def init_device(self): self.debug_stream("In init_device() of axis") self.get_device_properties(self.get_device_class()) # -v1 self.info_stream("INFO STREAM ON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++") self.warn_stream("WARN STREAM ON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++") self.error_stream("ERROR STREAM ON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++") self.fatal_stream("FATAL STREAM ON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++") # -v3 (-v == -v4) self.debug_stream("DEBUG STREAM ON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++") try: self.axis = TgGevent.get_proxy(bliss.get_axis, self._axis_name) self.kontroler = TgGevent.get_proxy(self.axis.controller) except: elog.error("unable to get kontroller or axis") self.set_status(traceback.format_exc()) self.debug_stream("axis found : %s" % self._axis_name) self.once = False self._init_time = time.time() self._t = time.time() self.attr_Home_position_read = 0.0 self.attr_StepSize_read = 0.0 self.attr_Steps_per_unit_read = 0.0 self.attr_Acceleration_read = 1.0 self.attr_HardLimitLow_read = False self.attr_HardLimitHigh_read = False self.attr_Backlash_read = 0.0 self.attr_Offset_read = 0.0 self.attr_Tolerance_read = 0.0 self.attr_PresetPosition_read = 0.0 self.attr_FirstVelocity_read = 0.0 """ self.attr_Steps_read = 0 self.attr_Position_read = 0.0 self.attr_Measured_Position_read = 0.0 self.attr_Home_side_read = False """ self.attr_trajpar_read = [[0.0]] # To force update of state and status. self.dev_state() #" %s" % self.axis.get_info())" Axis " + bcolors.PINK + self._ds_name + bcolors.ENDC + " initialized")
def test_axis_move(self): robz = TgGevent.get_proxy(emotion.get_axis, "robz") self.assertEqual(robz.state(), "READY") robz.move(180, wait=False) self.assertEqual(robz.state(), "MOVING") robz.wait_move() self.assertEqual(robz.state(), "READY")
def test_stop(self): robz = TgGevent.get_proxy(bliss.get_axis, "robz") self.assertEqual(robz.state(), "READY") robz.move(180, wait=False) self.assertEqual(robz.state(), "MOVING") robz.stop() self.assertEqual(robz.state(), "READY")
def init_device(self) : self.set_state(tango.DevState.ON) self.get_device_properties(self.get_device_class()) self._nanodac = TgGevent.get_proxy(nanodac.nanodac,'server',{"controller_ip":self.controller_ip}) self._ramp1 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_soft_ramp,1) self._ramp2 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_soft_ramp,2) self._c1 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_channel,1) self._c2 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_channel,2) self._c3 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_channel,3) self._c4 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_channel,4)
def init_device(self): self.set_state(tango.DevState.ON) self.get_device_properties(self.get_device_class()) self._nanodac = TgGevent.get_proxy( nanodac.nanodac, 'server', {"controller_ip": self.controller_ip}) self._ramp1 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_soft_ramp, 1) self._ramp2 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_soft_ramp, 2) self._c1 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_channel, 1) self._c2 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_channel, 2) self._c3 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_channel, 3) self._c4 = TgGevent.get_proxy(self._nanodac.get_channel, 4)
def __getattr__(self,name): if name.startswith('read_') or name.startswith('write_') : try: _,mod_name,attr_name = name.split('_') mod = getattr(self,'_%s' % mod_name) except ValueError: _,main_mod_name,mod_name,attr_name = name.split('_') main_mod = getattr(self,'_%s' % main_mod_name) main_mod = main_mod.get_base_obj() mod = TgGevent.get_proxy(getattr,main_mod,mod_name) if name.startswith('read_'): func = _CallableRead(mod,attr_name) else: func = _CallableWrite(mod,attr_name) self.__dict__[name] = func return func raise AttributeError("Nanodac has no attribute %s" % name)
def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('read_') or name.startswith('write_'): try: _, mod_name, attr_name = name.split('_') mod = getattr(self, '_%s' % mod_name) except ValueError: _, main_mod_name, mod_name, attr_name = name.split('_') main_mod = getattr(self, '_%s' % main_mod_name) main_mod = main_mod.get_base_obj() mod = TgGevent.get_proxy(getattr, main_mod, mod_name) if name.startswith('read_'): func = _CallableRead(mod, attr_name) else: func = _CallableWrite(mod, attr_name) self.__dict__[name] = func return func raise AttributeError("Nanodac has no attribute %s" % name)
def main(): try: delete_unused_bliss_axes() except: elog.error( "Cannot delete unused bliss axes.", raise_exception=False) try: py = PyTango.Util(sys.argv) log_param = [param for param in sys.argv if "-v" in param] if log_param: log_param = log_param[0] # print "-vN log flag found len=%d" % len(log_param) if len(log_param) > 2: tango_log_level = int(log_param[2:]) elif len(log_param) > 1: tango_log_level = 4 else: print " - ERROR LOG LEVEL" if tango_log_level == 1: elog.level(40) elif tango_log_level == 2: elog.level(30) elif tango_log_level == 3: elog.level(20) else: elog.level(10) else: # by default : show INFO elog.level(20) tango_log_level = 0 print "" #"tango log level=%d" % tango_log_level) # elog.debug(" debug message") # elog.error(" error message", raise_exception=False) # Searches for bliss devices defined in tango database. U = PyTango.Util.instance() db = U.get_database() device_list = get_devices_from_server().get('BlissAxisManager') if device_list is not None: _device = device_list[0]" - BlissAxisManager device : %s" % _device) try: _config_file = db.get_device_property(_device, "config_file")["config_file"][0] except:" - 'config_file' property not present ?") _config_file = None first_run = False else: elog.error("[FIRST RUN] New server never started ? -> no database entry...", raise_exception=False) elog.error("[FIRST RUN] NO CUSTOM COMANDS :( ", raise_exception=False) elog.error("[FIRST RUN] Restart DS to havec CUSTOM COMMANDS", raise_exception=False) first_run = True py.add_class(BlissAxisManagerClass, BlissAxisManager) # py.add_class(BlissAxisClass, BlissAxis) if not first_run: if _config_file is not None:" - config file : " + bcolors.PINK + _config_file + bcolors.ENDC) try: TgGevent.execute(bliss.load_cfg, _config_file) except: elog.error("error (not present or syntax error?) in reading config file : %s" % _config_file, raise_exception=False) sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) sys.exit(-1) else: # Get axis names defined in config file. axis_names = bliss_config.axis_names_list() else:" - " + bcolors.PINK + "beacon config" + bcolors.ENDC) # Get axes names from property (= use beacon to get axis objects) bliss_config.BACKEND = "beacon" axis_names = db.get_device_property(_device, "axes")["axes"][0].split() elog.debug("axis names list : %s" % axis_names) for axis_name in axis_names: elog.debug(" : _____________ axis %s _____________" % axis_name) try: _axis = TgGevent.get_proxy(bliss.get_axis, axis_name) except ConnectionException: elog.error("beacon_server seems not running") sys.exit(-1) except: print traceback.format_exc() sys.exit(-1) new_axis_class_class = types.ClassType("BlissAxisClass_%s" % axis_name, (BlissAxisClass,), {}) new_axis_class = types.ClassType("BlissAxis_%s" % axis_name, (BlissAxis,), {}) types_conv_tab = { None: PyTango.DevVoid, str: PyTango.DevString, int: PyTango.DevLong, float: PyTango.DevDouble, bool: PyTango.DevBoolean, "str": PyTango.DevString, "int": PyTango.DevLong, "float": PyTango.DevDouble, "bool": PyTango.DevBoolean, "None": PyTango.DevVoid, "float_array": PyTango.DevVarFloatArray, "double_array": PyTango.DevVarDoubleArray, "long_array": PyTango.DevVarLongArray, "string_array": PyTango.DevVarStringArray } """ CUSTOM COMMANDS """ # Search and adds custom commands. _cmd_list = _axis.custom_methods_list() elog.debug("'%s' custom commands:" % axis_name) new_axis_class_class.cmd_list = dict(BlissAxisClass.cmd_list) for (fname, (t1, t2)) in _cmd_list: setattr(new_axis_class, fname, getattr(_axis, fname)) tin = types_conv_tab[t1] tout = types_conv_tab[t2] new_axis_class_class.cmd_list.update({fname: [[tin, ""], [tout, ""]]}) elog.debug(" %s (in: %s, %s) (out: %s, %s)" % (fname, t1, tin, t2, tout)) """ CUSTOM SETTINGS AS ATTRIBUTES. """ elog.debug(" : %s : -------------- SETTINGS -----------------" % axis_name) new_axis_class_class.attr_list = dict(BlissAxisClass.attr_list) for setting_name in _axis.settings(): if setting_name in ["velocity", "position", "dial_position", "state", "offset", "low_limit", "high_limit", "acceleration", "_set_position"]: elog.debug(" -- std SETTING %s " % (setting_name)) else: _attr_name = setting_name _setting_type = _axis.controller().axis_settings.convert_funcs[_attr_name] _attr_type = types_conv_tab[_setting_type] elog.debug(" -- adds SETTING %s as %s attribute" % (setting_name, _attr_type)) # Updates Attributes list. new_axis_class_class.attr_list.update({_attr_name: [[_attr_type, PyTango._PyTango.AttrDataFormat.SCALAR, PyTango._PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE], { 'Display level': PyTango._PyTango.DispLevel.OPERATOR, 'format': '%10.3f', 'description': '%s : u 2' % _attr_name, 'unit': 'user units/s^2', 'label': _attr_name }]}) # Creates functions to read and write settings. def read_custattr(self, attr, _axis=_axis, _attr_name=_attr_name): _val = _axis.get_setting(_attr_name) attr.set_value(_val) new_read_attr_method = types.MethodType(read_custattr, new_axis_class, new_axis_class.__class__) setattr(new_axis_class, "read_%s" % _attr_name, new_read_attr_method) def write_custattr(self, attr, _axis=_axis, _attr_name=_attr_name): data = attr.get_write_value() _axis.set_setting(_attr_name, data) new_write_attr_method = types.MethodType(write_custattr, new_axis_class, new_axis_class.__class__) setattr(new_axis_class, "write_%s" % _attr_name, new_write_attr_method) # End of custom command and settings elog.debug(" : Adds new Axis specific class.") py.add_class(new_axis_class_class, new_axis_class) elog.debug(" : Class added.") elog.debug(" : intitialize server.") U.server_init() except PyTango.DevFailed: print traceback.format_exc() elog.exception( "Error in server initialization") sys.exit(0) try: bliss_admin_device_names = get_devices_from_server().get('BlissAxisManager') if bliss_admin_device_names: blname, server_name, device_number = bliss_admin_device_names[ 0].split('/') for axis_name in bliss_config.axis_names_list(): device_name = '/'.join((blname, '%s_%s' % (server_name, device_number), axis_name)) try: elog.debug("Creating %s" % device_name) U.create_device("BlissAxis_%s" % axis_name, device_name) except PyTango.DevFailed: # print traceback.format_exc() elog.debug("Device %s already defined in Tango database" % device_name) pass # If axis name is not already a tango alias, # define it as an alias of the device. try: db.get_device_alias(axis_name) except PyTango.DevFailed: db.put_device_alias(device_name, axis_name) elog.debug("Created alias %s for device %s" % (axis_name, device_name)) else: # Do not raise exception to be able to use # Jive device creation wizard. elog.error("No bliss supervisor device", raise_exception=False) except PyTango.DevFailed: print traceback.format_exc() elog.exception( "Error in devices initialization") sys.exit(0) U.server_run()
def tearDownClass(cls): TgGevent.execute("exit")
def test_get_axis(self): robz = TgGevent.get_proxy(bliss.get_axis, "robz") self.assertTrue(robz)
def setUp(self): TgGevent.execute(bliss.load_cfg_fromstring, config_xml)
def setUp(self): TgGevent.execute(emotion.load_cfg_fromstring, config_xml)