Exemplo n.º 1
def options() :
    from FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing import VarParsing as VP
    options = VP('standard')
    options.output = "SusyCAF_Tree.root"
    options.secondaryOutput = "" #switch PAT-tuple output off by default
    options.maxEvents = 100

    options.register('GlobalTag', mytype = VP.varType.string)
    options.register('quiet', default = True )
    options.register('isData', default = True )
    options.register('dropMore', default = False , info = "drop more for a smaller event size")
    options.register('leptonPtMin', default = 0 )
    options.register('patify', default = True,  info = "run SUSYPAT on the fly")
    options.register('AllTracks', default = False, info = "include all tracks")
    options.register('SourceName', info = "'S:stream' or 'DS:dataset' to store those HLT paths", mytype = VP.varType.string,)
    options.register('jetCollections', default = ['ak5calo','ak5pf'], # + ['ak7calo','ak7pf','ak5pf2pat','ak7pf2pat']
                     info = "jet types to store", mult = VP.multiplicity.list, mytype = VP.varType.string)
    options.register('jetCorrections', default = ['L1FastJet','L2Relative','L3Absolute','L2L3Residual'], #L2L3Residual removed from options for simulation (below)
                     info = "jet correction levels to apply", mult = VP.multiplicity.list, mytype = VP.varType.string)
    options.register('scan', default = "", info = "code for CMSSM or SMS scan", mytype = VP.varType.string)
    options.register('triggers', default = -1, info = "store trigger information in the ntuple") # defaults to isData (below)
    options.register('taus', default = True, info = "store tau information in the ntuple")
    options.register('dqm', default = False, info = "store dqm information in the ntuple")
    options.register('doTauReco', default = False, info = "redo tau recostruction (needed in order to read 51X files with 52X recipe)")
    options.register('doTypeIMetReco', default = False, info = "do type I MET recostruction")
    options.register('doTypeIMetPat', default = True, info = "do type I MET Pat (RA4 Recipe + also caloMET)")
    options.register('doPfMetPhiCorrections', default = False, info = "do phi corrections in pfMET")
    options.register('beamHaloVars', default = True, info = "store beam halo information in the ntuple")
    options.register('doPhotonPFIso', default = True, info = "include simple cut based Photon IDs 2012 in the ntuple")
    options.register('doPoolOutput', default = False, info = "Output edm file with full event content")
    options.register('pdfSets', default = "", info = "pdf Sets to use for pdf Uncertainty weights", mytype = VP.varType.string)
    options.register('defPdf', default = "cteq6ll.LHpdf", info = "pdf set used when producing sample", mytype = VP.varType.string)
    __hack_ListVarparsingBug__( options, 'jetCollections')
    __hack_ListVarparsingBug__( options, 'jetCorrections')
    options._tagOrder =[] # weird, but something to do with options.output

    defaultGT,defaultFile = {
        "53X" : [('START53_V10::All','/store/mc/Summer12_DR53X/ZZ_TuneZ2star_8TeV_pythia6_tauola/AODSIM/PU_S10_START53_V7A-v1/0000/FEEB0275-24FA-E111-B9A6-00266CF9B970.root'),
		('GR_P_V41_AN1::All' ,'/store/data/Run2012C/SingleMu/AOD/PromptReco-v2/000/201/624/F40EFD20-9CF0-E111-8F16-5404A63886C4.root')],
	"52X" : [('START52_V4::All','/store/relval/CMSSW_5_2_5_cand1/RelValTTbar/GEN-SIM-RECO/START52_V9-v1/0261/249F81B9-8C91-E111-AE72-003048679236.root'),               
		('GR_R_52_V4::All' ,'/store/relval/CMSSW_5_2_5_cand1/SingleMu/RECO/GR_R_52_V7_RelVal_mu2011B-v1/0262/7425B24B-9E91-E111-BA46-002618943800.root')],
        "51X" : [('START50_V15::All','/store/relval/CMSSW_5_1_2/RelValTTbar/GEN-SIM-RECO/PU_START50_V15A-v1/0003/0AB02E79-7C61-E111-8594-002481E0D73C.root'),
                 ('GR_R_50_V12::All' ,'/store/relval/CMSSW_5_1_2/Jet/RECO/GR_R_50_V12_RelVal_jet2010B-v1/0237/326E6DA4-B460-E111-AAFA-0026189438D6.root')],
        "44X" : [('START44_V12::All','/../user/b/bbetchar//CMSSW_4_4_2_patch10/RelValProdTTbar/AODSIM/START44_V7_special_120119-v1/0088/0ECC7FA5-7A43-E111-9B36-002618943861.root'),
        "42X" : [('START42_V17::All','/../user/b/bbetchar/CMSSW_4_2_8/RelValProdTTbar/GEN-SIM-RECO/MC_42_V12-v1/0026/9C0E8835-9ABB-E011-95B0-0026189438BA.root'),
    options.files = options.files if options.files else defaultFile
    options.GlobalTag = options.GlobalTag if options.GlobalTag else defaultGT

    if options.triggers < 0 : options.triggers = int(options.isData)

    if not options.isData : #remove L2L3Residual correction from simulation options
        jecs = [jc for jc in options.jetCorrections if jc!='L2L3Residual']
        options.jetCorrections = jecs

    return options