class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0, 0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('enable', Bool, self.enable_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber( '/base_computer', String, self.watchdog_callback, queue_size=1 ) #/base_computer topic, the global watchdog. May want to investigate what happens when there moer than one computer and more than one zumy self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) = socket.gethostname() if rospy.has_param("~timeout"): self.timeout = rospy.get_param('~timeout') #private value else: self.timeout = 2 #Length of watchdog timer in seconds, defaults to 2 sec. #publishers self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher("Status", ZumyStatus, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size=1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_enc', Float32, queue_size=5) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_enc', Float32, queue_size=5) self.r_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_vel', Float32, queue_size=5) self.l_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_vel', Float32, queue_size=5) self.imu_count = 0 self.batt_pub = rospy.Publisher('Batt', Float32, queue_size=5) self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True #an array of times, which will be updated, and used to figure out how fast the while loop is going. self.laptimes = np.ones(6) * time.time() # NEW! self.is_turning = False self.IR_ai_side_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/IR_ai_side', Float32, queue_size=1) self.IR_ai_front_pub = rospy.Publisher("/" + + "/IR_ai_front", Float32, queue_size=1) self.directions = { "F": 0., "L": 90., "R": -90., "B": 180. } # (CCW, 0 is N) the direction that the the zumy will face # Publish twists to /cmd_vel in order to drive the Zumy. self.zumy_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=2) def cmd_callback(self, msg): self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = twist_to_speeds( msg ) #update the commanded speed, the next time the main loop in run comes through, it'll be update on the zumy. self.lock.release() def enable_callback(self, msg): #enable or disable myself based on the content of the message. if and self.watchdog: self.zumy.enable() else: self.zumy.disable() self.cmd = (0, 0) #turn the motors off #do NOT update the watchdog, since the watchdog should do it itself. #If i'm told to go but the host's watchdog is down, something's very wrong, and i won't be doing much def watchdog_callback(self, msg): #update the last time i got a messag! self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True # NEW! def turn_zumy(self, direction): # angle in degrees # returns a Twist that is published and turns zumy omega = np.array([0, 0, 1]) # rotate about z translation = np.array([0, 0, 0]) angle = self.directions[direction] theta = deg2rad(angle) omega = omega * theta rbt = create_rbt(omega, theta, translation) v = find_v(omega, theta, translation) linear = Vector3(v[0] / 5, v[1] / 5, v[2] / 5) angular = Vector3(omega[0], omega[1], omega[2] / 3) twist = Twist(linear, angular) self.zumy_vel_pub.publish(twist) while True: if time.time() > start + 3: self.stop() break # self.is_turning = True return twist # NEW! def stop(self): linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) stop_twist = Twist(linear, angular) self.zumy_vel_pub.publish(stop_twist) # self.is_turning = False def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) # self.is_turning = False try: imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) except ValueError: pass try: enc_data = self.zumy.enc_pos() enc_msg = Float32() = enc_data[0] self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) = enc_data[1] self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) except ValueError: pass try: vel_data = self.zumy.enc_vel() vel_msg = Float32() = vel_data[0] self.l_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) = vel_data[1] self.r_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) except ValueError: pass try: v_bat = self.zumy.read_voltage() self.batt_pub.publish(v_bat) except ValueError: pass # NEW! # Note: zumy code MUST be between acquire/release calls! # Note: read must be in a try-catch block! try: # self.zumy_vel_pub.publish(move_zumy_forward()) # side port is p16 IR_ai_side_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_side() scaled_side_data = IR_ai_side_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_side_pub.publish(scaled_side_data) ''' if IR_ai_data < 0.5: twist = turn_zumy(self.directions['L']) self.zumy_vel_pub.publish(twist) else: twist = turn_zumy(self.directions['R']) self.zumy_vel_pub.publish(twist) ''' except ValueError: self.IR_ai_side_pub.publish(33) pass try: # NEW! # checks if acceleration about z axis is below a certain level. if imu_msg.angular_velocity.z < .05: IR_ai_front_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_front() scaled_front_data = IR_ai_front_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_front_pub.publish(scaled_front_data) if scaled_front_data > 2.0: self.IR_ai_front_pub.publish(9999) self.turn_zumy('L') # self.is_turning = True except ValueError: self.IR_ai_front_pub.publish(36) pass #END NEW if time.time() > ( self.last_message_at + self.timeout ): #i've gone too long without seeing the watchdog. self.watchdog = False self.zumy.disable() self.zumy.battery_protection( ) # a function that needs to be called with some regularity. #handle the robot status message status_msg = ZumyStatus() status_msg.enabled_status = self.zumy.enabled status_msg.battery_unsafe = self.zumy.battery_unsafe() #update the looptimes, which will get published in status_msg self.laptimes = np.delete(self.laptimes, 0) self.laptimes = np.append(self.laptimes, time.time()) #take average over the difference of the times... and then invert. That will give you average freq. status_msg.loop_freq = 1 / float(np.mean(np.diff(self.laptimes))) self.status_pub.publish(status_msg) self.lock.release() #must be last command involving the zumy. self.rate.sleep() # If shutdown, turn off motors & disable anything else. self.zumy.disable()
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0, 0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('enable', Bool, self.enable_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber( '/base_computer', String, self.watchdog_callback, queue_size=1 ) #/base_computer topic, the global watchdog. May want to investigate what happens when there moer than one computer and more than one zumy self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) = socket.gethostname() if rospy.has_param("~timeout"): self.timeout = rospy.get_param('~timeout') #private value else: self.timeout = 2 #Length of watchdog timer in seconds, defaults to 2 sec. #publishers self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher("Status", ZumyStatus, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size=1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_enc', Float32, queue_size=5) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_enc', Float32, queue_size=5) self.r_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_vel', Float32, queue_size=5) self.l_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_vel', Float32, queue_size=5) self.imu_count = 0 self.batt_pub = rospy.Publisher('Batt', Float32, queue_size=5) self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True #an array of times, which will be updated, and used to figure out how fast the while loop is going. self.laptimes = np.ones(6) * time.time() # NEW! self.IR_ai_side_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/IR_ai_side', Float32, queue_size=1) self.IR_ai_front_pub = rospy.Publisher("/" + + "/IR_ai_front", Float32, queue_size=1) self.IR_ai_top_pub = rospy.Publisher('/' + + '/IR_ai_top', Float32, queue_size=1) self.IR_ai_bottom_pub = rospy.Publisher("/" + + "/IR_ai_bottom", Float32, queue_size=1) # Publish twists to /cmd_vel in order to drive the Zumy. def cmd_callback(self, msg): self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = twist_to_speeds( msg ) #update the commanded speed, the next time the main loop in run comes through, it'll be update on the zumy. self.lock.release() def enable_callback(self, msg): #enable or disable myself based on the content of the message. if and self.watchdog: self.zumy.enable() else: self.zumy.disable() self.cmd = (0, 0) #turn the motors off #do NOT update the watchdog, since the watchdog should do it itself. #If i'm told to go but the host's watchdog is down, something's very wrong, and i won't be doing much def watchdog_callback(self, msg): #update the last time i got a messag! self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) try: imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) except ValueError: pass try: enc_data = self.zumy.enc_pos() enc_msg = Float32() = enc_data[0] self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) = enc_data[1] self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) except ValueError: pass try: vel_data = self.zumy.enc_vel() vel_msg = Float32() = vel_data[0] self.l_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) = vel_data[1] self.r_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) except ValueError: pass try: v_bat = self.zumy.read_voltage() self.batt_pub.publish(v_bat) except ValueError: pass try: IR_ai_front_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_front() scaled_front_data = IR_ai_front_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_front_pub.publish(scaled_front_data) except ValueError: self.IR_ai_front_pub.publish(19) pass try: IR_ai_side_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_side() scaled_side_data = IR_ai_side_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_side_pub.publish(scaled_side_data) except ValueError: self.IR_ai_side_pub.publish(17) pass try: IR_ai_top_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_top() scaled_top_data = IR_ai_top_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_top_pub.publish(scaled_top_data) except ValueError: self.IR_ai_top_pub.publish(16) pass try: IR_ai_bottom_data = self.zumy.read_IR_ai_bottom() scaled_bottom_data = IR_ai_bottom_data * 3.3 self.IR_ai_bottom_pub.publish(scaled_bottom_data) except ValueError: self.IR_ai_bottom_pub.publish(18) pass #END NEW if time.time() > ( self.last_message_at + self.timeout ): #i've gone too long without seeing the watchdog. self.watchdog = False self.zumy.disable() self.zumy.battery_protection( ) # a function that needs to be called with some regularity. #handle the robot status message status_msg = ZumyStatus() status_msg.enabled_status = self.zumy.enabled status_msg.battery_unsafe = self.zumy.battery_unsafe() #update the looptimes, which will get published in status_msg self.laptimes = np.delete(self.laptimes, 0) self.laptimes = np.append(self.laptimes, time.time()) #take average over the difference of the times... and then invert. That will give you average freq. status_msg.loop_freq = 1 / float(np.mean(np.diff(self.laptimes))) self.status_pub.publish(status_msg) self.lock.release() #must be last command involving the zumy. self.rate.sleep() self.first_move = False # If shutdown, turn off motors & disable anything else. self.zumy.disable()
class ZumyROS: def __init__(self): self.zumy = Zumy() rospy.init_node('zumy_ros') self.cmd = (0,0) rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_callback,queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('enable', Bool, self.enable_callback,queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/base_computer',String,self.watchdog_callback,queue_size=1) #/base_computer topic, the global watchdog. May want to investigate what happens when there moer than one computer and more than one zumy self.lock = Condition() self.rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) = socket.gethostname() if rospy.has_param("~timeout"): self.timeout = rospy.get_param('~timeout') #private value else: self.timeout = 2 #Length of watchdog timer in seconds, defaults to 2 sec. #publishers self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher("Status",ZumyStatus, queue_size=5) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size = 1) self.r_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_enc',Float32, queue_size = 5) self.l_enc_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_enc',Float32, queue_size = 5) self.r_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('r_vel',Float32,queue_size = 5) self.l_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('l_vel',Float32,queue_size = 5) self.imu_count = 0 self.batt_pub = rospy.Publisher('Batt',Float32,queue_size = 5) self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True #an array of times, which will be updated, and used to figure out how fast the while loop is going. self.laptimes = np.ones(6)*time.time() def cmd_callback(self, msg): self.lock.acquire() self.cmd = twist_to_speeds(msg) #update the commanded speed, the next time the main loop in run comes through, it'll be update on the zumy. self.lock.release() def enable_callback(self,msg): #enable or disable myself based on the content of the message. if and self.watchdog: self.zumy.enable() else: self.zumy.disable() self.cmd = (0,0) #turn the motors off #do NOT update the watchdog, since the watchdog should do it itself. #If i'm told to go but the host's watchdog is down, something's very wrong, and i won't be doing much def watchdog_callback(self,msg): #update the last time i got a messag! self.last_message_at = time.time() self.watchdog = True def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.lock.acquire() self.zumy.cmd(*self.cmd) try: imu_data = self.zumy.read_imu() imu_msg = Imu() imu_msg.header = Header(self.imu_count,, imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * imu_data[0] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * imu_data[1] imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 9.81 * imu_data[2] imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[3] imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[4] imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 3.14 / 180.0 * imu_data[5] self.imu_pub.publish(imu_msg) except ValueError: pass try: enc_data = self.zumy.enc_pos() enc_msg = Float32() = enc_data[0] self.r_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) = enc_data[1] self.l_enc_pub.publish(enc_msg) except ValueError: pass try: vel_data = self.zumy.enc_vel() vel_msg = Float32() = vel_data[0] self.l_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) = vel_data[1] self.r_vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) except ValueError: pass try: v_bat = self.zumy.read_voltage() self.batt_pub.publish(v_bat) except ValueError: pass if time.time() > (self.last_message_at + self.timeout): #i've gone too long without seeing the watchdog. self.watchdog = False self.zumy.disable() self.zumy.battery_protection() # a function that needs to be called with some regularity. #handle the robot status message status_msg = ZumyStatus() status_msg.enabled_status = self.zumy.enabled status_msg.battery_unsafe = self.zumy.battery_unsafe() #update the looptimes, which will get published in status_msg self.laptimes = np.delete(self.laptimes,0) self.laptimes = np.append(self.laptimes,time.time()) #take average over the difference of the times... and then invert. That will give you average freq. status_msg.loop_freq = 1/float(np.mean(np.diff(self.laptimes))) self.status_pub.publish(status_msg) self.lock.release() #must be last command involving the zumy. self.rate.sleep() # If shutdown, turn off motors & disable anything else. self.zumy.disable()