Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        global k, pd, pid, comb_pid, max_pwm, max_theta, max_x, frequency, pwm_offset, arduino_port, display_camera_output, initialize_theta_set
        #Cart variables
        self.max_pwm = max_pwm
        self.max_theta = max_theta
        self.max_x = max_x
        self.frequency = frequency
        self.pwm_offset = pwm_offset
        self.arduino_port = arduino_port

        self.display_camera_output = display_camera_output
        self.initialize_theta_set = initialize_theta_set

        #Motor, Controller, and Camera Instance Definition
        self.motors = Motors.Motors(max_pwm = self.max_pwm, frequency=self.frequency, arduino_port=self.arduino_port)
        self.controller = Controller.Controller(max_theta = self.max_theta, max_x = self.max_x)
        self.camera = Camera.Camera(self.display_camera_output)
        #Controller Vectors
        self.k = [-10.0000/1.5, -29.9836/1.5, 822.2578, 85.5362]
        self.pd = pd
        self.pid = pid
        self.comb_pid = comb_pid

        self.status = 1
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     :type maxParts: NumberOfPart[]
     :type currParts: NumberOfPart[]
     :type location: Location
     self.location = Location.Location()
     self.maxParts = []
     self.currParts = []
     self.motors = Motors.Motors()
     self.name = 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
        dataLog = DataLog.DataLog(logDir = 'logs/')

        encoders = Encoders.Encoders(countsPerRevolution = countsPerRevolution, units = velocityUnits)
        #time.sleep(2) #allow encoder time to attach

        motors = Motors.Motors(i2c_bus_num,nmotors,min_throttle_percentage, max_throttle_percentage, min_throttle_pulse_width, max_throttle_pulse_width)
        #start motor communication
        for i in xrange(3):
            motors.setPWM(i, 0)
        freq = 1/2.0

        dataLog.updateLog({'start_time': time.time()})

        while True:
            #get measured velocity array
            #calculate commanded velocities array
            #convert commanded velocities to throttle
            #send commanded PWM signal to motors
            loop_start_time = time.time()
            count_array = encoders.returnCountArray()
            measured_velocities = encoders.getVelocities()
            print measured_velocities
            command_time = time.time()
            commanded_throttles = [wave(100,2*pi/nmotors*pwmNum, freq, command_time) for pwmNum in xrange(nmotors)]
            for pwmNum, throttle in enumerate(commanded_throttles):
            loop_end_time = time.time()

            #write information to logs
            log_info = {
                'counts': dict(zip(['time', 0, 1, 2], count_array)),
                'commanded_velocity': dict(zip(['time', 0, 1, 2],[command_time] + map(actuatorVelocityModel, commanded_throttles))),
                'commanded_throttle': dict(zip(['time', 0, 1, 2],[command_time] + commanded_throttles)),
                'measured_velocity': dict(zip(['time', 0, 1, 2], measured_velocities)),
                'iteration_latency': loop_end_time - loop_start_time,
                'command_latency': loop_end_time - command_time,
                'measurement_to_command_latency': command_time - measured_velocities[0]

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        for i in xrange(3):
            motors.setPWM(i, 0)
        dataLog.saveLog(baseName = 'Closed_Loop_Test')   
 def testClawOpenWidth():
     testMotors = Motors.Motors()
     assert testMotors.CWL.getWidth(5) == 40
Exemplo n.º 5
import CmdMessenger
import CmdManager
import Motors
import Gripper
import Led

import SpeedControl

if __name__ == '__main__':

    cMes = CmdMessenger.CmdMessenger()

    cMan = CmdManager.CmdManager(cMes)

    cMotor = Motors.Motors(cMes, 5)

    cSpeed = SpeedControl.SpeedControl(cMotor)

    gripper = Gripper.Gripper(cMes)
    led = Led.Led(cMes)
import TrayDB
import PartDatabase
import Motors
import UsSensor
import Jetson.GPIO
import time

window = tk.Tk()
filename = "ColorFiles/Default.png"
resulting_color = "light grey"
#load = Image.open(filename)
#render = ImageTk.PhotoImage(load)
#gRender = ""
myFont = font.Font(family='Helvetica', size=20)
CGPDb = PartDatabase.PartDatabase()
CGMotors = Motors.Motors()
CGUsSensor = UsSensor.UsSensor()

# going with 5 trays as default since that is the max the robot can hold
CGTDb = TrayDB.TrayDB(5)
#resets the robot position between GUI launches
CGMotors.MotorGoTo(CGMotors.PORTY, -1000)

# Gives part name if it exists, and if not, returns "Part not valid"
def getLabelPartname():
    partColor = str(entry_color.get())
    partShape = str(entry_shape.get())
    if CGPDb.checkIfPart(partColor, partShape):
        label_partname.configure(text="The part name is:  " + str(CGPDb.returnPart(partColor, partShape)),
Exemplo n.º 7
import Motors
import time


robot = Motors.Motors(left_trim=LEFT_TRIM, right_trim=RIGHT_TRIM)

# Now move the robot around!
# Each call below takes two parameters:
#  - speed: The speed of the movement, a value from 0-255.  The higher the value
#           the faster the movement.  You need to start with a value around 100
#           to get enough torque to move the robot.
#  - time (seconds):  Amount of time to perform the movement.  After moving for
#                     this amount of seconds the robot will stop.  This parameter
#                     is optional and if not specified the robot will start moving
#                     forever.
robot.right(160)  # Spin left at speed 200 for 0.5 seconds.
# Spin in place slowly for a few seconds.
#robot.right(100)  # No time is specified so the robot will start spinning forever.
time.sleep(10.0)  # Pause for a few seconds while the robot spins (you could do
# other processing here though!).
robot.stop()  # Stop the robot from moving.

# Now move backwards and spin right a few times.
#robot.right(200, 0.5)
Exemplo n.º 8
import Motors
import math
import time

i2c_bus_num = 1
nmotors = 3
min_throttle_percentage = -100
max_throttle_percentage = 100
min_throttle_pulse_width = 1100 #in microseconds
max_throttle_pulse_width = 1940 #in microseconds
PWM_frequency = 500 #in Hz

#instantiate motor group object
motors = Motors.Motors(i2c_bus_num,nmotors,min_throttle_percentage, max_throttle_percentage, min_throttle_pulse_width, max_throttle_pulse_width)

def wave(amp, phi, f, t):
    return amp*math.sin(f*t + phi)

if __name__ == "__main__":
        print 'PWM frequency before setting PWM: {0:.02f} Hz'.format(motors.PWM_frequency)

        for pwmNum in xrange(nmotors):
            print 'PWM Num = {0}'.format(pwmNum)

        while True:
        #drive motors in wave