def processServer(self, cmdDict=None, action=None):
     '''processServer: This method processes a server configuration object. It takes two parameters, a dictionary containing the command and the action (RW)'''
     self.logger.trace("processServer: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     if cmdDict == None:
         self.logger.error("processServer: No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
     k = cmdDict.keys()[0]
     v = cmdDict.values()[0]
     self.logger.trace("processServer: key=%s, value=%s" % (k, v))
     if k and v != None:
         self.validateScope(v, 'processServer')
         srv = AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']+"%s:%s/" % (k, v['name']))
         self.logger.trace("processServer: srv=%s " % srv)
         if srv == "":
   "processServer: creating server %s" % v['name'])
             srvObj = AdminConfig.getObjectName(srv)
             self.logger.trace("processServer: srvObj %s" % srvObj)
             ptype = AdminControl.getAttribute(srvObj, 'processType')
             self.logger.trace("processServer: ptype %s" % ptype)
             if ptype != 'UnManagedProcess':
       "processServer: This is a Network Deployment Profile so this command will run.")
                 self.logger.warn("processServer: This is not a Network Deployment Profile so this command won't be run.  Use the manageprofiles too to create servers." )
                 #raise ProcessCommandException("This is not a Network Deployment Profile so this command won't be run.  Use the manageprofiles too to create servers.")
         self.logger.error("processServer: key and value parameters were not suppled to the method.")
         raise ProcessCommandException("key and value parameters were not suppled to the method.")
 def processServer(self, cmdDict=None, action=None):
     '''processServer: This method processes a server configuration object. It takes two parameters, a dictionary containing the command and the action (RW)'''
     self.logger.trace("processServer: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     if cmdDict == None:
         self.logger.error("processServer: No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
     k = cmdDict.keys()[0]
     v = cmdDict.values()[0]
     self.logger.trace("processServer: key=%s, value=%s" % (k, v))
     if k and v != None:
         self.validateScope(v, 'processServer')
         srv = AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']+"%s:%s/" % (k, v['name']))
         self.logger.trace("processServer: srv=%s " % srv)
         if srv == "":
   "processServer: creating server %s" % v['name'])
             srvObj = AdminConfig.getObjectName(srv)
             self.logger.trace("processServer: srvObj %s" % srvObj)
             ptype = AdminControl.getAttribute(srvObj, 'processType')
             self.logger.trace("processServer: ptype %s" % ptype)
             if ptype != 'UnManagedProcess':
       "processServer: This is a Network Deployment Profile so this command will run.")
                 self.logger.warn("processServer: This is not a Network Deployment Profile so this command won't be run.  Use the manageprofiles too to create servers." )
                 #raise ProcessCommandException("This is not a Network Deployment Profile so this command won't be run.  Use the manageprofiles too to create servers.")
         self.logger.error("processServer: key and value parameters were not suppled to the method.")
         raise ProcessCommandException("key and value parameters were not suppled to the method.")
 def processSIBQueue(self, k=None, a=None, c=None, action=None):
     attrDict['type'] = 'Queue'
     self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: attrDict=%s" % attrDict)
     self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     self.sib = None
     queueList = AdminTask.listSIBDestinations(['-bus %s' % attrDict['bus']]).split('\r\n')
     self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: queueList=%s" % queueList)
     for queue in queueList:
         self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: queue=%s" % queue)
         identifier = AdminConfig.showAttribute(queue, "identifier")
         self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: identifier=%s" % identifier)
         if (identifier == attrDict['name']):
             self.sib = queue
             self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: queue %s already exists" % attrDict['name'])
     self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: self.sib=%s" % self.sib)
     if self.sib != None:
         self.logger.warn("processSIBQueue: queue %s already exists on bus %s" % (attrDict['name'], attrDict['bus']))
         self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: queue attributes:%s" %'\r\n'))
         for key, value in cmdDict.items():
             self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: key=%s, value=%s" % (key, value))
             if key != 'scope' and key != 'node' and key != 'server' and key != 'identifier':
                 actualValue = AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib, key)
                 self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: actualValue=%s" % actualValue)
                 if actualValue != value:
                     if action == 'W':
               "processSIBQueue: modifying attr %s: actualValue=%s, config=%s" % (key, actualValue, value))
                         self.logger.debug("processSIBQueue: command=AdminTask.modifySIBDestination(['-bus %s','-name %s','-%s %s'])" % (attrDict['bus'], attrDict['name'], key, value))
                         AdminTask.modifySIBDestination(['-bus', '%s' % attrDict['bus'], '-name',  '%s' % attrDict['name'],'-%s' % key,  '%s' % value])
                         self.logger.warn("processSIBQueue: audit failure %s:%s: actualValue=%s, config=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib,'identifier'), key, actualValue, value))
         if action == 'W':
   "processSIBQueue: creating %s:%s" % (k, attrDict['name']))
             self.logger.debug("processSIBQueue: command=AdminTask.createSIBDestination(%s)" % (["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()]))
             AdminTask.createSIBDestination(["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()])
   "processSIBQueue: action is %s, will not be creating %s:%s" % (action, k, attrDict['name']))
 def processSIBusMember(self, k=None, a=None, c=None, action=None):
     self.logger.warn("processSIBusMember: attrDict %s" % attrDict)
     self.logger.warn("processSIBusMember: cmdDict %s" % cmdDict)
     self.sib = AdminConfig.getid('/SIBusMember:%s/' % cmdDict['server'])
     self.logger.trace("processSIBusMember: self.sib=%s" % self.sib)
     if self.sib != '':
         self.logger.warn("processSIBusMember: server %s already member of the bus %s" % (attrDict['server'], attrDict['bus']))
     else:"processSIBusMember: creating %s:%s" % (k, attrDict['bus']))
         self.logger.debug("processSIBusMember: command=AdminTask.addSIBusMember(%s)" % (["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()]))
         AdminTask.addSIBusMember(["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()])
 def setTemplate(self, key=None, valueDict=None):
     template = None
     if key == 'DataSource':
         if valueDict['providerType'] == 'Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)':
             self.logger.trace("setTemplate: Oracle JDBC Driver DataSource")
             template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('DataSource', "Oracle JDBC Driver XA DataSource")
             self.logger.trace("setTemplate: Oracle JDBC Driver DataSource")
             template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('DataSource', "Oracle JDBC Driver DataSource")
     elif key == 'JDBCProvider':
         if valueDict['providerType'] == 'Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)':
             self.logger.trace("setTemplate: Oracle JDBC Driver Provider Only (XA)")
             template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('JDBCProvider', 'Oracle JDBC Driver Provider Only (XA)')
             self.logger.trace("setTemplate: Oracle JDBC Driver Provider Only")
             template = 'Oracle JDBC Driver Provider Only(templates/system|jdbc-resource-provider-only-templates.xml#JDBCProvider_Oracle_5)'
     elif key == 'MQQueueConnectionFactory':
         template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('MQQueueConnectionFactory', 'First Example WMQ QueueConnectionFactory')
     elif key == 'MQQueue':
         template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('MQQueue', 'Example.JMS.WMQ.Q1')
     self.logger.trace("setTemplate: template=%s" % template)
     return template
 def processSIBQueue(self, k=None, a=None, c=None, action=None):
     attrDict['type'] = 'Queue'
     self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: attrDict=%s" % attrDict)
     self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     self.sib = None
     queueList = AdminTask.listSIBDestinations(['-bus %s' % attrDict['bus']]).splitlines()
     self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: queueList=%s" % queueList)
     for queue in queueList:
         self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: queue=%s" % queue)
         identifier = AdminConfig.showAttribute(queue, "identifier")
         self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: identifier=%s" % identifier)
         if (identifier == attrDict['name']):
             self.sib = queue
             self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: queue %s already exists" % attrDict['name'])
     self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: self.sib=%s" % self.sib)
     if self.sib != None:
         self.logger.warn("processSIBQueue: queue %s already exists on bus %s" % (attrDict['name'], attrDict['bus']))
         self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: queue attributes:%s" %
         for key, value in cmdDict.items():
             self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: key=%s, value=%s" % (key, value))
             if key != 'scope' and key != 'node' and key != 'server' and key != 'identifier':
                 actualValue = AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib, key)
                 self.logger.trace("processSIBQueue: actualValue=%s" % actualValue)
                 if actualValue != value:
                     if action == 'W':
               "processSIBQueue: modifying attr %s: actualValue=%s, config=%s" % (key, actualValue, value))
                         self.logger.debug("processSIBQueue: command=AdminTask.modifySIBDestination(['-bus %s','-name %s','-%s %s'])" % (attrDict['bus'], attrDict['name'], key, value))
                         AdminTask.modifySIBDestination(['-bus', '%s' % attrDict['bus'], '-name',  '%s' % attrDict['name'],'-%s' % key,  '%s' % value])
                         self.logger.warn("processSIBQueue: audit failure %s:%s: actualValue=%s, config=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib,'identifier'), key, actualValue, value))
         if action == 'W':
   "processSIBQueue: creating %s:%s" % (k, attrDict['name']))
             self.logger.debug("processSIBQueue: command=AdminTask.createSIBDestination(%s)" % (["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()]))
             AdminTask.createSIBDestination(["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()])
   "processSIBQueue: action is %s, will not be creating %s:%s" % (action, k, attrDict['name']))
 def setTemplate(self, key=None, valueDict=None):
     template = None
     if key == 'DataSource':
         if valueDict['providerType'] == 'Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)':
             self.logger.trace("setTemplate: Oracle JDBC Driver DataSource")
             template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('DataSource', "Oracle JDBC Driver XA DataSource")
             self.logger.trace("setTemplate: Oracle JDBC Driver DataSource")
             template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('DataSource', "Oracle JDBC Driver DataSource")
     elif key == 'JDBCProvider':
         if valueDict['providerType'] == 'Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)':
             self.logger.trace("setTemplate: Oracle JDBC Driver Provider Only (XA)")
             template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('JDBCProvider', 'Oracle JDBC Driver Provider Only (XA)')
             self.logger.trace("setTemplate: Oracle JDBC Driver Provider Only")
             template = 'Oracle JDBC Driver Provider Only(templates/system|jdbc-resource-provider-only-templates.xml#JDBCProvider_Oracle_5)'
     elif key == 'MQQueueConnectionFactory':
         template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('MQQueueConnectionFactory', 'First Example WMQ QueueConnectionFactory')
     elif key == 'MQQueue':
         template = AdminConfig.listTemplates('MQQueue', 'Example.JMS.WMQ.Q1')
     self.logger.trace("setTemplate: template=%s" % template)
     return template
 def processSIB(self, k=None, a=None, action=None):
     self.sib = AdminConfig.getid('/SIBus:%s/' % attrDict['bus'])
     if self.sib != '':
         for key in attrDict.keys():
             self.logger.trace("processSIB: key=%s" % key)
             if key != 'scope' and key != 'bus':
                 self.value=AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib, key)
                 self.logger.trace("processSIB: self.value=%s" % self.value)
                 if self.value != attrDict[key]:
                     if action == 'W':
               "processSIB: modifying %s:%s:%s=%s" % (k, AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib,'name'), key, attrDict[key]))
                         self.logger.debug("processSIB: command=AdminTask.modifySIBus(%s)" % (["-%s %s -%s %s" % ('bus', attrDict['bus'], key, attrDict[key])]))
                         AdminTask.modifySIBus(["-%s %s -%s %s" % ('bus', attrDict['bus'], key, attrDict[key])])
                         self.logger.warn("processSIB: audit failure %s:%s, actual=%s config=%s" % (k, AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib,'name'), AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib, key), attrDict[key]))
         if action == 'W':
   "processSIB: creating %s:%s" % (k, attrDict['bus']))
             self.logger.debug("processSIB: command=AdminTask.createSIBus(%s)" % (["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()]))
             AdminTask.createSIBus(["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()])
   "processSIB: action is %s, will not be creating %s:%s" % (action, k, attrDict['bus']))
 def processSIB(self, k=None, a=None, action=None):
     self.sib = AdminConfig.getid('/SIBus:%s/' % attrDict['bus'])
     if self.sib != '':
         for key in attrDict.keys():
             self.logger.trace("processSIB: key=%s" % key)
             if key != 'scope' and key != 'bus':
                 self.value=AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib, key)
                 self.logger.trace("processSIB: self.value=%s" % self.value)
                 if self.value != attrDict[key]:
                     if action == 'W':
               "processSIB: modifying %s:%s:%s=%s" % (k, AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib,'name'), key, attrDict[key]))
                         self.logger.debug("processSIB: command=AdminTask.modifySIBus(%s)" % (["-%s %s -%s %s" % ('bus', attrDict['bus'], key, attrDict[key])]))
                         AdminTask.modifySIBus(["-%s %s -%s %s" % ('bus', attrDict['bus'], key, attrDict[key])])
                         self.logger.warn("processSIB: audit failure %s:%s, actual=%s config=%s" % (k, AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib,'name'), AdminConfig.showAttribute(self.sib, key), attrDict[key]))
         if action == 'W':
   "processSIB: creating %s:%s" % (k, attrDict['bus']))
             self.logger.debug("processSIB: command=AdminTask.createSIBus(%s)" % (["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()]))
             AdminTask.createSIBus(["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()])
   "processSIB: action is %s, will not be creating %s:%s" % (action, k, attrDict['bus']))
Exemplo n.º 10
def writeQueuesByScope(scopeIds, qParams, tableId):
  for s in scopeIds :
    try :
      queues = AdminTask.listWMQQueues(s).splitlines()
      scope = s.split('|')[0].split('(')[1]
      for q in queues :
        tArgs = []
        for p in qParams :
          paramValue = AdminConfig.showAttribute(q,p)
    except :
      print sys.exc_info()
 def processSIBusMember(self, k=None, a=None, c=None, action=None):
     self.logger.trace("processSIBusMember: attrDict %s" % attrDict)
     self.logger.trace("processSIBusMember: cmdDict %s" % cmdDict)
     sibmembers = AdminConfig.list(k, AdminConfig.getid(cmdDict['scope'])).splitlines()
     self.logger.trace("processSIBusMember: sibmembers=%s" % sibmembers)
     self.logger.trace("processSIBusMember: sibmembers[0]=%s" % sibmembers[0])
     self.sib = None
     if sibmembers[0] != '':
         self.logger.trace("processSIBusMember: found members in the bus.")
         for sibmember in sibmembers:
             self.logger.trace("processSIBusMember: sibmember=%s" % sibmember)
             membername = AdminConfig.showAttribute(sibmember, 'server')
             self.logger.trace("processSIBusMember: membername=%s" % membername)
             if membername == attrDict['server']:
                 self.sib = sibmember
     self.logger.trace("processSIBusMember: self.sib=%s" % self.sib)
     if self.sib != None:
         self.logger.warn("processSIBusMember: server %s already member of the bus %s" % (attrDict['server'], attrDict['bus']))
     else:"processSIBusMember: creating %s:%s" % (k, attrDict['bus']))
         self.logger.debug("processSIBusMember: command=AdminTask.addSIBusMember(%s)" % (["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()]))
         AdminTask.addSIBusMember(["-%s %s" % (key, value) for key, value in attrDict.items()])
 def validateScope(self, valueDict=None, method=None, key=None):
     self.logger.trace("validateScope: key=%s" % key)
     if key == 'J2CActivationSpec' or key == 'J2CAdminObject' or key == 'J2CConnectionFactory':
         valueDict['scope'] = ('%sJ2CResourceAdapter:SIB JMS Resource Adapter/' % valueDict['scope'])
         self.logger.trace("validateScope: Adjusting Scope for resource provider=%s" % valueDict['scope'])
     elif key == 'MQQueueConnectionFactory':
         valueDict['scope'] = ('%sJMSProvider:WebSphere MQ JMS Provider/' % valueDict['scope'])
         self.logger.trace("validateScope: Adjusting Scope for messaging provider=%s" % valueDict['scope'])
     elif key == 'MQQueue':
         valueDict['scope'] = ('%sJMSProvider:WebSphere MQ JMS Provider/' % valueDict['scope'])
         self.logger.trace("validateScope: Adjusting Scope for messaging provider=%s" % valueDict['scope'])
     self.scope = AdminConfig.getid(valueDict['scope'])
     self.logger.trace("validateScope:%s self.scope=%s" % (self.method, self.scope))
     if self.scope == "":
         self.logger.error("validateScope:%s Scope %s does not exist.  The object may not have been created yet or the scope in the configuration file is incorrect." % (self.method, valueDict['scope']))
         raise ProcessCommandException("Scope %s does not exist.  The object may not have been created yet or the scope in the configuration file is incorrect." % valueDict['scope'])
 def validateScope(self, valueDict=None, method=None, key=None):
     self.logger.trace("validateScope: key=%s" % key)
     if key == 'J2CActivationSpec' or key == 'J2CAdminObject' or key == 'J2CConnectionFactory':
         valueDict['scope'] = ('%sJ2CResourceAdapter:SIB JMS Resource Adapter/' % valueDict['scope'])
         self.logger.trace("validateScope: Adjusting Scope for resource provider=%s" % valueDict['scope'])
     elif key == 'MQQueueConnectionFactory':
         valueDict['scope'] = ('%sJMSProvider:WebSphere MQ JMS Provider/' % valueDict['scope'])
         self.logger.trace("validateScope: Adjusting Scope for messaging provider=%s" % valueDict['scope'])
     elif key == 'MQQueue':
         valueDict['scope'] = ('%sJMSProvider:WebSphere MQ JMS Provider/' % valueDict['scope'])
         self.logger.trace("validateScope: Adjusting Scope for messaging provider=%s" % valueDict['scope'])
     self.scope = AdminConfig.getid(valueDict['scope'])
     self.logger.trace("validateScope:%s self.scope=%s" % (self.method, self.scope))
     if self.scope == "":
         self.logger.error("validateScope:%s Scope %s does not exist.  The object may not have been created yet or the scope in the configuration file is incorrect." % (self.method, valueDict['scope']))
         raise ProcessCommandException("Scope %s does not exist.  The object may not have been created yet or the scope in the configuration file is incorrect." % valueDict['scope'])
 def processNestedAttribute(self, cmdDict=None, action=None):
     '''processNestedAttribute: This method processes a single nested attribute. It takes two parameters, a dictionary containing the command and the action (RW)'''
     self.logger.trace("processNestedAttribute: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     if cmdDict == None:
         self.logger.error("processNestedAttribute: No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
     k = cmdDict.keys()[0]
     v = cmdDict.values()[0]
     self.logger.trace("processNestedAttribute: key=%s, value=%s" % (k, v))
         self.validateScope(v, 'processNestedAttribute')
     except ProcessCommandException:"processNestedAttribute: Skipping NestedAttribute %s:%s" % (k, v))
         attribute = None
         if re.match("[a-z]", k):
             self.logger.trace("processNestedAttribute: %s is a nested property." % k)
             attribute=AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), k)
             attribute = AdminConfig.list('%s' % k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']))
             self.logger.trace("processNestedAttribute: %s is an object." % k)
         for (k2, v2) in v.items():
             if k2 != "scope":
                 actualValue=AdminConfig.showAttribute(attribute, k2)
                 if actualValue != v2:
                     if action == 'W':
               "processNestedAttribute: modifying %s%s:%s=%s" % (v['scope'], k, k2, v2))
                         self.logger.debug("processNestedAttribute: command=AdminConfig.modify(attribute, [[%s, %s]])" % (k2, v2))
                         AdminConfig.modify(attribute, [[k2, v2]])
                         self.logger.warn("processNestedAttribute: audit failure %s%s:%s, actual=%s config=%s" % (v['scope'], k, k2, actualValue, v2))
                     self.logger.debug("processNestedAttribute: ignoring %s%s:%s=%s" % (v['scope'], k, k2, v2))
 def processNestedAttribute(self, cmdDict=None, action=None):
     '''processNestedAttribute: This method processes a single nested attribute. It takes two parameters, a dictionary containing the command and the action (RW)'''
     self.logger.trace("processNestedAttribute: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     if cmdDict == None:
         self.logger.error("processNestedAttribute: No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
     k = cmdDict.keys()[0]
     v = cmdDict.values()[0]
     self.logger.trace("processNestedAttribute: key=%s, value=%s" % (k, v))
         self.validateScope(v, 'processNestedAttribute')
     except ProcessCommandException:"processNestedAttribute: Skipping NestedAttribute %s:%s" % (k, v))
         attribute = None
         if re.match("[a-z]", k):
             self.logger.trace("processNestedAttribute: %s is a nested property." % k)
             attribute=AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), k)
             attribute = AdminConfig.list('%s' % k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']))
             self.logger.trace("processNestedAttribute: %s is an object." % k)
         for (k2, v2) in v.items():
             if k2 != "scope":
                 actualValue=AdminConfig.showAttribute(attribute, k2)
                 if actualValue != v2:
                     if action == 'W':
               "processNestedAttribute: modifying %s%s:%s=%s" % (v['scope'], k, k2, v2))
                         self.logger.debug("processNestedAttribute: command=AdminConfig.modify(attribute, [[%s, %s]])" % (k2, v2))
                         AdminConfig.modify(attribute, [[k2, v2]])
                         self.logger.warn("processNestedAttribute: audit failure %s%s:%s, actual=%s config=%s" % (v['scope'], k, k2, actualValue, v2))
                     self.logger.debug("processNestedAttribute: ignoring %s%s:%s=%s" % (v['scope'], k, k2, v2))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def set(self, name, value, desc, type):
     for prop in self.obj.getChildren('resourceProperties'):
         if prop.getAttribute('name') == name:
             prop.setAttribute('value', value)
     AdminConfig.create('J2EEResourceProperty',, [['name', name], ['value', value], ['description', desc], ['type', type]])
Exemplo n.º 17
        tArgs = []
        for p in qParams :
          paramValue = AdminConfig.showAttribute(q,p)
    except :
      print sys.exc_info()
QUEUE_HTML_FILE = 'Queues.html'
queuesFile = open(QUEUE_HTML_FILE, 'w')
queueT = HTML.Table(header_row=['Name', 'JNDI name', 'MQ Queue manager', 'MQ Queue name', 'Scope'])
queueParams = ["name", "jndiName", "baseQueueManagerName", "baseQueueName"]

cell = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:/').splitlines()
nodes = AdminConfig.getid('/Node:/').splitlines()
servers = AdminConfig.getid('/Server:/').splitlines()

writeQueuesByScope(servers, queueParams, queueT)

htmlcode = str(queueT)

dbT = HTML.Table(header_row=['Name', 'JNDI name', 'Provider', 'JAAS Alias', 'Scope'])
dbParams = ['name', 'jndiName', 'provider', 'authDataAlias']

Exemplo n.º 18
	def getChild(self, attrName):
		childId = AdminConfig.showAttribute(, attrName)
		if childId:
			return ConfigObject(childId)
Exemplo n.º 19
	def getChildren(self, attrName):
		children = []
		for childId in wsadminToList(AdminConfig.showAttribute(, attrName)):
		return children
Exemplo n.º 20
	def getAttribute(self, attrName):
		return AdminConfig.showAttribute(, attrName)
Exemplo n.º 21
	def setAttribute(self, attrName, attrValue):
		AdminConfig.modify(, [[attrName, attrValue]])
Exemplo n.º 22
def getConfigObjects(filter):
	objects = []
	for id in wsadminToList(AdminConfig.getid(filter)):
	return objects
 def processConfigItem(self, cmdDict=None, action=None):
     '''processConfigItem: This method processes a single configuration object. It takes two parameters, a dictionary containing the command and the action (RW)'''
     self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     if cmdDict == None:
         self.logger.error("processConfigItem: No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
     k = cmdDict.keys()[0]
     v = cmdDict.values()[0]
     self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: key=%s, value=%s" % (k, v))
     template = self.setTemplate(key=k, valueDict=v)
     self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: template=%s" % template)
         self.validateScope(valueDict=v, method='processConfigItem', key=k)
     except ProcessCommandException:"processConfigItem: Skipping ConfigItem %s:%s." % (k, v))
         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: scope=%s " % AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']))
         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: finding object command=AdminConfig.getid('/%s:%s/') " % (k, v['name']))
         obj = AdminConfig.getid('/%s:%s/' % (k, v['name']))
         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: obj=%s " % obj)
         if obj == "":
             self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: obj not found, creating...")
             attrList = []
             for key in v.keys():
                 if key != 'scope':
                     attrList.append([key, v[key]])
             self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: attrList=%s" % attrList)
             self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: template=%s" % template)
             if template == None:
                 self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: template was not found...")
                 if action == 'W':
                     if k == 'J2CActivationSpec':
                         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: key is J2CActivationSpec so fixing attribute list")
                         attr = AdminConfig.list('ActivationSpec', AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']))
                         attrList.append(['activationSpec', attr])
                     elif k == 'J2CAdminObject':
                         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: key is J2CAdminObject so fixing attribute list")
                         attr = AdminConfig.list('AdminObject', AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']))
                         attrList.append(['adminObject', attr])
                     elif k == 'J2CConnectionFactory':
                         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: key is J2CConnectionFactory so fixing attribute list")
                         attr = AdminConfig.list('ConnectionDefinition', AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']))
                         attrList.append(['connectionDefinition', attr])
           "processConfigItem: creating %s:%s:%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), k, v['name']))
                     self.logger.debug("processConfigItem: command=AdminConfig.create('%s', %s, %s)" % (k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), attrList))
                     AdminConfig.create('%s' % k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), attrList)
                     self.logger.warn("processConfigItem: action is set to %s.  Item %s:%s:%s will not be created.  Attribute and properties for this object will not exist and may cause failures in this script." % (action, AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), k, v['name']))
                 self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: template was found...")
                 if action == 'W':
           "processConfigItem: creating %s:%s:%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), k, v['name']))
                     self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: template=%s" % template)
                     self.logger.debug("processConfigItem: command=AdminConfig.createUsingTemplate('%s', %s, %s, %s)" % (k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), attrList, template))
                     AdminConfig.createUsingTemplate('%s' % k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), attrList, template)
                     self.logger.warn("processConfigItem: action is set to %s.  Item %s:%s:%s will not be created.  Attribute and properties for this object will not exist and may cause failures in this script." % (action, AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), k, v['name']))
             for key in v.keys():
                 if key != 'scope':
                     actual = AdminConfig.showAttribute(obj, key)
                     self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: attribute=%s, value=%s" % (key, actual))
                     if actual != v[key]:
                         if action == 'W':
                   "processConfigItem: modifying actual=%s to %s" % (actual,v[key]))
                             self.logger.debug("processConfigItem: command=AdminConfig.modify(%s, [['%s', '%s']])" % (obj, key, v[key]))
                             AdminConfig.modify(obj, [[key, v[key]]])
                             self.logger.warn("processPropertySet: audit failure %s:%s, actual=%s config=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), (AdminConfig.showAttribute(obj, 'name')), (AdminConfig.showAttribute(obj, key)), v[key]))
 def processSecurity(self, cmdDict=None, action=None):
     '''Used to process security properties'''
     self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     if cmdDict == None:
         self.logger.error("processPropertySet: No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
     k = cmdDict.keys()[0]
     v = cmdDict.values()[0]
     self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: key=%s, value=%s" % (k, v))
     if k and v != None:
         self.validateScope(v, 'processSecurity')
         self.jaasAuthDataList = AdminConfig.list(k, AdminConfig.getid('%sSecurity:/' % v['scope'])).split('\r\n')
         self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: jaasAuthDataList=%s"% self.jaasAuthDataList)
         for key in v.keys():
             if key == 'alias':
                 self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: key=%s, value=%s" % (key, v[key]))
                 self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: items length is=%s" % len(self.jaasAuthDataList))
                 for item in self.jaasAuthDataList:
                     self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: item=%s" % item)
                     if item != "":
                         self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: name=%s" % AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'alias'))
                         if AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'alias') == v[key]:
                             self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: checking alias %s" % AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'alias'))
                             for key in v.keys():
                                 if key != 'scope':
                                     self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: key=%s" % key)
                                     if AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, key) != v[key]:
                                         self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: alias:%s, key=%s, actual=%s, config=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'alias'), key, AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, key), v[key]))
                                         if action == 'W':
                                   "processSecrurity: modifying %s:%s=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'alias'), key, v[key]))
                                             self.logger.debug("processSecrurity: command=AdminConfig.modify(%s, [[%s, %s]])" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'alias'), key, v[key]))
                                             AdminConfig.modify(item, [[key, v[key]]])
                                             self.logger.warn("processSecrurity: audit failure %s:, actual=%s config=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'alias'), AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, key), v[key]))
                             itemFound = "0"
                 if itemFound == "1":
           "processSecrurity: creating %s:%s" % (k, v['alias']))
                     attrList = []
                     for key in v.keys():
                         if key != 'scope':
                             attrList.append([key, v[key]])
                     if action == 'W':
                         self.logger.debug("processSecrurity: command=AdminConfig.create(%s, %s, %s)" % (k, AdminConfig.getid('%sSecurity:/' % v['scope']), attrList))
                         AdminConfig.create(k, AdminConfig.getid('%sSecurity:/' % v['scope']), attrList)
                         self.logger.warn("processSecrurity: action is %s so this item will not be created %s:%s" % (action, k, v['alias']))
         self.logger.error("processPropertySet: key and value parameters were not suppled to the method.")
         raise ProcessCommandException("key and value parameters were not suppled to the method.")
 def processPropertySet(self, cmdDict=None, action=None):
     '''processPropertySet: This method processes a single configuration object. It takes two parameters, a dictionary containing the command and the action (RW)'''
     self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     if cmdDict == None:
         self.logger.error("processPropertySet: No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
     k = cmdDict.keys()[0]
     v = cmdDict.values()[0]
     self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: key=%s, value=%s" % (k, v))
         self.validateScope(v, 'processPropertySet')
     except ProcessCommandException:"processPropertySet: Skipping propertyset %s:%s " % (k, v))
         self.propSet = None
             self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: locating property set...")
             self.propSet=AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'propertySet')
             self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: property set found.")
         except ScriptingException, msg:
             self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: msg=%s" % msg)
             self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: property set not found.")
         self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: propSet=%s " % self.propSet)
         self.propList = AdminConfig.list(k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope'])).split('\r\n')
         for key in v.keys():
             if key == 'name':
                 self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: key=%s, value=%s" % (key, v[key]))
                 for item in self.propList:
                     self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: name=%s" % AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name'))
                     if AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name') == v[key]:
                         self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: actual name=%s, value=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name'), AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'value')))
                         self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: config name=%s, value=%s" % (v['name'], v['value']))
                         if AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'value') != v['value']:
                             if action == 'W':
                       "processPropertySet: modifying %s:%s:%s=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name'), 'value', v['value']))
                                 self.logger.debug("processPropertySet: command=AdminConfig.modify(%s, [[%s, %s]])" % (item, 'value', v['value']))
                                 AdminConfig.modify(item, [['value', v['value']]])
                                 self.logger.warn("processPropertySet: audit failure %s:%s, actual=%s config=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name')), AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'value'), v['value']))
                             self.logger.debug("processPropertySet: ignoring %s %s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name'), AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'value')))
                         itemFound = "0"
                 if itemFound == "1":
                     if self.propSet != None:
               "processPropertySet: creating %s:%s:%s=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), v[key], 'value', v['value']))
                         self.logger.debug("processPropertySet: command=AdminConfig.create(%s, %s, [['name', '%s'],['type', '%s'],['value', '%s'],['required', '%s'])" % (k, self.propSet, v[key], v['type'], v['value'], v['required']))
                         AdminConfig.create(k, self.propSet, [['name', v[key]],['type', v['type']],['value', v['value']],['required', v['required']]])
                         self.logger.ERROR("processPropertySet: You tried to create a new property but the configuration does not have a property set.  You will need to to write some code to deal with this because I haven't done it yet :-)")
 def processConfigItem(self, cmdDict=None, action=None):
     '''processConfigItem: This method processes a single configuration object. It takes two parameters, a dictionary containing the command and the action (RW)'''
     self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     if cmdDict == None:
         self.logger.error("processConfigItem: No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
     k = cmdDict.keys()[0]
     v = cmdDict.values()[0]
     self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: key=%s, value=%s" % (k, v))
     template = self.setTemplate(key=k, valueDict=v)
     self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: template=%s" % template)
         self.validateScope(valueDict=v, method='processConfigItem', key=k)
     except ProcessCommandException:"processConfigItem: Skipping ConfigItem %s:%s." % (k, v))
         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: scope=%s " % AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']))
         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: finding object command=AdminConfig.getid('/%s:%s/') " % (k, v['name']))
         obj = AdminConfig.getid('/%s:%s/' % (k, v['name']))
         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: obj=%s " % obj)
         if obj == "":
             self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: obj not found, creating...")
             attrList = []
             for key in v.keys():
                 if key != 'scope':
                     attrList.append([key, v[key]])
             self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: attrList=%s" % attrList)
             self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: template=%s" % template)
             if template == None:
                 self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: template was not found...")
                 if action == 'W':
                     if k == 'J2CActivationSpec':
                         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: key is J2CActivationSpec so fixing attribute list")
                         attr = AdminConfig.list('ActivationSpec', AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']))
                         attrList.append(['activationSpec', attr])
                     elif k == 'J2CAdminObject':
                         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: key is J2CAdminObject so fixing attribute list")
                         attr = AdminConfig.list('AdminObject', AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']))
                         attrList.append(['adminObject', attr])
                     elif k == 'J2CConnectionFactory':
                         self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: key is J2CConnectionFactory so fixing attribute list")
                         attr = AdminConfig.list('ConnectionDefinition', AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']))
                         attrList.append(['connectionDefinition', attr])
           "processConfigItem: creating %s:%s:%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), k, v['name']))
                     self.logger.debug("processConfigItem: command=AdminConfig.create('%s', %s, %s)" % (k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), attrList))
                     AdminConfig.create('%s' % k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), attrList)
                     self.logger.warn("processConfigItem: action is set to %s.  Item %s:%s:%s will not be created.  Attribute and properties for this object will not exist and may cause failures in this script." % (action, AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), k, v['name']))
                 self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: template was found...")
                 if action == 'W':
           "processConfigItem: creating %s:%s:%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), k, v['name']))
                     self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: template=%s" % template)
                     self.logger.debug("processConfigItem: command=AdminConfig.createUsingTemplate('%s', %s, %s, %s)" % (k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), attrList, template))
                     AdminConfig.createUsingTemplate('%s' % k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), attrList, template)
                     self.logger.warn("processConfigItem: action is set to %s.  Item %s:%s:%s will not be created.  Attribute and properties for this object will not exist and may cause failures in this script." % (action, AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), k, v['name']))
             for key in v.keys():
                 if key != 'scope':
                     actual = AdminConfig.showAttribute(obj, key)
                     self.logger.trace("processConfigItem: attribute=%s, value=%s" % (key, actual))
                     if actual != v[key]:
                         if action == 'W':
                   "processConfigItem: modifying actual=%s to %s" % (actual,v[key]))
                             self.logger.debug("processConfigItem: command=AdminConfig.modify(%s, [['%s', '%s']])" % (obj, key, v[key]))
                             AdminConfig.modify(obj, [[key, v[key]]])
                             self.logger.warn("processPropertySet: audit failure %s:%s, actual=%s config=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), (AdminConfig.showAttribute(obj, 'name')), (AdminConfig.showAttribute(obj, key)), v[key]))
 def generateCommands(self, cmdList=None, action=None):
     '''Method that takes a list of command dictionaries and processes them.  Use this method to process a series or sequential commands.'''
     self.action = action
     if self.action == None:
         self.action = 'R'
     self.cmdList = cmdList"generateCommands: processing command list.")
     if self.cmdList == None:
         self.logger.error("generateCommands: No list was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No list was passed to the generateCommands method")"generateCommands: action is %s" % self.action)
     self.logger.trace("generateCommands: self.cmdList = %s " % self.cmdList)
     for item in self.cmdList:
         cmdDict = item
         self.logger.trace("generateCommands: item = %s" % item)
         for k, v in cmdDict.items():
             self.logger.trace("generateCommands: k = %s" % k )
             self.logger.trace("generateCommands: v = %s" % v )
             if k == "Cell":
                 self.logger.debug("generateCommands: block = Cell")
                 if AdminControl.getCell() != v['name']:
                     self.logger.error("generateCommands: Cell name %s != %s.  You may have connected to the wrong WebSphere environment or the name of the cell in the configuration xml is not correct." % (AdminControl.getCell(),v['name']))
                     raise ProcessCommandException("Cell name %s != %s.  You may have connected to the wrong WebSphere environment or the name of the cell in the configuration xml is not correct." % (AdminControl.getCell(),v['name']))
             elif k == "ServerCluster":
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = ServerCluster")
                 '''IMPLEMENT ME'''
             elif"ClusterMember", k):
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = ClusterMember")
                 '''IMPLEMENT ME'''
             elif k == "Server":
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = Server")
                 self.processServer(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "DataSource" or k == "MQQueueConnectionFactory" or k == 'MQQueue' or k == "JDBCProvider" or k == 'J2CActivationSpec' or k == 'J2CAdminObject' or k == 'J2CConnectionFactory':
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = JDBCProvider, DataSource, MQQueueConnectionFactory, MQQueue, J2CActivationSpec, J2CAdminObject, J2CConnectionFactory")
                 self.processConfigItem(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "J2EEResourceProperty":
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = J2EEResourceProperty")
                 self.processPropertySet(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "JAASAuthData":
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = JAASAuthData")
                 self.processSecurity(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "ConnectionPool" or k == "connectionPool" or k == "sessionPool" or k == 'EJBCache' or k == 'PMIService' or k == 'PMIRequestMetrics':
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = ConnectionPool, connectionPool, sessionPool")
                 self.processNestedAttribute(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "JavaVirtualMachine" or k == "ProcessExecution":
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = JavaVirtualMachine, ProcessExecution")
                 self.processNestedAttribute(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == 'SIBus' or k == 'SIBusMember' or k == 'SIBTopicSpace' or k == 'SIBQueue':
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = SIBus, SIBusMember, SIBTopicSpace, SIBQueue")
                 self.processAdminTask(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "env" or k == "Node" or k == 'dmgr' or k == 'JMSProvider' or k == 'J2CResourceAdapter':
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = env, Node, dmgr")
                 '''Ignore a tag'''
                 self.logger.debug("generateCommands: ignoring tag %s" % k )
                 '''Throw an exception if the tag is unknown'''
                 self.logger.error("generateCommands: %s is an unknown key.  Remove it from the configuration or add code to handle it." % k)
                 raise ProcessCommandException("generateCommands: %s is an unknown key. Remove it from the configuration or add code to handle it." % k)
             self.logger.debug("generateCommands: config save status is %s" % AdminConfig.hasChanges())
             if AdminConfig.hasChanges() == 1:
       "generateCommands: saving changes.")
 def processPropertySet(self, cmdDict=None, action=None):
     '''processPropertySet: This method processes a single configuration object. It takes two parameters, a dictionary containing the command and the action (RW)'''
     self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     if cmdDict == None:
         self.logger.error("processPropertySet: No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
     k = cmdDict.keys()[0]
     v = cmdDict.values()[0]
     self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: key=%s, value=%s" % (k, v))
         self.validateScope(v, 'processPropertySet')
     except ProcessCommandException:"processPropertySet: Skipping propertyset %s:%s " % (k, v))
         self.propSet = None
             self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: locating property set...")
             self.propSet=AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'propertySet')
             self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: property set found.")
         except ScriptingException, msg:
             self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: msg=%s" % msg)
             self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: property set not found.")
         self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: propSet=%s " % self.propSet)
         self.propList = AdminConfig.list(k, AdminConfig.getid(v['scope'])).splitlines()
         self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: self.propList=%s " % self.propList)
         for key in v.keys():
             if key == 'name':
                 self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: key=%s, value=%s" % (key, v[key]))
                 for item in self.propList:
                     self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: name=%s" % AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name'))
                     if AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name') == v[key]:
                         self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: actual name=%s, value=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name'), AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'value')))
                         self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: config name=%s, value=%s" % (v['name'], v['value']))
                         if AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'value') != v['value']:
                             if action == 'W':
                       "processPropertySet: modifying %s:%s:%s=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name'), 'value', v['value']))
                                 self.logger.debug("processPropertySet: command=AdminConfig.modify(%s, [[%s, %s]])" % (item, 'value', v['value']))
                                 AdminConfig.modify(item, [['value', v['value']]])
                                 self.logger.warn("processPropertySet: audit failure %s:%s, actual=%s config=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name')), AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'value'), v['value']))
                             self.logger.debug("processPropertySet: ignoring %s %s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'name'), AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'value')))
                         itemFound = "0"
                 if itemFound == "1":
                     if self.propSet != None:
               "processPropertySet: creating %s:%s:%s=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid(v['scope']), 'name'), v[key], 'value', v['value']))
                         self.logger.debug("processPropertySet: command=AdminConfig.create(%s, %s, [['name', '%s'],['type', '%s'],['value', '%s'],['required', '%s'])" % (k, self.propSet, v[key], v['type'], v['value'], v['required']))
                         AdminConfig.create(k, self.propSet, [['name', v[key]],['type', v['type']],['value', v['value']],['required', v['required']]])
                         self.logger.ERROR("processPropertySet: You tried to create a new property but the configuration does not have a property set.  You will need to to write some code to deal with this because I haven't done it yet :-)")
 def generateCommands(self, cmdList=None, action=None):
     '''Method that takes a list of command dictionaries and processes them.  Use this method to process a series or sequential commands.'''
     self.action = action
     if self.action == None:
         self.action = 'R'
     self.cmdList = cmdList"generateCommands: processing command list.")
     if self.cmdList == None:
         self.logger.error("generateCommands: No list was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No list was passed to the generateCommands method")"generateCommands: action is %s" % self.action)
     self.logger.trace("generateCommands: self.cmdList = %s " % self.cmdList)
     for item in self.cmdList:
         cmdDict = item
         self.logger.trace("generateCommands: item = %s" % item)
         for k, v in cmdDict.items():
             self.logger.trace("generateCommands: k = %s" % k )
             self.logger.trace("generateCommands: v = %s" % v )
             if k == "Cell":
                 self.logger.debug("generateCommands: block = Cell")
                 if AdminControl.getCell() != v['name']:
                     self.logger.error("generateCommands: Cell name %s != %s.  You may have connected to the wrong WebSphere environment or the name of the cell in the configuration xml is not correct." % (AdminControl.getCell(),v['name']))
                     raise ProcessCommandException("Cell name %s != %s.  You may have connected to the wrong WebSphere environment or the name of the cell in the configuration xml is not correct." % (AdminControl.getCell(),v['name']))
             elif k == "ServerCluster":
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = ServerCluster")
                 '''IMPLEMENT ME'''
             elif"ClusterMember", k):
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = ClusterMember")
                 '''IMPLEMENT ME'''
             elif k == "Server":
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = Server")
                 self.processServer(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "DataSource" or k == "MQQueueConnectionFactory" or k == 'MQQueue' or k == "JDBCProvider" or k == 'J2CActivationSpec' or k == 'J2CAdminObject' or k == 'J2CConnectionFactory':
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = JDBCProvider, DataSource, MQQueueConnectionFactory, MQQueue, J2CActivationSpec, J2CAdminObject, J2CConnectionFactory")
                 self.processConfigItem(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "J2EEResourceProperty":
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = J2EEResourceProperty")
                 self.processPropertySet(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "JAASAuthData":
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = JAASAuthData")
                 self.processSecurity(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "ConnectionPool" or k == "connectionPool" or k == "sessionPool" or k == 'EJBCache' or k == 'PMIService' or k == 'PMIRequestMetrics':
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = ConnectionPool, connectionPool, sessionPool")
                 self.processNestedAttribute(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "JavaVirtualMachine" or k == "ProcessExecution":
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = JavaVirtualMachine, ProcessExecution")
                 self.processNestedAttribute(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == 'SIBus' or k == 'SIBusMember' or k == 'SIBTopicSpace' or k == 'SIBQueue':
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = SIBus, SIBusMember, SIBTopicSpace, SIBQueue")
                 self.processAdminTask(cmdDict=cmdDict, action=self.action)
             elif k == "env" or k == "Node" or k == 'dmgr' or k == 'JMSProvider' or k == 'J2CResourceAdapter':
                 self.logger.trace("generateCommands: block = env, Node, dmgr")
                 '''Ignore a tag'''
                 self.logger.debug("generateCommands: ignoring tag %s" % k )
                 '''Throw an exception if the tag is unknown'''
                 self.logger.error("generateCommands: %s is an unknown key.  Remove it from the configuration or add code to handle it." % k)
                 raise ProcessCommandException("generateCommands: %s is an unknown key. Remove it from the configuration or add code to handle it." % k)
             self.logger.debug("generateCommands: config save status is %s" % AdminConfig.hasChanges())
             if AdminConfig.hasChanges() == 1:
       "generateCommands: saving changes.")
Exemplo n.º 30
def getServers(types):
	servers = []
	for server in wsadminToList(AdminConfig.getid("/Server:/")):
		if AdminConfig.showAttribute(server, "serverType") in types:
	return servers
Exemplo n.º 31
 def SaveConfig(self):
 def processSecurity(self, cmdDict=None, action=None):
     '''Used to process security properties'''
     self.logger.trace("processPropertySet: cmdDict=%s" % cmdDict)
     if cmdDict == None:
         self.logger.error("processPropertySet: No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
         raise ProcessCommandException("No dictionary was passed to the generateCommands method")
     k = cmdDict.keys()[0]
     v = cmdDict.values()[0]
     self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: key=%s, value=%s" % (k, v))
     if k and v != None:
         self.validateScope(v, 'processSecurity')
         self.jaasAuthDataList = AdminConfig.list(k, AdminConfig.getid('%sSecurity:/' % v['scope'])).splitlines()
         self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: jaasAuthDataList=%s"% self.jaasAuthDataList)
         for key in v.keys():
             if key == 'alias':
                 self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: key=%s, value=%s" % (key, v[key]))
                 self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: items length is=%s" % len(self.jaasAuthDataList))
                 for item in self.jaasAuthDataList:
                     self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: item=%s" % item)
                     if item != "":
                         self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: name=%s" % AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'alias'))
                         if AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, 'alias') == v[key]:
                             self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: checking alias %s" % AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'alias'))
                             for key in v.keys():
                                 if key != 'scope':
                                     self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: key=%s" % key)
                                     if AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, key) != v[key]:
                                         self.logger.trace("processSecrurity: alias:%s, key=%s, actual=%s, config=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'alias'), key, AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, key), v[key]))
                                         if action == 'W':
                                   "processSecrurity: modifying %s:%s=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'alias'), key, v[key]))
                                             self.logger.debug("processSecrurity: command=AdminConfig.modify(%s, [[%s, %s]])" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'alias'), key, v[key]))
                                             AdminConfig.modify(item, [[key, v[key]]])
                                             self.logger.warn("processSecrurity: audit failure %s:, actual=%s config=%s" % (AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'alias'), AdminConfig.showAttribute(item, key), v[key]))
                             itemFound = "0"
                 if itemFound == "1":
           "processSecrurity: creating %s:%s" % (k, v['alias']))
                     attrList = []
                     for key in v.keys():
                         if key != 'scope':
                             attrList.append([key, v[key]])
                     if action == 'W':
                         self.logger.debug("processSecrurity: command=AdminConfig.create(%s, %s, %s)" % (k, AdminConfig.getid('%sSecurity:/' % v['scope']), attrList))
                         AdminConfig.create(k, AdminConfig.getid('%sSecurity:/' % v['scope']), attrList)
                         self.logger.warn("processSecrurity: action is %s so this item will not be created %s:%s" % (action, k, v['alias']))
         self.logger.error("processPropertySet: key and value parameters were not suppled to the method.")
         raise ProcessCommandException("key and value parameters were not suppled to the method.")