not directly set
    class FieldTester(XBlock):
        """Test XBlock for field access testing"""
        field_a = Dict(scope=Scope.settings)
        field_b = Dict(scope=Scope.content, default={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})
        field_c = Dict(scope=Scope.content, default={'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6})
        field_d = Dict(scope=Scope.settings)

    field_data = DictFieldData({
        'field_a': {'a': 200},
        'field_b': {'a': 11, 'b': 12, 'c': 13}

    field_tester = FieldTester(
        TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}),

    # Check initial values have been set properly
    assert_equals({'a': 200}, field_tester.field_a)
    assert_equals({'a': 11, 'b': 12, 'c': 13}, field_tester.field_b)
    assert_equals({'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6}, field_tester.field_c)
    assert_equals({}, field_tester.field_d)

    # Update the fields
    field_tester.field_a['a'] = 250
    field_tester.field_b['d'] = 14
    field_tester.field_c['a'] = 0
    field_tester.field_d['new'] = 'value'

    # The fields should be update in the cache, but /not/ in the underlying kvstore.
    assert_equals({'a': 250}, field_tester.field_a)
    assert_equals({'a': 11, 'b': 12, 'c': 13, 'd': 14}, field_tester.field_b)
    assert_equals({'a': 0, 'b': 5, 'c': 6}, field_tester.field_c)
    assert_equals({'new': 'value'}, field_tester.field_d)

    # Examine model data directly
    #  Caveat: there's not a clean way to copy the originally provided values for `field_a` and `field_b`
    #  when we instantiate the XBlock. So, the values for those two in both `field_data` and `_field_data_cache`
    #  point at the same object. Thus, `field_a` and `field_b` actually have the correct values in
    #  `field_data` right now. `field_c` does not, because it has never been written to the `field_data`.
    assert_false(field_data.has(field_tester, 'field_c'))
    assert_false(field_data.has(field_tester, 'field_d'))

    # verify that the fields have been updated correctly
    assert_equals({'a': 250}, field_tester.field_a)
    assert_equals({'a': 11, 'b': 12, 'c': 13, 'd': 14}, field_tester.field_b)
    assert_equals({'a': 0, 'b': 5, 'c': 6}, field_tester.field_c)
    assert_equals({'new': 'value'}, field_tester.field_d)

    # Now, the fields should be updated in the underlying kvstore
    assert_equals({'a': 250}, field_data.get(field_tester, 'field_a'))
    assert_equals({'a': 11, 'b': 12, 'c': 13, 'd': 14}, field_data.get(field_tester, 'field_b'))
    assert_equals({'a': 0, 'b': 5, 'c': 6}, field_data.get(field_tester, 'field_c'))
    assert_equals({'new': 'value'}, field_data.get(field_tester, 'field_d'))
예제 #27
def test_sub_service():
    runtime = TestRuntime(id_reader=Mock(), services={
        'secret_service': 17,
        'field-data': DictFieldData({}),
    tester = SubXBlockWithServices(runtime, scope_ids=Mock(spec=ScopeIds))

    # Call the student_view to run its assertions.
    runtime.render(tester, 'student_view')
예제 #28
 def setUp(self):
     Create a test xblock with mock runtime.
     runtime = TestRuntime(Mock(entry_point=XBlock.entry_point),
                           services={'field-data': {}})
     self.xblock = runtime.construct_xblock_from_class(
         TestXBlock, ScopeIds('user', 'TestXBlock', 'def_id', 'usage_id'))
    def _prepare_asides(self, scope_ids):
        Return list with connected aside xblocks
        key_store = DictKeyValueStore()
        field_data = KvsFieldData(key_store)

        aside = AsideTest(scope_ids=scope_ids, runtime=TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data}))   # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated
        aside.fields[self.ASIDE_DATA_FIELD.field_name].write_to(aside, self.ASIDE_DATA_FIELD.initial)
        return [aside]
예제 #30
    def make_xblock(self, **kwargs):
        key_store = DictKeyValueStore()
        field_data = KvsFieldData(key_store)
        runtime = TestRuntime(services={'field-data': field_data})
        xblock = WistiaVideoXBlock(runtime, scope_ids=Mock())

        for attr, val in kwargs.items():
            setattr(xblock, attr, val)

        return xblock