Exemplo n.º 1
    def initialize(self):
        """ Initialize the agent.
        self.am_setOption("PollingTime", 86400)  #Once a day is enough
        self.swtc = SoftwareTagClient()
        self.submitjobs = self.am_getOption('SubmitJobs', False)
        if self.submitjobs:
                "Will submit probe jobs to validate the software tags")
            self.log.info("Will mark as Valid all 'New' tags directly.")

        self.delay = self.am_getOption("Delay", 86400)
            "Will reset to 'New' the tasks that have been 'Probing' for %s seconds"
            % self.delay)

        self.script = self.am_getOption("SoftwareManagementScript",

        self.am_setOption('shifterProxy', 'SoftwareManager')

        #Needs to be able to submit job for that VO

        return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 2
def ProbeSoftwareArea():
    """ Look into the shared area and report back to the SoftwareTag service
    from DIRAC import gLogger, gConfig

    #site = siteName()
    ce = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/GridCE', '')
    if not ce:
        return S_ERROR("CE undefined, cannot proceed")

    from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient
    swtc = SoftwareTagClient()

    if not 'VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR' in os.environ:
        res = swtc.updateCEStatus("", ce, "Bad")
        if not res['OK']:
            return S_ERROR("Failed to report Bad site, missing software area.")
        return S_ERROR("Missing VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR environment variable")

    base_sw_dir = os.environ['VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR']

    gLogger.notice("Found the following software directory:", base_sw_dir)
    message = None

    directory_list = []
    for root, dirnames, files in os.walk(
            os.path.join(base_sw_dir, "glast/ground/releases")):
        if "bin" in dirnames:

    for directory in directory_list:
        gLogger.notice("Decoding %s and tries to make a tag out of it" %
        #Need mapping between Tag name and local software directory name
        res = getMappingTagFromDirectory(directory)
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Failed finding relation between directory and Tag")
        tag = res['Value']
        gLogger.notice("Found tag ", tag)
        res = swtc.updateCEStatus(tag, ce, 'Valid')
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Failed to report back: %s" % res['Message'])
            message = res['Message']
            gLogger.notice("Tag now Valid!")

    if message:
        return S_ERROR(message)
    return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 3
def ProbeSoftwareArea():
  """ Look into the shared area and report back to the SoftwareTag service
  from DIRAC import gLogger, gConfig

  #site = siteName()
  ce = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/GridCE', '')
  if not ce:
    return S_ERROR("CE undefined, cannot proceed")
  from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient
  swtc = SoftwareTagClient()

  if not 'VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR' in os.environ:
    res = swtc.updateCEStatus("", ce, "Bad")
    if not res['OK']:
      return S_ERROR("Failed to report Bad site, missing software area.")
    return S_ERROR("Missing VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR environment variable")

  base_sw_dir = os.environ['VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR']
  gLogger.notice("Found the following software directory:", base_sw_dir)
  message = None
  directory_list = []  
  for root, dirnames, files in os.walk(os.path.join(base_sw_dir,"glast/ground/releases")):
    if "bin" in dirnames:

  for directory in directory_list:
    gLogger.notice("Decoding %s and tries to make a tag out of it" % directory)
    #Need mapping between Tag name and local software directory name
    res = getMappingTagFromDirectory(directory)
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Failed finding relation between directory and Tag")
    tag = res['Value']
    gLogger.notice("Found tag ", tag)
    res = swtc.updateCEStatus(tag, ce, 'Valid')
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error("Failed to report back: %s" %res['Message'])
      message = res['Message']
      gLogger.notice("Tag now Valid!")
  if message:
    return S_ERROR(message)
  return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 4
  def initialize(self):
    """ Initialize the agent.
    self.am_setOption( "PollingTime", 86400 ) #Once a day is enough
    self.swtc = SoftwareTagClient()
    self.submitjobs = self.am_getOption( 'SubmitJobs', False )
    if self.submitjobs:
      self.log.info("Will submit probe jobs to validate the software tags")
      self.log.info("Will mark as Valid all 'New' tags directly.")
    self.delay = self.am_getOption("Delay", 86400)
    self.log.info("Will reset to 'New' the tasks that have been 'Probing' for %s seconds" % self.delay)

    self.script = self.am_getOption("SoftwareManagementScript", "ProbeSoftwareArea.py")
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'SoftwareManager' ) 
    #Needs to be able to submit job for that VO
    return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 5
    if not opts.group is "user":
    j.setInputSandbox(input_sandbox_files)  # all input files in the sandbox

    if not opts.site is None:
        j.setDestination(opts.site.split(","))  #can also be a list

    if not opts.bannedSites is None:

    if not opts.release is None:
        tag = opts.release
        cl = SoftwareTagClient()
        result = cl.getSitesForTag(tag, 'Valid')  # keyword doesn't work there.
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error("*ERROR* Could not get sites for Tag %s" % tag,
        sites = result['Value']
    # new feature: add xrootd-keytab file to input list. this one resides on SE

    input_stage_files = []
    if pipeline:
        xrd_keytab = op.getValue("Pipeline/XrdKey", None)
        if not xrd_keytab:
            gLogger.notice("*DEBUG* adding XrdKey file %s to input" %
Exemplo n.º 6
#/bin/env python

if __name__=="__main__":
  from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script
  from DIRAC import gLogger, exit as dexit
  from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient
  from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources                import getQueues

  sw = SoftwareTagClient()
  mytag  = 'SomeTag'
  mysite = 'LCG.LAL.fr'
  #This is what the siteadmin does
  res = sw.addTagAtSite(mytag, mysite)
  if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.notice("Added %s to %s" % (mytag, mysite))
  #This is the most common Call from Clients
  res = sw.getSitesForTag(mytag)
  if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.notice("Sites: ", res['Value'])
  #Get the tags with valid status
Exemplo n.º 7
def InstallSoftware(tag, verbose=True):
  """ Look into the shared area and report back to the SoftwareTag service
  from DIRAC import gLogger,gConfig

  if not 'VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR' in os.environ:
    return S_ERROR("Missing VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR environment variable")

  base_sw_dir = os.environ['VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR']
  from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient
  swtc = SoftwareTagClient()

  gLogger.notice("Found the following software directory:", base_sw_dir)
  message = None

  from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations    import Operations
  op = Operations('glast.org')
  rsync_server = op.getValue( "Pipeline/RsyncServer", "ccglast02.in2p3.fr::VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR" )
  #rsync_server = "ccglast02.in2p3.fr::VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR"
  rsync_cmd = "/usr/bin/rsync -az"
  # tag parsing
  res = getArrayFromTag(tag)
  if not res['OK']:
    return S_ERROR(res['Message'])  

  infosoft = res['Value']  
  OS_GLEAM = infosoft['os']
  VERSION_GLEAM = infosoft['version']
  VARIANT_GLEAM = infosoft['variant']
  SW_SHARED_DIR = base_sw_dir+"/glast/"
  # Directories to install ###########################################################################################
  dir_to_install = {} # name => ['src','destination']
  dir_to_install['setup script'] = ['/setup.sh', "/"]
  dir_to_install['Moot files'] = ['/moot/', "/moot/"]
  dir_to_install['Missing librairies'] = ['/lib/'+OS_GLEAM+"/", "/lib/"+OS_GLEAM+"/"]
  dir_to_install['Calibrations files'] = ['/ground/releases/calibrations/', "/ground/releases/calibrations/"]
  dir_to_install['GLAST_EXT'] = ["/ground/GLAST_EXT/"+OS_GLEAM+"/", "/ground/GLAST_EXT/"+OS_GLEAM+"/"]
  dir_to_install['Gleam'] = ["/ground/releases/"+OS_GLEAM+"/"+VARIANT_GLEAM+"/GlastRelease/"+VERSION_GLEAM+"/", "/ground/releases/"+OS_GLEAM+"/"+VARIANT_GLEAM+"/GlastRelease/"+VERSION_GLEAM+"/"]
  dir_to_install['GPL librairie files'] = ["/ground/PipelineConfig/", "/ground/PipelineConfig/"]
  dir_to_install['Overlay data files'] = ["/overlay-data/", "/overlay-data/"]
  dir_to_install['Overlay XML files'] = ["/overlay/", "/overlay/"]
  dir_to_install['Transfer wilko files'] = ["/transferwilko/", "/transferwilko/"]
  if verbose:
    rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd+"v" # add the parameter "verbose" to the command line
  rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + " " + rsync_server
  for name,array in dir_to_install.iteritems():
    if not os.path.isdir( SW_SHARED_DIR+array[1] ):
      os.makedirs ( SW_SHARED_DIR+array[1] )
    gLogger.notice(" '"+name+"' retrieval with '"+rsync_cmd+array[0]+" "+SW_SHARED_DIR+array[1]+"'")
    gLogger.notice(" ... ")
    if os.system(rsync_cmd+array[0]+" "+SW_SHARED_DIR+array[1]) != 0 :
      gLogger.notice(" -> FAILED !")
      gLogger.error("*** Error during the retrieval of '"+array[1]+"' from '"+rsync_server+"'")
      if os.path.isdir( SW_SHARED_DIR+array[1] ):
      return S_ERROR("Error during the retrieval of '"+array[1]+"' from '"+rsync_server+"'")
    gLogger.notice(" -> OK !")  
    site = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/Site','')
    if site == '':
        return S_ERROR("Fail to retrieve the site name")
    res = swtc.updateStatus(tag,site,"Valid")
    if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR('Message: %s'%res['Message'])
    elif res['Value']['Failed']:
        return S_ERROR('Failed to update %s'%res['Value']['Failed'])
        return S_ERROR('Successfully updated %i CEs'%len(res['Value']['Successful']))
  return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 8
class SoftwareMonitorAgent(AgentModule):
  """ This agent picks up "New" tags and submits jobs and those that
  are OK will report back to the service directly. For now it enforces the 
  transition from New to Probing to Valid.
  Also resets the tags that have been Probing for too long to New
  def initialize(self):
    """ Initialize the agent.
    self.am_setOption( "PollingTime", 86400 ) #Once a day is enough
    self.swtc = SoftwareTagClient()
    self.submitjobs = self.am_getOption( 'SubmitJobs', False )
    if self.submitjobs:
      self.log.info("Will submit probe jobs to validate the software tags")
      self.log.info("Will mark as Valid all 'New' tags directly.")
    self.delay = self.am_getOption("Delay", 86400)
    self.log.info("Will reset to 'New' the tasks that have been 'Probing' for %s seconds" % self.delay)

    self.script = self.am_getOption("SoftwareManagementScript", "ProbeSoftwareArea.py")
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'SoftwareManager' ) 
    #Needs to be able to submit job for that VO
    return S_OK()
  def execute(self):
    """ Get all New tags, mark them as Installing. Old Installing tags are reset to New 
    res = self.swtc.getTagsWithStatus("New")
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if not res['Value']:
      self.log.info("No 'New' tags to consider")
    for tag, ces in res['Value'].items():
      for ce in ces:
        res = self.swtc.updateCEStatus(tag, ce, 'Installing')
        if not res['OK']:
        res = None
        if self.submitjobs:
          res = self.submitProbeJobs(ce)
          res = self.swtc.updateCEStatus(tag, ce, 'Valid')
        if not res['OK']:
          self.log.info("Took care of %s at %s" %(tag, ce))
    ##Also, reset to New tags that were in Probing for too long.
    res = self.swtc.getTagsWithStatus("Installing",olderthan=self.delay)
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error("Failed to get old 'Installing' tags")
      if not res['Value']:
        self.log.info("No 'Installing' tags to reset")
      for tag, ces in res['Value'].items():
        for ce in ces:
          res = self.swtc.updateCEStatus(tag, ce, 'New')
          if not res['OK']:
    return S_OK()
  def submitProbeJobs(self, ce):
    """ Submit some jobs to the CEs
    #need credentials, should be there since the initialize
    from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac
    d = Dirac()
    from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job import Job
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
    import DIRAC
    ops = Operations()
    scriptname = ops.getValue("ResourceStatus/SofwareManagementScript", self.script)
    j = Job()
    j.setName("Probe %s" % ce)
    j.setExecutable("%s/GlastDIRAC/ResourceStatusSystem/Client/%s" % (DIRAC.rootPath, scriptname), 
    res = d.submit(j)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    return S_OK()
    if not opts.name is None:

    j.setInputSandbox(input_sandbox_files) # all input files in the sandbox

    if not opts.site is None:
        j.setDestination(opts.site.split(","))#can also be a list
    if not opts.bannedSites is None:

    if not opts.release is None:
        tag = opts.release
        cl = SoftwareTagClient()
        result = cl.getSitesForTag(tag,'Valid') # keyword doesn't work there.
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error("*ERROR* Could not get sites for Tag %s"%tag,result['Message'])
        sites = result[ 'Value' ]

    if not opts.stagein is None:
        input_stage_files = []
        # we do add. input staging
        files = opts.stagein.split(",")
        for f in files:
            if f.startswith("LFN"):
Exemplo n.º 10
class SoftwareMonitorAgent(AgentModule):
    """ This agent picks up "New" tags and submits jobs and those that
  are OK will report back to the service directly. For now it enforces the 
  transition from New to Probing to Valid.
  Also resets the tags that have been Probing for too long to New
    def initialize(self):
        """ Initialize the agent.
        self.am_setOption("PollingTime", 86400)  #Once a day is enough
        self.swtc = SoftwareTagClient()
        self.submitjobs = self.am_getOption('SubmitJobs', False)
        if self.submitjobs:
                "Will submit probe jobs to validate the software tags")
            self.log.info("Will mark as Valid all 'New' tags directly.")

        self.delay = self.am_getOption("Delay", 86400)
            "Will reset to 'New' the tasks that have been 'Probing' for %s seconds"
            % self.delay)

        self.script = self.am_getOption("SoftwareManagementScript",

        self.am_setOption('shifterProxy', 'SoftwareManager')

        #Needs to be able to submit job for that VO

        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        """ Get all New tags, mark them as Installing. Old Installing tags are reset to New 
        #### get site mask ###
        diracAdmin = DiracAdmin()
        res = diracAdmin.getSiteMask(printOutput=False)
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.log.error("error retrieving site mask: %s" %
        site_mask = res["Value"]
        res = self.swtc.getTagsWithStatus("New")
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        if not res['Value']:
            self.log.info("No 'New' tags to consider")

        for tag, ces in res['Value'].items():
            for ce in ces:
                res = getSiteForCEs([ce])
                if not res["OK"]:
                    self.log.error("could not retrieve Site name for CE %s" %
                sites = res["Value"].keys()
                for site in sites:
                    if site not in site_mask:
                        self.log.info("CE/Site disabled %s" % site)
                        # ignore this CE
                res = self.swtc.updateCEStatus(tag, ce, 'Installing')
                if not res['OK']:
                res = None

                if self.submitjobs:
                    res = self.submitProbeJobs(ce)
                    res = self.swtc.updateCEStatus(tag, ce, 'Valid')

                if not res['OK']:
                    self.log.info("Done with %s at %s" % (tag, ce))

        ##Also, reset to New tags that were in Probing for too long.
        res = self.swtc.getTagsWithStatus("Installing", self.delay)
        if not res['OK']:
            self.log.error("Failed to get old 'Installing' tags")
            if not res['Value']:
                self.log.info("No 'Installing' tags to reset")

            for tag, ces in res['Value'].items():
                for ce in ces:
                    res = self.swtc.updateCEStatus(tag, ce, 'New')
                    if not res['OK']:
        return S_OK()

    def submitProbeJobs(self, ce):
        """ Submit some jobs to the CEs
        #need credentials, should be there since the initialize
        from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac
        d = Dirac()
        from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job import Job

        from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
        import os

        ops = Operations("glast.org")
        scriptname = ops.getValue("ResourceStatus/SofwareManagementScript",

        j = Job()
        j.setName("Probe %s" % ce)
        j.setExecutable("%s/GlastDIRAC/ResourceStatusSystem/Client/%s" %
                        (os.environ['DIRAC'], scriptname),
        res = d.submit(j)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res

        return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 11
#/bin/env python

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script

    from DIRAC import gLogger, exit as dexit

    from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getQueues

    sw = SoftwareTagClient()
    mytag = 'SomeTag'
    mysite = 'LCG.LAL.fr'

    #This is what the siteadmin does
    res = sw.addTagAtSite(mytag, mysite)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.notice("Added %s to %s" % (mytag, mysite))

    #This is the most common Call from Clients
    res = sw.getSitesForTag(mytag)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.notice("Sites: ", res['Value'])

    #Get the tags with valid status
Exemplo n.º 12
def InstallSoftware(tag, verbose=True, forceValidate=False):
    """ Look into the shared area and report back to the SoftwareTag service
    from DIRAC import gLogger, gConfig
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
    op = Operations('glast.org')

    if not 'VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR' in os.environ:
        return S_ERROR("Missing VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR environment variable")
    base_sw_dir = os.environ['VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR']
    # get site info
    site = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/Site', '')
    if site == '':
        return S_ERROR("Fail to retrieve the site name")

    from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient
    swtc = SoftwareTagClient()
    status = "Valid"
    # check if tag is not already present
    res = swtc.getTagsAtSite(site, status)
    if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR(
            "Failed to retrieve tags registered for site %s, message: %s" %
            (site, res["Message"]))
        gLogger.notice("Found following tags on site %s:\n%s" %
                       (site, str(res["Value"])))
        if tag in res["Value"]:
            # we should break here if the tag is already there.
            gLogger.notice("Tag already found on site, doing nothing!")
            return S_OK("Tag found already - nothing to do")

    gLogger.notice("Found the following software directory:", base_sw_dir)
    rsync_server = op.getValue("Pipeline/RsyncServer",
    #rsync_server = "ccglast02.in2p3.fr::VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR"
    rsync_cmd = "/usr/bin/rsync -azvv"
    # tag parsing
    res = getArrayFromTag(tag)
    if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR(res['Message'])

    infosoft = res['Value']
    OS_GLEAM = infosoft['os']
    VERSION_GLEAM = infosoft['version']
    VARIANT_GLEAM = infosoft['variant']
    SW_SHARED_DIR = base_sw_dir + "/glast/"

    # Directories to install ###########################################################################################
    dir_to_install = {}  # name => ['src','destination']
    dir_to_install['setup script'] = ['/setup.sh', "/"]
    dir_to_install['Moot files'] = ['/moot/', "/moot/"]
    dir_to_install['Missing librairies'] = [
        '/lib/' + OS_GLEAM + "/", "/lib/" + OS_GLEAM + "/"
    dir_to_install['Calibrations files'] = [
        '/ground/releases/calibrations/', "/ground/releases/calibrations/"
    dir_to_install['GLAST_EXT'] = [
        "/ground/GLAST_EXT/" + OS_GLEAM + "/",
        "/ground/GLAST_EXT/" + OS_GLEAM + "/"
    dir_to_install['Gleam'] = [
        "/ground/releases/" + OS_GLEAM + "/" + VARIANT_GLEAM +
        "/GlastRelease/" + VERSION_GLEAM + "/", "/ground/releases/" +
        OS_GLEAM + "/" + VARIANT_GLEAM + "/GlastRelease/" + VERSION_GLEAM + "/"
    dir_to_install['GPL librairie files'] = [
        "/ground/PipelineConfig/", "/ground/PipelineConfig/"
    dir_to_install['Overlay data files'] = ["/overlay-data/", "/overlay-data/"]
    dir_to_install['Overlay XML files'] = ["/overlay/", "/overlay/"]
    dir_to_install['Transfer wilko files'] = [
        "/transferwilko/", "/transferwilko/"

    if verbose:
        rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + "v"  # add the parameter "verbose" to the command line
    rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + " " + rsync_server

    for name, array in dir_to_install.iteritems():
        if not os.path.isdir(SW_SHARED_DIR + array[1]):
            os.makedirs(SW_SHARED_DIR + array[1])
        gLogger.notice(" '" + name + "' retrieval with '" + rsync_cmd +
                       array[0] + " " + SW_SHARED_DIR + array[1] + "'")
        gLogger.notice(" ... ")
        if os.system(rsync_cmd + array[0] + " " + SW_SHARED_DIR +
                     array[1]) != 0:
            gLogger.notice(" -> FAILED !")
            return S_ERROR("Error 2 during the retrieval of '" + array[1] +
                           "' from '" + rsync_server + "'")
        gLogger.notice(" -> OK !")
    # since we install a tag, we should register a new one:
    res = swtc.addTagAtSite(tag, site)

    # optional allow enforced validation!
    if forceValidate:
        res = swtc.updateStatus(tag, site, "Valid")
        if not res['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Message: %s' % res['Message'])
        elif res['Value']['Failed']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to update %s' % res['Value']['Failed'])
            return S_ERROR('Successfully updated %i CEs' %
    return S_OK()