assert isinstance(eos, sph.EquationOfState3d)
    #assert np.isscalar(rho)
    #assert np.isscalar(eps)
    #assert np.isreal(rho)
    #assert np.isreal(eps)

    # Assign thermo values to fields and calculate pressure
    pressure.rhof[0] = rho
    pressure.epsf[0] = eps
    eos.setPressure(pressure.peef, pressure.rhof, pressure.epsf)

    # Extract pressure from field and return
    return pressure.peef[0]
    # End function pressure
# Static fake node list and thermo fields for function pressure
pressure.nodes = sph.makeVoidNodeList('fakenodes',1)
pressure.rhof = sph.ScalarField('rho',pressure.nodes)
pressure.epsf = sph.ScalarField('eps',pressure.nodes)
pressure.peef = sph.ScalarField('pee',pressure.nodes)

class HydrostaticQIC1LayerDensityProfile():
    """Callable hydrostatic quasi-incompressible density profile."""

    # The constructor
    def __init__(self, R, eos, rho0=None, rmin=0, units=None, nbins=100):
        """Class constructor for quasi-incompressible density profile.

        Assuming a barely compressible, one-layer planet, a pressure profile in
        hydrostatic equilibrium can be found by integrating the hydrostatic