in_files = ["file:{0}/{1}".format(options.inDir, f) for f in options.inFile]
	in_files = ["file:{0}".format(f) for f in options.inFile]
#### Auto:
out_file = ""
nevents = options.maxEvents
if options.dataset:
	in_files = []
	result = dataset.get_datasets(name=options.dataset, generation=options.generation, set_info=True)
	if result:
		if len(result) == 1:		# Only one process
			dss = result.values()[0]
			if len(dss) == 1:		# Only one subprocess (there should be only one corresponding to each dataset name).
				ds = dss[0]
				if options.sigma < 0:
					options.sigma = ds.sigma
				if nevents > 0:		# If maxEvents is -1, run over everything
					factor = ds.jets_n/nevents
					factor = 1
				options.weight = ds.weight*factor
				print "Sigma = {0}".format(options.sigma)
#				in_files.extend(["file:{0}".format(f) for f in ds.jets_path])
#				in_files.extend(["root://{0}".format(f) for f in ds.jets_path])
				in_files.extend(["root://{0}".format(f) for f in ds.jets_path])
#				print in_files
				out_file = "{0}_tuple.root".format(options.dataset)
				print "ERROR: There were multiple datasets found for the name {}. They are listed below:\n{}".format(options.dataset, dss)
			print "ERROR: There were multiple processes returned for the dataset name of {}:\n{}".format(options.dataset, result)