Exemplo n.º 1
if __name__=="__main__":
  from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script
  from DIRAC import gLogger, exit as dexit
  from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient
  from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources                import getQueues

  sw = SoftwareTagClient()
  mytag  = 'SomeTag'
  mysite = 'LCG.LAL.fr'
  #This is what the siteadmin does
  res = sw.addTagAtSite(mytag, mysite)
  if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.notice("Added %s to %s" % (mytag, mysite))
  #This is the most common Call from Clients
  res = sw.getSitesForTag(mytag)
  if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.notice("Sites: ", res['Value'])
  #Get the tags with valid status
  res = sw.getTagsWithStatus("New")
Exemplo n.º 2
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script

    from DIRAC import gLogger, exit as dexit

    from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getQueues

    sw = SoftwareTagClient()
    mytag = 'SomeTag'
    mysite = 'LCG.LAL.fr'

    #This is what the siteadmin does
    res = sw.addTagAtSite(mytag, mysite)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.notice("Added %s to %s" % (mytag, mysite))

    #This is the most common Call from Clients
    res = sw.getSitesForTag(mytag)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.notice("Sites: ", res['Value'])

    #Get the tags with valid status
    res = sw.getTagsWithStatus("New")
Exemplo n.º 3
def InstallSoftware(tag, verbose=True, forceValidate = False):
    """ Look into the shared area and report back to the SoftwareTag service
    from DIRAC import gLogger,gConfig
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
    op = Operations('glast.org')
    if not 'VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR' in os.environ:
        return S_ERROR("Missing VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR environment variable")
    base_sw_dir = os.environ['VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR']
    # get site info
    site = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/Site','')
    if site == '':
        return S_ERROR("Fail to retrieve the site name")

    from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient
    swtc = SoftwareTagClient()
    status = "Valid"
    # check if tag is not already present
    res = swtc.getTagsAtSite(site,status)
    if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR("Failed to retrieve tags registered for site %s, message: %s"%(site,res["Message"]))
        gLogger.notice("Found following tags on site %s:\n%s"%(site,str(res["Value"])))
        if tag in res["Value"]: 
            # we should break here if the tag is already there.
            gLogger.notice("Tag already found on site, doing nothing!")
            return S_OK("Tag found already - nothing to do")
    gLogger.notice("Found the following software directory:", base_sw_dir)
    rsync_server = op.getValue( "Pipeline/RsyncServer", "ccglast02.in2p3.fr::VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR" )
    #rsync_server = "ccglast02.in2p3.fr::VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR"
    rsync_cmd = "/usr/bin/rsync -azvv"
    # tag parsing
    res = getArrayFromTag(tag)
    if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR(res['Message'])  

    infosoft = res['Value']  
    OS_GLEAM = infosoft['os']
    VERSION_GLEAM = infosoft['version']
    VARIANT_GLEAM = infosoft['variant']
    SW_SHARED_DIR = base_sw_dir+"/glast/"
    # Directories to install ###########################################################################################
    dir_to_install = {} # name => ['src','destination']
    dir_to_install['setup script'] = ['/setup.sh', "/"]
    dir_to_install['Moot files'] = ['/moot/', "/moot/"]
    dir_to_install['Missing librairies'] = ['/lib/'+OS_GLEAM+"/", "/lib/"+OS_GLEAM+"/"]
    dir_to_install['Calibrations files'] = ['/ground/releases/calibrations/', "/ground/releases/calibrations/"]
    dir_to_install['GLAST_EXT'] = ["/ground/GLAST_EXT/"+OS_GLEAM+"/", "/ground/GLAST_EXT/"+OS_GLEAM+"/"]
    dir_to_install['Gleam'] = ["/ground/releases/"+OS_GLEAM+"/"+VARIANT_GLEAM+"/GlastRelease/"+VERSION_GLEAM+"/", "/ground/releases/"+OS_GLEAM+"/"+VARIANT_GLEAM+"/GlastRelease/"+VERSION_GLEAM+"/"]
    dir_to_install['GPL librairie files'] = ["/ground/PipelineConfig/", "/ground/PipelineConfig/"]
    dir_to_install['Overlay data files'] = ["/overlay-data/", "/overlay-data/"]
    dir_to_install['Overlay XML files'] = ["/overlay/", "/overlay/"]
    dir_to_install['Transfer wilko files'] = ["/transferwilko/", "/transferwilko/"]
    if verbose:
        rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd+"v" # add the parameter "verbose" to the command line
    rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + " " + rsync_server
    for name,array in dir_to_install.iteritems():
        if not os.path.isdir( SW_SHARED_DIR+array[1] ):
            os.makedirs ( SW_SHARED_DIR+array[1] )
        gLogger.notice(" '"+name+"' retrieval with '"+rsync_cmd+array[0]+" "+SW_SHARED_DIR+array[1]+"'")
        gLogger.notice(" ... ")
        if os.system(rsync_cmd+array[0]+" "+SW_SHARED_DIR+array[1]) != 0 :
            gLogger.notice(" -> FAILED !")
            return S_ERROR("Error 2 during the retrieval of '"+array[1]+"' from '"+rsync_server+"'")
        gLogger.notice(" -> OK !")  
    # since we install a tag, we should register a new one:
    res = swtc.addTagAtSite(tag,site)
    # optional allow enforced validation!
    if forceValidate:
        res = swtc.updateStatus(tag,site,"Valid")
        if not res['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Message: %s'%res['Message'])
        elif res['Value']['Failed']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to update %s'%res['Value']['Failed'])
            return S_ERROR('Successfully updated %i CEs'%len(res['Value']['Successful']))
    return S_OK()
Exemplo n.º 4
def InstallSoftware(tag, verbose=True, forceValidate=False):
    """ Look into the shared area and report back to the SoftwareTag service
    from DIRAC import gLogger, gConfig
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
    op = Operations('glast.org')

    if not 'VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR' in os.environ:
        return S_ERROR("Missing VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR environment variable")
    base_sw_dir = os.environ['VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR']
    # get site info
    site = gConfig.getValue('/LocalSite/Site', '')
    if site == '':
        return S_ERROR("Fail to retrieve the site name")

    from GlastDIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Client.SoftwareTagClient import SoftwareTagClient
    swtc = SoftwareTagClient()
    status = "Valid"
    # check if tag is not already present
    res = swtc.getTagsAtSite(site, status)
    if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR(
            "Failed to retrieve tags registered for site %s, message: %s" %
            (site, res["Message"]))
        gLogger.notice("Found following tags on site %s:\n%s" %
                       (site, str(res["Value"])))
        if tag in res["Value"]:
            # we should break here if the tag is already there.
            gLogger.notice("Tag already found on site, doing nothing!")
            return S_OK("Tag found already - nothing to do")

    gLogger.notice("Found the following software directory:", base_sw_dir)
    rsync_server = op.getValue("Pipeline/RsyncServer",
    #rsync_server = "ccglast02.in2p3.fr::VO_GLAST_ORG_SW_DIR"
    rsync_cmd = "/usr/bin/rsync -azvv"
    # tag parsing
    res = getArrayFromTag(tag)
    if not res['OK']:
        return S_ERROR(res['Message'])

    infosoft = res['Value']
    OS_GLEAM = infosoft['os']
    VERSION_GLEAM = infosoft['version']
    VARIANT_GLEAM = infosoft['variant']
    SW_SHARED_DIR = base_sw_dir + "/glast/"

    # Directories to install ###########################################################################################
    dir_to_install = {}  # name => ['src','destination']
    dir_to_install['setup script'] = ['/setup.sh', "/"]
    dir_to_install['Moot files'] = ['/moot/', "/moot/"]
    dir_to_install['Missing librairies'] = [
        '/lib/' + OS_GLEAM + "/", "/lib/" + OS_GLEAM + "/"
    dir_to_install['Calibrations files'] = [
        '/ground/releases/calibrations/', "/ground/releases/calibrations/"
    dir_to_install['GLAST_EXT'] = [
        "/ground/GLAST_EXT/" + OS_GLEAM + "/",
        "/ground/GLAST_EXT/" + OS_GLEAM + "/"
    dir_to_install['Gleam'] = [
        "/ground/releases/" + OS_GLEAM + "/" + VARIANT_GLEAM +
        "/GlastRelease/" + VERSION_GLEAM + "/", "/ground/releases/" +
        OS_GLEAM + "/" + VARIANT_GLEAM + "/GlastRelease/" + VERSION_GLEAM + "/"
    dir_to_install['GPL librairie files'] = [
        "/ground/PipelineConfig/", "/ground/PipelineConfig/"
    dir_to_install['Overlay data files'] = ["/overlay-data/", "/overlay-data/"]
    dir_to_install['Overlay XML files'] = ["/overlay/", "/overlay/"]
    dir_to_install['Transfer wilko files'] = [
        "/transferwilko/", "/transferwilko/"

    if verbose:
        rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + "v"  # add the parameter "verbose" to the command line
    rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + " " + rsync_server

    for name, array in dir_to_install.iteritems():
        if not os.path.isdir(SW_SHARED_DIR + array[1]):
            os.makedirs(SW_SHARED_DIR + array[1])
        gLogger.notice(" '" + name + "' retrieval with '" + rsync_cmd +
                       array[0] + " " + SW_SHARED_DIR + array[1] + "'")
        gLogger.notice(" ... ")
        if os.system(rsync_cmd + array[0] + " " + SW_SHARED_DIR +
                     array[1]) != 0:
            gLogger.notice(" -> FAILED !")
            return S_ERROR("Error 2 during the retrieval of '" + array[1] +
                           "' from '" + rsync_server + "'")
        gLogger.notice(" -> OK !")
    # since we install a tag, we should register a new one:
    res = swtc.addTagAtSite(tag, site)

    # optional allow enforced validation!
    if forceValidate:
        res = swtc.updateStatus(tag, site, "Valid")
        if not res['OK']:
            return S_ERROR('Message: %s' % res['Message'])
        elif res['Value']['Failed']:
            return S_ERROR('Failed to update %s' % res['Value']['Failed'])
            return S_ERROR('Successfully updated %i CEs' %
    return S_OK()