Exemplo n.º 1
#Test code for saying faces that robbie sees
#Mitch Deplazes

from naoqi import ALProxy
import FacialRecognitionModule
import time

#IP of the Robot
IP = ""
#Port Number of the Robot
PORT = 9559

    foundFace = False
    faceData = FacialRecognitionModule.getFaceData(IP, PORT)

    while(not foundFace):
        #Get data until face is found
        while (faceData is None or len(faceData) == 0):
            print ("looking for face")
            faceData = FacialRecognitionModule.getFaceData(IP, PORT)

        if(FacialRecognitionModule.getFaceConfidince(faceData) > 0.4):
            foundFace = True
            print ("conf found")
            faceData = FacialRecognitionModule.getFaceData(IP, PORT)

    faceName = FacialRecognitionModule.getFaceName(faceData)
Exemplo n.º 2
#Test code for learning a face
#Mitch Deplazes

from naoqi import ALProxy
import FacialRecognitionModule
import time

#IP of the Robot
IP = ""
#Port Number of the Robot
PORT = 9559

while (FacialRecognitionModule.learnFace(IP,PORT,"Josh")):
    print ("face not learned")
print ("face learned")
Exemplo n.º 3
#Test code for clearing face detection database
#Mitch Deplazes

from naoqi import ALProxy
import FacialRecognitionModule
import time

#IP of the Robot
IP = ""
#Port Number of the Robot
PORT = 9559

FacialRecognitionModule.clearFaceDatabase(IP, PORT)

print ("Faces cleared")