Exemplo n.º 1
def Encrypt(bytes:list, seed, steps:int):
    global seedlen, debug
    assert len(seed) > 20
    CA.r_initCA(seed, steps) #Start up the CA with the specified seed and steps
    m_data = bytes[:]
    m_head = 0
    ca_m_head = 4
    ca_enc_head = len(seed) // 2 - 4

    d = dlast = []

    while (CA.steps <= 0):
        dlast = d
        d = CA.update()
        if (d[ca_m_head] == 1):
            m_head += 1
            if (m_head >= len(m_data)):
                m_head = 0
            pass #don't move m_head
        b = "0b"
        r = d.range()
        for i in range(r[0] + ca_enc_head, r[0] + ca_enc_head + 8):
            b += str(d[i])
        m_data[m_head] = m_data[m_head] ^ int(b, 2)
        DumpCurrentRow(CA.steps, m_head, m_data, ca_m_head, d, b)
    return m_data
Exemplo n.º 2
def Decrypt(bytes:list, seed, steps:int):
    assert len(seed) > 20
    CA.r_initCA(seed, steps) #Start up the CA with the specified seed and steps
    m_data = bytes[:]
    m_head = 0
    ca_m_head = 4
    ca_enc_head = len(seed) // 2 - 4

    d = dlast = []
    while (CA.steps <= 0):
        dlast = d
        d = CA.update()
        if (d[ca_m_head] == 1):
            m_head += 1
            if (m_head >= len(m_data)):
                m_head = 0
            pass #don't move m_head
        debug.write("mhead: " + str(m_head) + "\tdelta mhead: " + str(d[ca_m_head]) + "\n")
    CA.rows = [d, dlast]
    CA.steps = -steps
    #CA.init() # starts the pygame window

    ##Todo: refactor these two runs into the below code to maximize reuse
    for n in (d, dlast):
        dH = 0
        #CA.update_screen(d) # updates the pygame window
        if (n[ca_m_head] == 1):
            dH = -1
            if (m_head < 0):
                m_head = len(m_data) - 1
            dH = 0
        b = "0b"
        r = n.range()
        for i in range(r[0] + ca_enc_head, r[0] + ca_enc_head + 8):
            b += str(n[i])
        m_data[m_head] = m_data[m_head] ^ int(b, 2)
        m_head += dH
        DumpCurrentRow(CA.steps, m_head, m_data, ca_m_head, d, b)

    while (CA.steps <= -2):
        dH = 0
        d = CA.update()
        #CA.update_screen(d) # updates the pygame window
        if (d[ca_m_head] == 1):
            dH = -1
            if (m_head < 0):
                m_head = len(m_data) - 1
            dH = 0
        b = "0b"
        r = d.range()
        for i in range(r[0] + ca_enc_head, r[0] + ca_enc_head + 8):
            b += str(d[i])
        m_data[m_head] = m_data[m_head] ^ int(b, 2)
        m_head += dH
        DumpCurrentRow(CA.steps, m_head, m_data, ca_m_head, d, b)
    return m_data