class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node("zumy_ros") self.cmd = (0, 0) rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", Twist, self.cmd_callback, queue_size=1) self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) = socket.gethostname() self.heartBeat = rospy.Publisher("/" + + "/heartBeat", String, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher("/" + + "/imu", Imu, queue_size=1) self.imu_count = 0 self.timestamp = time.time() self.publisher = rospy.Publisher("from_zumy", Float64, queue_size=1) self.msg = None def cmd_callback(self, msg): self.msg = msg self.timestamp = time.time() lv = 0.6 la = 0.4 v = msg.linear.x print v a = msg.angular.z print a r = lv * v + la * a l = lv * v - la * a self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = (l, r) self.lock.release() def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): time_now = time.time() if time_now - self.timestamp > 0.5: self.cmd = (0, 0) self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() self.lock.release() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) self.heartBeat.publish("I am alive from Glew") if self.msg != None: self.publisher.publish(self.msg.linear.y) self.rate.sleep() # If shutdown, turn off motors self.zumy.cmd(0, 0)
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0,0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback) self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) self.zumy = Zumy() = socket.gethostname() self.heartBeat = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/heartBeat', String, queue_size=5) def cmd_callback(self, msg): lv = 0.6 la = 0.4 v = msg.linear.x a = msg.angular.z r = lv*v + la*a l = lv*v - la*a self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = (l,r) self.lock.release() def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) self.heartBeat.publish("I am alive") self.lock.release() self.rate.sleep() self.zumy.cmd(0,0)
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0,0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback) self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) = socket.gethostname() self.heartBeat = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/heartBeat', String, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/imu', Imu, queue_size = 1) self.imu_count = 0 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ELECTROMAGNET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # rospy.Subscriber('/' + + '/digital_out', Int32, self.do_callback) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # - - - - - EM CALLBACK - - - - # def do_callback(self,msg): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.write_do( self.lock.release() # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # def cmd_callback(self, msg): lv = 0.6 la = 0.4 v = msg.linear.x a = msg.angular.z r = lv*v + la*a l = lv*v - la*a self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = (l,r) self.lock.release() def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() self.lock.release() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) self.heartBeat.publish("I am alive") self.rate.sleep() # If shutdown, turn off motors self.zumy.cmd(0,0)
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0, 0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('enable', Bool, self.enable_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber( '/base_computer', String, self.watchdog_callback, queue_size=1 ) #/base_computer topic, the global watchdog. May want to investigate what happens when there moer than one computer and more than one zumy self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) = socket.gethostname() if rospy.has_param("~timeout"): self.timeout = rospy.get_param('~timeout') #private value else: self.timeout = 2 #Length of watchdog timer in seconds, defaults to 2 sec. #publishers self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher("Status", ZumyStatus, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size=1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_enc', Float32, queue_size=5) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_enc', Float32, queue_size=5) self.r_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_vel', Float32, queue_size=5) self.l_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_vel', Float32, queue_size=5) self.imu_count = 0 self.batt_pub = rospy.Publisher('Batt', Float32, queue_size=5) self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True #an array of times, which will be updated, and used to figure out how fast the while loop is going. self.laptimes = np.ones(6) * time.time() # NEW! self.IR_ai_side_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/IR_ai_side', Float32, queue_size=1) self.IR_ai_front_pub = rospy.Publisher("/" + + "/IR_ai_front", Float32, queue_size=1) self.IR_ai_top_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/IR_ai_top', Float32, queue_size=1) self.IR_ai_bottom_pub = rospy.Publisher("/" + + "/IR_ai_bottom", Float32, queue_size=1) # Publish twists to /cmd_vel in order to drive the Zumy. def cmd_callback(self, msg): self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = twist_to_speeds( msg ) #update the commanded speed, the next time the main loop in run comes through, it'll be update on the zumy. self.lock.release() def enable_callback(self, msg): #enable or disable myself based on the content of the message. if and self.watchdog: self.zumy.enable() else: self.zumy.disable() self.cmd = (0, 0) #turn the motors off #do NOT update the watchdog, since the watchdog should do it itself. #If i'm told to go but the host's watchdog is down, something's very wrong, and i won't be doing much def watchdog_callback(self, msg): #update the last time i got a messag! self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) try: imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) except ValueError: pass try: enc_data = self.zumy.enc_pos() enc_msg = Float32() = enc_data[0] self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) = enc_data[1] self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) except ValueError: pass try: vel_data = self.zumy.enc_vel() vel_msg = Float32() = vel_data[0] self.l_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) = vel_data[1] self.r_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) except ValueError: pass try: v_bat = self.zumy.read_voltage() self.batt_pub.publish(v_bat) except ValueError: pass try: IR_ai_front_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_front() scaled_front_data = IR_ai_front_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_front_pub.publish(scaled_front_data) except ValueError: self.IR_ai_front_pub.publish(19) pass try: IR_ai_side_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_side() scaled_side_data = IR_ai_side_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_side_pub.publish(scaled_side_data) except ValueError: self.IR_ai_side_pub.publish(17) pass try: IR_ai_top_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_top() scaled_top_data = IR_ai_top_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_top_pub.publish(scaled_top_data) except ValueError: self.IR_ai_top_pub.publish(16) pass try: IR_ai_bottom_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_bottom() scaled_bottom_data = IR_ai_bottom_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_bottom_pub.publish(scaled_bottom_data) except ValueError: self.IR_ai_bottom_pub.publish(18) pass #END NEW if time.time() > ( self.last_message_at + self.timeout ): #i've gone too long without seeing the watchdog. self.watchdog = False self.zumy.disable() self.zumy.battery_protection( ) # a function that needs to be called with some regularity. #handle the robot status message status_msg = ZumyStatus() status_msg.enabled_status = self.zumy.enabled status_msg.battery_unsafe = self.zumy.battery_unsafe() #update the looptimes, which will get published in status_msg self.laptimes = np.delete(self.laptimes, 0) self.laptimes = np.append(self.laptimes, time.time()) #take average over the difference of the times... and then invert. That will give you average freq. status_msg.loop_freq = 1 / float(np.mean(np.diff(self.laptimes))) self.status_pub.publish(status_msg) self.lock.release() #must be last command involving the zumy. self.rate.sleep() self.first_move = False # If shutdown, turn off motors & disable anything else. self.zumy.disable()
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0,0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback,queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_left', Float32, self.cmd_callback_left, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_right', Float32, self.cmd_callback_right, queue_size=1) self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) = socket.gethostname() #publishers self.heartBeat = rospy.Publisher('heartBeat', String, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size = 1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_enc', Int32, queue_size = 5) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_enc', Int32, queue_size = 5) self.imu_count = 0 self.batt_pub = rospy.Publisher('Batt',Float32,queue_size = 5) def cmd_callback(self, msg): lv = 0.6 la = 0.4 v = msg.linear.x a = msg.angular.z r = lv*v + la*a l = lv*v - la*a self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = (l,r) self.lock.release() def cmd_callback_left(self, msg): self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = (0.6*, self.cmd[1]) self.lock.release() def cmd_callback_right(self, msg): self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = (self.cmd[0], 0.6* self.lock.release() def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() enc_data = self.zumy.read_enc() self.lock.release() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) enc_msg = Int32() = enc_data[0] self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) = enc_data[1] self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) v_bat = self.zumy.read_voltage() self.batt_pub.publish(v_bat) self.heartBeat.publish("I am alive") self.rate.sleep() # If shutdown, turn off motors self.zumy.cmd(0,0)
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0, 0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback, queue_size=1) self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) = socket.gethostname() #publishers self.heartBeat = rospy.Publisher('heartBeat', String, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size=1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_enc', Int32, queue_size=5) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_enc', Int32, queue_size=5) self.imu_count = 0 self.batt_pub = rospy.Publisher('Batt', Float32, queue_size=5) def cmd_callback(self, msg): lv = 0.6 la = 0.4 v = msg.linear.x a = msg.angular.z r = lv * v + la * a l = lv * v - la * a self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = (l, r) self.lock.release() def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() enc_data = self.zumy.read_enc() self.lock.release() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) enc_msg = Int32() = enc_data[0] self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) = enc_data[1] self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) v_bat = self.zumy.read_voltage() self.batt_pub.publish(v_bat) self.heartBeat.publish("I am alive") self.rate.sleep() # If shutdown, turn off motors self.zumy.cmd(0, 0)
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0,0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback_test, queue_size=1) self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30) = socket.gethostname() self.vl = 0 self.vr = 0 = True self.alpha = 0.8 self.heartBeat = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/heartBeat', String, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/imu', Imu, queue_size = 1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/r_enc', Int32, queue_size = 5) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/l_enc', Int32, queue_size = 5) self.l_spd_pub = rospy.Publisher('/'+ + '/l_spd_pub', Float32, queue_size = 5) self.r_spd_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/r_spd_pub', Float32, queue_size = 5) self.l_denc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/l_denc_pub', Float32, queue_size = 5) self.r_denc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/r_denc_pub', Float32, queue_size = 5) self.duration_pub = rospy.Publisher('/'+ + '/Duration', Float32, queue_size = 5) self.imu_count = 0 #self.timestamp = #self.prevtimestamp = #self.duration = (self.timestamp - self.prevtimestamp).to_sec() = PID(0.0008,0.000055,0.00005) = PID(0.0009,0.000065,0.00006) self.l_enc_count = 0 self.l_enc_prev_count = 0 self.l_enc_count_diff = 0 self.prev_l_enc_count_diff = 0 self.r_enc_count = 0 self.r_ecn_prev_count = 0 self.r_enc_count_diff = 0 self.prev_r_enc_count_diff = 0 self.l_vel_list = [] self.r_vel_list = [] def cmd_callback(self, msg): lv = 1 la = 1 v = msg.linear.x a = msg.angular.z self.vr = lv*v - la*a self.vl = lv*v + la*a self.zumy.PID_l.setPoint(self.vl) self.zumy.PID_r.setPoint(self.vr) def cmd_callback_test(self,msg): self.vl = msg.linear.x self.vr = msg.angular.z self.zumy.PID_l.setPoint(self.vl) self.zumy.PID_r.setPoint(self.vr) def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.zumy.update_enc_denc() self.zumy.update_time() # self.prevtimestamp = self.timestamp # self.timestamp = # self.duration = (self.timestamp - self.prevtimestamp).to_sec() # self.duration_pub.publish(self.duration) # if time_now - self.timestamp > .5: # self.cmd = (0,0) # self.lock.acquire() # imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() # enc_data = self.zumy.read_enc() # self.lock.release() # imu_msg = Imu() # imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, # imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] # imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] # imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] # imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] # imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] # imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] # self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) # enc_msg = Int32() # = enc_data[1] # self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) # = enc_data[0] # self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) # self.l_enc_prev_count = self.l_enc_count # self.r_enc_prev_count = self.r_enc_count # self.l_enc_count = enc_data[0] # self.r_enc_count = enc_data[1] # self.prev_l_enc_count_diff = self.l_enc_count_diff # self.l_enc_count_diff = self.alpha*\ # (self.l_enc_count - self.l_enc_prev_count)/\ # self.duration + \ # self.alpha*\ # self.prev_l_enc_count_diff # self.prev_r_enc_count_diff = self.r_enc_count_diff # self.r_enc_count_diff = self.alpha*\ # (self.r_enc_count - self.r_enc_prev_count)/\ # self.duration + \ # self.alpha*\ # self.prev_r_enc_count_diff pid_l = self.zumy.PID_l.update(self.zumy.denc[0]/self.zumy.duration) pid_r = self.zumy.PID_r.update(self.zumy.denc[1]/self.zumy.duration) #pid_l = confined(pid_l, 0.2) #pid_r = confined(pid_r, 0.2) # pid_l_pub = Float32() # pid_r_pub = Float32() # l_set_point_pub = Float32() # r_set_point_pub = Float32() # = self.l_enc_count_diff # = self.r_enc_count_diff # = pid_l # = pid_r # self.l_spd_pub.publish(pid_l_pub) # self.r_spd_pub.publish(pid_r_pub) self.l_denc_pub.publish(self.zumy.denc[0]/self.zumy.duration) self.r_denc_pub.publish(self.zumy.denc[1]/self.zumy.duration) self.l_vel_list.append(self.zumy.denc[0]/self.zumy.duration) self.r_vel_list.append(self.zumy.denc[1]/self.zumy.duration) self.heartBeat.publish("I am alive from Glew!!") self.lock.acquire() if self.zumy.cmd(pid_l,pid_r) else: self.zumy.cmd(self.vl, self.vr) self.lock.release() self.rate.sleep() # If shutdown, turn off motors self.zumy.cmd(0,0) f = open('/home/glew/coop_slam_workspace/src/ros_zumy/src/test.txt', 'a') for ii in range(len(self.l_vel_list)): f.write(("%.2f\t" % self.l_vel_list[ii])) f.write(("%.2f\n" % self.r_vel_list[ii])) f.close()
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0,0) rospy.Subscriber('keyboard', Twist, self.keyboard_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_pwm', Vector3, self.pwm_callback, queue_size=1) self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(300.0) = socket.gethostname() self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size = 5) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_enc', Int32, queue_size = 1) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_enc', Int32, queue_size = 1) self.camera_pub = rospy.Publisher('camera', Image, queue_size = 5) self.imu_count = 0 self.l_pwm, self.r_pwm = 0, 0 def pwm_callback(self, msg): self.l_pwm, self.r_pwm = msg.x, msg.y self.l_pwm = max(self.l_pwm, -1) self.l_pwm = min(self.l_pwm, 1) self.r_pwm = max(self.r_pwm, -1) self.r_pwm = min(self.r_pwm, 1) self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = (self.l_pwm,self.r_pwm) self.lock.release() def keyboard_callback(self, msg): v = msg.linear.x a = msg.angular.z if (a == 0): if (v > 0): self.l_pwm += 0.1 self.r_pwm += 0.1 else: self.l_pwm -= 0.1 self.r_pwm -= 0.1 elif (a > 0): self.l_pwm -= 0.1 self.r_pwm += 0.1 else: self.l_pwm += 0.1 self.r_pwm -= 0.1 self.l_pwm = max(self.l_pwm, 0) self.l_pwm = min(self.l_pwm, 1) self.r_pwm = max(self.r_pwm, 0) self.r_pwm = min(self.r_pwm, 1) print((self.l_pwm, self.r_pwm)) self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = (self.l_pwm,self.r_pwm) self.lock.release() def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() enc_data = self.zumy.read_enc() self.lock.release() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) enc_msg = Int32() = enc_data[0] self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) enc_msg = Int32() = enc_data[1] self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) '''image = Image() image.header.stamp = image.height = 1 image.width = 128 image.step = 128 image.encoding = "mono8" raw_data = self.zumy.read_camera() min_raw, max_raw = np.min(raw_data), np.max(raw_data) = [x // 256 for x in raw_data] self.camera_pub.publish(image)''' self.rate.sleep() # If shutdown, turn off motors self.zumy.cmd(0,0)
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() # self.PID = PID() # self.PID_another = PID_another() # self.l_enc_v = l_encTospeed() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') #self.cmd = (0,0) #self.rate = rospy.Rate(50.0) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_vel1', Twist, self.cmd_callback,queue_size=1) # rospy.Subscriber('/vel',Float64,self.updata_vel,queue_size = 1) # rospy.Subscriber('/l_speed', Float64, self.l_enc_to_speed, queue_size = 10) # rospy.Subscriber('/r_speed', Float64, self.r_enc_to_speed, queue_size = 10) # rospy.Subscriber('/angular_return',Float64, self.kalman_callback, queue_size = 5) self.lock = Condition() # self.rate = rospy.Rate(1.0) = socket.gethostname() # self.current_time = time.time() global enc_data_r global enc_data_l # global a # self.PID.clear()#set the arguments of PID # self.PID.setKp(0.115) # self.PID.setKi(0.0006) # self.PID.setKd(0.0) # self.PID.setSampleTime(0.0001) # self.PID.setWindup(15) # self.PID_another.clear() # self.PID_another.setKp(0.45) # self.PID_another.setKi(0.035) # self.PID_another.setKd(0) # self.PID_another.setSampleTime(0.001) # self.PID_another.setWindup(15) self.rate = rospy.Rate(70.0) # self.heartBeat = rospy.Publisher('heartBeat', String, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('Imu', Imu, queue_size = 1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/r_enc', Int16, queue_size = 1) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/l_enc', Int16, queue_size = 1) # self.ly_twist_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) # self.PID_pub = rospy.Publisher('/PID_gethey',Float64,queue_size=1) self.kalman_pub = rospy.Publisher('/kalman_param', kalman, queue_size = 5) self.nonekalman_linear = rospy.Publisher('/nonekalman_linear',Float64,queue_size=5) self.nonekalman_angular = rospy.Publisher('/nonekalman_angular',Float64,queue_size=5) self.enc_angular = rospy.Publisher('/enc_angular',Float64,queue_size=5) # self.sudu_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vel',Float64,queue_size = 1) self.linear_pub = rospy.Publisher('/linear_vel',Float64,queue_size = 1) self.angular_pub = rospy.Publisher('/angular_vel',Float64,queue_size = 1) self.imu_count = 0 self.a = 0 self.v = 0 self.enc_data_r = Int16() self.enc_data_l = Int16() = 0 = 0 self.hey = 0 # global enc_data_r # global enc_data_l # global a # global radius ly_date = [enc_data_r , enc_data_l] global ly_date self.enc_r_last = 0 self.enc_v_last = 0 self.radius = 3.81 / 2 # the robot`s wheel will make 1168 ticks/meter, and get the parament:1168*radius/100 = 0.212504 self.param = 0.213 #enc_data_r = 0 #enc_data_l = 0 # global enc_data_r # global enc_data_l'ly_enc.npy',ly_date) self.current_time = time.time() self.last_time = self.current_time def kalman_callback(self,data): ll = # def l_enc_to_speed(self, data): # print,'l_vdata' # def r_enc_to_speed(self, data): # print,'r_vdata' # def updata_vel(self,msg): # v = # r = v +0.2*self.a # l = (v/1.15) - 0.2*self.a #self.lock.acquire() #self.zumy.cmd(l,r) #self.lock.release() def cmd_callback(self, msg): # lv = 0.6#??? # la = 0.4#??? # v = msg.linear.x # a = msg.angular.z # vv = v / 2 # self.PID.SetPoint = msg.linear.x # print self.PID.SetPoint self.v = msg.linear.x self.a = msg.angular.z v = self.v # global a # global radius # vv = v*2 # self.linear_pub.publish(vv/10) # self.PID.setPoint(vv) # vvv = self.PID.setPoint(vv) # print vvv #the PID about linear_vel r = v + (self.param*self.a) l = (v/1.15) - (self.param*self.a) self.lock.acquire() # vv = v*2 # self.PID.setPoint(vv) # self.PID_another.setPoint(self.a) # self.cmd = (l,r) self.zumy.cmd(l,r) print 'gogogogogogogogogogogogogogogo' self.lock.release() def enc_vel(self, rvv, lvv): self.lock.acquire() zumyv = ((rvv - lvv) / 2) # return zumyv self.lock.release() return zumyv def enc_rad(self, rvv, lvv): self.lock.acquire() zumyr = -((rvv + lvv) / 0.09) #return zumyr self.lock.release() return zumyr def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.current_time = time.time() self.last_tiem = self.current_time # self.zumy.cmd(0.1,0.1) # print imu and enc data # self.zumy.read_data() imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() enc_data = self.zumy.read_enc() # imu_data = [0,0,0,0,0,0] # enc_data = [0,0] self.lock.release() twistImu = Twist() kalman_msg = kalman() if len(imu_data) == 6: imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] #twistImu.angular.x = 0 #twistImu.angular.y = 0 #twistImu.angular.z = imu_msg.angular_velocity.z self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) # kalman_msg = kalman() kalman_msg.keyboard_linear = self.v kalman_msg.keyboard_angular = -self.a*3.14 vvv = self.v aaa = self.a*3.14 self.angular_pub.publish(-aaa) self.linear_pub.publish(vvv) kalman_msg.measure_angular = imu_msg.angular_velocity.z # self.kalman_pub.publish(kalman_msg) self.nonekalman_angular.publish(kalman_msg.measure_angular) if len(enc_data) == 2: enc_msg = Int16() enc_dif_r = Int16() enc_dif_l = Int16() #global enc_data_r #global enc_data_l self.lock.acquire() ly_daenc = numpy.load('ly_enc.npy') = enc_data[0] self.lock.release() self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) #ly_daenc[0] = enc_data[0] self.lock.acquire() enc_data_r = ly_daenc[0] = - enc_data_r # difference value = enc_data[1] self.lock.release() self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) #ly_daenc[1] = enc_data[1] self.lock.acquire() enc_data_l = ly_daenc[1] = - enc_data_l # difference value ly_daenc = enc_data'ly_enc.npy',ly_daenc) #this get the robocar`s wheels of velocity # velocity =(( encoder`s value of change in one cycle ) / total number of encoder) * wheel`s perimeter enc_sr = (float(*30*3.14 # enc_vr =float(enc_dif_r /1167)*17.25 # it don`t work!!!wtf enc_vr = enc_sr * 0.01725 enc_sl = (float(*30*3.14 # enc_vl =float(enc_dif_l /1167)*17.25 enc_vl = enc_sl * 0.01725 #print enc_dif_r,'dif_r' #print enc_dif_l,'dif_l' #print enc_sr,'sr' #print enc_sl,'sl' #print enc_vr,'vr' #print enc_vl,'vl' self.lock.release() enc_v_v = self.enc_vel(enc_vr,enc_vl) enc_v = enc_v_v/4.4 if self.v > self.hey or self.v < self.hey: if enc_v == self.hey: enc_v = self.enc_v_last self.enc_v_last = enc_v print self.enc_v_last ,'enc_v' enc_r_r = self.enc_rad(enc_vr,enc_vl) enc_r = enc_r_r/3 if self.a > self.hey or self.a < self.hey: if enc_r == 0: enc_r = self.enc_r_last self.enc_r_last = enc_r print self.enc_r_last ,'enc_r' twistImu.linear.x = self.enc_v_last twistImu.linear.y = 0 twistImu.linear.z = 0 twistImu.angular.x = 0 twistImu.angular.y = 0 twistImu.angular.z = self.enc_r_last kalman_msg.linear_vel = self.enc_v_last self.kalman_pub.publish(kalman_msg) self.enc_angular.publish(self.enc_r_last) self.nonekalman_linear.publish(self.enc_v_last) self.current_time = time.time() # time_dif = self.current_time - self.last_time # self.last_time = self.current_time # print time_dif,'tiem_dif' #'ly_enc.npy',ly_daenc) #self.ly_twist_pub.publish(twistImu) #enc_data_r = enc_data[0]#keep last value # enc_data_l = enc_data[1] # print enc_data_r # print enc_data_l # self.lock.acquire() # linear_output = self.PID.update(self.enc_v_last) # angular_output = self.PID_another.update(enc_r) # print output,'output' # print linear_output,'linear_output' # v = linear_output/2 # r = v + (0.2*self.a) # l =(v/1.15) - (0.2*self.a) # print a,'a' # self.lock.acquire() # vv = v*2 # self.sudu_pub.publish(vv) # self.lock.acquire() # self.zumy.cmd(l,r) # self.lock.release() time_dif = self.current_time - self.last_time self.last_time = self.current_time # print time_dif,'tiem_dif' # self.sudu_pub.publish(vv) #self.ly_twist_pub.publish(twistImu) self.rate.sleep()
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0, 0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('enable', Bool, self.enable_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber( '/base_computer', String, self.watchdog_callback, queue_size=1 ) #/base_computer topic, the global watchdog. May want to investigate what happens when there moer than one computer and more than one zumy self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) = socket.gethostname() if rospy.has_param("~timeout"): self.timeout = rospy.get_param('~timeout') #private value else: self.timeout = 2 #Length of watchdog timer in seconds, defaults to 2 sec. #publishers self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher("Status", ZumyStatus, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size=1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_enc', Float32, queue_size=5) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_enc', Float32, queue_size=5) self.r_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_vel', Float32, queue_size=5) self.l_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_vel', Float32, queue_size=5) self.imu_count = 0 self.batt_pub = rospy.Publisher('Batt', Float32, queue_size=5) self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True #an array of times, which will be updated, and used to figure out how fast the while loop is going. self.laptimes = np.ones(6) * time.time() # NEW! self.is_turning = False self.IR_ai_side_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/IR_ai_side', Float32, queue_size=1) self.IR_ai_front_pub = rospy.Publisher("/" + + "/IR_ai_front", Float32, queue_size=1) self.directions = { "F": 0., "L": 90., "R": -90., "B": 180. } # (CCW, 0 is N) the direction that the the zumy will face # Publish twists to /cmd_vel in order to drive the Zumy. self.zumy_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=2) def cmd_callback(self, msg): self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = twist_to_speeds( msg ) #update the commanded speed, the next time the main loop in run comes through, it'll be update on the zumy. self.lock.release() def enable_callback(self, msg): #enable or disable myself based on the content of the message. if and self.watchdog: self.zumy.enable() else: self.zumy.disable() self.cmd = (0, 0) #turn the motors off #do NOT update the watchdog, since the watchdog should do it itself. #If i'm told to go but the host's watchdog is down, something's very wrong, and i won't be doing much def watchdog_callback(self, msg): #update the last time i got a messag! self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True # NEW! def turn_zumy(self, direction): # angle in degrees # returns a Twist that is published and turns zumy omega = np.array([0, 0, 1]) # rotate about z translation = np.array([0, 0, 0]) angle = self.directions[direction] theta = deg2rad(angle) omega = omega * theta rbt = create_rbt(omega, theta, translation) v = find_v(omega, theta, translation) linear = Vector3(v[0] / 5, v[1] / 5, v[2] / 5) angular = Vector3(omega[0], omega[1], omega[2] / 3) twist = Twist(linear, angular) self.zumy_vel_pub.publish(twist) while True: if time.time() > start + 3: self.stop() break # self.is_turning = True return twist # NEW! def stop(self): linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) stop_twist = Twist(linear, angular) self.zumy_vel_pub.publish(stop_twist) # self.is_turning = False def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) # self.is_turning = False try: imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) except ValueError: pass try: enc_data = self.zumy.enc_pos() enc_msg = Float32() = enc_data[0] self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) = enc_data[1] self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) except ValueError: pass try: vel_data = self.zumy.enc_vel() vel_msg = Float32() = vel_data[0] self.l_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) = vel_data[1] self.r_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) except ValueError: pass try: v_bat = self.zumy.read_voltage() self.batt_pub.publish(v_bat) except ValueError: pass # NEW! # Note: zumy code MUST be between acquire/release calls! # Note: read must be in a try-catch block! try: # self.zumy_vel_pub.publish(move_zumy_forward()) # side port is p16 IR_ai_side_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_side() scaled_side_data = IR_ai_side_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_side_pub.publish(scaled_side_data) ''' if IR_ai_data < 0.5: twist = turn_zumy(self.directions['L']) self.zumy_vel_pub.publish(twist) else: twist = turn_zumy(self.directions['R']) self.zumy_vel_pub.publish(twist) ''' except ValueError: self.IR_ai_side_pub.publish(33) pass try: # NEW! # checks if acceleration about z axis is below a certain level. if imu_msg.angular_velocity.z < .05: IR_ai_front_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_front() scaled_front_data = IR_ai_front_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_front_pub.publish(scaled_front_data) if scaled_front_data > 2.0: self.IR_ai_front_pub.publish(9999) self.turn_zumy('L') # self.is_turning = True except ValueError: self.IR_ai_front_pub.publish(36) pass #END NEW if time.time() > ( self.last_message_at + self.timeout ): #i've gone too long without seeing the watchdog. self.watchdog = False self.zumy.disable() self.zumy.battery_protection( ) # a function that needs to be called with some regularity. #handle the robot status message status_msg = ZumyStatus() status_msg.enabled_status = self.zumy.enabled status_msg.battery_unsafe = self.zumy.battery_unsafe() #update the looptimes, which will get published in status_msg self.laptimes = np.delete(self.laptimes, 0) self.laptimes = np.append(self.laptimes, time.time()) #take average over the difference of the times... and then invert. That will give you average freq. status_msg.loop_freq = 1 / float(np.mean(np.diff(self.laptimes))) self.status_pub.publish(status_msg) self.lock.release() #must be last command involving the zumy. self.rate.sleep() # If shutdown, turn off motors & disable anything else. self.zumy.disable()
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0,0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback,queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('enable', Bool, self.enable_callback,queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/base_computer',String,self.watchdog_callback,queue_size=1) #/base_computer topic, the global watchdog. May want to investigate what happens when there moer than one computer and more than one zumy self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) = socket.gethostname() if rospy.has_param("~timeout"): self.timeout = rospy.get_param('~timeout') #private value else: self.timeout = 2 #Length of watchdog timer in seconds, defaults to 2 sec. #publishers self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher("Status",ZumyStatus, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size = 1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_enc',Float32, queue_size = 5) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_enc',Float32, queue_size = 5) self.r_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_vel',Float32,queue_size = 5) self.l_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_vel',Float32,queue_size = 5) self.imu_count = 0 self.batt_pub = rospy.Publisher('Batt',Float32,queue_size = 5) self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True #an array of times, which will be updated, and used to figure out how fast the while loop is going. self.laptimes = np.ones(6)*time.time() def cmd_callback(self, msg): self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = twist_to_speeds(msg) #update the commanded speed, the next time the main loop in run comes through, it'll be update on the zumy. self.lock.release() def enable_callback(self,msg): #enable or disable myself based on the content of the message. if and self.watchdog: self.zumy.enable() else: self.zumy.disable() self.cmd = (0,0) #turn the motors off #do NOT update the watchdog, since the watchdog should do it itself. #If i'm told to go but the host's watchdog is down, something's very wrong, and i won't be doing much def watchdog_callback(self,msg): #update the last time i got a messag! self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) try: imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) except ValueError: pass try: enc_data = self.zumy.enc_pos() enc_msg = Float32() = enc_data[0] self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) = enc_data[1] self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) except ValueError: pass try: vel_data = self.zumy.enc_vel() vel_msg = Float32() = vel_data[0] self.l_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) = vel_data[1] self.r_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) except ValueError: pass try: v_bat = self.zumy.read_voltage() self.batt_pub.publish(v_bat) except ValueError: pass if time.time() > (self.last_message_at + self.timeout): #i've gone too long without seeing the watchdog. self.watchdog = False self.zumy.disable() self.zumy.battery_protection() # a function that needs to be called with some regularity. #handle the robot status message status_msg = ZumyStatus() status_msg.enabled_status = self.zumy.enabled status_msg.battery_unsafe = self.zumy.battery_unsafe() #update the looptimes, which will get published in status_msg self.laptimes = np.delete(self.laptimes,0) self.laptimes = np.append(self.laptimes,time.time()) #take average over the difference of the times... and then invert. That will give you average freq. status_msg.loop_freq = 1/float(np.mean(np.diff(self.laptimes))) self.status_pub.publish(status_msg) self.lock.release() #must be last command involving the zumy. self.rate.sleep() # If shutdown, turn off motors & disable anything else. self.zumy.disable()
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0,0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback_test, queue_size=1) self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30) = socket.gethostname() self.vl_enc = 0 self.vr_enc = 0 = True self.heartBeat = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/heartBeat', String, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/imu', Imu, queue_size = 1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/r_enc', Int32, queue_size = 5) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/l_enc', Int32, queue_size = 5) self.l_spd_pub = rospy.Publisher('/'+ + '/l_spd_pub', Float32, queue_size = 5) self.r_spd_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/r_spd_pub', Float32, queue_size = 5) self.l_denc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/l_denc_pub', String, queue_size = 5) self.r_denc_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/r_denc_pub', String, queue_size = 5) self.duration_pub = rospy.Publisher('/'+ + '/Duration', Float32, queue_size = 5) self.imu_count = 0 self.timestamp = #self.prevtimestamp = #self.duration = (self.timestamp - self.prevtimestamp).to_sec() = PID(0.0008,0.000055,0.00005) = PID(0.0009,0.000065,0.00006) self.l_enc_count = 0 self.l_enc_prev_count = 0 self.l_enc_count_diff = 0 self.prev_l_enc_count_diff = 0 self.r_enc_count = 0 self.r_ecn_prev_count = 0 self.r_enc_count_diff = 0 self.prev_r_enc_count_diff = 0 self.l_vel_list = [] self.r_vel_list = [] def cmd_callback(self, msg): v_tr = msg.linear.x omega_rot = msg.angular.z zumy_width = 0.086*8/4 # distance between the center of two front wheels of zumy in meter v_l = v_tr - omega_rot*zumy_width/2 v_r = v_tr + omega_rot*zumy_width/2 enc_cnt = 600 #encoder count per rev wheel_radius = 0.02 #Wheel radius in meter self.vl_enc = v_l*enc_cnt/(2*math.pi*wheel_radius) self.vr_enc = v_r*enc_cnt/(2*math.pi*wheel_radius) self.zumy.PID_l.setPoint(self.vl_enc) self.zumy.PID_r.setPoint(self.vr_enc) def cmd_callback_test(self,msg): self.vl = msg.linear.x self.vr = msg.angular.z self.zumy.PID_l.setPoint(self.vl) self.zumy.PID_r.setPoint(self.vr) def run(self): # i=0 # msg = Twist() # msg.linear.x = 0.01 # msg.angular.z = 0 # self.cmd_callback(msg) # time1 = time.time() while not rospy.is_shutdown():# and i<900: i = i+1 #Get the feedback and update the feecback control self.zumy.update_enc_denc() self.zumy.update_time() pid_l = self.zumy.PID_l.update(self.zumy.denc[0]/self.zumy.duration) pid_r = self.zumy.PID_r.update(self.zumy.denc[1]/self.zumy.duration) # self.prevtimestamp = self.timestamp # self.timestamp = # self.duration = (self.timestamp - self.prevtimestamp).to_sec() # self.duration_pub.publish(self.duration) #if time_now - self.timestamp > .5: # self.cmd = (0,0) # self.lock.acquire() # imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() # enc_data = self.zumy.read_enc() # self.lock.release() # imu_msg = Imu() # imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, # imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] # imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] # imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] # imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] # imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] # imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] # self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) #Publish current encoder value enc_msg = Int32() = self.zumy.enc[1] self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) = self.zumy.enc[0] self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) #Publish current encoder difference value l_denc_pub = String() r_denc_pub = String() = "%.2f" % (self.zumy.denc[0]/self.zumy.duration) = "%.2f" % (self.zumy.denc[1]/self.zumy.duration) self.l_denc_pub.publish(l_denc_pub) self.r_denc_pub.publish(r_denc_pub) #Append current encoder speed to save to txt file self.l_vel_list.append(self.zumy.denc[0]/self.zumy.duration) self.r_vel_list.append(self.zumy.denc[1]/self.zumy.duration) self.heartBeat.publish("I am alive from Glew!!") print "Hello" self.lock.acquire() if self.zumy.cmd(pid_l,pid_r) else: self.zumy.cmd(0,0) self.lock.release() self.rate.sleep() time2 = time.time() duration = time2-time1 # If shutdown, turn off motors self.zumy.cmd(0,0)
class PID: #PID controller def __init__(self, P=0.2, I=0.0, D=0.0): self.Kp = P self.Ki = I self.kd = D self.sample_time = 0.00 self.current_time = time.time() self.last_time = self.current_time self.zumy = Zumy() self.clear() self.setKp(0.5) self.setKi(0.4) self.setKd(0.0001) rospy.init_node('PID', anonymous=True) self.rate = rospy.Rate(70.0) self.lock = Condition() rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_vel1', Twist, self.cmd_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/PID_gethey', Float64, self.PID_go, queue_size=1) self.sudu_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vel', Float64, queue_size=1) self.a = 0 # self.clear() def cmd_callback(self, msg): self.v_set = msg.linear.x self.a = msg.angular.z def clear(self): """Clears PID computations and coefficients""" self.SetPoint = 0.0 self.PTerm = 0.0 self.ITerm = 0.0 self.DTerm = 0.0 self.last_error = 0.0 # Windup Guard self.int_error = 0.0 self.windup_guard = 5.0 self.output = 0.0 def PID_go(self, feedback_value): """Calculates PID value for given reference feedback .. math:: u(t) = K_p e(t) + K_i \int_{0}^{t} e(t)dt + K_d {de}/{dt} .. figure:: images/pid_1.png :align: center Test PID with Kp=1.2, Ki=1, Kd=0.001 ( """ error = self.SetPoint - self.current_time = time.time() delta_time = self.current_time - self.last_time delta_error = error - self.last_error if (delta_time >= self.sample_time): self.PTerm = self.Kp * error self.ITerm += error * delta_time if (self.ITerm < -self.windup_guard): self.ITerm = -self.windup_guard elif (self.ITerm > self.windup_guard): self.ITerm = self.windup_guard self.DTerm = 0.0 if delta_time > 0: self.DTerm = delta_error / delta_time # Remember last time and last error for next calculation self.last_time = self.current_time self.last_error = error self.output = self.PTerm + (self.Ki * self.ITerm) + (self.Kd * self.DTerm) def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #self.lock.acquire() self.sudu_pub.publish(self.output) v = self.output aa = self.a r = v + 0.2 * aa l = v - 0.2 * aa self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(l, r) self.lock.release() self.rate.sleep() def setKp(self, proportional_gain): """Determines how aggressively the PID reacts to the current error with setting Proportional Gain""" self.Kp = proportional_gain def setKi(self, integral_gain): """Determines how aggressively the PID reacts to the current error with setting Integral Gain""" self.Ki = integral_gain def setKd(self, derivative_gain): """Determines how aggressively the PID reacts to the current error with setting Derivative Gain""" self.Kd = derivative_gain def setWindup(self, windup): """Integral windup, also known as integrator windup or reset windup, refers to the situation in a PID feedback controller where a large change in setpoint occurs (say a positive change) and the integral terms accumulates a significant error during the rise (windup), thus overshooting and continuing to increase as this accumulated error is unwound (offset by errors in the other direction). The specific problem is the excess overshooting. """ self.windup_guard = windup def setSampleTime(self, sample_time): """PID that should be updated at a regular interval. Based on a pre-determined sampe time, the PID decides if it should compute or return immediately. """ self.sample_time = sample_time