Exemplo n.º 1
import MFArrayUtil as au
#--function for calculating equivalent freshwater head
def eqfwh( rho, h, z ):
    return ( rho / 1000. ) * h - ( ( rho - 1000. ) / 1000. ) * min( h, z )
#--main script
#--spatial dimensions
nlay, nrow, ncol  = 1, 41, 40
dx, dy = 500.0, 500.0 #m
#--temporal dimensions
nper = 3
#--boundary condition data
icbc, start_coast = 0, 36
kh    = 10.000 #m/d
cond  = kh * dx * dy
#--read MODFLOW data from external files
ibound  = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,'..\\ref\\ibound.ref')
top     = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,'..\\ref\\top.ref')
#--ghb dataset
nghb = 0
for ir in range(0,nrow):
    for ic in range(0,ncol):
        if ibound[ir,ic] == 2:
            nghb += 1
f = open('Model.ghb','w')
#--dataset 0
f.write( '#Coastal Aquifer GHB Package\n' )
#--dataset 1
f.write( '{0:10d}{1:10d}  NOPRINT\n'.format( nghb, icbc ) )
#--write header for ghb file -- stress period 1  
f.write( '{0:10d}         0          #STRESS PERIOD {1:05d}\n'.format( nghb, 1 ) )
for ir in range(0,nrow):
import MFArrayUtil as au
import MFData as mfd
import MFBinaryClass as mfb 
import shapefile as sf

#--get command line arguments
REFDir = os.path.join( 'D:/','Data','Users','jdhughes','Projects','2080DBF00','UMD','UMD.01','REF' )
OutputDir = os.path.join( 'D:/','Data','Users','jdhughes','GIS','Project Data','2080DBF00','Grid','UMD' )
#--problem size
nlay,nrow,ncol = 3,189,101
x0, y0  = 539750.0, 2785750.0
dx,dy   = 500., 500.
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join( REFDir, 'UMD_IBOUND.ref' )
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ib_ref)
#--read the top of the model
lse_ref = os.path.join( REFDir, 'UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref' )
model_lse = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,lse_ref)
#--read the offshore array
offshore_ref = os.path.join( REFDir, 'UMD_OFFSHORE.ref' )
offshore = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,offshore_ref)
#--read the HK
HK_ref = os.path.join( REFDir, 'UMD_HK_L1.ref' )
HK = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,HK_ref)
#--read the bottom of the model
botm = np.empty( (nlay+1,nrow,ncol) )
botm[0,:,:] = np.copy( model_lse )
for ilay in xrange(0,nlay):
    bot_ref = os.path.join( REFDir, 'UMD_BOTM_L{0}.ref'.format( ilay+1 ) )
    b = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
        basearg = sys.argv[iarg].lower()
        if basearg == '-resultsdir':
                iarg += 1
                ResultsDir = sys.argv[iarg]
                print 'command line arg: -resultsdir = ', ResultsDir
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -resultsdir'

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime( "19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nsurf,nlay,nrow,ncol = 2,3,189,101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref' )
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ib_ref)
#--read the bottom of the model
bot_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L1.ref' )
model_bot1 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L2.ref' )
model_bot2 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L3.ref' )
model_bot3 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
#--default data if command line argument not defined for variable
head_file = os.path.join( ResultsDir, 'UMD.hds' )
zeta_file = os.path.join( ResultsDir, 'UMD.zta' )
#--get available times in the head file
#--get available times in the head file
headObj = mfb.MODFLOW_Head(nlay,nrow,ncol,head_file)
head_time_list = headObj.get_time_list()
#--zeta surface to extract
Exemplo n.º 4
        basearg = sys.argv[iarg].lower()
        if basearg == '-resultsdir':
                iarg += 1
                ResultsDir = sys.argv[iarg]
                print 'command line arg: -resultsdir = ', ResultsDir
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -resultsdir'

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime( "19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nlay,nrow,ncol = 3,189,101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref' )
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ib_ref)
#--read the bottom of the model
bot_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L1.ref' )
model_bot1 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L2.ref' )
model_bot2 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L3.ref' )
model_bot3 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
#--make sure output directories exist
OutputDir = os.path.join( ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'Zeta' )
umdutils.TestDirExist([os.path.join( ResultsDir,'Figures','dir.tst' ),os.path.join( OutputDir, 'dir.tst' )])
#--default data if command line argument not defined for variable
head_file = os.path.join( ResultsDir, 'UMD.hds' )
zeta_file = os.path.join( ResultsDir, 'UMD.zta' )
#--get available times in the head file
#--zeta surface to extract
Exemplo n.º 5
                print 'command line arg: -resultsdir = ', ResultsDir
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -resultsdir'

print 'processing head data from...{0}\nFor the period from {1} to {2}'.format( HeadFile, start_date, end_date )
print '  for {0} head stations'.format( num_sites )

#--read discretization data
offset,nlay,nrow,ncol,delr,delc = mfd.load_dis_file(DIS_file)
xedge,yedge = mfd.edge_coordinates(nrow,ncol,delr,delc)
#--open head file
headObj = mfb.MODFLOW_Head(nlay,nrow,ncol,HeadFile)
times = headObj.get_time_list()
#--read ibound
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,IBOUND_file)
#--read the top of layer 1
top_file = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref')
temp = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,top_file)
#--read layer bottoms
bot = np.zeros( (nlay+1,nrow,ncol), np.float )
bot[0,:,:] = np.copy( temp )
for k in xrange(0,nlay):
    bot_file = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L{0}.ref'.format( k+1 ))
    temp = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_file)
    bot[k+1,:,:] = np.copy( temp )

#--make sure output directories exist
OutputDir = os.path.join( ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'HeadObs' )
umdutils.TestDirExist([os.path.join( ResultsDir,'Figures','dir.tst' ),os.path.join( OutputDir, 'dir.tst' )])
#--simulation dates
mpl.rcParams['pdf.compression'] = 0
mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42

ticksize = 6
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 6
mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = ticksize
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = ticksize

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime("19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nlay, nrow, ncol = 3, 189, 101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref')
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ib_ref)
#--read initial zetas
ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IZETA2_L1.ref')
ztai1 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ref)
ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IZETA2_L2.ref')
ztai2 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ref)
ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IZETA2_L3.ref')
ztai3 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ref)
#--read the bottom of the model
bot_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L1.ref')
model_bot1 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L2.ref')
model_bot2 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L3.ref')
model_bot3 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
#--identify where the zeta surface is above the bottom of the model
import MFData as mfd
import MFBinaryClass as mfb
import shapefile as sf

#--get command line arguments
REFDir = os.path.join('D:/', 'Data', 'Users', 'jdhughes', 'Projects',
                      '2080DBF00', 'UMD', 'UMD.01', 'REF')
OutputDir = os.path.join('D:/', 'Data', 'Users', 'jdhughes', 'GIS',
                         'Project Data', '2080DBF00', 'Grid', 'UMD')
#--problem size
nlay, nrow, ncol = 3, 189, 101
x0, y0 = 539750.0, 2785750.0
dx, dy = 500., 500.
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join(REFDir, 'UMD_IBOUND.ref')
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ib_ref)
#--read the top of the model
lse_ref = os.path.join(REFDir, 'UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref')
model_lse = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, lse_ref)
#--read the offshore array
offshore_ref = os.path.join(REFDir, 'UMD_OFFSHORE.ref')
offshore = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, offshore_ref)
#--read the HK
HK_ref = os.path.join(REFDir, 'UMD_HK_L1.ref')
HK = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, HK_ref)
#--read the bottom of the model
botm = np.empty((nlay + 1, nrow, ncol))
botm[0, :, :] = np.copy(model_lse)
for ilay in xrange(0, nlay):
    bot_ref = os.path.join(REFDir, 'UMD_BOTM_L{0}.ref'.format(ilay + 1))
    b = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
Exemplo n.º 8
                iarg += 1
                ResultsDir = sys.argv[iarg]
                print 'command line arg: -resultsdir = ', ResultsDir
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -resultsdir'
        elif basearg == '-usesiunits':
            useSIUnits = True
            print 'output will be in SI units'
#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime("19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nlay, nrow, ncol = 3, 189, 101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref')
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ib_ref)
#--make sure output directories exist
OutputDir = os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'AnnualMET')
    os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'dir.tst'),
    os.path.join(OutputDir, 'dir.tst')
#--default data if command line argument not defined for variable
met_file = os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'UMD.MET.bin')
#--get available times in the head file
#--zeta surface to extract
metObj = mfb.MODFLOW_CBB(nlay, nrow, ncol, met_file)
text = '     ET SEGMENTS'
sys.stdout.write('Building time list for...{0}\n'.format(text))
ets_time_list = metObj.get_time_list(text)
mpl.rcParams['pdf.compression'] = 0
mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42

ticksize = 6
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 6
mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = ticksize
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = ticksize

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime("19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nlay, nrow, ncol = 3, 189, 101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref')
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ib_ref)
#--read initial zetas
ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IHEAD_NAVD.ref')
ihead = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ref)
#--read the top of the model
lse_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref')
model_lse = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, lse_ref)
#--make a map
iweek = 0
#--read shapefile to use as base map on figures
shape_name = os.path.join('D:/', 'Data', 'Users', 'jdhughes', 'GIS',
                          'Project Data', '2080DBF00', 'Spatial', 'FigureData',
print shape_name
hydrography = sf.load_shape_list(shape_name)
#--coordinate information
                iarg += 1
                sl_change = float( sys.argv[iarg] ) 
                print 'command line arg: -dslft = ', sl_change
                sl_change *= ft2m
                print 'dslft converted to m = ', sl_change
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -dslft'

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime( "19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nsurf,nlay,nrow,ncol = 2,3,189,101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref' )
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ib_ref)
#--get layer geometry
botm = np.empty( (nlay+1,nrow,ncol), np.float )
#--read the top of the model
lse_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref' )
botm[0,:,:] = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,lse_ref)
#--read the bottom of the model
for ilay in xrange(0,nlay):
    bot_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L{0}.ref'.format( ilay+1 ) )
    botm[ilay+1,:,:] = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
#--smp data is already in m NAVD 88
smp = pu.smp(smp_ref,load=True,date_fmt='%m/%d/%Y')
site_names = smp.get_site_list()
site1 = site_names[0]
fs, d, v = smp.get_site(site1)
mean_sl = np.mean(v) + sl_change
Exemplo n.º 11
                iarg += 1
                sl_change = float(sys.argv[iarg])
                print 'command line arg: -dslft = ', sl_change
                sl_change *= ft2m
                print 'dslft converted to m = ', sl_change
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -dslft'

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime("19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nsurf, nlay, nrow, ncol = 2, 3, 189, 101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref')
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ib_ref)
#--get layer geometry
botm = np.empty((nlay + 1, nrow, ncol), np.float)
#--read the top of the model
lse_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref')
botm[0, :, :] = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, lse_ref)
#--read the bottom of the model
for ilay in xrange(0, nlay):
    bot_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L{0}.ref'.format(ilay + 1))
    botm[ilay + 1, :, :] = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
#--smp data is already in m NAVD 88
smp = pu.smp(smp_ref, load=True, date_fmt='%m/%d/%Y')
site_names = smp.get_site_list()
site1 = site_names[0]
fs, d, v = smp.get_site(site1)
mean_sl = np.mean(v) + sl_change
Exemplo n.º 12
        basearg = sys.argv[iarg].lower()
        if basearg == '-resultsdir':
                iarg += 1
                ResultsDir = sys.argv[iarg]
                print 'command line arg: -resultsdir = ', ResultsDir
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -resultsdir'

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime("19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nlay, nrow, ncol = 3, 189, 101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref')
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ib_ref)
#--read the bottom of the model
bot_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L1.ref')
model_bot1 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L2.ref')
model_bot2 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L3.ref')
model_bot3 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
#--make sure output directories exist
OutputDir = os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'Zeta')
    os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'dir.tst'),
    os.path.join(OutputDir, 'dir.tst')
#--default data if command line argument not defined for variable
head_file = os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'UMD.hds')
Exemplo n.º 13
#--coordinate information
x0, y0  = 539750.0, 2785750.0
dx,dy   = 500., 500.
xcell = np.arange(x0+dx/2.,x0+(ncol*dx)+dx/2.0,dx)
ycell = np.arange(y0+dy/2.,y0+(nrow*dy)+dy/2.0,dy)
Xcell,Ycell = np.meshgrid(xcell,ycell)
xedge = np.arange(x0,x0+float(ncol)*dx+0.001,dx)
yedge = np.arange(y0,y0+float(nrow)*dy+0.001,dy)
Xedge,Yedge = np.meshgrid(xedge,yedge)
xmin,xmax = x0,x0+float(ncol)*dx
ymin,ymax = y0,y0+float(nrow)*dy

#--read exiting ref files
ib_ref   = os.path.join( 'D:/','Data','Users','jdhughes','Projects','2080DBF00','UMD','UMD.01','REF','UMD_IBOUND.ref')
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ib_ref)
#--filtered land surface elevation used in model - m NAVD88
lse_ref = os.path.join( 'D:/','Data','Users','jdhughes','Projects','2080DBF00','UMD','UMD.01','REF','UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref')
model_lse = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,lse_ref)
#--read data from smp file
smp_ref = os.path.join( 'D:/','Data','Users','jdhughes','Projects','2080DBF00','UMD','UMD.01','obsref','stage', 'S123_T.smp')
smp = pu.smp(smp_ref,load=True,date_fmt='%m/%d/%Y')
S123_T = np.copy( smp.records['S123_T'][:,1] )
mean_sl = np.mean(S123_T)
max_sl = S123_T.max()
p90_sl = np.percentile( S123_T, 90 )
print mean_sl, max_sl, p90_sl

for slc in sl_change:
    new_sl = mean_sl + slc
#    new_sl = max_sl + slc
mpl.rcParams['pdf.compression']          = 0
mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype']             = 42

ticksize = 6
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize']  = 6
mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize']   = 8
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize']  = ticksize
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize']  = ticksize

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime( "19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nlay,nrow,ncol = 3,189,101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref' )
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ib_ref)
#--read initial zetas
ref  = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_IZETA2_L1.ref' )
ztai1 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ref)
ref  = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_IZETA2_L2.ref' )
ztai2 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ref)
ref  = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_IZETA2_L3.ref' )
ztai3 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ref)
#--read the bottom of the model
bot_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L1.ref' )
model_bot1 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L2.ref' )
model_bot2 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L3.ref' )
model_bot3 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,bot_ref)
#--identify where the zeta surface is above the bottom of the model
Exemplo n.º 15
#--node coordinates
xcell[0] = offset[0] + delr[0] / 2.0
for i in range(1,ncol):
    xcell[i] = xcell[i-1] + ( delr[i-1] + delr[i] ) / 2.0
ycell[0] = offset[1] + delc[0] / 2.0
for i in range(1,nrow):
    ycell[i] = ycell[i-1] + ( delc[i-1] + delc[i] ) / 2.0
ycell = ycell[::-1]
#--setup mesh grid for interpolation
X,Y = np.meshgrid(xcell,ycell)
im_extent = [xcell.min(), xcell.max(), ycell.min(), ycell.max() ]

ib_ref   = cpath2mod + 'REF\\UMD_IBOUND.ref'
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ib_ref)
top_ref = cpath2mod + '\REF\\UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref'
top = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,top_ref)
#--array for storing calculated mf boundary type and stage data
mf_bnd      = np.zeros( (nrow,ncol), np.float )
mf_stage    = np.zeros( (nrow,ncol), np.float )
mf_avgstage = np.zeros( (nrow,ncol), np.float )

#--set up interpolation factors for coastal area
#--filter out elevations exceeding max_elev and interpolate 
#  in filtered locations using closes data point
ipos = 0
for irow in range(0,nrow):
    for icol in range(0,ncol):
        if ib[irow,icol] != 6:
Exemplo n.º 16
        basearg = sys.argv[iarg].lower()
        if basearg == '-resultsdir':
                iarg += 1
                ResultsDir = sys.argv[iarg]
                print 'command line arg: -resultsdir = ', ResultsDir
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -resultsdir'

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime("19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nlay, nrow, ncol = 3, 189, 101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref')
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ib_ref)
#--read the top of the model
lse_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref')
model_lse = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, lse_ref)
botm = np.zeros((nlay + 1, nrow, ncol), np.float)
thick = np.zeros((nlay, nrow, ncol), np.float)
botm[0, :, :] = np.copy(model_lse)
for ilay in xrange(0, nlay):
    fname = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L{0}.ref'.format(ilay + 1))
    botm[ilay + 1, :, :] = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, fname)
    thick[ilay, :, :] = botm[ilay, :, :] - botm[ilay + 1, :, :]
#--make sure output directories exist
OutputPropertiesDir = os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'Properties')
    os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'dir.tst'),
Exemplo n.º 17
                print 'command line arg: -resultsdir = ', ResultsDir
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -resultsdir'

print 'processing head data from...{0}\nFor the period from {1} to {2}'.format(
    HeadFile, start_date, end_date)
print '  for {0} head stations'.format(num_sites)

#--read discretization data
offset, nlay, nrow, ncol, delr, delc = mfd.load_dis_file(DIS_file)
xedge, yedge = mfd.edge_coordinates(nrow, ncol, delr, delc)
#--open head file
headObj = mfb.MODFLOW_Head(nlay, nrow, ncol, HeadFile)
times = headObj.get_time_list()
#--read ibound
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, IBOUND_file)
#--read the top of layer 1
top_file = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref')
temp = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, top_file)
#--read layer bottoms
bot = np.zeros((nlay + 1, nrow, ncol), np.float)
bot[0, :, :] = np.copy(temp)
for k in xrange(0, nlay):
    bot_file = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L{0}.ref'.format(k + 1))
    temp = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_file)
    bot[k + 1, :, :] = np.copy(temp)

#--make sure output directories exist
OutputDir = os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'HeadObs')
    os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'dir.tst'),
Exemplo n.º 18
def plotData( cyear, cunits, ib, d_avg, f_text, d_text, metlevels, metcmap, \
              xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, vmin, vmax, \
              hydrography, salinity_struc, df_struc, pws ):
    for jdx in xrange(0, len(d_text)):
        #-Make figures
        output_name = os.path.join(OutputDir,
                                   '{0}_{1}.png'.format(f_text[jdx], cyear))
        print 'creating figure...{0}'.format(output_name)
        ztf = figure(figsize=(4.4, 6), facecolor='w')
        ax = ztf.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
        ctitle = '{0} {1}'.format(d_text[jdx], cyear)
        temp = arr2dmask(ib, d_avg[jdx, :, :])
        temp = arr2dmaskzero(temp)
        hp = ax.imshow(temp,
                       extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax],
        au.polyline_plot(ax, hydrography, '0.25')
        ch = ax.contour(xcell,
        ax.clabel(ch, inline=1, fmt='%3d', fontsize=6)
        cax = axes([0.740, 0.065, 0.025, 0.20])
        colorbar(hp, cax=cax, orientation='vertical')
        cax.set_title(cunits, size=8)
        #--plot limits
        ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax), ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
        #--save the figure
        ztf.savefig(output_name, dpi=300)
        #--clear memory
    return (True)
Exemplo n.º 19
        basearg = sys.argv[iarg].lower()
        if basearg == '-resultsdir':
                iarg += 1
                ResultsDir = sys.argv[iarg]
                print 'command line arg: -resultsdir = ', ResultsDir
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -resultsdir'

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime("19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nsurf, nlay, nrow, ncol = 2, 3, 189, 101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref')
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, ib_ref)
#--read the bottom of the model
bot_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L1.ref')
model_bot1 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L2.ref')
model_bot2 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
bot_ref = os.path.join('..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L3.ref')
model_bot3 = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow, ncol, bot_ref)
#--default data if command line argument not defined for variable
head_file = os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'UMD.hds')
zeta_file = os.path.join(ResultsDir, 'UMD.zta')
#--get available times in the head file
#--get available times in the head file
headObj = mfb.MODFLOW_Head(nlay, nrow, ncol, head_file)
head_time_list = headObj.get_time_list()
#--zeta surface to extract
mpl.rcParams['pdf.compression']          = 0
mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype']             = 42

ticksize = 6
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize']  = 6
mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize']   = 8
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize']  = ticksize
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize']  = ticksize

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime( "19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nlay,nrow,ncol = 3,189,101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref' )
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ib_ref)
#--read initial zetas
ref  = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_IHEAD_NAVD.ref' )
ihead = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ref)
#--read the top of the model
lse_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref' )
model_lse = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,lse_ref)
#--make a map
iweek = 0
#--read shapefile to use as base map on figures
shape_name = os.path.join( 'D:/','Data','Users','jdhughes','GIS','Project Data','2080DBF00','Spatial','FigureData','BaseMap' )
print shape_name
hydrography = sf.load_shape_list(shape_name)
#--coordinate information
x0, y0  = 539750.0, 2785750.0
dx,dy   = 500., 500.
Exemplo n.º 21
        basearg = sys.argv[iarg].lower()
        if basearg == '-resultsdir':
                iarg += 1
                ResultsDir = sys.argv[iarg]
                print 'command line arg: -resultsdir = ', ResultsDir
                print 'cannot parse command line arg: -resultsdir'

#--model start date
start_date = datetime.strptime( "19960101", "%Y%m%d")
#--problem size
nlay,nrow,ncol = 3,189,101
#--read ibound
ib_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_IBOUND.ref' )
ib = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,ib_ref)
#--read the top of the model
lse_ref = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_URBAN_EDEN_TOPO.ref' )
model_lse = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,lse_ref)
botm = np.zeros( (nlay+1,nrow,ncol), np.float )
thick = np.zeros( (nlay,nrow,ncol), np.float )
botm[0,:,:] = np.copy( model_lse )
for ilay in xrange(0,nlay):
    fname = os.path.join( '..', 'REF', 'UMD_BOTM_L{0}.ref'.format( ilay+1 ) )
    botm[ilay+1,:,:] = au.loadArrayFromFile(nrow,ncol,fname)
    thick[ilay,:,:] = botm[ilay,:,:] - botm[ilay+1,:,:]
#--make sure output directories exist
OutputPropertiesDir = os.path.join( ResultsDir, 'Figures', 'Properties' )
umdutils.TestDirExist([os.path.join( ResultsDir,'Figures','dir.tst' ),os.path.join( OutputPropertiesDir, 'dir.tst' )])