def construct_eos_for_material(material_tag,units=None,etamin=0.94,etamax=100.0):
    """Return a spheral EOS object for a material identified by tag.

    construct_eos_for_material(mtag,units) calls the appropriate spheral eos
    constructor for the material identified by mtag, which must be one of the keys
    defined in the global shelpers.material_dictionary. This dictionary also 
    includes additional arguments to be passed to the constructor, when necessary.

    The etamin and etamax optional arguments have slightly different meaning 
    depending on which EOS constructor is actually used. Currently implemented
    constructors are:
      Tillotson : the value of etamin is passed to the etamin_solid parameter of
                  the constructor. This is used to limit tensional pressure when
                  the material is no longer solid. (Note that the spheral 
                  constructor also has an etamin parameter, which is used to 
                  prevent underflows in the pressure computation.)
      ANEOS : Not yet implemented.

    All pcs runs should use this method to create equations of state, instead of
    calling the spheral constructors directly, in order to allow automatic record
    keeping of what material was used in a given run. This also allows reusing 
    "pre cooked" node lists in new runs.

    The file <pcs>/ should contain a table of available material tags.

    See also: material_dictionary

    # Make sure we are not wasting our time.
    assert isinstance(material_tag,str)
    assert material_tag.lower() in material_dictionary.keys()
    if units is None:
        units = sph.PhysicalConstants(1,1,1)
    assert isinstance(units,sph.PhysicalConstants)
    assert isinstance(etamin,float)
    assert isinstance(etamax,float)

    # Build eos using our internal dictionary
    mat_dict = material_dictionary[material_tag.lower()]
    eos_constructor = mat_dict['eos_constructor']
    eos_arguments = mat_dict['eos_arguments']
    eos = None

    if mat_dict['eos_type'] == 'Tillotson':
        eos = eos_constructor(eos_arguments['materialName'],
                              1e-20, 1e20, units,
        eos.uid = mat_dict['eos_id']
        # Fix for LLNL ignoring the min eta requirement of Tillotson
        eos.minimumPressure = eos.pressure(
                                    eos.etamin_solid*eos.referenceDensity, 0)
        eos.minimumPressureType = 1 # 0: floor 1: zero
        print "EOS type {} not yet implemented".format(mat_dict['eos_type'])

    # And Bob's our uncle
    return eos
def pflatten_node_list(nl,filename,do_header=True,nl_id=0,silent=False):
    """Flatten physical field values from a node list to a rectangular ascii file.

    pflatten_node_list(nl,filename) extracts field variables from all nodes of nl,
    which must be a valid node list, and writes them as a rectangular table into
    the text file filename. (A short header is also written, using the # comment
    character so the resulting file can be easily read with numpy.loadtext.) The
    file will be overwritten if it exists. If filename has the .gz extension it
    will be compressed using gzip.

    pflatten_node_list(...,do_header=False) omits the header and appends the 
    flattened nl to the end of the file if one exists.

    pflatten_node_list(...,nl_id=id) places the integer id in the first column
    of every node (row) in the node list. This can be used when appending multiple
    lists to the same file, providing a convenient way to distinguish nodes from
    different lists when the file is later read. The default id (for single node
    list files) is 0.

    The format of the output table is (one line per node):
      id eos_id x y z vx vy vz m rho p T U hmin hmax

    The p in pflatten is for 'parallel', a reminder that all nodes will be
    processed in their local rank, without ever being communicated or collected
    in a single process. Each mpi rank will wait its turn to access the output 
    file, so the writing is in fact serial, but avoids bandwidth and memory waste
    and is thus suitable for large node lists from high-res runs.

    See also: spickle_node_list

    # Make sure we are not wasting our time.
    assert isinstance(nl,(sph.Spheral.NodeSpace.FluidNodeList3d,
                      ), "argument 1 must be a node list"
    assert isinstance(filename, str), "argument 2 must be a simple string"
    assert isinstance(do_header, bool), "true or false"
    assert isinstance(silent, bool), "true or false"
    assert isinstance(nl_id, int), "int only idents"
    assert not isinstance(nl_id, bool), "int only idents"

    # Determine if file should be compressed.
    if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.gz':
        import gzip
        open =
        import __builtin__
        open =

    # Write the header.
    if do_header:
        nbGlobalNodes = mpi.allreduce(nl.numInternalNodes, mpi.SUM)
        header = header_template.format(nbGlobalNodes)
        if mpi.rank == 0:
            fid = open(filename,'w')
    # Start collecting data.
    if not silent:
        sys.stdout.write('Flattening ' + nl.label() + ' ' + + '........')
    # Get values of field variables stored in internal nodes.
    xloc = nl.positions().internalValues()
    vloc = nl.velocity().internalValues()
    mloc = nl.mass().internalValues()
    rloc = nl.massDensity().internalValues()
    uloc = nl.specificThermalEnergy().internalValues()
    Hloc = nl.Hfield().internalValues()
    #(pressure and temperature are stored in the eos object.)
    eos = nl.equationOfState()
    ploc = sph.ScalarField('ploc',nl)
    Tloc = sph.ScalarField('loc',nl)
    rref = nl.massDensity()
    uref = nl.specificThermalEnergy()

    # Procs take turns writing internal node values to file.
    for proc in range(mpi.procs):
        if proc == mpi.rank:
            fid = open(filename,'a')
            for nk in range(nl.numInternalNodes):
                line  = "{:2d}  ".format(nl_id)
                line += "{:2d}  ".format(getattr(nl,'eos_id',-1))
                line += "{0.x:+12.5e}  {0.y:+12.5e}  {0.z:+12.5e}  ".format(xloc[nk])
                line += "{0.x:+12.5e}  {0.y:+12.5e}  {0.z:+12.5e}  ".format(vloc[nk])
                line += "{0:+12.5e}  ".format(mloc[nk])
                line += "{0:+12.5e}  ".format(rloc[nk])
                line += "{0:+12.5e}  ".format(ploc[nk])
                line += "{0:+12.5e}  ".format(Tloc[nk])
                line += "{0:+12.5e}  ".format(uloc[nk])
                line += "{0:+12.5e}  ".format(Hloc[nk].Inverse().eigenValues().minElement())
                line += "{0:+12.5e}  ".format(Hloc[nk].Inverse().eigenValues().maxElement())
                line += "\n"
    # And Bob's our uncle.
    if not silent:
        print "Done."
    def __init__(self, R, eos, rho0=None, rmin=0, units=None, nbins=100):
        """Class constructor for quasi-incompressible density profile.

        Assuming a barely compressible, one-layer planet, a pressure profile in
        hydrostatic equilibrium can be found by integrating the hydrostatic
        equation with constant density. The equation of state can then be inverted
        to provide a density profile consistent with this pressure profile.
        Although the resulting pressure/density state is not strictly self
        consistent, it may be used as a good approximation for small planets that
        are not expected to be highly compressed.

        This class generates, in the constructor, a density profile: a vector of
        radii and a vector of corresponding densities. The __call__ method is used
        to extract a density for an arbitrary radius by interpolation. This is to
        provide the interface used by some of the existing node generators in

        R : float > 0
            Radius of uncompressed planet.
        eos : SolidSpheral3d.EquationOfState3d
            Equation-of-state of planet material.
        rho0 : float > 0, optional
            Guess for density at surface. If not provided eos.referenceDensity
            will be used.
        rMin : float >=0, optional
            Bottom of profile to be computed. Default is 0.
        units : SolidSpheral3d.PhysicalConstants, optional
            Units object if arguments are not in MKS. Must match constants member
            of eos. Default is SolidSpheral3d.PhysicalConstants(1,1,1).
        nbins : int >= 10, optional
            Number of interpolation points in [rMin,R].

        # Minimal input checking
        assert np.isreal(R) and R > 0
        assert np.isreal(rmin) and rmin < R
        assert isinstance(eos, sph.EquationOfState3d)
        assert type(nbins) is type(1) and nbins >= 10
        if rho0 is None:
            rho0 = eos.referenceDensity
        assert type(rho0) is type(1.0) and rho0 > 0
        if units is None:
            units = sph.PhysicalConstants(1,1,1)
        assert isinstance(units, sph.PhysicalConstants)
        assert units.G == eos.constants.G
        # Local variables
        rvec = np.linspace(rmin, R, num=nbins)
        dvec = np.ones(rvec.size)*np.NaN
        pvec = np.ones(rvec.size)*np.NaN

        # Step one - calculate pressure profile
        G = units.G
        for k in range(rvec.size):
            pvec[k] = 2*np.pi/3*G*rho0**2*(R**2 - rvec[k]**2)
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(pvec))
        # Step two - lion hunt to invert eos and get a density
        def f(x):
            return pressure(eos,x,0) - p_hs
        for k in range(pvec.size):
            p_hs = pvec[k]
            x_hi = eos.referenceDensity*2
            x_lo = eos.referenceDensity/2
            while (x_hi - x_lo) > 1e-12*eos.referenceDensity:
                x_hs = (x_lo + x_hi)/2
                if f(x_hs) > 0:
                    x_hi = x_hs
                    x_lo = x_hs
            dvec[k] = x_hs
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(dvec))
        # Store object data
        self.rvec = rvec
        self.dvec = dvec
        self.pvec = pvec
        self.units = units

        # And Bob's our uncle.
def spickle_node_list(nl,filename=None,silent=False):
    """Pack physical field variables from a node list in a dict and pickle.

    (Note: This is not a true pickler class.)

    spickle_node_list(nl,filename) extracts field variables from all nodes of nl,
    which must be a valid node list, and packs them in a dict that is returned
    to the caller. If the optional argument filename is a string then dict will
    also be pickled to a file of that name. The file will be overwritten if it

    The s in spickle is for 'serial', a reminder that this method collects all
    nodes of the node list (from all ranks) in a single process. Thus this method
    is mainly useful for interactive work with small node lists. It is the user's
    responsibility to make sure her process has enough memory to hold the returned

    See also: pflatten_node_list

    # Make sure we are not wasting our time.
    assert isinstance(nl,(sph.Spheral.NodeSpace.FluidNodeList3d,
                      ), "argument 1 must be a node list"
    assert isinstance(silent, bool), "true or false"
    # Start collecting data.
    if not silent:
        sys.stdout.write('Pickling ' +  nl.label() + ' ' + + '........')

    # Get values of field variables stored in internal nodes.
    xloc = nl.positions().internalValues()
    vloc = nl.velocity().internalValues()
    mloc = nl.mass().internalValues()
    rloc = nl.massDensity().internalValues()
    uloc = nl.specificThermalEnergy().internalValues()
    Hloc = nl.Hfield().internalValues()
    #(pressure and temperature are stored in the eos object.)
    eos = nl.equationOfState()
    ploc = sph.ScalarField('ploc',nl)
    Tloc = sph.ScalarField('loc',nl)
    rref = nl.massDensity()
    uref = nl.specificThermalEnergy()

    # Zip fields so that we have all fields for each node in the same tuple.
    #  We do this so we can concatenate everything in a single reduction operation,
    #  to ensure that all fields in one record in the final list belong to the 
    #  same node.
    localFields = zip(xloc, vloc, mloc, rloc, uloc, ploc, Tloc, Hloc)

    # Do a SUM reduction on all ranks.
    #  This works because the + operator for python lists is a concatenation!
    globalFields = mpi.allreduce(localFields, mpi.SUM)

    # Create a dictionary to hold field variables.
    nlFieldDict = dict(,
                       x=[],   # position vector
                       v=[],   # velocity vector
                       m=[],   # mass
                       rho=[], # mass density
                       p=[],   # pressure
                       h=[],   # smoothing ellipsoid axes
                       T=[],   # temperature
                       U=[],   # specific thermal energy

    # Loop over nodes to fill field values.
    nbGlobalNodes = mpi.allreduce(nl.numInternalNodes, mpi.SUM)
    for k in range(nbGlobalNodes):
        nlFieldDict[  'x'].append((globalFields[k][0].x, globalFields[k][0].y, globalFields[k][0].z))
        nlFieldDict[  'v'].append((globalFields[k][1].x, globalFields[k][1].y, globalFields[k][1].z))
        nlFieldDict[  'm'].append( globalFields[k][2])
        nlFieldDict['rho'].append( globalFields[k][3])
        nlFieldDict[  'U'].append( globalFields[k][4])
        nlFieldDict[  'p'].append( globalFields[k][5])
        nlFieldDict[  'T'].append( globalFields[k][6])
        nlFieldDict[  'h'].append((globalFields[k][7].Inverse().eigenValues().x,

    # Optionally, pickle the dict to a file.
    if mpi.rank == 0:
        if filename is not None:
            if isinstance(filename, str):
                with open(filename, 'wb') as fid:
                    pickle.dump(nlFieldDict, fid)
                msg = "Dict NOT pickled to file because " + \
                      "argument 2 is {} instead of {}".format(type(filename), type('x'))
    # And Bob's our uncle.
    if not silent:
        print "Done."
    return nlFieldDict
    def __init__(self, R, rCore, eosMantle, eosCore, nbins = 100, units=None):
        """Class constructor for quasi-incompressible two-layer density profile."""

        # Minimal input checking
        assert True
        if units is None:
            units = sph.PhysicalConstants(1,1,1)
        assert isinstance(units, sph.PhysicalConstants)
        assert units.G == eosMantle.constants.G == eosCore.constants.G

        # Local variables
        rvec = np.linspace(0, R, num=nbins)
        dvec = np.ones(rvec.size)*np.NaN
        pvec = np.ones(rvec.size)*np.NaN
        rc = rCore
        rhoc = eosCore.referenceDensity
        rhom = eosMantle.referenceDensity
        assert 0 < rc < R
        assert rhom <= rhoc
        r_inner = rvec[rvec <= rc]
        r_outer = rvec[rvec > rc]

        # Step one - calculate pressure profile
        G = units.G
        c2 = 4*np.pi/3*G*(0.5*rhom**2*R**2 - rhom*(rhoc - rhom)*rc**3/R)
        c1 = 4*np.pi/3*G*(0.5*rhoc**2 - 1.5*rhom**2 + rhoc*rhom)*rc**2 + c2
        p_inner = np.ones(r_inner.size)*np.NaN
        p_outer = np.ones(r_outer.size)*np.NaN
        for k in range(r_inner.size):
            p_inner[k] = c1 - 4*np.pi/3*G*0.5*rhoc**2*r_inner[k]**2
        for k in range(r_outer.size):
            p_outer[k] = c2 - 4*np.pi/3*G*(0.5*rhom**2*r_outer[k]**2 - 
                                           rhom*(rhoc - rhom)*rc**3/r_outer[k])
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(p_inner))
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(p_outer))
        pvec = np.concatenate((p_inner, p_outer))

        # Step two - lion hunt to invert eos and get a density
        def f(x):
            return pressure(eos,x,0) - p_hs
        for k in range(rvec.size):
            p_hs = pvec[k]
            if rvec[k] <= rc:
                eos = eosCore
                eos = eosMantle
            x_hi = eos.referenceDensity*2
            x_lo = eos.referenceDensity/2
            while (x_hi - x_lo) > 1e-12*eos.referenceDensity:
                x_hs = (x_lo + x_hi)/2
                if f(x_hs) > 0:
                    x_hi = x_hs
                    x_lo = x_hs
            dvec[k] = x_hs
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(dvec))

        # Store object data
        self.rvec = rvec
        self.dvec = dvec
        self.pvec = pvec
        self.units = units

        # And Bob's our uncle.
    assert isinstance(eos, sph.EquationOfState3d)
    #assert np.isscalar(rho)
    #assert np.isscalar(eps)
    #assert np.isreal(rho)
    #assert np.isreal(eps)

    # Assign thermo values to fields and calculate pressure
    pressure.rhof[0] = rho
    pressure.epsf[0] = eps
    eos.setPressure(pressure.peef, pressure.rhof, pressure.epsf)

    # Extract pressure from field and return
    return pressure.peef[0]
    # End function pressure
# Static fake node list and thermo fields for function pressure
pressure.nodes = sph.makeVoidNodeList('fakenodes',1)
pressure.rhof = sph.ScalarField('rho',pressure.nodes)
pressure.epsf = sph.ScalarField('eps',pressure.nodes)
pressure.peef = sph.ScalarField('pee',pressure.nodes)

class HydrostaticQIC1LayerDensityProfile():
    """Callable hydrostatic quasi-incompressible density profile."""

    # The constructor
    def __init__(self, R, eos, rho0=None, rmin=0, units=None, nbins=100):
        """Class constructor for quasi-incompressible density profile.

        Assuming a barely compressible, one-layer planet, a pressure profile in
        hydrostatic equilibrium can be found by integrating the hydrostatic
# currently used by pcs into the global workspace. There you can interactively
# call the EOS methods and compare different materials. This script can also be
# used to extract the code snippets needed to create EOS objects in spheral runs.
import sys, os
import SolidSpheral3d as sph # The top-level spheral module importer

# Setup
# Show signs of life.
print "Loading spheral equations of state..."

# EOS constructors take a units object. I usually work in MKS.
units = sph.PhysicalConstants(1.0,   # Unit length in meters
                              1.0,   # Unit mass in kg
                              1.0)   # Unit time in seconds

# Tillotson EOS for common materials
mats = ['Granite', 'Basalt', 'Nylon', 'Pure Ice', '30% Silicate Ice', 'Water']
etamin, etamax = 0.94, 10.0
pext, pmin, pmax = 0.0, -1e200, 1e200 # these are actually the defaults
EOSes = [sph.TillotsonEquationOfState(mat, 1e-20, 1e20, units,
         etamin_solid = etamin,
         externalPressure = pext, minimumPressure = pmin, maximumPressure = pmax)
         for mat in mats]
granite  = EOSes[0]
basalt   = EOSes[1]
nylon    = EOSes[2]
import mpi  # Mike's simplified mpi wrapper
import SolidSpheral3d as sph  # The top-level spheral module importer
from GenerateNodeDistribution3d import GenerateNodeDistribution3d  # basic nl-gens
from VoronoiDistributeNodes import distributeNodes3d  # the load distributer

pcsbase = ''  # Edit this with full path to <pcs> if you see an ImportError.
sys.path += ['..', pcsbase, os.getenv('PCSBASE', '')]
import shelpers  # My module of some helper functions

# Construct a minimal spheral simulation structure, consisting of a node list, a
# node lists generator, a node list distributer, a physics package, an integrator,
# and a controller.
# First, create an equation of state.
units = sph.PhysicalConstants(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
eos = shelpers.construct_eos_for_material('h2oice', units)

# Create an empty node list.
nodes = sph.makeFluidNodeList('nodelist', eos)

# Create a stock generator.
generator = GenerateNodeDistribution3d(2,

# Distribute nodes to ranks (suppress with any cl arg to speed things up).
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    distributeNodes3d((nodes, generator))
pcsbase = '' # Edit this with full path to <pcs> if you see an ImportError.
sys.path += ['..',pcsbase,os.getenv('PCSBASE','')]
import shelpers # My module of some helper functions

# Construct a minimal spheral simulation structure, consisting of a node list, a
# node lists generator, a node list distributer, a physics package, an integrator,
# and a controller.
# First, create an equation of state.
units = sph.PhysicalConstants(1.0,1.0,1.0)
eos = shelpers.construct_eos_for_material('h2oice',units)

# Create an empty node list.
nodes = sph.makeFluidNodeList('nodelist', eos)

# Create a stock generator.
generator = GenerateNodeDistribution3d(2, 2, 2, 
                                       distributionType = 'lattice')

# Distribute nodes to ranks (suppress with any cl arg to speed things up).
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    distributeNodes3d((nodes, generator))

# Create a DataBase object to hold the node lists.
db = sph.DataBase()

# Create the kernel function for SPH.