Exemplo n.º 1
 def validParams():
   params = InputParameters()
   params.addRequiredParam('type', "The type of test of Tester to create for this test.")
   params.addParam('template_script', FRAMEWORK_DIR + '/scripts/ClusterLauncher/pbs_submit.sh', "The template job script to use.")
   params.addParam('job_name', 'The name of the job')
   params.addParam('test_name', 'The name of the test')
   return params
Exemplo n.º 2
    def validParams():
        params = InputParameters()

        return params
Exemplo n.º 3
  def getValidParams():
    params = InputParameters()

    # Common Options
    params.addRequiredParam('type', "The type of test of Tester to create for this test.")
    params.addParam('max_time',   300, "The maximum in seconds that the test will be allowed to run.")
    params.addParam('min_reported_time', "The minimum time elapsed before a test is reported as taking to long to run.")
    params.addParam('skip',     "Provide a reason this test will be skipped.")
    params.addParam('deleted',         "Tests that only show up when using the '-e' option (Permanently skipped or not implemented).")

    params.addParam('heavy',    False, "Set to True if this test should only be run when the '--heavy' option is used.")
    params.addParam('group',       [], "A list of groups for which this test belongs.")
    params.addParam('prereq',      [], "A list of prereq tests that need to run successfully before launching this test.")
    params.addParam('skip_checks', False, "Tells the TestHarness to skip additional checks (This parameter is set automatically by the TestHarness during recovery tests)")

    # Test Filters
    params.addParam('platform',      ['ALL'], "A list of platforms for which this test will run on. ('ALL', 'DARWIN', 'LINUX', 'SL', 'LION', 'ML')")
    params.addParam('compiler',      ['ALL'], "A list of compilers for which this test is valid on. ('ALL', 'GCC', 'INTEL', 'CLANG')")
    params.addParam('petsc_version', ['ALL'], "A list of petsc versions for which this test will run on, supports normal comparison operators ('<', '>', etc...)")
    params.addParam('mesh_mode',     ['ALL'], "A list of mesh modes for which this test will run ('PARALLEL', 'SERIAL')")
    params.addParam('method',        ['ALL'], "A test that runs under certain executable configurations ('ALL', 'OPT', 'DBG', 'DEVEL', 'OPROF', 'PRO')")
    params.addParam('library_mode',  ['ALL'], "A test that only runs when libraries are built under certain configurations ('ALL', 'STATIC', 'DYNAMIC')")
    params.addParam('dtk',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if DTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('unique_ids',    ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if UNIQUE_IDs are enabled ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('recover',       True,    "A test that runs with '--recover' mode enabled")
    params.addParam('vtk',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if VTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")

    return params
Exemplo n.º 4
  def getValidParams():
    params = InputParameters()

    # Common Options
    params.addRequiredParam('type', "The type of test of Tester to create for this test.")
    params.addParam('max_time',   300, "The maximum in seconds that the test will be allowed to run.")
    params.addParam('min_reported_time', "The minimum time elapsed before a test is reported as taking to long to run.")
    params.addParam('skip',     "Provide a reason this test will be skipped.")
    params.addParam('deleted',         "Tests that only show up when using the '-e' option (Permanently skipped or not implemented).")

    params.addParam('heavy',    False, "Set to True if this test should only be run when the '--heavy' option is used.")
    params.addParam('group',       [], "A list of groups for which this test belongs.")
    params.addParam('prereq',      [], "A list of prereq tests that need to run successfully before launching this test.")
    params.addParam('skip_checks', False, "Tells the TestHarness to skip additional checks (This parameter is set automatically by the TestHarness during recovery tests)")

    # Test Filters
    params.addParam('platform',      ['ALL'], "A list of platforms for which this test will run on. ('ALL', 'DARWIN', 'LINUX', 'SL', 'LION', 'ML')")
    params.addParam('compiler',      ['ALL'], "A list of compilers for which this test is valid on. ('ALL', 'GCC', 'INTEL', 'CLANG')")
    params.addParam('petsc_version', ['ALL'], "A list of petsc versions for which this test will run on, supports normal comparison operators ('<', '>', etc...)")
    params.addParam('mesh_mode',     ['ALL'], "A list of mesh modes for which this test will run ('PARALLEL', 'SERIAL')")
    params.addParam('method',        ['ALL'], "A test that runs under certain executable configurations ('ALL', 'OPT', 'DBG', 'DEVEL', 'OPROF', 'PRO')")
    params.addParam('library_mode',  ['ALL'], "A test that only runs when libraries are built under certain configurations ('ALL', 'STATIC', 'DYNAMIC')")
    params.addParam('dtk',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if DTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('unique_ids',    ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if UNIQUE_IDs are enabled ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('recover',       True,    "A test that runs with '--recover' mode enabled")
    params.addParam('vtk',           ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if VTK is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")
    params.addParam('tecplot',       ['ALL'], "A test that runs only if Tecplot is detected ('ALL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE')")

    return params
Exemplo n.º 5
 def getValidParams():
   params = InputParameters()
   params.addRequiredParam('type', "The type of test of Tester to create for this test.")
   params.addParam('template_script', MOOSE_DIR + '/scripts/ClusterLauncher/pbs_submit.sh', "The template job script to use.")
   return params