예제 #1
class TestUpgrade(unittest.TestCase):
    Test upgrade from mentoring v1 (which uses xml_content even in Studio) to v2.

    We can't test the steps that depend on Studio, so we just test the XML conversion.

    def setUp(self):
        self.runtime = TestRuntime(field_data=KvsFieldData(DictKeyValueStore()))

    @XBlock.register_temp_plugin(HtmlBlock, "html")
    @XBlock.register_temp_plugin(MentoringBlock, "mentoring")
    def test_xml_upgrade(self, file_name):
        Convert a v1 mentoring block to v2 and then compare the resulting block to a pre-converted one.
        with open("{}/{}_old.xml".format(xml_path, file_name)) as xmlfile:
            temp_node = etree.parse(xmlfile).getroot()
            old_block = self.create_block_from_node(temp_node)

        parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
        xml_root = etree.parse(StringIO(old_block.xml_content), parser=parser).getroot()
        converted_block = self.create_block_from_node(xml_root)

        with open("{}/{}_new.xml".format(xml_path, file_name)) as xmlfile:
            temp_node = etree.parse(xmlfile).getroot()
            new_block = self.create_block_from_node(temp_node)

            self.assertBlocksAreEquivalent(converted_block, new_block)
        except AssertionError:
            xml_result = etree.tostring(xml_root, pretty_print=True, encoding="UTF-8")
            print("Converted XML:\n{}".format(xml_result))

    def create_block_from_node(self, node):
        Parse an XML node representing an XBlock (and children), and return the XBlock.
        block_type = node.tag
        def_id = self.runtime.id_generator.create_definition(block_type)
        usage_id = self.runtime.id_generator.create_usage(def_id)
        keys = ScopeIds(None, block_type, def_id, usage_id)
        block_class = self.runtime.mixologist.mix(self.runtime.load_block_type(block_type))
        block = block_class.parse_xml(node, self.runtime, keys, self.runtime.id_generator)
        return block

    def assertBlocksAreEquivalent(self, block1, block2):
        Compare two blocks for equivalence.
        Borrowed from xblock.test.tools.blocks_are_equivalent but modified to use assertions.
        # The two blocks have to be the same class.
        self.assertEqual(block1.__class__, block2.__class__)
        # They have to have the same fields.
        self.assertEqual(set(block1.fields), set(block2.fields))
        # The data fields have to have the same values.
        for field_name in block1.fields:
            if field_name in ('parent', 'children'):
            if field_name == "content":
                # Inner HTML/XML content may have varying whitespace which we don't care about:
                    self.clean_html(getattr(block1, field_name)),
                    self.clean_html(getattr(block2, field_name))
                self.assertEqual(getattr(block1, field_name), getattr(block2, field_name))
        # The children need to be equal.
        self.assertEqual(block1.has_children, block2.has_children)

        if block1.has_children:
            self.assertEqual(len(block1.children), len(block2.children))
            for child_id1, child_id2 in zip(block1.children, block2.children):
                # Load up the actual children to see if they are equal.
                child1 = block1.runtime.get_block(child_id1)
                child2 = block2.runtime.get_block(child_id2)
                self.assertBlocksAreEquivalent(child1, child2)

    def clean_html(self, html_str):
        Standardize the given HTML string for a consistent comparison.
        Assumes the HTML is valid XML.
        # We wrap it in <x></x> so that the given HTML string doesn't need a single root element.
        parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
        parsed = etree.parse(StringIO(u"<x>{}</x>".format(html_str)), parser=parser).getroot()
        return etree.tostring(parsed, pretty_print=False, encoding="UTF-8")[3:-3]
예제 #2
class TestUpgrade(unittest.TestCase):
    Test upgrade from mentoring v1 (which uses xml_content even in Studio) to v2.

    We can't test the steps that depend on Studio, so we just test the XML conversion.

    def setUp(self):
        self.runtime = TestRuntime(field_data=KvsFieldData(DictKeyValueStore()))

    @XBlock.register_temp_plugin(HtmlBlock, "html")
    @XBlock.register_temp_plugin(MentoringBlock, "mentoring")
    def test_xml_upgrade(self, file_name):
        Convert a v1 mentoring block to v2 and then compare the resulting block to a pre-converted one.
        with open("{}/{}_old.xml".format(xml_path, file_name)) as xmlfile:
            temp_node = etree.parse(xmlfile).getroot()
            old_block = self.create_block_from_node(temp_node)

        parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
        xml_root = etree.parse(StringIO(old_block.xml_content), parser=parser).getroot()
        converted_block = self.create_block_from_node(xml_root)

        with open("{}/{}_new.xml".format(xml_path, file_name)) as xmlfile:
            temp_node = etree.parse(xmlfile).getroot()
            new_block = self.create_block_from_node(temp_node)

            self.assertBlocksAreEquivalent(converted_block, new_block)
        except AssertionError:
            xml_result = etree.tostring(xml_root, pretty_print=True, encoding="UTF-8")
            print("Converted XML:\n{}".format(xml_result))

    def create_block_from_node(self, node):
        Parse an XML node representing an XBlock (and children), and return the XBlock.
        block_type = node.tag
        def_id = self.runtime.id_generator.create_definition(block_type)
        usage_id = self.runtime.id_generator.create_usage(def_id)
        keys = ScopeIds(None, block_type, def_id, usage_id)
        block_class = self.runtime.mixologist.mix(self.runtime.load_block_type(block_type))
        block = block_class.parse_xml(node, self.runtime, keys, self.runtime.id_generator)
        return block

    def assertBlocksAreEquivalent(self, block1, block2):
        Compare two blocks for equivalence.
        Borrowed from xblock.test.tools.blocks_are_equivalent but modified to use assertions.
        # The two blocks have to be the same class.
        self.assertEqual(block1.__class__, block2.__class__)
        # They have to have the same fields.
        self.assertEqual(set(block1.fields), set(block2.fields))
        # The data fields have to have the same values.
        for field_name in block1.fields:
            if field_name in ('parent', 'children'):
            if field_name == "content":
                # Inner HTML/XML content may have varying whitespace which we don't care about:
                    self.clean_html(getattr(block1, field_name)),
                    self.clean_html(getattr(block2, field_name))
                self.assertEqual(getattr(block1, field_name), getattr(block2, field_name))
        # The children need to be equal.
        self.assertEqual(block1.has_children, block2.has_children)

        if block1.has_children:
            self.assertEqual(len(block1.children), len(block2.children))
            for child_id1, child_id2 in zip(block1.children, block2.children):
                # Load up the actual children to see if they are equal.
                child1 = block1.runtime.get_block(child_id1)
                child2 = block2.runtime.get_block(child_id2)
                self.assertBlocksAreEquivalent(child1, child2)

    def clean_html(self, html_str):
        Standardize the given HTML string for a consistent comparison.
        Assumes the HTML is valid XML.
        # We wrap it in <x></x> so that the given HTML string doesn't need a single root element.
        parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
        parsed = etree.parse(StringIO(u"<x>{}</x>".format(html_str)), parser=parser).getroot()
        return etree.tostring(parsed, pretty_print=False, encoding="UTF-8")[3:-3]