Exemplo n.º 1
def initial_placement(intersection_position, intersection_matrix):
    x0 = 99990
    x1 = 0
    y0 = 99990
    y1 = 0
    for i in intersection_position:
        if i[0] < x0:
            x0 = i[0]
        if i[1] < y0:
            y0 = i[1]
        if i[0] > x1:
            x1 = i[0]
        if i[1] > y1:
            y1 = i[1]
    ## 多控制器初始化  ​​​​
    position_list = []
    no = 0
    ## 初始布置算法
    chushu = 0.00019 * Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis
    ## 在所有路口出放置控制器 (=゚ω゚)=b
    for key, i in enumerate(intersection_position):
        a = [i[0], i[1]]
    a = np.array(position_list)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024, edgecolors='blue')
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')
    num = 0
    for x, y in zip(a[:, 0], a[:, 1]):
        plt.text(x, y + 0.3, str(num), ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=10.5)
        num += 1

    ## 对于路口间路段长度过长的(>= 2*通信范围),补充控制器以实现全覆盖。(`・ω・)
    c_n = intersection_position.__len__()
    for i in range(c_n):
        for j in range(c_n):
            if intersection_matrix[i][j] > Gp.con_dis * 2:
                ##(>= 4*通信范围)以圆相切的方式补充控制器
                if intersection_matrix[i][j] > Gp.con_dis * 4:
                    len = intersection_matrix[i][j]
                    k = (intersection_position[j][1] - intersection_position[i][1]) / \
                        (intersection_position[j][0] - intersection_position[i][0])
                    x = math.sqrt(pow(Gp.con_dis * 2, 2) / (k * k + 1))
                    ## 两路口谁长谁高 作比较,做标记
                    if intersection_position[j][0] > intersection_position[i][0]:
                        x_flag = 1
                        x_flag = -1

                    if intersection_position[j][1] > intersection_position[i][1]:
                        y_flag = 1
                        y_flag = -1
                    c_x = intersection_position[i][0]
                    c_y = intersection_position[i][1]
                    ## 剩余路段长度放得下时,循环添加控制器
                    while len >= 0:
                        c_x += x_flag * x
                        c_y += y_flag * k * x
                        a = [c_x, c_y]
                        len -= Gp.con_dis * 2
                    c_x += x_flag * x
                    c_y += y_flag * k * x
                    a = [c_x, c_y]
                    ## 在最后一个坐标与j中间放一个
                ##(<= 4*通信范围 and >= 2*通信范围)时,两路口中点放置控制器,即可全覆盖
                    a = [(intersection_position[i][0] + intersection_position[j][0]) / 2, \
                         (intersection_position[i][1] + intersection_position[j][1]) / 2]
    n_best = 0
    a = np.array(position_list)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024, edgecolors='blue')
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')

    ## 过于拥挤时,减少多余控制器,循环:判断密集控制器,删除密集控制器,鱼鳞布置新控制器 (*´∀`) ​​​​
    for time in range(100):
        n = position_list.__len__()
        edge_c = 0
        adj = [[0 for i in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
        dis = 0

        ## 两路口间距离< 通信距离时,即两路口过于接近,在adj邻接矩阵中做标记  ​​​​
        for key_i, i in enumerate(position_list):
            for key_j, j in enumerate(position_list):
                if key_i != key_j:
                    dis = pow(i[0] - j[0], 2) + pow(i[1] - j[1], 2)
                    if dis < pow(Gp.con_dis, 2):
                        adj[key_i][key_j] = 1
                        adj[key_j][key_i] = 1

        delete_list = []
        add_list = []
        m = []
        ress = []
        s = Stack()

        count = 0
        n = position_list.__len__()

        ## 根据adj邻接矩阵,划分其路口图的联通子集,并将其转换为最小的长方形,以覆盖子集中所有成员 (σ`∀´) ​​​​
        for i in range(n):
            if m.count(i) >= 1:
            result = getstack(adj, i, n, s)
            if result == 0:
                count += 1
                relay = [i]
                while s.size() != 0:
                    temp = s.peek()
                    if m.count(temp) == 0:
                        getstack(adj, temp, n, s)
                ## new!! 子集中节点为2个,进行判断,如果两点过于接近,就删除两点,取其中点,否则保留两点。 (*゚∇゚) ​​​​
                if relay.__len__() == 2:
                    d = pow((position_list[relay[0]][0] - position_list[relay[1]][0]), 2) + pow(
                        (position_list[relay[0]][1] - position_list[relay[1]][1]), 2)
                    if d <= pow(Gp.con_dis / 2, 2):
                        add_list.append([(position_list[relay[0]][0] + position_list[relay[1]][0]) / 2,
                                         (position_list[relay[0]][1] + position_list[relay[1]][1]) / 2])
                for node in relay:
                ## 绘制长方形
                min_x = 99999
                min_y = 99999
                max_x = 0
                max_y = 0
                for i in relay:
                    # delete_list.append(position_list[i])
                    if position_list[i][0] > max_x:
                        max_x = position_list[i][0]
                    if position_list[i][1] > max_y:
                        max_y = position_list[i][1]
                    if position_list[i][0] < min_x:
                        min_x = position_list[i][0]
                    if position_list[i][1] < min_y:
                        min_y = position_list[i][1]
                    ## new!!适当扩大长方形面积,边缘更好地与其他长方形适应 (*゚∇゚) ​​​​
                    if min_x - (Gp.con_dis / chushu) >= x0:
                        min_x -= (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                    if min_y - (Gp.con_dis / chushu) >= y0:
                        min_y -= (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                    if max_x + (Gp.con_dis / chushu) <= x1:
                        max_x += (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                    if max_y + (Gp.con_dis / chushu) <= y1:
                        max_y += (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                    # min_x -= (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                    # min_y -= (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                    # max_x += (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                    # max_y += (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                    # # min_x -= (Gp.con_dis / 12)
                    # # min_y -= (Gp.con_dis / 12)
                    # # max_x += (Gp.con_dis / 12)
                    # # max_y += (Gp.con_dis / 12)
                rect_list.append([min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, 0])
                ## 对长方形内面积实现鱼鳞布置

        ## new!! 所有子集所属长方形进行判断,如互相重叠,即融合两个长方形 (*゚∇゚) ​​​​
        rett = []
        for tt in range(10):
            for ri in rect_list:
                if ri[4] != 0:
                for rj in rect_list:
                    if ri == rj:
                    if rj[4] != 0:
                    if (isOverlap(ri[0], ri[1], ri[2], ri[3], rj[0], rj[1], rj[2], rj[3]) == 1):
                        ri[4] = 1
                        rj[4] = 1
                        ## 融合
                        rett.append([min(ri[0], rj[0]), min(ri[1], rj[1]), max(ri[2], rj[2]), max(ri[3], rj[3]), 0])
            for r in rect_list[::-1]:
                if r[4] == 1:
            for r in rett:
        ## new!! 根据新的子集长方形,进行鱼鳞分布 (*゚∇゚) ​​​​
        for rr in rect_list:
            add = fish_placement(rr[0], rr[1], rr[2], rr[3], 0)
            for i in add:
        ## new!! 所有长方形范围中节点全部删除 (*゚∇゚) ​​​​
        for r in rect_list:
            for node in position_list:
                if node[0] >= r[0] and node[0] <= r[2] and node[1] >= r[1] and node[1] <= r[3]:

        a = np.array(position_list)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
        plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024, edgecolors='blue')
        plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')
        for r in rect_list:
            plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Rectangle(xy=(r[0], r[1]), width=r[2] - r[0], height=r[3] - r[1],
                                              fill=False, linewidth=2))

        ## 删除子集内所有原控制器

        for i in position_list[::-1]:
            time1 = 0
            if delete_list.count(i) >= 1:
                # for node in position_list:
                #     if time1 >= 2:
                #         break
                #     d = pow(i[0] - node[0], 2) + pow(i[1] - node[1], 2)
                #     if d <= pow(Gp.con_dis,2):
                #         time1 += 1
                # if time1 >= 2:
        ## 将鱼鳞布置控制器加入
        for iii in add_list:
        # a = np.array(position_list)
        # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
        # plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis*Gp.con_dis*0.024, edgecolors='blue')
        # plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')
        # plt.show()
        number = position_list.__len__()
        ## 如果结果稳定,即视为最优解,不然继续循环:判断密集控制器,删除密集控制器,鱼鳞布置新控制器
        if number == n_best:
            time += 1
            if time >= 10:
            n_best = number

    edge_list = []
    ## 统计所有路口间路段,起始点坐标 (〃∀〃) ​​​​
    for i in range(c_n):
        for j in range(i):
            if intersection_matrix[i][j] != 0:
                edge_list.append([intersection_position[i], intersection_position[j], 0])

    flag = 0

    ## 对每个控制器判断,自身是否覆盖到任一路段,是否自身为无用控制器,对路段自身也做判断,无控制器覆盖则做标记 (*´ω`*) ​​​​
    for con in position_list[::-1]:
        for edge in edge_list:
            if lc.Judis(edge[0][0], edge[0][1], edge[1][0], edge[1][1], con[0], con[1], Gp.con_dis) == 1:
                flag += 1
                edge[2] = 1
        ## 删除所有无效控制器
        if flag == 0:
        flag = 0
    ## 将无控制器负责的路段 在路段中间架设控制器 (ゝ∀・)☆ ​​​​
    for edge in edge_list:
        if edge[2] == 0:
            position_list.append([(edge[0][0] + edge[1][0]) / 2, (edge[0][1] + edge[1][1]) / 2])

    a = np.array(position_list)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024, edgecolors='blue')
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')
    ## 避免过于密集,再次鱼鳞  (^o^)ノ ​​​​
    n = position_list.__len__()
    edge_c = 0
    adj = [[0 for i in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
    dis = 0
    for con in position_list:
    time = 0
    ve = 0
    flag = 0
    movement_matrix, init_position_matrix = Gm.get_position('tiexi1.tcl')
    time_topo = [[] for i in range(10000)]
    for i in movement_matrix:
        time_topo[int(i[0, 0])].append([i[0, 2], i[0, 3]])

    ## 统计sumo每一时刻数据中车辆位置数据,对于孤岛节点用controller中第四个属性做标记 (*´∀`) ​​​​
    for graph in time_topo:
        for node in graph:
            for nodei in graph:
                if node != nodei:
                    if pow(nodei[1] - node[1], 2) + pow(nodei[0] - node[0], 2) <= pow(Gp.com_dis, 2):
                        flag = 1
            if flag == 0:
                for con in position_list:
                    if pow(con[1] - node[1], 2) + pow(con[0] - node[0], 2) <= pow(Gp.con_dis, 2):
                        con[3] += 1
            flag = 0

    ## 对车辆拓扑进行长时间统计,对控制范围下车辆过于稀疏的控制器进行删除处理 (*´∀`) ​​​​
    with open("tiexi1.tcl", 'r') as f:
        item_list = []
        for line in f:
            line_list = re.split('[\s]', line)
            if line_list[0] != '':
                if (float(line_list[2]) > time):
                    time = float(line_list[2])
                if (float(line_list[3][8:-1]) > ve):
                    ve = float(line_list[3][8:-1])
                ## 统计sumo每一时刻数据中车辆位置数据,对于车流量用controller中第三个属性做标记 *・゚(*´ω`*)・
                for con in position_list:
                    d = pow(con[0] - item_list[2], 2) + pow(con[1] - item_list[3], 2)
                    if d < pow(Gp.con_dis, 2):
                        con[2] += 1
                flag = 0

    ## 可能删去的偏僻控制器 *・゚(*´ω`*)・
    position_list_can = []
    ## 车流量大需要固定的控制器 (*゚∇゚)♡ ​​​​
    position_list_fixed = []

    for con in position_list[::-1]:
        # 阈值应根据多个因素做调整,包括通信半径,数据包含时长,数据总车辆数等,车流量小且孤岛节点多的控制器删去 ( ゚ 3゚) ​​​​
        if con[2] <= (pow(Gp.con_dis, 2) * math.pi) / ((x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)) * ve * time / 6 and con[3] > (
                (pow(Gp.con_dis, 2)) / ((x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)) * ve * time / 14.3):
        # 车流量大的固定
        if con[2] >= (pow(Gp.con_dis, 2) * math.pi) / ((x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)) * ve * time / 3:

    a = np.array(position_list)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')

    a = np.array(position_list_fixed)
    # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024, c='y', edgecolors='blue')
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')

    a = np.array(position_list_can)
    # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024, c='m', edgecolors='blue')
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')

    ## 对车流量大的控制器进行标记,相互之间距离近的连接 (^o^)ノ
    n = position_list_fixed.__len__()
    fixed_position_adj = [[0 for i in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
    for numi, i in enumerate(position_list_fixed):
        for numj, j in enumerate(position_list_fixed):
            if pow(j[1] - i[1], 2) + pow(j[0] - i[0], 2) <= pow(Gp.con_dis * 2, 2):
                fixed_position_adj[numi][numj] = 1

    delete_list = []
    add_list = []
    m = []
    ress = []
    s = Stack()
    count = 0
    ## 与上文同样的步骤,联通子集,画长方形 (`ε´ ) ​​​​
    for i in range(n):
        if m.count(i) >= 1:
        result = getstack(fixed_position_adj, i, n, s)
        if result == 0:
            count += 1
            relay = [i]
            while s.size() != 0:
                temp = s.peek()
                if m.count(temp) == 0:
                    getstack(fixed_position_adj, temp, n, s)
            for node in relay:
            ## 绘制长方形
            min_x = 99999
            min_y = 99999
            max_x = 0
            max_y = 0
            for i in relay:
                # delete_list.append(position_list_fixed[i])
                if position_list_fixed[i][0] > max_x:
                    max_x = position_list_fixed[i][0]
                if position_list_fixed[i][1] > max_y:
                    max_y = position_list_fixed[i][1]
                if position_list_fixed[i][0] < min_x:
                    min_x = position_list_fixed[i][0]
                if position_list_fixed[i][1] < min_y:
                    min_y = position_list_fixed[i][1]
                # min_x -= (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                # min_y -= (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                # max_x += (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                # max_y += (Gp.con_dis / chushu)
                # # min_x -= (Gp.con_dis / 12)
                # # min_y -= (Gp.con_dis / 12)
                # # max_x += (Gp.con_dis / 12)
                # # max_y += (Gp.con_dis / 12)
            rect_list.append([min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, 0])
            ## 对长方形内面积实现鱼鳞布置
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    a = np.array(position_list)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')

    a = np.array(position_list_fixed)
    # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024, c='y', edgecolors='blue')
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')

    a = np.array(position_list_can)
    # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024, c='m', edgecolors='blue')
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')
    for r in rect_list:
        plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Rectangle(xy=(r[0], r[1]), width=r[2] - r[0], height=r[3] - r[1],
                                          fill=False, linewidth=2))
    # ## new!! 所有子集所属长方形进行判断,如互相重叠,即融合两个长方形 (*゚∇゚) ​​​​
    # rett = []
    # for tt in range(10):
    #     for ri in rect_list:
    #         if ri[4] != 0:
    #             continue
    #         for rj in rect_list:
    #             if ri == rj:
    #                 continue
    #             if rj[4] != 0:
    #                 continue
    #             if (isOverlap(ri[0], ri[1], ri[2], ri[3], rj[0], rj[1], rj[2], rj[3]) == 1):
    #                 ri[4] = 1
    #                 rj[4] = 1
    #                 ## 融合
    #                 rett.append([min(ri[0], rj[0]), min(ri[1], rj[1]), max(ri[2], rj[2]), max(ri[3], rj[3]), 0])
    #     for r in rect_list[::-1]:
    #         if r[4] == 1:
    #             rect_list.remove(r)
    #     for r in rett:
    #         rect_list.append(r)
    #     rett.clear()
    ## new!! 根据新的子集长方形,进行鱼鳞分布 (*゚∇゚) ​​​​
    for rr in rect_list:
        xx = range(int(rr[0]), int(rr[2]), int(4 * Gp.con_dis))
        yy = range(int(rr[1]), int(rr[3]), int(4 * Gp.con_dis))
        ## 将长方形分割成同样大小的长方形,如果长方形内固定控制器超过一定数量,删去之中所有节点,稀疏布置 σ`∀´) ​​​​
        for i in xx:
            for j in yy:
                count = 0
                for con in position_list_fixed:
                    if i + 4 * Gp.con_dis >= con[0] >= i and j <= con[1] <= j + 4 * Gp.con_dis:
                        count += 1
                if count >= 4:
                    for con in position_list_fixed[::-1]:
                        if i + 4 * Gp.con_dis >= con[0] >= i and j <= con[1] <= j + 4 * Gp.con_dis:
                    for con in position_list[::-1]:
                        if i + 4 * Gp.con_dis >= con[0] >= i and j <= con[1] <= j + 4 * Gp.con_dis:
                    position_list_fixed.append([i + Gp.con_dis, j + Gp.con_dis, 0, 0])
                    position_list_fixed.append([i + 3 * Gp.con_dis, j + Gp.con_dis, 0, 0])
                    position_list_fixed.append([i + 3 * Gp.con_dis, j + 3 * Gp.con_dis, 0, 0])
                    position_list_fixed.append([i + Gp.con_dis, j + 3 * Gp.con_dis, 0, 0])

    a = np.array(position_list)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')

    a = np.array(position_list_fixed)
    # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024, c='y', edgecolors='blue')
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')

    a = np.array(position_list_can)
    # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7.82), dpi=80)
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=0.5, s=Gp.con_dis * Gp.con_dis * 0.024, c='m', edgecolors='blue')
    plt.scatter(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], alpha=1, s=1, edgecolors='black')
    for r in rect_list:
        plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Rectangle(xy=(r[0], r[1]), width=r[2] - r[0], height=r[3] - r[1],
                                          fill=False, linewidth=2))

    ## 对固定控制器之中较为靠近控制器对进行稀疏分布  (*゚∇゚) ​​​​
    for numi,i in enumerate(position_list_fixed):
        for numj,j in enumerate(position_list_fixed):
            if numi < numj:
                d = pow(i[0] - j[0], 2) + pow(i[1] - j[1], 2)
                if d <= pow(Gp.con_dis, 2):
                    add_list.append([(i[0] + j[0]) / 2, (i[1] + j[1]) / 2, 0,0])

    for i in add_list:
    for j in delete_list:
    ## 返回所有控制器位置,算法完成 (^o^)ノ ​​​​
    return position_list, position_list_fixed
Exemplo n.º 2
import Get_Move as Gm
import Init
import numpy as np
import Global_Par as Gp
node_list = []
com_node_list = []

node_num, sim_time = Gm.get_sim_parameter('grid.config.tcl')
movement_matrix, init_position_matrix = Gm.get_position('grid.mobility.tcl')
controller = Init.init_controller(0, node_num)
init_position_arranged = init_position_matrix[np.lexsort(
    init_position_matrix[:, ::-1].T)]

node_position = init_position_arranged[0]
node_position = np.insert(node_position, 0, values=np.zeros(node_num), axis=1)
node_position = np.column_stack((node_position, node_position[:, 2:4]))
node_position = np.insert(node_position, 6, values=np.zeros(node_num), axis=1)
node_list = (Init.init_node(node_position, controller))

# for time in range(sim_time):
time = 0
print('Time: %d' % time)
current_move = movement_matrix[np.nonzero(movement_matrix[:,
                                                          0].A == time)[0], :]
for value in current_move:
    for i in range(2, 4):
        node_position[int(value[0, 1]), i] = value[0, i]
        node_id_position = node_position[:, [1, 2, 3]]
    # print(node_id_position[44])
for node in node_list:
import time as t
import jhmmtg as jh
import junction_init as ji
# import big_junction_init as bji
import big_jhmmtg as bjh
# import big_HRLB as bhr
import HRLB as hr
import re
import tibar_prediction as tp
import tgeaa as tg
node_list = []
com_node_list = []

sim_time = 309  # int(input("sim_time:"))
# 位置文件读取
movement_matrix, init_position_matrix = Gm.get_position('tiexi1.tcl')
node_num = init_position_matrix.shape[0]
# 控制器初始化
controller = Init.init_controller(node_num)

# 位置数据处理
init_position_arranged = init_position_matrix[np.lexsort(
    init_position_matrix[:, ::-1].T)]

node_position = init_position_arranged[0]
# node_position = np.insert(node_position, 0, values=np.zeros(node_num), axis=1)
# node_position = np.column_stack((node_position, node_position[:, 2:4]))
# node_position = np.insert(node_position, 6, values=np.zeros(node_num), axis=1)

# ji.inti()
Exemplo n.º 4
import sys
import re
import Get_Move as Gm

# command example: 'aodv --animation=true'
if __name__ == '__main__':
    configfile_path = r'grid.config.tcl'
    commandstr = input('Please enter a command:')
    cmdlist = re.split('[\s=-]', commandstr)
        animation = cmdlist[cmdlist.index('animation') + 1]
        print("Invalid Input")
    if animation != 'true' and animation != 'false':
        print('Animation option error\n')
    flag = (animation == 'true')
    node_num, sim_time = Gm.get_sim_parameter(configfile_path)