Exemplo n.º 1
def change_event_title(pickle_path, event_index, new_title, verbose):
    HBFUN.verbose("Change event title", verbose)
    album = HBAL.load_album(pickle_path)
    album.change_event_title(event_index, new_title)
    HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path)    
Exemplo n.º 2
 def make_new_properties_list(self, verbose = False):
     make_new_properties_list: write a new csv file where you can assign title and captions to photos
     20130103/RB: started the function
     The property list can be found in 'album_path + resources_dir + event_dir + 'props.csv''.
     To prevent overwriting old files with all captions, new files will always have a number appended. You have to manually change it to 'props.csv', as this file is used.
     HBFUN.verbose("HBevent/make_new_properties_list()", verbose)
     # get the list with photos
     source_list = os.listdir(self.source_path + self.event_dir_src)
     source_list = [n for n in source_list if n[-4:] == ".jpg"]    
     # create a save filename
     prop_fn = "props"
     prop_ext = "txt"
     path_and_filename = HBFUN.file_numbering(self.album_path + self.resources_dir + self.event_dir, prop_fn, prop_ext)
     # write the properties
     csvfile = open(path_and_filename, "wb")
     csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter = ";")
     for i in range(len(source_list)):
         csvwriter.writerow([source_list[i], "  ", "  "])
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_check_path_exists():
    verbose = True
    path = "/Users/robbert/"  
    res = HBFun.check_path_exists(path, verbose)
    if res == True:
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", res)
    path = "/Users/bernard/"  
    res = HBFun.check_path_exists(path, verbose)
    if res == False:
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", res)
    path = "/Users/robbert/croc_tests.py"  
    res = HBFun.check_path_exists(path, verbose)
    if res == True:
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", res)

    path = "/Users/robbert/does_not_exist.py"  
    res = HBFun.check_path_exists(path, verbose)
    if res == False:
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", res)  
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_check_path():
    verbose = True
    path = "fiets"
    out = HBFun.check_path(path, verbose)
    if out == "fiets/":
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", out)

    path = "/fiets"
    out = HBFun.check_path(path, verbose)
    if out == "fiets/":
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", out) 

    path = "/Users/fiets"
    out = HBFun.check_path(path, verbose)
    if out == "/Users/fiets/":
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", out)

    path = "Users/fiets"
    out = HBFun.check_path(path, verbose)
    if out == "/Users/fiets/":
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", out) 
Exemplo n.º 5
    def add_photos(self, index, flag_new_properties_list = False, flag_redo_resize = False, flag_redo_thumbs = False, verbose = False):
        add_photos: add photos to an event
        20130103/RB: started function
        - index (int): index of the event in event_array. Use 'list_events' to find the correct index.
        - flag_new_properties_list (BOOL, False): complicated. The properties list is a csv-file with the file names and space for titles and caption for individual photos. You don't want to override it. The file is found in 'album_path + resources_dir + event_dir + 'props.csv''
            - if the file does not exist, it will be made
            - if the file exists and the flag is False, it will not make a new one
            - if the file exists and the flag is True, it will make a new file, with a number appended to it (like 'props_1.csv'). THE OLD FILE WILL CONTINUE TO BE USED. You have to manually rename it to 'props.csv'.
        - flag_redo_resize (BOOL, False): the photos are copied from the source, resize and put in the destination folder. During this, the exif information is copied to the resized photos.
            - no photos found in destination: will always resize them
            - photos are found, flag is False: will not do anything
            - photos are found, flag is True: will resize the photos
        - flag_redo_thumbs (BOOL, False): similar to flag_redo_resize, but for the thumbnails.
        This function is a convenient collection of steps. Error checking etc should be done in the respective functions.

        HBFUN.verbose("\nHBalbum/add_photos(): redo resize: " + str(flag_redo_resize), verbose)
        self.event_array[index].add_and_resize_photos(flag_redo_resize, verbose)
        self.event_array[index].add_and_resize_thumbs(flag_redo_thumbs, verbose)
        if HBFUN.check_path_exists(self.album_path + self.resources_dir + self.event_array[index].event_dir) or flag_new_properties_list:
Exemplo n.º 6
    def set_folder_thumbnail(self, event_index, photo_index, verbose = False):
        set_folder_thumbnail: change the thumbnail used for an event
        20130103/RB: started function
        - event_index (int): index of the event in event_array. Use 'list_events' with 'show_photos = True' to find the correct index.
        - photo_index (int): index if the photo used for the thumbnail       
        - True: success, False: the one of the indices does not exist.
            HBFUN.verbose("set_folder_thumbnail, event: " + str(event_index) + " photo: " + str(photo_index), verbose)
        except IndexError:
            HBFUN.printError("Either the event_index or photo_index is incorrect", inspect.stack())
            return False
        self.event_array[event_index].event_thumb = photo_index


        return True
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, album_title, album_path, default_source_path, verbose = False):
        __init__: start an album
        20130103/RB: started the function
        - album_title (str): title used for the site
        - album_path (str): the path with all the resized photos etc
        - default_source_path (str): the default path to the original photos
        - True 
        HBFUN.verbose("\nalbum/__init__", verbose)

        self.album_title = album_title  # name of the album

        self._album_path = HBFUN.check_path(album_path, verbose) 
                                        # path of the album   
        self._default_source_path = HBFUN.check_path(default_source_path, verbose)
        self.events_csv_filename = "events"
                                        # default source of photos 
        self._pics_dir = "pics/"        # pictures
        self._thumbs_dir = "thumbs/"    # thumbs
        self._resources_dir = "res/"    # resources
        self._html_dir = "html/"        # html

        self.event_array = []           # array with events

Exemplo n.º 8
def init_new_album(album_title, album_path, default_source_path, verbose):
    init_new_album: start or restart an album
    20130103/RB: started function
    - album_title: title of the page (as seen on the web page)
    - album_path: path to where the album is located on the computer
    - default_source_path: the default path to the folder with the originals
    - the album will be saved. If it already exists it will ask for confirmation before it overwrites the old album.
    HBFUN.verbose("== INIT NEW ALBUM ==", True)
    # make new album
    album = HBAL.album(album_title = album_title, album_path = album_path, default_source_path = default_source_path, verbose = verbose)
    # save it, if it already exists, ask for confirmation
    if HBFUN.check_path_exists(pickle_path):
        if HBFUN.ask_user_confirmation("This will overwrite the old pickle. Destroy it? y/n"):
            HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path)
        HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path)
Exemplo n.º 9
def make_html(pickle_path, verbose):
    make_html: compile the html
    20130103/RB: started function
    HBFUN.verbose("Make html", verbose)
    album = HBAL.load_album(pickle_path)
    album = HBHTML.make_html(album, verbose = verbose)
    HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path) # to save the newly imported properties
Exemplo n.º 10
def disable_photo(pickle_path, event_index, photo_index, disable, verbose = False):
    disable_photo: see disable_event for info
    20130103/RB: started function
    HBFUN.verbose("Disable photo", verbose)
    album = HBAL.load_album(pickle_path)
    album.disable_photo(event_index, photo_index, disable, verbose = True)
    HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path)  
Exemplo n.º 11
    def add_event(self, index, event_title, event_dir, event_dir_src = "", source_path = "", verbose = False):
        add_event: add an event to the album
        20130103/RB: started the function
        - index (int): position of the new album. Use 'list_events' to find the correct position. The newest event should have index = 0
        - event_title (str): the title of the event. It usually has the format 'Some event (July 2012)'
        - event_dir (str): the directory name of the event on the web
        - event_dir_src (str, opt): if the source directory (with the original photos) has a different directory name
        - source_path (str, opt): is the source_path of the original photos is not the default.

        - True: success or False: fail 
        HBFUN.verbose("HBalbum/add_event(): " + str(index) + ", " + event_title + ", " + event_dir + ", " + source_path, verbose)
        # if no new source_path is given, use the default
        if source_path == "":
            source_path = self.default_source_path
        # if a new source_path is given, check for correctness
            source_path = HBFUN.check_path(source_path, verbose)
            if self.album_path == source_path:
                HBFUN.printError("album_path and source_path are the same, this is not allowed!", inspect.stack())
                return False
        # check the event_dir
        event_dir = HBFUN.check_path(event_dir)
        # is the source event dir different?
        if event_dir_src == "":
            event_dir_src = event_dir
            event_dir_src = HBFUN.check_path(event_dir_src, verbose)
        # check if the source exists
        if HBFUN.check_path_exists(source_path + event_dir_src) == False:
            HBFUN.printError("The source path does not exist!", inspect.stack())
            return False            
        # check if the event already exists. If not, make it
        if self.check_event_exists(event_title, event_dir, verbose):
            ev = HBEV.event(event_title, event_dir, event_dir_src, self.album_title, self.album_path, source_path, self.pics_dir, self.thumbs_dir, self.resources_dir, self.html_dir, verbose)
            self.event_array.insert(index, ev)
        return True
Exemplo n.º 12
    def change_event_title(self, event_index, new_title, verbose = False):
        change_event_title: change the title
        20130127/RB: wrote this function
        HBFUN.verbose("HBalbum/change_event_title()", verbose)
        self.event_array[event_index].event_title = new_title
        return True
Exemplo n.º 13
def list_events(pickle_path, show_photos = False, verbose = False):
    list_events: list events, and maybe also photos
    20130103/RB: started function
    - pickle_path (str): path and filename of the pickle
    - show_photos (BOOL, False): if True, it will also list the photos 
    HBFUN.verbose("List events", verbose)
    album = HBAL.load_album(pickle_path)    
Exemplo n.º 14
    def check_event_exists(self, event_title, event_dir, verbose = False):
        20130103/RB: started function
        - event_title (str): the title of the event. It usually has the format 'Some event (July 2012)'
        - event_dir (str): the directory name of the event on the web 
        - True: if it does not exist, False if it does exist
        HBFUN.verbose("HBalbum/check_event_exists(): " + event_title + ", " + event_dir, verbose)
        ev_titles = []
        ev_dirs = []

        for i in range(len(self.event_array)):

        if event_title in ev_titles:
            HBFUN.printError("the event_title does already exist!", inspect.stack())
            return False
        elif event_dir in ev_dirs:
            HBFUN.printError("the event_dir does already exist!", inspect.stack())
            return False
            HBFUN.verbose("  HBalbum/check_event_exists(): event_title and event_dir do not yet exist", verbose)
            return True
Exemplo n.º 15
def disable_event(pickle_path, event_index, disable, verbose = False):
    disable_event: disable an event. This will exclude it from the events gallery, but it will not remove the html code itself
    20130103/RB: started function

    - event_index (int): index of the event in event_array. Use 'list_events' to find the correct index. If index is -1, it will affect all albums.
    - disable (BOOL): True to disable, False to enable. If you try to re-disable an event, it will give a warning and continue    
    HBFUN.verbose("Disable event", verbose)
    album = HBAL.load_album(pickle_path)
    album.disable_event(index = event_index, disable = disable, verbose = verbose)
    HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path)    
Exemplo n.º 16
def change_event_thumb(pickle_path, event_index, photo_index, verbose):
    change_event_thumb: change the thumbnail used for the event
    20130103/RB: started function
    - event_index (int): a valid index of an event
    - photo_index: a valid index of a photo
    HBFUN.verbose("Change event thumbnail", verbose)
    album = HBAL.load_album(pickle_path)
    album.set_folder_thumbnail(event_index, photo_index)
    HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path)  
Exemplo n.º 17
def load_events_from_csv(pickle_path, verbose):
    load_events_from_csv: should only be used if you had to re-init an album
    20130105/RB: started function
    - events_csv_filename (str): the filename, without extension, of the csv file. Warning: save_file_in_csv will number filenames!
    - pickle_path: path and filename of the pickle
    HBFUN.verbose("load_events_from_csv", verbose)
    album = HBAL.load_album(pickle_path)
    HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, event_title, event_dir, event_dir_src, album_title, album_path, source_path, pics_dir, thumbs_dir, resources_dir, html_dir, verbose = False):
        __init__: start a new event
        20130103/RB: started the function
        - event_title (str): title of the event
        - event_dir (str): the directory name of the event on the web
        - event_dir_src (str): the directory name of the event on the computer
        - source_path (str): source path, where the photos can be found
        - album_title, album_path, pics_dir, thumbs_dir, resources_dir, html_dir
        - True 

        HBFUN.verbose("HBevent/__init__: " + event_title + ", " + event_dir + ", " + album_title + " etc.", verbose)

        # "inherited"
        self.album_title = album_title
        self.album_path = album_path      
        self.source_path = source_path
        self.pics_dir = pics_dir       
        self.thumbs_dir = thumbs_dir  
        self.resources_dir = resources_dir
        self.html_dir = html_dir

        # own   
        self.event_title = event_title
        self.event_dir = event_dir      # correctness already checked by album
        self.event_dir_src = event_dir_src  # source of the pics

        self.disabled = False           # disable but not delete event
        self.photo_array = []           # array with photos
        self.event_thumb = 0            # index of thumb for event
        self.max_pic_size = 1500        # max size for pictures
        self.thumb_size = 150           # size for thumbs
Exemplo n.º 19
def add_event(pickle_path, event_index, event_title, event_dir, event_dir_src = "", source_path = "", verbose = False):
    add_event: add an event to the album and add the photos to the event
    20130103/RB: started function

    - pickle_path (str): path and filename of the pickle
    - index (int): position of the new album. Use 'list_events' to find the correct position. The newest event should have index = 0
    - event_title (str): the title of the event. It usually has the format 'Some event (July 2012)'
    - event_dir (str): the directory name of the event on the web
    - event_dir_src (str, opt): if the source directory (with the original photos) has a different directory name
    - source_path (str, opt): if the source_path of the original photos is not the default.   
    HBFUN.verbose("Add event", verbose)
    album = HBAL.load_album(pickle_path)  
    album.add_event(event_index, event_title, event_dir, event_dir_src, source_path = source_path, verbose = verbose)
    album.add_photos(event_index, flag_new_properties_list = False, flag_redo_resize = False, flag_redo_thumbs = False, verbose = verbose)
    HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def add_and_resize_thumbs(self, flag_redo_thumbs = False, verbose = False):
     add_and_resize_thumbs: copy photos from the source, resize and put them in web folder
     20130103/RB: started the function
     See for details add_and_resize_photos. 
     HBFUN.verbose("\nHBevent/add_and_resize_thumbs(): redo resize? " + str(flag_redo_thumbs), verbose)
     # compare the contents of the folders. No need to do double work!
     source_list = os.listdir(self.source_path + self.event_dir_src)
     thumbs_list = os.listdir(self.album_path + self.thumbs_dir + self.event_dir)
     # clean up the source list from non-jpgs
     source_list = [n for n in source_list if n[-4:] == ".jpg"]
     # remove items that already have been resized
     if flag_redo_thumbs:
         source_to_pics_list = source_list
         source_to_pics_list = [n for n in source_list if n not in thumbs_list]
         HBFUN.verbose(str(len(source_to_pics_list)) + " of " + str(len(source_list)) + " thumbs will be resized", verbose)
     src_path = self.source_path + self.event_dir_src
     dest_path = self.album_path + self.thumbs_dir + self.event_dir
     # actually resize the thumbs
     HBFUN.make_thumbs(src_path, dest_path, source_to_pics_list, self.thumb_size, verbose)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def add_photos_to_array(self, verbose = False): 
        add_photos_to_array: actually add photos to the photo_array
        20130103/RB: started the function
        If the photos are already in the array, it will skip them. 
        HBFUN.verbose("HBevent/add_photos_to_array()", verbose)
        # get the list with photos already in photo_array
        photo_array_fn = self.get_photo_filename_from_photo_array()
        # get the list with photos
        source_list = os.listdir(self.source_path + self.event_dir_src)
        source_list = [n for n in source_list if n[-4:] == ".jpg"]
        # only add new photos to the array
        add_to_photo_array = [n for n in source_list if n not in photo_array_fn]
        if add_to_photo_array == []:
            HBFUN.verbose("  all photos are already in photo_array", verbose)
            return True 
        for photo_filename in add_to_photo_array:
            # read the exif. this has to be done from the source
            exif = HBFUN.get_exif(self.source_path + self.event_dir_src + photo_filename)
            # make a photo object
            ph = HBPH.photo(self.album_path, self.event_dir, photo_filename, exif)
            # add object to photo_array

        return True
Exemplo n.º 22
 def load_events_from_csv(self, verbose = False):
     20130105/RB: started the function
     HBFUN.verbose("HBalbum/load_events_in_csv()", verbose)
     path_and_filename = self.album_path + self.resources_dir + self.events_csv_filename + ".txt"
     csvfile = open(path_and_filename, "rb")
     csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';')
     temp_ev_list = []
     for row in csvreader:
     for i in range(len(temp_ev_list)):
             index = int(temp_ev_list[i][0]), 
             event_title = temp_ev_list[i][1], 
             event_dir = temp_ev_list[i][2], 
             event_dir_src = temp_ev_list[i][3], 
             source_path = temp_ev_list[i][4], 
             verbose = verbose)
     for i in range(len(temp_ev_list)):
             index = int(temp_ev_list[i][0]), 
             flag_new_properties_list = False, 
             flag_redo_resize = False, 
             flag_redo_thumbs = False, 
             verbose = verbose)
         self.set_folder_thumbnail(int(temp_ev_list[i][0]), int(temp_ev_list[i][5]))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def read_properties_list(self, verbose = False):
     read_properties_list: read the csv properties list and write the titles and captions to the photo objects
     20130103/RB: started the function
     HBFUN.verbose("HBevent/read_properties_list()", verbose)
     photo_array_fn = self.get_photo_filename_from_photo_array()
     path_and_filename = self.album_path + self.resources_dir + self.event_dir + "props.txt"
     csvfile = open(path_and_filename, "rb")
     csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';')
     props_list = []
     for row in csvreader:
     for i in range(len(props_list)):
         # we assume the photos are in the same order...
         self.photo_array[i].photo_title = props_list[i][1]
         self.photo_array[i].photo_caption = props_list[i][2]
Exemplo n.º 24
 def make_folders(self, verbose = False):
     make_folders: create the event specific folders
     20130103/RB: started the function
     To clean up __init__
     HBFUN.verbose("\nHBevent/make_folders()", verbose)
     path = self.album_path + self.pics_dir + self.event_dir
     HBFUN.check_and_make_folder(path, verbose)
     path = self.album_path + self.thumbs_dir + self.event_dir
     HBFUN.check_and_make_folder(path, verbose)
     path = self.album_path + self.resources_dir + self.event_dir
     HBFUN.check_and_make_folder(path, verbose)
     path = self.album_path + self.html_dir + self.event_dir
     HBFUN.check_and_make_folder(path, verbose)  
     return True         
Exemplo n.º 25
 def save_events_in_csv(self, verbose = False):
     20130105/RB: started the function
     # create a save filename
     prop_ext = "txt"
     path_and_filename = HBFUN.file_numbering(self.album_path + self.resources_dir, self.events_csv_filename, prop_ext)
     # write the properties
     csvfile = open(path_and_filename, "wb")
     csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter = ";")
     for i in range(len(self.event_array)):
         ev = self.event_array[i]
         csvwriter.writerow([i, ev.event_title, ev.event_dir, ev.event_dir_src, ev.source_path, ev.event_thumb])
Exemplo n.º 26
    def add_and_resize_photos(self, flag_redo_resize = False, verbose = False):
        add_and_resize_photos: copy photos from the source, resize and put them in web folder
        20130103/RB: started the function
        - flag_redo_resize (BOOL, False): the photos are copied from the source, resize and put in the destination folder. During this, the exif information is copied to the resized photos.
            - no photos found in destination: will always resize them
            - photos are found, flag is False: will not do anything
            - photos are found, flag is True: will resize the photos
        The function reads the photos in the source and destination folder into two arrays. It compares the arrays and removes the ones that have already been resized (unless flag_redo_resize = True).   
        HBFUN.verbose("\nHBevent/add_and_resize_photos(): redo resize? " + str(flag_redo_resize), verbose)
        # compare the contents of the folders. No need to do double work!
        source_list = os.listdir(self.source_path + self.event_dir_src)
        pics_list = os.listdir(self.album_path + self.pics_dir + self.event_dir)
        # clean up the source list from non-jpgs
        source_list = [n for n in source_list if n[-4:] == ".jpg"]
        # remove items that already have been resized
        if flag_redo_resize:
            source_to_pics_list = source_list
            source_to_pics_list = [n for n in source_list if n not in pics_list]
            HBFUN.verbose(str(len(source_to_pics_list)) + " of " + str(len(source_list)) + " pics will be resized", verbose)

        src_path = self.source_path + self.event_dir_src
        dest_path = self.album_path + self.pics_dir + self.event_dir

        # actually resize the photos
        HBFUN.resize_pics(src_path, dest_path, source_to_pics_list, self.max_pic_size, verbose)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_ask_user_confirmation():
    answer = HBFun.ask_user_confirmation("This will destroy the world y/n: ")
Exemplo n.º 28
 def default_source_path(self, path):
     self._default_source_path = HBFUN.check_path(path)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def pics_dir(self, path):
     self._pics_dir = HBFUN.check_path(path)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def thumbs_dir(self, path):
     self._thumbs_dir = HBFUN.check_path(path)