Exemplo n.º 1
 def loadTable( self, element, location ):
     BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, 'kg92' )
     BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'ka92' )
     BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, 'ks63' )
     for subelement in element:
         sublocation = subelement.tag + " of " + location
         if subelement.tag == 'tr':
             #print( "table", sublocation )
             self.thisBook.addLine( 'tr', '' )
             BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( subelement, sublocation, 'sg32' )
             BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( subelement, sublocation, 'dh82' )
             BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( subelement, sublocation, 'mniq' )
             for sub2element in subelement:
                 sub2location = sub2element.tag + " of " + sublocation
                 tag, text = sub2element.tag, clean(sub2element.text)
                 assert( tag in ('th', 'thr', 'tc', 'tcr',) )
                 BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( sub2element, sub2location, 'ah82' )
                 BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( sub2element, sub2location, 'ka63' )
                 level = None
                 for attrib,value in sub2element.items():
                     if attrib == 'level': level = value
                         logging.warning( _("vx25 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                 marker = tag + (level if level else '')
                 self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\{} {}'.format( marker, text ) )
             logging.warning( _("kv64 Unprocessed {} element after {} {}:{} in {}").format( subelement.tag, self.thisBook.BBB, C, V, sublocation ) )
    def loadSystems( self, XMLFolder=None ):
        Load and pre-process the specified book order systems.
        if not self._XMLSystems: # Only ever do this once
            if XMLFolder==None: XMLFolder = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "DataFiles", "BookOrders" ) # Relative to module, not cwd
            self.__XMLFolder = XMLFolder
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading book order systems from {}…").format( self.__XMLFolder ) )
            filenamePrefix = "BIBLEBOOKORDER_"
            for filename in os.listdir( self.__XMLFolder ):
                filepart, extension = os.path.splitext( filename )
                if extension.upper() == '.XML' and filepart.upper().startswith(filenamePrefix):
                    bookOrderSystemCode = filepart[len(filenamePrefix):]
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("  Loading{} book order system from {}…").format( bookOrderSystemCode, filename ) )
                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode] = {}
                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'] = ElementTree().parse( os.path.join( self.__XMLFolder, filename ) )
                    assert self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'] # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

                    # Check and remove the header element
                    if self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'].tag  == self.treeTag:
                        header = self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'][0]
                        if header.tag == self.headerTag:
                            self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]["header"] = header
                            self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'].remove( header )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( header, "header" )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( header, "header" )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( header, "header" )
                            if len(header)>1:
                                logging.info( _("Unexpected elements in header") )
                            elif len(header)==0:
                                logging.info( _("Missing work element in header") )
                                work = header[0]
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( work, "work in header" )
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( work, "work in header" )
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( work, "work in header" )
                                if work.tag == "work":
                                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['version'] = work.find('version').text
                                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]["date"] = work.find("date").text
                                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]["title"] = work.find("title").text
                                    logging.warning( _("Missing work element in header") )
                            logging.warning( _("Missing header element (looking for {!r} tag)").format( self.headerTag ) )
                        logging.error( _("Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}").format( self.treeTag, self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'].tag ) )
                    bookCount = 0 # There must be an easier way to do this
                    for subelement in self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree']:
                        bookCount += 1
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                        print( _("    Loaded {} books for {}").format( bookCount, bookOrderSystemCode ) )
                    logging.info( _("    Loaded {} books for {}").format( bookCount, bookOrderSystemCode ) )

                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    self.__validateSystem( self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'], bookOrderSystemCode )
        else: # The data must have been already loaded
            if XMLFolder is not None and XMLFolder!=self.__XMLFolder: logging.error( _("Bible book order systems are already loaded -- your different folder of {!r} was ignored").format( self.__XMLFolder ) )
        return self
    def loadSystems( self, XMLFolder=None ):
        Load and pre-process the specified book order systems.
        if not self._XMLSystems: # Only ever do this once
            if XMLFolder==None: XMLFolder = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "DataFiles", "BookOrders" ) # Relative to module, not cwd
            self.__XMLFolder = XMLFolder
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading book order systems from {}…").format( self.__XMLFolder ) )
            filenamePrefix = "BIBLEBOOKORDER_"
            for filename in os.listdir( self.__XMLFolder ):
                filepart, extension = os.path.splitext( filename )
                if extension.upper() == '.XML' and filepart.upper().startswith(filenamePrefix):
                    bookOrderSystemCode = filepart[len(filenamePrefix):]
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("  Loading{} book order system from {}…").format( bookOrderSystemCode, filename ) )
                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode] = {}
                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'] = ElementTree().parse( os.path.join( self.__XMLFolder, filename ) )
                    assert self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'] # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

                    # Check and remove the header element
                    if self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'].tag  == self.XMLTreeTag:
                        header = self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'][0]
                        if header.tag == self.headerTag:
                            self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]["header"] = header
                            self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'].remove( header )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( header, "header" )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( header, "header" )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( header, "header" )
                            if len(header)>1:
                                logging.info( _("Unexpected elements in header") )
                            elif len(header)==0:
                                logging.info( _("Missing work element in header") )
                                work = header[0]
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( work, "work in header" )
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( work, "work in header" )
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( work, "work in header" )
                                if work.tag == "work":
                                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['version'] = work.find('version').text
                                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]["date"] = work.find("date").text
                                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]["title"] = work.find("title").text
                                    logging.warning( _("Missing work element in header") )
                            logging.warning( _("Missing header element (looking for {!r} tag)").format( self.headerTag ) )
                        logging.error( _("Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}").format( self.XMLTreeTag, self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'].tag ) )
                    bookCount = 0 # There must be an easier way to do this
                    for subelement in self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree']:
                        bookCount += 1
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                        print( _("    Loaded {} books for {}").format( bookCount, bookOrderSystemCode ) )
                    logging.info( _("    Loaded {} books for {}").format( bookCount, bookOrderSystemCode ) )

                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    self.__validateSystem( self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'], bookOrderSystemCode )
        else: # The data must have been already loaded
            if XMLFolder is not None and XMLFolder!=self.__XMLFolder: logging.error( _("Bible book order systems are already loaded -- your different folder of {!r} was ignored").format( self.__XMLFolder ) )
        return self
Exemplo n.º 4
 def loadCrossreference( self, element, location ):
     Has to handle: <x caller="+"><ref tgt="EXO.30.12">Exodus 30:12</ref></x>
     text, tail = clean(element.text), clean(element.tail)
     caller = None
     for attrib,value in element.items():
         if attrib == 'caller':
             caller = value
             logging.warning( _("fhj2 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
     self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\x {}'.format( caller ) )
     for subelement in element:
         sublocation = subelement.tag + " of " + location
         marker, xText, xTail = subelement.tag, clean(subelement.text), clean(subelement.tail)
         #print( "USFX.loadCrossreference", repr(caller), repr(text), repr(tail), repr(marker), repr(xText), repr(xTail) )
         #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0 and marker not in ('ref','xo','xt',):
             #print( "USFX.loadCrossreference found", repr(caller), repr(marker), repr(xText), repr(xTail) )
         if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( marker in ('ref','xo','xt',) )
         if marker=='ref':
             assert( xText )
             BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 's1sd' )
             target = None
             for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                 if attrib == 'tgt': target = value
                     logging.warning( _("aj41 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sublocation ) )
             if target:
                 self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\{} {}\\{}*{}'.format( marker, target, marker, xText ) )
             else: halt
             BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( subelement, sublocation, 'sc35' )
             self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\{} {}'.format( marker, xText ) )
             if marker[0] == 'x': # Starts with x, e.g., xo, xt
                 for sub2element in subelement:
                     sub2location = sub2element.tag + " of " + sublocation
                     marker2, xText2, xTail2 = sub2element.tag, clean(sub2element.text), clean(sub2element.tail)
                     BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( sub2element, sub2location, 'fs63' )
                     if marker2=='ref':
                         if xText2:
                             #print( 'xt2', marker2, repr(xText2), repr(xTail2), sub2location )
                             self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( xText2 )
                         target = None
                         for attrib,value in sub2element.items():
                             if attrib == 'tgt': target = value
                                 logging.warning( _("gs34 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sub2location ) )
                         if target: self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\{} {}'.format( marker2, target ) )
                         else: halt
                     else: halt
                     if xTail2: self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( xTail2 )
             else: halt
         if xTail:
             self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( '\\{}*{}'.format( marker, xTail ) )
     self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( '\\x*{}'.format( (' '+tail) if tail else '' ) )
Exemplo n.º 5
    def loadSystems( self, XMLFolder=None ):
        Load and pre-process the specified punctuation systems.
        if not self._XMLSystems: # Only ever do this once
            if XMLFolder==None: XMLFolder = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "DataFiles", "PunctuationSystems" ) # Relative to module, not cwd
            self.__XMLFolder = XMLFolder
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading punctuations systems from {}...").format( self.__XMLFolder ) )
            filenamePrefix = "BIBLEPUNCTUATIONSYSTEM_"
            for filename in os.listdir( self.__XMLFolder ):
                filepart, extension = os.path.splitext( filename )

                if extension.upper() == '.XML' and filepart.upper().startswith(filenamePrefix):
                    punctuationSystemCode = filepart[len(filenamePrefix):]
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Loading {} punctuation system from {}...").format( punctuationSystemCode, filename ) )
                    self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode] = {}
                    self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["tree"] = ElementTree().parse( os.path.join( self.__XMLFolder, filename ) )
                    assert( self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["tree"] ) # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

                    # Check and remove the header element
                    if self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["tree"].tag  == self.treeTag:
                        header = self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["tree"][0]
                        if header.tag == self.headerTag:
                            self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["header"] = header
                            self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["tree"].remove( header )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( header, "header" )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( header, "header" )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( header, "header" )
                            if len(header)>1:
                                logging.info( _("Unexpected elements in header") )
                            elif len(header)==0:
                                logging.info( _("Missing work element in header") )
                                work = header[0]
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( work, "work in header" )
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( work, "work in header" )
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( work, "work in header" )
                                if work.tag == "work":
                                    self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["version"] = work.find("version").text
                                    self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["date"] = work.find("date").text
                                    self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["title"] = work.find("title").text
                                    logging.warning( _("Missing work element in header") )
                            logging.warning( _("Missing header element (looking for {!r} tag)").format( headerTag ) )
                        logging.error( _("Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}").format( treeTag, self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["tree"].tag ) )
                    bookCount = 0 # There must be an easier way to do this
                    for subelement in self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["tree"]:
                        bookCount += 1
                    logging.info( _("    Loaded {} books").format( bookCount ) )

                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                        self._validateSystem( self._XMLSystems[punctuationSystemCode]["tree"], punctuationSystemCode )
        return self
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __load(self, XMLFilepath):
        Load the source XML file and remove the header from the tree.
        Also, extracts some useful elements from the header element.
        assert (XMLFilepath)
        self.__XMLFilepath = XMLFilepath
        assert (self._XMLtree is None or len(self._XMLtree) == 0
                )  # Make sure we're not doing this twice

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                _("Loading BibleReferencesLinks XML file from {!r}...").format(
        self._XMLtree = ElementTree().parse(self.__XMLFilepath)
        assert (self._XMLtree)  # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        if self._XMLtree.tag == self._treeTag:
            header = self._XMLtree[0]
            if header.tag == self._headerTag:
                self.XMLheader = header
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(header, "header")
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(header, "header")
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes(header, "header")
                if len(header) > 1:
                    logging.info(_("Unexpected elements in header"))
                elif len(header) == 0:
                    logging.info(_("Missing work element in header"))
                    work = header[0]
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(work, "work in header")
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(work, "work in header")
                        work, "work in header")
                    if work.tag == "work":
                        self.ProgVersion = work.find("version").text
                        self.dateString = work.find("date").text
                        self.titleString = work.find("title").text
                        logging.warning(_("Missing work element in header"))
                    _("Missing header element (looking for {!r} tag)".format(
            if header.tail is not None and header.tail.strip():
                    _("Unexpected {!r} tail data after header").format(
                _("Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}").format(
                    self._treeTag, self._XMLtree.tag))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def validateEntries( self, segment ):
        Check/validate the given Strongs lexicon entries.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( segment.tag == "entries" )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( segment, segment.tag, "kw99" )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( segment, segment.tag, "ls90" )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( segment, segment.tag, "hsj2" )

        self.StrongsEntries = {}
        for element in segment:
            if element.tag == "entry":
                self.validateEntry( element )
Exemplo n.º 8
    def validateEntries( self, segment ):
        Check/validate the given Strongs lexicon entries.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert segment.tag == "entries"
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( segment, segment.tag, "kw99" )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( segment, segment.tag, "ls90" )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( segment, segment.tag, "hsj2" )

        self.StrongsEntries = {}
        for element in segment:
            if element.tag == "entry":
                self.validateEntry( element )
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __validateAndExtractParagraph(self, BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook,
        Check/validate and extract paragraph data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving paragraphs and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            print(_("Validating XML paragraph…"))

        location = "paragraph in {} {}".format(BBB, chapterNumber)
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes(paragraph, location, 'brgw3')
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(paragraph, location, 'brgw3')
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(paragraph, location, 'brgw3')
        thisBook.addLine('p', '')

        # Handle verse subelements (verses)
        for element in paragraph:
            if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag:
                location = "verse in {} {}".format(BBB, chapterNumber)
                self.__validateAndExtractVerse(BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook,
            elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.captionTag + 'disabled':  # Used in Psalms
                location = "caption in {} {}".format(BBB, chapterNumber)
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, location, 'k5k8')
                    element, location, 'd3f5')
                # Handle caption attributes
                vRef = None
                for attrib, value in element.items():
                    if attrib == "vref":
                        vRef = value
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef == '1'
                            "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in caption element"
                            .format(attrib, value))
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef
                vText = element.text
                if not vText:
                    logging.warning("{} {}:{} has no text".format(
                        BBB, chapterNumber, vRef))
                if vText:  # This is the main text of the caption
                    #print( "{} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                    thisBook.addLine('v', '0' + ' ' +
                                     vText)  # We save it as verse zero
                logging.error("Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                    HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def loadCharacterFormatting( self, element, location, BBB, C, V ):
     marker, text, tail = element.tag, clean(element.text), clean(element.tail)
     BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, 'sd12' )
     self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\{} {}'.format( marker, text ) )
     for subelement in element:
         sublocation = subelement.tag + " of " + location
         #print( "element", repr(element.tag) )
         if subelement.tag == 'f':
             #print( "USFX.loadParagraph Found footnote at", sublocation, C, V, repr(subelement.text) )
             self.loadFootnote( subelement, sublocation, BBB, C, V )
             logging.warning( _("sf31 Unprocessed {} element after {} {}:{} in {}").format( repr(subelement.tag), self.thisBook.BBB, C, V, location ) )
             if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: halt
     self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( '\\{}*{}'.format( marker, (' '+tail) if tail else '' ) )
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __validateAndExtractBook( self, book ):
        Check/validate and extract book data from the given XML book record
            finding chapter subelements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML book…") )

        # Process the div attributes first
        BBB = bookName = bookShortName = bookNumber = None
        for attrib,value in book.items():
            if attrib=="bnumber":
                bookNumber = value
            elif attrib=="bname":
                bookName = value
            elif attrib=="bsname":
                bookShortName = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in book element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if bookNumber:
            try: BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromReferenceNumber( bookNumber )
            except KeyError:
                logging.warning( "Unable to deduce which book is number={}, name={}, shortName={} -- ignoring it" \
                                                                        .format( bookNumber, bookName, bookShortName ) )
        elif bookName:
            BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText( bookName )

        if BBB:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Validating {} {}…").format( BBB, bookName ) )
            thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
            thisBook.objectNameString = 'Haggai XML Bible Book object'
            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'Haggai'
            #thisBook.sourceFilepath = self.sourceFilepath
            for element in book:
                if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.captionTag:
                    sublocation = "caption in {}".format( BBB )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jhl6' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'jk21' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'kjh6' )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'mt', element.text )
                elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.chapterTag:
                    sublocation = "chapter in {}".format( BBB )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                    self.__validateAndExtractChapter( BBB, thisBook, element )
                else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.chapterTag, element.tag ) )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "  Saving {} into results…".format( BBB ) )
            self.stashBook( thisBook )
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __validateAndExtractBook( self, book ):
        Check/validate and extract book data from the given XML book record
            finding chapter subelements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML book…") )

        # Process the div attributes first
        BBB = bookName = bookShortName = bookNumber = None
        for attrib,value in book.items():
            if attrib=="bnumber":
                bookNumber = value
            elif attrib=="bname":
                bookName = value
            elif attrib=="bsname":
                bookShortName = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in book element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if bookNumber:
            try: BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromReferenceNumber( bookNumber )
            except KeyError:
                logging.warning( "Unable to deduce which book is number={}, name={}, shortName={} -- ignoring it" \
                                                                        .format( bookNumber, bookName, bookShortName ) )
        elif bookName:
            BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText( bookName )

        if BBB:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Validating {} {}…").format( BBB, bookName ) )
            thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
            thisBook.objectNameString = 'Haggai XML Bible Book object'
            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'Haggai'
            #thisBook.sourceFilepath = self.sourceFilepath
            for element in book:
                if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.captionTag:
                    sublocation = "caption in {}".format( BBB )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jhl6' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'jk21' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'kjh6' )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'mt', element.text )
                elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.chapterTag:
                    sublocation = "chapter in {}".format( BBB )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                    self.__validateAndExtractChapter( BBB, thisBook, element )
                else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.chapterTag, element.tag ) )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "  Saving {} into results…".format( BBB ) )
            self.stashBook( thisBook )
Exemplo n.º 13
 def loadFigure( self, element, location ):
     BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, 'ff36' )
     BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, 'cf35' )
     figDict = { 'description':'', 'catalog':'', 'size':'', 'location':'', 'copyright':'', 'caption':'', 'reference':'' }
     for subelement in element:
         sublocation = subelement.tag + " of " + location
         figTag, figText = subelement.tag, clean(subelement.text)
         assert( figTag in figDict )
         figDict[figTag] = '' if figText is None else figText
         BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( subelement, sublocation, 'jkf5' )
         BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( subelement, sublocation, 'ld18' )
         BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'hb46' )
     newString = ''
     for j,tag in enumerate( ('description', 'catalog', 'size', 'location', 'copyright', 'caption', 'reference',) ):
         newString += ('' if j==0 else '|') + figDict[tag]
     figTail = clean( element.tail )
     self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\fig {}\\fig*{}'.format( newString, (' '+figTail) if figTail else '' ) )
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __load( self, XMLFilepath ):
        Load the source XML file and remove the header from the tree.
        Also, extracts some useful elements from the header element.
        assert XMLFilepath
        self.__XMLFilepath = XMLFilepath
        assert self._XMLtree is None or len(self._XMLtree)==0 # Make sure we're not doing this twice

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading USFMMarkers XML file from {!r}…").format( self.__XMLFilepath ) )
        self._XMLtree = ElementTree().parse( self.__XMLFilepath )
        assert self._XMLtree # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        if self._XMLtree.tag == self._treeTag:
            header = self._XMLtree[0]
            if header.tag == self._headerTag:
                self.XMLheader = header
                self._XMLtree.remove( header )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( header, "header" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( header, "header" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( header, "header" )
                if len(header)>1:
                    logging.info( _("Unexpected elements in header") )
                elif len(header)==0:
                    logging.info( _("Missing work element in header") )
                    work = header[0]
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( work, "work in header" )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( work, "work in header" )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( work, "work in header" )
                    if work.tag == "work":
                        self.ProgVersion = work.find('version').text
                        self.dateString = work.find("date").text
                        self.titleString = work.find("title").text
                        logging.warning( _("Missing work element in header") )
                logging.warning( _("Missing header element (looking for {!r} tag)".format( self._headerTag ) ) )
            if header.tail is not None and header.tail.strip(): logging.error( _("Unexpected {!r} tail data after header").format( element.tail ) )
            logging.error( _("Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}").format( self._treeTag, self._XMLtree.tag ) )
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __validateAndExtractParagraph( self, BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, paragraph ):
        Check/validate and extract paragraph data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving paragraphs and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML paragraph…") )

        location = "paragraph in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( paragraph, location, 'brgw3' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( paragraph, location, 'brgw3' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( paragraph, location, 'brgw3' )
        thisBook.addLine( 'p', '' )

        # Handle verse subelements (verses)
        for element in paragraph:
            if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag:
                location = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                self.__validateAndExtractVerse( BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, element )
            elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.captionTag+'disabled': # Used in Psalms
                location = "caption in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'k5k8' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'd3f5' )
                # Handle caption attributes
                vRef = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="vref":
                        vRef = value
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef == '1'
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in caption element".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef
                vText = element.text
                if not vText:
                    logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, vRef ) )
                if vText: # This is the main text of the caption
                    #print( "{} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'v', '0' + ' ' + vText ) # We save it as verse zero
            else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag ) )
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __validateAndExtractHeader( self ):
        Extracts information out of the header record, such as:
            <title>King James Version</title>
            <subject>The Holy Bible</subject>
            <description>In 1604, King James I of England authorized that a new translation of the Bible into English be started. It was finished in 1611, just 85 years after the first translation of the New Testament into English appeared (Tyndale, 1526). The Authorized Version, or King James Version, quickly became the standard for English-speaking Protestants. Its flowing language and prose rhythm has had a profound influence on the literature of the past 300 years.</description>
            <publisher>FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE GROUP</publisher>
            <contributors />
            <format>Haggai XML Bible Markup Language</format>
            <coverage>provide the Bible to the nations of the world</coverage>
            <rights>We believe that this Bible is found in the Public Domain.</rights>
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert self.header
        location = 'Header'
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( self.header, location, 'j4j6' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.header, location, 'sk4l' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.header, location, 'a2d4' )

        # TODO: We probably need to rationalise some of the self.xxx stores
        for element in self.header:
            #print( "header", element.tag )
            if element.tag == 'title':
                sublocation = "title in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.title = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'creator':
                sublocation = "creator in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.creator = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'subject':
                sublocation = "subject in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.subject = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'description':
                sublocation = "description in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.description = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'publisher':
                sublocation = "publisher in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.publisher = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'contributor':
                sublocation = "contributor in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'alj1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jjd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5gk78' )
                if element.text:
                    try: self.contributor = [ self.contributor, element.text ] # Put multiples into a list
                    except AttributeError: self.contributor = element.text # Must be the first (and possibly only) one
            elif element.tag == 'contributors':
                sublocation = "contributors in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.contributors = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'date':
                sublocation = "date in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.date = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'type':
                sublocation = "type in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.documentType = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'format':
                sublocation = "format in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text == 'Haggai XML Bible Markup Language'
            elif element.tag == 'identifier':
                sublocation = "identifier in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.identifier = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'source':
                sublocation = "source in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.source = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'language':
                sublocation = "language in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.language = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'coverage':
                sublocation = "coverage in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.coverage = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'rights':
                sublocation = "rights in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.rights = element.text
            else: logging.error( "Found unexpected {!r} tag in {}".format( element.tag, location ) )
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __validateAndExtractHeader( self ):
        Extracts information out of the header record, such as:
            <title>King James Version</title>
            <subject>The Holy Bible</subject>
            <description>In 1604, King James I of England authorized that a new translation of the Bible into English be started. It was finished in 1611, just 85 years after the first translation of the New Testament into English appeared (Tyndale, 1526). The Authorized Version, or King James Version, quickly became the standard for English-speaking Protestants. Its flowing language and prose rhythm has had a profound influence on the literature of the past 300 years.</description>
            <publisher>FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE GROUP</publisher>
            <contributors />
            <format>Haggai XML Bible Markup Language</format>
            <coverage>provide the Bible to the nations of the world</coverage>
            <rights>We believe that this Bible is found in the Public Domain.</rights>
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert self.header
        location = 'Header'
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( self.header, location, 'j4j6' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.header, location, 'sk4l' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.header, location, 'a2d4' )

        # TODO: We probably need to rationalise some of the self.xxx stores
        for element in self.header:
            #print( "header", element.tag )
            if element.tag == 'title':
                sublocation = "title in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.title = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'creator':
                sublocation = "creator in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.creator = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'subject':
                sublocation = "subject in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.subject = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'description':
                sublocation = "description in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.description = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'publisher':
                sublocation = "publisher in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.publisher = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'contributor':
                sublocation = "contributor in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'alj1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jjd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5gk78' )
                if element.text:
                    try: self.contributor = [ self.contributor, element.text ] # Put multiples into a list
                    except AttributeError: self.contributor = element.text # Must be the first (and possibly only) one
            elif element.tag == 'contributors':
                sublocation = "contributors in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.contributors = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'date':
                sublocation = "date in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.date = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'type':
                sublocation = "type in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.documentType = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'format':
                sublocation = "format in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text == 'Haggai XML Bible Markup Language'
            elif element.tag == 'identifier':
                sublocation = "identifier in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.identifier = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'source':
                sublocation = "source in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.source = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'language':
                sublocation = "language in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.language = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'coverage':
                sublocation = "coverage in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.coverage = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'rights':
                sublocation = "rights in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.rights = element.text
            else: logging.error( "Found unexpected {!r} tag in {}".format( element.tag, location ) )
Exemplo n.º 18
    def load( self ):
        Load a single source XML file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading {}…").format( self.sourceFilepath ) )
        self.tree = ElementTree().parse( self.sourceFilepath )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert len ( self.tree ) # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}
        self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView'] = {}

        # Find the main (bible) container
        if self.tree.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.treeTag:
            location = "VerseView XML file"
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.tree, location, '4f6h' )
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( self.tree, location, 'js24' )
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.tree, location, '1wk8' )

            # Find the submain (various info and then book) containers
            bookNumber = 0
            for element in self.tree:
                if element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.filenameTag:
                    sublocation = "filename in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    #self.filename = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.revisionTag:
                    sublocation = "revision in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Revision'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.titleTag:
                    sublocation = "title in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Title'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.fontTag:
                    sublocation = "font in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Font'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.copyrightTag:
                    sublocation = "copyright in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Copyright'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.sizefactorTag:
                    sublocation = "sizefactor in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text == '1'
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.bookTag:
                    sublocation = "book in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'g3g5' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'd3f6' )
                    bookNumber += 1
                    self.__validateAndExtractBook( element, bookNumber )
                else: logging.error( "xk15 Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( VerseViewXMLBible.bookTag, element.tag ) )
        else: logging.error( "Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}".format( VerseViewXMLBible.treeTag, self.tree.tag ) )

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            # These are all compulsory so they should all exist
            #print( "Filename is {!r}".format( self.filename ) )
            print( "Revision is {!r}".format( self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Revision'] ) )
            print( "Title is {!r}".format( self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Title'] ) )
            print( "Font is {!r}".format( self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Font'] ) )
            print( "Copyright is {!r}".format( self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Copyright'] ) )
            #print( "SizeFactor is {!r}".format( self.sizeFactor ) )

        self.applySuppliedMetadata( 'VerseView' ) # Copy some to self.settingsDict
    def __validateSystem( self, bookOrderTree, systemName ):
        """ Do a semi-automatic check of the XML file validity. """
        assert bookOrderTree

        uniqueDict = {}
        for elementName in self.uniqueElements: uniqueDict["Element_"+elementName] = []
        for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes: uniqueDict["Attribute_"+attributeName] = []

        expectedID = 1
        for k,element in enumerate(bookOrderTree):
            if element.tag == self.mainElementTag:
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, element.tag )
                if not self.compulsoryAttributes and not self.optionalAttributes: BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, element.tag )
                if not self.compulsoryElements and not self.optionalElements: BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, element.tag )

                # Check ascending ID field
                ID = element.get("id")
                intID = int( ID )
                if intID != expectedID:
                    logging.error( _("ID numbers out of sequence in record {} (got {} when expecting {}) for {}").format( k, intID, expectedID, systemName ) )
                expectedID += 1

                # Check that this is unique
                if element.text:
                    if element.text in uniqueDict:
                        logging.error( _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} element in record with ID {!r} (record {}) for {}").format( element.text, element.tag, ID, k, systemName ) )
                    uniqueDict[element.text] = None

                # Check compulsory attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.compulsoryAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is None:
                        logging.error( _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is missing from {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, k ) )
                    if not attributeValue:
                        logging.warning( _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, k ) )

                # Check optional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.optionalAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if not attributeValue:
                            logging.warning( _("Optional {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, k ) )

                # Check for unexpected additional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in element.keys():
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeName not in self.compulsoryAttributes and attributeName not in self.optionalAttributes:
                        logging.warning( _("Additional {!r} attribute ({!r}) found on {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, attributeValue, element.tag, k ) )

                # Check the attributes that must contain unique information (in that particular field -- doesn't check across different attributes)
                for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if attributeValue in uniqueDict["Attribute_"+attributeName]:
                            logging.error( _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} field on {} element in record {}").format( attributeValue, attributeName, element.tag, k ) )
                        uniqueDict["Attribute_"+attributeName].append( attributeValue )

                # Check compulsory elements
                for elementName in self.compulsoryElements:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is None:
                        logging.error( _("Compulsory {!r} element is missing in record with ID {!r} (record {})").format( elementName, ID, k ) )
                    if not element.find( elementName ).text:
                        logging.warning( _("Compulsory {!r} element is blank in record with ID {!r} (record {})").format( elementName, ID, k ) )

                # Check optional elements
                for elementName in self.optionalElements:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is not None:
                        if not element.find( elementName ).text:
                            logging.warning( _("Optional {!r} element is blank in record with ID {!r} (record {})").format( elementName, ID, k ) )

                # Check for unexpected additional elements
                for subelement in element:
                    if subelement.tag not in self.compulsoryElements and subelement.tag not in self.optionalElements:
                        logging.warning( _("Additional {!r} element ({!r}) found in record with ID {!r} (record {})").format( subelement.tag, subelement.text, ID, k ) )

                # Check the elements that must contain unique information (in that particular element -- doesn't check across different elements)
                for elementName in self.uniqueElements:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is not None:
                        text = element.find( elementName ).text
                        if text in uniqueDict["Element_"+elementName]:
                            logging.error( _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} element in record with ID {!r} (record {})").format( text, elementName, ID, k ) )
                        uniqueDict["Element_"+elementName].append( text )
                logging.warning( _("Unexpected element: {} in record {}").format( element.tag, k ) )
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __validate( self ):
        Check/validate the loaded data.
        assert self._XMLtree

        uniqueDict = {}
        for elementName in self._uniqueElements: uniqueDict["Element_"+elementName] = []
        for attributeName in self._uniqueAttributes: uniqueDict["Attribute_"+attributeName] = []

        expectedID = 1
        for j,element in enumerate(self._XMLtree):
            if element.tag == self._mainElementTag:
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, element.tag )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, element.tag )
                if not self._compulsoryAttributes and not self._optionalAttributes: BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, element.tag )
                if not self._compulsoryElements and not self._optionalElements: BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, element.tag )

                # Check compulsory attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self._compulsoryAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is None:
                        logging.error( _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is missing from {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, j ) )
                    if not attributeValue:
                        logging.warning( _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, j ) )

                # Check optional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self._optionalAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if not attributeValue:
                            logging.warning( _("Optional {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, j ) )

                # Check for unexpected additional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in element.keys():
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeName not in self._compulsoryAttributes and attributeName not in self._optionalAttributes:
                        logging.warning( _("Additional {!r} attribute ({!r}) found on {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, attributeValue, element.tag, j ) )

                # Check the attributes that must contain unique information (in that particular field -- doesn't check across different attributes)
                for attributeName in self._uniqueAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if attributeValue in uniqueDict["Attribute_"+attributeName]:
                            logging.error( _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} field on {} element in record {}").format( attributeValue, attributeName, element.tag, j ) )
                        uniqueDict["Attribute_"+attributeName].append( attributeValue )

                # Get the marker to use as a record ID
                marker = element.find("marker").text

                # Check compulsory elements
                for elementName in self._compulsoryElements:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is None:
                        logging.error( _("Compulsory {!r} element is missing in record with marker {!r} (record {})").format( elementName, marker, j ) )
                    elif not element.find( elementName ).text:
                        logging.warning( _("Compulsory {!r} element is blank in record with marker {!r} (record {})").format( elementName, marker, j ) )

                # Check optional elements
                for elementName in self._optionalElements:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is not None:
                        if not element.find( elementName ).text:
                            logging.warning( _("Optional {!r} element is blank in record with marker {!r} (record {})").format( elementName, marker, j ) )

                # Check for unexpected additional elements
                for subelement in element:
                    if subelement.tag not in self._compulsoryElements and subelement.tag not in self._optionalElements:
                        logging.warning( _("Additional {!r} element ({!r}) found in record with marker {!r} (record {})").format( subelement.tag, subelement.text, marker, j ) )

                # Check the elements that must contain unique information (in that particular element -- doesn't check across different elements)
                for elementName in self._uniqueElements:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is not None:
                        text = element.find( elementName ).text
                        if text in uniqueDict["Element_"+elementName]:
                            logging.error( _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} element in record with marker {!r} (record {})").format( text, elementName, marker, j ) )
                        uniqueDict["Element_"+elementName].append( text )
                logging.warning( _("Unexpected element: {} in record {}").format( element.tag, j ) )
            if element.tail is not None and element.tail.strip(): logging.error( _("Unexpected {!r} tail data after {} element in record {}").format( element.tail, element.tag, j ) )
        if self._XMLtree.tail is not None and self._XMLtree.tail.strip(): logging.error( _("Unexpected {!r} tail data after {} element").format( self._XMLtree.tail, self._XMLtree.tag ) )
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __validateAndExtractChapter(self, BBB, thisBook, chapter):
        Check/validate and extract chapter data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving chapter numbers and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            print(_("Validating XML chapter…"))

        # Process the div attributes first
        chapterNumber = numVerses = None
        for attrib, value in chapter.items():
            if attrib == "n":
                chapterNumber = value
            elif attrib == "VERSES":
                numVerses = value
                    "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in chapter element".
                    format(attrib, value))
        if chapterNumber:
            #print( BBB, 'c', chapterNumber )
            chapterNumber = chapterNumber.replace(
                'of Solomon ', '')  # Fix a mistake in the Chinese_SU module
            thisBook.addLine('c', chapterNumber)
                "Missing 'n' attribute in chapter element for {}".format(BBB))

        for element in chapter:
            if element.tag == OpenSongXMLBible.verseTag:
                sublocation = "verse in {} {}".format(BBB, chapterNumber)
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation, 'l5ks')
                verseNumber = toVerseNumber = None
                for attrib, value in element.items():
                    if attrib == "n":
                        verseNumber = value
                    elif attrib == "t":
                        toVerseNumber = value
                            "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in verse element".
                            format(attrib, value))
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert verseNumber
                #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber )
                vText = element.text if element.text else ''
                for subelement in element:
                    sub2location = "{} in {}".format(subelement.tag,
                        subelement, sub2location, 'ks03')
                        subelement, sub2location, 'ks05')
                    if subelement.tag == 'i':
                        vText += '\\it {}\\it*{}'.format(
                            subelement.text, subelement.tail)
                            "Expected to find 'i' but got {!r}".format(
                vText += element.tail if element.tail else ''
                if not vText:
                    logging.warning("{} {}:{} has no text".format(
                        BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber))
                #print( 'vText1', vText )
                if vText:  # This is the main text of the verse (follows the verse milestone)
                    #print( "{} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                    if '\n' in vText:  # This is how they represent poety
                        #print( "vText", repr(vText), repr(element.text) )
                        for j, textBit in enumerate(vText.split('\n')):
                            if j == 0:
                                thisBook.addLine('q1', '')
                                                 verseNumber + ' ' + textBit)
                                thisBook.addLine('q1', textBit)
                    else:  # Just one verse line
                        thisBook.addLine('v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText)
                #print( 'vText2', vText )
                logging.error("Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                    OpenSongXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag))
Exemplo n.º 22
    def validateEntry( self, entry ):
        Check/validate the given Strongs Greek lexicon entry.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( entry.tag == "entry" )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( entry, entry.tag, "na19" )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( entry, entry.tag, "kaq9" )

        # Process the entry attributes first
        strongs5 = None
        for attrib,value in entry.items():
            if attrib ==  "strongs":
                strongs5 = value
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "Validating {} entry...".format( strongs5 ) )
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in main entry element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( len(strongs5)==5 and strongs5.isdigit() )

        entryResults = {}
        entryString = ""
        gettingEssentials = True
        for j, element in enumerate( entry ):
            #print( strongs5, j, element.tag, repr(entryString) )
            if element.tag == "strongs":
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( gettingEssentials and j==0 and element.text )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, element.tag, "md3d" )
                if strongs5!='02717' and (3203 > int(strongs5) > 3302):
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, element.tag, "f3g7" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, element.tag, "m56g" )
                strongs = element.text
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( strongs5.endswith( strongs ) )
                if element.tail and element.tail.strip(): entryString += element.tail.strip()
            elif element.tag == "greek":
                location = "greek in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, "jke0" )
                #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "ks24" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, "df35" )
                # Process the attributes
                translit = greek = beta = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="translit": translit = value
                    elif attrib=="unicode": greek = value
                    elif attrib=="BETA": beta = value
                    else: logging.warning( "scs4 Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in {}".format( attrib, value, location ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( greek and translit and beta )
                if 'word' not in entryResults: # This is the first/main entry
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( gettingEssentials and j==1 )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "ks24" )
                    entryResults['word'] = (greek, translit, beta)
                    #print( "Have multiple greek entries in " + strongs5 )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( j > 2 )
                    gettingEssentials = False
                    entryString += ' ' + BibleOrgSysGlobals.getFlattenedXML( element, strongs5 ) #.replace( '\n', '' )
            elif element.tag == "pronunciation":
                location = "pronunciation in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, "iw9k" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, "0s20" )
                # Process the attributes
                pronunciation = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="strongs": pronunciation = value
                    else: logging.warning( "scs4 Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in {}".format( attrib, value, location ) )
                if gettingEssentials:
                    #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "kd02" )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                        assert( j == 2 )
                        assert( pronunciation )
                        assert( 'pronunciation' not in entryResults )
                    entryResults['pronunciation'] = pronunciation
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( j>2 and not gettingEssentials )
                    if element.tail and element.tail.strip(): entryString += element.tail.strip().replace( '\n', '' )
            elif element.tag == "strongs_derivation":
                location = "strongs_derivation in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, "jke0" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "ks24" )
                derivation = BibleOrgSysGlobals.getFlattenedXML( element, strongs5 ).replace( '\n', '' )
                #print( strongs5, "derivation", repr(derivation) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                    assert( derivation and '\t' not in derivation and '\n' not in derivation )
                entryString +=  derivation
            elif element.tag == "strongs_def":
                location = "strongs_def in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, "jke0" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "jd28" )
                definition = BibleOrgSysGlobals.getFlattenedXML( element, strongs5 ).replace( '\n', '' )
                #print( strongs5, "definition", repr(definition) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                    assert( definition and '\t' not in definition and '\n' not in definition )
                entryString += definition
            elif element.tag == "kjv_def":
                location = "kjv_def in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, "jke0" )
                #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "8s2s" )
                #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, "dvb2" )
                KJVdefinition = BibleOrgSysGlobals.getFlattenedXML( element, strongs5 ).replace( '\n', '' )
                #print( strongs5, "KJVdefinition", repr(KJVdefinition), repr(entryString) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( KJVdefinition and '\t' not in KJVdefinition and '\n' not in KJVdefinition )
                entryString += KJVdefinition
            elif element.tag == "strongsref":
                location = "strongsref in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, "kls2" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, "ks24" )
                strongsRef = BibleOrgSysGlobals.getFlattenedXML( element, strongs5 ).replace( '\n', '' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                    assert( strongsRef and '\t' not in strongsRef and '\n' not in strongsRef )
                strongsRef = re.sub( '<language="GREEK" strongs="(\d{1,5})">', r'<StrongsRef>G\1</StrongsRef>', strongsRef )
                strongsRef = re.sub( '<strongs="(\d{1,5})" language="GREEK">', r'<StrongsRef>G\1</StrongsRef>', strongsRef )
                #strongsRef = re.sub( '<language="HEBREW" strongs="(\d{1,5})">', r'<StrongsRef>H\1</StrongsRef>', strongsRef )
                #strongsRef = re.sub( '<strongs="(\d{1,5})" language="HEBREW">', r'<StrongsRef>H\1</StrongsRef>', strongsRef )
                #print( strongs5, "strongsRef", repr(strongsRef) )
                entryString += ' ' + strongsRef
            elif element.tag == "see":
                location = "see in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, "iw9k" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "kd02" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, "0s20" )
                # Process the attributes
                seeLanguage = seeStrongsNumber = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == "language": seeLanguage = value
                    elif attrib == "strongs": seeStrongsNumber = value # Note: No leading zeroes here
                    else: logging.warning( "scs4 Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in {}".format( attrib, value, location ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                    assert( seeLanguage and seeStrongsNumber and seeStrongsNumber.isdigit() )
                    assert( seeLanguage in ('GREEK','HEBREW',) )
                if 'see' not in entryResults: entryResults['see'] = []
                entryResults['see'].append( ('G' if seeLanguage=='GREEK' else 'H') + seeStrongsNumber )
            else: logging.error( "2d4f Unprocessed {!r} element ({}) in entry".format( element.tag, element.text ) )

        if entryString:
            #print( strongs5, "entryString", repr(entryString) )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                assert( '\t' not in entryString and '\n' not in entryString )
            entryString = re.sub( '<strongsref language="GREEK" strongs="(\d{1,5})"></strongsref>',
                                r'<StrongsRef>G\1</StrongsRef>', entryString )
            entryString = re.sub( '<strongsref strongs="(\d{1,5})" language="GREEK"></strongsref>',
                                r'<StrongsRef>G\1</StrongsRef>', entryString )
            entryString = re.sub( '<strongsref language="HEBREW" strongs="(\d{1,5})"></strongsref>',
                                r'<StrongsRef>H\1</StrongsRef>', entryString )
            entryString = re.sub( '<strongsref strongs="(\d{1,5})" language="HEBREW"></strongsref>',
                                r'<StrongsRef>H\1</StrongsRef>', entryString )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                assert( 'strongsref' not in entryString )
            entryResults['Entry'] = entryString
        #print( "entryResults", entryResults )
        self.StrongsEntries[strongs] = entryResults
Exemplo n.º 23
    def load(self):
        Load a single source XML file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            print(_("Loading {}…").format(self.sourceFilepath))
        self.XMLTree = ElementTree().parse(self.sourceFilepath)
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
            assert len(
                self.XMLTree)  # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}
        self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView'] = {}

        # Find the main (bible) container
        if self.XMLTree.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.treeTag:
            location = "VerseView XML file"
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(self.XMLTree, location, '4f6h')
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes(self.XMLTree, location,
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(self.XMLTree, location, '1wk8')

            # Find the submain (various info and then book) containers
            bookNumber = 0
            for element in self.XMLTree:
                if element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.filenameTag:
                    sublocation = "filename in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    #self.filename = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.revisionTag:
                    sublocation = "revision in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                        'Revision'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.titleTag:
                    sublocation = "title in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Title'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.fontTag:
                    sublocation = "font in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Font'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.copyrightTag:
                    sublocation = "copyright in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                        'Copyright'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.sizefactorTag:
                    sublocation = "sizefactor in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text == '1'
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.bookTag:
                    sublocation = "book in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(element, sublocation,
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    bookNumber += 1
                    self.__validateAndExtractBook(element, bookNumber)
                        "xk15 Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                            VerseViewXMLBible.bookTag, element.tag))
            logging.error("Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                VerseViewXMLBible.treeTag, self.XMLTree.tag))

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            # These are all compulsory so they should all exist
            #print( "Filename is {!r}".format( self.filename ) )
            print("Revision is {!r}".format(
            print("Title is {!r}".format(
            print("Font is {!r}".format(
            print("Copyright is {!r}".format(
            #print( "SizeFactor is {!r}".format( self.sizeFactor ) )

            'VerseView')  # Copy some to self.settingsDict
    def __validateSystem(self, bookOrderTree, systemName):
        """ Do a semi-automatic check of the XML file validity. """
        assert bookOrderTree

        uniqueDict = {}
        for elementName in self.uniqueElements:
            uniqueDict["Element_" + elementName] = []
        for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes:
            uniqueDict["Attribute_" + attributeName] = []

        expectedID = 1
        for k, element in enumerate(bookOrderTree):
            if element.tag == self.mainElementTag:
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, element.tag)
                if not self.compulsoryAttributes and not self.optionalAttributes:
                        element, element.tag)
                if not self.compulsoryElements and not self.optionalElements:
                        element, element.tag)

                # Check ascending ID field
                ID = element.get("id")
                intID = int(ID)
                if intID != expectedID:
                        _("ID numbers out of sequence in record {} (got {} when expecting {}) for {}"
                          ).format(k, intID, expectedID, systemName))
                expectedID += 1

                # Check that this is unique
                if element.text:
                    if element.text in uniqueDict:
                            _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} element in record with ID {!r} (record {}) for {}"
                              ).format(element.text, element.tag, ID, k,
                    uniqueDict[element.text] = None

                # Check compulsory attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.compulsoryAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is None:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is missing from {} element in record {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, element.tag, k))
                    if not attributeValue:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, element.tag, k))

                # Check optional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.optionalAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if not attributeValue:
                                _("Optional {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}"
                                  ).format(attributeName, element.tag, k))

                # Check for unexpected additional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in element.keys():
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeName not in self.compulsoryAttributes and attributeName not in self.optionalAttributes:
                            _("Additional {!r} attribute ({!r}) found on {} element in record {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, attributeValue,
                                       element.tag, k))

                # Check the attributes that must contain unique information (in that particular field -- doesn't check across different attributes)
                for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if attributeValue in uniqueDict["Attribute_" +
                                _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} field on {} element in record {}"
                                  ).format(attributeValue, attributeName,
                                           element.tag, k))
                        uniqueDict["Attribute_" +

                # Check compulsory elements
                for elementName in self.compulsoryElements:
                    if element.find(elementName) is None:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} element is missing in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                              ).format(elementName, ID, k))
                    if not element.find(elementName).text:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} element is blank in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                              ).format(elementName, ID, k))

                # Check optional elements
                for elementName in self.optionalElements:
                    if element.find(elementName) is not None:
                        if not element.find(elementName).text:
                                _("Optional {!r} element is blank in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                                  ).format(elementName, ID, k))

                # Check for unexpected additional elements
                for subelement in element:
                    if subelement.tag not in self.compulsoryElements and subelement.tag not in self.optionalElements:
                            _("Additional {!r} element ({!r}) found in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                              ).format(subelement.tag, subelement.text, ID, k))

                # Check the elements that must contain unique information (in that particular element -- doesn't check across different elements)
                for elementName in self.uniqueElements:
                    if element.find(elementName) is not None:
                        text = element.find(elementName).text
                        if text in uniqueDict["Element_" + elementName]:
                                _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} element in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                                  ).format(text, elementName, ID, k))
                        uniqueDict["Element_" + elementName].append(text)
                    _("Unexpected element: {} in record {}").format(
                        element.tag, k))
Exemplo n.º 25
        def loadParagraph( paragraphXML, paragraphlocation ):
            Load a paragraph from the USX XML.
            In this context, paragraph means heading and intro lines,
                as well as paragraphs of verses.

            Uses (and updates) C,V information from the containing function.
            nonlocal C, V

            # Process the attributes first
            paragraphStyle = None
            for attrib,value in paragraphXML.items():
                if attrib=='style':
                    paragraphStyle = value # This is basically the USFM marker name
                    logging.warning( _("CH46 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )

            # Now process the paragraph text (or write a paragraph marker anyway)
            paragraphText = paragraphXML.text if paragraphXML.text and paragraphXML.text.strip() else ''
            if version is None: paragraphText = paragraphText.rstrip() # Don't need to strip extra spaces in v2
            self.addLine( paragraphStyle, paragraphText )

            # Now process the paragraph subelements
            for element in paragraphXML:
                location = element.tag + ' ' + paragraphlocation
                #print( "USXXMLBibleBook.load", C, V, element.tag, location )
                if element.tag == 'verse': # milestone (not a container)
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location )
                    # Process the attributes first
                    verseStyle = altNumber = None
                    for attrib,value in element.items():
                        if attrib=='number':
                            V = value
                        elif attrib=='style':
                            verseStyle = value
                        elif attrib=='altnumber':
                            altNumber = value
                            logging.error( _("KR60 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                    if verseStyle != 'v':
                        logging.error( _("Unexpected style attribute ({}) in {}").format( verseStyle, location ) )
                    #if altNumber: print( repr(verseStyle), repr(altNumber) ); halt
                    altStuff = ' \\va {}\\va*'.format( altNumber ) if altNumber else ''
                    self.addLine( verseStyle, V + altStuff + ' ' )
                    # Now process the tail (if there's one) which is the verse text
                    if element.tail:
                        vText = element.tail
                        if vText[0]=='\n': vText = vText.lstrip() # Paratext puts cross references on a new line
                        if vText:
                            #print( repr(vText) )
                            self.appendToLastLine( vText )
                elif element.tag == 'char':
                    # Process the attributes first
                    charStyle = None
                    for attrib,value in element.items():
                        if attrib=='style':
                            charStyle = value # This is basically the USFM character marker name
                            #print( "  charStyle", charStyle )
                            assert not BibleOrgSysGlobals.USFMMarkers.isNewlineMarker( charStyle )
                            logging.error( _("QU52 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                    charLine = "\\{} {} ".format( charStyle, element.text )
                    # Now process the subelements -- chars are one of the few multiply embedded fields in USX
                    for subelement in element:
                        sublocation = subelement.tag + ' ' + location
                        #print( '{} {}:{} {}'.format( self.BBB, C, V, element.tag ) )
                        if subelement.tag == 'char': # milestone (not a container)
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation )
                            # Process the attributes first
                            subCharStyle, charClosed = None, True
                            for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                                if attrib=='style': subCharStyle = value
                                elif attrib=='closed':
                                    assert value=='false'
                                    charClosed = False
                                    logging.error( _("KS41 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sublocation ) )
                            charLine += "\\{} {}".format( subCharStyle, subelement.text )
                            if charClosed: charLine += "\\{}*".format( subCharStyle )
                            #if subelement.tail is not None: print( "  tail1", repr(subelement.tail) )
                            charLine += '' if subelement.tail is None else subelement.tail
                            logging.error( _("Unprocessed {} subelement after {} {}:{} in {}").format( subelement.tag, self.BBB, C, V, sublocation ) )
                            self.addPriorityError( 1, C, V, _("Unprocessed {} subelement").format( subelement.tag ) )
                    # A character field must be added to the previous field
                    #if element.tail is not None: print( " tail2", repr(element.tail) )
                    charTail = ''
                    if element.tail:
                        charTail = element.tail
                        if charTail[0]=='\n': charTail = charTail.lstrip() # Paratext puts footnote parts on new lines
                    charLine += "\\{}*{}".format( charStyle, charTail )
                    #if debuggingThisModule: print( "USX.loadParagraph:", C, V, paragraphStyle, charStyle, repr(charLine) )
                    self.appendToLastLine( charLine )
                elif element.tag == 'note':
                    #print( "NOTE", BibleOrgSysGlobals.elementStr( element ) )
                    # Process the attributes first
                    noteStyle = noteCaller = None
                    for attrib,value in element.items():
                        if attrib=='style':
                            noteStyle = value # This is basically the USFM marker name
                            assert noteStyle in ('x','f',)
                        elif attrib=='caller': noteCaller = value # Usually hyphen or a symbol to be used for the note
                            logging.error( _("CY38 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                    if noteCaller=='' and self.BBB=='NUM' and C=='10' and V=='36': noteCaller = '+' # Hack
                    assert noteStyle and noteCaller # both compulsory
                    noteLine = "\\{} {} ".format( noteStyle, noteCaller )
                    if element.text:
                        noteText = element.text.strip()
                        noteLine += noteText
                    # Now process the subelements -- notes are one of the few multiply embedded fields in USX
                    for subelement in element:
                        sublocation = subelement.tag + ' ' + location
                        #print( C, V, subelement.tag )
                        if subelement.tag == 'char': # milestone (not a container)
                            # Process the attributes first
                            charStyle, charClosed = None, True
                            for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                                if attrib=='style':
                                    charStyle = value
                                elif attrib=='closed':
                                    assert value=='false'
                                    charClosed = False
                                    logging.warning( _("GJ67 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sublocation ) )
                            noteLine += "\\{} {}".format( charStyle, subelement.text )
                            # Now process the subelements -- notes are one of the few multiply embedded fields in USX
                            for sub2element in subelement:
                                sub2location = sub2element.tag + ' ' + sublocation
                                #print( C, V, sub2element.tag )
                                if sub2element.tag == 'char': # milestone (not a container)
                                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( sub2element, sub2location )
                                    # Process the attributes first
                                    char2Style, char2Closed = None, True
                                    for attrib,value in sub2element.items():
                                        if attrib=='style':
                                            char2Style = value
                                        elif attrib=='closed':
                                            assert value=='false'
                                            char2Closed = False
                                            logging.warning( _("VH36 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sub2location ) )
                                    assert char2Closed
                                    noteLine += "\\{} {}\\{}*{}".format( char2Style, sub2element.text, char2Style, sub2element.tail if sub2element.tail else '' )
                            if charClosed: noteLine += "\\{}*".format( charStyle )
                            if subelement.tail:
                                charTail = subelement.tail
                                if charTail[0]=='\n': charTail = charTail.lstrip() # Paratext puts cross reference parts on a new line
                                noteLine += charTail
                        elif subelement.tag == 'unmatched': # Used to denote errors in the source text
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( subelement, sublocation )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation )
                            # Process the attributes first
                            unmmatchedMarker = None
                            for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                                if attrib=='marker':
                                    unmmatchedMarker = value
                                    logging.warning( _("NV21 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sublocation ) )
                            self.addPriorityError( 2, C, V, _("Unmatched subelement for {} in {}").format( repr(unmmatchedMarker), sublocation) if unmmatchedMarker else _("Unmatched subelement in {}").format( sublocation) )
                            logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} subelement after {} {}:{} in {}").format( subelement.tag, self.BBB, C, V, sublocation ) )
                            self.addPriorityError( 1, C, V, _("Unprocessed {} subelement").format( subelement.tag ) )
                        if subelement.tail and subelement.tail.strip(): noteLine += subelement.tail
                    #noteLine += "\\{}*".format( charStyle )
                    noteLine += "\\{}*".format( noteStyle )
                    if element.tail:
                        #if '\n' in element.tail: halt
                        noteTail = element.tail
                        if noteTail[0]=='\n': noteTail = noteTail.lstrip() # Paratext puts multiple cross-references on new lines
                        noteLine += noteTail
                    #print( "NoteLine", repr(noteLine) )
                    self.appendToLastLine( noteLine )
                elif element.tag == 'link': # Used to include extra resources
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location )
                    # Process the attributes first
                    linkStyle = linkDisplay = linkTarget = None
                    for attrib,value in element.items():
                        if attrib=='style':
                            linkStyle = value
                            assert linkStyle in ('jmp',)
                        elif attrib=='display':
                            linkDisplay = value # e.g., "click here"
                        elif attrib=='target':
                            linkTarget = value # e.g., some reference
                            logging.warning( _("KW54 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                    self.addPriorityError( 3, C, V, _("Unprocessed {} link to {} in {}").format( repr(linkDisplay), repr(linkTarget), location) )
                elif element.tag == 'unmatched': # Used to denote errors in the source text
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location )
                    self.addPriorityError( 2, C, V, _("Unmatched element in {}").format( location) )
                    logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} element after {} {}:{} in {}").format( element.tag, self.BBB, C, V, location ) )
                    self.addPriorityError( 1, C, V, _("Unprocessed {} element").format( element.tag ) )
                    for x in range(max(0,len(self)-10),len(self)): print( x, self._rawLines[x] )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _validateSystem( self, punctuationTree, systemName ):
        assert punctuationTree

        uniqueDict = {}
        for elementName in self.uniqueElements: uniqueDict["Element_"+elementName] = []
        for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes: uniqueDict["Attribute_"+attributeName] = []

        for k,element in enumerate(punctuationTree):
            if element.tag in self.mainElementTags:
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, element.tag )
                if not self.compulsoryAttributes and not self.optionalAttributes: BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, element.tag )
                if not self.compulsoryElements and not self.optionalElements: BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, element.tag )

                # Check compulsory attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.compulsoryAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is None:
                        logging.error( _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is missing from {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, k ) )
                    if not attributeValue:
                        logging.warning( _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, k ) )

                # Check optional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.optionalAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if not attributeValue:
                            logging.warning( _("Optional {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, k ) )

                # Check for unexpected additional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in element.keys():
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeName not in self.compulsoryAttributes and attributeName not in self.optionalAttributes:
                        logging.warning( _("Additional {!r} attribute ({!r}) found on {} element in record {}").format( attributeName, attributeValue, element.tag, k ) )

                # Check the attributes that must contain unique information (in that particular field -- doesn't check across different attributes)
                for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if attributeValue in uniqueDict["Attribute_"+attributeName]:
                            logging.error( _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} field on {} element in record {}").format( attributeValue, attributeName, element.tag, k ) )
                        uniqueDict["Attribute_"+attributeName].append( attributeValue )

                # Check compulsory elements
                for elementName in self.compulsoryElements:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is None:
                        logging.error( _("Compulsory {!r} element is missing in record with ID {!r} (record {})").format( elementName, ID, k ) )
                    if not element.find( elementName ).text:
                        logging.warning( _("Compulsory {!r} element is blank in record with ID {!r} (record {})").format( elementName, ID, k ) )

                # Check optional elements
                for elementName in self.optionalElements:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is not None:
                        if not element.find( elementName ).text:
                            logging.warning( _("Optional {!r} element is blank in record with ID {!r} (record {})").format( elementName, ID, k ) )

                # Check for unexpected additional elements
                for subelement in element:
                    if subelement.tag not in self.compulsoryElements and subelement.tag not in self.optionalElements:
                        logging.warning( _("Additional {!r} element ({!r}) found in record with ID {!r} (record {})").format( subelement.tag, subelement.text, ID, k ) )

                # Check the elements that must contain unique information (in that particular element -- doesn't check across different elements)
                for elementName in self.uniqueElements:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is not None:
                        text = element.find( elementName ).text
                        if text in uniqueDict["Element_"+elementName]:
                            logging.error( _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} element in record with ID {!r} (record {})").format( text, elementName, ID, k ) )
                        uniqueDict["Element_"+elementName].append( text )
                logging.warning( _("Unexpected element: {} in record {}").format( element.tag, k ) )
Exemplo n.º 27
    def __validate(self):
        Check/validate the loaded data.
        assert (self._XMLtree)

        uniqueDict = {}
        for elementName in self._uniqueElements:
            uniqueDict["Element_" + elementName] = []
        for attributeName in self._uniqueAttributes:
            uniqueDict["Attribute_" + attributeName] = []

        expectedID = 1
        for j, element in enumerate(self._XMLtree):
            if element.tag == self._mainElementTag:
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(element, element.tag)
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, element.tag)
                if not self._compulsoryAttributes and not self._optionalAttributes:
                        element, element.tag)
                if not self._compulsoryElements and not self._optionalElements:
                        element, element.tag)

                # Check compulsory attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self._compulsoryAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is None:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is missing from {} element in record {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, element.tag, j))
                    if not attributeValue:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, element.tag, j))

                # Check optional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self._optionalAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if not attributeValue:
                                _("Optional {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}"
                                  ).format(attributeName, element.tag, j))

                # Check for unexpected additional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in element.keys():
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeName not in self._compulsoryAttributes and attributeName not in self._optionalAttributes:
                            _("Additional {!r} attribute ({!r}) found on {} element in record {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, attributeValue,
                                       element.tag, j))

                # Check the attributes that must contain unique information (in that particular field -- doesn't check across different attributes)
                for attributeName in self._uniqueAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if attributeValue in uniqueDict["Attribute_" +
                                _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} field on {} element in record {}"
                                  ).format(attributeValue, attributeName,
                                           element.tag, j))
                        uniqueDict["Attribute_" +

                # Get the sourceComponent to use as a record ID
                ID = element.find("sourceComponent").text

                # Check compulsory elements
                for elementName in self._compulsoryElements:
                    foundElement = element.find(elementName)
                    if foundElement is None:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} element is missing in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                              ).format(elementName, ID, j))
                            foundElement.tag + " in " + element.tag)
                            foundElement.tag + " in " + element.tag)
                        #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( foundElement, foundElement.tag + " in " + element.tag )
                        if not foundElement.text:
                                _("Compulsory {!r} element is blank in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                                  ).format(elementName, ID, j))

                # Check optional elements
                for elementName in self._optionalElements:
                    foundElement = element.find(elementName)
                    if foundElement is not None:
                            foundElement.tag + " in " + element.tag)
                            foundElement.tag + " in " + element.tag)
                            foundElement.tag + " in " + element.tag)
                        if not foundElement.text:
                                _("Optional {!r} element is blank in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                                  ).format(elementName, ID, j))

                # Check for unexpected additional elements
                for subelement in element:
                    if subelement.tag not in self._compulsoryElements and subelement.tag not in self._optionalElements:
                            _("Additional {!r} element ({!r}) found in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                              ).format(subelement.tag, subelement.text, ID, j))

                # Check the elements that must contain unique information (in that particular element -- doesn't check across different elements)
                for elementName in self._uniqueElements:
                    if element.find(elementName) is not None:
                        text = element.find(elementName).text
                        if text in uniqueDict["Element_" + elementName]:
                                _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} element in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                                  ).format(text, elementName, ID, j))
                        uniqueDict["Element_" + elementName].append(text)
                    _("Unexpected element: {} in record {}").format(
                        element.tag, j))
            if element.tail is not None and element.tail.strip():
                    _("Unexpected {!r} tail data after {} element in record {}"
                      ).format(element.tail, element.tag, j))
        if self._XMLtree.tail is not None and self._XMLtree.tail.strip():
                _("Unexpected {!r} tail data after {} element").format(
                    self._XMLtree.tail, self._XMLtree.tag))
Exemplo n.º 28
    def load( self ):
        Load the XML data file -- we should already know the filepath.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print( _("USFXXMLBible: Loading {} from {}...").format( self.name, self.sourceFolder ) )

                                #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("  It seems we have {}...").format( BBB ) )
                        #self.thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
                        #self.thisBook.objectNameString = "OSIS XML Bible Book object"
                        #self.thisBook.objectTypeString = "OSIS"
                        #self.haveBook = True

        try: self.tree = ElementTree().parse( self.sourceFilepath )
        except ParseError:
            errorString = sys.exc_info()[1]
            logging.critical( "USFXXMLBible.load: failed loading the xml file {}: {!r}.".format( self.sourceFilepath, errorString ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( len ( self.tree ) ) # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        # Find the main (osis) container
        if self.tree.tag == 'usfx':
            location = "USFX file"
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.tree, location, '4f6h' )
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.tree, location, '1wk8' )
            # Process the attributes first
            self.schemaLocation = None
            for attrib,value in self.tree.items():
                #print( "attrib", repr(attrib), repr(value) )
                if attrib.endswith("SchemaLocation"):
                    self.schemaLocation = value
                    logging.warning( "fv6g Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}".format( attrib, value, location ) )
            BBB = C = V = None
            for element in self.tree:
                #print( "element", repr(element.tag) )
                sublocation = element.tag + " " + location
                if element.tag == 'languageCode':
                    self.languageCode = element.text
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'cff3' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'des1' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'dwf2' )
                elif element.tag == 'book':
                    self.loadBook( element )
                    ##BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '54f2' )
                    #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'hd35' )
                    ## Process the attributes
                    #idField = bookStyle = None
                    #for attrib,value in element.items():
                        #if attrib=='id' or attrib=='code':
                            #idField = value # Should be USFM bookcode (not like BBB which is BibleOrgSys BBB bookcode)
                            ##if idField != BBB:
                            ##    logging.warning( _("Unexpected book code ({}) in {}").format( idField, sublocation ) )
                        #elif attrib=='style':
                            #bookStyle = value
                            #logging.warning( _("gfw2 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sublocation ) )
                    logging.warning( _("dbw1 Unprocessed {} element after {} {}:{} in {}").format( element.tag, BBB, C, V, sublocation ) )
                    #self.addPriorityError( 1, c, v, _("Unprocessed {} element").format( element.tag ) )

        if not self.books: # Didn't successfully load any regularly named books -- maybe the files have weird names??? -- try to be intelligent here
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print( "USFXXMLBible.load: Didn't find any regularly named USFX files in {!r}".format( self.sourceFolder ) )
            for thisFilename in foundFiles:
                # Look for BBB in the ID line (which should be the first line in a USFX file)
                isUSFX = False
                thisPath = os.path.join( self.sourceFolder, thisFilename )
                with open( thisPath ) as possibleUSXFile: # Automatically closes the file when done
                    for line in possibleUSXFile:
                        if line.startswith( '\\id ' ):
                            USXId = line[4:].strip()[:3] # Take the first three non-blank characters after the space after id
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "Have possible USFX ID {!r}".format( USXId ) )
                            BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromUSFM( USXId )
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "BBB is {!r}".format( BBB ) )
                            isUSFX = True
                        break # We only look at the first line
                if isUSFX:
                    UBB = USFXXMLBibleBook( self, BBB )
                    UBB.load( self.sourceFolder, thisFilename, self.encoding )
                    print( UBB )
                    self.books[BBB] = UBB
                    # Make up our book name dictionaries while we're at it
                    assumedBookNames = UBB.getAssumedBookNames()
                    for assumedBookName in assumedBookNames:
                        self.BBBToNameDict[BBB] = assumedBookName
                        assumedBookNameLower = assumedBookName.lower()
                        self.bookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (just lower case)
                        if ' ' in assumedBookNameLower: self.combinedBookNameDict[assumedBookNameLower.replace(' ','')] = BBB # Store the deduced book name (lower case without spaces)
            if self.books: print( "USFXXMLBible.load: Found {} irregularly named USFX files".format( len(self.books) ) )
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __validateSystem( self, systemName ):
        Checks for basic formatting/content errors in a Bible book name system.
        assert systemName
        assert self.__XMLSystems[systemName]['tree']

        if len(self.__XMLSystems[systemName]["languageCode"]) != 3:
            logging.error( _("Couldn't find 3-letter language code in {!r} book names system").format( systemName ) )
        #if self.__ISOLanguages and not self.__ISOLanguages.isValidLanguageCode( self.__XMLSystems[systemName]["languageCode"] ): # Check that we have a valid language code
            #logging.error( _("Unrecognized {!r} ISO-639-3 language code in {!r} book names system").format( self.__XMLSystems[systemName]["languageCode"], systemName ) )

        uniqueDict = {}
        for index in range( 0, len(self.mainElementTags) ):
            for elementName in self.uniqueElements[index]: uniqueDict["Element_"+str(index)+"_"+elementName] = []
            for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes[index]: uniqueDict["Attribute_"+str(index)+"_"+attributeName] = []

        expectedID = 1
        for k,element in enumerate(self.__XMLSystems[systemName]['tree']):
            if element.tag in self.mainElementTags:
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, element.tag )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, element.tag )
                if not self.compulsoryAttributes and not self.optionalAttributes: BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, element.tag )
                if not self.compulsoryElements and not self.optionalElements: BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, element.tag )

                index = self.mainElementTags.index( element.tag )

                # Check compulsory attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.compulsoryAttributes[index]:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is None:
                        logging.error( _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is missing from {} element in record {} in {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, k, systemName ) )
                    if not attributeValue:
                        logging.warning( _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {} in {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, k, systemName ) )

                # Check optional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.optionalAttributes[index]:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if not attributeValue:
                            logging.warning( _("Optional {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {} in {}").format( attributeName, element.tag, k, systemName ) )

                # Check for unexpected additional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in element.keys():
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeName not in self.compulsoryAttributes[index] and attributeName not in self.optionalAttributes[index]:
                        logging.warning( _("Additional {!r} attribute ({!r}) found on {} element in record {} in {}").format( attributeName, attributeValue, element.tag, k, systemName ) )

                # Check the attributes that must contain unique information (in that particular field -- doesn't check across different attributes)
                for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes[index]:
                    attributeValue = element.get( attributeName )
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if attributeValue in uniqueDict["Attribute_"+str(index)+"_"+attributeName]:
                            logging.error( _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} field on {} element in record {} in {}").format( attributeValue, attributeName, element.tag, k, systemName ) )
                        uniqueDict["Attribute_"+str(index)+"_"+attributeName].append( attributeValue )

                # Check compulsory elements
                for elementName in self.compulsoryElements[index]:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is None:
                        logging.error( _("Compulsory {!r} element is missing (record {}) in {}").format( elementName, k, systemName ) )
                    if not element.find( elementName ).text:
                        logging.warning( _("Compulsory {!r} element is blank (record {}) in {}").format( elementName, k, systemName ) )

                # Check optional elements
                for elementName in self.optionalElements[index]:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is not None:
                        if not element.find( elementName ).text:
                            logging.warning( _("Optional {!r} element is blank (record {}) in {}").format( elementName, k, systemName ) )

                # Check for unexpected additional elements
                for subelement in element:
                    if subelement.tag not in self.compulsoryElements[index] and subelement.tag not in self.optionalElements[index]:
                        logging.warning( _("Additional {!r} element ({!r}) found (record {}) in {} {}").format( subelement.tag, subelement.text, k, systemName, element.tag ) )

                # Check the elements that must contain unique information (in that particular element -- doesn't check across different elements)
                for elementName in self.uniqueElements[index]:
                    if element.find( elementName ) is not None:
                        text = element.find( elementName ).text
                        if text in uniqueDict["Element_"+str(index)+"_"+elementName]:
                            myLogging = logging.info if element.tag == 'BibleDivisionNames' else logging.error
                            myLogging( _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} element (record {}) in {}").format( text, elementName, k, systemName ) )
                        uniqueDict["Element_"+str(index)+"_"+elementName].append( text )
                logging.warning( _("Unexpected element: {} in record {} in {}").format( element.tag, k, systemName ) )
Exemplo n.º 30
    def importDataToPython( self ):
        Loads (and pivots) the data (not including the header) into suitable Python containers to use in a Python program.
        (Of course, you can just use the elementTree in self._XMLtree if you prefer.)
        def makeList( parameter1, parameter2 ):
            Returns a list containing all parameters. Parameter1 may already be a list.
            if isinstance( parameter1, list ):
                #assert parameter2 not in parameter1
                parameter1.append( parameter2 )
                return parameter1
                return [ parameter1, parameter2 ]
        # end of makeList

        assert self._XMLtree
        if self.__DataList: # We've already done an import/restructuring -- no need to repeat it
            return self.__DataList, self.__DataDict

        # We'll create a number of dictionaries with different elements as the key
        rawRefLinkList = []
        actualLinkCount = 0
        for element in self._XMLtree:
            #print( BibleOrgSysGlobals.elementStr( element ) )

            # Get these first for helpful error messages
            sourceReference = element.find('sourceReference').text
            sourceComponent = element.find('sourceComponent').text
            assert sourceComponent in ('Section','Verses','Verse',)

            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sourceReference, 'kls1' )
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sourceReference, 'kd21' )
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sourceReference, 'so20' )

            actualRawLinksList = []
            for subelement in element:
                #print( BibleOrgSysGlobals.elementStr( subelement ) )
                if subelement.tag in ( 'sourceReference','sourceComponent',): # already processed these
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( subelement, sourceReference, 'ls12' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sourceReference, 'ks02' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( subelement, sourceReference, 'sqw1' )

                elif subelement.tag == 'BibleReferenceLink':
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( subelement, sourceReference, 'haw9' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( subelement, sourceReference, 'hs19' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( subelement, sourceReference, 'jsd9' )

                    targetReference = subelement.find('targetReference').text
                    targetComponent = subelement.find('targetComponent').text
                    assert targetComponent in ('Section','Verses','Verse',)
                    linkType = subelement.find('linkType').text
                    assert linkType in ('TSK','QuotedOTReference','AlludedOTReference','PossibleOTReference',)

                    actualRawLinksList.append( (targetReference,targetComponent,linkType,) )
                    actualLinkCount += 1

            rawRefLinkList.append( (sourceReference,sourceComponent,actualRawLinksList,) )

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print( "  {} raw links loaded (with {} actual raw link entries)".format( len(rawRefLinkList), actualLinkCount ) )

        myRefLinkList = []
        actualLinkCount = 0
        BOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG' )

        for j,(sourceReference,sourceComponent,actualRawLinksList) in enumerate( rawRefLinkList ):
            # Just do some testing first
            if sourceComponent == 'Verse':
                x = SimpleVerseKey( sourceReference )
                flag = False
                    x = SimpleVerseKey( sourceReference, ignoreParseErrors=True )
                    flag = True
                except TypeError: pass # This should happen coz it should fail the SVK
                if flag:
                    logging.error( "{} {!r} failed!".format( sourceComponent, sourceReference ) )
                    raise TypeError
            # Now do the actual parsing
            parsedSourceReference = FlexibleVersesKey( sourceReference )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                print( j, sourceComponent, sourceReference, parsedSourceReference )
                #assert parsedSourceReference.getShortText().replace(' ','_') == sourceReference
            actualLinksList = []
            for k,(targetReference,targetComponent,linkType) in enumerate( actualRawLinksList ):
                # Just do some testing first
                if targetComponent == 'Verse':
                    x = SimpleVerseKey( targetReference )
                    flag = False
                        x = SimpleVerseKey( targetReference, ignoreParseErrors=True )
                        flag = True
                    except TypeError: pass # This should happen coz it should fail the SVK
                    if flag:
                        logging.error( "{} {!r} failed!".format( targetComponent, targetReference ) )
                        raise TypeError
                # Now do the actual parsing
                try: parsedTargetReference = FlexibleVersesKey( targetReference )
                except TypeError:
                    print( "  Temporarily ignored {!r} (TypeError from FlexibleVersesKey)".format( targetReference ) )
                    parsedTargetReference = None
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                    print( ' ', targetComponent, targetReference, parsedTargetReference )
                    #assert parsedTargetReference.getShortText().replace(' ','_',1) == targetReference

                actualLinksList.append( (targetReference,targetComponent,parsedTargetReference,linkType,) )
                actualLinkCount += 1

            myRefLinkList.append( (sourceReference,sourceComponent,parsedSourceReference,actualLinksList,) )

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print( "  {} links processed (with {} actual link entries)".format( len(rawRefLinkList), actualLinkCount ) )
        #print( myRefLinkList ); halt
        self.__DataList = myRefLinkList

        # Now put it into my dictionaries for easy access
        # This part should be customized or added to for however you need to process the data

        # Create a link dictionary (by verse key)
        myRefLinkDict = {}
        for sourceReference,sourceComponent,parsedSourceReference,actualLinksList in myRefLinkList:
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference )
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList )
            for verseRef in parsedSourceReference.getIncludedVerses():
                #print( verseRef )
                assert isinstance( verseRef, SimpleVerseKey )
                if verseRef not in myRefLinkDict: myRefLinkDict[verseRef] = []
                myRefLinkDict[verseRef].append( (sourceReference,sourceComponent,parsedSourceReference,actualLinksList,) )
            #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt
        originalLinks = len( myRefLinkDict )
        print( "  {} verse links added to dictionary (includes filling out spans)".format( originalLinks ) )
        #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt

        # Create a reversed link dictionary (by verse key)
        for sourceReference,sourceComponent,parsedSourceReference,actualLinksList in myRefLinkList:
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference )
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList )
            for targetReference,targetComponent,parsedTargetReference,linkType in actualLinksList:
                if parsedTargetReference is not None:
                    for verseRef in parsedTargetReference.getIncludedVerses():
                        #print( verseRef )
                        assert isinstance( verseRef, SimpleVerseKey )
                        if linkType == 'TSK': reverseLinkType = 'TSKQuoted'
                        elif linkType == 'QuotedOTReference': reverseLinkType = 'OTReferenceQuoted'
                        elif linkType == 'AlludedOTReference': reverseLinkType = 'OTReferenceAlluded'
                        elif linkType == 'PossibleOTReference': reverseLinkType = 'OTReferencePossible'
                        else: halt # Have a new linkType!
                        if verseRef not in myRefLinkDict: myRefLinkDict[verseRef] = []
                        myRefLinkDict[verseRef].append( (targetReference,targetComponent,parsedTargetReference,[(sourceReference,sourceComponent,parsedSourceReference,reverseLinkType)]) )
            #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt
        totalLinks = len( myRefLinkDict )
        reverseLinks = totalLinks - originalLinks
        print( "  {} reverse links added to dictionary to give {} total".format( reverseLinks, totalLinks ) )
        #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt

        self.__DataDict = myRefLinkDict

        # Let's find the most number of references for a verse
        mostReferences = totalReferences = 0
        for verseRef, entryList in self.__DataDict.items():
            numRefs = len( entryList )
            if numRefs > mostReferences: mostReferences, mostVerseRef = numRefs, verseRef
            totalReferences += numRefs
        print( "  {} maximum links for any one reference ({})".format( mostReferences, mostVerseRef.getShortText() ) )
        print( "  {} total links for all references".format( totalReferences ) )

        return self.__DataList, self.__DataDict
Exemplo n.º 31
    def _validateSystem(self, punctuationTree, systemName):
        assert punctuationTree

        uniqueDict = {}
        for elementName in self.uniqueElements:
            uniqueDict["Element_" + elementName] = []
        for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes:
            uniqueDict["Attribute_" + attributeName] = []

        for k, element in enumerate(punctuationTree):
            if element.tag in self.mainElementTags:
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, element.tag)
                if not self.compulsoryAttributes and not self.optionalAttributes:
                        element, element.tag)
                if not self.compulsoryElements and not self.optionalElements:
                        element, element.tag)

                # Check compulsory attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.compulsoryAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is None:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is missing from {} element in record {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, element.tag, k))
                    if not attributeValue:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, element.tag, k))

                # Check optional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.optionalAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if not attributeValue:
                                _("Optional {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {}"
                                  ).format(attributeName, element.tag, k))

                # Check for unexpected additional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in element.keys():
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeName not in self.compulsoryAttributes and attributeName not in self.optionalAttributes:
                            _("Additional {!r} attribute ({!r}) found on {} element in record {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, attributeValue,
                                       element.tag, k))

                # Check the attributes that must contain unique information (in that particular field -- doesn't check across different attributes)
                for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if attributeValue in uniqueDict["Attribute_" +
                                _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} field on {} element in record {}"
                                  ).format(attributeValue, attributeName,
                                           element.tag, k))
                        uniqueDict["Attribute_" +

                # Check compulsory elements
                for elementName in self.compulsoryElements:
                    if element.find(elementName) is None:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} element is missing in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                              ).format(elementName, ID, k))
                    if not element.find(elementName).text:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} element is blank in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                              ).format(elementName, ID, k))

                # Check optional elements
                for elementName in self.optionalElements:
                    if element.find(elementName) is not None:
                        if not element.find(elementName).text:
                                _("Optional {!r} element is blank in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                                  ).format(elementName, ID, k))

                # Check for unexpected additional elements
                for subelement in element:
                    if subelement.tag not in self.compulsoryElements and subelement.tag not in self.optionalElements:
                            _("Additional {!r} element ({!r}) found in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                              ).format(subelement.tag, subelement.text, ID, k))

                # Check the elements that must contain unique information (in that particular element -- doesn't check across different elements)
                for elementName in self.uniqueElements:
                    if element.find(elementName) is not None:
                        text = element.find(elementName).text
                        if text in uniqueDict["Element_" + elementName]:
                                _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} element in record with ID {!r} (record {})"
                                  ).format(text, elementName, ID, k))
                        uniqueDict["Element_" + elementName].append(text)
                    _("Unexpected element: {} in record {}").format(
                        element.tag, k))
Exemplo n.º 32
        def loadParagraph( paragraphXML, paragraphlocation ):
            """ Load a paragraph from the USX XML.
                Uses (and updates) c,v information from the containing function. """
            nonlocal c, v

            # Process the attributes first
            paragraphStyle = None
            for attrib,value in paragraphXML.items():
                if attrib=='style':
                    paragraphStyle = value # This is basically the USFM marker name
                    logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )

            # Now process the paragraph text (or write a paragraph marker anyway)
            self.addLine( paragraphStyle, paragraphXML.text if paragraphXML.text and paragraphXML.text.strip() else '' )

            # Now process the paragraph subelements
            for element in paragraphXML:
                location = element.tag + ' ' + paragraphlocation
                #print( "USXXMLBibleBook.load", c, v, element.tag, location )
                if element.tag == 'verse': # milestone (not a container)
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location )
                    # Process the attributes first
                    verseStyle = None
                    for attrib,value in element.items():
                        if attrib=='number':
                            v = value
                        elif attrib=='style':
                            verseStyle = value
                            logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                    if verseStyle != 'v':
                        logging.warning( _("Unexpected style attribute ({}) in {}").format( verseStyle, location ) )
                    self.addLine( verseStyle, v + ' ' )
                    # Now process the tail (if there's one) which is the verse text
                    if element.tail:
                        vText = element.tail.strip()
                        if vText:
                            #print( repr(vText) )
                            self.appendToLastLine( vText )
                elif element.tag == 'char':
                    # Process the attributes first
                    charStyle = None
                    for attrib,value in element.items():
                        if attrib=='style':
                            charStyle = value # This is basically the USFM character marker name
                            #print( "  charStyle", charStyle )
                            assert( not BibleOrgSysGlobals.USFMMarkers.isNewlineMarker( charStyle ) )
                            logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                    charLine = "\\{} {} ".format( charStyle, element.text )
                    # Now process the subelements -- chars are one of the few multiply embedded fields in USX
                    for subelement in element:
                        sublocation = subelement.tag + ' ' + location
                        #print( c, v, element.tag )
                        if subelement.tag == 'char': # milestone (not a container)
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation )
                            # Process the attributes first
                            subCharStyle, charClosed = None, True
                            for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                                if attrib=='style': subCharStyle = value
                                elif attrib=='closed':
                                    assert( value=='false' )
                                    charClosed = False
                                    logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sublocation ) )
                            charLine += "\\{} {}".format( subCharStyle, subelement.text )
                            if charClosed: charLine += "\\{}*".format( subCharStyle )
                            charLine += '' if subelement.tail is None else subelement.tail.strip()
                            logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} subelement after {} {}:{} in {}").format( subelement.tag, self.BBB, c, v, sublocation ) )
                            self.addPriorityError( 1, c, v, _("Unprocessed {} subelement").format( subelement.tag ) )
                    # A character field must be added to the previous field
                    charLine += "\\{}*{}".format( charStyle, '' if element.tail is None else element.tail.strip() )
                    if debuggingThisModule: print( "USX.loadParagraph:", c, v, paragraphStyle, charStyle, repr(charLine) )
                    self.appendToLastLine( charLine )
                elif element.tag == 'note':
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location )
                    # Process the attributes first
                    noteStyle = noteCaller = None
                    for attrib,value in element.items():
                        if attrib=='style':
                            noteStyle = value # This is basically the USFM marker name
                            assert( noteStyle in ('x','f',) )
                        elif attrib=='caller':
                            noteCaller = value # Usually hyphen or a symbol to be used for the note
                            logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                    assert( noteStyle and noteCaller ) # both compulsory
                    noteLine = "\\{} {} ".format( noteStyle, noteCaller )
                    # Now process the subelements -- notes are one of the few multiply embedded fields in USX
                    for subelement in element:
                        sublocation = subelement.tag + ' ' + location
                        #print( c, v, element.tag )
                        if subelement.tag == 'char': # milestone (not a container)
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation )
                            # Process the attributes first
                            charStyle, charClosed = None, True
                            for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                                if attrib=='style':
                                    charStyle = value
                                elif attrib=='closed':
                                    assert( value=='false' )
                                    charClosed = False
                                    logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sublocation ) )
                            noteLine += "\\{} {}".format( charStyle, subelement.text )
                            if charClosed: noteLine += "\\{}*".format( charStyle )
                            noteLine += '' if subelement.tail is None else subelement.tail.strip()
                        elif subelement.tag == 'unmatched': # Used to denote errors in the source text
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( subelement, sublocation )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation )
                            # Process the attributes first
                            unmmatchedMarker = None
                            for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                                if attrib=='marker':
                                    unmmatchedMarker = value
                                    logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sublocation ) )
                            self.addPriorityError( 2, c, v, _("Unmatched subelement for {} in {}").format( repr(unmmatchedMarker), sublocation) if unmmatchedMarker else _("Unmatched subelement in {}").format( sublocation) )
                            logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} subelement after {} {}:{} in {}").format( subelement.tag, self.BBB, c, v, sublocation ) )
                            self.addPriorityError( 1, c, v, _("Unprocessed {} subelement").format( subelement.tag ) )
                    if subelement.tail and subelement.tail.strip(): noteLine += subelement.tail
                    #noteLine += "\\{}*".format( charStyle )
                    noteLine += "\\{}*".format( noteStyle )
                    if element.tail:
                        noteText = element.tail.strip()
                        noteLine += noteText
                    self.appendToLastLine( noteLine )
                elif element.tag == 'link': # Used to include extra resources
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location )
                    # Process the attributes first
                    linkStyle = linkDisplay = linkTarget = None
                    for attrib,value in element.items():
                        if attrib=='style':
                            linkStyle = value
                            assert( linkStyle in ('jmp',) )
                        elif attrib=='display':
                            linkDisplay = value # e.g., "click here"
                        elif attrib=='target':
                            linkTarget = value # e.g., some reference
                            logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                    self.addPriorityError( 3, c, v, _("Unprocessed {} link to {} in {}").format( repr(linkDisplay), repr(linkTarget), location) )
                elif element.tag == 'unmatched': # Used to denote errors in the source text
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location )
                    self.addPriorityError( 2, c, v, _("Unmatched element in {}").format( location) )
                    logging.warning( _("Unprocessed {} element after {} {}:{} in {}").format( element.tag, self.BBB, c, v, location ) )
                    self.addPriorityError( 1, c, v, _("Unprocessed {} element").format( element.tag ) )
                    for x in range(max(0,len(self)-10),len(self)): print( x, self._rawLines[x] )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt
Exemplo n.º 33
    def __validateAndExtractChapter( self, BBB, thisBook, chapter ):
        Check/validate and extract chapter data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving chapter numbers and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML chapter…") )

        # Process the div attributes first
        chapterNumber = numVerses = None
        for attrib,value in chapter.items():
            if attrib=="n":
                chapterNumber = value
            elif attrib=="VERSES":
                numVerses = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in chapter element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if chapterNumber:
            #print( BBB, 'c', chapterNumber )
            chapterNumber = chapterNumber.replace( 'of Solomon ', '' ) # Fix a mistake in the Chinese_SU module
            thisBook.addLine( 'c', chapterNumber )
        else: logging.error( "Missing 'n' attribute in chapter element for {}".format( BBB ) )

        for element in chapter:
            if element.tag == OpenSongXMLBible.verseTag:
                sublocation = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'l5ks' )
                verseNumber = toVerseNumber = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="n":
                        verseNumber = value
                    elif attrib=="t":
                        toVerseNumber = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in verse element".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert verseNumber
                #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber )
                vText = element.text if element.text else ''
                for subelement in element:
                    sub2location = "{} in {}".format( subelement.tag, sublocation )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( subelement, sub2location, 'ks03' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sub2location, 'ks05' )
                    if subelement.tag == 'i':
                        vText += '\\it {}\\it*{}'.format( subelement.text, subelement.tail )
                    else: logging.error( "Expected to find 'i' but got {!r}".format( subelement.tag ) )
                vText += element.tail if element.tail else ''
                if not vText:
                    logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber ) )
                #print( 'vText1', vText )
                if vText: # This is the main text of the verse (follows the verse milestone)
                    #print( "{} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                    if '\n' in vText: # This is how they represent poety
                        #print( "vText", repr(vText), repr(element.text) )
                        for j, textBit in enumerate( vText.split( '\n' ) ):
                            if j==0:
                                thisBook.addLine( 'q1', '' )
                                thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + textBit )
                            else: thisBook.addLine( 'q1', textBit )
                    else: # Just one verse line
                        thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText )
                #print( 'vText2', vText )
            else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( OpenSongXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag ) )
Exemplo n.º 34
 def loadFootnote( self, element, location, BBB, C, V ):
     Handles footnote fields, including xt field.
     text, tail = clean(element.text), clean(element.tail)
     caller = None
     for attrib,value in element.items():
         if attrib == 'caller':
             caller = value
             logging.warning( _("dg35 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
     self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\f {}{}'.format( caller, (' '+text) if text else '' ) )
     for subelement in element:
         sublocation = subelement.tag + " of " + location
         marker, fText, fTail = subelement.tag, clean(subelement.text), clean(subelement.tail)
         #print( "USFX.loadFootnote", repr(caller), repr(text), repr(tail), repr(marker), repr(fText), repr(fTail) )
         #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0 and marker not in ('ref','fr','ft','fq','fv','fk','fqa','it','bd','rq',):
             #print( "USFX.loadFootnote found", repr(caller), repr(marker), repr(fText), repr(fTail) )
         if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert( marker in ('ref','fr','ft','fq','fv','fk','fqa','it','bd','rq','xt',) )
         if marker=='ref':
             assert( fText )
             BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'ls13' )
             target = None
             for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                 if attrib == 'tgt': target = value
                     logging.warning( _("gs35 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sublocation ) )
             if target:
                 self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\{} {}\\{}*{}'.format( marker, target, marker, fText ) )
             else: halt
             BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( subelement, sublocation, 'dq54' )
             self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\{} {}'.format( marker, fText ) )
             if marker=='xt' or marker[0]=='f': # Starts with f, e.g., fr, ft
                 for sub2element in subelement:
                     sub2location = sub2element.tag + " of " + sublocation
                     marker2, fText2, fTail2 = sub2element.tag, clean(sub2element.text), clean(sub2element.tail)
                     BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( sub2element, sub2location, 'js72' )
                     if marker2 == 'ref':
                         #print( sub2location )
                         if fText2:
                             #print( 'ft2', marker2, repr(fText2), repr(fTail2), sub2location )
                             self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( fText2 )
                         target = None
                         for attrib,value in sub2element.items():
                             if attrib == 'tgt': target = value # OSIS style reference, e.g., '1SA.27.8'
                                 logging.warning( _("hd52 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, sub2location ) )
                         if target:
                             #print( 'tg', marker2, repr(target) )
                             self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\{} {}'.format( marker2, target ) )
                             if debuggingThisModule: halt
                     elif marker2 in ('add','nd','wj','rq','sig','sls','bk','k','tl','vp','pn','qs','qt','em','it','bd','bdit','sc','no',): # character formatting
                         self.loadCharacterFormatting( sub2element, sub2location, BBB, C, V )
                         print( 'Ignored marker2', repr(marker2), BBB, C, V )
                         if debuggingThisModule: halt
                     if fTail2: self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( fTail2 )
             elif marker in ('add','nd','wj','rq','sig','sls','bk','k','tl','vp','pn','qs','qt','em','it','bd','bdit','sc','no',): # character formatting
                 self.loadCharacterFormatting( subelement, sublocation, BBB, C, V )
                 print( 'Ignored marker', repr(marker), BBB, C, V )
         if fTail:
             self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( '\\{}*{}'.format( marker, fTail ) )
     self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( '\\f*{}'.format( (' '+tail) if tail else '' ) )
Exemplo n.º 35
    def loadBook( self, bookElement ):
        Load the book container from the XML data file.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            print( _("USFXXMLBible.loadBook: Loading {} from {}...").format( self.name, self.sourceFolder ) )
        assert( bookElement.tag == 'book' )
        mainLocation = self.name + " USFX book"

        # Process the attributes first
        bookCode = None
        for attrib,value in bookElement.items():
            if attrib == 'id':
                bookCode = value
                logging.warning( "bce3 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}".format( attrib, value, mainLocation ) )
        BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromUSFM( bookCode )
        mainLocation = "{} USFX {} book".format( self.name, BBB )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            print( _("USFXXMLBible.loadBook: Loading {} from {}...").format( BBB, self.name ) )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.tree, mainLocation, '4f6h' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.tree, mainLocation, '1wk8' )

        # Now create our actual book
        self.thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
        self.thisBook.objectNameString = "USFX XML Bible Book object"
        self.thisBook.objectTypeString = "USFX"

        C = V = '0'
        for element in bookElement:
            #print( "element", repr(element.tag) )
            location = "{} of {} {}:{}".format( element.tag, mainLocation, BBB, C, V )
            if element.tag == 'id':
                idText = clean( element.text )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'vsg3' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'ksq2' )
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == 'id':
                        assert( value == bookCode )
                        logging.warning( _("vsg4 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                self.thisBook.addLine( 'id', bookCode + ((' '+idText) if idText else '') )
            elif element.tag == 'ide':
                ideText = clean( element.text )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'jsa0' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'ls01' )
                charset = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == 'charset': charset = value
                        logging.warning( _("jx53 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                self.thisBook.addLine( 'ide', charset + ((' '+ideText) if ideText else '') )
            elif element.tag == 'h':
                hText = element.text
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'dj35' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, 'hs35' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'hs32' )
                self.thisBook.addLine( 'h', clean(hText) )
            elif element.tag == 'toc':
                tocText = element.text
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'ss13' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'js13' )
                level = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == 'level': # Seems compulsory
                        level = value
                        logging.warning( _("dg36 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                self.thisBook.addLine( 'toc'+level, clean(tocText) )
            elif element.tag == 'c':
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, 'ks35' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'gs35' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'kdr3' ) # This is a milestone
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == 'id':
                        C, V = value, '0'
                        logging.warning( _("hj52 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                self.thisBook.addLine( 'c', C )
            elif element.tag == 's':
                sText = clean( element.text )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'wxg0' )
                level = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == 'level': # Seems optional
                        level = value
                        logging.warning( _("bdy6 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                marker = 's'
                if level: marker += level
                self.thisBook.addLine( marker, sText )
                for subelement in element:
                    #print( "subelement", repr(subelement.tag) )
                    sublocation = subelement.tag + " of " + location
                    if subelement.tag == 'f':
                        self.loadFootnote( subelement, sublocation, BBB, C, V )
                    elif subelement.tag == 'x':
                        self.loadCrossreference( subelement, sublocation )
                    elif subelement.tag == 'fig':
                        self.loadFigure( subelement, sublocation )
                    elif subelement.tag == 'table':
                        self.loadTable( subelement, sublocation )
                    elif subelement.tag in ('add','it','bd','bdit','sc',):
                        self.loadCharacterFormatting( subelement, sublocation, BBB, C, V )
                    elif subelement.tag == 'optionalLineBreak':
                        print( "What is loadBook optionalLineBreak?" )
                        logging.warning( _("jx9q Unprocessed {} element after {} {}:{} in {}").format( subelement.tag, BBB, C, V, sublocation ) )
            elif element.tag in ('p','q','d',):
                V = self.loadParagraph( element, location, BBB, C )
            elif element.tag == 'b':
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, 'ks35' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'gs35' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, 'nd04' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'kdr3' )
                self.thisBook.addLine( 'b', '' )
            elif element.tag in ('cl','cp'): # Simple single-line paragraph-level markers
                marker, text = element.tag, clean(element.text)
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'od01' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'gd92' )
                idField = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == 'id': idField = value
                        logging.warning( _("dv35 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                if idField and text is None:
                    text = idField
                    logging.warning( _("dve4 Unprocessed idField ({}) in {}").format( idField, location ) )
                if text is None:
                    logging.critical( "Why is {} empty at {}".format( marker, location ) )
                assert( text is not None )
                self.thisBook.addLine( marker, text )
            elif element.tag == 'table':
                self.loadTable( element, location )
            elif element.tag == 've': # What's this in Psalms: <c id="4" /><ve /><d>For the Chief Musician; on stringed instruments. A Psalm of David.</d>
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, 'kds3' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'ks29' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, 'kj24' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'js91' )
                #self.thisBook.addLine( 'b', '' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "Ignoring 've' field", BBB, C, V )
                logging.critical( _("caf2 Unprocessed {} element after {} {}:{} in {}").format( element.tag, BBB, C, V, location ) )
                #self.addPriorityError( 1, c, v, _("Unprocessed {} element").format( element.tag ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: halt
        self.saveBook( self.thisBook )
    def __validateSystem(self, systemName):
        Checks for basic formatting/content errors in a Bible book name system.
        assert systemName
        assert self.__XMLSystems[systemName]['tree']

        if len(self.__XMLSystems[systemName]["languageCode"]) != 3:
                _("Couldn't find 3-letter language code in {!r} book names system"
        #if self.__ISOLanguages and not self.__ISOLanguages.isValidLanguageCode( self.__XMLSystems[systemName]["languageCode"] ): # Check that we have a valid language code
        #logging.error( _("Unrecognized {!r} ISO-639-3 language code in {!r} book names system").format( self.__XMLSystems[systemName]["languageCode"], systemName ) )

        uniqueDict = {}
        for index in range(0, len(self.mainElementTags)):
            for elementName in self.uniqueElements[index]:
                uniqueDict["Element_" + str(index) + "_" + elementName] = []
            for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes[index]:
                uniqueDict["Attribute_" + str(index) + "_" +
                           attributeName] = []

        expectedID = 1
        for k, element in enumerate(self.__XMLSystems[systemName]['tree']):
            if element.tag in self.mainElementTags:
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(element, element.tag)
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, element.tag)
                if not self.compulsoryAttributes and not self.optionalAttributes:
                        element, element.tag)
                if not self.compulsoryElements and not self.optionalElements:
                        element, element.tag)

                index = self.mainElementTags.index(element.tag)

                # Check compulsory attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.compulsoryAttributes[index]:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is None:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is missing from {} element in record {} in {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, element.tag, k,
                    if not attributeValue:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {} in {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, element.tag, k,

                # Check optional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in self.optionalAttributes[index]:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if not attributeValue:
                                _("Optional {!r} attribute is blank on {} element in record {} in {}"
                                  ).format(attributeName, element.tag, k,

                # Check for unexpected additional attributes on this main element
                for attributeName in element.keys():
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeName not in self.compulsoryAttributes[
                            index] and attributeName not in self.optionalAttributes[
                            _("Additional {!r} attribute ({!r}) found on {} element in record {} in {}"
                              ).format(attributeName, attributeValue,
                                       element.tag, k, systemName))

                # Check the attributes that must contain unique information (in that particular field -- doesn't check across different attributes)
                for attributeName in self.uniqueAttributes[index]:
                    attributeValue = element.get(attributeName)
                    if attributeValue is not None:
                        if attributeValue in uniqueDict["Attribute_" +
                                                        str(index) + "_" +
                                _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} field on {} element in record {} in {}"
                                  ).format(attributeValue, attributeName,
                                           element.tag, k, systemName))
                        uniqueDict["Attribute_" + str(index) + "_" +

                # Check compulsory elements
                for elementName in self.compulsoryElements[index]:
                    if element.find(elementName) is None:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} element is missing (record {}) in {}"
                              ).format(elementName, k, systemName))
                    if not element.find(elementName).text:
                            _("Compulsory {!r} element is blank (record {}) in {}"
                              ).format(elementName, k, systemName))

                # Check optional elements
                for elementName in self.optionalElements[index]:
                    if element.find(elementName) is not None:
                        if not element.find(elementName).text:
                                _("Optional {!r} element is blank (record {}) in {}"
                                  ).format(elementName, k, systemName))

                # Check for unexpected additional elements
                for subelement in element:
                    if subelement.tag not in self.compulsoryElements[
                            index] and subelement.tag not in self.optionalElements[
                            _("Additional {!r} element ({!r}) found (record {}) in {} {}"
                              ).format(subelement.tag, subelement.text, k,
                                       systemName, element.tag))

                # Check the elements that must contain unique information (in that particular element -- doesn't check across different elements)
                for elementName in self.uniqueElements[index]:
                    if element.find(elementName) is not None:
                        text = element.find(elementName).text
                        if text in uniqueDict["Element_" + str(index) + "_" +
                            myLogging = logging.info if element.tag == 'BibleDivisionNames' else logging.error
                                _("Found {!r} data repeated in {!r} element (record {}) in {}"
                                  ).format(text, elementName, k, systemName))
                        uniqueDict["Element_" + str(index) + "_" +
                    _("Unexpected element: {} in record {} in {}").format(
                        element.tag, k, systemName))
Exemplo n.º 37
    def importDataToPython(self):
        Loads (and pivots) the data (not including the header) into suitable Python containers to use in a Python program.
        (Of course, you can just use the elementTree in self._XMLtree if you prefer.)
        def makeList(parameter1, parameter2):
            Returns a list containing all parameters. Parameter1 may already be a list.
            if isinstance(parameter1, list):
                #assert( parameter2 not in parameter1 )
                return parameter1
                return [parameter1, parameter2]

        # end of makeList

        assert (self._XMLtree)
        if self.__DataList:  # We've already done an import/restructuring -- no need to repeat it
            return self.__DataList, self.__DataDict

        # We'll create a number of dictionaries with different elements as the key
        rawRefLinkList = []
        actualLinkCount = 0
        for element in self._XMLtree:
            #print( BibleOrgSysGlobals.elementStr( element ) )

            # Get these first for helpful error messages
            sourceReference = element.find('sourceReference').text
            sourceComponent = element.find('sourceComponent').text
            assert (sourceComponent in (

            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(element, sourceReference, 'kls1')
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes(element, sourceReference,
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sourceReference, 'so20')

            actualRawLinksList = []
            for subelement in element:
                #print( BibleOrgSysGlobals.elementStr( subelement ) )
                if subelement.tag in (
                ):  # already processed these
                        subelement, sourceReference, 'ls12')
                        subelement, sourceReference, 'ks02')
                                                      sourceReference, 'sqw1')

                elif subelement.tag == 'BibleReferenceLink':
                                                      sourceReference, 'haw9')
                        subelement, sourceReference, 'hs19')
                                                      sourceReference, 'jsd9')

                    targetReference = subelement.find('targetReference').text
                    targetComponent = subelement.find('targetComponent').text
                    assert (targetComponent in (
                    linkType = subelement.find('linkType').text
                    assert (linkType in (

                    actualLinkCount += 1


        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print("  {} raw links loaded (with {} actual raw link entries)".
                  format(len(rawRefLinkList), actualLinkCount))

        myRefLinkList = []
        actualLinkCount = 0
        BOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem("GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG")

        for j, (sourceReference, sourceComponent,
                actualRawLinksList) in enumerate(rawRefLinkList):
            # Just do some testing first
            if sourceComponent == 'Verse':
                x = SimpleVerseKey(sourceReference)
                flag = False
                    x = SimpleVerseKey(sourceReference, ignoreParseErrors=True)
                    flag = True
                except TypeError:
                    pass  # This should happen coz it should fail the SVK
                if flag:
                    logging.error("{} {!r} failed!".format(
                        sourceComponent, sourceReference))
                    raise TypeError
            # Now do the actual parsing
            parsedSourceReference = FlexibleVersesKey(sourceReference)
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                print(j, sourceComponent, sourceReference,
                #assert( parsedSourceReference.getShortText().replace(' ','_') == sourceReference )
            actualLinksList = []
            for k, (targetReference, targetComponent,
                    linkType) in enumerate(actualRawLinksList):
                # Just do some testing first
                if targetComponent == 'Verse':
                    x = SimpleVerseKey(targetReference)
                    flag = False
                        x = SimpleVerseKey(targetReference,
                        flag = True
                    except TypeError:
                        pass  # This should happen coz it should fail the SVK
                    if flag:
                        logging.error("{} {!r} failed!".format(
                            targetComponent, targetReference))
                        raise TypeError
                # Now do the actual parsing
                    parsedTargetReference = FlexibleVersesKey(targetReference)
                except TypeError:
                        "  Temporarily ignored {!r} (TypeError from FlexibleVersesKey)"
                    parsedTargetReference = None
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                    print(' ', targetComponent, targetReference,
                    #assert( parsedTargetReference.getShortText().replace(' ','_',1) == targetReference )

                actualLinkCount += 1


        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print("  {} links processed (with {} actual link entries)".format(
                len(rawRefLinkList), actualLinkCount))
        #print( myRefLinkList ); halt
        self.__DataList = myRefLinkList

        # Now put it into my dictionaries for easy access
        # This part should be customized or added to for however you need to process the data

        # Create a link dictionary (by verse key)
        myRefLinkDict = {}
        for sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList in myRefLinkList:
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference )
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList )
            for verseRef in parsedSourceReference.getIncludedVerses():
                #print( verseRef )
                assert (isinstance(verseRef, SimpleVerseKey))
                if verseRef not in myRefLinkDict: myRefLinkDict[verseRef] = []
            #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt
        originalLinks = len(myRefLinkDict)
            "  {} verse links added to dictionary (includes filling out spans)"
        #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt

        # Create a reversed link dictionary (by verse key)
        for sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList in myRefLinkList:
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference )
            #print( sourceReference, sourceComponent, parsedSourceReference, actualLinksList )
            for targetReference, targetComponent, parsedTargetReference, linkType in actualLinksList:
                if parsedTargetReference is not None:
                    for verseRef in parsedTargetReference.getIncludedVerses():
                        #print( verseRef )
                        assert (isinstance(verseRef, SimpleVerseKey))
                        if linkType == 'TSK': reverseLinkType = 'TSKQuoted'
                        elif linkType == 'QuotedOTReference':
                            reverseLinkType = 'OTReferenceQuoted'
                        elif linkType == 'AlludedOTReference':
                            reverseLinkType = 'OTReferenceAlluded'
                        elif linkType == 'PossibleOTReference':
                            reverseLinkType = 'OTReferencePossible'
                            halt  # Have a new linkType!
                        if verseRef not in myRefLinkDict:
                            myRefLinkDict[verseRef] = []
                            (targetReference, targetComponent,
                             parsedTargetReference, [
                                 (sourceReference, sourceComponent,
                                  parsedSourceReference, reverseLinkType)
            #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt
        totalLinks = len(myRefLinkDict)
        reverseLinks = totalLinks - originalLinks
        print("  {} reverse links added to dictionary to give {} total".format(
            reverseLinks, totalLinks))
        #print( myRefLinkDict ); halt

        self.__DataDict = myRefLinkDict

        # Let's find the most number of references for a verse
        mostReferences = totalReferences = 0
        for verseRef, entryList in self.__DataDict.items():
            numRefs = len(entryList)
            if numRefs > mostReferences:
                mostReferences, mostVerseRef = numRefs, verseRef
            totalReferences += numRefs
        print("  {} maximum links for any one reference ({})".format(
            mostReferences, mostVerseRef.getShortText()))
        print("  {} total links for all references".format(totalReferences))

        return self.__DataList, self.__DataDict
Exemplo n.º 38
    def loadParagraph( self, paragraphElement, paragraphLocation, BBB, C ):
        Load the paragraph (p or q) container from the XML data file.
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            #print( _("USFXXMLBible.loadParagraph: Loading {} from {}...").format( self.name, self.sourceFolder ) )

        V = None
        pTag, pText = paragraphElement.tag, clean(paragraphElement.text)
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( paragraphElement, paragraphLocation, 'vsg7' )

        # Process the attributes first
        sfm = level = style = None
        for attrib,value in paragraphElement.items():
            if attrib == 'sfm': sfm = value
            elif attrib == 'level': level = value
            elif attrib == 'style': style = value
                logging.warning( "vfh4 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}".format( attrib, value, paragraphLocation ) )

        if sfm:
            assert( pTag == 'p' )
            pTag = sfm
        if level:
            #assert( pTag == 'q' ) # Could also be mt, etc.
            pTag += level
        if style:
            #print( repr(pTag), repr(pText), repr(style) )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "Ignoring {!r} style".format( style ) )

        self.thisBook.addLine( pTag, '' if pText is None else pText )

        for element in paragraphElement:
            location = element.tag + " of " + paragraphLocation
            #print( "element", repr(element.tag) )
            if element.tag == 'v': # verse milestone
                vTail = clean( element.tail ) # Main verse text
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, 'crc2' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'lct3' )
                lastV, V = V, None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == 'id':
                        V = value
                        logging.warning( _("cbs2 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                assert( V is not None )
                assert( V )
                self.thisBook.addLine( 'v', V + ((' '+vTail) if vTail else '' ) )
            elif element.tag == 've': # verse end milestone -- we can just ignore this
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, 'lsc3' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'mfy4' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, 'bd24' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'ks35' )
            elif element.tag == 'fig':
                self.loadFigure( element, location )
            elif element.tag == 'table':
                self.loadTable( element, location )
            elif element.tag == 'f':
                #print( "USFX.loadParagraph Found footnote at", paragraphLocation, C, V, repr(element.text) )
                self.loadFootnote( element, location, BBB, C, V )
            elif element.tag == 'x':
                #print( "USFX.loadParagraph Found xref at", paragraphLocation, C, V, repr(element.text) )
                self.loadCrossreference( element, location )
            elif element.tag in ('add','nd','wj','rq','sig','sls','bk','k','tl','vp','pn','qs','qt','em','it','bd','bdit','sc','no',): # character formatting
                self.loadCharacterFormatting( element, location, BBB, C, V )
            elif element.tag == 'cs': # character style -- seems like a USFX hack
                text, tail = clean(element.text), clean(element.tail)
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'kf92' )
                sfm = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == 'sfm': sfm = value
                        logging.warning( _("sh29 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                if sfm not in ('w','ior',): print( "cs sfm got", repr(sfm) )
                self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\{} {}\\{}*{}'.format( sfm, text, sfm, (' '+tail) if tail else '' ) )
            elif element.tag in ('cp',): # Simple single-line paragraph-level markers
                marker, text = element.tag, clean(element.text)
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'kdf0' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, 'lkj1' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'da13' )
                self.thisBook.addLine( marker, text )
            elif element.tag == 'ref': # encoded reference -- seems like a USFX hack
                text, tail = clean(element.text), clean(element.tail)
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'bd83' )
                target = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == 'tgt': target = value
                        logging.warning( _("be83 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                #if target not in ('w','ior',): print( "ref sfm got", repr(sfm) )
                self.thisBook.appendToLastLine( ' \\{} {}\\{}*{}{}'.format( element.tag, target, element.tag, text, (' '+tail) if tail else '' ) )
                #print( "Saved", '\\{} {}\\{}*{}{}'.format( element.tag, target, element.tag, text, (' '+tail) if tail else '' ) )
            elif element.tag == 'optionalLineBreak':
                print( "What is loadParagraph optionalLineBreak?" )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt
            elif element.tag == 'milestone': # e.g., <milestone sfm="pb" attribute=""/> (pb = explicit page break)
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, 'jzx2' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'ms23' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'dw24' )
                sfm = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == 'sfm': sfm = value
                        logging.warning( _("mcd2 Unprocessed {} attribute ({}) in {}").format( attrib, value, location ) )
                if sfm not in ('pb',): print( "milestone sfm got", repr(sfm) )
                self.thisBook.addLine( sfm, '' )
                logging.warning( _("df45 Unprocessed {} element after {} {}:{} in {}").format( repr(element.tag), self.thisBook.BBB, C, V, location ) )
        return V
Exemplo n.º 39
    def validateEntry( self, entry ):
        Check/validate the given Strongs Greek lexicon entry.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert entry.tag == "entry"
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( entry, entry.tag, "na19" )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( entry, entry.tag, "kaq9" )

        # Process the entry attributes first
        strongs5 = None
        for attrib,value in entry.items():
            if attrib ==  "strongs":
                strongs5 = value
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "Validating {} entry…".format( strongs5 ) )
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in main entry element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert len(strongs5)==5 and strongs5.isdigit()

        entryResults = {}
        entryString = ""
        gettingEssentials = True
        for j, element in enumerate( entry ):
            #print( strongs5, j, element.tag, repr(entryString) )
            if element.tag == "strongs":
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert gettingEssentials and j==0 and element.text
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, element.tag, "md3d" )
                if strongs5!='02717' and (3203 > int(strongs5) > 3302):
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, element.tag, "f3g7" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, element.tag, "m56g" )
                strongs = element.text
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert strongs5.endswith( strongs )
                if element.tail and element.tail.strip(): entryString += element.tail.strip()
            elif element.tag == "greek":
                location = "greek in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, "jke0" )
                #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "ks24" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, "df35" )
                # Process the attributes
                translit = greek = beta = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="translit": translit = value
                    elif attrib=="unicode": greek = value
                    elif attrib=="BETA": beta = value
                    else: logging.warning( "scs4 Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in {}".format( attrib, value, location ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert greek and translit and beta
                if 'word' not in entryResults: # This is the first/main entry
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert gettingEssentials and j==1
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "ks24" )
                    entryResults['word'] = (greek, translit, beta)
                    #print( "Have multiple greek entries in " + strongs5 )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert j > 2
                    gettingEssentials = False
                    entryString += ' ' + BibleOrgSysGlobals.getFlattenedXML( element, strongs5 ) #.replace( '\n', '' )
            elif element.tag == "pronunciation":
                location = "pronunciation in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, "iw9k" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, "0s20" )
                # Process the attributes
                pronunciation = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="strongs": pronunciation = value
                    else: logging.warning( "scs4 Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in {}".format( attrib, value, location ) )
                if gettingEssentials:
                    #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "kd02" )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                        assert j == 2
                        assert pronunciation
                        assert 'pronunciation' not in entryResults
                    entryResults['pronunciation'] = pronunciation
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert j>2 and not gettingEssentials
                    if element.tail and element.tail.strip(): entryString += element.tail.strip().replace( '\n', '' )
            elif element.tag == "strongs_derivation":
                location = "strongs_derivation in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, "jke0" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "ks24" )
                derivation = BibleOrgSysGlobals.getFlattenedXML( element, strongs5 ).replace( '\n', '' )
                #print( strongs5, "derivation", repr(derivation) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                    assert derivation and '\t' not in derivation and '\n' not in derivation
                entryString +=  derivation
            elif element.tag == "strongs_def":
                location = "strongs_def in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, "jke0" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "jd28" )
                definition = BibleOrgSysGlobals.getFlattenedXML( element, strongs5 ).replace( '\n', '' )
                #print( strongs5, "definition", repr(definition) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                    assert definition and '\t' not in definition and '\n' not in definition
                entryString += definition
            elif element.tag == "kjv_def":
                location = "kjv_def in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, location, "jke0" )
                #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "8s2s" )
                #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, "dvb2" )
                KJVdefinition = BibleOrgSysGlobals.getFlattenedXML( element, strongs5 ).replace( '\n', '' )
                #print( strongs5, "KJVdefinition", repr(KJVdefinition), repr(entryString) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert KJVdefinition and '\t' not in KJVdefinition and '\n' not in KJVdefinition
                entryString += KJVdefinition
            elif element.tag == "strongsref":
                location = "strongsref in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, "kls2" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, "ks24" )
                strongsRef = BibleOrgSysGlobals.getFlattenedXML( element, strongs5 ).replace( '\n', '' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                    assert strongsRef and '\t' not in strongsRef and '\n' not in strongsRef
                strongsRef = re.sub( '<language="GREEK" strongs="(\d{1,5})">', r'<StrongsRef>G\1</StrongsRef>', strongsRef )
                strongsRef = re.sub( '<strongs="(\d{1,5})" language="GREEK">', r'<StrongsRef>G\1</StrongsRef>', strongsRef )
                #strongsRef = re.sub( '<language="HEBREW" strongs="(\d{1,5})">', r'<StrongsRef>H\1</StrongsRef>', strongsRef )
                #strongsRef = re.sub( '<strongs="(\d{1,5})" language="HEBREW">', r'<StrongsRef>H\1</StrongsRef>', strongsRef )
                #print( strongs5, "strongsRef", repr(strongsRef) )
                entryString += ' ' + strongsRef
            elif element.tag == "see":
                location = "see in Strongs " + strongs5
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, location, "iw9k" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, "kd02" )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, "0s20" )
                # Process the attributes
                seeLanguage = seeStrongsNumber = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib == "language": seeLanguage = value
                    elif attrib == "strongs": seeStrongsNumber = value # Note: No leading zeroes here
                    else: logging.warning( "scs4 Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in {}".format( attrib, value, location ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                    assert seeLanguage and seeStrongsNumber and seeStrongsNumber.isdigit()
                    assert seeLanguage in ('GREEK','HEBREW',)
                if 'see' not in entryResults: entryResults['see'] = []
                entryResults['see'].append( ('G' if seeLanguage=='GREEK' else 'H') + seeStrongsNumber )
            else: logging.error( "2d4f Unprocessed {!r} element ({}) in entry".format( element.tag, element.text ) )

        if entryString:
            #print( strongs5, "entryString", repr(entryString) )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                assert '\t' not in entryString and '\n' not in entryString
            entryString = re.sub( '<strongsref language="GREEK" strongs="(\d{1,5})"></strongsref>',
                                r'<StrongsRef>G\1</StrongsRef>', entryString )
            entryString = re.sub( '<strongsref strongs="(\d{1,5})" language="GREEK"></strongsref>',
                                r'<StrongsRef>G\1</StrongsRef>', entryString )
            entryString = re.sub( '<strongsref language="HEBREW" strongs="(\d{1,5})"></strongsref>',
                                r'<StrongsRef>H\1</StrongsRef>', entryString )
            entryString = re.sub( '<strongsref strongs="(\d{1,5})" language="HEBREW"></strongsref>',
                                r'<StrongsRef>H\1</StrongsRef>', entryString )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                assert 'strongsref' not in entryString
            entryResults['Entry'] = entryString
        #print( "entryResults", entryResults )
        self.StrongsEntries[strongs] = entryResults
Exemplo n.º 40
    def __validateAndExtractVerse( self, BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, verse ):
        Check/validate and extract chapter data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving chapter numbers and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML verse…") )

        location = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( verse, location, 'l5ks' )

        # Handle verse attributes
        verseNumber = toVerseNumber = None
        for attrib,value in verse.items():
            if attrib == 'vnumber':
                verseNumber = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in verse element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert verseNumber
        location = "{}:{}".format( location, verseNumber ) # Get a better location description
        #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber )
        vText = verse.text
        if vText: vText = vText.strip()
        #if not vText: # This happens if a verse starts immediately with a style or note
            #logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber ) )

        # Handle verse subelements (notes and styled portions)
        for subelement in verse:
            if subelement.tag == ZefaniaXMLBible.noteTag:
                sublocation = "note in " + location
                noteType = None
                for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    if attrib == 'type':
                        noteType = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                if noteType not in ('n-studynote','x-studynote',):
                    logging.warning( "Unexpected {} note type in {}".format( noteType, BBB ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert noteType
                nText, nTail = subelement.text, subelement.tail
                #print( "note", BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, noteType, repr(nText), repr(nTail) )
                #thisBook.addLine( 'ST', css ) # XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Losing data here (for now)
                #thisBook.addLine( 'ST=', nText )
                if nTail:
                    if '\n' in nTail:
                        print( "ZefaniaXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse: nTail {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, nTail ) )
                        nTail = nTail.replace( '\n', ' ' )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'v~', nTail )
                for sub2element in subelement:
                    if sub2element.tag == ZefaniaXMLBible.styleTag:
                        sub2location = "style in " + sublocation
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( sub2element, sub2location, 'fyt4' )
                        css = idStyle = None
                        for attrib,value in sub2element.items():
                            if attrib == 'css':
                                css = value
                            elif attrib == 'id':
                                idStyle = value
                            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style sub2element".format( attrib, value ) )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert css or idStyle
                        SFM = None
                        if css=='font-style:italic' or css=='font-style:italic;': SFM = '\\it'
                        elif css == "font-style:italic;font-weight:bold": SFM = '\\bdit'
                        elif css == "color:#FF0000": SFM = '\\em'
                        elif css == "font-size: x-small; color:#8B8378": SFM = '\\add'
                        elif css is None and idStyle=='cl:divineName': SFM = '\\nd'
                            logging.error( "Ignored1 css is {!r} idStyle is {!r}".format( css, idStyle ) )
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt
                        sText, sTail = sub2element.text.strip(), sub2element.tail
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert sText
                        if SFM: vText += SFM+' ' + sText + SFM+'*'
                        else: vText += '\\sc ' + '['+css+']' + sText + '\\sc* ' # Use sc for unknown styles
                        if sTail: vText += sTail.strip()
                    else: logging.error( "Expected to find {} but got {!r} in {}".format( ZefaniaXMLBible.styleTag, sub2element.tag, sublocation ) )

            elif subelement.tag == ZefaniaXMLBible.styleTag:
                sublocation = "style in " + location
                css = idStyle = None
                for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    if attrib == 'css':
                        css = value
                    elif attrib == 'id':
                        idStyle = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert css or idStyle
                SFM = None
                if css=='font-style:italic' or css=='font-style:italic;': SFM = '\\it'
                elif css == "font-style:italic;font-weight:bold": SFM = '\\bdit'
                elif css == "color:#FF0000": SFM = '\\em'
                elif css == "font-size: x-small; color:#8B8378": SFM = '\\add'
                elif css is None and idStyle=='cl:divineName': SFM = '\\nd'
                    logging.error( "Ignored2 css is {!r} idStyle is {!r}".format( css, idStyle ) )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: halt

                for sub2element in subelement:
                    if sub2element.tag == ZefaniaXMLBible.grTag:
                        sub2location = "gr in " + sublocation
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( sub2element, sub2location, 'ks12' )
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( sub2element, sub2location, 'dl36' )
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( sub2element, sub2location, 'js24' )
                        grText = sub2element.text.strip() if sub2element.text else ''
                        logging.error( "Unfinished to process 'gr' {!r} sub2element ({}) in style subelement".format( grText, sublocation ) )
                    else: logging.error( "Expected to find 'gr' but got {!r} in {}".format( sub2element.tag, sublocation ) )

                #sText, sTail = subelement.text.strip(), subelement.tail
                sText = subelement.text.strip() if subelement.text else ''
                sTail = subelement.tail.strip() if subelement.tail else None
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: assert sText
                if SFM: vText += SFM+' ' + sText + SFM+'*'
                else: vText += '\\sc ' + '['+(css if css else '')+']' + sText + '\\sc* ' # Use sc for unknown styles
                if sTail: vText += sTail

            elif subelement.tag == ZefaniaXMLBible.breakTag:
                sublocation = "line break in " + location
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( subelement, sublocation, 'c1d4' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'g4g8' )
                art = None
                for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    if attrib == 'art':
                        art = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert art == 'x-nl'
                #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber )
                #assert vText
                if vText:
                    if '\n' in vText:
                        logging.warning( "ZefaniaXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse_a: newline in vText {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                        vText = vText.replace( '\n', ' ' )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText )
                    vText = ''
                breakText = subelement.tail.strip() if subelement.tail else ''
                if '\n' in breakText:
                    logging.warning( "ZefaniaXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse: newline in breakText {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, breakText ) )
                    breakText = breakText.replace( '\n', ' ' )
                thisBook.addLine( 'm', breakText )

            elif subelement.tag == ZefaniaXMLBible.divTag:
                sublocation = "div break in " + location
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( subelement, sublocation, 'ld46' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( subelement, sublocation, 'kx10' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( subelement, sublocation, 'las9' )
                for sub2element in subelement:
                    if sub2element.tag == 'NOTE':
                        sub2location = "NOTE in " + sublocation
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( sub2element, sub2location, 'lc35' )
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( sub2element, sub2location, 'ks27' )
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( sub2element, sub2location, 'ksd1' )
                        noteText = sub2element.text.strip() if sub2element.text else ''
                        vText += '\\f {}\\f*'.format( noteText )
                    else: logging.error( "Expected to find 'NOTE' but got {!r} in {}".format( sub2element.tag, sublocation ) )

            elif subelement.tag == ZefaniaXMLBible.grTag:
                sublocation = "gr in " + location
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( subelement, sublocation, 'ksd2' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'ls10' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( subelement, sublocation, 'cg27' )
                grText = subelement.text.strip() if subelement.text else ''
                logging.error( "Unfinished to process 'gr' {!r} subelement ({}) in style subelement".format( grText, location ) )

            else: logging.error( "Expected to find NOTE or STYLE or BREAK or DIV but got {!r} in {}".format( subelement.tag, location ) )

        if vText: # This is the main text of the verse (follows the verse milestone)
            if '\n' in vText:
                logging.warning( "ZefaniaXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse_b: newline in vText {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                vText = vText.replace( '\n', ' ' )
            thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText )