Exemplo n.º 1
def test_check_path_exists():
    verbose = True
    path = "/Users/robbert/"  
    res = HBFun.check_path_exists(path, verbose)
    if res == True:
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", res)
    path = "/Users/bernard/"  
    res = HBFun.check_path_exists(path, verbose)
    if res == False:
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", res)
    path = "/Users/robbert/croc_tests.py"  
    res = HBFun.check_path_exists(path, verbose)
    if res == True:
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", res)

    path = "/Users/robbert/does_not_exist.py"  
    res = HBFun.check_path_exists(path, verbose)
    if res == False:
        print("  pass")
        print("  FAIL:", res)  
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add_photos(self, index, flag_new_properties_list = False, flag_redo_resize = False, flag_redo_thumbs = False, verbose = False):
        add_photos: add photos to an event
        20130103/RB: started function
        - index (int): index of the event in event_array. Use 'list_events' to find the correct index.
        - flag_new_properties_list (BOOL, False): complicated. The properties list is a csv-file with the file names and space for titles and caption for individual photos. You don't want to override it. The file is found in 'album_path + resources_dir + event_dir + 'props.csv''
            - if the file does not exist, it will be made
            - if the file exists and the flag is False, it will not make a new one
            - if the file exists and the flag is True, it will make a new file, with a number appended to it (like 'props_1.csv'). THE OLD FILE WILL CONTINUE TO BE USED. You have to manually rename it to 'props.csv'.
        - flag_redo_resize (BOOL, False): the photos are copied from the source, resize and put in the destination folder. During this, the exif information is copied to the resized photos.
            - no photos found in destination: will always resize them
            - photos are found, flag is False: will not do anything
            - photos are found, flag is True: will resize the photos
        - flag_redo_thumbs (BOOL, False): similar to flag_redo_resize, but for the thumbnails.
        This function is a convenient collection of steps. Error checking etc should be done in the respective functions.

        HBFUN.verbose("\nHBalbum/add_photos(): redo resize: " + str(flag_redo_resize), verbose)
        self.event_array[index].add_and_resize_photos(flag_redo_resize, verbose)
        self.event_array[index].add_and_resize_thumbs(flag_redo_thumbs, verbose)
        if HBFUN.check_path_exists(self.album_path + self.resources_dir + self.event_array[index].event_dir) or flag_new_properties_list:
Exemplo n.º 3
def init_new_album(album_title, album_path, default_source_path, verbose):
    init_new_album: start or restart an album
    20130103/RB: started function
    - album_title: title of the page (as seen on the web page)
    - album_path: path to where the album is located on the computer
    - default_source_path: the default path to the folder with the originals
    - the album will be saved. If it already exists it will ask for confirmation before it overwrites the old album.
    HBFUN.verbose("== INIT NEW ALBUM ==", True)
    # make new album
    album = HBAL.album(album_title = album_title, album_path = album_path, default_source_path = default_source_path, verbose = verbose)
    # save it, if it already exists, ask for confirmation
    if HBFUN.check_path_exists(pickle_path):
        if HBFUN.ask_user_confirmation("This will overwrite the old pickle. Destroy it? y/n"):
            HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path)
        HBAL.save_album(album, pickle_path)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def add_event(self, index, event_title, event_dir, event_dir_src = "", source_path = "", verbose = False):
        add_event: add an event to the album
        20130103/RB: started the function
        - index (int): position of the new album. Use 'list_events' to find the correct position. The newest event should have index = 0
        - event_title (str): the title of the event. It usually has the format 'Some event (July 2012)'
        - event_dir (str): the directory name of the event on the web
        - event_dir_src (str, opt): if the source directory (with the original photos) has a different directory name
        - source_path (str, opt): is the source_path of the original photos is not the default.

        - True: success or False: fail 
        HBFUN.verbose("HBalbum/add_event(): " + str(index) + ", " + event_title + ", " + event_dir + ", " + source_path, verbose)
        # if no new source_path is given, use the default
        if source_path == "":
            source_path = self.default_source_path
        # if a new source_path is given, check for correctness
            source_path = HBFUN.check_path(source_path, verbose)
            if self.album_path == source_path:
                HBFUN.printError("album_path and source_path are the same, this is not allowed!", inspect.stack())
                return False
        # check the event_dir
        event_dir = HBFUN.check_path(event_dir)
        # is the source event dir different?
        if event_dir_src == "":
            event_dir_src = event_dir
            event_dir_src = HBFUN.check_path(event_dir_src, verbose)
        # check if the source exists
        if HBFUN.check_path_exists(source_path + event_dir_src) == False:
            HBFUN.printError("The source path does not exist!", inspect.stack())
            return False            
        # check if the event already exists. If not, make it
        if self.check_event_exists(event_title, event_dir, verbose):
            ev = HBEV.event(event_title, event_dir, event_dir_src, self.album_title, self.album_path, source_path, self.pics_dir, self.thumbs_dir, self.resources_dir, self.html_dir, verbose)
            self.event_array.insert(index, ev)
        return True