Exemplo n.º 1
def doMyAlignChanges():
    veloAlign = VAlign("VAlign")
    GaudiSequencer("AlignSequence").Members = [
    veloAlign.OutputLevel = 3
    PatPVOffline("PatPVOffline").OutputLevel = 3
    VAlign("VAlign").Box_DOF = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    VAlign("VAlign").Box_EQs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        "TrackVertexMonitor").TrackContainer = "LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo"
    ###VAlign("VAlign").TrackContainer= "Rec/Track/Best"

    eventfitter = TrackEventFitter('FitVelo')
    eventfitter.Fitter.ZPositions = []
    eventfitter.Fitter.ApplyMaterialCorrections = False
    eventfitter.Fitter.Extrapolator.ApplyMultScattCorr = False
    eventfitter.Fitter.Extrapolator.ApplyEnergyLossCorr = False
    eventfitter.Fitter.Extrapolator.ApplyElectronEnergyLossCorr = False
    eventfitter.Fitter.StateAtBeamLine = False
    eventfitter.Fitter.MaxNumberOutliers = 0
    eventfitter.Fitter.NumberFitIterations = 10
    eventfitter.Fitter.UpdateTransport = True
Exemplo n.º 2
VetraRecoConf().TrackPatRecAlgorithms = TrackSys().DefaultPatRecAlgorithmsRun2

print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n'
print TrackSys().DefaultPatRecAlgorithms
print RecSysConf().DefaultTrackingSubdets
print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n'

from Configurables import CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc, CondDBTimeSwitchSvc
connection = "sqlite_file:$STSQLDDDBROOT/db/STCOND.db/COND"
CondDB().addLayer(CondDBAccessSvc("COND", ConnectionString=connection))
CondDB().IgnoreHeartBeat = True
CondDB().EnableRunStampCheck = False


from Configurables import STNZSResolution, STADCTrackMonitor

#ODINChecker = STODINCheck()
#ODINChecker.OutputLevel = generalOutputLevel
#ODINChecker.ODINData = "DAQ/ODIN";

#GaudiSequencer('ODINPreChecker').Members = [ODINChecker]

ttRes = STNZSResolution("ITResolution")
ttRes.OutputLevel = 4
ttRes.DetType = "IT"
ttRes.UseNZSdata = True
ttRes.InputData = "/Event/Raw/IT/LCMSADCs"
Exemplo n.º 3
from Configurables import PrPixelTracking, PrPixelStoreClusters, PrLHCbID2MCParticle
from Configurables import TAlignment
from TAlignment.Alignables import Alignables  # *
from TAlignment.TrackSelections import *
from Configurables import AlignAlgorithm
from Configurables import TrackContainerCopy, TrackSelector
from Configurables import VPTrackSelector
from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import *
from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction
from TAlignment.SurveyConstraints import SurveyConstraints  # *
from GaudiConf import IOHelper
from Configurables import CaloDigitConf, CaloProcessor, GlobalRecoConf

print os.listdir(os.getcwd())


# Load the velo conditions
alignment_conditions = CondDBAccessSvc("AlignmentConditions")
alignment_conditions.ConnectionString = "sqlite_file:/pc2014-data3/cburr/hybrid-distortions/try_aligning/Alignment_SIMCOND.db/SIMCOND"

LHCbApp().Simulation = True
LHCbApp().DataType = 'Upgrade'
CondDB().Upgrade = True
Exemplo n.º 4
# Special options for 2011 25ns fill, without Hlt2

# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py COLLISION11_25.py
from Gaudi.Configuration import FileCatalog, EventSelector
from Configurables import Brunel

#-- File catalogs. First one is read-write
FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:MyCatalog.xml"]

#-- Use latest 2011 database tags for real data
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions

# Events from run 103053, fill 2186 on 2011-10-07, 25ns bunch spacing
from PRConfig import TestFileDB
Exemplo n.º 5
# Example 2010 collisions options for RichParticleSearch

# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py myOptions.py
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions

from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp, CondDB, CondDBAccessSvc, ApplicationMgr

# Run faster over dsts
from Configurables import DstConf
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["DataOnDemandSvc"]
DstConf().EnableUnpack = ["Reconstruction"]

from Configurables import RichRecSysConf
rConf = RichRecSysConf("RichOfflineRec")

##faster photon reconstruction
rConf.richTools().photonReco().FindUnambiguousPhotons = [False, False, False]
#rConf.richTools().PhotonRecoType = "EstiFromRadius"#use for faster photon reconstruction!!

#Brunel options
Brunel().DataType = "2011"
Brunel().EvtMax = -1
Brunel().PrintFreq = 1
Brunel().OutputType = "None"
Brunel().InitSequence = ["Brunel"]
Brunel().RecoSequence = ["RICH"]
Exemplo n.º 6
from Configurables import ProcessPhase, GaudiSequencer, NTupleSvc, OutputStream

from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
from Configurables import PatPV3D, PVOfflineTool, LSAdaptPV3DFitter
from Configurables import PatPVOffline, LSAdaptPVFitter, PVSeed3DOfflineTool,  VertexCompare
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import LHCbApp
from Configurables import Brunel
from Configurables import RecSysConf, RecMoniConf
from Configurables import L0Conf
from Configurables import TrackAssociator
from Brunel.Configuration import  *
import GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits as Units

from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions

from Configurables import Brunel

LHCbApp().DDDBtag   = "dddb-20140606"
LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim-20140204-vc-md100"
Brunel().DataType  = "2012"

#Brunel().OnlineMode    = True
Brunel().WithMC    = True
Brunel().InputType = "DIGI"
Brunel().WriteFSR = False
NTupleSvc().Output += ["FILE1 DATAFILE='tuples.root' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'"]
Exemplo n.º 7
def ConfigureDoD(RValue=0.5):
    from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc
    dod = DataOnDemandSvc()
    #dod.OutputLevel = VERBOSE

    #first MC
    from JetAccessoriesMC.StdHepMCParticles import StdHepMCParticlesConf
    ### create the partons
    import JetAccessoriesMC.PreConfiguredMCSelections
    StdHepMCPartons = StdHepMCParticlesConf(

    ### create all hepMC particles from Z interaction
    StdHepMCParticlesAll = StdHepMCParticlesConf(

    ### create measurable hepMC particles from Z interaction
    StdHepMCParticles = StdHepMCParticlesConf(

    for alg in [
            StdHepMCPartons.Alg, StdHepMCParticlesAll.Alg,
        dod.AlgMap['Phys/' + alg.getName() + '/Particles'] = alg.getFullName()

    #filter input particles MC
    import JetAccessoriesMC.MCParticles
    MCPartFilter = JetAccessoriesMC.MCParticles.MCPartFilter

    #then reco
    #selected tracks
    import JetAccessories.RecoParticles
    SelectedRecoParticles = JetAccessories.RecoParticles.SelectedTracks

    #Particle Flow
    #    import JetAccessories.ParticleFlow #fixme
    #    SelectedPFParticles = JetAccessories.ParticleFlow.ParticleFlow

    from JetAccessoriesMC.ConfigurationHelpers import jetMakerConfig
    ### create partonic jets
    StdPartonicJets = jetMakerConfig("StdPartonicJets",

    ### create hepMC all jets
    StdHepMCAllJets = jetMakerConfig("StdHepMCAllJets",

    ### create hepMC jets
    StdHepMCJets = jetMakerConfig("StdHepMCJets",

    ### create reco jets
    StdJets = jetMakerConfig(
        [  #"Phys/FilteredPions/Particles",
    ### create ParticleFlow jets
    #    StdPFJets = jetMakerConfig("StdPFJets",   [ SelectedPFParticles.PFOutputLocation] ,RValue)

    for alg in [
            StdJets,  #StdPFJets,
            SelectedRecoParticles  #,SelectedPFParticles
        dod.AlgMap['Phys/' + alg.getName() + '/Particles'] = alg.getFullName()

    #matching tables

    # more MC matching tables (for LoKi in HepMCJets2Jets)
    from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions

    # configure matchers
    matchers = {}
    from JetAccessoriesMC.ConfigurationHelpers import jetMatcherConfig
    for HepMCParticleJet in [
            StdHepMCAllJets, StdHepMCJets
            #                             ,StdHepMCJetsAcc,StdHepMCAllJetsAcc todo MC jets with acceptance cuts!
        name = HepMCParticleJet.getName()
        # parton jets
        Parton2HepMCParticleJet = jetMatcherConfig(
            'Parton2' + name, 'LoKi__PartonicJets2HepMCJets',
            'Phys/StdPartonicJets/Particles', 'Phys/' + name + '/Particles',
            'Relations/Phys/StdPartonicJetsJets2' + name)
        Parton2HepMCParticleJet.LoKi__PartonicJets2HepMCJets.StdHepMC2HepMCTable = 'Relations/Phys/StdHepMC2HepMC'
        Parton2HepMCParticleJet.LoKi__PartonicJets2HepMCJets.PartonInJet = []
        Parton2HepMCParticleJet.LoKi__PartonicJets2HepMCJets.HadronInJet = []
        Parton2HepMCParticleJet.LoKi__PartonicJets2HepMCJets.AllPartons = True
        matchers[name + 'Partonic'] = Parton2HepMCParticleJet

        # reco jets
        for RecJet in [StdJets]:  #,StdPFJets]: weird problem!
            name2 = RecJet.getName()
            print name, name2
            # use 'MCtrue' energy to calulate overlap
            HepMC2RecMC = jetMatcherConfig(
                name + '2' + name2 + 'MC', 'LoKi__HepMCJets2Jets',
                'Phys/' + name + '/Particles', 'Phys/' + name2 + '/Particles',
                'Relations/Phys/' + name + '2' + name2 + 'MCtrue')
            if name == 'StdHepMCAllJets':
                HepMC2RecMC.LoKi__HepMCJets2Jets.StdHepMC2HepMCTable = 'Relations/Phys/StdHepMC2HepMCAllZ'
            if name == 'StdHepMCJets':
                HepMC2RecMC.LoKi__HepMCJets2Jets.StdHepMC2HepMCTable = 'Relations/Phys/StdHepMC2HepMCZ'
            HepMC2RecMC.LoKi__HepMCJets2Jets.MatchingMethod = 'MCtrue'
            matchers[name + '2' + name2 + "MCtrue"] = HepMC2RecMC

            #use 'measured' energy to calcluate overlap
            HepMC2RecM = jetMatcherConfig(
                name + '2RecM', 'LoKi__HepMCJets2Jets',
                'Phys/' + name + '/Particles', 'Phys/' + name2 + '/Particles',
                'Relations/Phys/' + name + '2' + name2 + 'Measured')
            if name == 'StdHepMCAllJets':
                HepMC2RecM.LoKi__HepMCJets2Jets.StdHepMC2HepMCTable = 'Relations/Phys/StdHepMC2HepMCAllZ'
            if name == 'StdHepMCJets':
                HepMC2RecM.LoKi__HepMCJets2Jets.StdHepMC2HepMCTable = 'Relations/Phys/StdHepMC2HepMCZ'
            HepMC2RecM.LoKi__HepMCJets2Jets.MatchingMethod = 'measured'
            matchers[name + '2' + name2 + "measured"] = HepMC2RecM

            #use DeltaR to calculate distance (note: meaning of the weight variable is opposite to the other two cases)
            HepMC2RecDR = jetMatcherConfig(
                name + '2RecDeltaR', 'LoKi__HepMCJets2JetsDeltaR',
                'Phys/' + name + '/Particles', 'Phys/' + name2 + '/Particles',
                'Relations/Phys/' + name + '2' + name2 + 'DeltaR')
            matchers[name + '2' + name2 + "DeltaR"] = HepMC2RecDR

    for MatchAlg in matchers.values():
        dod.AlgMap[MatchAlg.OutputTable] = MatchAlg.getFullName()

    return matchers
# File for running Brunel with default options (2008 real data,.mdf in,.dst out)
# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py Brunel-Default.py <someDataFiles>.py

from Configurables import Brunel
from Configurables import Brunel, CondDB, DigiConf,DstConf, SimConf,RecMoniConf,RecSysConf
from Configurables import CondDBAccessSvc, UpdateManagerSvc
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr, NTupleSvc, GaudiSequencer
from Configurables import Velo__VeloTrackMonitorNT, VeloClusterPosition,TrackEventFitter,     DecodeVeloRawBuffer, Velo__VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT,  Velo__VeloIPResolutionMonitor,  PVResolution,TrackVertexMonitor
importOptions( '$STDOPTS/RootHist.opts' )
from Configurables import RootHistCnv__PersSvc
RootHistCnv__PersSvc( 'RootHistCnv' ).ForceAlphaIds = True
from Configurables import Brunel, CondDB, DigiConf, RecMoniConf,RecSysConf

# Set here any steering options.
# Available steering options and defaults are documented in
# $BRUNELROOT/python/Brunel/Configuration.py

# Just instantiate the configurable...
app = Brunel()
app.CondDBtag = "MC2011-20120727-vc-md100"
app.DDDBtag = "MC2011-20120727"
CondDB().LocalTags["SIMCOND"] = ["velo-20120515"]
CondDB().LocalTags["DDDB"] = ["velo-20120821"]
Exemplo n.º 9
# File for running Boole with Upgrade configuration, with full Digi output
# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py Boole-Upgrade-WithTruth.py <someDataFiles>.py

from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions

# I/O datasets and database tags are defined in a separate file,
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, outputlevel = -1, joboptions = None, selfoptions = {},
                 dllname = None, factname = None) :
        global _gaudi
        if _gaudi : return
        # Protection against multiple calls to exit() if the finalization fails
        self.__dict__['_exit_called'] = False
        # keep the Gaudi namespace around (so it is still available during atexit shutdown)...
        self.__dict__['_gaudi_ns'] = Gaudi
            from GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable import expandvars
        except ImportError:
            # pass-through implementation if expandvars is not defined (AthenaCommon)
            expandvars = lambda data : data
        if dllname and factname:
            self.__dict__['_appmgr'] = gbl.Gaudi.createApplicationMgr(dllname,factname)
        elif dllname:
            self.__dict__['_appmgr'] = gbl.Gaudi.createApplicationMgr(dllname)
            self.__dict__['_appmgr'] = gbl.Gaudi.createApplicationMgr()
        self.__dict__['_svcloc'] = gbl.Gaudi.svcLocator()
        self.__dict__['_algmgr'] = InterfaceCast(gbl.IAlgManager)(self._appmgr)
        self.__dict__['_evtpro'] = InterfaceCast(gbl.IEventProcessor)(self._appmgr)
        self.__dict__['_svcmgr'] = InterfaceCast(gbl.ISvcManager)(self._appmgr)
        self.__dict__['pyalgorithms'] = []
        iService.__init__(self, 'ApplicationMgr', self._appmgr )
        #------python specific initialization-------------------------------------
        if self.FSMState() < Gaudi.StateMachine.CONFIGURED :  # Not yet configured
            self.JobOptionsType = 'NONE'
            if joboptions :
                from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions
            # Ensure that the ConfigurableUser instances have been applied
            import GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable
            if hasattr(GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable, "applyConfigurableUsers"):
            # This is the default and could be overridden with "selfopts"
            self.OutputLevel = 3
            selfprops = Configurable.allConfigurables.get('ApplicationMgr',{})
            if selfprops : selfprops = expandvars(selfprops.getValuedProperties())
            for p,v in selfprops.items()   : setattr(self, p, v)
            for p,v in selfoptions.items() : setattr(self, p, v)
            # Override job options
            if outputlevel != -1 : self.OutputLevel = outputlevel
        ms = self.service('MessageSvc')
        if 'MessageSvc' in Configurable.allConfigurables:
            msprops = Configurable.allConfigurables['MessageSvc']
            ms = self.service('MessageSvc')
            if hasattr(msprops,"getValuedProperties"):
                msprops = expandvars(msprops.getValuedProperties())
            for p,v in msprops.items():
                setattr(ms, p, v)
        if outputlevel != -1 : ms.OutputLevel = outputlevel
        self.__dict__['_optsvc'] = InterfaceCast(gbl.IJobOptionsSvc)(Helper.service(self._svcloc,'JobOptionsSvc'))
        #------Configurables initialization (part2)-------------------------------
        for n in getNeededConfigurables():
            c = Configurable.allConfigurables[n]
            if n in ['ApplicationMgr','MessageSvc'] : continue # These are already done---
            for p, v in  c.getValuedProperties().items() :
                v = expandvars(v)
                # Note: AthenaCommon.Configurable does not have Configurable.PropertyReference
                if hasattr(Configurable,"PropertyReference") and type(v) == Configurable.PropertyReference:
                # this is done in "getFullName", but the exception is ignored,
                # so we do it again to get it
                    v = v.__resolve__()
                if   type(v) == str : v = '"%s"' % v # need double quotes
                elif type(v) == long: v = '%d'   % v # prevent pending 'L'
                self._optsvc.addPropertyToCatalogue(n, StringProperty(p,str(v)))
        if hasattr(Configurable,"_configurationLocked"):
            Configurable._configurationLocked = True

        # Ensure that the exit method is called when exiting from Python
        import atexit

        #---Hack to avoid bad interactions with the ROOT exit handler
        # Look for an exit handler installed by ROOT
        root_handler_installed = False
        for h in atexit._exithandlers:
            func = h[0]
            if hasattr(func, "__module__") and func.__module__ == "ROOT":
                root_handler_installed = True

        # If the handler is not yet installed, let's install our private version
        # that detects that the ROOT exit handler is installed and add our own
        # after it to ensure it is called before.
        if not root_handler_installed:
            orig_register = atexit.register
            def register(func, *targs, **kargs):
                orig_register(func, *targs, **kargs)
                if hasattr(func, "__module__") and func.__module__ == "ROOT":
                    # we do not need to remove out handler from the list because
                    # it can be safely called more than once
            register.__doc__ = (orig_register.__doc__ +
                                "\nNote: version hacked by GaudiPython to work " +
                                "around a problem with the ROOT exit handler")
            atexit.register = register
Exemplo n.º 11
# Example 2009 Beam gas options for Brunel

# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py 2009-BeamGas.py
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions

from Gaudi.Configuration import FileCatalog, EventSelector
from Configurables import Brunel

#-- File catalogs. First one is read-write
FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:MyCatalog.xml"]

#-- Use latest 2009 database tags for real data
Brunel().DataType = "2009"

datasetName = "062509_0000000001"
EventSelector().Input = [
    + datasetName + ".raw'  SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'"

# Default output files names are set up using value Brunel().DatasetName property
Brunel().DatasetName = datasetName
Exemplo n.º 12
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import ( Escher, TrackSys )
from Configurables import (VAlign,WriteAlignmentConditions)
from Configurables import Millepede
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions

# JobOptions file for Velo Alignment algorithm

# Option file for monitoring (control sample, constants,...)
importOptions( '$VELOALIGNMENTOPTS/VeloAlignmentMonitor.py' )
# Then we set the alignment job properties

# The main alignment switchboard

# 1. Internal alignment with tracks
# Example 2010 collisions options for Brunel

# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py COLLISION10-Beam3500GeV-VeloClosed-MagOff.py
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions


from Gaudi.Configuration import FileCatalog, EventSelector
from Configurables import Brunel

#-- File catalogs. First one is read-write
FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:MyCatalog.xml"]

#-- Use latest 2010 database tags for real data
Brunel().DataType = "2010"

from PRConfig import TestFileDB

Exemplo n.º 14
# Example 2009 collisions options for Brunel

# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py 2009-Collisions.py
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions

from Gaudi.Configuration import FileCatalog, EventSelector
from Configurables import Brunel

#-- File catalogs. First one is read-write
FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:MyCatalog.xml"]

#-- Use latest 2009 database tags for real data
Brunel().DataType = "2009"

# First collisions with magnet off
#EventSelector().Input = [
#     "DATAFILE='root:/castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/data/2009/RAW/FULL/LHCb/BEAM1/62558/062558_0000000001.raw' SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'"
#    ]

# Collisions on 6th December with magnet on and all detectors in readout
EventSelector().Input = [
    "DATAFILE='mdf:root://castorlhcb.cern.ch//castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/data/2009/RAW/FULL/LHCb/COLLISION09/63497/063497_0000000001.raw?svcClass=lhcbtape' SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'"