Exemplo n.º 1
def getChangeLogFilepath( loggingFolder, projectName ):
    return os.path.join( loggingFolder, \
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename( projectName.replace(' ','_') + '_ChangeLog.txt' ) )
Exemplo n.º 2
def demo():
    Demonstrate reading and checking some Bible databases.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( ProgNameVersion )

    if 1: # Load and process some of our test versions
        count = 0
        for name, abbreviation, testFolder in ( # name, abbreviation, folder
                    ("Open English Translation—Literal Version", "OET-LV", "../../../../../Data/Work/Matigsalug/Bible/OET-LV/",),
                    #("Matigsalug", "MBTV", "../../../../../Data/Work/Matigsalug/Bible/MBTV/",),
                    #("ESFM Test 1", "OET-LV", "Tests/DataFilesForTests/ESFMTest1/"),
                    #("ESFM Test 2", "OET-RV", "Tests/DataFilesForTests/ESFMTest2/"),
                    #("All Markers Project", "WEB+", "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMAllMarkersProject/"),
                    #("USFM Error Project", "UEP", "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMErrorProject/"),
                    #("BOS Exported Files", "Exported", "Tests/BOS_USFM_Export/"),
            count += 1
            if os.access( testFolder, os.R_OK ):
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nESFM A{}/".format( count ) )
                EsfmB = ESFMBible( testFolder, name, abbreviation )
                print( "Gen assumed book name:", repr( EsfmB.getAssumedBookName( 'GEN' ) ) )
                print( "Gen long TOC book name:", repr( EsfmB.getLongTOCName( 'GEN' ) ) )
                print( "Gen short TOC book name:", repr( EsfmB.getShortTOCName( 'GEN' ) ) )
                print( "Gen book abbreviation:", repr( EsfmB.getBooknameAbbreviation( 'GEN' ) ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( EsfmB )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    #print( EsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
                    EsfmBErrors = EsfmB.getErrors()
                    # print( UBErrors )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineOptions.export:
                    EsfmB.doAllExports( wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=True, wantPDFs=True )
                    newObj = BibleOrgSysGlobals.unpickleObject( BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename(abbreviation) + '.pickle', os.path.join( "OutputFiles/", "BOS_Bible_Object_Pickle/" ) )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "newObj is", newObj )
            else: print( "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer.".format( testFolder ) )

    if 0: # Test a whole folder full of folders of ESFM Bibles
        testBaseFolder = "Tests/DataFilesForTests/theWordRoundtripTestFiles/"

        def findInfo( somepath ):
            """ Find out info about the project from the included copyright.htm file """
            cFilepath = os.path.join( somepath, "copyright.htm" )
            if not os.path.exists( cFilepath ): return
            with open( cFilepath, encoding='utf-8' ) as myFile: # Automatically closes the file when done
                lastLine, lineCount = None, 0
                title, nameDict = None, {}
                for line in myFile:
                    lineCount += 1
                    if lineCount==1 and line and line[0]==chr(65279): #U+FEFF
                        logging.info( "ESFMBible: Detected UTF-16 Byte Order Marker in copyright.htm file" )
                        line = line[1:] # Remove the UTF-8 Byte Order Marker
                    if line[-1]=='\n': line = line[:-1] # Removing trailing newline character
                    if not line: continue # Just discard blank lines
                    lastLine = line
                    if line.startswith("<title>"): title = line.replace("<title>","").replace("</title>","").strip()
                    if line.startswith('<option value="'):
                        adjLine = line.replace('<option value="','').replace('</option>','')
                        ESFM_BBB, name = adjLine[:3], adjLine[11:]
                        BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromESFM( ESFM_BBB )
                        #print( ESFM_BBB, BBB, name )
                        nameDict[BBB] = name
            return title, nameDict
        # end of findInfo

        count = totalBooks = 0
        if os.access( testBaseFolder, os.R_OK ): # check that we can read the test data
            for something in sorted( os.listdir( testBaseFolder ) ):
                somepath = os.path.join( testBaseFolder, something )
                if os.path.isfile( somepath ): print( "Ignoring file {!r} in {!r}".format( something, testBaseFolder ) )
                elif os.path.isdir( somepath ): # Let's assume that it's a folder containing a ESFM (partial) Bible
                    #if not something.startswith( 'ssx' ): continue # This line is used for debugging only specific modules
                    count += 1
                    title = None
                    findInfoResult = findInfo( somepath )
                    if findInfoResult: title, bookNameDict = findInfoResult
                    if title is None: title = something[:-5] if something.endswith("_usfm") else something
                    name, testFolder = title, somepath
                    if os.access( testFolder, os.R_OK ):
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nESFM B{}/".format( count ) )
                        EsfmB = ESFMBible( testFolder, name )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( EsfmB )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                            EsfmBErrors = EsfmB.getErrors()
                            #print( EsfmBErrors )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineOptions.export: EsfmB.doAllExports( wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=False, wantPDFs=False )
                    else: print( "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer.".format( testFolder ) )
            if count: print( "\n{} total ESFM (partial) Bibles processed.".format( count ) )
            if totalBooks: print( "{} total books ({} average per folder)".format( totalBooks, round(totalBooks/count) ) )
        else: print( "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer.".format( testBaseFolder ) )
Exemplo n.º 3
def demo():
    Demonstrate reading and checking some Bible databases.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(ProgNameVersion)

    if 1:  # Load and process some of our test versions
        count = 0
        for name, abbreviation, testFolder in (  # name, abbreviation, folder
                "Open English Translation—Literal Version",
                #("Matigsalug", "MBTV", "../../../../../Data/Work/Matigsalug/Bible/MBTV/",),
                #("ESFM Test 1", "OET-LV", "Tests/DataFilesForTests/ESFMTest1/"),
                #("ESFM Test 2", "OET-RV", "Tests/DataFilesForTests/ESFMTest2/"),
                #("All Markers Project", "WEB+", "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMAllMarkersProject/"),
                #("USFM Error Project", "UEP", "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMErrorProject/"),
                #("BOS Exported Files", "Exported", "Tests/BOS_USFM_Export/"),
            count += 1
            if os.access(testFolder, os.R_OK):
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                    print("\nESFM A{}/".format(count))
                EsfmB = ESFMBible(testFolder, name, abbreviation)
                print("Gen assumed book name:",
                print("Gen long TOC book name:",
                print("Gen short TOC book name:",
                print("Gen book abbreviation:",
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(EsfmB)
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    #print( EsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
                    EsfmBErrors = EsfmB.getErrors()
                    # print( UBErrors )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineOptions.export:
                    newObj = BibleOrgSysGlobals.unpickleObject(
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename(abbreviation) +
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                        print("newObj is", newObj)
                    "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer."

    if 0:  # Test a whole folder full of folders of ESFM Bibles
        testBaseFolder = "Tests/DataFilesForTests/theWordRoundtripTestFiles/"

        def findInfo(somepath):
            """ Find out info about the project from the included copyright.htm file """
            cFilepath = os.path.join(somepath, "copyright.htm")
            if not os.path.exists(cFilepath): return
            with open(cFilepath, encoding='utf-8'
                      ) as myFile:  # Automatically closes the file when done
                lastLine, lineCount = None, 0
                title, nameDict = None, {}
                for line in myFile:
                    lineCount += 1
                    if lineCount == 1 and line and line[0] == chr(
                            65279):  #U+FEFF
                            "ESFMBible: Detected UTF-16 Byte Order Marker in copyright.htm file"
                        line = line[1:]  # Remove the UTF-8 Byte Order Marker
                    if line[-1] == '\n':
                        line = line[:-1]  # Removing trailing newline character
                    if not line: continue  # Just discard blank lines
                    lastLine = line
                    if line.startswith("<title>"):
                        title = line.replace("<title>",
                    if line.startswith('<option value="'):
                        adjLine = line.replace('<option value="',
                                               '').replace('</option>', '')
                        ESFM_BBB, name = adjLine[:3], adjLine[11:]
                        BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromESFM(
                        #print( ESFM_BBB, BBB, name )
                        nameDict[BBB] = name
            return title, nameDict

        # end of findInfo

        count = totalBooks = 0
        if os.access(testBaseFolder,
                     os.R_OK):  # check that we can read the test data
            for something in sorted(os.listdir(testBaseFolder)):
                somepath = os.path.join(testBaseFolder, something)
                if os.path.isfile(somepath):
                    print("Ignoring file {!r} in {!r}".format(
                        something, testBaseFolder))
                elif os.path.isdir(
                ):  # Let's assume that it's a folder containing a ESFM (partial) Bible
                    #if not something.startswith( 'ssx' ): continue # This line is used for debugging only specific modules
                    count += 1
                    title = None
                    findInfoResult = findInfo(somepath)
                    if findInfoResult: title, bookNameDict = findInfoResult
                    if title is None:
                        title = something[:-5] if something.endswith(
                            "_usfm") else something
                    name, testFolder = title, somepath
                    if os.access(testFolder, os.R_OK):
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                            print("\nESFM B{}/".format(count))
                        EsfmB = ESFMBible(testFolder, name)
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(EsfmB)
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                            EsfmBErrors = EsfmB.getErrors()
                            #print( EsfmBErrors )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineOptions.export:
                            "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer."
            if count:
                print("\n{} total ESFM (partial) Bibles processed.".format(
            if totalBooks:
                print("{} total books ({} average per folder)".format(
                    totalBooks, round(totalBooks / count)))
                "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer.".
Exemplo n.º 4
def demo():
    Demonstrate reading and checking some Bible databases.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( ProgNameVersion )

    #testFolder = "Tests/DataFilesForTests/BCVTest1/"
    testFolder = "OutputFiles/BOS_BCV_Export/"

    if 1: # demo the file checking code -- first with the whole folder and then with only one folder
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nBCV TestA1" )
        result1 = BCVBibleFileCheck( testFolder )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( "BCV TestA1", result1 )

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nBCV TestA2" )
        result2 = BCVBibleFileCheck( testFolder, autoLoad=True ) # But doesn't preload books
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( "BCV TestA2", result2 )
        #result2.loadMetadataFile( os.path.join( testFolder, "BooknamesMetadata.txt" ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
            #print( UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
            bibleErrors = result2.getErrors()
            # print( bibleErrors )
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
            #result2.doAllExports( wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=False, wantPDFs=False )

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nBCV TestA3" )
        result3 = BCVBibleFileCheck( testFolder, autoLoad=True, autoLoadBooks=True )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( "BCV TestA3", result3 )
        #result3.loadMetadataFile( os.path.join( testFolder, "BooknamesMetadata.txt" ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
            #print( UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
            bibleErrors = result3.getErrors()
            # print( bibleErrors )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
            result3.doAllExports( wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=False, wantPDFs=False )

    if 0: # all discovered modules in the test folder
        foundFolders, foundFiles = [], []
        for something in os.listdir( testFolder ):
            somepath = os.path.join( testFolder, something )
            if os.path.isdir( somepath ): foundFolders.append( something )
            elif os.path.isfile( somepath ): foundFiles.append( something )

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1: # Get our subprocesses ready and waiting for work
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( "\nTrying all {} discovered modules…".format( len(foundFolders) ) )
            parameters = [folderName for folderName in sorted(foundFolders)]
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing = True
            with multiprocessing.Pool( processes=BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses ) as pool: # start worker processes
                results = pool.map( testBCV, parameters ) # have the pool do our loads
                assert len(results) == len(parameters) # Results (all None) are actually irrelevant to us here
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing = False
        else: # Just single threaded
            for j, someFolder in enumerate( sorted( foundFolders ) ):
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( "\nBCV D{}/ Trying {}".format( j+1, someFolder ) )
                #myTestFolder = os.path.join( testFolder, someFolder+'/' )
                testBCV( someFolder )

    if 0: # Load and process some of our test versions
        count = 0
        for name, encoding, testFolder in (
                                        ("Matigsalug", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/BCVTest1/"),
                                        ("Matigsalug", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/BCVTest2/"),
                                        ("Exported", 'utf-8', "Tests/BOS_BCV_Export/"),
            count += 1
            if os.access( testFolder, os.R_OK ):
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nBCV A{}/".format( count ) )
                bcvB = BCVBible( testFolder, name, encoding=encoding )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                    print( "Gen assumed book name:", repr( bcvB.getAssumedBookName( 'GEN' ) ) )
                    print( "Gen long TOC book name:", repr( bcvB.getLongTOCName( 'GEN' ) ) )
                    print( "Gen short TOC book name:", repr( bcvB.getShortTOCName( 'GEN' ) ) )
                    print( "Gen book abbreviation:", repr( bcvB.getBooknameAbbreviation( 'GEN' ) ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( bcvB )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    #print( UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
                    bcbibleErrors = bcvB.getErrors()
                    # print( bcbibleErrors )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
                    bcvB.doAllExports( wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=False, wantPDFs=False )
                    newObj = BibleOrgSysGlobals.unpickleObject( BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename(name) + '.pickle', os.path.join( "OutputFiles/", "BOS_Bible_Object_Pickle/" ) )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "newObj is", newObj )
            else: print( "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer.".format( testFolder ) )
Exemplo n.º 5
def demo():
    Demonstrate reading and checking some Bible databases.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(ProgNameVersion)

    #testFolder = "Tests/DataFilesForTests/BCVTest1/"
    testFolder = "OutputFiles/BOS_BCV_Export/"

    if 1:  # demo the file checking code -- first with the whole folder and then with only one folder
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print("\nBCV TestA1")
        result1 = BCVBibleFileCheck(testFolder)
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print("BCV TestA1", result1)

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print("\nBCV TestA2")
        result2 = BCVBibleFileCheck(testFolder,
                                    autoLoad=True)  # But doesn't preload books
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print("BCV TestA2", result2)
        #result2.loadMetadataFile( os.path.join( testFolder, "BooknamesMetadata.txt" ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
            #print( UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
            bibleErrors = result2.getErrors()
            # print( bibleErrors )
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
        #result2.doAllExports( wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=False, wantPDFs=False )

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print("\nBCV TestA3")
        result3 = BCVBibleFileCheck(testFolder,
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print("BCV TestA3", result3)
        #result3.loadMetadataFile( os.path.join( testFolder, "BooknamesMetadata.txt" ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
            #print( UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
            bibleErrors = result3.getErrors()
            # print( bibleErrors )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:

    if 0:  # all discovered modules in the test folder
        foundFolders, foundFiles = [], []
        for something in os.listdir(testFolder):
            somepath = os.path.join(testFolder, something)
            if os.path.isdir(somepath): foundFolders.append(something)
            elif os.path.isfile(somepath): foundFiles.append(something)

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1:  # Get our subprocesses ready and waiting for work
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print("\nTrying all {} discovered modules…".format(
            parameters = [folderName for folderName in sorted(foundFolders)]
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing = True
            with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses
                                      ) as pool:  # start worker processes
                results = pool.map(testBCV,
                                   parameters)  # have the pool do our loads
                assert len(results) == len(
                )  # Results (all None) are actually irrelevant to us here
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing = False
        else:  # Just single threaded
            for j, someFolder in enumerate(sorted(foundFolders)):
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                    print("\nBCV D{}/ Trying {}".format(j + 1, someFolder))
                #myTestFolder = os.path.join( testFolder, someFolder+'/' )

    if 0:  # Load and process some of our test versions
        count = 0
        for name, encoding, testFolder in (
            ("Matigsalug", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/BCVTest1/"),
            ("Matigsalug", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/BCVTest2/"),
            ("Exported", 'utf-8', "Tests/BOS_BCV_Export/"),
            count += 1
            if os.access(testFolder, os.R_OK):
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                    print("\nBCV A{}/".format(count))
                bcvB = BCVBible(testFolder, name, encoding=encoding)
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                    print("Gen assumed book name:",
                    print("Gen long TOC book name:",
                    print("Gen short TOC book name:",
                    print("Gen book abbreviation:",
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(bcvB)
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    #print( UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
                    bcbibleErrors = bcvB.getErrors()
                    # print( bcbibleErrors )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
                    newObj = BibleOrgSysGlobals.unpickleObject(
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename(name) + '.pickle',
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                        print("newObj is", newObj)
                    "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer."
Exemplo n.º 6
def createOpenSongXML(BibleObject,
    Using settings from the given control file,
        converts the USFM information to a UTF-8 OpenSong XML file.

    This format is roughly documented at http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenSong_XML
        but more fields can be discovered by looking at downloaded files.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
        print("Running createOpenSongXML…")
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert BibleObject.books

    ignoredMarkers, unhandledMarkers, unhandledBooks = set(), set(), []

    def writeOpenSongBook(writerObject, BBB, bkData):
        """Writes a book to the OpenSong XML writerObject."""
        #print( 'BIBLEBOOK', [('bnumber',BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getReferenceNumber(BBB)), ('bname',BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getEnglishName_NR(BBB)), ('bsname',BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getOSISAbbreviation(BBB))] )
        OSISAbbrev = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getOSISAbbreviation(
        if not OSISAbbrev:
                "toOpenSong: Can't write {} OpenSong book because no OSIS code available"
        writerObject.writeLineOpen('b', ('n', bkData.getAssumedBookNames()[0]))
        haveOpenChapter, startedFlag, gotVP, accumulator = False, False, None, ""
        C, V = '-1', '-1'  # So first/id line starts at -1:0
        for processedBibleEntry in bkData._processedLines:  # Process internal Bible data lines
            marker, text, extras = processedBibleEntry.getMarker(
            ), processedBibleEntry.getCleanText(
            ), processedBibleEntry.getExtras()
            #print( marker, repr(text) )
            #if text: assert text[0] != ' '
            if '¬' in marker or marker in BOS_ADDED_NESTING_MARKERS:
                continue  # Just ignore added markers -- not needed here
            if marker in USFM_PRECHAPTER_MARKERS:
                if debuggingThisModule or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    assert C == '-1' or marker == 'rem' or marker.startswith(
                V = str(int(V) + 1)

            if marker in OFTEN_IGNORED_USFM_HEADER_MARKERS or marker in (
                    'ie', ):  # Just ignore these lines
            elif marker == 'c':
                if accumulator:
                    writerObject.writeLineOpenClose('v', accumulator,
                                                    ('n', verseNumberString))
                    accumulator = ''
                if haveOpenChapter:
                C, V = text, '0'
                writerObject.writeLineOpen('c', ('n', text))
                haveOpenChapter = True
            elif marker in (
            ):  # These are the markers that we can safely ignore for this export
            elif marker == 'vp#':  # This precedes a v field and has the verse number to be printed
                gotVP = text  # Just remember it for now
            elif marker == 'v':
                V = text
                if gotVP:  # this is the verse number to be published
                    text = gotVP
                    gotVP = None
                startedFlag = True
                if accumulator:
                    writerObject.writeLineOpenClose('v', accumulator,
                                                    ('n', verseNumberString))
                    accumulator = ''
                #print( "Text {!r}".format( text ) )
                if not text:
                    logging.warning("createOpenSongXML: Missing text for v")
                verseNumberString = text.replace('<', '').replace(
                    '>', ''
                    '"', ''
                )  # Used below but remove anything that'll cause a big XML problem later

            elif marker in ('mt1','mt2','mt3','mt4', 'mte1','mte2','mte3','mte4', 'ms1','ms2','ms3','ms4', ) \
            or marker in USFM_ALL_INTRODUCTION_MARKERS \
            or marker in ('s1','s2','s3','s4', 'r','sr','mr', 'd','sp','cd', 'cl','lit', ):
            elif marker in USFM_BIBLE_PARAGRAPH_MARKERS:
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert not text and not extras
            elif marker in (
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert not text and not extras
            elif marker in (
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert text or extras
                if not text:  # this is an empty (untranslated) verse
                    text = '- - -'  # but we'll put in a filler
                if startedFlag:
                    accumulator += (' ' if accumulator else
                                    '') + BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeXML(text)
                if text:
                        "toOpenSong: lost text in {} field in {} {}:{} {!r}".
                        format(marker, BBB, C, V, text))
                    #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt
                if extras:
                        "toOpenSong: lost extras in {} field in {} {}:{}".
                        format(marker, BBB, C, V))
                    #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt
            if extras and marker not in (
            ) and marker not in ignoredMarkers:
                    "toOpenSong: extras not handled for {} at {} {}:{}".format(
                        marker, BBB, C, V))
        if accumulator:
            writerObject.writeLineOpenClose('v', accumulator,
                                            ('n', verseNumberString))
        if haveOpenChapter:

    # end of createOpenSongXML.writeOpenSongBook

    # Set-up our Bible reference system
    if 'PublicationCode' not in controlDict or controlDict[
            'PublicationCode'] == 'GENERIC':
        BOS = BibleObject.genericBOS
        BRL = BibleObject.genericBRL
        BOS = BibleOrganisationalSystem(controlDict['PublicationCode'])
        BRL = BibleReferenceList(BOS, BibleObject=None)

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
        print(_("  Exporting to OpenSong format…"))
        osOFn = controlDict['OpenSongOutputFilename']
    except KeyError:
        osOFn = 'Bible.osong'
    filename = BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename(osOFn)
    xw = MLWriter(filename, outputFolder)
    for BBB, bookData in BibleObject.books.items():
        writeOpenSongBook(xw, BBB, bookData)

    if ignoredMarkers:
        logging.info("createOpenSongXML: Ignored markers were {}".format(
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            print("  " + _("WARNING: Ignored createOpenSongXML markers were {}"
    if unhandledMarkers:
        logging.warning("createOpenSongXML: Unhandled markers were {}".format(
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print("  " +
                  _("WARNING: Unhandled toOpenSong markers were {}").format(
    if unhandledBooks:
        logging.warning("createOpenSongXML: Unhandled books were {}".format(
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print("  " + _("WARNING: Unhandled createOpenSongXML books were {}"

    # Now create a zipped version
    filepath = os.path.join(outputFolder, filename)
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
        print("  Zipping {} OpenSong file…".format(filename))
    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath + '.zip',
    zf.write(filepath, filename)

    if validationSchema: return xw.validate(validationSchema)
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0 and BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1:
        print("  createOpenSongXML finished successfully.")
    return True
Exemplo n.º 7
def createMySwordModule( self, outputFolder, controlDict ):
    Create a SQLite3 database module for the program MySword.

    self here is a Bible object with _processedLines
    import tarfile
    from InternalBibleInternals import BOS_ADDED_NESTING_MARKERS, BOS_NESTING_MARKERS
    from theWordBible import theWordOTBookLines, theWordNTBookLines, theWordBookLines, theWordHandleIntroduction, theWordComposeVerseLine

    def writeMSBook( sqlObject, BBB, ourGlobals ):
        Writes a book to the MySword sqlObject file.
        nonlocal lineCount
        bkData = self.books[BBB] if BBB in self.books else None
        #print( bkData._processedLines )
        verseList = BOS.getNumVersesList( BBB )
        nBBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getReferenceNumber( BBB )
        numC, numV = len(verseList), verseList[0]

        ourGlobals['line'], ourGlobals['lastLine'] = '', None
        ourGlobals['pi1'] = ourGlobals['pi2'] = ourGlobals['pi3'] = ourGlobals['pi4'] = ourGlobals['pi5'] = ourGlobals['pi6'] = ourGlobals['pi7'] = False
        if bkData:
            # Write book headings (stuff before chapter 1)
            ourGlobals['line'] = theWordHandleIntroduction( BBB, bkData, ourGlobals )

            # Write the verses
            C = V = 1
            ourGlobals['lastLine'] = ourGlobals['lastBCV'] = None
            while True:
                verseData = None
                if bkData:
                        result = bkData.getContextVerseData( (BBB,str(C),str(V),) )
                        verseData, context = result
                    except KeyError: # Missing verses
                        logging.warning( "BibleWriter.toMySword: missing source verse at {} {}:{}".format( BBB, C, V ) )
                    # Handle some common versification anomalies
                    if (BBB,C,V) == ('JN3',1,14): # Add text for v15 if it exists
                            result15 = bkData.getContextVerseData( ('JN3','1','15',) )
                            verseData15, context15 = result15
                            verseData.extend( verseData15 )
                        except KeyError: pass #  just ignore it
                    elif (BBB,C,V) == ('REV',12,17): # Add text for v15 if it exists
                            result18 = bkData.getContextVerseData( ('REV','12','18',) )
                            verseData18, context18 = result18
                            verseData.extend( verseData18 )
                        except KeyError: pass #  just ignore it
                    composedLine = ''
                    if verseData: composedLine = theWordComposeVerseLine( BBB, C, V, verseData, ourGlobals )
                    # Stay one line behind (because paragraph indicators get appended to the previous line)
                    if ourGlobals['lastBCV'] is not None \
                    and ourGlobals['lastLine']: # don't bother writing blank (unfinished?) verses
                        sqlObject.execute( 'INSERT INTO "Bible" VALUES(?,?,?,?)', \
                            (ourGlobals['lastBCV'][0],ourGlobals['lastBCV'][1],ourGlobals['lastBCV'][2],ourGlobals['lastLine']) )
                        lineCount += 1
                    ourGlobals['lastLine'] = composedLine
                ourGlobals['lastBCV'] = (nBBB,C,V)
                V += 1
                if V > numV:
                    C += 1
                    if C > numC:
                    else: # next chapter only
                        numV = verseList[C-1]
                        V = 1
            #assert not ourGlobals['line'] and not ourGlobals['lastLine'] #  We should have written everything

        # Write the last line of the file
        if ourGlobals['lastLine']: # don't bother writing blank (unfinished?) verses
            sqlObject.execute( 'INSERT INTO "Bible" VALUES(?,?,?,?)', \
                (ourGlobals['lastBCV'][0],ourGlobals['lastBCV'][1],ourGlobals['lastBCV'][2],ourGlobals['lastLine']) )
            lineCount += 1
    # end of toMySword.writeMSBook

    # Set-up their Bible reference system
    BOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG' )
    #BRL = BibleReferenceList( BOS, BibleObject=None )

    # Try to figure out if it's an OT/NT or what (allow for up to 4 extra books like FRT,GLS, etc.)
    if len(self) <= (39+4) and self.containsAnyOT39Books() and not self.containsAnyNT27Books():
        testament, startBBB, endBBB = 'OT', 'GEN', 'MAL'
        booksExpected, textLineCountExpected, checkTotals = 39, 23145, theWordOTBookLines
    elif len(self) <= (27+4) and self.containsAnyNT27Books() and not self.containsAnyOT39Books():
        testament, startBBB, endBBB = 'NT', 'MAT', 'REV'
        booksExpected, textLineCountExpected, checkTotals = 27, 7957, theWordNTBookLines
    else: # assume it's an entire Bible
        testament, startBBB, endBBB = 'BOTH', 'GEN', 'REV'
        booksExpected, textLineCountExpected, checkTotals = 66, 31102, theWordBookLines
    extension = '.bbl.mybible'

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("  Exporting to MySword format…") )
    mySettings = {}
    mySettings['unhandledMarkers'] = set()
    handledBooks = []

    if 'MySwordOutputFilename' in controlDict: filename = controlDict['MySwordOutputFilename']
    elif self.sourceFilename: filename = self.sourceFilename
    elif self.shortName: filename = self.shortName
    elif self.abbreviation: filename = self.abbreviation
    elif self.name: filename = self.name
    else: filename = 'export'
    if not filename.endswith( extension ): filename += extension # Make sure that we have the right file extension
    filepath = os.path.join( outputFolder, BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename( filename ) )
    if os.path.exists( filepath ): os.remove( filepath )
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "  " + _("Writing {!r}…").format( filepath ) )
    conn = sqlite3.connect( filepath )
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    # First write the settings Details table
    exeStr = 'CREATE TABLE Details(Description NVARCHAR(255), Abbreviation NVARCHAR(50), Comments TEXT, Version TEXT, VersionDate DATETIME, PublishDate DATETIME, RightToLeft BOOL, OT BOOL, NT BOOL, Strong BOOL' # incomplete
    customCSS = self.getSetting( 'CustomCSS' )
    if customCSS: exeStr += ', CustomCSS TEXT'
    exeStr += ')'
    cursor.execute( exeStr )

    values = []

    description = self.getSetting( 'Description' )
    if not description: description = self.getSetting( 'description' )
    if not description: description = self.name
    values.append( description )

    if self.abbreviation: abbreviation = self.abbreviation
    else: abbreviation = self.getSetting( 'WorkAbbreviation' )
    if not abbreviation: abbreviation = self.name[:3].upper()
    values.append( abbreviation )

    comments = self.getSetting( 'Comments' )
    values.append( comments )

    version = self.getSetting( 'Version' )
    values.append( version )

    versionDate = self.getSetting( 'VersionDate' )
    values.append( versionDate )

    publishDate = self.getSetting( 'PublishDate' )
    values.append( publishDate )

    rightToLeft = self.getSetting( 'RightToLeft' )
    values.append( rightToLeft )

    values.append( True if testament=='OT' or testament=='BOTH' else False )
    values.append( True if testament=='NT' or testament=='BOTH' else False )

    Strong = self.getSetting( 'Strong' )
    values.append( Strong if Strong else False )

    if customCSS: values.append( customCSS )

    exeStr = 'INSERT INTO "Details" VALUES(' + '?,'*(len(values)-1) + '?)'
    #print( exeStr, values )
    cursor.execute( exeStr, values )
    #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: cursor.execute( exeStr, values )
    #else: # Not debugging
        #try: cursor.execute( exeStr, values )
        #except sqlite3.InterfaceError:
            #logging.critical( "SQLite3 Interface error executing {} with {}".format( exeStr, values ) )

    # Now create and fill the Bible table
    cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE Bible(Book INT, Chapter INT, Verse INT, Scripture TEXT, Primary Key(Book,Chapter,Verse))' )
    conn.commit() # save (commit) the changes
    BBB, lineCount = startBBB, 0
    while True: # Write each Bible book in the KJV order
        writeMSBook( cursor, BBB, mySettings )
        conn.commit() # save (commit) the changes
        handledBooks.append( BBB )
        if BBB == endBBB: break
        BBB = BOS.getNextBookCode( BBB )
    conn.commit() # save (commit) the changes

    if mySettings['unhandledMarkers']:
        logging.warning( "BibleWriter.toMySword: Unhandled markers were {}".format( mySettings['unhandledMarkers'] ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print( "  " + _("WARNING: Unhandled toMySword markers were {}").format( mySettings['unhandledMarkers'] ) )
    unhandledBooks = []
    for BBB in self.getBookList():
        if BBB not in handledBooks: unhandledBooks.append( BBB )
    if unhandledBooks:
        logging.warning( "toMySword: Unhandled books were {}".format( unhandledBooks ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print( "  " + _("WARNING: Unhandled toMySword books were {}").format( unhandledBooks ) )

    # Now create the gzipped file
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "  Compressing {} MySword file…".format( filename ) )
    tar = tarfile.open( filepath+'.gz', 'w:gz' )
    tar.add( filepath )

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0 and BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1:
        print( "  BibleWriter.toMySword finished successfully." )
    return True
Exemplo n.º 8
def createMySwordModule(self, outputFolder, controlDict):
    Create a SQLite3 database module for the program MySword.

    self here is a Bible object with _processedLines
    import tarfile
    from InternalBibleInternals import BOS_ADDED_NESTING_MARKERS, BOS_NESTING_MARKERS
    from theWordBible import theWordOTBookLines, theWordNTBookLines, theWordBookLines, theWordHandleIntroduction, theWordComposeVerseLine

    def writeMSBook(sqlObject, BBB, ourGlobals):
        Writes a book to the MySword sqlObject file.
        nonlocal lineCount
        bkData = self.books[BBB] if BBB in self.books else None
        #print( bkData._processedLines )
        verseList = BOS.getNumVersesList(BBB)
        nBBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getReferenceNumber(BBB)
        numC, numV = len(verseList), verseList[0]

        ourGlobals['line'], ourGlobals['lastLine'] = '', None
        ourGlobals['pi1'] = ourGlobals['pi2'] = ourGlobals['pi3'] = ourGlobals[
            'pi4'] = ourGlobals['pi5'] = ourGlobals['pi6'] = ourGlobals[
                'pi7'] = False
        if bkData:
            # Write book headings (stuff before chapter 1)
            ourGlobals['line'] = theWordHandleIntroduction(
                BBB, bkData, ourGlobals)

            # Write the verses
            C = V = 1
            ourGlobals['lastLine'] = ourGlobals['lastBCV'] = None
            while True:
                verseData = None
                if bkData:
                        result = bkData.getContextVerseData((
                        verseData, context = result
                    except KeyError:  # Missing verses
                            "BibleWriter.createMySwordModule: missing source verse at {} {}:{}"
                            .format(BBB, C, V))
                    # Handle some common versification anomalies
                    if (BBB, C, V) == ('JN3', 1,
                                       14):  # Add text for v15 if it exists
                            result15 = bkData.getContextVerseData((
                            verseData15, context15 = result15
                        except KeyError:
                            pass  #  just ignore it
                    elif (BBB, C, V) == ('REV', 12,
                                         17):  # Add text for v15 if it exists
                            result18 = bkData.getContextVerseData((
                            verseData18, context18 = result18
                        except KeyError:
                            pass  #  just ignore it
                    composedLine = ''
                    if verseData:
                        composedLine = theWordComposeVerseLine(
                            BBB, C, V, verseData, ourGlobals)
                    # Stay one line behind (because paragraph indicators get appended to the previous line)
                    if ourGlobals['lastBCV'] is not None \
                    and ourGlobals['lastLine']: # don't bother writing blank (unfinished?) verses
                        sqlObject.execute( 'INSERT INTO "Bible" VALUES(?,?,?,?)', \
                            (ourGlobals['lastBCV'][0],ourGlobals['lastBCV'][1],ourGlobals['lastBCV'][2],ourGlobals['lastLine']) )
                        lineCount += 1
                    ourGlobals['lastLine'] = composedLine
                ourGlobals['lastBCV'] = (nBBB, C, V)
                V += 1
                if V > numV:
                    C += 1
                    if C > numC:
                    else:  # next chapter only
                        numV = verseList[C - 1]
                        V = 1
            #assert not ourGlobals['line'] and not ourGlobals['lastLine'] #  We should have written everything

        # Write the last line of the file
        if ourGlobals[
                'lastLine']:  # don't bother writing blank (unfinished?) verses
            sqlObject.execute( 'INSERT INTO "Bible" VALUES(?,?,?,?)', \
                (ourGlobals['lastBCV'][0],ourGlobals['lastBCV'][1],ourGlobals['lastBCV'][2],ourGlobals['lastLine']) )
            lineCount += 1

    # end of createMySwordModule.writeMSBook

    # Set-up their Bible reference system
    BOS = BibleOrganisationalSystem('GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG')
    #BRL = BibleReferenceList( BOS, BibleObject=None )

    # Try to figure out if it's an OT/NT or what (allow for up to 4 extra books like FRT,GLS, etc.)
    if len(self) <= (39 + 4) and self.containsAnyOT39Books(
    ) and not self.containsAnyNT27Books():
        testament, startBBB, endBBB = 'OT', 'GEN', 'MAL'
        booksExpected, textLineCountExpected, checkTotals = 39, 23145, theWordOTBookLines
    elif len(self) <= (27 + 4) and self.containsAnyNT27Books(
    ) and not self.containsAnyOT39Books():
        testament, startBBB, endBBB = 'NT', 'MAT', 'REV'
        booksExpected, textLineCountExpected, checkTotals = 27, 7957, theWordNTBookLines
    else:  # assume it's an entire Bible
        testament, startBBB, endBBB = 'BOTH', 'GEN', 'REV'
        booksExpected, textLineCountExpected, checkTotals = 66, 31102, theWordBookLines
    extension = '.bbl.mybible'

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
        print(_("  Exporting to MySword format…"))
    mySettings = {}
    mySettings['unhandledMarkers'] = set()
    handledBooks = []

    if 'MySwordOutputFilename' in controlDict:
        filename = controlDict['MySwordOutputFilename']
    elif self.sourceFilename:
        filename = self.sourceFilename
    elif self.shortName:
        filename = self.shortName
    elif self.abbreviation:
        filename = self.abbreviation
    elif self.name:
        filename = self.name
        filename = 'export'
    if not filename.endswith(extension):
        filename += extension  # Make sure that we have the right file extension
    filepath = os.path.join(outputFolder,
    if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath)
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
        print('  createMySwordModule: ' + _("Writing {!r}…").format(filepath))
    conn = sqlite3.connect(filepath)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    # First write the settings Details table
    exeStr = 'CREATE TABLE Details(Description NVARCHAR(255), Abbreviation NVARCHAR(50), Comments TEXT, Version TEXT, VersionDate DATETIME, PublishDate DATETIME, RightToLeft BOOL, OT BOOL, NT BOOL, Strong BOOL'  # incomplete
    customCSS = self.getSetting('CustomCSS')
    if customCSS: exeStr += ', CustomCSS TEXT'
    exeStr += ')'

    values = []

    description = self.getSetting('Description')
    if not description: description = self.getSetting('description')
    if not description: description = self.name

    if self.abbreviation: abbreviation = self.abbreviation
    else: abbreviation = self.getSetting('WorkAbbreviation')
    if not abbreviation: abbreviation = self.name[:3].upper()

    comments = self.getSetting('Comments')

    version = self.getSetting('Version')

    versionDate = self.getSetting('VersionDate')

    publishDate = self.getSetting('PublishDate')

    rightToLeft = self.getSetting('RightToLeft')

    values.append(True if testament == 'OT' or testament == 'BOTH' else False)
    values.append(True if testament == 'NT' or testament == 'BOTH' else False)

    Strong = self.getSetting('Strong')
    values.append(Strong if Strong else False)

    if customCSS: values.append(customCSS)

    exeStr = 'INSERT INTO "Details" VALUES(' + '?,' * (len(values) - 1) + '?)'
    #print( exeStr, values )
    cursor.execute(exeStr, values)
    #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: cursor.execute( exeStr, values )
    #else: # Not debugging
    #try: cursor.execute( exeStr, values )
    #except sqlite3.InterfaceError:
    #logging.critical( "SQLite3 Interface error executing {} with {}".format( exeStr, values ) )

    # Now create and fill the Bible table
        'CREATE TABLE Bible(Book INT, Chapter INT, Verse INT, Scripture TEXT, Primary Key(Book,Chapter,Verse))'
    conn.commit()  # save (commit) the changes
    BBB, lineCount = startBBB, 0
    while True:  # Write each Bible book in the KJV order
        writeMSBook(cursor, BBB, mySettings)
        conn.commit()  # save (commit) the changes
        if BBB == endBBB: break
        BBB = BOS.getNextBookCode(BBB)
    conn.commit()  # save (commit) the changes

    if mySettings['unhandledMarkers']:
            "BibleWriter.createMySwordModule: Unhandled markers were {}".
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print("  " +
                  _("WARNING: Unhandled createMySwordModule markers were {}"
    unhandledBooks = []
    for BBB in self.getBookList():
        if BBB not in handledBooks: unhandledBooks.append(BBB)
    if unhandledBooks:
        logging.warning("createMySwordModule: Unhandled books were {}".format(
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
            print("  " +
                  _("WARNING: Unhandled createMySwordModule books were {}"

    # Now create the gzipped file
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
        print("  Compressing {} MySword file…".format(filename))
    tar = tarfile.open(filepath + '.gz', 'w:gz')

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0 and BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1:
        print("  BibleWriter.createMySwordModule finished successfully.")
    return True
Exemplo n.º 9
def demo():
    Demonstrate reading and checking some Bible databases.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( ProgNameVersion )

    if 1: # demo the file checking code -- first with the whole folder and then with only one folder
        for j,testFolder in enumerate( ("Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMTest1/",
                            ) ):
            print( "\nUSFM A{} testfolder is: {}".format( j+1, testFolder ) )
            result1 = USFMBibleFileCheck( testFolder )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( "USFM TestAa", result1 )
            result2 = USFMBibleFileCheck( testFolder, autoLoad=True )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( "USFM TestAb", result2 )
            result3 = USFMBibleFileCheck( testFolder, autoLoadBooks=True )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( "USFM TestAc", result3 )
            if isinstance( result3, Bible ):
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    #print( UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
                    UsfmBErrors = UsfmB.getErrors()
                    # print( UBErrors )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
                    result3.doAllExports( wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=False, wantPDFs=False )

    if 1: # Load and process some of our test versions
        for j,(name, encoding, testFolder) in enumerate( (
                                        ("Matigsalug", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMTest1/"),
                                        ("Matigsalug", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMTest2/"),
                                        ("Matigsalug", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMTest3/"),
                                        ("WEB+", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMAllMarkersProject/"),
                                        ("UEP", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMErrorProject/"),
                                        ("Exported", 'utf-8', "Tests/BOS_USFM_Export/"),
                                        ) ):
            if os.access( testFolder, os.R_OK ):
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nUSFM B{}/".format( j+1 ) )
                UsfmB = USFMBible( testFolder, name, encoding=encoding )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                    print( "Gen assumed book name:", repr( UsfmB.getAssumedBookName( 'GEN' ) ) )
                    print( "Gen long TOC book name:", repr( UsfmB.getLongTOCName( 'GEN' ) ) )
                    print( "Gen short TOC book name:", repr( UsfmB.getShortTOCName( 'GEN' ) ) )
                    print( "Gen book abbreviation:", repr( UsfmB.getBooknameAbbreviation( 'GEN' ) ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( UsfmB )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    #print( UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
                    UsfmBErrors = UsfmB.getErrors()
                    # print( UBErrors )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
                    UsfmB.doAllExports( wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=False, wantPDFs=False )
                    newObj = BibleOrgSysGlobals.unpickleObject( BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename(name) + '.pickle', os.path.join( "OutputFiles/", "BOS_Bible_Object_Pickle/" ) )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "newObj is", newObj )
            elif BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                print( "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer.".format( testFolder ) )

    if 0: # Test a whole folder full of folders of USFM Bibles
        testBaseFolder = "Tests/DataFilesForTests/theWordRoundtripTestFiles/"

        def findInfo( somepath ):
            """ Find out info about the project from the included copyright.htm file """
            cFilepath = os.path.join( somepath, "copyright.htm" )
            if not os.path.exists( cFilepath ): return
            with open( cFilepath ) as myFile: # Automatically closes the file when done
                lastLine, lineCount = None, 0
                title, nameDict = None, {}
                for line in myFile:
                    lineCount += 1
                    if lineCount==1:
                        if line[0]==chr(65279): #U+FEFF
                            logging.info( "USFMBible.findInfo1: Detected Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM) in {}".format( "copyright.htm" ) )
                            line = line[1:] # Remove the UTF-16 Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)
                        elif line[:3] == '': # 0xEF,0xBB,0xBF
                            logging.info( "USFMBible.findInfo2: Detected Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM) in {}".format( "copyright.htm" ) )
                            line = line[3:] # Remove the UTF-8 Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)
                    if line[-1]=='\n': line = line[:-1] # Removing trailing newline character
                    if not line: continue # Just discard blank lines
                    lastLine = line
                    if line.startswith("<title>"): title = line.replace("<title>","").replace("</title>","").strip()
                    if line.startswith('<option value="'):
                        adjLine = line.replace('<option value="','').replace('</option>','')
                        USFM_BBB, name = adjLine[:3], adjLine[11:]
                        BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromUSFM( USFM_BBB )
                        #print( USFM_BBB, BBB, name )
                        nameDict[BBB] = name
            return title, nameDict
        # end of findInfo

        count = totalBooks = 0
        if os.access( testBaseFolder, os.R_OK ): # check that we can read the test data
            for something in sorted( os.listdir( testBaseFolder ) ):
                somepath = os.path.join( testBaseFolder, something )
                if os.path.isfile( somepath ): print( "Ignoring file {!r} in {!r}".format( something, testBaseFolder ) )
                elif os.path.isdir( somepath ): # Let's assume that it's a folder containing a USFM (partial) Bible
                    #if not something.startswith( 'ssx' ): continue # This line is used for debugging only specific modules
                    count += 1
                    title = None
                    findInfoResult = findInfo( somepath )
                    if findInfoResult: title, bookNameDict = findInfoResult
                    if title is None: title = something[:-5] if something.endswith("_usfm") else something
                    name, encoding, testFolder = title, 'utf-8', somepath
                    if os.access( testFolder, os.R_OK ):
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( "\nUSFM C{}/".format( count ) )
                        UsfmB = USFMBible( testFolder, name, encoding=encoding )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( UsfmB )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                            UsfmBErrors = UsfmB.getErrors()
                            #print( UsfmBErrors )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
                            UsfmB.doAllExports( wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=False, wantPDFs=False )
                    else: print( "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer.".format( testFolder ) )
            if count: print( "\n{} total USFM (partial) Bibles processed.".format( count ) )
            if totalBooks: print( "{} total books ({} average per folder)".format( totalBooks, round(totalBooks/count) ) )
        elif BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
            print( "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer.".format( testBaseFolder ) )
Exemplo n.º 10
def demo():
    Demonstrate reading and checking some Bible databases.
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(ProgNameVersion)

    if 1:  # demo the file checking code -- first with the whole folder and then with only one folder
        for j, testFolder in enumerate((
            print("\nUSFM A{} testfolder is: {}".format(j + 1, testFolder))
            result1 = USFMBibleFileCheck(testFolder)
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print("USFM TestAa", result1)
            result2 = USFMBibleFileCheck(testFolder, autoLoad=True)
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print("USFM TestAb", result2)
            result3 = USFMBibleFileCheck(testFolder, autoLoadBooks=True)
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                print("USFM TestAc", result3)
            if isinstance(result3, Bible):
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    #print( result3.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
                    UsfmBErrors = result3.getErrors()
                    # print( UBErrors )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:

    if 1:  # Load and process some of our test versions
        for j, (name, encoding, testFolder) in enumerate((
            ("Matigsalug", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMTest1/"),
            ("Matigsalug", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMTest2/"),
            ("Matigsalug", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMTest3/"),
            ("WEB+", 'utf-8',
            ("UEP", 'utf-8', "Tests/DataFilesForTests/USFMErrorProject/"),
            ("Exported", 'utf-8', "Tests/BOS_USFM_Export/"),
            if os.access(testFolder, os.R_OK):
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                    print("\nUSFM B{}/".format(j + 1))
                UsfmB = USFMBible(testFolder, name, encoding=encoding)
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                    print("Gen assumed book name:",
                    print("Gen long TOC book name:",
                    print("Gen short TOC book name:",
                    print("Gen book abbreviation:",
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(UsfmB)
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    #print( UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
                    UsfmBErrors = UsfmB.getErrors()
                    # print( UBErrors )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
                    newObj = BibleOrgSysGlobals.unpickleObject(
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename(name) + '.pickle',
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                        print("newObj is", newObj)
            elif BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                    "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer."

    if 0:  # Test a whole folder full of folders of USFM Bibles
        testBaseFolder = "Tests/DataFilesForTests/theWordRoundtripTestFiles/"

        def findInfo(somepath):
            """ Find out info about the project from the included copyright.htm file """
            cFilepath = os.path.join(somepath, "copyright.htm")
            if not os.path.exists(cFilepath): return
            with open(cFilepath
                      ) as myFile:  # Automatically closes the file when done
                lastLine, lineCount = None, 0
                title, nameDict = None, {}
                for line in myFile:
                    lineCount += 1
                    if lineCount == 1:
                        if line[0] == chr(65279):  #U+FEFF
                                "USFMBible.findInfo1: Detected Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM) in {}"
                            line = line[
                                1:]  # Remove the UTF-16 Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)
                        elif line[:3] == '':  # 0xEF,0xBB,0xBF
                                "USFMBible.findInfo2: Detected Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM) in {}"
                            line = line[
                                3:]  # Remove the UTF-8 Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)
                    if line[-1] == '\n':
                        line = line[:-1]  # Removing trailing newline character
                    if not line: continue  # Just discard blank lines
                    lastLine = line
                    if line.startswith("<title>"):
                        title = line.replace("<title>",
                    if line.startswith('<option value="'):
                        adjLine = line.replace('<option value="',
                                               '').replace('</option>', '')
                        USFM_BBB, name = adjLine[:3], adjLine[11:]
                        BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromUSFM(
                        #print( USFM_BBB, BBB, name )
                        nameDict[BBB] = name
            return title, nameDict

        # end of findInfo

        count = totalBooks = 0
        if os.access(testBaseFolder,
                     os.R_OK):  # check that we can read the test data
            for something in sorted(os.listdir(testBaseFolder)):
                somepath = os.path.join(testBaseFolder, something)
                if os.path.isfile(somepath):
                    print("Ignoring file {!r} in {!r}".format(
                        something, testBaseFolder))
                elif os.path.isdir(
                ):  # Let's assume that it's a folder containing a USFM (partial) Bible
                    #if not something.startswith( 'ssx' ): continue # This line is used for debugging only specific modules
                    count += 1
                    title = None
                    findInfoResult = findInfo(somepath)
                    if findInfoResult: title, bookNameDict = findInfoResult
                    if title is None:
                        title = something[:-5] if something.endswith(
                            "_usfm") else something
                    name, encoding, testFolder = title, 'utf-8', somepath
                    if os.access(testFolder, os.R_OK):
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                            print("\nUSFM C{}/".format(count))
                        UsfmB = USFMBible(testFolder, name, encoding=encoding)
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0: print(UsfmB)
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                            UsfmBErrors = UsfmB.getErrors()
                            #print( UsfmBErrors )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
                            "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer."
            if count:
                print("\n{} total USFM (partial) Bibles processed.".format(
            if totalBooks:
                print("{} total books ({} average per folder)".format(
                    totalBooks, round(totalBooks / count)))
        elif BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                "\nSorry, test folder {!r} is not readable on this computer.".
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self,
        Create the Door43 cataloged Bible object.

        parameterOne can be:
            a catalog dictionary entry (and second parameter must be None)
            an index into the BibleList in the resourcesObject passed as the second parameter
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                f"DCSBible.__init__( {parameterOne}, {resourcesObject}, {downloadAllBooks} )…"

        if isinstance(parameterOne, dict):
            assert resourcesObject is None
            resourceDict = parameterOne
            assert isinstance(parameterOne, int)
            assert resourcesObject  # why ??? and isinstance( resourcesObject, Door43CatalogResources )
            resourceDict = resourcesObject.getBibleResourceDict(parameterOne)
        assert resourceDict and isinstance(resourceDict, dict)
        #print( 'resourceDict', resourceDict )
        #print( 'resourceDict', resourceDict.keys() )

        self.baseURL = resourceDict['html_url']
        #print( 'self.baseURL', self.baseURL )
        adjustedRepoName = resourceDict['full_name'].replace('/', '--')
        #print( 'adjustedRepoName', adjustedRepoName )
        desiredFolderName = BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename(
        unzippedFolderPath = os.path.join(
            'Door43ContentServiceOnline/', f"{adjustedRepoName}/")

        if downloadAllBooks:
            # See if files already exist and are current (so don't download again)
            alreadyDownloadedFlag = False
            if os.path.isdir(unzippedFolderPath):
                #print( f"Issued: {resourceDict['issued']}" )
                updatedDatetime = datetime.strptime(resourceDict['updated_at'],
                #print( f"updatedDatetime: {updatedDatetime}" )
                #print( f"folder: {os.stat(unzippedFolderPath).st_mtime}" )
                folderModifiedDatetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                #print( f"folderModifiedDatetime: {folderModifiedDatetime}" )
                alreadyDownloadedFlag = folderModifiedDatetime > updatedDatetime
                #print( f"alreadyDownloadedFlag: {alreadyDownloadedFlag}" )

            if alreadyDownloadedFlag:
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                        "Skipping download because folder '{}' already exists."
            else:  # Download the zip file (containing all the USFM files, README.md, LICENSE.md, manifest.yaml, etc.)
                # TODO: Change to .tar.gz instead of zip
                zipURL = self.baseURL + '/archive/master.zip'  # '/archive/master.tar.gz'
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                    print("Downloading entire repo from '{}'…".format(zipURL))
                    HTTPResponseObject = urllib.request.urlopen(zipURL)
                except urllib.error.URLError as err:
                    #errorClass, exceptionInstance, traceback = sys.exc_info()
                    #print( '{!r}  {!r}  {!r}'.format( errorClass, exceptionInstance, traceback ) )
                    logging.critical("DCS URLError '{}' from {}".format(
                        err, zipURL))
                # print( "  HTTPResponseObject", HTTPResponseObject )
                contentType = HTTPResponseObject.info().get('content-type')
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                    print("    contentType", repr(contentType))
                if contentType == 'application/octet-stream':
                    except FileExistsError:
                    downloadedData = HTTPResponseObject.read()
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                            f"  Downloaded {len(downloadedData):,} bytes from '{zipURL}'"
                    # Bug in Python up to 3.7 makes this not work for large aligned Bibles (3+ MB)
                    # myTempFile = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile()
                    myTempFile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
                    with zipfile.ZipFile(myTempFile) as myzip:
                        # NOTE: Could be a security risk here
                    myTempFile.close()  # Automatically deletes the file
                    print("    contentType", repr(contentType))
                    halt  # unknown content type
            self.downloadedAllBooks = True

            # There's probably a folder inside this folder
            folders = os.listdir(unzippedFolderPath)
            #print( 'folders', folders )
            assert len(
            ) == 1  # else maybe a previous download failed -- just manually delete the folder
            desiredFolderName = folders[0] + '/'
            #print( 'desiredFolderName', desiredFolderName )
            self.downloadedAllBooks = False
            self.attemptedDownload = {}
            except FileExistsError:
        self.objectNameString = 'DCS USFM Bible object'
Exemplo n.º 12
def createEasyWorshipBible( BibleObject, outputFolder=None ):
    Write the pseudo USFM out into the compressed EasyWorship format.

    Since we don't have a specification for the format,
        and since we don't know the meaning of all the binary pieces of the file,
        we can't be certain yet that this output will actually work. :-(
    from InternalBibleInternals import BOS_ADDED_NESTING_MARKERS
    import zipfile

    # It seems 7-9 give the correct two header bytes
    ZLIB_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 9 #  -1=default(=6), 0=none, 1=fastest...9=highest compression level

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1: print( "Running createEasyWorshipBible…" )
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert BibleObject.books

    if not BibleObject.doneSetupGeneric: BibleObject.__setupWriter()
    if not outputFolder: outputFolder = 'OutputFiles/BOS_EasyWorshipBible_Export/'
    if not os.access( outputFolder, os.F_OK ): os.makedirs( outputFolder ) # Make the empty folder if there wasn't already one there

    # Set-up their Bible reference system
    BOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG' )

    ignoredMarkers = set()

    # Before we write the file, let's compress all our books
    # Books are written as C:V verseText with double-spaced lines
    compressedDictionary = {}
    for BBB,bookObject in BibleObject.books.items():
        if BBB in ('FRT','INT','BAK','OTH','GLS','XXA','XXB','XXC','XXD','XXE','XXF','XXG',): continue # Ignore these books
        pseudoESFMData = bookObject._processedLines

        textBuffer = ''
        vBridgeStartInt = vBridgeEndInt = None # For printing missing (bridged) verse numbers
        for entry in pseudoESFMData:
            marker, text = entry.getMarker(), entry.getCleanText()
            #print( BBB, marker, text )
            if '¬' in marker or marker in BOS_ADDED_NESTING_MARKERS: continue # Just ignore added markers -- not needed here
            elif marker == 'c':
                C = int( text ) # Just so we get an error if we have something different
                V = lastVWritten = '0'
            elif marker == 'v':
                #V = text.replace( '–', '-' ).replace( '—', '-' ) # Replace endash, emdash with hyphen
                V = text
                for bridgeChar in ('-', '–', '—'): # hyphen, endash, emdash
                    ix = V.find( bridgeChar )
                    if ix != -1:
                        if debuggingThisModule or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel>2:
                            print( "createEasyWorshipBible: preparing for verse bridge in {} at {} {}:{}" \
                                        .format( BibleObject.abbreviation, BBB, C, V ) )
                        # Remove verse bridges
                        vStart = V[:ix].replace( 'a', '' ).replace( 'b', '' ).replace( 'c', '' )
                        vEnd = V[ix+1:].replace( 'a', '' ).replace( 'b', '' ).replace( 'c', '' )
                        #print( BBB, repr(vStart), repr(vEnd) )
                        try: vBridgeStartInt, vBridgeEndInt = int( vStart ), int( vEnd )
                        except ValueError:
                            print( "createEasyWorshipBible: bridge doesn't seem to be integers in {} {}:{!r}".format( BBB, C, V ) )
                            vBridgeStartInt = vBridgeEndInt = None # One of them isn't an integer
                        #print( ' ', BBB, repr(vBridgeStartInt), repr(vBridgeEndInt) )
                        VBridgedText = V
                        V = vStart
            elif marker == 'v~':
                    if int(V) <= int(lastVWritten):
                        # TODO: Not sure what level the following should be? info/warning/error/critical ????
                        logging.warning( 'createEasyWorshipBible: Maybe duplicating {} {}:{} after {} with {}'.format( BBB, C, V, lastVWritten, text ) )
                except ValueError: pass # had a verse bridge
                if vBridgeStartInt and vBridgeEndInt: # We had a verse bridge
                    if debuggingThisModule or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel>2:
                        print( "createEasyWorshipBible: handling verse bridge in {} at {} {}:{}-{}" \
                                    .format( BibleObject.abbreviation, BBB, C, vBridgeStartInt, vBridgeEndInt ) )
                    if 1: # new code -- copies the bridged text to all verses
                        for vNum in range( vBridgeStartInt, vBridgeEndInt+1 ): # Fill in missing verse numbers
                            textBuffer += ('\r\n\r\n' if textBuffer else '') + '{}:{} ({}) {}'.format( C, vNum, VBridgedText, text )
                    else: # old code
                        textBuffer += ('\r\n\r\n' if textBuffer else '') + '{}:{} ({}) {}'.format( C, vBridgeStartInt, vBridgeEndInt, text )
                        for vNum in range( vBridgeStartInt+1, vBridgeEndInt+1 ): # Fill in missing verse numbers
                            textBuffer += '\r\n\r\n{}:{} (-)'.format( C, vNum )
                    lastVWritten = str( vBridgeEndInt )
                    vBridgeStartInt = vBridgeEndInt = None
                    textBuffer += ('\r\n\r\n' if textBuffer else '') + '{}:{} {}'.format( C, V, text )
                    lastVWritten = V
            elif marker == 'p~':
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    assert textBuffer # This is a continued part of the verse -- failed with this bad source USFM:
                                        #     \c 1 \v 1 \p These events happened...
                textBuffer += ' {}'.format( text ) # continuation of the same verse
                ignoredMarkers.add( marker )
        #print( BBB, textBuffer )
        textBuffer = textBuffer \
                        .replace( '“', '"' ).replace( '”', '"' ) \
                        .replace( "‘", "'" ).replace( "’", "'" ) \
                        .replace( '–', '--' ).replace( '—', '--' )
        bookBytes = zlib.compress( textBuffer.encode( 'utf8' ), ZLIB_COMPRESSION_LEVEL )
        #print( BBB, hexlify(bookBytes[:20]), bookBytes )
        assert bookBytes[0]==0x78 and bookBytes[1]==0xda # Zlib compression header
        appendage = b'QK\x03\x04' + struct.pack( '<I', len(textBuffer) ) + b'\x08\x00'
        #print( "appendage", len(appendage), hexlify(appendage), appendage )
        assert len(appendage) == 10
        compressedDictionary[BBB] = bookBytes + appendage

    # Work out the "compressed" (osfuscated) module name
    #name = BibleObject.getAName()
    ##print( 'sn', repr(BibleObject.shortName) )
    #if len(name)>18:
        #if BibleObject.shortName: name = shortName
        #elif name.endswith( ' Version' ): name = name[:-8]
    #name = name.replace( ' ', '' )
    #if not name.startswith( 'ezFree' ): name = 'ezFree' + name
    name = 'ezFree' + ( BibleObject.abbreviation if BibleObject.abbreviation else 'UNK' )
    if len(name)>16: name = name[:16] # Shorten
    encodedNameBytes = zlib.compress( name.encode( 'utf8' ), ZLIB_COMPRESSION_LEVEL )
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
        print( 'Name {!r} went from {} to {} bytes'.format( name, len(name), len(encodedNameBytes) ) )
    assert encodedNameBytes[0]==0x78 and encodedNameBytes[1]==0xda # Zlib compression header
    assert len(encodedNameBytes) <= 26

    filename = '{}{}'.format( BibleObject.abbreviation, FILENAME_ENDING ).lower()
    filepath = os.path.join( outputFolder, BibleOrgSysGlobals.makeSafeFilename( filename ) )
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( '  createEasyWorshipBible: ' + _("Writing {!r}…").format( filepath ) )
    bookAddress = startingBookAddress = 14872 + len(name) + 18 + 4 # Name is something like ezFreeXXX
    vBridgeStartInt = vBridgeEndInt = None # For printing missing (bridged) verse numbers
    with open( filepath, 'wb' ) as myFile:
        assert myFile.tell() == 0
        # Write the header info to binary file
        myFile.write( b'EasyWorship Bible Text\x1a\x02<\x00\x00\x00\xe0\x00\x00\x00' )
        assert myFile.tell() == 32
        nameBytes = ( BibleObject.getAName() ).encode( 'utf8' )
        myFile.write( nameBytes + b'\x00' * (56 - len(nameBytes)) )
        assert myFile.tell() == 88 # 32 + 56

        # Write the numChapters,numVerses info along with the file position and length
        for BBB in BOS.getBookList():
            #bookName = BibleObject.getAssumedBookName( BBB )
            try: bookName = BibleObject.books[BBB].shortTOCName
            except (KeyError,AttributeError): bookName = None # KeyError if no BBB, AttributeError if no shortTOCName
            #print( len(bookName) if bookName else '', bookName )
            assert bookName is None or len(bookName) <= 51
            if bookName: bookNameBytes = bookName.encode( 'utf8' )
            else: bookNameBytes = b'' # Not compulsory -- will default to English
            myFile.write( bookNameBytes + b'\x00' * (51 - len(bookNameBytes)) )

            numVersesList = BOS.getNumVersesList( BBB )
            numChapters = len( numVersesList )
            myFile.write( struct.pack( 'B', numChapters ) )
            for verseCount in numVersesList: myFile.write( struct.pack( 'B', verseCount ) )
            myFile.write( b'\x00' * (157 - numChapters - 1) )

            try: bookBytes = compressedDictionary[BBB] # if it exists
            except KeyError: # Fill in missing books
                missingString = "1:1 Book not available\r\n\r\n"
                bookBytes = zlib.compress( missingString.encode( 'utf8' ), ZLIB_COMPRESSION_LEVEL )
                assert bookBytes[0]==0x78 and bookBytes[1]==0xda # Zlib compression header
                appendage = b'QK\x03\x04' + struct.pack( '<I', len(missingString) ) + b'\x08\x00'
                assert len(appendage) == 10
                bookBytes += appendage
                compressedDictionary[BBB] = bookBytes
            myFile.write( struct.pack( '<Q', bookAddress ) )
            myFile.write( struct.pack( '<Q', len(bookBytes) ) )
            bookAddress += len(bookBytes)
        assert myFile.tell() == 14872 # 32 + 56 + 224*66

        # Write the "compressed" (osfuscated) module name
        myFile.write( struct.pack( '<I', len(name) + 18 ) )
        assert myFile.tell() == 14876 # 32 + 56 + 224*66 + 4
        myFile.write( encodedNameBytes )

        appendage = b'QK\x03\x04' + struct.pack( 'B', len(name) ) + b'\x00'
        #print( "appendage", len(appendage), hexlify(appendage), appendage )
        assert len(appendage) == 6
        myFile.write( appendage )
        remainderCount = 18 + len(name) - len(encodedNameBytes) - 4 - len(appendage)
        #print( "remainderCount", remainderCount )
        assert remainderCount == 0
        #myFile.write( b'\x00' * remainderCount )
        myFile.write( b'\x00\x00\x08\x00' ) # Not sure what this means
        #if debuggingThisModule or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
            #print( "At", myFile.tell(), 'want', startingBookAddress )
        assert myFile.tell() == startingBookAddress

        # Write the book info to the binary files
        for BBB in BOS.getBookList():
            if BBB in compressedDictionary:
                myFile.write( compressedDictionary[BBB] ) # Write zlib output
            elif BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print( '  Book {} is not available for EasyWorship export'.format( BBB ) )

        # Write the end of file stuff
        myFile.write( b'\x18:\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00ezwBible' )

    if ignoredMarkers:
        logging.info( "createEasyWorshipBible: Ignored markers were {}".format( ignoredMarkers ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            print( "  " + _("WARNING: Ignored createEasyWorshipBible markers were {}").format( ignoredMarkers ) )

    # Now create a zipped version
    filepath = os.path.join( outputFolder, filename )
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "  Zipping {} EWB file…".format( filename ) )
    zf = zipfile.ZipFile( filepath+'.zip', 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
    zf.write( filepath, filename )

    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0 and BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1:
        print( "  BibleWriter.createEasyWorshipBible finished successfully." )
    return True