Exemplo n.º 1
	def getTrial(self):
		return self.trial

charType = SelectCharacter()
name = SetName()
player = Character(name.getName(), charType.getType(), charType.getHP(), charType.getATK())
dragon = Dragon()
home = Home("")
while dragon.getHP() != 0 and player.getHP() != 0 and home.getTrial() != 99:
	if home.getTrial() == 1:
		string = ""
		diamond = DiamondDefense()
		if diamond.getDiamondStatus() == 0:
			string = "Oh no! You didn't find the Defense Diamond.\nYou can continue to your next trial, but you might want to try again.\nYou may need it later!"
		elif diamond.getDiamondStatus() == 1:
			string = "Congratulations! You found the Defense Diamond!\nYou may choose your next trial.\nIf you have completed all the trials, you are ready to face the dragon!"
		home = Home(string)
	elif home.getTrial() == 2:
		string = ""
		riddle = Riddle()
		if riddle.getHammer() == 0:
			string = "Oh no! You did not attain War Hammer.\nYou can continue to your next trial, but you might want to try again.\nYou may need it later!"
		elif riddle.getHammer() == 1:
			string = "Congratulations! You have attained War Hammer!\nYou may choose your next trial.\nIf you have completed all the trials, you are ready to face the dragon!"
		home = Home(string)
	elif home.getTrial() == 3:
		string = ""
		card = CardChallenge()
		if card.getLuckStatus() == 0: